Kakú (LV.51 Grimmsnarl)
First post claimed by the best Dark Type
Jordan Peterson
>>5297344 W-wuh... Where am I? Last I remember I was put into a medically induced coma to help with severe benzo addiction. Where... am I?
And why are my arms stubby and yellow?
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Tue 07 Jun 2022 23:34:21 No. 5297352 Report Quoted By:
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:AE7baDnA Tue 07 Jun 2022 23:38:32 No. 5297355 Report Quoted By:
>>5297351 Welcome to the club! Heh heh.
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Tue 07 Jun 2022 23:41:11 No. 5297356 Report Quoted By:
>>5297351 Don't worry Mr. Peterson, we don't have any pronouns here.
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Tue 07 Jun 2022 23:46:24 No. 5297357 Report Quoted By:
Wigglytuff has been spotted by Maroon absconding from the guildmster's office with a papercraft Cherrim head. He retreats impossibly fast in the direction of treasure town, just what is he planning?
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Tue 07 Jun 2022 23:56:20 No. 5297366 Report >>5297344 >enter the thread on a tide of wanting to set rain >also join the level 50 club Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:AE7baDnA Tue 07 Jun 2022 23:57:22 No. 5297370 Report Quoted By:
>>5297366 >Welcome to the club Storm Brother! Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Tue 07 Jun 2022 23:59:26 No. 5297376 Report
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:03:13 No. 5297381 Report Quoted By:
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:16:53 No. 5297390 Report Wigglytuff rushes into the heart of Treasure Town with his ball, before diving into Electivire's link shop, in full view of any who many be following. It's densely packed with pokemon from all fashions of exploration teams, guild members, and shops! Looks like almost the whole town's here, even! Those who aren't preoccupied Brighten up significantly upon seeing your entry and greet you. Tables lined will all kinds of handmade Spinda drinks and apple based snacks of all varieties have been set up, what haven't been ruined by the copious amounts of confetti being flung by Team Bluster. There's...>Big Apple >Gummi'd Apple >Mineral Apple >Applin >Apple Tea to choose from. Also, looks like a great many pokemon are available to chat with. You hear the Kecleon Brothers asking around for Ymir and Castform, and Wigglytuff whispering behind the counter about Mistral. What do?
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:20:42 No. 5297398 Report Quoted By:
>>5297390 "Now this is my kinda party!"
>Big Apple *He takes a big apple to munch on*
"What's this about the Keckleons wanting to see me?"
*He tries to find the brothers*
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:21:00 No. 5297399 Report >>5297390 Vee looks at the apple tea. "Is it like apple juice..?"
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:AE7baDnA Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:21:07 No. 5297400 Report Quoted By:
>>5297390 "Hmm. Gummi'd Apple sounds good at the moment
>Gummi'd Apple "What to do now..."
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:21:52 No. 5297402 Report >>5297390 Maroon bounds over to the food table and starts serving himself a huge cup of Appple Tea. "Hey, Mistral! Could you make some ice cubes for everyone?" He shouts.
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:AE7baDnA Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:22:07 No. 5297403 Report >>5297399 "I would imagine a bit more bitter than usual Vee."
>Charles says as he breaks off pieces of the gummi'd apple to eat Kakú (LV.51 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kakú (LV.51 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:22:45 No. 5297404 Report >>5297390 >Applin Kaku picks up the... "Wait a second!"
Olly Lv. 47 Pachirisu (Team Iron Will)
Olly Lv. 47 Pachirisu (Team Iron Will) ID:bq0LM7W3 Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:23:38 No. 5297405 Report >>5297390 >>5297403 "They threw an entire festival, huh."
>Gummi'd Apple Olly walks up to Charles "What's this about again?"
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:23:45 No. 5297406 Report Rolled 20 (1d20) >>5297399 Rolling for apple-juiciness!
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:23:54 No. 5297407 Report Quoted By:
>>5297390 >Gummi'd apple >he's looking for the best tasting one, probably a white gummi'd apple certainly more festive than I remember!
wait, messing with Zone can be held off for a bit, I hear someone calling.
>having heard their calls, Cast heads over to the kekleon shop Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:24:43 No. 5297408 Report Quoted By:
>>5297390 *Cava's looking for a certain team AWD. Time to get Night Slash, hopefully...
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:24:47 No. 5297409 Report >>5297390 >Mineral Apple mmm....
>Sable is "sneaking" absurd amount of mineral apples into his stomach Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:AE7baDnA Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:24:58 No. 5297410 Report >>5297405 "I'm not sure myself Olly. I think Wigglytuff just came over and said there would be a party."
>Charles continues to eat his gummi'd apple "Enjoying the food?"
Dr. Pika PhD MD (Belle)
Quoted By:
>>5297390 Pika saunters into town and takes some Apple Tea before moving to socialize with the townsfolk.
Astor (Quicksand - Lvl 60)
Astor (Quicksand - Lvl 60) ID:39tzPfJp Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:26:19 No. 5297414 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 13 (1d20) >>5297390 Astor swipes one of each
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:AE7baDnA Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:27:06 No. 5297415 Report >>5297409 "Sable? Don't eat all of them!"
Mistral Lv.60 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC)
Mistral Lv.60 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC) ID:XyERoLnz Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:28:19 No. 5297418 Report >>5297390 Mistral walks over to Wigglytuff, listening to his whispering. He nods quietly.
>>5297402 "A second, if you could," Mistral says, looking at Wigglytuff. "Does anyone have any water for me to freeze? We can crush the ice or have it cut up to fit."
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:32:17 No. 5297419 Report >>5297415 >Sable throws a bunch of them in his mouth and scampers off on all fours Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:AE7baDnA Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:32:34 No. 5297420 Report >>5297418 "Mistral?"
>Charles calls over "I can get you water if you need it. Life Dew and all that!"
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:AE7baDnA Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:33:44 No. 5297423 Report Quoted By:
>>5297419 >He turns back to Sable "SABLE!! Share some with other peop-pokemon!"
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:34:35 No. 5297424 Report The Gummi'd Apples seem to have several different varieties of gummi melted over them. It's sweet enough to give one diabetes... assuming pokemon could be so afflicted.
The mineral apples... You can't tell if they've been intentionally prepared or if they're regular apples someone dropped on the ground. Either way, they're as rocky as one could want from an... apple.
>>5297404 "Hiya! Please don't eat me! I just got here!"
>>5297406 This tea can only be about 50% sugar. It may as well be juice. Who mixed this?
The Kecleon bros appear before Ymir and bow. "We are eternally humbled by your generousity and empathy, kind patron. With your donations, we can restore our beautiful coffers in a mere seven days! All these worthless plain seeds you brought aren't nearly thanks enough, so..."
Kecleon Jr. reaches into a comically large sack of 10,000 plain seeds both of them are pulling to fish out a glowing spiral seed. "Your purchase, plus a complimentary import from the Air Continent! Don't spend it all at once~"
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:36:22 No. 5297425 Report >>5297424 Vee sips it. "MMMmm!" He continues drinking it. He slams it in one go. "I want another!" Vee gets a refill of apple tea.
Olly Lv. 47 Pachirisu (Team Iron Will)
Olly Lv. 47 Pachirisu (Team Iron Will) ID:bq0LM7W3 Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:36:37 No. 5297427 Report >>5297410 "It's not bad." Olly munches on the treat as he observes Sable acting like a goblin.
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:AE7baDnA Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:37:54 No. 5297429 Report Quoted By:
>>5297427 >Charles sighs and eats another bit of the gummi "I hope he wasn't like this in his previous life..."
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:38:10 No. 5297431 Report Rolled 13 (1d20) >>5297424 *Cava is attempting to look for AWD some more with is only eye... Let's hope that they're not on his left side.
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:39:40 No. 5297433 Report >>5297420 Maroon shakes his cup. "Pretty please, Charles? Mistral? I need my drinky."
Mistral Lv.60 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC)
Mistral Lv.60 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC) ID:XyERoLnz Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:39:43 No. 5297434 Report >>5297420 "Sure, we can try it. It's... sanitary, right?"
Kakú (LV.51 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kakú (LV.51 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:40:33 No. 5297436 Report >>5297424 "Sorry! Your camouflage is a bit detrimental..." Kaku puts the mon' on the floor. He eats a Gummi'd Apple instead.
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:41:06 No. 5297437 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 15 (1d20) >>5297424 >>5297425 Vee is on his second refill already. He's enjoying it a lot. "Woo! It's so good!"
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:AE7baDnA Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:42:31 No. 5297438 Report Rolled 6 (1d20) >>5297433 "Maroon never say it like that again please."
>>5297434 "I collect the water from the air. Should be pretty sanitary.'
>Charles used Life Dew to provide water! Astor (Quicksand - Lvl 60)
Astor (Quicksand - Lvl 60) ID:39tzPfJp Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:43:14 No. 5297441 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d20) Astor tries the mineral apples, he vibes meanwhile
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:43:48 No. 5297442 Report >>5297424 >Cast looks at the spiral seed >he THINKS it's an empowerment seed real strong stuff, who gets it Ymir?
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:45:18 No. 5297443 Report Wigglytuff hops up from behind the counter with a "TAAAAHHH!!~", as if anyone couldn't tell he was already there. "Surprise, Mister...... Mistral! It's a party!! We should hang out and share snacks!" Chatot approaches from the other direction and coughs. Tuff continues, "Haha, after we get this sorted out! It's a human tradition, I hear!" He holds up the paper mache Cherrim head. "You break the ball and all kinds of neat treasure goes flying everywhere!"
>>5297431 Scav spots a Weavile leaning by Xatu's Appraisal, pointedly ignoring an arbok and Drapion's profuse apologies.
Astor bites in, realizing belatedly it's a Grimy Food. He is silenced for a bit.
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:47:27 No. 5297445 Report Quoted By:
>>5297443 *Cava approaches AWD at a moderate pace. He is just now realizing that casually going up to a dude and asking for a claw/fang/whatever is terribly awkward.
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:48:31 No. 5297447 Report Quoted By:
>>5297443 Maroon's head snaps towards the two of them and he barks, "you have a pinata? Woo!"
Maroon is howling with excitement.
Olly Lv. 47 Pachirisu (Team Iron Will)
Olly Lv. 47 Pachirisu (Team Iron Will) ID:bq0LM7W3 Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:49:33 No. 5297450 Report >>5297443 "Beating a proxy of someone's head for rewards is tradition? That's messed up." Olly mutters to Charles. He looks up at the massive 'mon as he finishes the apple.
"Mind giving me a ride around? I feel like I'm going to get stepped on here."
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:50:13 No. 5297452 Report >>5297442 It sure is! The Kecleon Bros are equally moved by your own mercy, and grant you a smaller bag with 800 plain seeds and an encourage seed.
>>5297436 "Right? I can't wait to evolve. Then I might be strong enough to fly, and nobody will try to eat me! It'll be great!... But all my friends say appletun can't fly, no matter what..."
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:51:56 No. 5297453 Report >>5297443 Citrine is chatting at the edge of the party.
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:AE7baDnA Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:52:11 No. 5297454 Report >>5297450 >Charles finishes his Gummi "Heh! Well, usually its not on a particular individual. Most of the time its a very colorful horse. And sure! Hop on!"
>Charles lowers himself so Olly can get on his back pack or head Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:54:00 No. 5297456 Report >>5297453 Vee rushes over. "Hi!" Vee leaves.
>>5297450 >>5297454 Vee practically teleports over to Charles and Olly. "Hi! What're we doing over here?"
Kakú (LV.51 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kakú (LV.51 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:54:03 No. 5297457 Report Quoted By:
>>5297452 "Then, why not just... Evolve into Flapple? There's probably a Tart Apple in between all this snacks, you could eat one like, right now!"
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:54:22 No. 5297458 Report Quoted By:
>>5297452 Thank you!
>castform accepts the seeds I, uh, wasn't actually expecting much in return for the donation. but this could really help out in the field!
>now that's handled, bow farewell for now and return to the rest of the group Astor (Quicksand - Lvl 60)
Astor (Quicksand - Lvl 60) ID:39tzPfJp Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:54:47 No. 5297459 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d20) >>5297443 "What the fuck is this Wiggly?"
The grimy food is launched at great speed, directed to Chatot if he's there, Wiggly otherwise
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:AE7baDnA Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:55:16 No. 5297461 Report >>5297456 "Oh! Hello Vee! Just giving Olly a ride so he doesn't get stepped on. You see anything of interest?"
Olly Lv. 47 Pachirisu (Team Iron Will)
Olly Lv. 47 Pachirisu (Team Iron Will) ID:bq0LM7W3 Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:55:34 No. 5297464 Report >>5297454 >>5297456 Olly climbs on Charles' head and waves down to Vee "Just hanging around. You seem excited."
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:AE7baDnA Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:56:55 No. 5297466 Report Quoted By:
>>5297464 >Charles takes his top hat and places it on his Passenger's head Mistral Lv.60 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC)
Mistral Lv.60 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC) ID:XyERoLnz Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:57:45 No. 5297467 Report Rolled 3 (1d20) >>5297438 "Alright, let's see how well I can freeze this thing." Mistral looks to the generated water. "It's not much, but here we go."
>Blizzaaaard on the water! >>5297443 "Yeah. This is a party, alright."
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 08 Jun 2022 00:58:54 No. 5297470 Report >>5297461 >>5297464 "I got juice!" Vee downs his apple tea and goes to get some more. He's at the table repeatedly ringing a bell that wasn't he isn't sure was there before.
He gets tired of waiting and gets more himself, returning to Charles and Olly. "It's the best!"
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:AE7baDnA Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:00:50 No. 5297471 Report >>5297470 "Is that so? And here I thought Tea would be bitter. Think I'll try some."
>Charles moves over and graps a cup of apple Tea for himself and Olly Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:01:36 No. 5297473 Report Drapion and Arbok are lying prone on the ground, muttering at supersonic speeds while Weavile sharpens a few claws. "W-we're deeply sorry! They merely got the drop on us! Given a single extra turn, we will have our revenge!" "We sssshall accept any punissssshment you deem appropriate until our next chanccce to prove ourselvessss." Wigglytuff walks to the center of the town square, and flicks the ball straight up into the sky, absurdly high. Meanwhile, Mistral's blizzard freezes a flying grimy food to Chatot's wing. "I should have kept to the setup and went home...awk!"
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:02:46 No. 5297474 Report Quoted By:
>>5297471 "It's sweet! It's like Pechas and apples if they were one thing and also juice!"
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:03:07 No. 5297475 Report >>5297473 "Hey, are ya bunch the famed Team AWD I've heard about?"
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:03:20 No. 5297476 Report Quoted By:
>>5297467 The water is frozen into a tub of ice. Maroon promptly shatters it against the ground and moves the chunks in the bucket to his own cup.
"Thanks, Mistral!" He barks happily before taking a long swig of his cool drink.
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
Quoted By:
>>5297473 Poli seems to have shown up at some point, drinking some kind of foul-smelling beverage that was never meant to be consumed by any living being ever. He's also avoiding actually speaking to anyone.
Olly Lv. 47 Pachirisu (Team Iron Will)
Olly Lv. 47 Pachirisu (Team Iron Will) ID:bq0LM7W3 Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:03:36 No. 5297478 Report >>5297471 >>5297470 Olly takes the offered tea and sips it carefully "Not my thing." The top hat shifts and Olly disappears within it.
Mistral Lv.60 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC)
Mistral Lv.60 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC) ID:XyERoLnz Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:04:24 No. 5297479 Report Quoted By:
>>5297473 "Whoops, my bad, uh, Chatot."
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:AE7baDnA Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:05:25 No. 5297482 Report >>5297478 "H-hey! How'd you fit in there?"
>Charles takes a sip to clam his nerves Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:06:06 No. 5297484 Report Rolled 17 (1d20) >>5297473 >castform detects the light, and resists tthe urge to set rain >for now, back to charles and the portable crew. >>5297482 >rolling for suprise appearence Hey charles!
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:06:56 No. 5297486 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 11 (1d20) >Sable tries to sneak more mineral apples
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:AE7baDnA Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:07:49 No. 5297487 Report >>5297482 >Calm >>5297484 "Gaaah! C-Cast! Where did you come from?!"
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:08:11 No. 5297488 Report Quoted By:
>>5297424 (I return)
"Well ain't that just a sight for soar eyes! Always glad to be of help!"
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:09:16 No. 5297489 Report >>5297487 Kekleon's shop! they gave me a funny seed that makes me crit
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:AE7baDnA Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:10:00 No. 5297491 Report >>5297489 "Oh really? My, that was nice of them!"
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:12:34 No. 5297493 Report Despite the complete lack of any mechanism to do such a thing on command, Wigglytuff stomps on the ground with a "Yoom-TAHHH!~", and two flashes of light later, them Cherrim pinata is torn apart in a violent explosion, sending familiar glittering seeds in every direction all over town. Looks like Bind set this up privately with Wigglytuff. It's mostly sparkling dough seeds picked up by the townsfolk, but within the guild's reach are... (pick one)>Quick Seed - Speed boosts Target >Razz Berry - Bolsters mercy rolls, and evolves trade/friendship evolution pokemon >Blast Seed - Explodes on target >Dough Seed - Delivers 850P on the winds of fortune >Reviver Seed - Revives target >Charti Berry Seed - Halves damage from a supereffective rock move >Energy Seed - Heals 500 HP to target >X-eye Seed - Disable’s target’s ability to discern pokemon or items >Vanish Seed - Makes target invisible >Germinator - Hold item, reduces user’s max >HP by 20%, but heals user for 33% of damage done by rock, ground, and grass moves. >Chople Berry Seed - Halves Damage from a supereffective fighting move >Violent Seed - Maxes out both attack stat stages >Tsuchi Dango - a ball of charged seeds and dirt produced by Hisuian Electrode. Evokes discharge upon use >Energy Seed - Heals 500 HP for target >Reviver Seed - Revives target >Encourage Seed - Boosts crit rate by 2 stages and ensures moves never miss, until an ally faints
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:12:59 No. 5297494 Report >>5297491 "And I got a weird seed!"
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:13:11 No. 5297495 Report Quoted By:
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:AE7baDnA Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:13:38 No. 5297496 Report Quoted By:
>>5297493 >Charles takes the Encouragement seed Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:14:02 No. 5297500 Report Quoted By:
>>5297493 >cast grabs an Quick seed Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:14:04 No. 5297501 Report Quoted By:
>>5297493 Vee rushes over and takes the Quick Seed
Astor (Quicksand - Lvl 60)
Astor (Quicksand - Lvl 60) ID:39tzPfJp Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:14:17 No. 5297502 Report Quoted By:
>>5297493 Astor takes the Chople berry seed
Kakú (LV.51 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kakú (LV.51 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:14:42 No. 5297503 Report Quoted By:
>>5297493 >Kaku takes the X-eye Seed Mistral Lv.60 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC)
Mistral Lv.60 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC) ID:XyERoLnz Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:15:32 No. 5297506 Report Quoted By:
>>5297493 >Mistral takes the Tsuchi Dango "I wonder what this is?"
Olly Lv. 47 Pachirisu (Team Iron Will)
Olly Lv. 47 Pachirisu (Team Iron Will) ID:bq0LM7W3 Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:15:37 No. 5297507 Report >>5297493 Olly motions for Charles to grab him the Encourage Seed
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:15:38 No. 5297508 Report Quoted By:
>>5297494 >>5297494 Vee rushes over and takes the Vanish Seed.
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
Quoted By:
>>5297493 Poli walks over to pick the Germinator, discarding what appears to be a pile of sludge.
Olly Lv. 47 Pachirisu (Team Iron Will)
Olly Lv. 47 Pachirisu (Team Iron Will) ID:bq0LM7W3 Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:17:43 No. 5297510 Report >>5297507 Noticing the dragon took the one he wanted, he goes for the Razz Berry instead
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:AE7baDnA Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:18:03 No. 5297511 Report Quoted By:
>>5297507 >Charles, busy inspecting his seed, had his head lowered enough for Olly to grab something from the pile Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:19:03 No. 5297512 Report Quoted By:
>>5297493 *Ymir waits for the others before getting a reviver seed*
"This'll get us out of a jam!"
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:AE7baDnA Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:20:02 No. 5297514 Report Quoted By:
>>5297493 >Charles looks at the encouragement seed "Hmm. This looks interesting.."
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:20:03 No. 5297515 Report Rolled 9 (1d20) >Rolling for rock apple gets
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:AE7baDnA Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:21:39 No. 5297519 Report >>5297510 >Charles addresses Olly "Oh! Sorry! Did you grab anything Olly?"
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:22:24 No. 5297522 Report >>5297519 "I got a thing!" Vee got a Vanish Seed.
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:23:59 No. 5297524 Report >>5297473 >>5297475 "...Are you busy doing something? I can leave if you want..."
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:AE7baDnA Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:24:06 No. 5297525 Report >>5297522 "Oh! Very nice Vee! Hehe, that vanish seed suits you!"
Olly Lv. 47 Pachirisu (Team Iron Will)
Olly Lv. 47 Pachirisu (Team Iron Will) ID:bq0LM7W3 Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:25:37 No. 5297526 Report >>5297519 >>5297522 "Got this berry. Looks neat."
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:25:39 No. 5297527 Report >>5297522 >>5297525 >castform is munching on his bag of plain seeds indeed, seems like something that'd work great for you vee!
Astor (Quicksand - Lvl 60)
Astor (Quicksand - Lvl 60) ID:39tzPfJp Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:25:44 No. 5297529 Report Rolled 17 (1d20) >>5297524 "Cava! Need a door to hq!"
Astor tries to convince the bug
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:26:43 No. 5297530 Report >>5297525 >>5297526 >>5297527 "Thanks!" Vee drinks more apple tea. He's vibrating now.
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:AE7baDnA Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:27:18 No. 5297531 Report Quoted By:
>>5297526 "Oh! Very nice! Perhaps we can find out what our items do when we get back to the guild. Not quite sure what this one does."
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:28:25 No. 5297533 Report Bind catches an energy seed straight out of the air.
"Poli, That dirt smells weird. Even worse than your usual concoctions.
Weavile doesn't bother opening her eyes to chip a piece of wood off the store to flick at Arbok and quiet him.
"You there! Shelly! You want something." More of a statement than a question. She doesn't look to be in a good mood.
>>5297515 >>5297515 You bite into something sharp! It kinda stings, but the rocks in this apple look pretty innocuous, despite their cutting edge. Innocuous enough...
Sable got (1) stealth rock!
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:AE7baDnA Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:28:27 No. 5297534 Report >>5297530 "Vee?"
>Charles looks worried "Are you doing alright?"
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:28:34 No. 5297535 Report Quoted By:
>>5297493 Maroon is about to grab some seeds for himself only to see they've all been taken.
"Oh. . ."
Maroon just pours himself more apple tea and drinks.
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:29:45 No. 5297538 Report Quoted By:
>>5297534 "Apple tea." He says, calmly.
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:29:47 No. 5297539 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 9 (1d20) Wigglytuff smells someone in the air...
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:30:26 No. 5297540 Report Rolled 8 (1d20) >>5297530 ...you know? I would like to try some of that tea
>castform grabs some apple tea, seeing if it's sweet enough Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:31:57 No. 5297543 Report >>5297529 *Cava doesn't bother.
>>5297533 "Yeah. Sooooooo mind if I take a fang or something from that Drapion? It's so I can learn Night Slash."
*Cava is being as blunt as he usually is.
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:34:05 No. 5297544 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d20) >>5297543 *Cava casually munches on a gummi'd apple.
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:35:43 No. 5297546 Report Quoted By:
>>5297540 >acceptably sweet >could be sweeter though Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:37:53 No. 5297549 Report Rolled 9 (1d20) Vee rushes to the table once more to get another refill on apple tea and to eat a gummi'd apple in one bite.
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:38:14 No. 5297550 Report Rolled 17 (1d20) Still peeved at being too slow to snag any seeds for himself, Maroon finds a secluded spot away from the festivities and starts setting up. He pulls some strange seed from his mane and tosses them on the ground. They wiggle into the earth and quickly sprout to set Grassy Terrain. "Might as well do something productive with all this upset. . ." he murmurs as he sets it to Harsh Sunlight with an Infernal Firework. "Perfect.">Maroon uses Solar Beam to put on a show!
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:44:46 No. 5297558 Report Weavile isn't put off by your bluntness. Not completely, at least. "A fang's a tall order, for that, buster. I need this lout to settle some personal business, you see? What would I get out of it by giving my precious weapons out to a stranger, huh?"
>>5297549 Vee's packed with sugar! He's got enough speed to make QPU steps!
Wigglytuff is making his way back to Mistral and a struggling Chatot rolling over himself when he's lauched into the air by a giant golden wheel erupting from the ground. Victini climbs out from under before bursting into flames along with a few spouts from the wheel.
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:AE7baDnA Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:46:16 No. 5297560 Report Quoted By:
>>5297558 "Is that...is that Victini?"
>Charles raises a gooey eyebrow Dr. Pika PhD MD (Belle)
>>5297550 >>5297558 Olly peeks from under the top hat when he hears the explosions "Are we under attack?" He seems a little too excited by the prospect.
Kakú (LV.51 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kakú (LV.51 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:47:59 No. 5297564 Report Quoted By:
>>5297558 "V-Wheel! V-Wheel! V-Wheel!"
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:48:04 No. 5297565 Report >>5297558 "I'unno. Whaddya want, Cash? My backup Eyepatch? My- Actually I probably can't give that away, this TM? Or what?"
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:AE7baDnA Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:49:16 No. 5297569 Report Quoted By:
>>5297562 "Oh that's probably just Maroon. He always likes putting on a show."
>Charles splits his attention between the light show and the visiting Victini Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:49:21 No. 5297570 Report Quoted By:
>>5297558 "Weeeeeee!" Vee is running around at high speeds.
>>5297562 "Maybe!"
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:49:30 No. 5297571 Report Quoted By:
>>5297558 *Ymir notices the fireball that is Victini*
"That little guy looks familiar."
Mistral Lv.60 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC)
Mistral Lv.60 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC) ID:XyERoLnz Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:49:36 No. 5297572 Report Quoted By:
>>5297550 "Huh? I wonder who's doing all of that?" Mistral looks to the sky.
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
Quoted By:
>>5297562 "I don't know, probably."
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:53:29 No. 5297580 Report Quoted By:
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:53:43 No. 5297581 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 16 (1d20) Maroon takes another swig of his drink before collecting the light around him, using the grass underneath him as a sort of net for the sunlight the space around him dims unnaturally before he fires yet another pillar of dazzling light into the sky.
