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Do Your Best Quest #125

ID:SY5y0hBu No.5232514 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Last time you didn’t really do much. You’re on the date with Chio you prepared yourself for with the help of the original tomato pair, and it’s going pretty pleasantly, except for one tiny little detail…

<span class="mu-s">You’re blind!</span> Someone stole your glasses and you don’t know who!

Everything has turned blurry, then blobby, then back to blurry! Was it the strong emotion of despair that turned your surroundings into such blood-curdling creatures for a moment? Or did something trigger inside the deepest catacombs of your mind that these images of terror rise up from the depths of the void? A glimpse of the unnerving trauma that subconsciously keeps following you to this day?

Or is it just your idiot brain trying to make sense of these indistinct visuals and you not liking the result?

Whatever the answer might be, it doesn’t matter! You can’t continue having a good time in these conditions! You need to find your glasses or else you’re doomed!

<span class="mu-s">Doomed!</span>

The red blur you assume is Chio hasn’t said a word since you lost your vision. Philonune continues to act apologetic, but tells you he might be able to find a way to circumvent your issues if you choose to.

You must weigh your options.

<span class="mu-s">What do you do?</span>

>Pretend nothing is wrong and continue this blurry date. This idea has a glaring issue, but you can make it work.
>Ask Chio if she saw the petty criminal who did the deed and request her help to find whoever it is! This date will turn into something else entirely, but a good time will be had, damn it!
>Excuse yourself for a second and let yourself be guided by Philonune to find the evildoer. You can salvage this romantic date if you manage to find the criminal on your own fast enough. The keyword being fast.
>Complain to the Staff that your glasses were stolen! This will totally ruin the mood but you’ll get your glasses back!
>Write In.