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Shinobi Sidestory Quest #39

!!mceqYMwptbm ID:iauKXiKh No.5243457 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You are Uzumaki Shiki, son of Uzumaki Naori and her partner Ryūzetsu, and a member of Konohagakure’s Team 15. For the first time in six months you’ve come home to the shinobi village Amegakure, together with your teammates who have just finished escorting a group of art merchants between the two villages you currently call home. There was some trouble on the road in the form of five deadbeat former genin who decided to try robbing your party, and they got much more than they bargained for – one of their guys is dead, one is in the hospital recovering from his wounds, and the other three are in prison by now.

It wasn’t even that you were trying to kill the guy, you simply threw an attack their way to create an opening for your teammates. But when two of your just enemies stood there and got hit instead of defending themselves properly, of course people were going to get seriously hurt or killed. Then again these were also the guys who thought that standing in the middle of the road in a group counted as an ‘ambush’, so maybe you had them overestimated from the start.

In any event you’re in Amegakure now, having arrived at your family home with your team to find your sister Makoto waiting for you. Needless to say, your teammates have found the whole experience so far to be rather confusing and surprising.

“It’s always been a bit... odd,” you admit with a slight frown. “Definitely formal, almost ritualized, but only in specific ways and at certain times.”

“Naori-ue in particular always acts way different with her close friends,” Makoto adds thoughtfully, putting words to what you’ve both long understood. “That’s how she was raised – with a really specific understanding of how to interact with certain people.”

“Our parents had a lot of rules,” you explain, walking over to one of the small cabinets and pulling out some cushions. “But they always explained the reasons for them, why they applied when they did and why they were sidelined when they were. And despite how busy they still are, they always made time for us.”

“Yeah no, both our parents are the kind of person to whom the people they love are the most important thing in the world,” Makoto shrugs before taking a cushion from your hand. “So while it made it hard to bring friends over, I think we were born lucky.”

“Not like we had many friends,” you sigh, “at least none our age.”

“Wait, why not?” Wasabi-kun frowns. You walk past her to set the electric kettle going. “Why wouldn’t you two be the most popular kids in the village – like some kinda mad cross between Boruto-kun and Sarada-kun?”

“... I think I might know the answer to that,” Sumire-kun speaks up in a soft voice. “Does your academy here have a ‘preview day’ like ours does in Konoha?”

“Yeah, it does,” you confirm. “Makoto and I sparred together.”

“You already knew ninjutsu and taijutsu by then?” Sumire continues. “Didn’t you?”