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Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #11

!!PpplEhKKhIj ID:gMF2r8QS No.5263368 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Your name is David "Gunny" Rockefeller, no relation.
A veteran of the united states marine corps, you find yourself in a far-out situation after an all-too-close encounter of the third kind!

In the last thread, You spent some time licking your wounds after fighting a large group of wraiths, including a big, nasty one.
You also spent some time with your crew, and some of Gron's crew as well, and even ended up cooking a meal for them.
Now, you find yourself in the middle of an ambush gone wrong, in that you discovered the enemy before they could ambush you.

Now, Gron seems eager to try and escape rather than fight, but you have other ideas.

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