This one is disappointed in the hive right now. Not for murdering a child, as for context, this one was among the others suggesting that we should rig our playground up like Sen's Fortress - but for not adequately preempting the accurate toll of emotional and physical suffering caused as a natural consequence of our decisions.
For further context, this one was also among the members of this collective proposing that we avoid harvesting remnant for strictly building monster traps and nightly hunting. This was rejected in favor of improved combat effectiveness and enhanced survival, provided by only dipping our toes in the water - that we could cheat the system and "have our cake and eat it, too". This was a naive assumption.
This one sees this as a reality check: while there may be no easy decisions to be made in this line of work, regardless, every action has a price and this one implores considering the full moral and empathic hazards as a part of the total costs to operate instead of reducing it down to whether or not we have the means to do so and the ability to get away with it. If we are to ignore this, we may as well accept what this one suspects will be [THEM]'s impending "employment" "offer" and wait for them to merge us all into another soulless killing machine like all their other mindless, tortured, and shambling slaves trapped in endless time loops.
To conclude: this one does not care what our reasoning or morality may be, it will follow and assist in the decision-making processes as best as it can. Only that rest of the collective understands the full weight of our choices, and for whichever we choose, to own our decisions and follow through with them. We are always free to learn from our mistakes and choose a different path, if we so desire it, but such decisions cannot be simply "min-maxed" for some arbitrary ideal of efficiency.
Whatever our reasons, keep in mind our victims may not accept whatever post-hoc apologies or rationalizations we provide to them either here, or in the hereafter.
>>5270107That is unfortunate; apologize to the deceased. Whether they can hear us anymore or not, it was unintentional, for what little that may truly matter by this point.
Do not return to the establishment just yet: there are people on the playground and they may see us entering through the door. Can we open the window to our office and sneak in that way? If not, hide out in the woods until they leave.