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Alterac Resurgent Quest 13

!!cZytil8JtWp ID:9keCo29D No.5269197 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It has been nine years since the fall of Alterac, after the King Aiden Perenolde betrayed the Alliance and sided with the Horde of Orgrim Doomhammer. For this betrayal, King Aiden Perenolde was dethroned and Alterac City was sacked. The nobles and population fled the land and the Kingdom of Alterac was no more.

You are Alric Perenolde, the Prince and second heir of Alterac. By the order of King Aiden, you were sent into temporary exile to be safe from the Second War. This exile turned permanent and Captain Normand Garside, your guardian for the past nine years, made sure that you were safe and learned the useful skills that would help you in the future.

Now nine years later in the year 15 after the opening of the Dark Portal, you are ready to take the responsibility and try to unite the scattered Alteraci people and reclaim the lands that were once the Kingdom of Alterac.

Having dealt with the Syndicate presence in the village of Stonedon in the Strahnbrad Hills and winning the trust of the village chief to not interfere in the eventual invasion of the hills, you returned to Tarren Mill to organise the invasion and deal with some personal matters.

Back in Dawnholme you didn’t have much time to continue dealing with the invasion till a messenger from Lord Blackmoore arrived asking you to accompany him to Capital City. Lord Blackmoore had been called there to answer why he allowed Thrall to escape and to deal with the fiasco. Seeing that accompanying him would be beneficial to you as it would allow you to maintain a good relationship with Lord Blackmoore and to have a chance to talk with King Terenas and others, you decided to take up the offer.

On the way to Capital City you visited Dalaran and met Prince Kael’thas and had a good talk with him. When you arrived in the Capital City, you went wandering through the Royal Palace and the person you had been missing way more than you had imagined. After a reunion that you liked a lot, Calia Menethil guided you into the study of his father King Terenas where he and Lord Uther the Lightbringer were discussing something. Now though they wanted to know, why are you in Capital City?

Welcome to Alterac Resurgent Quest!

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