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:53:48 No. 5297582 Report Maroon's lightshow mesmerizes all the onlookers, cutting shapes into clouds and spreading a refreshing late spring breeze through the growing grass. Victini cheers Maroon on by flicking him a free red ticket. "Parties! Bars! Funerals! The wondrous V-Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeel can spice up any gathering! Wanna spin? I've got a discount on tickets! Wigglyttuff lands on top of the wheel and starts tumbling, causing it to spin.>Red ticket - trade 3 items >Blue ticket - trade 6 items
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
Quoted By:
>>5297582 "Funerals? My favourite!"
Poli doesn't actually participate, though.
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:57:30 No. 5297588 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 12 (1d20) >>5297582 >APPROACH victini how many blue tickets is 800 seeds worth?
Olly Lv. 47 Pachirisu (Team Iron Will)
Olly Lv. 47 Pachirisu (Team Iron Will) ID:bq0LM7W3 Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:58:14 No. 5297590 Report >>5297582 Olly looks around at the escalating merriment and hides back under the hat, only peeking a little bit from under it to keep an eye out. He slips out a list of items he can trade to Charles to get a blue ticket.
>TM Recover (used) >Basement Key >HM12(unobtainable item) >Morph Mail >HM01(Cut- Single use) >Mach Bike Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:AE7baDnA Wed 08 Jun 2022 01:59:41 No. 5297592 Report Rolled 4 (1d20) >>5297582 >Charles tentatively walks over "Greetings Victini."
>He tips his hat, does Olly's tail appear? I would like one red ticket please
>Charles trades in TM Flash Canon, Enigma berry, and Small Pink Shard >>5297590 "Oh! And items to trade in from my associate."
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 08 Jun 2022 02:02:28 No. 5297596 Report >>5297582 Vee runs over and gives Victini a Shadow Ball TM, Whirlpool HM, Salac Berry, Charcoal, Oran Berry, and Heal Powder. "Blue is cool I think!" He's patiently waiting for something cool to happen.
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Wed 08 Jun 2022 02:03:08 No. 5297597 Report >>5297582 "How's about a red ticket? I'm feelin' lucky!"
*He offers a Quick Seed, a plain seed, and a Quick Orb*
Kakú (LV.51 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kakú (LV.51 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Wed 08 Jun 2022 02:03:15 No. 5297598 Report Quoted By:
>>5297582 "I'll take a red ticket, for this 3 random berries!"
>Kebia, Roseli, Lansat Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 08 Jun 2022 02:04:28 No. 5297601 Report Quoted By:
>>5297582 Maroon takes a moment to rest and return to the party. He sees Victini and blinks in shock.
"What are you doing here?" He barks.
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Wed 08 Jun 2022 02:04:31 No. 5297602 Report >>5297582 >thinking again, cast hands 2 ethers and a Battle CD Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:AE7baDnA Wed 08 Jun 2022 02:06:49 No. 5297604 Report >>5297582 >>5297592 "On second thought, let me have a blue ticket. Here"
>Charles hands over Max potion, petrify wand, and Pink orb Astor (Quicksand - Lvl 60)
Astor (Quicksand - Lvl 60) ID:X9tFkIBk Wed 08 Jun 2022 02:09:43 No. 5297606 Report Quoted By:
>>5297582 "Sure, why not'
Astor asks for 1 blue ticket and 1 red ticket, he gives
>Reviver x3 >TM (Hyper Beam) >lagging tail >Power belt >Muscle wing >Razor fang >Seal Case Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 08 Jun 2022 02:14:55 No. 5297611 Report >>5297582 "Uh. . . Hey, can I trade this for something?" Maroon searches his mane and pulls out his Primarinium-Z.
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Wed 08 Jun 2022 02:31:18 No. 5297624 Report Quoted By:
>>5297611 >castform stares Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 08 Jun 2022 02:34:16 No. 5297625 Report Quoted By:
>>5297611 "And um. . . These two." Maroon hands over a hefty amount of Grassy Seeds and Infernal Parades.
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 08 Jun 2022 02:36:09 No. 5297628 Report >>5297558 >>5297565 *Cava continues to pull out random stuff from underneath his cloak.
"This weird CD that's not a TM? A berry? This Lax Incense? Some Electric Seeds? Another TM? A Blast Seed? Joy seed, maybe? Another Berry? This fossil? Some Pepper Spray? This copy of Metal Gear Solid 3? Joking about that last one. It's not for sale.
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 08 Jun 2022 02:42:14 No. 5297630 Report Chatot is rolling in circles trying to get the ice and grime out of his wing.
A very tired and overheated glaceon with with a Victini pin collects the items for Victini and leaves in the direction of Spinda cafe after passing out tickets.
"V-Wheel. V-Wheel! V-Wheeeeeeeeeeeeel!" Victini throws his hands down on the contraption as it spins, and it lets out a burst of flame, as Wigglytuff jumps up for a celebratory fist pump to the air before continuing his spin.
>>5297590 Olly gets...
A Joy Seed!
>>5297592 >>5297604 Charles gets...
A Vile Seed!
>>5297596 Vee gets...
An Eevee card!
>>5297597 Ymir gets...
A radar orb!
>>5297602 Casform gets... a Blue Gummi!
>>5297604 Astor gets...
A heal seed, and a Joy Seed!
>>5297628 "What I need..." She punches the wall, and her teammates look down. "-Is something that can definitively put me over those do-gooders Team Charm! We've been at it ever since that cave incident, and it's really starting to get to me... Give me something we can use to beat a Lopunny, Medicham, and Gardevoir in a fight and I may let you sample my subordinates' 'tools'."
Drapion cowers a bit, but he doesn't object.
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Wed 08 Jun 2022 02:43:36 No. 5297631 Report Quoted By:
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:AE7baDnA Wed 08 Jun 2022 02:46:22 No. 5297633 Report Quoted By:
>>5297630 >Charles feels the sickening aura from the seed "Oh...oh my."
>He gags a little Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 08 Jun 2022 02:46:39 No. 5297634 Report Quoted By:
>>5297630 Vee takes the Eevee Card. "Thank you!" He's enjoying having the card.
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Wed 08 Jun 2022 02:47:58 No. 5297636 Report Quoted By:
>>5297630 "Neat."
*Ymir ponders his new orb*
Astor (Quicksand - Lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - Lvl 61) ID:X9tFkIBk Wed 08 Jun 2022 02:48:14 No. 5297637 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 11 (1d20) >>5297630 Astor downs the seed immediatly
"Thanks sucker!"
Astor uses Brave Bird
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 08 Jun 2022 02:48:58 No. 5297639 Report >>5297630 "Pepper Spray's would be useful. It's a... You can say repellent. If used correctly, it can blind 'em! It should have quite a few uses or last long, considering it's the "max" version. You can also throw it and light it on fire to make it explode or something, I dunno. One of the TMs is for Calm Mind, which I think you can learn, if the Weavile I know's right. Pretty useful move."
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 08 Jun 2022 02:51:37 No. 5297644 Report Quoted By:
>>5297639 >>5297630 "Team Charm has that Gardevoir, so the Sp. Def boost can definitely help against fairy attacks. Lax Incense boosts Evasion, I think? Which could be a nice item can have."
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 08 Jun 2022 02:55:47 No. 5297649 Report >>5297630 >Maroon turns his Primarinium-Z, a bunch of Grassy Seeds and Infernal Parades for a Red Ticket. >Maroon uses two red tickets to roll. Guildmaster
As you enjoy the festivities, you can't help but look up at the sky with all the art that Maroon managed to carve. It's admittedly not that bad for someone using a giant sun laser to shape the clouds. You blink. There's something up there that isn't a cloud. You're not entirely sure, unless it might just be passing flying-types.>It's nothing. Ignore it. >[Perception Roll] It's a little far but maybe I can see it...
Astor (Quicksand - Lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - Lvl 61) ID:X9tFkIBk Wed 08 Jun 2022 02:58:03 No. 5297652 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d20) >>5297650 "Hmmmm..."
>perc Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 08 Jun 2022 02:58:03 No. 5297653 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d20) >>5297650 *Cava continues explaining the benefits of Pepper Spray. He might look up...?
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Wed 08 Jun 2022 02:58:06 No. 5297654 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 9 (1d20) >>5297650 >Perception Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 08 Jun 2022 02:58:07 No. 5297655 Report Rolled 18 (1d20) >>5297650 Vee is going fast from all the apple tea, that means he can see twice as fast!
Kakú (LV.51 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kakú (LV.51 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Wed 08 Jun 2022 02:58:33 No. 5297656 Report Rolled 18 (1d20) >>5297650 >>[Perception Roll] It's a little far but maybe I can see it... "Well, this sucks... Huh?" Rolling plus whatever the Gummi'd Apple gives.
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Wed 08 Jun 2022 02:59:23 No. 5297657 Report Rolled 15 (1d20) >>5297650 >Sable looks between munches of minerapples Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
Quoted By:
>>5297650 >It's nothing. Ignore it. Poli is too absorbed in... staring at a wall.
Olly Lv. 47 Pachirisu (Team Iron Will)
Olly Lv. 47 Pachirisu (Team Iron Will) ID:bq0LM7W3 Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:00:11 No. 5297659 Report Quoted By:
>>5297650 Olly is hidden in the hat and cannot see the sky.
>It's nothing. Ignore it. Guildmaster
>>5297655 >>5297656 >>5297657 Through the clouds and the haze of the late afternoon sun, you spot the flying creature.
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:00:41 No. 5297661 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d20) >>5297650 >Perception Roll "What's that up there..."
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:02:07 No. 5297662 Report "Oh? None of us use ranged attacks, so that Gardevoir is a problem... "And those nuisances like to catch seeds and thorns, too... heeeey, I like the look of this!" In the blink of an eye, Drapion gasps and buries his head in the ground, while Weavile has already balanced a fang on one of your lances. "Pleasure doing business with you... And keep in touch. I may have more use for you if this pans out!" She smiles and returns to loitering in the sun.
>>5297649 Maroon gets...
A Fire Gem, and an Eyedrop Seed!
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:AE7baDnA Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:02:11 No. 5297664 Report >>5297650 >Charles starts reeling >He falls over from Vile seed exposure >Something so evil just doesn't sit right with him >He's out cold Kakú (LV.51 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kakú (LV.51 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:02:12 No. 5297665 Report >>5297660 "Huh, well I'll be..." Kaku waves at the psychic. Maybe think "Hi" if he can hear him.
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:02:45 No. 5297667 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 7 (1d20) >>5297650 >perception roll >Castform is tempted to go up and investigate Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:03:38 No. 5297668 Report >>5297660 Vee waves fastly.
Olly Lv. 47 Pachirisu (Team Iron Will)
Olly Lv. 47 Pachirisu (Team Iron Will) ID:bq0LM7W3 Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:04:39 No. 5297671 Report >>5297664 Olly climbs out of the hat and nudges Charles to no effect. "Damn, did you drink too much?" Olly looks up to see the familiar creature. "I guess he's done moping around." He waves.
Guildmaster except Bind
Quoted By:
"You know, I don't think I ever see you go out for anything other than dung-hmm?"
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:06:40 No. 5297674 Report Quoted By:
>>5297664 *Ymir just makes out the figure before noticing Charles faint.*
"Woah hold on buddy I got ya!"
*He brings Charles to a safe corner to lie down*
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:07:50 No. 5297675 Report >>5297671 "I didn't expect to see him here! It looks like he's doing better I think I hope! Also how's Charles?"
Guildmaster except rolling
Guildmaster except rolling ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:08:03 No. 5297676 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d20) uh
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:08:38 No. 5297677 Report Quoted By:
>>5297660 Out and about, is he? Good for him...
>Sable waves to his mourningbro Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:09:33 No. 5297679 Report Quoted By:
>>5297662 "Awesome, thanks! I'll keep in touch!"
*Cava leaves, with the shiny new Drapion Fang.
>>5297668 >>5297665 You watch Mewtwo close the distance in rapid, near-supersonic flight. In seconds, you see him rapidly decelerate and transition to a vertical position.
Quietly floating down, he touches the ground without much fanfare. A small pomf of dirt and dust rushes around his legs.
He looks to the gathered pokemon, scanning them. Perhaps some partygoers find themselves stunned and others without a care in the world. Robotically, he waves to Kaku, Sableye, and Vee.
Guildmaster except Bind
Quoted By:
"Nevermind. I thought I heard a plane or something, but... that doesn't make any sense."
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:10:35 No. 5297683 Report Quoted By:
>>5297680 "...Oh."
*Cava floats off.
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:11:50 No. 5297685 Report Rolled 2 (1d20) >>5297680 >castform has been consuming more gummi apples, and hearing the sound of someone landing, turns to see mewtwo >he tries to wave, forgetting the lack of arms Team Quicksand Leader Citrine Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:11:56 No. 5297686 Report >>5297680 Citrine stares blankly.
"Why're you here?"
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:11:58 No. 5297687 Report >>5297680 Hello, how have you been?
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:12:04 No. 5297688 Report >>5297680 "Huh? Oh. . . Uh. . . Hi." Maroon mumbles, struggling to remember who this weird cat was.
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
>>5297680 "Sorry, I already drank all of my Most Definitely Medicinal Substance I Am Not Abusing For Recreational Purposes."
Kakú (LV.51 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kakú (LV.51 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:12:47 No. 5297690 Report >>5297680 "That it has! You feeling better now? You arrive at a great time."
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:12:59 No. 5297691 Report >>5297675 "I thought it was our big cat friend, didn't get a good look before Charles tipped over...I think it was that weird seed he was got."
*With Charles seemingly secure Ymir goes to greet Mewtwo*
"Been a while mate, glad to see ya!"
Astor (Quicksand - Lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - Lvl 61) ID:uS4WBpxd Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:13:44 No. 5297692 Report Rolled 4 (1d20) >>5297680 "Hey... what was your name? Anyways, by any chance do you know what is this?"
Astor offers Mewtwo a doom seed
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:14:05 No. 5297693 Report >>5297680 "It has! It's nice to see you again! How's it going?"
Dr. Pika PhD MD (Belle)
>>5297680 "Fascinating. Didn't expect to see it with my own eyes. Living relic of the old world."
Guildmaster except Bind
Bind yips and steps behind Poli for a second, before uncurling and shakily approaching. "H-hey! ...Long flight?" he offers an apple tea with a strainingly fully extended arm.
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:16:56 No. 5297697 Report Quoted By:
>>5297695 Vee looks at the apple tea and has to stop himself from drinking it.
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
Quoted By:
>>5297695 Poli doesn't react to this at all, besides continuing to sip his cup of unholy beverage, immediately proving his previous statement wrong.
Guildmaster (Mewtwo)
>>5297685 Mewtwo looks to Castform, reading his thoughts for the gesture. He returns the attempted wave.
>>5297686 He turns to Citrine, staring for a moment. DO YOU DISLIKE MY PRESENCE? I HAD SOMETHING TO ASK OF ALL OF YOU.
>>5297687 Mewtwo is about to respond to Sableye but remembers a detail. "...I am in an acceptable state." His voice sounds very weak, almost lost to a whisper.
>>5297688 He does another robotic wave. GREETINGS.
He looks to the doom seed that Astor is offering.
>>5297693 IT IS NICE TO SEE YOU TWO, SMALL EEVEE. He smiles.
Mewtwo walks over and accepts the food, taking a cursory sip. Not revolted by it, he continues to drink as he talks.
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
Rolled 9 (1d20) >>5297709 Instead of replying, Poli just uses Hydro Pump to dilute his drink to drink even more of it, staring directly at Mewtwo while he does so.
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:35:16 No. 5297715 Report Quoted By:
>>5297709 "At least you know where we are now! You're always welcome to come say hi!"
Astor (Quicksand - Lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - Lvl 61) ID:uS4WBpxd Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:36:26 No. 5297716 Report Rolled 2 (1d20) >>5297709 "Eh, i hqve no use for it, wanna eat it?"
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:37:40 No. 5297718 Report >>5297709 Well, you're welcome to join the party!
>castform consumes another apple tea Team Quicksand Leader Citrine Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:37:45 No. 5297719 Report >>5297709 "It's just a little weird, is all. I'm surprised you came out all this way."
Kakú (LV.51 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kakú (LV.51 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:39:13 No. 5297722 Report >>5297709 "Well, whatever you need, ask away! You'll see there's plenty of hospitality around here."
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:39:36 No. 5297724 Report >>5297709 >Sable matches his tone I'll be here for you, whenever you need.
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:41:05 No. 5297727 Report >>5297709 Maroon decides despite his confusion and losses today not to be an anti-social loser and try to be friendly with the Mewtwo.
"What brings you all the way here?" He asks.
Guildmaster except Bind
>>5297709 "I-I am certain, Mewtwo. I j-just struggle in such strong presences, I am trying to get over it... I am certain all-" He glances at Team AWD and Skull brooding in obscure corners, "most everyone here would love to get to k-know you?"
Guildmaster (Mewtwo)
>>5297719 >>5297722 >>5297727 Mewtwo looks around at the party, watching all the pokemon enjoy themselves with the apple food and small events. Some gaze at him briefly but quickly look away under his gaze. I RECALL WHAT YOU WERE ALL DOING. NOW THAT I AM WITHOUT... ANYTHING TO DO... I ASK TO BE INDUCTED INTO YOUR ORGANIZATION.
>>5297730 >Mewtwo's Pressure! Eyes falling on the party again, he realizes that in his solitary vigilance, he has been missing out on something. While his expression is guarded, [Perception Roll], you think you can try to make something out.
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:54:05 No. 5297734 Report >>5297733 "Welcome to the Lost Hope Guild, then! Hehe!"
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:55:20 No. 5297737 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d20) >>5297733 >>5297734 Vee looks at him happily.
(Perception roll)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:55:48 No. 5297738 Report Quoted By:
>>5297733 "Oh?" Maroon suddenly hops to his feet and appears besides Mewtwo suddenly.
"If you're looking for a new home then perhaps you'd be interested in New Hope? It's not Castelia City, but I try my best."
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:55:56 No. 5297739 Report >>5297733 "Always good to have another friend on board! Especially one as strong as you. Our battle was a real heated one."
Dr. Pika PhD MD (Belle)
Rolled 18 (1d20) >>5297733 "Would love a chance to talk about your past, perhaps study your biology as well. I'm sure you will be welcome in the guild." Pika carefully studies Mewtwo's expression.
Kakú (LV.51 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kakú (LV.51 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:56:49 No. 5297741 Report >>5297733 "Well, we don't say no even when we should! So...
>>5297730 our fearless leader! Do we accept him in our ensemble?"
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:58:55 No. 5297744 Report Rolled 8 (1d20) >>5297733 Well, if you need some space for yourself, come on over to Sable City. There's plenty of room for someone to spread out and still have privacy. Either way, I'm glad to have you anytime!
>Sable looks into Mewtwo's expression Astor (Quicksand - Lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - Lvl 61) ID:X9tFkIBk Wed 08 Jun 2022 03:59:28 No. 5297746 Report Rolled 15 (1d20) >>5297733 "Sure..."
Astor searches for clues
Guildmaster except Bind
>>5297733 >>5297741 His word choice resonates with Bind. "A s-second choice you want?... A second choice you'll have. It's the one thing we all have in common, after all!"
He starts picking up his composure, maybe in time to see...
Guildmaster except rolling
Guildmaster except rolling ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 08 Jun 2022 04:02:35 No. 5297750 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 9 (1d20) uh
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Wed 08 Jun 2022 04:03:21 No. 5297751 Report Rolled 4 (1d20) >>5297733 Ah, wonderful! we'd be happy to have a powerhouse like you on the team
>perceive Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Wed 08 Jun 2022 04:04:56 No. 5297755 Report Rolled 1 (1d20) >>5297733 (Perception Roll)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Wed 08 Jun 2022 04:06:27 No. 5297756 Report Rolled 2 (1d20) >>5297733 >Perception Citrine is suddenly suspicious of Mewtwo.
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
Quoted By:
>>5297756 You hear "...sussy..." from somewhere.
Guildmaster (Mewtwo)
Mewtwo gives a bow. He turns his body to look at the open sky.
>>5297740 >>5297746 Looking at Mewtwo is not easy. There's just an overwhelming aura backing him and his features are almost neutral. However, you can see beyond his almost-perfect facade. Under his stoic expression is a pang of sadness and loneliness. You can see it whenever he stares at the party.
>>5297756 Citrine is just staring at him, unable to determine anything.
>>5297755 Ymir gets a headache from trying to look a little too hard. Ouch!
Dr. Pika PhD MD (Belle)
>>5297766 Pika smiles as she recognizes the expression.
"You'll find everyone here is quite amiable, given time to get to know you."
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 43 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 08 Jun 2022 04:29:40 No. 5297775 Report Quoted By:
>>5297766 >>5297772 "Yep! I hope we can be friends!"
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Wed 08 Jun 2022 04:31:15 No. 5297777 Report Quoted By:
>>5297766 >Sable smiles at Mewtwo Woo! New friend at the guild!
Quoted By:
>>5297766 Will Mewtwo regret this decision? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z Ka-
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Wed 08 Jun 2022 04:32:16 No. 5297780 Report Quoted By:
>>5297766 Welcome aboard
(I must rest now, it's 5:30)
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
Quoted By:
>>5297766 "I think I'm getting Good alignment points from this. Ouch. Ow. Oof. Owie. Ouch. Ow. Ouch."
Astor (Quicksand - Lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - Lvl 61) ID:X9tFkIBk Wed 08 Jun 2022 04:36:13 No. 5297783 Report Quoted By:
>>5297766 "You good mate?"
Astor actually cares
Guildmaster except rolling
Guildmaster except rolling ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 08 Jun 2022 04:40:27 No. 5297787 Report Quoted By:
>>5297766 "We'll ah, show you to our place and get you a room. And don't worry, This town has a history of coming around on newcomers, no matter the flavor!"
A small object comes fluttering into the guild hall, and you watch it twirl and spin in the air before it promptly crashes into the grass. You approach the strange thing, realizing that it was not a pokemon but... something creased and folded. You stare at the crumpled and wrinkled texture of the paper, the nose partially pushed in from the rough landing. Picking it up, you note the construction is meticulously made to resemble a Pidgey. Who could have made this? In the light, you catch the footprint rune bleeding through the paper. Carefully peeling it open, you pull the letters out. The scraps of paper need to be assembled into something readable... It reads:>To the Lost Hope Guild, may this letter find you in good spirits and health (if you are not them do not read this letter, or else you will activate the self-destruct function). >Despite our past quarrel and how I am very evil, I have deduced that working together is the most sensible action. >I have heard of your criminal past, so that must mean you're all evil!!! Therefore, you will work with me. >You see, I tire of this cell and the simpletons around it who do not grasp the scope of my genius, and I have been planning a truly dastardly plan. >I will make construct the Big-Rainifier to drown out Treasure Town and force them to relocate us to a different jail! The next paper is just him writing out "Muahahahaha...">This plan relies on Water Stones, which I am severely lacking. For I am in jail. >I have attached to the Message-Senderer the location where they naturally may be found. >Yours Most Dastardly and Devious, Doctor Derange D. Doppler. You stare at the pieces, message received. Do you help him? Chapter 26: Brine-Filled Breakout
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Sun 12 Jun 2022 00:17:57 No. 5301911 Report >>5301906 We are not flooding Treasure Town.
Astor (Quicksand - Lvl 60)
Astor (Quicksand - Lvl 60) ID:MMq4OTuB Sun 12 Jun 2022 00:19:55 No. 5301913 Report Quoted By:
>>5301911 "Did someone say that we're flooding treasure town? Count me in!"
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Sun 12 Jun 2022 00:20:06 No. 5301914 Report Quoted By:
>>5301906 "I ain't helping flood the town. Guess we can at least tell him that."
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Sun 12 Jun 2022 00:21:15 No. 5301915 Report >>5301906 >>5301911 Aww... can I still drop a natural disaster over there?
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Sun 12 Jun 2022 00:25:39 No. 5301916 Report Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Sun 12 Jun 2022 00:27:59 No. 5301919 Report Rolled 18 (1d20) >>5301916 >this displeases castform >I shall now roll to be sure cast's poor spirits don't activate the lettter's self destruct button Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60) ID:CaKtYp/7 Sun 12 Jun 2022 00:33:42 No. 5301922 Report Rolled 4 (1d20) >>5301919 "Do it, no balls"
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Sun 12 Jun 2022 00:35:12 No. 5301923 Report >>5301922 Casform is literally a ball on a cloud.
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Sun 12 Jun 2022 00:35:48 No. 5301924 Report >>5301922 ...I am literally all ball astor.
and I'm not going to go against sable like that. divers and storm as teams are too close for that shit.
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60) ID:CaKtYp/7 Sun 12 Jun 2022 00:36:21 No. 5301925 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 9 (1d20) >>5301924 "Like i said, no balls"
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 12 Jun 2022 00:36:25 No. 5301926 Report Quoted By:
>>5301906 "But why would we do that? Why would we actively produce rain to break out someone we put in jail? Why would he send US a letter about this?"
"Eugh. Rain."
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60) ID:CaKtYp/7 Sun 12 Jun 2022 00:38:13 No. 5301928 Report Rolled 12 (1d20) >>5301923 "What about you? Flood Treasure Town, you get free real estate to expand Sable City, it makes sense"
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Sun 12 Jun 2022 00:42:07 No. 5301931 Report Anonymous
>>5301931 "Understandable, no flooding Treasure Town then"
"... what if doc is already flooding treasure town while we discuss this letter?"
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Sun 12 Jun 2022 00:44:01 No. 5301934 Report >>5301932 Then we stop him. We'd probably get a reward, too!
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60) ID:8CHYI96z Sun 12 Jun 2022 00:45:07 No. 5301935 Report >>5301934 "We could also flood town and save everyone from the flooding, extra PR"
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Sun 12 Jun 2022 00:45:26 No. 5301936 Report >>5301906 "Awesome! Let's go help him." Maroon announces with a big dumb smile.
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 12 Jun 2022 00:46:36 No. 5301938 Report Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Sun 12 Jun 2022 00:46:50 No. 5301939 Report >>5301935 >>5301936 You two are going to rot in prison. I'm not digging you out this time.
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Sun 12 Jun 2022 00:46:51 No. 5301940 Report >>5301935 probably!
>castform gets episode 1 flashbacks that would also likely give mag PTSD
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Sun 12 Jun 2022 00:48:01 No. 5301941 Report Quoted By:
>>5301936 "It'd be one thing if he wanted a different place but flooding the city is a hard no!"
Kakú (LV. 51 Grimmsnarl)
Quoted By:
>>5301906 "Hehe, this guy has drive, I'll give him that. I say we go along with this, at the very least the water stones should net us some profit..."
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60) ID:8CHYI96z Sun 12 Jun 2022 00:49:25 No. 5301943 Report Rolled 15 (1d20) >>5301939 "Why? It would be my first offense, i'd serve less time"
>>5301940 "That's how i like it! Now, uber rain!"
