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Reptilian Infiltrator Quest Vol. 12

ID:heWRotE6 No.5174490 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It is evening when a loan figure in a ratty borrowed cloak enters The Pretty Kitty brothel and lounge (and, these days, bar and grill). She is weary, wary, and worn out. She is a trusted agent of a great and noble race, a dark and beautiful cause, servant of ancient gods and scion of a coming age. She is an overworked, emotionally-exhausted lizardwoman. She just got off a shift helping to move and sort stolen goods in a goblin-infested slum in exchange for a place to hide from the powerful enemies who seem to surround her on all sides, and now she’s scheduled for an evening of dancing, schmoozing, and possibly sex-work… And, after she’s done all THAT, she still has two demons to secure to fulfill a pact with a powerful incubus, all while evading Paladins and Mage Inquisitors out for her blood. Only THEN, after ALL that, can she complete her first array of major mission, and prove herself worthy of her Dark Gods and their Serpent Priests.

She is a Reptilian Infiltrator and SHE (much to your exasperated enervation) is YOU.

(Previous volumes can be read at