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Sellsword's Code Quest #3

!!x4F7kYBna+7 ID:vfFNihyP No.5197683 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
They tell stories of steel in every land Men live. Tales of knights and heroes, of brave adventurers and wise kings. Those are the tales sung by bards and minstrels. But the stories you hear are different. Tales of gold to be had. Of opportunities the next Kingdom over. Of contracts sealed with blood. For you are a sellsword.

You are Joseph Saintswood, a former butcher from the Eastern Frontier turned a blade for hire. Where your life was once only dictated by the harvests and the seasons, now you live and fight in Gothyka, a land ruled jealously by Knights and Lords. Ever since running afoul of the local law, unjustly you might add, you were rescued by a rogue by the name of Hadhan who recruited you for the Black Hounds, an infamous sellsword group. Since then, you have journeyed with his party in their commissioned Duty against the Count Visihrod in a feudal dispute between him and the Black Hound’s employer, Duke Grenzheim, basing at the keep of a Lord Zuflucht, a vassal of Count Visihrod and apparently an acquaintance of Hadhan.

Currently, you and Hadhan’s band are headed for a small village where you hope to observe armed caravans heading away from the front lines. But you’ve already had to kill servants of Count Visihrod. You do not know whether such deeds will bring the wrath of the highborn down on your head, or whether the dead men will simply be counted among the losses of war.