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 12 Jun 2022 00:51:55 No. 5301946 Report >>5301943 "Astor, you are a member of Team Quicksand."
>Astor commits high treason. Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Sun 12 Jun 2022 00:53:23 No. 5301948 Report Quoted By:
Hey wait a minute... is it even possible to flood Treasure Town? It's on top of a rock face overlooking the ocean, I'm pretty sure the water would just pour off the side and onto the beach.
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Sun 12 Jun 2022 00:54:06 No. 5301949 Report >>5301938 "He's a cool guy. I don't know why he's looking to relocate though- I revised his release date to be a lot sooner. Must be pretty bad."
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 12 Jun 2022 00:54:40 No. 5301952 Report >>5301949 "You revised his release date?!?"
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Sun 12 Jun 2022 00:55:57 No. 5301954 Report Guys! idea, why don't we go raid that water stone place he told us about anyway, then sell off the stones to kekleon or one of the rich mons who visit treasure town?
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Sun 12 Jun 2022 00:56:16 No. 5301956 Report >>5301952 "I was going to break them out, but Milo told me not, so I cooked the books- yeah." Maroon replies as if nothing was wrong with that statement.
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Sun 12 Jun 2022 00:57:42 No. 5301957 Report >>5301956 Arceus, give me the fortitude to not break something...
>>5301954 Okay, sure, why not? I need a DISTRACTION FROM SOMETHING anyway.
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60) ID:wQyyBJYx Sun 12 Jun 2022 00:57:59 No. 5301958 Report Quoted By:
>>5301946 "Shh, we can get Castform arrested this way"
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 12 Jun 2022 00:58:06 No. 5301959 Report Quoted By:
>>5301956 "I'm not surprised... but... that's illegal."
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 12 Jun 2022 00:58:35 No. 5301960 Report >>5301954 >Castform can feel his bag rustling >Will he open it? Kakú (LV. 51 Grimmsnarl)
>>5301949 >>5301956 "That's how it works?! Why didn't the Silksong crowd think of that..."
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Sun 12 Jun 2022 00:59:25 No. 5301963 Report Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:00:29 No. 5301964 Report >>5301962 Because it's not how it works, and they're probably smart enough to know that.
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:01:32 No. 5301965 Report >>5301963 >A Non-wild Charles appears! "Oh! I thought we had left already! Hi Storm Brother. Hello everyone!"
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:02:40 No. 5301967 Report >>5301965 hey charles!
>>5301957 oh, what is it you need distracting from? or... is it better I not ask.
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:02:55 No. 5301968 Report >>5301965 Charles, reign in these clowns, will you? They want to flood Treasure Town.
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:03:57 No. 5301971 Report >>5301967 I need a distraction from Maroon blatantly breaking multiple laws and not seeing anything wrong with any of it.
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:03:57 No. 5301972 Report >>5301968 "What!?! Why would we do that??? I mean, I'm all for more water, but why flood a town?"
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:04:01 No. 5301973 Report >>5301968 "Didn't you just say that was impossible?"
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:04:23 No. 5301975 Report >>5301965 "Yeah, Charles! Want to flood our economic rivals for fun and profit?"
Kakú (LV. 51 Grimmsnarl)
>>5301964 "You wouldn't believe the things the Team Cherry Stans could delude themselves into thinking...
Anyways, why don't we cut to the chase and make a vote already? Here, I'll write our options on the floor..."
>accept >decline Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:05:30 No. 5301977 Report Quoted By:
>>5301971 politicians, man. it's normal for him.
still, I'd assume we'd need a consensus on if we're going to raid and sell the water stones
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:05:33 No. 5301978 Report >>5301975 "NO! Not if it hurts innocent peopl-okemon!"
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:06:29 No. 5301979 Report Quoted By:
>>5301976 >decline >>5301972 Because apparently Maroon and Astor and Kaku are absolutely and utterly insane
>>5301973 I didn't say that, I just stated my doubts that it is possible
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:06:53 No. 5301980 Report >>5301978 "Damn. I'll just do it on my own time then." He shrugs.
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:07:35 No. 5301982 Report >>5301976 >decline to help doppler we can still go steal those rocks.
>>5301980 ...you and what water maroon? you're a fire type.
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:08:29 No. 5301986 Report Quoted By:
>>5301976 >Decline "I would rather not ruin the lives of others."
Kakú (LV. 51 Grimmsnarl)
>>5301980 "Hey, thats a great idea Maroon! I can't believe I just said that! Let's just do the mission ourselves and leave the rest!"
>Kaku just takes the Paper Bird and goes off. Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:11:15 No. 5301990 Report >>5301988 Citrine follows to make sure they don't do anything insanely stupid.
>accept...? Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:11:52 No. 5301992 Report Quoted By:
>>5301982 Maroon grins, a drowsy look in his eyes. "Don't worry about that." He simply says before turning to Kaku. "Awesome, then we'll just head out to the location and see about relocating the doctor." He follows behind Kaku.
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:13:45 No. 5301994 Report >>5301980 >>5301988 For fuck's sake...
Kakú (LV. 51 Grimmsnarl)
>>5301994 Kaku is long gone, but if he could hear Sable he would say something along the lines of "tl;dr"
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:16:20 No. 5301998 Report >>5301994 Maroon is right behind Kaku, hearing the tail-end of Sableye's rant, he simply shrugs.
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:17:20 No. 5301999 Report >>5301994 "It seems they either can't or won't hear you Sable. Sorry!"
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:18:44 No. 5302000 Report >>5301998 >there is now an approaching cloud. >castform also sets rain so he can bonk the politician once he catches up Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:18:48 No. 5302001 Report >>5301999 I'm so fucking done, man. I can't take this shit anymore...
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:19:59 No. 5302003 Report Quoted By:
>>5302000 >Charles lets the rain fall on his face "Aaaaahh. Moisture..."
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60) ID:8PtTKHKP Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:20:44 No. 5302004 Report Quoted By:
>>5301994 "At least it wasn't me this time"
>>5301998 >>5301995 >>5301990 The three, after having broken off from the rest of the guild on their independent mission, find themselves at a rocky face, waves lapping and occasionally drenching the eroded footpath. Slippery. It also smells very strongly of salt and the ocean.
Enter the Mystery Dungeon?
>>5302000 Castform follows along at a distance.
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:21:05 No. 5302006 Report Quoted By:
>>5302001 >Charles shrugs "Sometimes we just have to be there to keep our friends out of trouble!"
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:21:09 No. 5302007 Report >>5301976 >Decline "And I will blast anyone who tries flooding innocent 'mons outta their homes!"
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60) ID:8PtTKHKP Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:21:52 No. 5302009 Report Quoted By:
>>5302005 Astor is close
"A dungeon? Might as well..."
Astor waits for everyone to enter
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:22:04 No. 5302011 Report >>5302005 "Hell yeah!" Maroon howls, diving head first with his two other friends into the dungeon.
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:22:28 No. 5302012 Report Quoted By:
>>5302007 >Charles pats Ymir's shoulder "You are a good soul Ymir."
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:22:41 No. 5302013 Report >>5302005 "I'm pretty sure this is fairly alright," Citrine says after a long bout of thinking. "IF we make sure no one is hurt, and IF the damage isn't lasting and ESPECIALLY if we make sure he's just relocated to another jail... then it's alright. Yeah."
>enter Kakú (LV. 51 Grimmsnarl)
>>5302005 >ENTER "This is the place. Seems like your average cave... Let's hope I'm right!"
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60) ID:8PtTKHKP Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:23:38 No. 5302016 Report "... this is bad">Enter
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:24:42 No. 5302017 Report >>5302005 >enter >castform is keeping a close eye on maroon Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:25:42 No. 5302018 Report >>5302005 >Charles came along to watch over them >How did he do this? >Who knows? >Enter Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:27:35 No. 5302019 Report >>5302013 "Why not just flood the jail then?"
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:33:43 No. 5302022 Report Quoted By:
>Sable will have no part of this madness >Sable goes home >Everyone going with the flood plan has lost a lot of Good Noodle points with Sable
>>5302011 >>5302013 >>5302015 >>5302016 >>5302017 >>5302018 NOW ENTERING: BRINE CAVE B1F
Entering the cave, you find the entire floor is drenched in heavy brine, salinating the air to the point it makes looking around and breathing moderately uncomfortable. It feels like if you stepped in the pools of brine, you'd shrivel up and probably die from how much water it would just leech from your body. Terrifying. The low-lying stalactites make flying difficult... but they also provide good leverage.
You can see the Gastrodons and Omanyte pointedly avoiding not falling into the water-death-pits by scaling around on the walls. How do you plan on getting through?
Your choices:
>[Dexterity Roll, apply related bonuses] Wrangle a Gastrodon to ride across the wall! >[Perception Roll] Maybe I can swing if I can just make a path out... >[Fight] There's some angry ferals in the way, but if I get past them... >(Player Choice) Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:47:53 No. 5302030 Report Rolled 16 (1d20) >>5302019 >I dunno if Ymir was in the same place >>5302029 Citrine does not breathe. He is also a rock. He elects to walk through.
Kakú (LV. 51 Grimmsnarl)
Rolled 2 (1d20) >>5302029 >>[Perception Roll] Maybe I can swing if I can just make a path out... "HMMmmm..." Kaku perceives...
Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d6) >>5302029 Rolling to spawn(Brine Cave)
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:49:01 No. 5302033 Report Rolled 4 + 2 (1d20 + 2) >>5302029 >player option >castform flies anyway, navigating around the stalagtites slowly Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:49:11 No. 5302034 Report Rolled 15 (1d20) >>5302029 >>[Perception Roll] Maybe I can swing if I can just make a path out... >>5302031 >(Player Choice) >Charles sues his goo to make a lasso to take people across! "Come on Goo don't fail me now!"
+ 2 Goo
Kakú (LV. 51 Grimmsnarl)
>>5302031 Not much, it seems
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:49:23 No. 5302037 Report >>5302029 "Grastrodon. . . Omanyte. . ." Maroon hums as the cave light dims and he charges a Solar Beam to hit one of them.
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60) ID:8PtTKHKP Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:50:39 No. 5302039 Report >>5302029 Astor once again mogs winglets by flying across
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60) ID:8PtTKHKP Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:52:03 No. 5302041 Report Rolled 16 (1d20) >>5302039 Roll?
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 12 Jun 2022 01:59:53 No. 5302048 Report Quoted By:
>>5302029 "Wait..."
>Charles antennae sniff the air... "Oh no...SALT!"
>Charles gets a bad rash Guildmaster
>>5302030 Citrine is relatively unaffected by the brine. He is, however, covered in the salt crust as he exits on the other side.
>>5302031 Kaku is unable to see much, the salt is getting in his eyes and causing him discomfort!
>>5302033 Castform misses a piece that had hidden in the shadow of another rock and bumps into it, causing him to go crashing into the pools below! While it's not paralyzingly lethal, he does feel much saltier...
>Weather Ball is now temporarily Brine. >>5302034 Charles manages, despite all the salt covering everything, to grip a shot of goo to swing across! It does feel like he's draining vitality each time he helps someone across.
-50HP (applied only to Charles) for each person to cross with Charles.
>>5302037 Maroon charges a Solar Beam to just shoot the ferals for no reason?
>>5302041 Astor makes his way across, not having to worry too much. His feathers and wings feel stiff from all the salt. Best to not try something similar or he might lock up mid-flight!
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Sun 12 Jun 2022 02:08:09 No. 5302057 Report Rolled 20 (1d20) >>5302054 Maroon stows away the Solar Beam and just uses Flare Blitz to cross over the water.
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Sun 12 Jun 2022 02:08:38 No. 5302058 Report Rolled 13 (1d20) >>5302054 I feel like a league of legends server...
>continue floating over, now having 2 water STABs Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 12 Jun 2022 02:09:43 No. 5302059 Report >>5302054 >>5302036 "Anyone need a lift? Kaku?"
Kakú (LV. 51 Grimmsnarl)
Rolled 2 (1d20) >>5302054 "Hey Charles! Let's work together? Maybe this willl help..." Kaku Safeguards Charles, it might make the salt more bearable?
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60) ID:8PtTKHKP Sun 12 Jun 2022 02:10:47 No. 5302062 Report Rolled 2 (1d20) "Let me try something!" Astor uses Whirlwind to try and clean the air a bit
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60) ID:8PtTKHKP Sun 12 Jun 2022 02:16:58 No. 5302065 Report Rolled 1 (1d20) Astor vibes meanwhile (Also roll test)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Sun 12 Jun 2022 02:19:21 No. 5302069 Report Quoted By:
>>5302065 >Astor failed the vibe check Guildmaster
>>5302057 Maroon takes aim and opens fire at one of the Gastrodons! The feral is utterly obliterated by the roaring laser as it cleaves through the salty air and rock, annihilating the sea-slug as if it was a blinding and holy judgment! Nothing of the creature remains, disintegrated and despawned.
+50EXP to Maroon.
>>5302058 Castform makes it across, drunk on dangerous salinity levels.
>>5302060 >>5302059 Kaku and Charles make it across, with Charles only suffering minor salt burns! -42HP. It's not that bad, but it sure does itch and sting.
Charles has -30HP from his max pool for the remainder of this mission.
>>5302062 Astor kicks up a cloud of salt into the air. The ferals dart away from it, knowledgeable of what happens to those who mess with salt.
>>5302065 Astor chokes on the salt-cloud. He loses -50HP from his max pool for the remainder of this mission.
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Sun 12 Jun 2022 02:22:20 No. 5302073 Report Rolled 4 (1d20) >>5302071 >Maroon tries to get across with Flare Blitz, please Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60) ID:8PtTKHKP Sun 12 Jun 2022 02:23:06 No. 5302074 Report Rolled 4 (1d20) >>5302071 "FUUUUUUUUU"
Astor uses a Whirlwind to send salty aur to the ferals
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Sun 12 Jun 2022 02:23:21 No. 5302075 Report >>5302073 I'll keep the roll, but let me use Charle's goo rope instead.
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Sun 12 Jun 2022 02:24:29 No. 5302079 Report Rolled 4 (1d20) >>5302071 >Castform, now on the other side and not having the most intelligent thoughts, has an idea >He's going to use THUNDER to try and boil the brine. lacking a fire move to use instead Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 12 Jun 2022 02:24:57 No. 5302080 Report >>5302071 HP(1078/1090)
>>5302060 "Th-thank you kaku! OW OW OW! This stings!"
>Charles turns to Maroon >>5302073 "Maroon, are you.. alright?"
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Sun 12 Jun 2022 02:28:17 No. 5302087 Report Rolled 11 (1d20) >>5302071 *Cava slams open the door!
"Sorry I'm so late, I have no idea what's going on, but..."
*Cava tries to look for a path.
>>5302075 >>5302080 Charles will lose another -50HP for helping Maroon cross, which if he does, they both cross successfully, although the tip of Maroon's tail lands in the water and shrivels up.
>>5302079 Castform makes the water electric and salty. Fascinating. Now you can get two different kinds of paralyzation.
>>5302074 Astor just blows the cloud to hit Maroon.
Astor receives another -30HP from his max pool from the salt-cloud.
Maroon receives -30HP from his max pool from the salt-cloud.
>>5302087 Escavalier notices he can just float across if he stays on the lips of where the pools form their pockets. Best not to dawdle, or else his floating ability might strangely fail him for whatever reason.
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Sun 12 Jun 2022 02:33:34 No. 5302092 Report Quoted By:
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Sun 12 Jun 2022 02:34:22 No. 5302093 Report Rolled 10 (1d20) >>5302091 wait, does this count as a new form?
>Cast looks at one of the nearby gastrodon, and fires one weather ball at it to test >Castform used brine! wait, what? Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Sun 12 Jun 2022 02:34:35 No. 5302094 Report Rolled 11 (1d20) >>5302091 *Cava tries to float! He prays he doesn't fail this again...
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60) ID:8PtTKHKP Sun 12 Jun 2022 02:36:20 No. 5302098 Report Rolled 15 (1d20) >>5302091 "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
A enraged Astor does a uber Whirlwind
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 12 Jun 2022 02:36:56 No. 5302099 Report >>5302091 (HP:1028/1090)
"HNNNG! D-damn! This salt stings!"
"Maroon, are you alright?"
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Sun 12 Jun 2022 02:41:36 No. 5302104 Report >>5302099 "I'm alright! Are you?" Maroon checks Charles to make sure he's healthy and safe.
>>5302093 You hear the noise of water being flushed or falling down a drain. The Gastrodon looks relatively parched but is otherwise fine.
>>5302094 Escavalier floats across without any issues. He has rejoined the rest of the party.
>>5302098 Astor's wings freeze up from all the salt they've been in and he is stuck with them flapping in an open position. He looks like a strange chicken.
Up ahead of you is a branching path. One goes left, and the other goes right. Your choices:
>Go left >Go right >What does the map say? Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 12 Jun 2022 02:44:01 No. 5302106 Report >>5302099 "Don't overexert yourself, man. It's salty here," Citrine says, encrusted in salt.
>>5302105 >What does the map say? ...Citrine doesn't actually wonder this. He's just hanging around.
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 12 Jun 2022 02:44:23 No. 5302108 Report Rolled 12 (1d20) >>5302104 >Charles is covered in salt caused rashes! "No. But let me see if I can fix it."
>Charles attempts to heal with Life Dew >>5302105 >What does the map say? "Didn't we get a map? Why don't we check that?"
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Sun 12 Jun 2022 02:44:32 No. 5302110 Report >>5302105 "Yo, guys, what'd I miss?"
Kakú (LV. 51 Grimmsnarl)
>>5302105 "Hmm, let's see the Pidgey Map... Sucks that we had to undo such a cool origami."
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60) ID:8PtTKHKP Sun 12 Jun 2022 02:45:08 No. 5302112 Report >>5302105 "I HATE THIIIIIIiiiiii..."
Astor runs to the left
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Sun 12 Jun 2022 02:45:39 No. 5302113 Report Rolled 14 (1d20) >>5302105 >what does the map say? >castform can't read, he tries anyway Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 12 Jun 2022 02:46:30 No. 5302116 Report >>5302110 "Hello Cava."
>Charles waves to him "We are trying to... well some of us are trying to prevent the others from helping Dr. Doppler flood Treasure Town."
>>5302106 >>5302108 >>5302111 >>5302113 The unfolded origami Pidgey notes that the correct path is to the right.
It specifically warns not to go on any left paths and to always look up.
>>5302112 Everyone feels a strange sense of foreboding as they watch the bird rush into the unknown they were cautioned not to go into.
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 12 Jun 2022 02:51:48 No. 5302122 Report Quoted By:
>>5302106 "Thank you for your concern Citrine. I'll try and be more careful."
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60) ID:8PtTKHKP Sun 12 Jun 2022 02:52:19 No. 5302123 Report >>5302121 Astor keeps running, may you see him again one day
Kakú (LV. 51 Grimmsnarl)
Quoted By:
>>5302121 "Oh no, Astor! Anyways... It's to the right." Kaku goes to the right.
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 12 Jun 2022 02:52:52 No. 5302125 Report >>5302121 >>5302112 "ASTOR WAIT! DON'T GO DOWN THE LEFT PAAAAAATH!"
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Sun 12 Jun 2022 02:53:15 No. 5302126 Report Quoted By:
>>5302121 Maroon follows the maps instructions, making sure to stay close with Charles.
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 12 Jun 2022 02:54:29 No. 5302130 Report Quoted By:
>>5302121 Citrine goes right, attentively watching Maroon and Kaku.
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Sun 12 Jun 2022 02:54:50 No. 5302133 Report >>5302121 >castform heads right someone with actual mass please go save him
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 12 Jun 2022 02:57:42 No. 5302134 Report Quoted By:
>>5302121 >>5302112 >>5302133 "ASTOR!"
>Charles rushes after Astor to save him! Kakú (LV. 51 Grimmsnarl)
Rolled 13 (1d20) >>5302125 >>5302133 "UGHH, FIIIIINEEE!"
>>5302123 Kaku Hair-Lassos Astor before he gets killed!
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 12 Jun 2022 02:59:49 No. 5302136 Report Rolled 12 (1d20) >>5302135 "G-good idea!"
>Charles uses his goo to assist in lassoing! + 2 Goo
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 60) ID:8PtTKHKP Sun 12 Jun 2022 03:00:07 No. 5302138 Report >>5302135 Astor is stopped by Kaku, he's slowly dragged back
"Oh... thanks"
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 12 Jun 2022 03:01:26 No. 5302140 Report Quoted By:
>>5302121 >>5302135 >>5302138 "Nice work Kaku! Lets go guys!"
>Go right Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Sun 12 Jun 2022 03:04:02 No. 5302150 Report >>5302116 "...Who is this others?"
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 12 Jun 2022 03:05:30 No. 5302154 Report Quoted By:
>>5302150 "...Kaku, Maroon, and Astor."
Rolled 3 (1d6) >>5302135 >>5302136 As Astor is dragged away to the safer path by his sensible guild members, they approach the end of the cave to find a brine pool that appears to glitter with twinkling blue lights. Suddenly, somehow, hidden between the folds of the mostly unfolded Pidgey, a strange Wonder Orb tumbles out and rolls into the middle.
It flashes with a pulse of light and vanishes, taking exactly a dozen water stones and leaving behind however many the dice rolls for.
A second note falls out of the origami Pidgey.
>Muahahaha! Very appreciated, loyal evildoers!!! Items:
(Claim one Water Stone from however many it rolls).
Area unlocked: [Left Path] Lower Brine Cave
You feel as if something ominous lurks in the lower darkness of this Mystery Dungeon.
Kakú (LV. 51 Grimmsnarl)
Quoted By:
>>5302160 Kaku quickly uses his Trawl Orb to take all the Waters Stones and whatever else!
"I got the loot! Maroon, Extreme Speed!"
>Kaku jumps on Maroon's back "See ya' suckers!"
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Sun 12 Jun 2022 03:11:35 No. 5302163 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 16 (1d20) >>5302160 Claiming stone
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Sun 12 Jun 2022 03:11:47 No. 5302165 Report Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:UBLtDw/6 Sun 12 Jun 2022 03:13:40 No. 5302168 Report >>5302160 >Castform is suprised at doppler's competence Uh... Cava, one door to treasure town> my attempts to stop exactly that happening have gone sideways and we got to warn magnezone.
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 12 Jun 2022 03:14:07 No. 5302170 Report Quoted By:
>>5302160 >>5302165 "Yes...Although it seems Dr. Doppler had plans in case all of us didn't want to go along."
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Sun 12 Jun 2022 03:14:45 No. 5302172 Report Rolled 19 (1d20) >>5302160 ". . . That's not good." He turns to Kaku, tucking away his water storm. "Let's go!" Maroon uses Agility and his extreme speed to run out of cave.
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Sun 12 Jun 2022 03:15:42 No. 5302173 Report Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 12 Jun 2022 03:18:54 No. 5302178 Report Quoted By:
>>5302172 "...oh, shit. We DO need to get moving. I wasn't expecting him to somehow take them... I thought we were bringing them."
Citrine uses Gyro Ball to follow out of the dungeon quickly.
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 12 Jun 2022 03:21:38 No. 5302182 Report Quoted By:
>>5302168 >>5302173 >Charles follows his friends Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:00:39 No. 5304701 Report A Flapple child has happened upon the guild, telling of an emergency in Treasure Town. Of what nature? Find out now... Chapter 27: Emergency Egression
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:03:40 No. 5304703 Report Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:03:41 No. 5304704 Report Quoted By:
>>5304701 "What's going on?!" Maroon shouts.
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:05:08 No. 5304706 Report Quoted By:
>>5304701 "I have no idea what's going on, or why Maroon and Kaku's running!"
*Cava opens the door.
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:d2ti1X1e Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:05:30 No. 5304707 Report Quoted By:
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:06:37 No. 5304708 Report >>5304701 >>5304703 >Charles arrives with Castform and Sable "We're here!"
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:06:42 No. 5304709 Report Approaching the crossroads, you can see... Wigglytuff's job and outlaw request boards buried in the ground, along with Croagunk's Swap Shop. Also... The front half of Xatu's Appraisal? There's nobody to be seen, but you can see smoke rising from the direction of Town...
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:06:58 No. 5304710 Report Quoted By:
>>5304701 "Wow." Vee says simply.
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:8iuoQUHp Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:07:41 No. 5304711 Report Quoted By:
>>5304701 >>5304708 >castform is here to give a weather report! >of the not a jojo reference this time kind >>5304709 ooooh that's bad.
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:07:42 No. 5304712 Report Quoted By:
>>5304701 "Let's see what's all the noise about."
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 56) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:07:55 No. 5304713 Report Quoted By:
>>5304709 "Awawawawa! What's goin' on?!"
Quoted By:
>>5304709 Kaku falls from the sky like some kind of meta masked borb. "Uh-oh"
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:08:30 No. 5304715 Report Quoted By:
>>5304709 No...
Nononononono, please no...
>Sable remembers his Dreamcatcher dream Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:09:18 No. 5304717 Report >>5304709 "What happened! Why is that sign sinking in the ground?"
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:09:25 No. 5304718 Report >>5304701 Citrine rolls into town and stops, scanning around.
"Do we check the jail?" he asks. "Doppler might have pulled something."
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:d2ti1X1e Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:11:21 No. 5304719 Report >>5304717 "Eh, maybe the rapture started and Wiggly is dead? It's a win win"
Kakú (LV.52 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kakú (LV.52 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:12:01 No. 5304720 Report >>5304717 "Clearly, it fell from the sky! But I don't think that's what we should be concerned about." Kaku points to the town.
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:12:32 No. 5304721 Report Quoted By:
>>5304718 "Oh no..."
>>5304720 "Agreed! Let's hope we're not too late!"
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:12:34 No. 5304722 Report Desire Below (calm), Fire Emblem Fates
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxoXOPHynt0 Stepping into Treasure Town, you find yourselves in near imparsible chaos! Mounds of displaced stones and walls stand higher than the sparse intact buildings, townsfolk stumble past you all by the droves, with aggressive feral pokemon giving chase and attacking many of them. Remnants of torn apart buildings line the horizon of your field of view, and the odd Wigglytuff’s Guild member can be seen trying to guide noncombatants to safety. It’s going mostly well, but you can barely make out a few spots where nobody is around to help…
>Oeuse’s Daycare A few feral pokemon are menacing Oeuse’s daily charges. She’s doing her best to keep them at bay with thunder waves, but this scenario seems more than a little out of her depth.
>Sharpedo Bluff The shifting terrain has partially buried the scenic ridge into the ground inland. Racha is standing outside, struggling to dig through it…
>Kecleon Bros shop The Brothers are unconscious, with a purple haze wafting into the sky around their store. Three pokemon can just barely be seen filling comically large sacks with items and other fare.
