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The Submarine

!OOOo...... ID:TIvliWJ6 No.5241130 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Greetings, Navigators.
Thank you for your cooperation on this mission. What you have accepted is a dangerous mission, your sacrifice will not be taken lightly.
In your submarine, you have been equipped with you the tools you need to recover the lost data. To use these tools simply type your command into the terminal. Once a command has been received, duplicate commands will be ignored.
Be warned, Navigators, damage to the hull will increase the error rate of navigation. If your error rate reaches 30%, your hull will breach and you will fail.
Caroiline@localhost:~$ Status
>Current error rate: 10%
>Wall north: 9 Units
>Wall south: 3.5 Units
>Wall west: 4 Units
>Wall east: 10 Units
>Exact location: 5.0N 5.0E
>Distance from nearest objective 5.6 Units
>Current Scrap: 2
Caroiline@localhost:~$ Help
Accepted commands:
>Move [x] @ N [y]° E (set bearing [y] degrees east starting from due north, then move [x] units, will damage hull and stop immediately if you hit a wall)
>Status (returns distance from nearest Objective, distance due north, south, east, and west of nearest wall, and current navigation error rate)
>Map [x1][y1]-[x2][y2] (returns map from [x1]N [y1]W to [x2]N [y2]W max range 625 square Units)
>Retrieve (attempts to retrieve objective, will fail and cause damage if more than 1 unit away in any direction )
>Repair (uses 3 scrap, improves error rate by 5%, gives exact location)