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Angel Quest

ID:qg2AfjZb No.5159325 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You've been dicking around heaven for a few decades now. This "eternal life" and "spiritual fulfillment" stuff is cool and all, but you're getting bored looking at fluffy white clouds all day. Also, these Biblically accurate angels are kind of creeping you out.

You've decided to requisition another go around from the Big Guy. You've heard humanity has cool VR headsets now that let you have sex with catgirls. And this time, you promise not to get drunk and play on ladders.

But you've recently heard there's been some sort of reshuffling upstairs? That's a bit worrisome. Either way, you need to go find whomever's in charge and ask for a new mortal vessel. Preferably one that's attractive and has no serious health conditions. And maybe with rich parents. But you're not picky.

What do?