>Kangaskhan Storage Kangaskan can be seen ineffectually throwing rocks and spikes up at a Skarmory above her building. Her baby is crying and flailing in its talons.
>Player Choice Where to go first?
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:12:58 No. 5304723 Report Quoted By:
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:14:06 No. 5304724 Report >>5304719 "Astor!"
>Oeuse’s Daycare "No!"
>Charles rushes over to protect the young ones! Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:14:39 No. 5304726 Report Quoted By:
>>5304722 >Oeuse's Daycare Maroon uses a combination of Agility and Extreme speed to reach the daycare as fast as possible. "Go! Go! Go!"
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:15:00 No. 5304728 Report Quoted By:
>>5304722 >Sharpedo Bluff I've got that one, you guys help the others!
>Sable runs off to help Racha Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:15:06 No. 5304729 Report Quoted By:
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:15:23 No. 5304730 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 16 (1d20) >>5304722 *Cava speeds off to the Kecleon Shop.
"Stop, you've violated the law! Pay a fine or serve your sentence. Your stolen goods are forfeit!"
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC)
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC) ID:6y2tbWFJ Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:15:24 No. 5304731 Report Quoted By:
>>5304709 "I know for sure the stuff shouldn't be all the way out here. Now that isn't... right," Mistral says as he follows along.
>>5304722 "Foreboding feeling fulfilled..."
>Kangaskhan Storage Guildmaster Bind, Lvl 41 (Lopunny, Pinch Bangle)
Guildmaster Bind, Lvl 41 (Lopunny, Pinch Bangle) ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:15:31 No. 5304732 Report Quoted By:
>Kangaskhan Storage
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:16:07 No. 5304734 Report Quoted By:
>>5304724 Vee is following Charles around.
>Oeuse’s Daycare Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:8iuoQUHp Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:16:10 No. 5304735 Report >>5304722 >Kecleon Bros shop Ymir! Citrine! with me!
Kakú (LV.52 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kakú (LV.52 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:16:21 No. 5304736 Report Quoted By:
>>5304722 >>Sharpedo Bluff "Oh no, Erika..." Kaku rushes to help!
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:d2ti1X1e Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:16:50 No. 5304737 Report Quoted By:
>>5304722 "Don't worry, i'm going to raid the keks!"
>Kecleon Bros Shop Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:18:24 No. 5304739 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 18 (1d20) >>5304722 >Sharped Bluff *Seeing where the others have assigned themselves, Ymir makes for the bluff*
"Help's comin' mate! Looks like the whole town's in a bit of a pinch!"
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:20:31 No. 5304740 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 3 (1d20) >>5304722 "CRIMINALS, TOO?! How are there even ferals here?!"
>>5304735 Citrine crashes in with a Gyro Ball!
>Kecleon Shop Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:45:49 No. 5304937 Report This is all wrong. Many of you were just here the other day, and yet things are so torn up the layout of the town is completely different?! You can't even find the fountain, but stones definitely a part of it are strewn everywhere...>Kangaskhan Storage Mistral and Bind arrive in Kangaskhan storage, but Skarmory doesn't like the look of the new combatants. It begins to fly up from the building! It's planning to leave!>Kecleon Shop They're a Skuntank, Golbat, and Weezing. "Chaw-haw-HAW! Rescues AND loot! Today's a good day indeed!" "Kekekekeh. Check it out boss, we've got company." The Golbat backs away, while Skuntank and Weezing line up together in front of you. They're preparing something... Before anyone can get to work however, an explosion rings out from the center of town! A gargantuan pillar of white rises up before swinging down and crushing and completely splintering a headhouse to nothing before planting itself in the ground! A monolith of a creature rises up slowly and laborously before screaming to the whole town: "HUMANS OF GRASS CONTINENT. UNAUTHORIZED TEMPORAL ACTIVITY HAS BEEN DETECTED. YOUR LIVES END IN 5 TURNS. He can be engaged with at any time if you so desire, but that will leave the townsfolk unprotected. If you choose not to engage with him, He will have much more health when Slow Start ends.
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:48:31 No. 5304961 Report Quoted By:
>>5304937 "H-humans?!? Does it mean us??"
"Bah! No time! I'm going to protect the daycare!"
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:49:18 No. 5304967 Report Quoted By:
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:49:33 No. 5304968 Report Quoted By:
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:49:38 No. 5304970 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 17 (1d20) >>5304937 *Cava hears something, but because his eyepatch is on the side GIGAS is on, he doesn't look over.
"Mind putting back those stolen goods, before we beat ya up?"
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:51:15 No. 5304978 Report Rolled 9 (1d20) >>5304937 ". . . Charles. Get the children to safety. I'm going to hold it off." Maroon says, but the Goodra can hear his voice shake and chest tremble.
"I know you can do it." He says before running to confront the Titan.
>Maroon uses Raging Glass. Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:51:44 No. 5304984 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 3 (1d20) >>5304937 "Hi." Vee says hi to Regigigas.
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:39tzPfJp Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:52:11 No. 5304985 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 7 (1d20) >>5304937 "Hey weird monolith, if i give you 5 coins would you fuck off?"
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:8iuoQUHp Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:52:21 No. 5304986 Report Rolled 3 (1d20) >>5304937 >castform NEARLY panics >he is trying to breathe deeply. it's not zygarde... it's not zygarde.... it's not zygarde... we can do this.
>>5304978 >he hears a voice ON IT!
>Castform activates the vane, giving his all to reach the whole town! (thus roll) Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:52:26 No. 5304987 Report Quoted By:
>>5304978 "ARE YOU... fuck it."
Citrine rolls after him and pops his Quick Orb, using his second action to eat a Violent Seed.
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:55:33 No. 5304999 Report Quoted By:
>>5304978 >Charles turns back to Maroon on the way to the daycare "I'm on it! Stay safe Maroon! You got this!"
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:55:35 No. 5305000 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d20) >>5304937 "Is that another one of them Regis!? Ah hell we gotta slow him down!"
*Ymir rushes over brings down an Avalanche to maybe slow the giant's wrath*
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:56:40 No. 5305004 Report >>5304986 "CRAP!" Maroon curses as he rushes to face the titan at full speed.
>190 damage >48 recoil >1,172/1,220 HP "Only four turns left. . " Maroon mumbles, scared. . . "Citrine? What are you doing here?!"
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Wed 15 Jun 2022 00:58:23 No. 5305010 Report >>5305004 "We're holding it off, aren't we?!"
(Maroon gets the Quick Orb buff too, next turn, I believe, since we're in the same area. Should apply for the second and last turn, next turn.)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:00:45 No. 5305022 Report Quoted By:
>>5305010 Maroon stares at Citrine like he's gone insane- but then again it was Citrine, the rock and guardian of the group. Of course he would try to stop a fucking god, and so would Maroon.
He nods.
"Yeah! Yeah we are! We're going to topple this giant!" Maroon roars!
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:01:08 No. 5305025 Report Quoted By:
Guildmaster (Daycare)
>Oeuse’s Daycare As you rush over to the Daycare, you spot its strangely elevated position from the rest of the town. As if a plate had been ripped and pushed up, there's no easy way up or down! The Chansey-shaped building is blown out on its side and you see a rowdy level of commotion from even your disadvantaged spot. It's a feral Seviper, Machamp, and Obstagoon harassing the pokemon up there! You're not sure which one of them is paralyzed, but you know one of them isn't actively fighting. Time is of the essence, however. You can hear Ouese getting exhausted.
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:04:27 No. 5305031 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 19 (1d20) >>5305026 "Oh not good not good..."
>Charles used Life Dew on Ouese to bring her back to fighting shape! >He creates his water baton and sends the healing water away! Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:05:29 No. 5305037 Report >>5305026 "Hold on! Help is on the way!"
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:06:09 No. 5305040 Report >>5305037 Vee is standing next to Charles. "Wow, this got bad fast!"
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:08:18 No. 5305043 Report >>5305040 "Oh! Vee! You're here! We need to help that Blissey!
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC)
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC) ID:6y2tbWFJ Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:08:20 No. 5305044 Report Quoted By:
>>5304937 Mistral gasps as he rushes past, looking at the group breaking off to fight them. "If you need to breathe, do it now and hold your breath! They're going to blast all of you with noxious gas!"
Message hopefully received, he starts running again, legs thumping against the ruined ground to Kangaskhan Storage.
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:11:48 No. 5305054 Report Quoted By:
>>5305043 "Alrighty!" Vee prepares a Wish!
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:16:35 No. 5305067 Report TURN 1>Kecleon Storage "Chaw-haw-haw! Shouldn't you all be more concerned with the innocents? You're a funny bunch." Golbat stuffs the kecleons in their loot sacks. "Stay still, we'll get you outta here nice and safe, Heh-heh-heh." Skuntank and Weezing simultaneously blow a cloud of horrid pungent gases at you! You can feel your fields of view dimming from shock alone! You'll have to do something about it to get at them..." Citrine is boosted! It's Sunny, but only around the shop. Astor...Astor!>Kang Storage Bind falls on his back at all the trembling. Comepletely taken aback by the titan, whose legs alone could break down buildings. With absolutely no conviction in his heart, he forgets all about kangaskhan and almost instinctively lifts his empowerment seed to his mouth...>Gigas Regigigas takes 308 damage! [Slow Start] He gradually curls an arm over his head, preparing to strike in an arc suggesting extreme range. Even with slow start, it would be best to be done wherever he's aiming by the end of the next turn... which would be Kangaskhan's.>Daycare Vee's wish hangs in the sky above. Charles heals Oeuse for... considerable health! Oeuse goes for a seismic toss on Machamp, for...45 damage. Machamp and Obstagoon lunge at Charles with facades!
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:8iuoQUHp Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:18:00 No. 5305071 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d20) >>5305067 >You'll have to do something about it to get at them... you're using a gas cloud against a weather machine? not today!
>Castform used Hurricane! Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:21:25 No. 5305076 Report Rolled 19, 15 = 34 (2d20) >>5305067 Citrine looses two successive Power Gems at the titan's raised arm, standing defiant.
"Maroon, go for the legs or something!" he roars.
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:21:36 No. 5305077 Report Rolled 17, 5 = 22 (2d20) >>5305067 "Citrine! I'm going to try and knock him down!" Maroon yells before blasting off and ramming into the back of the Titan's knee.
>Maroon used Flare Blitz twice! Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:39tzPfJp Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:22:39 No. 5305079 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d20) >>5305067 "Let ne try something!"
Astor uses a Whirlwind to clean the air!
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:24:13 No. 5305082 Report Quoted By:
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:24:35 No. 5305083 Report Quoted By:
>>5305077 >Maroon does 686 damage to Regigigas! >Maroon takes 229 recoil! >948/1,220 HP Guildmaster (Sharpedo Bluff)
Guildmaster (Sharpedo Bluff) ID:6y2tbWFJ Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:25:13 No. 5305084 Report >Sharpedo Bluff Sable, Ymir, and Kaku find the Monferno first, attempting to punch the rocks apart. They can hear a few weak cries from inside the structure's "jaws." A problem, considering there's no visible way out, and the rocks look rather sharp. Erika's partner looks rather beat up, too. Monferno looks bruised and nearly defeated, clutching one of his free hands to his stomach. His fists are in no better condition, either, bleeding profusely as he fumbles with a bag in between his assault. A smearing of Oran berries on his injuries and he's continuing despite it all. Somehow he hasn't fainted yet!
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:26:27 No. 5305085 Report >>5305084 No worries, friend! I'll get this open!
>Sable uses Dig to open up the rocks Kakú (LV.52 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kakú (LV.52 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:29:33 No. 5305094 Report Rolled 3 (1d20) >>5305084 "Hey, Monferno! Take a breath, we are here to help!" Kaku uses the move he has that's meant to break through defenses. With Darkest Lariat he drills through walls!
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC)
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC) ID:6y2tbWFJ Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:30:09 No. 5305096 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d20) >>5305067 >Blizzzzaaaaaaaaaard! Seeing nothing immediate from Bind, Mistral moves into action. "Come on. Sit still and chill out for me. Your flight is canceled, buddy!" Mistral shouts.
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:31:40 No. 5305099 Report Rolled 8 (1d20) >>5305084 "Help has arrived!"
*Ymir smashes the rocks with Liquidation to free the Prinplup within*
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:33:39 No. 5305100 Report Quoted By:
>>5305067 *Cava uses Swords Dance!
"You'll regret that! Besides, our guildmates' dealing with 'Gigas. Also, these Kecleons are technically innocents too."
Guildmaster except Rollin'
Guildmaster except Rollin' ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:34:15 No. 5305104 Report Rolled 3, 7, 3, 17 = 30 (4d20) Mistral lets loose his signature blizaaaaaard! Bind is surrounded in a shell of light. Once it bursts, His neck, arms, and legs are spread out and shaved clean! His ears are longer and tauter than ever, and he's... completely silent. He spares a passing glance at Mistral, looking more through him than at him before leaping away from his struggle and towards Gigas.>Kecleon Shop Castform's hurricane merely collapses the roof... but Astor's whirlwind reaks the haze handily! Now it only smells a few orders of magnitude worse than rafflesia. Skuntank and Weezing are shocked!>Daycare rollin'
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:38:01 No. 5305111 Report Rolled 2 (1d20) >>5305104 "B E G O N E."
*Cava uses the Drill Run that would pierce the heavens on Skuntank! (Hopefully.)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:39:23 No. 5305113 Report Quoted By:
>>5305111 Maximum Injection mold! 798 damage!
Guildmaster (Sharpedo Bluff)
Guildmaster (Sharpedo Bluff) ID:6y2tbWFJ Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:43:21 No. 5305122 Report Monferno looks up, coughing. "A... a rescue team? No... Lost Hope? Where did you a-all come from?" He looks ready to assist but flops over, his self-inflicted abuse finally catching up. "Please. Save Erika."
>>5305085 Sableye's dig burrows into the shaken earth, tunneling through the perilous conditions. He finds that it's becoming increasingly difficult to dig to the destination. He might also be getting lost...?
>>5305094 Kaku begins chipping away at the rocks but finds that it's not such a simple task. This sea-weathered stone is built like something else.
>>5305099 Ymir raises his arms and with a quick strike, smashes down! It doesn't seem to have a noticeable effect. There has to be somewhere around here that isn't as tough.
Your choices:
>[Acrobatics] Attempt to slip through the jaws! >[Perception] Feel for a weak spot! >Player Choice Guildmaster except Rollin'
Guildmaster except Rollin' ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:43:58 No. 5305123 Report Charles takes 320 Damage! Oeuse gets one of her two charges, a tyrogue to escape to a nearby electivire's protection! Seviper opts to Poison fang Vee for 137 damage. He's badly poisoned. Gigas takes 1,418 damage! He's beginning to lean backwards unnaturally, before his wiry cable fingers plant into the ground, tunneling and burrowing in the direction of Mistral and Kangaskhan! They have one more turn before he can strike... LHG TURN 2
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:8iuoQUHp Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:45:01 No. 5305126 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d20) >>5305104 >using this chance, castform aims a THUNDER at their golbat! Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:45:50 No. 5305127 Report Rolled 13 (1d20) >>5305122 >[Acrobatics] Attempt to slip through the jaws! >Sable comes back out of his diggy hole Okay hold on, there's an easier way through this.
>Sable goes through the teeth Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:46:22 No. 5305131 Report Quoted By:
>>5305123 "Ah! Ah..." Vee balances himself. "Woa-kay... Poison." His Wish is fully-formed and waiting to be taken. "Charles?"
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:AIQZuRj3 Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:46:48 No. 5305132 Report >>5305104 "I have a idea!"
(Non-Canon) "Woloo"
(Canon) "Hey, gassy fucks! Help us destroy that white thing and the keks will be sure to spoil you in riches!"
Astor tries to convive Skuntank and Weezimg
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:47:16 No. 5305134 Report Rolled 7 (1d20) >>5305122 >Feel for a weak spot [PERCEPTION] "Leave it to us! Let me just...find a weak spot...this rock doesn't wanna give."
Kakú (LV.52 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kakú (LV.52 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:47:29 No. 5305135 Report Rolled 2 (1d20) >>5305122 >[Perception] Feel for a weak spot! "Damn it, this isn't working..." Kaku looks for a better place to drill.
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:AIQZuRj3 Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:47:50 No. 5305137 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 20 (1d20) >>5305132 Fug
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:49:01 No. 5305138 Report >>5305123 "Fall damn it! Fall!" Maroon screams and shouts as he buries himself into the giant's legs like a fiery arrow.
>Maroon used Infernal Parade and Flare Blitz! >It's sunny now Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC)
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC) ID:6y2tbWFJ Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:49:14 No. 5305140 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 20, 12, 11 = 43 (3d20) >>5305123 Mistral feels the rumbling beneath him as he watches Bind leave. He murmurs under his breath. "Now or never, it seems."
He rolls his shoulders and launches up, bouncing and hopping off the walls.
>Triple axeeeeeeel "Come back here! Embrace the cold!"
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:49:16 No. 5305141 Report Rolled 7, 1 = 8 (2d20) >>5305123 Citrine uses Power Gem twice again, continuing to target the arm. The summoned gems behind him firing the lasers seem to be working overtime, beams abnormally large. They've even got recoil.
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:49:42 No. 5305142 Report Rolled 16 (1d20) >>5305123 (HP: 820/1140)
Equipped item: Silly String
>Charles takes a sharp breath of air! "Gaaaaassp! OW!"
>Charles takes a moment to compose himself! "Alright, take this!"
>Charles used One-shot Orb! >Silly String: Allows thrown items to hit twice >Charles aims and throws the orb at the two attackers! Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:50:01 No. 5305144 Report Rolled 4 (1d20) >>5305138 Roll got fucked
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:51:15 No. 5305146 Report Quoted By:
>>5305141 356 damage... unfortunate miss.
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:51:27 No. 5305148 Report >>5305142 "Hehe! Nice trick, Charles! Ow..." Vee is still poisoned. "Do you need this, or anyone else?" He motions to the Wish. "Or could I take it?"
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:AIQZuRj3 Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:52:15 No. 5305149 Report Rolled 1 (1d20) Astor vibes
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:52:37 No. 5305150 Report >>5305148 "Use it on yourself Vee! Get rid of that poison if you can!"
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:52:49 No. 5305151 Report Quoted By:
>>5305144 >480 damage! >160 recoil! >788/1,220 HP Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:8iuoQUHp Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:53:08 No. 5305152 Report Rolled 9 (1d20) >>5305149 >castform shows astor how to vibe Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:53:40 No. 5305154 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d20) >>5305150 "I'm not sure I can, but..." Vee accepts the Wish's healing, and focuses, hoping for a little more...
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:AIQZuRj3 Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:56:47 No. 5305159 Report Rolled 11 (1d20) >>5305152 "Pathetic"
Astor vibes harder
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:8iuoQUHp Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:57:25 No. 5305160 Report Rolled 12 (1d20) >>5305159 >castform vibes back harder Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:58:13 No. 5305162 Report Quoted By:
Bind sprints in and leaps up Gigas's legs before stomping down into his midsection repeatedly! It's Close Combat!
Guildmaster (Sharpedo Bluff)
Guildmaster (Sharpedo Bluff) ID:6y2tbWFJ Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:58:29 No. 5305163 Report >>5305127 Sable manages to slip through the sharpened rock-teeth, tucking and rolling through the darkness to find a Prinplup buried under rocks. Erika has gone quiet, groaning in pain and tapping against what traps her.
>>5305134 >>5305135 Kaku is unfamiliar with the rock and is unable to locate anything helpful. All of it is just rock to him!
Ymir has better luck. He's much farther away than he would have preferred, but given some corrective effort, this part of the bluff has the best chance given their time constraints! It will have to do. Kaku can assist him.
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:59:16 No. 5305164 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 9 (1d20) damn
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:AIQZuRj3 Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:01:08 No. 5305166 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d20) >>5305160 "Good move, but"
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:01:27 No. 5305168 Report Rolled 9 (1d20) >>5305163 "Kaku, let's try here! The rock seems weaker."
*Ymir tries another Liquidation*
Kakú (LV.52 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kakú (LV.52 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:01:43 No. 5305169 Report Rolled 3 (1d20) >>5305163 "Alright! For real this time!" Kaku goes back to drilling, now at the place Ymir pointed.
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:03:17 No. 5305172 Report Rolled 14 (1d20) >>5305163 There you are! Alright, let me get that off of you.
>Sable digs Erika out of the pin Guildmaster (Sharpedo Bluff)
Guildmaster (Sharpedo Bluff) ID:6y2tbWFJ Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:14:18 No. 5305181 Report >>5305168 >>5305169 Together, Ymir and Kaku begin chipping at the rocks, making remarkedly much more progress than before. Dust and debris fly out from around them as they carve into the softer rock and deeper into the fallen bluff.
>>5305172 Sableye begins to carefully dig around, expertly pushing out the precariously positioned rocks as he works to excavate the trapped Erika. However, something unexpected happens... during the process of removing one of them, a large boulder is disturbed and rolls on top of him!
Thankfully, he reacted fast enough to stop and catch it, however, it's crushingly heavy...!
>What do? Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:21:50 No. 5305190 Report Rolled 19 (1d20) >>5305181 "Keep at it Kaku, I think we're breaking through!"
*Ymir continues to break away what rock he can*
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:21:57 No. 5305191 Report Rolled 15 (1d20) >>5305181 >Sable starts stress-eating the boulder... does this count as using dig? Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:22:27 No. 5305193 Report >Daycare A horrible unearthly whistle is heard as Obstagoon, Machamp, and Seviper flinch into themselves, before a blackish purple light flashes and they all fall over limply. Oeuse rushes something into your hands before pushing a cascoon to Electivire, where they abscond to safety.
It's... a Darkinium Z and a Normalium Z!
Vee is healed. End of combat? Wish magic? Charles Magic? The world may never know why.
>Shop Castform's Thunder cracks down on Golbat, knocking him into his own sack for 276 damage.
Skuntank and Weezing however...
"I was thinking he's out of our league, but with so many meatshie-PARTNERS, partners... Chaw-haw-haw! We'd be the talk of the town! Sure!"
Inside the bag are a few small pokemon along with all their stolen goods. Looks like they were actually rescuing... as a side hustle.
Maybe the kecs wouldn't mind the loss of these Hydro Pump, Dark Pulse, and U-turn TMs? You did just save about 80,000P in losses...
>>5305149 Astor realizes he left the stove on when he got isekai'd.
>Gigas He takes 2,066 damage from the combined attacks! Gigas finally falls on his back!
>Kang Storage Mistral leaps high up to the building and off the ground before swatting the baby out skarm's talons, catching him, and landing on the roof in 3 quick turns! Weak armor softens him up further with each strike, for a total of 413 damage! He has just enough time to get the baby back down to kangaskhan before...
A series of wiry appendages erupt from the ground, striking Mistral and the storage building repeatedly, sending him straight up into the air before crashing back down!
Gigas slams down with his free arm, crushing Maroon for a second with a gargantuan knock off!
Kakú (LV.52 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kakú (LV.52 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:23:46 No. 5305194 Report Rolled 14 (1d20) >>5305181 Kaku spins at speeds unknown!
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:24:04 No. 5305195 Report >>5305193 "WE GOT HIM! HOLY SHIT- MAROON! NO!"
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:24:56 No. 5305197 Report >>5305193 >Charles takes the Darkium Z "Oh, um... THANK YOU!"
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:25:51 No. 5305199 Report >>5305193 >>5305197 "Is that a..." Vee can't believe his eyes. "Thank you!" He accepts the Normalium Z! "Charles! We got-" He shakes his head. "We gotta be serious, there's stuff going on." He pockets the Z-Crystal, keeping it safe in his scarf. "What now?"
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:26:21 No. 5305200 Report Quoted By:
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:26:59 No. 5305202 Report >>5305199 "You're right! Let's head over to Regigigas! The others need our help and fast!"
>Charles moves to Regigigas Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:27:07 No. 5305203 Report >>5305193 "Wow, I don't really need these TMs. Let's go, guys! Attack that giant!"
Cava speeds off to use Mega Horn!
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:27:31 No. 5305204 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 20, 2, 11, 1 = 34 (4d20) sudo rollin'
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:28:09 No. 5305206 Report Rolled 10 (1d20) >>5305203 Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:8iuoQUHp Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:28:26 No. 5305207 Report Quoted By:
>>5305193 Astor, you're good at flying, can you get those mons to safety?
>castform turns to the thieves as for you lot, if your moves are that strong I know how you could help, try and stun the goliath!
I'm going to need to go help with the giant too
>Castform heads to Regigas WHAT WEATHER WE NEEDING UP?
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:30:54 No. 5305209 Report Quoted By:
>>5305206 >>5305193 Maximum Injection Mold!
854 damage!
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:31:35 No. 5305211 Report >>5305202 "You sure?" Vee follows along. "I don't think I can do much against... y'know." He looks up. "Regigigas."
"Don't you think he's gonna be like, 'IT WAS ALL A MISUNDERSTANDING.'"
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:39tzPfJp Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:34:20 No. 5305216 Report Quoted By:
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:35:22 No. 5305218 Report Mistral takes 480 damage upon landing in the rubble of what was Kangaskhan storage! She herself fled, leaving for him... An Empowerment Seed! Skuntank whiffs a Gunk Shot on the biggest target ever, while Weezing Fire Blasts for 176 damage! Regigigas's knock off somehow manages to fling Maroon away from his fall rather than connecting! It's... unbelievable. LHG TURN 3
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:36:37 No. 5305220 Report Quoted By:
>>5305218 "ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!"
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:39tzPfJp Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:37:00 No. 5305221 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 16 (1d20) >>5305193 "If you are ready, come with us!"
Astor flies off at great speed, he says something on chinese before kicking Regi with a Close Combat!
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:38:16 No. 5305222 Report >>5305211 "We can only hope Vee!
"For now, let's stick to support! I'll drop his defenses, you boost the others!"
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:38:44 No. 5305224 Report Quoted By:
>>5305218 "Mistral! Mistral are you alright?!" Maroon screams as he looks down from the cliff, turning to check on the fallen giant.
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:8iuoQUHp Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:39:46 No. 5305226 Report >>5305218 >castform sets sun! Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:40:36 No. 5305227 Report >>5305195 "Citrine! Citrine I'm alright! I'm alive!" He yells back.
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:41:07 No. 5305229 Report >>5305226 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>sun is already set???? rainchuds??? Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:8iuoQUHp Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:42:16 No. 5305230 Report >>5305229 >Sun is local? it was only set over at kekleon? Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:43:00 No. 5305231 Report >>5305222 "I could try! I can copy your Life Dew for increased effectiveness! Your debuffing moves, too! Just uh... careful with the poison stuff."
