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West Blue Seadogs Quest #16

!!Dfn1WI/0wvw ID:dv8SYgKl No.5166377 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Wealth, fame, power. Gold Roger the king of the pirates obtained this and everything else the world had to offer. And his dying words drove countless souls to the seas.
"You want my treasure? You can have it! I left everything I gathered together in one place. Now you just have to find it!"

Even after the Paramount War with Whitebeard confirming that the fabled treasure One Piece is real its actual existence is still up in the air. But real or not you get the message that the Pirate King wanted to leave behind. If you want something, go get it. And it's time you started seizing the opportunities presented to you. After making quite a powerplay, one that may even surpass the brazenness of attacking the home of the gods, you now await a letter that Big Mom supposedly sent to you even before your offer of forming an alliance.

A couple of days later a talking pelican not too dissimilar from the news coo employed by the World Economy News Paper arrives at your island bearing a letter sealed with wax and Big Moms jolly roger on it. The contents of the letter are equal parts confusing and heartwarming. It's an official invitation to the birthday of the Charlotte Decuplets you've made friends with before, handwritten and signed by them! The even is scheduled to happen in about a week so you have some time to prepare for it. Immediately you tell Ann to make you a new suit worthy of the occasion and also ask her to do the same for everyone else. After all, even though the invitation is for you only it'd be quite rude not to introduce your crew to your future "ally".

Unfortunately that leaves you with a problem which you must find a solution to. Namely, you don't have a birthday gift to give. You tried asking the others for help because you neither know what a birthday party is nor what an acceptable gift would be. The only reason you know you need to give one is because Will asked what you'll give them. Sadly the crew proved to be less than helpful. They all gave answers ranging from the dreadfully boring like pearls, money or plushies to the borderline insane like poisoned pastry, bear pelts or weapons.

That leaves you with nothing but a big ol' headache that you'll have to solve with the help of your worst enemy. THINKING! Unless...
"Ooooy! Clown! HI!"

"Captain. How can I help you?"

"I can't think of a birthday gift! HELP!"

"I'm... not sure that's something I can assist with. Birthdays are not my specialty."


"Sigh. Fine. I'll try."

"Thank you! You're the best!"

"What were you thinking about?"

>Something cool and unique
>Something rare and expensive
>Something hand-made and special