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Heretic Cultivator Quest 6

!!x2Y5mWD7k6q ID:Ru4k8oGK No.5294578 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Previous Chapters:

You are the once in a dozen generations phenomena Huānliúxuè (欢流血, Happy Bloodshed/ Happy to Shed Blood), The heir to the throne of primordial beastdom, the sole wild princess (野生 格格, Yěshēng Gége) upon earth, the founder and sect head of the outcast sect the Palace of Natural Laws (宫殿的野生彝宪, Gōngdiàndīyěshēngyíxiàn), and one of two practitioners of the heretical Ruler of the Great Wheel's Law(统治者的这重大轮回法律, Tǒngzhìzhědīzhèzhòngdàlúnhuífǎlǜ), the other being your disciple, the oft brooding reformed assassin Qiang! Having decide that the best way for your closest student and first heir of your law to practice and train her mastery over the vital breath of ghosts and the spiritual energy of grudges, you lead her into the underworld itself, where the always loan shark haunted Pig spirit, Yi Zhu was all too happy to introduce the two of you to his latest employer and patron.

The king of the Crow Demon clan, Baoli-Wuyawang (暴力-乌鸦王, Violent Crow King), who seemed to be something of a fan of yours and showed a creepy amount of knowledge about you, your cultivation method and life. Though he was ignorant enough to be unable to comprehend why you were not demonic in nature, despite your tragic bloodstained pasts and the forbidden arts you gleefully practiced while testing your and Qiang's mettle against a menagerie of opponents that the crow king foolishly believed to be a challenge to you or your disciple.

Having set against you first the pet of his predecessor, A well fed sinner bone centipede, and then the maddened ghost of a Carmine mystic from the defunct Peerless Sanguine Jade Shrine Sect who threw the match after being humbled and awed by your innate mastery over both Ghostly Yin Qi and Untainted blood Qi.

However the third opponent you faced, has proven more trickier to overcome than your previous fights and far more dangerous.

The ghost of a cultivator that was torn to pieces, and forced to hold its flesh and bones together with chunks of ice and frost. Initially the phantom appeared hopelessly addled, crying the name of its killer, Jingsomething, however, as you attempted to the end the fight with a single sequence of spells, the dead cultivator's personality and memories reawakened and you found yourself thrown against the arena's wall and riddled with needles of ice.

Infuriated, and coated in your own alchemically altered boiling blood, you prowled around the ghost as it prattled on, the heat of your cloak of tampered blood only barely keeping away the deathly cold it created just by existing. Rage bubbled within you as your blood boiled over the cuts you made in your wrists, surrounding your in a thick cloud of steam as the animalistic fury within you tried to lead you astray and make you make a potentially lethal mistake of leaping back into battle without a proper, well thought out plan.