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:43:35 No. 5305232 Report >>5305230 >maroon set it with an item? Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:8iuoQUHp Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:45:01 No. 5305234 Report Rolled 20 (1d20) >>5305232 >oh >because sun is already set, I'm firing a weatherball then Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:45:02 No. 5305235 Report Rolled 16 (1d20) >>5305218 Citrine fires another boosted Power Gem, targeting the giant's... eyes? Dot eyes. That's the only vital he can see.
Guildmaster (Sharpedo Bluff)
Guildmaster (Sharpedo Bluff) ID:6y2tbWFJ Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:47:55 No. 5305237 Report >>5305190 >>5305194 Taking the opportunity, and following the moving flow of Ymir's heavy punches, together, in step with a punch following a whirlwind dance... they cleave right through the rock faster than ever before! Soon enough, they find themselves breaking through to the original entrance, having emerged from the carved steps.
>>5305191 They find Sable stuck under the comically large boulder he's barely able to keep raised above himself and the fainted Erika. He has been gnawing away at the rock like one does to a lawbreaker.
You should probably help him.
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 56 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:47:59 No. 5305238 Report >>5305231 "You got it Vee! I'm curious as to how you'll look using breaking swipe!"
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:49:16 No. 5305240 Report Quoted By:
>>5305238 "We'll just have to find out!"
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:8iuoQUHp Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:49:36 No. 5305242 Report Quoted By:
>>5305234 (that clocks in at 765 damage!)
Kakú (LV.52 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kakú (LV.52 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:50:14 No. 5305243 Report Rolled 13 (1d20) >>5305237 "Sable!" Kaku quickly swipes Erika and Sable from under the boulder!
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:51:25 No. 5305244 Report Quoted By:
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:51:56 No. 5305245 Report Rolled 2 (1d20) >>5305235 "I DON'T KNOW! HE'S NOT ANSWERING!" Maroon yells back and whips around to Regigigas.
"I'm putting him under. . ." Maroon bursts into flames and charges at Regigigas eye's.
>Maroon uses Agility and Flare Blitz! Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:53:49 No. 5305248 Report Quoted By:
>>5305245 >478 damage! >159 recoil! >629/1,220 HP Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC)
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC) ID:6y2tbWFJ Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:54:42 No. 5305249 Report Quoted By:
>>5305218 He has no time to react or control his landing as he's swallowed up by the shifting landscape, simply crying out as he's battered by the sharp liquid ground.
Pulling himself out of the wreckage and violently coughing from all the dust, he spies the Empowerment Seed and takes it. His ears are ringing and he's looking around dazed at the carnage. "W-What...?"
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 51 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:59:44 No. 5305255 Report Rolled 13 (1d20) >>5305237 >>5305243 >Sable assists his own rescue HEEELP!
Guildmaster (Sharpedo Bluff)
Guildmaster (Sharpedo Bluff) ID:6y2tbWFJ Wed 15 Jun 2022 03:05:31 No. 5305261 Report >>5305243 >>5305255 Sable prepares to be grabbed, watching for the exact moment to throw the tension and slacken up. There's the sudden snap and jerking motion as he and Erika are brought away from the danger. The rock crunches the spot they were just moments prior.
There's a sigh of relief as they leave the frying pan...
While the interior of the bluff is ruined and hay is tossed around everywhere, they manage to spot two items that weren't completely destroyed in the uprooting of the bluff.
- Joy Seed
- A Bag of Vivil Dust
Kakú (LV.52 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kakú (LV.52 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Wed 15 Jun 2022 03:08:03 No. 5305265 Report Quoted By:
>>5305261 Kaku takes the bag "Is this what I think it is? I'm throwing this at Regigigas! Let's go!"
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 15 Jun 2022 03:08:21 No. 5305267 Report Bind spends a fraction of a second to observe the pokemon at the bluff and his teammates... before dashing behind a rock to set an agility and a substitute! Gigas takes 1,451 Damage! Closing his damaged eyes, he digs his arms into the ground, before his strange fingers erupt up through the ground, grabbing and flinging Citrine! It's Wring Out! [Slow Start] LHG TURN 4
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Wed 15 Jun 2022 03:09:20 No. 5305269 Report Quoted By:
>>5305261 >Sable scarfs down the Joy Seed Ah, good! Dessert!
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 15 Jun 2022 03:09:42 No. 5305270 Report Rolled 12 (1d20) >>5305267 "One more Mega Horn!"
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 15 Jun 2022 03:10:43 No. 5305275 Report Quoted By:
>>5305270 858 damage! Maximum Injection Mold!
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:39tzPfJp Wed 15 Jun 2022 03:12:17 No. 5305279 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 9 (1d20) >>5305267 "A"
Another Close Combat!
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 15 Jun 2022 03:12:27 No. 5305280 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 18 (1d20)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 15 Jun 2022 03:13:11 No. 5305282 Report Rolled 20 (1d20) >>5305267 "Citrine! I'm coming!" Maroon rips out his sword from his sheath and slams it down on Regigas's finger with intent to slice them off.
>Maroon used Raging Glass! Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Wed 15 Jun 2022 03:14:00 No. 5305285 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 15 (1d20) >>5305267 "GHH!"
Citrine spins to try to remove what's squeezing his body. Gyro Ball!
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:8iuoQUHp Wed 15 Jun 2022 03:14:47 No. 5305286 Report >>5305267 Keep off our rock!
>castform prepares a weather ball... >>5305282 >but seeing as Maroon is critting, fires it at him instead! flash fire active! Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 15 Jun 2022 03:17:06 No. 5305289 Report Quoted By:
>>5305286 >402 damage!!! >Regigigas is badly poisoned! >101 recoil! >528/1,220 HP Guildmaster
Quoted By:
Rolled 19 (1d20) >>5305190 Ymir finds a Persim Band on his way out.
>>5305267 >blizzaaaard...? Mistral limps his way out of the mess, wobbling on his legs as he looks down the titan sewing havoc on the remains of Treasure Town. Willing what energy and brain power he can muster at this very moment, he whispers out "...freeze."
He sits down to take a breather.
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 15 Jun 2022 03:54:30 No. 5305341 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 17, 7 = 24 (2d20) Citrine takes 333 damage from Wring Out. He spins himself free of the crushing grip before Dragging himself along and down Gigas's arm! Scav's Astor's, and Maroon's attacks all strike the same point on Gigas's tendrils, chipping off a shard of... stone, it feels like. Gigas shard x3 Mistral's freezing gales cut through Gigas's body, blowing him back slightly! He uses the momentum to turn back up onto his knees, flailing to get rid of the frost on his face! Bind uses the shift in Gigas's weight to catapult up to his head and beat downward with all six of his extremities! It's two close combats! Gigas takes 1,923 damage from everyone else's attacks... Maroon is struck with a sensation he has (somehow) never felt before, he gets the feeling his fires could burn through anything!
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 15 Jun 2022 03:59:56 No. 5305350 Report Bind's attacks do 1,652 Damage! ...It's getting late! We'll finish up on 6:30 PM Thursday the 14th, yeah?
Team Divers Vee, Level 1000 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 1000 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 15 Jun 2022 04:03:39 No. 5305355 Report >>5305350 "Alright Charles! Do you think you could shout loud enough to tell Regigigas to stay there and not move while we take a break until next time?"
Quoted By:
Rolled 721 (1d850) metronome
Charles, Lv. -1 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. -1 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 15 Jun 2022 23:20:25 No. 5306159 Report Rolled 16 (1d20) >>5305355 "I can try!"
>He tries to shout "Excuse me! Regigigas? Can you please wait until next time?"
Team Divers Vee, Level 1000 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 1000 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 15 Jun 2022 23:22:09 No. 5306160 Report Quoted By:
>>5306159 "Good job Charles! I think that worked."
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Fri 17 Jun 2022 00:11:30 No. 5307080 Report Rolled 1, 1, 12, 19, 9, 6 = 48 (6d20) Desire Below (FLOW), Fire Emblem Fates
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4_cx74mypE Regigigas curls his twisting fingers over his head to Grab the frenzied rabbit before whipping him back down into the ground with everyone else. He proceeds to dig his hands into the ground yet again before his extended fingertips erupt from below everyone, churning the ground to pieces and striking everyone not at the storage, bluff, or daycare repeatedly! It's Earthquake!
Gigas turns his attention to the pokemon at the remains of the daycare, and sluggishly prepares an attack in that direction...
(If I can roll)
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Fri 17 Jun 2022 00:19:00 No. 5307084 Report >>5307080 The maelstrom of debris and marble curl around Citrine and Maroon, slightly burying them, but miraculously without harm!
Bind is flung through a wooden wall, tumbling behind it for 668 damage!
Castform takes 281 Damage!
Scav takes 272 Damage!
Skuntank is hurled straight up by a pillar of stone for 381 damage! He's unconscious when he lands...
Charles, Lv. -1 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. -1 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Fri 17 Jun 2022 00:20:49 No. 5307086 Report >>5307084 >Charles stares at the destructive power before him "Oh that does not bode well."
>Realization "...IS IT AIMING FOR US?!"
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Fri 17 Jun 2022 00:21:07 No. 5307087 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d20) >>5307084 Citrine used...
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Fri 17 Jun 2022 00:21:50 No. 5307089 Report Quoted By:
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:8iuoQUHp Fri 17 Jun 2022 00:23:00 No. 5307091 Report Rolled 18 (1d20) >>5307084 >HP (219/500) that... did a lot. strange how it hurts so much when I fly
>weather ball.mp4 Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:8iuoQUHp Fri 17 Jun 2022 00:24:34 No. 5307093 Report Quoted By:
>>5307091 (293 damage!)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 17 Jun 2022 00:24:35 No. 5307094 Report Quoted By:
>>5307084 "Y-y-y-y-yowch!"
*Cava's toast!
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Fri 17 Jun 2022 00:24:53 No. 5307095 Report >>5307086 "Us, but not us. Them. We're safe until we go over there and... become not safe."
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Fri 17 Jun 2022 00:25:07 No. 5307096 Report Quoted By:
Bind shakes the dirt from his head, breathing heavily and unevenly, even though he isn't feeling the pain right now. It's the only vocalization he's made this entire time......... Bind sprints between covers in the opposite direction of the monster! He's running away!
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:39tzPfJp Fri 17 Jun 2022 00:25:33 No. 5307099 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 7 (1d20) >>5307084 Astor calls for the blessing of a thousand kung fu movie actors to aid this Close Combat
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Fri 17 Jun 2022 00:29:06 No. 5307100 Report >>5307095 "Well then...where should we go?"
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Fri 17 Jun 2022 00:30:32 No. 5307101 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 1 (1d20) >>5307084 *With Sable and Poképals safely under Kaku's watch, Ymir joins the front lines against the gigas. Striking it with a wave of Muddy Water*
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Fri 17 Jun 2022 00:31:59 No. 5307102 Report >>5307100 "I dunno." Vee looks around.
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Fri 17 Jun 2022 00:32:52 No. 5307103 Report >>5307102 "Should we find the others? I'm sure someone needs healing after that attack!"
Rolled 14 (1d20) >>5307084 Kaku leaves Erika with Monferno then flies off to the fight!
"The cavalry is here!"
>Kaku hits Gigas with Spirit Break, dropping it's Sp. Atk! Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Fri 17 Jun 2022 00:35:34 No. 5307106 Report >>5307103 "It was the others, Citrine and... whoever. I don't think there was much collateral damage." Vee is thinking of what to do.
Ymir, Sableye, and Kaku are now carrying the unconscious Erika out of the fallen bluff, and as they exit their tunnel, they find Monferno on the ground, completely passed out. He's still in the same spot, covered in mashed Orans and wounds. You can hear the fighting raging away in the distance. What do?
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Fri 17 Jun 2022 00:37:59 No. 5307110 Report Rolled 14 (1d20) >>5307084 >Charles looks, listens, and smells for anything to help the situation! Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 17 Jun 2022 00:38:34 No. 5307112 Report Quoted By:
>>5307084 *Cava remains ded. There's a reviver seed in his cloak though...
Kakú (LV.52 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kakú (LV.52 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Fri 17 Jun 2022 00:40:25 No. 5307114 Report Quoted By:
>>5307108 "Oh man, he's all spent... do we leave them here? All the fighting is back in town anyways."
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Fri 17 Jun 2022 00:40:58 No. 5307115 Report >>5307108 Oh no, what do I do..? These two need help, but so does everyone else! Think, damnit, think! Uh... shit shit shit, uh...
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Fri 17 Jun 2022 00:41:53 No. 5307117 Report >>5307106 >>5307110 "I got it! The Kecleon Shop! Everywhere's evacuated by now, right? That leaves everything unguarded!"
Vee begins heading to the Kecleon Shop.
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Fri 17 Jun 2022 00:43:52 No. 5307118 Report >>5307117 >>5307110 >Retconning to follow? "Oh! Well, I guess the kecleon's won't be needing what they left...All right! Wait for me!"
>Charles hurries after Vee to the kecleon shop! Kakú (LV.52 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kakú (LV.52 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Fri 17 Jun 2022 00:46:45 No. 5307121 Report >>5307115 "Dude, calm down! She's not dead. And the crew can hold on their own. Alright, fine, you uhh, take care of them and I'll get back to the fight, good? Good." Then this
>>5307104 happens.
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Fri 17 Jun 2022 00:47:24 No. 5307124 Report Quoted By:
>>5307118 "There might be TMs! Type Gems, Wands, Berries! All that stuff is sure to find a use!"
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Fri 17 Jun 2022 00:47:29 No. 5307125 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 1 (1d20) >>5307084 >ACTION >Maroon uses Morning Sun! "I'm going to let loose, Citrine!" Maroon shoots, heart racing as he narrowly avoids being struck by the titan. He's going to use his Fire Gem and then let all out with a Flare Blitz as soon as he can.
>1,220/1,220 Guildmaster
>>5307115 >>5307121 Erika gasps awake, sitting up and flailing around. Having figured out that she was not dead or grievously injured, the Prinplup attempts to understand her surroundings. "W-What happened? Where are we?" Erika asks, making note of Sableye's appearance.
Suddenly, she notices Monferno. Erika doesn't wait for Sableye to even respond. "Racha! Racha! Oh n-no!" Stumbling toward him, she begins looking him over, examining the damage. "How did you get like this...? We'll get Chimecho to look at you, don't worry..."
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Fri 17 Jun 2022 00:56:22 No. 5307130 Report >>5307129 Hey, uh, miss, I hate to interrupt you here, but there's some huge freakin' battle noises going on around town. Can you get him to safety without going through town?
>>5307130 Erika shakes her head. "But what is happening? I... just woke up and there's a huge... town? Treasure Town?" She gasps. "is this Treasure Town?"
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Fri 17 Jun 2022 01:19:12 No. 5307139 Report >>5307136 Yeah, we're under attack by Regigigas. Everything's on fire or in ruins right now, and I just dug you out of your house. I'm sorry to be blunt but we really don't have the luxury of time at the moment, can you get you both to safety or do you think you need me to help you?
Rolled 12, 5, 13 = 30 (3d20) >>5307139 Erika, despite the warning, takes the time to look at the carnage and the ruins of what once was Treasure Town. She looks dumbfounded. "But... why? Regigigas never did this when we visited him..."
>>5307084 Mistral runs over to join the fray, still injured.
>Triple Axel "Was the cold not enough for you!?" he screams, attempting to kick the titan in the knees.
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Fri 17 Jun 2022 01:29:47 No. 5307152 Report >>5307147 "Unauthorized temporal activity", whatever that means. I mean, I have a theory, but really that could mean just about anything.
Seriously though, we gotta get him to safety, I don't have any more reviving items on me. If you can't do it alone, we can get him to the Wigglytuff guild if that's still standing and circle back to help out, but we gotta do it fast.
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Fri 17 Jun 2022 01:29:47 No. 5307153 Report The titan shudders as he loses over a tenth of his vitality to Maroon's poison. Weezing sprays Gigas with his Corrosive Gas! A large and heavy band of black melts off of one of his limbs... Team Skull has picked the Kecleon Bros store mostly clean. Vee makes off with a Reviver seed, a Kee berry, and a Poke Pole. Gigas whips the stone in his hand like an oversized discus into the Daycare, Vee and Charles having safely evacuated by then. He proceeds to dig into the ground again... before Citrine stomps, scattering debris and in a storm of flechettes into Gigas's fingers! They're repelled before they can cause another Earthquake. Charles sees Mistral, castform, and Bind hurting, though Bind is pretty much at the edge of town. Scav is unconscious, with a reviver seed just inches from his mouth... [Slow Start] [Regigas got its act together!] He rumbles, shaking off a bit of moss off his legs before bounding over Ymir's abnormally weak wave with the agility of a pokemon 1/3 of his size! Maroon has an equally difficult time landing a hit on his suddenly agile limbs. Gigas takes 1,101 damage from the combined attacks. LHG TURN 5
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:8iuoQUHp Fri 17 Jun 2022 01:33:21 No. 5307159 Report Rolled 2 (1d20) >>5307153 >MORE WEATHER BALLS Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Fri 17 Jun 2022 01:34:16 No. 5307160 Report >>5307153 "Oh dear, quite a few friends in need...Vee! Who should I go for? Heal Mistral and Cast or revive Cava? Bind seems a bit...far off..."
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Fri 17 Jun 2022 01:34:30 No. 5307161 Report >>5307153 "It's moving- IT'S MOVING!" Maroons screams as he yanks out a Fire Gem from his mane and swallows it like a pill. Wait- was he suppose to do that?! There's too many things going on all at once, but he can feel the fire inside of him ROAR- it's awake, it's alive, his body can no longer contain it. It wants out.
>Maroon used Fire Gem! Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:8iuoQUHp Fri 17 Jun 2022 01:34:50 No. 5307162 Report Quoted By:
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Fri 17 Jun 2022 01:35:25 No. 5307163 Report Rolled 17 (1d20) >>5307153 *Ymir mumbles to himself*
"Right, ain't near the water anymore.
A little more focus..."
*He tries another Muddy Water*
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Fri 17 Jun 2022 01:37:05 No. 5307167 Report >>5307153 "Look what I got, Charles! We can use these!"
>>5307160 "Huh? Oh! You can heal those two, I'll get Escav!"
Vee runs over to Escavalier and uses his Reviver Seed to get him back in the fight. "Time to get up!"
Kakú (LV.52 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kakú (LV.52 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Fri 17 Jun 2022 01:37:22 No. 5307168 Report Quoted By:
>>5307153 >Kaku uses his Misty Seeds! The battlefield got foggy. All grounded pokemon are inmune to status. >>5307161 "Maroon! Get a grip!"
>Kaku uses Swagger on Maroon. Now he can kill himself twice as fast. Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 17 Jun 2022 01:38:05 No. 5307170 Report Quoted By:
>>5307167 >>5307153 *Cava springs back up.
*He immediately renews his Swords Dance license.
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Fri 17 Jun 2022 01:38:35 No. 5307171 Report Quoted By:
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Fri 17 Jun 2022 01:39:11 No. 5307172 Report Rolled 8 (1d20) >>5307153 >>5307167 "Very nice Vee!"
>Charles uses Life Dew on Mistral and Castform for 25% of their max HP! >Charles once more form a baton out of the moister in the air. No time for concerts! He rushes the healing water over to his friends to keep them in the fight! "Mistral! Cast! Heads up!"
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:39tzPfJp Fri 17 Jun 2022 01:42:10 No. 5307174 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d20) >>5307153 "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
Close Combat!
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Fri 17 Jun 2022 01:43:38 No. 5307176 Report Rolled 6 (1d20) >>5307153 Citrine huffs after his reflexive Wide Guard.
"Right, that's not gonna work again. CAREFUL, everyone!"
Citrine goes back to regularly scheduled Rock Laser Activities. Power Gem!
Rolled 11 (1d20) >>5307152 Erika is seemingly at a loss, unable to comprehend the scope of the situation outside of "Treasure Town reduced to the nothing." She gives another blank stare before nodding. "Right... I can carry him out through the sea. Capim is the closest... they have to be able to help."
She lifts the fainted Monferno as best as she can and begins waddling to the coast.
>>5307153 >>5307172 Mistral nods and accepts the healing before turning back around.
>blizzaaaaard on the ground around Regigigas to slow him down "Come on then! How good are you at figure skating!?"
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:8iuoQUHp Fri 17 Jun 2022 01:45:23 No. 5307179 Report Quoted By:
>>5307176 will do my best to be!
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Fri 17 Jun 2022 01:46:23 No. 5307182 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 1 (1d20) >>5307153 Maroon's chest is trembling, but it's no longer out of primal fear for the titan. It's trembling, struggling to contain the fire at his very core that roaring, desperately trying to escape it's mortal vessel. His skin burns, there's nothing holding it back as he's engulfed in blind blue flames, hotter than any arcanine should be able to produce.
>Maroon uses Flare Blitz. Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Fri 17 Jun 2022 01:48:46 No. 5307184 Report >>5307177 Alright, good luck to you both. I gotta stay here and help the guys still fighting.
>Sable is now in the fight! Alright, I'm here, how's the fight going guys!?
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Fri 17 Jun 2022 01:55:25 No. 5307195 Report >>5307184 "He's still big and angry!"
Kakú (LV.52 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kakú (LV.52 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Fri 17 Jun 2022 01:57:16 No. 5307197 Report >>5307184 >>5307195 "He got stronger even!"
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Fri 17 Jun 2022 01:58:08 No. 5307201 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 13 (1d20) >>5307153 >>5307197 (since I have a turn according to GM)
Oh Arceus...
CALM DOWN, HO! hehe...oh man I shouldn't have said that...
>Sable Pimpu Hando attacku! Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:06:14 No. 5307215 Report Rolled 13, 9 = 22 (2d20) Gigas braces himself against the blows, for 1,180 damage before seeing a light fast approaching him! Castform and Mistral are healed! Sab's claws scrape away a significant chunk of black off the band Weezing melted! He breaks off a piece of... Choice Marble - A Choice band in all but name. Maroon's overwhelming power leaves his attacks unweildy! his field of view is blurred as Regigigas sidesteps his charge! Gigas lifts a gargantuan foot to kick at Maroon before stomping him, blowing his item away with Knock Off! In a fraction of a second, he's lunged and grabbed Ymir overhead, constricting him before dropping them from a great height with Wring Out.
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:08:01 No. 5307218 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d20) >>5307215 >Sable collects Choice Marble and fires off a Power Gem AAAAAAAAAAH WHY DID I HAVE TO BE SO SMAAAAAAAAAAALL!?
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:8iuoQUHp Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:08:19 No. 5307219 Report Rolled 10 (1d20) >>5307215 >castform presses the weather ball button! Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:09:03 No. 5307221 Report Maroon takes 357 damage! Ymir takes 489 Damage! LHG TURN 6
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:09:08 No. 5307222 Report Rolled 8 (1d20) >>5307215 "Begone, titan! Your time is up!"
*Cava charges ahead with a Night Slash!
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:09:18 No. 5307223 Report Rolled 13 (1d20) >>5307215 Even without his horn to push him further beyond, Maroon isn't going to be denied his fury.
>Flare Blitz Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:8iuoQUHp Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:09:20 No. 5307224 Report Quoted By:
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:10:12 No. 5307226 Report Quoted By:
>>5307222 *Cava fails to crit as he would like, but he maxes out injection mold anyway! 410 damage!
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:10:45 No. 5307227 Report >>5307223 >1,299 damage. >430/1,220 HP Kakú (LV.52 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kakú (LV.52 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:11:59 No. 5307229 Report Quoted By:
>>5307221 "C'mon guys, we are almost done! Ymir, try punching him, would you?"
>Kaku Swaggers Ymir! Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:12:17 No. 5307231 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d20) >>5307215 Citrine, too far away to block logistically, simply fires another Power Gem at the back of the giant's knee, the same one Maroon was damaging earlier.
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:12:56 No. 5307232 Report Rolled 17 (1d20) >>5307215 "Woah WOAH HEY!"
"Ok now ya done it!"
*Ymir slams Regigigas with Liquidation*
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:13:25 No. 5307233 Report Rolled 4 (1d20) >>5307221 "AH! Vee we need to help!"
>Charles used Dragon Pulse! >Draconic energy worms its way along Charles' body before releasing in a concentrated blast at Regigigas! Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:14:36 No. 5307234 Report Quoted By:
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:14:50 No. 5307236 Report Quoted By:
>>5307233 >>5307221 >(85 x 1.5) + 57 + 4 = 189 Damage! Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:39tzPfJp Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:16:13 No. 5307237 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 16 (1d20) >>5307221 "Come on! We can't stop!"
Close combat against Regigigas
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:17:15 No. 5307239 Report Quoted By:
>>5307227 Correction: 894 damage.
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:18:02 No. 5307242 Report Rolled 19 (1d20) >>5307215 >>5307233 "Let's do something cool!"
Vee hops to Charles' side.
"Go for it!"
Vee uses Swift!
The stars surround the purple beam in a spiral, spinning around it and emitting a glow like a comet!
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:19:26 No. 5307243 Report Quoted By:
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC)
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC) ID:6y2tbWFJ Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:23:34 No. 5307246 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 9 (1d20) >>5307215 ACTION
>blizzaaaaard "Let's leave the icing on top, yes?"
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:35:12 No. 5307255 Report An explosion is felt underneath Regigigas's leg, knocking him off balance, followed up with a miniature sun from Castform! As he swings back, Maroon stands shakily and defiantly with a sliver of health left after 297 recoil. Ymir is able to save Maroon from getting stomped again by diving into Gigas and further throw off his balance! The gleam of Sable and Citrine's gems and Charles & Vee's cosmic ray pierce Gigas's other leg, forcing him on his back again! Astor trails him on the way down with repeated kicks and slashes before deftly flying under a swipe at him. Blizzard frosts Gigas's arm in place just as he tries to lift it in response to an approaching Escavalier! Within the split second it takes to break, Scav has already trailed his face with a black tipped lance! He is about to reach to grab Scav, before a noxious cloud of toxic gas bursts from his body. His arm falls limp just inches behind the turned night slasher. COMBAT END XP 600+2d20 TO ALL
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:35:56 No. 5307256 Report Rolled 8, 1, 3 = 12 (3d20) >>5307255 *Cava does a victory dance!
First roll is victory dance roll.
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:37:15 No. 5307257 Report Rolled 10, 7 = 17 (2d20) "Holy fuck. We did it. How is everyone?!" Citrine pauses, then nearly jumps as he makes a realization. "...wait. Did he call us humans before...? FUCK."
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:37:27 No. 5307258 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 8, 11 = 19 (2d20) >>5307255 >XP "Did...did we do it? Is Regigias down??"
>Charles is surveying the scene to see if anyone needs healing Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:37:27 No. 5307259 Report >>5307255 Vee laughs. "Ha! We did it!" He turns the Charles. "We did it Charles!"
"We took down REGIGIGAS! Haha!"
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:39tzPfJp Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:37:48 No. 5307260 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 8, 10 = 18 (2d20) >>5307255 "Good to carry every- who i am kidding, everyone, great job!"
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:38:27 No. 5307261 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 18, 1 = 19 (2d20) >>5307255 OhsweetArceuswedidit...
Oh man... that scared the shit outta me.
...Where's Bind?
Biiiiiind? Where are ya buddy?
>Sable searches everywhere for any injured or hiding 'mons, including Bind. Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:38:53 No. 5307262 Report Rolled 20, 19 = 39 (2d20) >>5307255 Maroon stares at Regigigas fallen form with a mixture of awe and terror. With shaky steps he walks over to the sleeping giant, taking out his charcoal pen and starts writing on it's stark white body.
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:39:12 No. 5307263 Report Quoted By:
>>5307256 +5, making it 13!
"Wait, did Skuntank and Koffing and Golbat just do that?"
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:8iuoQUHp Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:39:48 No. 5307264 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 15, 5 = 20 (2d20) >>5307255 we... did it! everyone okay?
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:40:12 No. 5307265 Report >>5307262 "Maroon, you better be writing in Printrunes and not english."
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:40:23 No. 5307266 Report Quoted By:
>>5307262 "What are you doing?"
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:40:34 No. 5307267 Report >>5307259 "...HA HA! I...I guess we did! Those were some amazing stars there Vee!"
>Charles lowers himself and holds out a hand for a pawbump! "Put it there!"
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:42:11 No. 5307269 Report Rolled 2, 19 = 21 (2d20) >>5307255 >>5307267 "Yeah!" He accepts, jumping back after with a thumbs up, without any thumbs. "Hehe!"
"Now what?"
Kakú (LV.52 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kakú (LV.52 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:43:00 No. 5307270 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 16, 11 = 27 (2d20) >>5307255 "Look how the mighty have fallen..." Kaku looks at the unconscious titan.
"What's gonna happen to him? Also what's gonna happen to the town?"
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:43:13 No. 5307271 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 1, 6 = 7 (2d20) >>5307255 "Nice work team! It's always a job done when it's us! Wasn't Bind with us?"
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:43:38 No. 5307273 Report >>5307269 "Well, we should probably see if anyone needs healing. I think I saw Bind...run off? Was he hurt in his Mega form?"
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:43:45 No. 5307274 Report Quoted By:
>>5307255 "By the way, I'm swiping a shard of whatever popped out of Regigigas when I first attacked it."
+1 Gigas Shard!
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:44:59 No. 5307275 Report >>5307273 "Really?" Vee is surprised. "I wanna see that! I'm gonna go look for him!"
Vee goes searching for Bind.
He takes a Gigas Shard along the way.
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC)
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC) ID:6y2tbWFJ Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:45:33 No. 5307277 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 13, 4 = 17 (2d20) >>5307255 >exp "That's... damnit." Mistral stands up straight. "Treasure Town got struck by a living disaster... Can they recover from this?"
>>5307257 "He did, but I'm pretty sure pokemon here had bigger problems to deal with than trying to deliberate a message from someone actively trying to kill you." He pauses. "...At least someone trying to cause severe problems."
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:45:40 No. 5307278 Report >>5307265 Maroon is swaying, unsteady on his own feet as he writes something in print rune as best he can with his mouth, although it helps that it's only a few symbols.
"I'm sending a message to Dialga. . . Who else could've known about our activity?"
On Regigigas' marble skin, in big, charcoal is a familar headpiece and footprint.
Defiance. Renegade. Human.
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:46:07 No. 5307279 Report Quoted By:
>>5307275 >Charles follows Vee, taking a Gigas shard if any more are available Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:47:54 No. 5307280 Report >>5307278 "YMIIIIR, CAN YOU WASH IT OFF?! I really hope the townsfolk don't see this..."
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:49:09 No. 5307282 Report >>5307280 Maroon turns to Cava. "Esca. . . They don't know what a human footprint looks like. They've never seen it. The only 'mon who knows what this means is the one who is meant to read it."
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:51:14 No. 5307284 Report >>5307282 "You could have just done it in English..."
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:51:36 No. 5307285 Report Weezing stares in abject terror, having stopped lugging around his teammates and rescues in their big sack. "Wh-whoa-ho! Wh-what is all this about? Why's Treasure Town a mystery dungeon? Boss... Our loot! Gack!" He begins rambling and panicking faster and faster as he tries to drag away from all the damaged structures and ferals.
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 61) ID:tB+rKZlU Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:53:27 No. 5307286 Report >>5307285 "OH, SHIT! TIME LOOP!!"
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:53:48 No. 5307287 Report >>5307285 >Sable looks up from wiping away the "human" part of Maroon's wannabe-edgelord manifesto Wait, is that why I don't recognize this place anymore? I just thought it got wrecked.
Also. Wheezing, have you seen any Lopunnies around?
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:8iuoQUHp Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:54:26 No. 5307289 Report >>5307285 this is going to take a long... long time to fix.
>castform has begun looking for the evacuees Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:55:53 No. 5307291 Report Quoted By:
>>5307285 (NC)
*Cava does the gagnam style on Regigigas' body.
"Oh yeah, Timeloop. WAIT WHAT? I need to door the townsfolk outta here!"
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:56:18 No. 5307294 Report >>5307280 "I'm fine with the message."
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:56:23 No. 5307295 Report >>5307284 Maroon rewrites his message and the same in English beneath it.
"Leave it alone, Sableye. We've got to go anyways."
Maroon grabs Sableye and begins running out of town with the rest of his friends.
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:58:02 No. 5307296 Report Rolled 14 (1d20) >>5307286 "T-time loop?! Vee! We need to hurry! Look for Bind!"
>Looking for Rabbit friend! Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:58:11 No. 5307297 Report Quoted By:
>>5307295 Not a chance, clown-o the oblivious! Besides, I have something else to do first.
>Sable wipes away the new messages after shrugging off unwanted advances by the homosexual canine Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:58:43 No. 5307298 Report >>5307294 "Yeah, too late to fix it anyway. Are there any other townsfolk in Treasure Town?!"
*Cava opens the door.
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:39tzPfJp Fri 17 Jun 2022 02:59:05 No. 5307299 Report "Get everyone to the plaza! I have a great idea!" Astor has no clue avout what he's going to do, but if he pulls it out, it will be based
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:00:41 No. 5307304 Report >>5307299 "Astor, I'd rather we just door!"
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:02:15 No. 5307307 Report Rolled 20 (1d20) >>5307299 "We need to get outta here! Regigigas is about to get up again!"
Citrine tries to help Weezing get outta town. Probably minus the stolen goods. He'll haggle it out with him.
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:03:04 No. 5307309 Report Quoted By:
Maroon collects his Heavy Horn and the Giga Shards left over from their fierce assault before hobbling out of Treasure Town and the impending time loop. "Human Defiance. . . I know you can hear me, Dialga. Nothing you send can stop it. . ." He mutters to himself.
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:39tzPfJp Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:04:32 No. 5307312 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 18 (1d20) >>5307304 "What about we bring everyone to the plaza so you don't have to keep the portal for long?"
Astor rushes to look for civilians (And some loot)
Kakú (LV.52 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kakú (LV.52 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:05:34 No. 5307313 Report Quoted By:
>>5307304 "I agree with that sentiment!" Kaku looks for townies to save. "I did say we'd save Flapple's friends..."
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:09:09 No. 5307318 Report Rolled 15 (1d20) >>5307296 "I'll help ya Charles! He couldn't have gotten far right?"
*Ymir aida in the search for Bind*
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:11:32 No. 5307321 Report Quoted By:
>>5307318 "Thank you, and I hope not! We can't leave him behind!"
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:8iuoQUHp Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:12:05 No. 5307322 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d20) >>5307289 (forgot roll)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:18:14 No. 5307327 Report >>5307307 *Cava is standing with the door wide open.
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:18:33 No. 5307328 Report >>5307289 Seems like everyone either left or is tucked into Team Skull's huge loot sack. Even the Kecleon Bros!
>>5307296 >>5307287 Bind is... nowhere to be seen.
>>5307298 The Door opens to just outside treasure town, and Citrine and Scav rushes a confused Weezing et al through it, the road leading towards Treasure Town on the other side, where a significant number of pokemon have stopped to rest. Wigglytuff and his guild members are struggling to count and manage everyone with magnezone.
All but Citrine and Scav stay behind to loot and rescue. They don't find anyone, but they do find a broken pair of blackglasses (defunct), a Close Combat TM, and a sitrus berry.
A few minutes later, they witness...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r43-iirtQoc A flash of light, in which the ground and a few buildings are restored, but the town is still in disarray with ferals running everywhere, now with no civillians to attack. From the distance, even those who left can see the contour of regigigas's still fallen body, wrapped in a peculiar blue bubble. It's still out cold, but you can kinda make out a few near invisible warped shapes flying around the titan, presumablly preserving this barrier.
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:20:06 No. 5307330 Report >>5307327 >>5307328 "...So they had citizens in there?!"
Citrine takes the Sitrus Berry.
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:20:30 No. 5307331 Report >>5307328 "Okay, I think this is everyone! Wigs, Magnezone, Team Skull's here with a majority of the townsfolk!"
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:20:30 No. 5307332 Report >>5307328 "Oh this is not good... We need to leave. Now"
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:20:31 No. 5307333 Report >>5307328 What the...
>Sable goes to get a closer look with his keen eyes Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:21:31 No. 5307334 Report Quoted By:
>>5307330 Retcon the Sitrus Berry. I misread.
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:21:46 No. 5307336 Report >>5307328 "What's going on over there?"
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:22:23 No. 5307337 Report >>5307332 "I'm not leaving without Bind. You can go if you want. I'm gonna find my friend and super-awesome team leader! Hehe!"
Kakú (LV.52 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kakú (LV.52 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:23:22 No. 5307339 Report >>5307328 "Fascinating... What even are... those things?"
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:23:48 No. 5307340 Report >>5307337 "I would never leave without him!"
>Charles looks worried "But...I can't see or hear him anywhere!"
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:23:54 No. 5307341 Report >>5307337 Right with ya Vee! Mates don't leave mates behind."
Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:8iuoQUHp Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:25:13 No. 5307344 Report Rolled 18 (1d20) >>5307328 >castform looks at the now empty treasure town ...this isn't going to be easy to get used to. if even a populated town like this could be caught in a loop... where even is safe?
>he's worried, what happens if this deal occours closer to home? what if sableye's hometown becomes a mystery dungeon, or maroon's place? or the HQ itself? I...
>>5307337 right, bind still needs finding. let's get him safe then worry about things
>cast looks for bind Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:Rq9X27o0 Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:25:16 No. 5307345 Report Rolled 4 (1d20) Astor uses predator senses to find Bind
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:25:20 No. 5307346 Report >>5307331 "But why did they even HAVE the townsfolk?!?"
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:26:26 No. 5307348 Report >>5307346 "They were rescuing them? They're an exploration team too ya know. Can't judge a book by its cover!"
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:27:04 No. 5307352 Report Rolled 11 (1d20) >>5307328 >>5307337 >>5307340 "Maybe you just aren't looking hard enough! He's probably somewhere."
Vee tries to shoot a flare into the sky using Swift!
He's trying to attract Bind's attention!
(+2 to roll)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:27:49 No. 5307354 Report >>5307348 "They put them in a sack!"
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:28:34 No. 5307355 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 3 (1d20) >>5307352 >>5307328 "..."
>Charles looks downtrodden >He searches again Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:8iuoQUHp Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:28:40 No. 5307356 Report Quoted By:
>>5307328 >castform also takes the blackglasses. even if they're broken. and has begun wearing them >he gave these to xatu, they're a memento for the town Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:29:47 No. 5307358 Report >>5307354 "Yeah? They're part of WIGGLYTUFF'S guild. You think it's that easy to just kidnap anyone? Also, why would they even need to kidnap them in the first place? Thieves aren't the same as kidnappers."
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:33:45 No. 5307359 Report Quoted By:
>>5307358 >>5307354 "Anyway, should I just keep the door open for our guildmates?"
Kakú (LV.52 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kakú (LV.52 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:34:18 No. 5307360 Report Quoted By:
>>5307358 >>5307354 "Yeah! Anyone who calls themselves Team Skull is trustworthy. Why do you have to be so cynic, Citrine?"
Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d6) >>5307328 Rolling to spawn(road to treasure town)
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:35:09 No. 5307362 Report >>5307333 >>5307336 >>5307339 They look mostly like different letters, with circular bulges in random points.
>>5307341 >>5307337 >>5307345 >>5307344 Well, there was a heavy trail of footprints leading north and out of town, but they're gone now...
Vee's stars shine brilliantly in the midday sky, but minutes later, nobody comes.
>>5307354 "Woah-ho! We're not all bad. Some of these little tykes got trapped in the chaos. we thought we'd do a little charity work while we loot. It's a win-win! We're so smart!"
Chatot waddles over and looks in the bag, consulting a short list of missing persons before squaking. "Squak-awk?! This is everyone-" except Team Pokepals, he mutters. "...There's no way you did this on your own, Weezing. And what's with all these items?"
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC)
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC) ID:6y2tbWFJ Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:35:59 No. 5307364 Report >>5307358 Mistral walks up to Escavalier and whispers to him. "They did steal from Team Pokepals, bullied them, lied to authorities, and attacked the duo whenever it was beneficial to them." He looks around to make sure no one is peeping in. "They're not upstanding folks, Escavalier."
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:36:45 No. 5307365 Report Quoted By:
>>5307362 "Wait, Pokepals?! I thought Sable and a few others helped 'em out! I'm gonna look for 'em!"
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:37:48 No. 5307366 Report >>5307362 "I think they were looting the Kecleon Shop amidst the chaos, Chatot."
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:37:53 No. 5307367 Report Quoted By:
>>5307364 "Eh, if that's true, whatever. They're not monsters at least, just not very good people. Can't go anywhere without a few of those folks!"
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:38:46 No. 5307368 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 19 (1d20) >>5307362 Those are... Unown? Then that might mean...
I think Regigigas is down for the count, here. We're safe...-ish. Let's look for other civilians trapped in here and get out.
>Sable searches for innocent 'mons! Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:Rq9X27o0 Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:39:23 No. 5307369 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 18 (1d20) >>5307362 Astor zooms, now on prey mode
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:40:02 No. 5307370 Report Rolled 2 (1d20) >>5307362 Vee continues. "...He might not be looking, we'll have to make some noise!" He says.
Vee pulls out his potato flute and begins playing a song for Bind to hear.
https://youtu.be/wboOXx_NJ0A Team Storm Castform (L50)
Team Storm Castform (L50) ID:8iuoQUHp Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:41:37 No. 5307372 Report Quoted By:
>>5307362 >castform floats almost unnervingly still. he has no idea where bind could have gone off to >in one day, almost EVERYTING has gone to hell I... I'm going back to the guild hall guys, I need a moment to think.
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:42:38 No. 5307373 Report >>5307370 He stops playing partway through. He looks around nervously. "...Where do you think he is, Charles?"
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:44:50 No. 5307374 Report Rolled 8 (1d20) >>5307370 "..."
>Charles looks at Vee >>5307373 "I...I don't know, Vee."
>Charles looks down for a moment, then attempts to shout "BIND! WE'LL FIND YOU! PROMISE!"
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:47:51 No. 5307376 Report >>5307374 Vee is worried. "He Mega'd, right? I guess he'll be fine..."
"What do we do in the meantime? It seems like a lot's happening."
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:49:36 No. 5307378 Report Rolled 18 (1d20) >>5307374 "Hope he's not hurt...well he knows where the guild is..."
*Ymir makes one last desperate search. Can they stay knowing Regigigas is right there, and possibly awaken? But what if Bind is hurt out there?*
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:49:48 No. 5307379 Report >>5307376 "I...I think we should regroup with the others. It won't do anyone any good if we get attacked in here and they have to come after us. Let's remember where the tracks were headed, then we can come back and go around Treasure Town to search for Bind."
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:49:55 No. 5307380 Report Sable and Astor can only find... a pair of feral carkol hanging around the remains of the town's prison. They rush in and nuzzle Sab as harmlessly as they can upon seeing him.
Looks like they were guarding a whimsicott with a cane, despite looking perfectly healthy.
"Well if it isn't that nice birdy who revealed by true age to me!"
He doesn't seem to notice the danger around.
>>5307374 >>5307370 ...
>>5307366 "Heheh! That sounds more normal! I think I'll take you at your word, even!"
He uses a stun orb on Weezing before dragging Skuntank and Golbat towards Magnezone.
"We'll talk out your reward once you're in custody, eh boys?"
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:51:47 No. 5307381 Report >>5307380 >Sable pets the Carkols Nice to see you all again! Let's get out of here, alright? It's not very safe at the moment, but I'll get you to safety.
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:52:23 No. 5307382 Report >>5307379 "Mm. Alright."
>>5307380 He listens one last time. "...Hm..." He walks away, following Charles.
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:53:44 No. 5307383 Report Quoted By:
>>5307382 >Charles looks at his friend "We'll find him Vee. Promise."
>They exit Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:54:45 No. 5307384 Report >>5307378 "Ymir? You coming?"
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Fri 17 Jun 2022 03:59:42 No. 5307388 Report Quoted By:
>>5307380 Citrine looks satisfied at Team Skull's "arrest". He relaxes, then has a thought.
"Wait... Where's Bind? Did he not come back...?" he asks no one in particular.
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 17 Jun 2022 04:00:52 No. 5307389 Report >>5307366 "Oh yeah, to clarify Citrine, uh, I didn't actually think Team Skull were actually good guys. Just not... Comically evil."
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Fri 17 Jun 2022 04:02:59 No. 5307390 Report >>5307384 *He's desperately searching every piece of rubble for any sign of his guild mate*
"I can't just forget about him! He's gotta be here, somewhere...I ain't leavin' a friend behind!
*More fruitless searching. Defeat hangs over him.*
"I guess he can handle himself, we got the others to worry about too..."
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Fri 17 Jun 2022 04:04:24 No. 5307391 Report >>5307389 "Oh. Alright. Just doing the right thing, you know... You seen the guildmaster, though?"
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 17 Jun 2022 04:05:45 No. 5307392 Report Quoted By:
>>5307391 "I think the others were looking for him, last I check. You can ask the others while I hold the door open."
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Fri 17 Jun 2022 04:05:51 No. 5307393 Report >>5307390 "He's cool. He'll come back carrying the unconscious bodies of Dialga and Palkia. I know it. He's our guildmaster."
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:Rq9X27o0 Fri 17 Jun 2022 04:08:00 No. 5307394 Report Rolled 14 (1d20) >>5307380 >>5307381 "Don't stop! We have to find Bind!"
Astor is searching again
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Fri 17 Jun 2022 04:09:55 No. 5307397 Report >>5307394 You get on that, we already had a massive search party. I think he might not be here anymore. I gotta get these 3 outta here, I'll catch up with you later!
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:Rq9X27o0 Fri 17 Jun 2022 04:14:20 No. 5307400 Report >>5307397 "Go, see you later"
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Fri 17 Jun 2022 04:15:03 No. 5307401 Report Quoted By:
>>5307400 Good luck, Astor!
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Fri 17 Jun 2022 04:18:13 No. 5307405 Report Quoted By:
>>5307393 "You're probably right Vee. I trust him to get back safe..."
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Fri 17 Jun 2022 04:44:10 No. 5307421 Report While this was about as much of a victory as it could've been, it's a solemn day for all involved. Most of the guild regroups to consider what to do, while Wigglytuff and Magnezone are overrun with questions from escapees about refuge and future threats... NEXT SESSION TENTATIVELY SET FOR SATURDAY THE 18TH, 6:30 PM CST
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:j+juhzg9 Fri 17 Jun 2022 14:28:31 No. 5307684 Report Quoted By:
>>5307421 since no one claimed close combat TM, i will!
Quoted By:
Nothing for today. Back to your regularly scheduled programs come Tuesday.
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Tue 21 Jun 2022 23:41:59 No. 5312080 Report A mere two days after Regigigas's attack on treasure town, a small camp has been set up in the roads leading up to town, mostly ran and supported by the Kecleon Bros. and Wigglytuff. Many of the townsfolk have scattered elsewhere, and while it's still crowded, the makeshift home looks a tad destitute. Nobody looks happy...
What might you check out?
The Wind is Blowing at Cavi Cape, M&L BiS
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqkHMzlxlVE >Kec Bros >Magnezone >Treasure Town >Player Choice Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Tue 21 Jun 2022 23:45:28 No. 5312085 Report Quoted By:
>>5312080 "My...So many lives uprooted...Shall we check on Magnezone? Perhaps there is some assistance we can offer."
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Tue 21 Jun 2022 23:47:53 No. 5312087 Report Quoted By:
>>5312080 "Man... I wonder how the explorer teams are doing...?"
*Cava looks for any Wigglytuff Guild Member teams.
Team Storm Castform (L51)
Team Storm Castform (L51) ID:UBLtDw/6 Tue 21 Jun 2022 23:48:33 No. 5312088 Report >>5312080 >Magnezone >Castform approaches, for once not attempting to mess with the cop Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Tue 21 Jun 2022 23:48:47 No. 5312089 Report >>5312080 ". . ." Maroon surveys the misery and sighs. "They shouldn't live like this. . "
>Maroon checks the houses. Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Tue 21 Jun 2022 23:49:24 No. 5312090 Report Quoted By:
>>5312080 >Player Choice My goodness... how could this happen?
>Sable checks up on the townsfolk Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Tue 21 Jun 2022 23:49:38 No. 5312092 Report Quoted By:
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
Quoted By:
>>5312080 >Player Choice, defer to majority vote Poli has shown up to conduct 'dark research', whatever that's supposed to be.
"This could lead to answers. We should ask about other oddities!"
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC)
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC) ID:6y2tbWFJ Wed 22 Jun 2022 00:03:17 No. 5312102 Report >>5312089 "Capim isn't that far away. It's a choice that they made to want to stay here." Mistral looks around. "I don't think they're so keen on giving up so easily."
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 22 Jun 2022 00:03:43 No. 5312103 Report Magnezone is ordering around the Magnemite Squad, while the set up lamps, tents, and the like. They're looking as neutral as ever, and well over 100% less melted abomination-y. Magnezone "LOZZZT HOPE. WE MEET AGAIN. MUCH HAS TRANSPIRED SINCE OUR FIRsT_ZZZT MEETING. NEVER DID I IMAGINE YOU'D BE A PILLAR OF OUR COMMUNITY'S FUNCTION AFTER THAT BREAKOUT. ON A BRIGHTER NOTE, WE HEARD OF YOUR EXPLOITS FROM A FEW ZZTRAGGLERS ESCAPING TOWN. WE THANK YOU...AGAIN. THOUGH THIS SCENARIO MAY BE OUT OF YOUR DEPTH...">Houses Maroon is stuck in shallow cover a few times while hiding from ferals while traversing the ruins of Treasure Town, now turned into a mystery dungeon? As time begins to loop, he notices a bluish barrier form over Regigigas's unconscious body just before the flash... many warped invisible outlines slide across the surface endlessly...>Townsfolk Sableguy and Scav find a few small bugs and Kangaskhan chatting with Croagunk. He's got a small pot in front of him, much less grand than his Swap Shop.
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 22 Jun 2022 00:07:29 No. 5312108 Report Quoted By:
>>5312103 "Is there anything we can do to help? We would be glad to lend a hand in any way possible."
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 22 Jun 2022 00:08:28 No. 5312112 Report >>5312102 "Do you think that there's enough space in Capim Town-" Maroon is cut off as he realizes that he's wondered into the dungeon.
>>5312103 He carefully approaches the barrier and inspects it, even reaching out to try and pierce it with his sword.
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 22 Jun 2022 00:13:48 No. 5312116 Report Quoted By:
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Wed 22 Jun 2022 00:14:31 No. 5312117 Report Quoted By:
>>5312103 >Sable decides to do some scouting in the mystery towngeon Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC)
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC) ID:6y2tbWFJ Wed 22 Jun 2022 00:14:45 No. 5312118 Report Quoted By:
>>5312103 Mistral stares at the wandering Maroon before turning to Magnezone. "Have you seen any Lopunnies around here? It's... important."
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:v2zNj/a6 Wed 22 Jun 2022 00:14:51 No. 5312119 Report Quoted By:
Astor... is there!
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 22 Jun 2022 00:15:08 No. 5312120 Report Quoted By:
>>5312103 "Ohayo, Croagunk and Kangaskhan! How're you two doing?"
Team Storm Castform (L51)
Team Storm Castform (L51) ID:UBLtDw/6 Wed 22 Jun 2022 00:16:36 No. 5312121 Report Quoted By:
>>5312103 honestly I didn't expect it either, feels like yesterday when I was still wanted and had to use the shuppet suit.
hell, still got the poster to capture myself.
...is there anything I could do to help mag?
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
Quoted By:
>>5312103 Poli eventually speaks to Magnezone. "Have you seen anything weird outside of the town lately?"
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 22 Jun 2022 00:30:39 No. 5312131 Report "OUR RESOURCES ARE AS TIGHT AS THEY COULD BE, BUT I BELIEVE WE CAN MANAGE, WITH OUR NEWFOUND RESOLVE-ZZZT!" One of the magnemite sees everyone and waves, before returning to pushing boxes. "HOWEVER, THIS ESTABLISHMENT IS NOT SUSTAINABLE FOR SUCH A LARGE POPULATION-ZZZT. SOME HAVE MOVED TO NEARBY TOWNS, BUT THEY EXPERIENCE THEIR OWN TROUBLES WITH THE INFLUX. MORE WOULD BENEFIT MORE FROM VOLUNTEER WORK WITH THEIR INFRASTRUCTURE THAN HERE-ZZZT, BUT AS LONG AS YOU'RE HERE, WE HAVE FOOD DELIVERIES COURTESY OF THE KECLEON BROS TO DIZZTRIBUTE." "I BELIEVE MIZZZ KANGASKHAN CLAIMED TO HAVE WITNESSED A MEGA LOPUNNY AT SOME POINT. YOU MAY WISH TO SPEAK WITH HER, HAVING BEEN A WITNESS-ZZZT. FORGIVE OUR LIMITED VIGILANCE, WE ARE SPREAD QUITE THIN." With Sable witnessing, Maroon's blade... Bounces off harmlessly with a loud ping. One of the invisible shapes peels off the barrier and fills with color, revealing an Unown I! It stares at Maroon for a moment... Kangaskhan sits down with her baby. "We are doing wonderfully, thank you!" She looks around. "...Relatively. Miss Ouese is out north looking for someone for me, so I'm babysitting for the babysitter."
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 22 Jun 2022 00:32:30 No. 5312134 Report Quoted By:
>>5312131 "Ah, really? Who's she looking for?"
Rolled 4 (1d6) >>5312131 Rolling to spawn(Road to Treasure Town)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Wed 22 Jun 2022 00:32:55 No. 5312136 Report Quoted By:
>>5312131 Ah, so it was Unown. Hypothesis confirmed! Chalk another one up for Doctor Sableye!
>Sable does the victory dance! Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 22 Jun 2022 00:33:26 No. 5312137 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 10 (1d20) >>5312131 Maroon stares at the Unknow and blinks. He's seen one these before- not in a movie or game, but in person when he first arrived here. Without little thought, Maroon uses his Agility and Extreme Speed to try and snatch one from the barrier.
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 22 Jun 2022 00:33:45 No. 5312138 Report >>5312131 "She did?? Oh dear. We need to talk to her and fast! Oh, but you also need help with the deliveries...All right, I can do deliveries and others can look for Bind. Anyone want to help with me?"
Team Storm Castform (L51)
Team Storm Castform (L51) ID:UBLtDw/6 Wed 22 Jun 2022 00:35:31 No. 5312139 Report >>5312131 >>5312138 I'll help with deliveries! just tell me where these need to go and I'll fly 'em over.
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
Quoted By:
>>5312131 "Fascinating." Poli comments, heading over to Kangaskhan, but he just passively listens rather than addressing her directly to let the others do the talking.
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:v2zNj/a6 Wed 22 Jun 2022 00:36:25 No. 5312142 Report Quoted By:
>>5312138 "Helping can wait, we need to find Bind soon"
Astor makes his way to Kangaskhan
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Wed 22 Jun 2022 00:37:14 No. 5312145 Report Quoted By:
>>5312131 >>5312138 "Leave Kangaskhan to me!"
*Ymir looks for her. Hopefully they can get some sort of idea to Bind's whereabouts*
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 22 Jun 2022 00:42:25 No. 5312151 Report Quoted By:
>>5312131 >>5312139 "All right, lets get to it. I hope the others can find Bind. Magnezone, where do you need us?"
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
An energy radiates off the unown, it feels old and imposing. A hole apeear in the barrier where Maroon took it, and the surrounding shapes reveal themselves as more unown, all looking at Maroon.
>>5312135 The kecleon Bros stop what they're doing and squint at nothing in particular.
Castform is directed to a comically large metal chest, with a few magnemite and the carkol he helped rescue failing to push it anywhere.
Kangaskhan pauses for a moment. "One of those nice darlings who helped my baby escape that skarmory. Nobody has seen him since that day! We're the last ones reported to have seen the taller one..."
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 22 Jun 2022 00:45:39 No. 5312155 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 10 (1d20) >>5312153 "Huh? Well, yes I did evolve recently. Wigglytuff needed to see me? Very well.
>Charles searches, looks, listens for Guildmaster Wigglytuff Team Storm Castform (L51)
Team Storm Castform (L51) ID:UBLtDw/6 Wed 22 Jun 2022 00:46:51 No. 5312156 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 10 (1d20) >>5312153 ...I have an idea.
>castform looks into his bag, taking out his 6 Gold Thorns >he then assembles them into a makeshift coil, before sending a current through using a controlled THUNDER >not enough to damage the things, but enough to make a makeshift electromagnet out of the whole chest Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 22 Jun 2022 00:46:54 No. 5312157 Report Quoted By:
>>5312153 "Was it a Lopunny?"
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 60 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 22 Jun 2022 00:47:17 No. 5312159 Report Rolled 16 (1d20) >>5312153 "Interesting. . ." Maroon whispers underneath his breath, his heart beating in his ears as he carefully squeezes through the hole made and releases the Unown.
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Wed 22 Jun 2022 00:47:56 No. 5312161 Report Quoted By:
>>5312153 >Sableye watches Maroon's gigantic mistake in horror Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.50 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Wed 22 Jun 2022 00:48:31 No. 5312162 Report Quoted By:
>>5312153 "Where did ya see Bind, uh the Lopunny, run off to?"
Team Storm Castform (L51)
Team Storm Castform (L51) ID:UBLtDw/6 Wed 22 Jun 2022 00:49:07 No. 5312163 Report Quoted By:
>>5312159 >castform gets a feeling something terrible is going to happen Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 22 Jun 2022 00:50:32 No. 5312165 Report Quoted By:
>>5312159 >Charles feels a sense of....foreboding Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
Quoted By:
>>5312153 Poli continues to stand around awkwardly absorbing any hearsay he can. Not very talkative today, it seems.
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Wed 22 Jun 2022 00:55:33 No. 5312175 Report Quoted By:
Citrine turns up unnannounced. "Hey, sorry! Got delayed."
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC)
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC) ID:6y2tbWFJ Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:03:13 No. 5312185 Report Quoted By:
>>5312153 Mistral walks over to where there might be signs of Bind. He is peeping into the conversation with Kangaskhan.
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:04:23 No. 5312186 Report "Why yes, it was! He gto spooked and ran off... that way. Oeuse should be over there..." She points off Northeast of treasure town, just outside the dungeon. Maroon and Sable register a shift in a low buzz in their ears as he moves, realizing it corresponds to the way he moves the unknown. It rushes back into place, filling the barrier. Listening in, he realizes it's the sound of muttering. "unauthorized temporal activity. neutralize all irritants. unauthorized temporal activity..." Inside the barrier, a sensation of weightlessness washes over. It's Wonder Room..." Castform's coil greatly improves his control of electricity! It snakes over the chest and lifts it through the air, like an electromagnetic yoyo. Charles feels something on his tail. ...Citrine! Poli, give me a... darkness roll.
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:05:57 No. 5312188 Report Quoted By:
>>5312186 >Sableye is taking notes Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:06:37 No. 5312189 Report >>5312186 "C-Citrine! Hello. Would you mind getting off my tail please?"
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d20) >>5312186 Poli attempts to get in tune with the forces of darkness.
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:07:51 No. 5312194 Report Quoted By:
>>5312186 "Well, Magnezone, since I can't see him, can you point me to Guildmaster Wigglytuff's location?"
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:08:06 No. 5312195 Report >>5312189 "AAH! My bad!!"
Citrine moves away gently.
"What's up?"
Team Storm Castform (L51)
Team Storm Castform (L51) ID:UBLtDw/6 Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:08:34 No. 5312198 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 17 (1d20) >>5312186 I... guys? I wasn't actually told where this goes, mind helping with directions?
>if the mags give me proper directions, follow with the chest Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:08:39 No. 5312199 Report Quoted By:
>>5312186 "Alright, thanks Kangaskhan! To Oeuse then."
*Ymir heads to the directed place, a bit relieved there's at least some sort of trail*
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:09:32 No. 5312200 Report >>5312195 "You're fine. We're helping out around the survivors. But apparently Guildmaster Wigglytuff needs to see me? Trying to find him."
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:10:29 No. 5312203 Report Quoted By:
>>5312186 "Thank you."
*Cava heads to Northeast of Treasure Town.
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:10:50 No. 5312204 Report Quoted By:
>>5312186 Vee wordlessly heads over to where he was instructed to find Bind.
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:v2zNj/a6 Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:11:09 No. 5312205 Report Quoted By:
>>5312186 "Thanks"
Astor follows Cava
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:11:42 No. 5312206 Report >>5312200 "Oh. Where are Cava and the others goin'?"
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:13:04 No. 5312207 Report >>5312206 "They are searching for Bind. You should probably go help them. The more man-er, Pokémon power, the better. I would assist, but if I'm needed by Guildmaster wigglytuff it must be important.""
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:15:03 No. 5312212 Report Quoted By:
>>5312207 Citrine nods and leaves for the Northeast.
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:15:40 No. 5312214 Report Rolled 4 (1d20) >>5312186 "Shoot. . ." Maroon curses underneath his breath, "I wish I had my flute. . ."
Instead of engaging directly, Maroon uses Agility and Flare Blitz to maneuver through the weightless environment towards Regigigas's collapsed body.
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:23:09 No. 5312219 Report Poli senses an a mysterious figure hiding in a nearby tree. It nods at him. Also, a very benevolent force directly behind Mistral, shifting behind every turn of his head. Charles sees a pink blur dancing around Mistral. Oeuse the Chansey is out in the middle of a field, sitting down in front of a weak trail of footprints. They just... end, without any sign of a happening or continuation elsewhere. She looks stumped. Castform is directed between a multitude of tents, delivering food and supplies with ease! For his troubles, the magnemites donate him a few enigma berries.
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
Quoted By:
>>5312219 "Ah, a force of darkness." Poli approaches the tree... and walks directly into it, achieving nothing.
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC)
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC) ID:6y2tbWFJ Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:25:24 No. 5312222 Report Quoted By:
>>5312219 "Uh! Something is happening and I'm not entirely sure what that is!" he says, confused.
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:25:47 No. 5312223 Report Quoted By:
>>5312219 "Hmmm. Is that...Goodness that's fast.."
>Charles walks over to Mistral and the Pink Blur Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:25:50 No. 5312224 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d20) >>5312219 Vee walks over to the Chansey. "I was told you might've seen where my friend went? He's a Lopunny." Vee inspects the footprints while asks.
Team Storm Castform (L51)
Team Storm Castform (L51) ID:UBLtDw/6 Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:27:16 No. 5312228 Report >>5312219 Thank you!
>castform remembers once when he first tried these things >oh god they tasted of eggs >he... wonders if he could trade these later. if there isn't any more supplies to deliver, I'm going to go head off to find Charles now
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:28:42 No. 5312231 Report Rolled 11 (1d20) >>5312219 *Ymir approaches*
"Oeuse is it? Looks like you found some tracks!"
*Ymir examines them carefully*
"Don't suppose you got any info beyond "he went that way!" do ya?"
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:29:40 No. 5312232 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d20) >>5312219 >>5312231 Citrine looms behind Ymir and Vee. Not intimidatingly. Just rock-ly.
Rolling for rock
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:34:06 No. 5312234 Report >>5312228 >Charles sees that Castform is done delivering and waves him over >He points to the Pink Blur around Mistral and does the "shhh" hand sign Team Storm Castform (L51)
Team Storm Castform (L51) ID:UBLtDw/6 Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:36:39 No. 5312237 Report Quoted By:
>>5312234 >castform nods, and continues with pah unchanged. >floating is rather quiet after all Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:43:11 No. 5312247 Report "I was observing!" Wigglytuff doesn't elaborate, finally resting behind Mistral. "Yoom-Tah! I wanted to keep helping, but Chatot says meeting you guys is important!" He leans in to whisper at Charles and Mistral. "But the joke's on him. I figured out that if I do what he says, he'll stop nagging me! So, wanna come with me? I've got tea and appllllllles~!" Something light drops from the tree onto Poli's head. It looks and feels like a ball of clouds and mist, with a note stuck to it. It features printrunes for pelipper, cinderace, and shuppet. evil. Oeuse answers, "Yes, it's your friend I'm looking for then?... I'm worried the trail might have gone cold, There's no more tracks! I'm sorry I couldn't find him, he was so much more agile than me... As Citrine's heavy steps fall, a few pebbles disappear into the shallow foorprints. Maybe there's some way to make them stand out more or something...
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
Quoted By:
>>5312247 "I love evil." Poli states. He... he didn't even read it, but took the note anyway before regrouping next to Mistral.
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC)
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC) ID:6y2tbWFJ Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:45:55 No. 5312254 Report Quoted By:
>>5312247 "I... Chatot wants to meet us? Why? Is it about what happened recently?"
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:46:04 No. 5312255 Report Quoted By:
>>5312247 "Come with you? Erm, I suppose so. What is this about?"
>Charles is looking quite confused! Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:46:27 No. 5312256 Report >>5312247 "Did they wash away or something?" Vee thinks. "I might be able to do something if that's the case." He looks to his friends for other ideas first.
Team Storm Castform (L51)
Team Storm Castform (L51) ID:UBLtDw/6 Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:46:45 No. 5312257 Report Quoted By:
>>5312247 >castform listens into wigglytuff's talk Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:47:39 No. 5312259 Report Quoted By:
>>5312214 Maroon floats across the weightless void inside the the Wonder Room, pushed along with an idly Flare Blitz. He approaches the fallen body of Regigigas to examine his body.
"Is he asleep. . ?" He whispers to himself. "Can they here me? The Unown?"
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:49:10 No. 5312262 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d20) >>5312247 "Don't worry yourself, did what ya could. He's our guild master and friend so we all got our eyes and ears open. Maybe another pair of eyes can find something."
*He makes his own search ahead of the tracks, maybe they start up again?*
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:50:43 No. 5312265 Report >>5312247 "Ugh... Thanks Oeuse, though. I dunno how we can make the footprints more visible... Can I use Flash Cannon above the tracks to make it easier to spot?"
>>5312256 "Are ya gonna use wish?"
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:51:09 No. 5312266 Report >>5312247 >>5312256 "Rocks."
Citrine doesn't have a clue. Maybe Vee will get an idea from the pebbles?
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:52:33 No. 5312267 Report >>5312266 >>5312265 "It might work. If the tracks are covered, I might be able to undo that like when I refilled Charles' cup of water. Anything else before I try it?"
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:52:44 No. 5312268 Report Rolled 20 (1d20) >>5312265 >>5312247 *Cava tries to use Flash Cannon as a UV light????? He's not shooting the ground, just above it...
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:55:50 No. 5312270 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d20) >>5312247 >>5312256 >>5312265 >>5312266 >>5312267 >>5312268 Seeing Cava get to work, Vee does as well. "Here goes nothing..." Vee prepares for a Wish, reaching deep. "Let's hope Wish can uncover tracks... Or something else... Give me light."
Vee used Wish!
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 22 Jun 2022 02:09:07 No. 5312287 Report "Mistral, Charles, Chatot and I were gonna make friends over tea and talk about how cool exploring is! Don't tell me you don't remember, it was only a little over four months ago when we last spoke!" He looks a little sad. The kecleon brothers silently nod to eachother before receding into their tent. They open a box, removing some things before flipping it over on the ground, propping it up a little with a stick. They tie a string to the stick before placing a few strange items underneath, and jump into the bush. A Silph Scope, a hyper potion, and a pair of Runnning Shoes. Vee's wish actually restores number of leaves back to their trees, revealing a second trail of footseps branching from some earlier ones. Was Bind backtracking? Scav's perfect flash cannon highlights some shallow shadows of footfalls with yet more fakeouts and branches leading... pretty far away from treasure town. Maroon remembers the muttering as regigigas's voice. It warps like an edited sound clip when he moved the unown, but now remains unchanged. He's completely unresponive to either of them... Sableguy has notes! His handwriting is unparalleled. Cava's Flash Cannon
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 22 Jun 2022 02:10:51 No. 5312289 Report >>5312287 "Quick, follow it!"
*Cava does his best to speed along.
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Wed 22 Jun 2022 02:11:53 No. 5312292 Report >>5312289 Citrine uses Gyro Ball to follow behind Cava.
"What a shot!!"
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Wed 22 Jun 2022 02:11:54 No. 5312293 Report >>5312289 "Nice work you two!"
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC)
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC) ID:6y2tbWFJ Wed 22 Jun 2022 02:12:48 No. 5312294 Report >>5312287 "I mean no offense to you, Wigglytuff, but it, uh, has been four months like you said." Mistral glances at Charles for support. "Lots happened during that time and whatnot. Forgive the forgetfulness."
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 22 Jun 2022 02:13:06 No. 5312295 Report Quoted By:
>>5312287 "Oh! W-well, I...don't see the harm in having a chat. Mistral? Cast?"
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 22 Jun 2022 02:13:23 No. 5312297 Report >>5312287 >>5312289 >>5312292 >>5312293 Vee ponders the repeating tracks while following along at a reasonable pace. It's kinda funny because he's smaller than everyone here. "He... might not want us to find him. There's no other reason I can think of he'd act this... intentionally erratic. Was this the thing you were talking about, Citrine?"
Team Storm Castform (L51)
Team Storm Castform (L51) ID:UBLtDw/6 Wed 22 Jun 2022 02:13:56 No. 5312298 Report Quoted By:
>>5312287 >castform is still by charles >he doesn't know what to make of this >just vibing along I guess Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 22 Jun 2022 02:14:07 No. 5312299 Report >>5312294 >>5312287 "Yes, things have been quite eventful. We would be happy to have that chat, right Mistral?"
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Wed 22 Jun 2022 02:14:47 No. 5312300 Report >>5312287 >Sable approaches Anything going on in there, Maroon? Besides being in an anti-gravity trap?
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC)
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC) ID:6y2tbWFJ Wed 22 Jun 2022 02:15:38 No. 5312301 Report Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Wed 22 Jun 2022 02:16:12 No. 5312302 Report >>5312297 "Mega evolution can drive you mad. He may not have been thinkin' straight."
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 22 Jun 2022 02:17:49 No. 5312304 Report >>5312287 Maroon's eyebrows raise in surprise and understanding. It was the Unown talking- but they were Regigigas thoughts!
"He's still asleep. . . If I could get something out of him. . .-"
>>5312300 Maroon whips around to see Sableye on the other side of the barrier. He frowns, but replies, "he's still unconscious! I think this barrier is preserving him or something!"
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 22 Jun 2022 02:18:07 No. 5312305 Report >>5312302 "Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. Could've been a... I dunno. Paranoid, manic episode. Bind's never good in situations like these... but he always comes out on top."
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 22 Jun 2022 02:19:15 No. 5312309 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 16 (1d20) >>5312304 "Let's see. . ." Maroon reaches out to fetch another Unown and whispers to it. "Let me speak to Regigigas."
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Wed 22 Jun 2022 02:19:33 No. 5312310 Report Quoted By:
>>5312297 >>5312305 "Yeah. There's this sort of fog... it's weird. Too much power, I guess? He must have succumbed. I'm sure he'd have overcome it eventually, though..."
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
>>5312301 "Apples are tasty." Poli intrudes on their conversation.
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 22 Jun 2022 02:25:04 No. 5312318 Report Quoted By:
>>5312312 >Charles nods "Quite so. The Guildmaster has good taste."
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Wed 22 Jun 2022 02:26:52 No. 5312319 Report Quoted By:
>>5312304 Perhaps we should leave him like that, considering he tried to turn us all into pancakes?
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:v2zNj/a6 Wed 22 Jun 2022 02:34:30 No. 5312323 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 3 (1d20) >>5312289 "AAAAAAAAAAAA"
Astor is speed
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 22 Jun 2022 02:39:14 No. 5312326 Report Poli gets a magic cloud. Makes weather conditions resistant to change. Castform's Gold Coil persists, and looks like it has another good use or two before the electricity melts it. Wigglytuff shuffles in place for a good four seconds before peeling out to a wide pink tent with Chatot holding the flap open. Regigigas's messages change in response to Maroon's movements. "ư̸̙͐͒̀̓͐̋̃̓̔̊͑̐͘ņ̵̟̺͈̝̺̝͉͖͊͆̆̀͆͛̚a̸̢͈͓̓̎͂̿̐̓̀̕̚͠ų̴͎̱̪̣͊͗̂͒͌͌̓͛̈́̚̕ṯ̴̗̬͚͓͍̰̈̈̆̈́̔͗́͋̊̒̿̚̕̚h̵͍͖̣̜̪̮̊ỏ̶͚̠͉̯̿̉͆̇̾̈́͝r̷̨̨̡̫̣̺͓̗̱̬̟̬̥͒̓́̇̇͂̍͊̍̍̈͑i̸̜̰̖̠̍̽͂̿͒͂̀͋z̵̨̢͕̫̦͔̺̼̣̹̗͍̣͒è̴̪̤̺͐̔̋͌̉͋̉̒̈́̿̌d̷̨̧͎͚̮͎̮͔̫͍̱͒̈́̆ͅ ̵̡͕̱̫̳̘̋̈́̍l̷̘̩̺̐͗̍͋͋ȁ̵̛̩͎͕̟̗̜͍͎͙̞͆̌͛̉͐̏͌̀͆̑͊͝k̷̦̹͇̇̂̄̉̉̆͠e̸̡̫̤̙̠̫͉̹͍̥͓̭̖̠̜̐͂̌̒́́̑ͅ ̶͙̈́̍̈́̔̊̑̒̊͂̌͘͘s̵̨͍̉̌͒̄̒͝p̵̧̬͖͎͕͖͕̘̫͉͎̣̩̚ȋ̶͔̜͍͓̬̺͈̈́͌̓̈́̔͛̾͋͘͜͝͠͝ȓ̸̫̯̩͈͎̼͔̠ì̸̢̨̢̦͎͔̟͔̱̦̖͔͇̣̖̈́̊̂͒͋̃͜ṭ̴̮̜̌͂̈́͠ ̷͙͉͙͔͎̫̐̀͆a̵̫̭̱̒̾̓̉c̵̨̧̧̻͇͈̠̩̣͚̬͎̜̬͓̉̿͒t̸͚͕̫̪̝͓̱̱̘̳̍͌̇̃̎̋̇͌̃̔͆i̵̧̢̡̨̛̦̪͍̳̞̪͊͗̽̓̿͗̇̓͑̚v̵̨̪̘̺̖͖͚̟̹̰̫̈̍̓̍̉̀̀͂͛̚͜͝ͅity detected. neutralize all lake spirits The footprint trail wavers before failing in a misty forest area. A few increasingly common marble stones dot the ground. Astor speeds into a tree, knocking it over. He takes 60 damage. Kecs are still in their bush. "I do not believe he will fall for this, brother." "You of little faith, brother. We are no longer in treasure town!"
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 22 Jun 2022 02:40:58 No. 5312328 Report Quoted By:
>>5312326 "Huh. Odd." Vee looks to his friends for input.
Team Storm Castform (L51)
Team Storm Castform (L51) ID:UBLtDw/6 Wed 22 Jun 2022 02:41:43 No. 5312329 Report Quoted By:
>>5312326 >cast stops charging it, and returns the coil ot his bag >might actually be useful to have around. Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 22 Jun 2022 02:41:46 No. 5312330 Report >>5312326 >Charles looks to Mistral and Castform "Shall we?"
>Charles heads over to the Pink Tent Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 22 Jun 2022 02:42:13 No. 5312331 Report Rolled 17 (1d20) >>5312326 Maroon freezes as he hears that message, he snatches another Unown and demands firmly. "Who sent you, Regigigas? Was it Dialga?"
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
>>5312326 "Cool." Poli says as he follows Wigglytuff.
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 22 Jun 2022 02:42:48 No. 5312333 Report Quoted By:
Cava's Flash Cannon
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Wed 22 Jun 2022 02:43:20 No. 5312334 Report Quoted By:
>>5312326 >>5312331 Hey, careful with them! You don't want to piss off the things keeping him down!
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 22 Jun 2022 02:43:46 No. 5312335 Report >>5312332 "Oh! Sorry Poli! I..huh. I forgot you were there. You using magic?"
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:v2zNj/a6 Wed 22 Jun 2022 02:45:00 No. 5312337 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 13 (1d20) >>5312326 "I'm ok!"
Astor turns to 4 speeds
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC)
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC) ID:6y2tbWFJ Wed 22 Jun 2022 02:45:15 No. 5312339 Report >>5312312 >>5312330 "Do we head in?" Mistral watches Charles. "I guess that is our invitation."
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Wed 22 Jun 2022 02:45:17 No. 5312340 Report Quoted By:
>>5312326 "Wonder why ue would go here?"
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
>>5312335 "No, I just ran off to go see a tree. Now I'm back."
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Wed 22 Jun 2022 02:46:58 No. 5312343 Report Rolled 6 (1d20) >>5312326 "Marble? What...?"
Citrine looks for more marble stones.
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 22 Jun 2022 02:50:44 No. 5312346 Report >>5312343 "Think all that comes from Big Gigas back there. Bind probably got him really good. Hehe."
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
Quoted By:
>>5312339 "Probably. Also, I got this note I was too lazy to read." Poli hands over the note from
>>5312247 Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 22 Jun 2022 02:55:42 No. 5312349 Report >>5312342 "Oh! How was the tree?"
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
>>5312349 "Evil." Knowing Poli, that was 'good' to him.
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 22 Jun 2022 03:00:44 No. 5312356 Report Rolled 10 (1d20) There is a fallen tree with an Astor shaped hole in the way Astor has 4 speeds, so he passes over it.... before a flash of light pulls the fallen tree back into place! Looks like you're at the tip of a mystery dungeon. The marble stones give way to a marble Chatot sees castform approaching and begins to sweatdrop. Wigglytuff cuts him off, "It's fiiine, Chatot! After all, what's the point of a secret if nobody knows about it? He's a friend!" Chatot rolls to let it slide. Regigigas's words change again. "unauthorized temporal activity detected. neu-i̴͎̯͈̮͉̒̀̎̉͑̒́̃͐̕͠n̴̡̥̝̼͎̮̭̖̯̤̻̾͊̽̔͗͛̀̐͊̓̇͘̚v̷̧̫͔̯̼̰͙͙̱̮̗̎̉̄͒̓́̕̕̚͘e̷̥̥̣̭̜̙͓̙̥̯̝͂̌̄̈̌ͅs̴̢̰̰͙̳̼̩̬̺̣̣̩̹̃̎̓̌̈́̓͛͋t̶̫̬̫̳̹̻̬͉̰͗͛͑̚͜i̴̡̨̼̪̜̩̜͓̯̖͔̠̻̐̈̑͂̆͝͠g̴͇̎̿̂͘a̸̛̪̬͚͇̬̻͎̖̼̠͖̓̈͛̐̾͐͂̍̎̃͛͋̚ͅẗ̸̥̘͙́̓́͝i̶̯̓̆ǫ̷̠͚͇͚̱̝͙̙́͜ͅn̷̡̰͔̤͇͆̀ ̴̡̯̝̪̋̈́͝ŗ̶̳̯̽̀͜e̶̛͓̻̰̱͚̤̝̰͙͙͓͍͔̮̱͗̂̓̌̔̓͑̽̌̈̚v̵͚͚̔̇̽̀̾̐̏̇͝ḙ̸̢̛͕̖̮̯͕̟̙̥̻̹͓͕̱̄̍̌̌̄̚̚͜ä̵̼͓̜́l̴̨̧̨̖̻̻̩͕̰̦͔̥̄̓s̴̼͎͎̋ ̷̣͖̩̹̪̩͇̮͖̪̂͂̄͛͌̎́̑̇̊̀̌͑̀͘͜͝ͅs̵̡̛̰̩̺̻̯̗͙͕̪̬͕̯͒̒͋͌̎͛̋̍͛̀̋̋͒̓ų̴̧̳̝̖̹̫͎̙͋͑̀͂̂̈́̏͒̓͗̌̀͒̕͝͝p̷̡̻͔͛̄͊̾̐́̈́̃̒̐́́͐̕̚ę̷̢͓͚̻̬̳̗̰̠̰̰͎̐̈́͒̍͌͊̈́͋̄̽̎̕͝ͅr̸̨͍͉̬̗̺͈̞̻̃͑̽̑̔͋̃͂̆̑̕̚͝͝ior: Dialga likely responsible. Overwrite pending.
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Wed 22 Jun 2022 03:01:14 No. 5312358 Report Quoted By:
>>5312346 "Youi miiiight be right. But Bind only landed two hits. Powerful ones, though, so maybe he got some shards stuck on him? No idea how else they'd be that far out here."
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 22 Jun 2022 03:01:24 No. 5312359 Report Quoted By:
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:o7BM/Wag Wed 22 Jun 2022 03:02:04 No. 5312360 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d20) >>5312356 Astor is now at 5 speeds
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 22 Jun 2022 03:02:19 No. 5312361 Report Quoted By:
>>5312356 "Aw man, looks like Bind went into a mystery dungeon. No wonder the footprints stopped. C'mon boys, let's go."
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 22 Jun 2022 03:03:39 No. 5312364 Report Quoted By:
>>5312356 "Greetings Chatot."
>Charles enters the tent "What did the both of you wish to speak about?"
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 22 Jun 2022 03:03:41 No. 5312365 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d20) >>5312356 ". . . Overwrite. . . Regigigas! Snap out of it! You've been tricked by Dialga! He's using you to destroy the world! The world you help build! Overwrite!" Maroon shouts through the Unown.
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 22 Jun 2022 03:06:26 No. 5312368 Report There is a fallen tree with an Astor shaped hole in the way Astor has 4 speeds, so he passes over it.... before a flash of light pulls the fallen tree back into place! Looks like you're at the tip of a mystery dungeon. The stones give way to a marble foundation and temple, with mist billowing from the entrance. Chatot sees castform approaching and begins to sweatdrop. Wigglytuff cuts him off, "It's fiiine, Chatot! After all, what's the point of a secret if nobody knows about it? He's a friend!" Chatot rolls to let it slide. Regigigas's words change again. "unauthorized temporal activity detected. neu-i̴͎̯͈̮͉̒̀̎̉͑̒́̃͐̕͠n̴̡̥̝̼͎̮̭̖̯̤̻̾͊̽̔͗͛̀̐͊̓̇͘̚v̷̧̫͔̯̼̰͙͙̱̮̗̎̉̄͒̓́̕̕̚͘e̷̥̥̣̭̜̙͓̙̥̯̝͂̌̄̈̌ͅs̴̢̰̰͙̳̼̩̬̺̣̣̩̹̃̎̓̌̈́̓͛͋t̶̫̬̫̳̹̻̬͉̰͗͛͑̚͜i̴̡̨̼̪̜̩̜͓̯̖͔̠̻̐̈̑͂̆͝͠g̴͇̎̿̂͘a̸̛̪̬͚͇̬̻͎̖̼̠͖̓̈͛̐̾͐͂̍̎̃͛͋̚ͅẗ̸̥̘͙́̓́͝i̶̯̓̆ǫ̷̠͚͇͚̱̝͙̙́͜ͅn̷̡̰͔̤͇͆̀ ̴̡̯̝̪̋̈́͝ŗ̶̳̯̽̀͜e̶̛͓̻̰̱͚̤̝̰͙͙͓͍͔̮̱͗̂̓̌̔̓͑̽̌̈̚v̵͚͚̔̇̽̀̾̐̏̇͝ḙ̸̢̛͕̖̮̯͕̟̙̥̻̹͓͕̱̄̍̌̌̄̚̚͜ä̵̼͓̜́l̴̨̧̨̖̻̻̩͕̰̦͔̥̄̓s̴̼͎͎̋ ̷̣͖̩̹̪̩͇̮͖̪̂͂̄͛͌̎́̑̇̊̀̌͑̀͘͜͝ͅs̵̡̛̰̩̺̻̯̗͙͕̪̬͕̯͒̒͋͌̎͛̋̍͛̀̋̋͒̓ų̴̧̳̝̖̹̫͎̙͋͑̀͂̂̈́̏͒̓͗̌̀͒̕͝͝p̷̡̻͔͛̄͊̾̐́̈́̃̒̐́́͐̕̚ę̷̢͓͚̻̬̳̗̰̠̰̰͎̐̈́͒̍͌͊̈́͋̄̽̎̕͝ͅr̸̨͍͉̬̗̺͈̞̻̃͑̽̑̔͋̃͂̆̑̕̚͝͝ior: Dialga likely responsible. Overwrite pending.
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 22 Jun 2022 03:07:08 No. 5312370 Report Quoted By:
>>5312368 "Is this what I think it is..?"
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:o7BM/Wag Wed 22 Jun 2022 03:07:32 No. 5312371 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d20) >>5312368 Astor is now at 5 speeds
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 22 Jun 2022 03:08:00 No. 5312372 Report >>5312368 "Greetings Chatot."
>Charles enters the tent "What did the both of you wish to speak about?"
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Wed 22 Jun 2022 03:08:25 No. 5312373 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 9 (1d20) >>5312356 Well, shit. That's fucked. Didn't figure Regigigas took orders from Dialga, but hey, guess that's today's new learn... thing... hm...
>>5312368 >Sableconvince Hello in there? Regigigas, can you hear me? What unauthorized temporal activity was committed?
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 22 Jun 2022 03:09:28 No. 5312374 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 20 (1d20) >>5312368 ". . . Overwrite. . . Regigigas! Snap out of it! You've been tricked by Dialga! He's using you to destroy the world! The world you help build! Overwrite!" Maroon shouts through the Unown.
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Wed 22 Jun 2022 03:11:08 No. 5312377 Report Quoted By:
>>5312368 "Seems this just turned into a rescue mission!"
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC)
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC) ID:6y2tbWFJ Wed 22 Jun 2022 03:20:38 No. 5312383 Report Quoted By:
>>5312372 "I'd like to know, also. I... forget what exactly we were supposed to be speaking about."
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 22 Jun 2022 03:22:32 No. 5312385 Report Chatot sighs and lets everyone in. There's a post for Chatot to standsleep on, and a bed made entirely of perfect apples. In the center are a few cups of water with diced apples and tea in bags suspended on the ceiling above them. One Yoom-Tah later, everyone has their own absurdly sweet drink to enjoy. "Adventuring sure is the most magical feeling there is! You never kn-" A wing covering Wiggly's mouth, Chatot restarts. "Knowledge of the Hidden Land and the Lapras that can take pokemon there is not easy to come by. Least of all for a bunch of... ex-thugs. Please, explain to to us your role in all these happenings, and if you are responsible for the other day." Wigglytuff keeps muffle-talking under Chatot's wing. "...Request denied. Superior Dialga must not deviate. Illegal activity: Engagement of temporal recurrence structures. No objects, humans or pokemon affected are to be compromised so. Illegal activity: The Planet's Paralysis engaged. Likely unrelated. Illegal activity: Human presence."
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 22 Jun 2022 03:25:42 No. 5312390 Report Another flash of light blinds Vee, Astor, Citrine, and Ymir just seconds after the the first?! It looks like time is looping almost every second in here! It's way too fast!
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Wed 22 Jun 2022 03:25:51 No. 5312391 Report Quoted By:
>>5312385 >Charles takes a sip of his drink, looking over to the others, remembering that some have been on the bad side of the law >He says nothing and waits for Mistral Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Wed 22 Jun 2022 03:26:12 No. 5312392 Report >>5312368 "So we're goin' in? Best shot we got."
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
Quoted By:
>>5312385 Poli just stares menacingly at Chatot while he sips the new drink. It's probably not actually malicious, but he IS pretty creepy...
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Wed 22 Jun 2022 03:26:26 No. 5312394 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d20) >>5312385 None of those sound very good. Could you elaborate please?
>Sable lays on the charm! >Sable doesn't know charm! >Sable is a fancy talker anyway! Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 22 Jun 2022 03:26:59 No. 5312396 Report >>5312390 "That's not good. This is an important place, that much is for certain! I dunno if I'm right but I'm not really wrong either."
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Wed 22 Jun 2022 03:27:19 No. 5312397 Report >>5312392 "Since we ignore the loops, anyways... weird environment to traverse, though."
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 57) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Wed 22 Jun 2022 03:28:37 No. 5312399 Report Quoted By:
>>5312390 "AWAWAWA!"
*Cava's also here, but he was forgotten by Mr. GM...
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC)
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC) ID:6y2tbWFJ Wed 22 Jun 2022 03:29:25 No. 5312401 Report Quoted By:
>>5312385 "I wouldn't... really call ourselves ex-thugs. It's surely better than that." Mistral shakes his head. "I don't think we are."
"The Hidden Land... well. It's not really secret when you already know about it. I know of it from Torkoal."
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Wed 22 Jun 2022 03:29:55 No. 5312402 Report Quoted By:
>>5312385 ". . ." Maroon growls, his body frosts over as cold fire bursts from his body. "Report to Dialga that nothing he does can stop us from reverting the Planet Paralysis." He throws the Unown aside and steps out of the barrier.
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Wed 22 Jun 2022 03:30:12 No. 5312404 Report Quoted By:
>>5312390 "What on earth is goin' on? This place is popping off left and right! Guess we ain't got a choice."
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:v2zNj/a6 Wed 22 Jun 2022 03:30:44 No. 5312407 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 14 (1d20) >>5312390 "AAAAAAAAAAAAA"
The bird goes at 7 speeds to avoid the loop
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 47 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 22 Jun 2022 03:38:58 No. 5312413 Report >>5312396 >>5312397 "We're either safer since the dungeon enemies will just return to their original positions repeatedly, or in even more danger due to the never-ending waves of them." Vee thinks for a moment. "I like our odds."
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Wed 22 Jun 2022 03:47:43 No. 5312424 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 15 (1d20) >>5312413 "Well, let's go, then!"
Citrine E N T E R S.
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 22 Jun 2022 03:51:16 No. 5312429 Report Astor builds speed. Unfortunately, there are no spinarak nearby to manipulate. Wigglytuff turns to Charles. "Sorry, he's a little cranky. I know it's important and all, but it's important to build bonds, too! So, I'm Wigglytuff! Tell me about yourself, Mr. Goodra!" Sable bites his tongue, but Regi continues. "repeated recurrences of time will prevent The End. Time Gears have been removed from their rightful places, beginning the planet's paralysis. Time Gears can be used to disrupt Superior: Dialga's regular function of time until The End. Human activity has historically been conducted to prevent The End." "Torkoal told you...?" Chatot squints. "So you've been all over the country, even before coming to Treasure Town. And you gave something of an impression that getting to the Hidden Land would be simple and easy, yes?" "Forgive me for sounding suspicious, but you seem abnormally well informed, Mistral." I'd hate for us to receive the wrong impression of eachother... again..."
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Wed 22 Jun 2022 03:54:43 No. 5312431 Report Quoted By:
>>5312429 ugh... fucking time gears again...
Alright, how and where can we get the things to stop The End?
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 22 Jun 2022 04:17:44 No. 5312455 Report "Warning: The End must not be stopped under any circumstances." His statment is punctuated with all of the unown surrounding Gigas and Maroon stopping in place abruptly and turning their gazes to the Arcanine and Sableye. The gang at the temple wait to regroup with the others before trekking inward... for Hazy Hieron. Mistral and Charles will continue their diplomacy and all... Thursday the 23rd, at 7 CST.
Team Divers Vee, Level 1000 Eevee (Foreverstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 1000 Eevee (Foreverstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Wed 22 Jun 2022 04:30:20 No. 5312468 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 10 (1d20) >>5312455 "Why though? I guess we'll just have to FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON DRAGON BALL V!"
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Fri 24 Jun 2022 00:43:52 No. 5314619 Report Quoted By:
>>5312429 "Its quite understandable. It is good to worry about things too!
>Ahem "Greetings! Its a pleasure to meet you Guildmaster Wigglytuff! My name is Charles!
>He tips his hat As you saw a while ago when we talked about having this conversation, I am a more recent addition to the Lost Hope Guild! Is there anything in particular you would like to know about myself?"
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Fri 24 Jun 2022 01:00:51 No. 5314629 Report Some of the unown looking at Maroon and Sableguy begin to vibrate. Looks like they didn't appreciate Sab and Maroon's last few statements and requests... Wigglytuff begins handing out more tea, ignoring that nobody but him has finished his first drink. "Ooh~! Then you guys decided to become a real guild? What's your rank? Where have you been? The life of an explorer's never dull!" Chatot turns to correct Wigglytuff, that he hasn't in fact received any reports from the federation that any new guilds have been established, before sighing and instead turning to Mistral. "We're trying to prevent unsavory types from becoming qulaified explorers after relatively recent events, you see-" He takes a sip of his tea before blanching at the sweetness and looking at Wigglytuff for a moment, "-So our guard has been up. Between that, this dungeoning ban, and Treasure Town being destroyed, we've all been been wanting for morale. I... trust that we can handle things if they turn sour between us and "Lost Hope", but it would... greatly ease m-our spirits if we... knew for certain you lot are good company..." Chatot looks like he's holding back some of his thoughts, but Wiggs pats him on that back and winks at him after finishing.
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Fri 24 Jun 2022 01:04:15 No. 5314633 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 20 (1d20) >>5314629 Uh... hi guys.
Hey, did you know that distractions work on a sizable percentage of the population?
>Sable shows the Unown his Arceus necklace Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 24 Jun 2022 01:04:47 No. 5314635 Report Quoted By:
>>5314629 *Cava... Isn't here! He's in a dungeon with Vee and the others...
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Fri 24 Jun 2022 01:05:54 No. 5314637 Report Quoted By:
>>5314629 >Charles finishes off his first tea and starts on his second as to not be rude! "Why thank you, but as Chatot said, we have not become an official guild. I suppose our group just likes to call ourselves that.
>To Chatot "Chatot, good sir, I cannot speak for past actions that I was not apart of, but I can assure you, from what I have seen, LHG has been an upstanding group! We always lend a hand to those in need!"
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:V7w7SDtB Fri 24 Jun 2022 01:07:50 No. 5314639 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 14 (1d20) Astor vibes meanwhile
Team Storm Castform (L51)
Team Storm Castform (L51) ID:UBLtDw/6 Fri 24 Jun 2022 01:08:54 No. 5314641 Report >>5314629 >Castform, being in with charles and andro, briefly takes his face out of the tea we crashed a space station fighting regidrago, it was awesome
>Castform sticks his face back in the tea Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC)
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC) ID:6y2tbWFJ Fri 24 Jun 2022 01:12:51 No. 5314645 Report Quoted By:
>>5314629 "We're not really official yet. And... yeah. I guess you could say that I've been around for a bit." Mistral hasn't really touched the tea but accepted the snacks. "In spirit, if anything."
Team Storm Castform (L51)
Team Storm Castform (L51) ID:UBLtDw/6 Fri 24 Jun 2022 01:13:14 No. 5314646 Report Quoted By:
>>5314641 (with mistral, apologies.)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 24 Jun 2022 01:13:38 No. 5314647 Report Quoted By:
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Fri 24 Jun 2022 01:14:56 No. 5314648 Report Quoted By:
>>5314641 "Oh yes! That was my second major adventure with you all. Goodness! I was almost vaporized! Heh, good thing I had Protect back then!"
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Fri 24 Jun 2022 01:17:33 No. 5314651 Report >>5314629 Maroon keeps his eyes steady on the swarm of the Unown as he carefully drifts away from the thick mass to a safer position, cold mist rises from his body, muscles coiling underneath his skin.
"What would these do. . " Maroon reaches into his mane throws out seeds at the ground.
>Maroon used Grassy Seed and Agility. Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Fri 24 Jun 2022 01:20:22 No. 5314656 Report Quoted By:
>>5314629 >>5314651 By the way I'm not affiliated with him.
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Fri 24 Jun 2022 01:25:59 No. 5314666 Report Astor and Cava both see 5P on the ground at the same time. Most of the unown turn to stare at the familiar pattern, suddenly not as attentive to either of them for a moment. A small handful of them are still preparing to do... something. "I see. There are many types of pokemon in the world, with abilities you'd never predict! I'm sure it's an interesting story." Chatot lets it go. "If I can ask, where are you from, Mr. Mistral? You're all a rare assortment of pokemon." Wigglytuff downs another cup before spilling some on the table. You realize his drink isn't even tea, just Perfect Applesauce with sugar mixed in. "Wooooaaoow! You've found a way to get to space?! You gotta tell me what it's like! Is it fun? Scary?... Gooey?"
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 24 Jun 2022 01:26:44 No. 5314668 Report Rolled 6 (1d20) >>5314666 "Mine!"
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Fri 24 Jun 2022 01:27:16 No. 5314669 Report Quoted By:
>>5314666 Maroon, just wait for a minute here...
>Sable waits Team Storm Castform (L51)
Team Storm Castform (L51) ID:UBLtDw/6 Fri 24 Jun 2022 01:31:31 No. 5314675 Report Quoted By:
>>5314666 >castform gets up once again, now with cup stuck to head space is... quiet. quiet and empty. there's no air up there so even if you screamed at the top of your lungs you wouldn't make a sound. this lack of air also means traditional flight is impossible, as wings have nothing to push off. floaters however should be fine.
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Fri 24 Jun 2022 01:31:55 No. 5314676 Report Quoted By:
>>5314666 "Oh dear! Well...its a mixture of feelings being in space...terrifying...wonderous...beautiful... Sigh, the only shame was that I was a sliggoo at the time. I'm not sure how familiar you are with sliggoos, but they can only see using hearing and smell from their antennae. I could not see those beautiful stars beyond the space station we were in. I was unable to truly appreciate those little lights in the distance...
>Charles stares off a little before returning his attention to Wigglytuff Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Fri 24 Jun 2022 01:32:01 No. 5314677 Report Rolled 14 (1d20) "Sableye, I don't think they're going to tell you anything. You should run right now," he says as he pulls out another Infernal Parada. And fires it directly into the cloud of eyes. "STRIKE BACK! GO EXCITED! GET THEM OUT OF YOUR WAY!" Maroon screams as he blasts head first into the Unown.>Maroon uses Infernal Parade to set down Sunny(?), and uses Flare Blitz!
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Fri 24 Jun 2022 01:36:51 No. 5314681 Report Rolled 16 (1d20) >>5314666 "Sableye, I don't think they're here to make friends or hand out answers. You should just leave, I'll get my way out of this." Maroon says as he pulls out another item from mane. It's a firework, pointed straight at the cloud of eyes.
"Hm. . . Strike back. Go excited. Get them out of your way. . ." Maroon whispers as a song plays in his mind.
The Infernal Parade fires and Maroon soon with it!
>Maroon uses Infernal Parada to set Harsh Sunlight, and uses Flare Blitz! Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:V7w7SDtB Fri 24 Jun 2022 01:37:31 No. 5314682 Report Rolled 4 (1d20) >>5314668 "MINE!"
Astor uses Close Combat on Cava
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC)
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC) ID:6y2tbWFJ Fri 24 Jun 2022 01:38:58 No. 5314684 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 10 (1d20) >>5314666 "Certainly not from around here," Mistral replies. "But I've seen things from a specific perspective."
[Lie/Deception] "It's just some islands. I don't think you would know it."
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Fri 24 Jun 2022 01:39:30 No. 5314686 Report Quoted By:
>>5314681 >>5314677 I'm not pulling your ass out of this one.
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Fri 24 Jun 2022 01:52:37 No. 5314693 Report Grassy terrain takes root, compressing the ground. Maroon's jetting flames light it all up immediately, quickly spreading to some of the unown on the ground. The twisting space surrounding Gigas reverses the properties of Maroon's fires, and it frosts over some of the unown Maroon KOes as he dashes away. It creates a hole in the bottom of their barrier as the few of them still looking at him fire their Hidden Powers in tandem... Wigglytuff has stars in his eyes, and begins to practice floating by inflating himself. It knocks over Castform and Chatot's drink. Chatot holds a wing to his beak, chuckling. "The Guildmaster and I have been partners for a very long time. You'd be surprised how far we've been! This Regidrago your friend mentioned sounds a little like a trio of pokemon we've met already..." He smiles nostalgically.
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Fri 24 Jun 2022 01:57:29 No. 5314701 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 9, 17, 12, 20, 11 = 69 (5d20) rollan
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Fri 24 Jun 2022 01:58:24 No. 5314703 Report >>5314693 "Oh? You two were partners before leading the guild? Interesting! And do you mean the other regis? I haven't met them in person, but they are quite fascinating."
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 24 Jun 2022 02:00:42 No. 5314706 Report >>5314682 *Cava uses Swords Dance!
"Oh no you don't!"
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Fri 24 Jun 2022 02:08:35 No. 5314712 Report Maroon is caught on the back by four Hidden Powers! They feel particularly strong on him... Maroon takes 777 damage as he flips and rolls out of their failing barrier. Despite all of the unfrozen unown circling him, Regigigas's bubble begins evaporating from the bottom up. Wigglytuff calls out between inhales. "Am I doing it right? Can I move in space like this?" Chatot starts brewing his own drink, with less sugar. "Maybe you'd like a more... traditional blend. The Guildmaster's sensibilities are... unique."
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:V7w7SDtB Fri 24 Jun 2022 02:08:41 No. 5314714 Report Rolled 3 (1d20) >>5314706 "Are you really going to die for five coins?"
Astor uses Brave Bird!
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC)
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC) ID:6y2tbWFJ Fri 24 Jun 2022 02:08:53 No. 5314715 Report Quoted By:
>>5314693 >>5314703 "I think they might mean the ones from Aegis Cave?" Mistral supplies. "Team Charm had been there..."
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Fri 24 Jun 2022 02:11:23 No. 5314719 Report >>5314712 "Ow. . ." Maroon groans as he scrambles onto his feet and immediately uses Extreme Speed to run off.
>Maroon uses Extreme Speed and Morning Sun. Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 24 Jun 2022 02:12:19 No. 5314720 Report Rolled 15 (1d20) >>5314714 "ABSOLUTELY!"
816 Hp left.
Cava bashes his head into Astor's with an Iron Head!
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 24 Jun 2022 02:13:53 No. 5314721 Report >>5314720 386 damage, Astor has been flinched.
Cava has 623 HP left.
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Fri 24 Jun 2022 02:14:54 No. 5314722 Report Quoted By:
>>5314712 >>5314719 Hi, please don't blame me for that guy's antics. uh... unless you want something else I'll just be uh... over here...
>Sable inches away Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 24 Jun 2022 02:14:54 No. 5314723 Report Rolled 2 (1d20) >>5314721 *Cava... Does it again!
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 24 Jun 2022 02:16:27 No. 5314726 Report >>5314723 360 damage!
443 HP left.
Team Storm Castform (L51)
Team Storm Castform (L51) ID:UBLtDw/6 Fri 24 Jun 2022 02:17:39 No. 5314729 Report Quoted By:
>>5314712 I... wouldn't reccomend like that.
I mean floaters more like those with some magic about flying. things such as claydol, or from experience, myself. given differences in pressure, floating like that would be both ineffective and terrible for your health
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Fri 24 Jun 2022 02:18:14 No. 5314732 Report Cava has a couple boosts, and is missing 518 health from Astor's atttacks. Chatot hums. "You've been there 'in spirit' too? Team Charm are an..." He takes a moment to think of something. "Efficient bunch. I'm surprised not to have heard about them going there, though" He sweatdrops. "Know of anything interesting in Aegis Cave? We couldn't find anything in our visits besides some of those golems." "Yeah, all three of 'em gave Chatot the runaround. You should've seen him fly!"
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Fri 24 Jun 2022 02:18:39 No. 5314733 Report Quoted By:
>>5314712 >Wigglytuff "Well, the main problem is that space is like...one giant vacuum? I'm not sure if you know what that is...Its like, imagine that space is empty, *very* empty to the point that the air inside you would wish to...escape, shall we say."
>Chatot "Heh heh! He is quite fun!"
>Moving neck closer to Chatot and whispering "And quite...dangerous."
>He leans back and takes another sip of his tea Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 24 Jun 2022 02:19:09 No. 5314734 Report Quoted By:
>>5314726 >>5314723 >>5314721 >>5314720 I forgot about swords dance. Total damage is 986. Injection Mold damage is not changed so HP remains 443.
Team Storm Castform (L51)
Team Storm Castform (L51) ID:UBLtDw/6 Fri 24 Jun 2022 02:23:59 No. 5314735 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 12 (1d20) >>5314732 >castform hears ageis cave and his mind is full of thoughts >he is silent, but clearly WANTS to say something despite it being a bad idea >rolling to keep a poker face Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Fri 24 Jun 2022 02:24:59 No. 5314736 Report Maroon and Sable escape in one piece, a few foreboding bits of information in hand. As time loops again in a flash of light they look over their shoulders to see the unown's barrier fail to protect themselves and the Gigas from the rewinding time. XP150+1d20 to both
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Fri 24 Jun 2022 02:26:50 No. 5314739 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 3, 7 = 10 (2d20) >>5314736 "What the. .." Maroon shakes his head and continues running at top speed.
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Fri 24 Jun 2022 02:29:37 No. 5314746 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 1 (1d20) >>5314736 >Sableroll Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC)
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC) ID:6y2tbWFJ Fri 24 Jun 2022 02:30:42 No. 5314749 Report Quoted By:
>>5314732 "Pokepals didn't tell you? They were there." Mistral hums. "I know Regigigas was present, at the very end of the dungeon."
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:V7w7SDtB Fri 24 Jun 2022 02:31:41 No. 5314750 Report >>5314723 "... you're a fucking retard"
Astor Roost the pain away
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 24 Jun 2022 02:32:51 No. 5314752 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 12 (1d20) >>5314750 *Cava smashes his head again.
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 24 Jun 2022 02:34:41 No. 5314755 Report >>5314750 *Cava pretty much gets Astor back to where his HP was before, dealing 620 damage!
He.... He's not looking too healthy though. 130 HP left.
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:V7w7SDtB Fri 24 Jun 2022 02:36:10 No. 5314756 Report Rolled 19 (1d20) >>5314755 "... have a good night"
Brave Bird
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Injection Mold)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Injection Mold) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 24 Jun 2022 02:37:18 No. 5314757 Report >>5314756 *Cava's fucking dead.
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Fri 24 Jun 2022 02:37:29 No. 5314758 Report Chatot sweats a bit. "H-he means well, and things have a way of working out well around him. Humor me, he is good company." An upward inflection in his voice implies some uncertainty. You realize why when Wigglytuff lets out all his air, blowing tea, applesauce, and cups everywhere. Miraculously, none of it strikes any of you. CHatot starts to clean up and set out a serving of real, not-oversaturated tea. "Curious. I'd like to hear of your source of information one day, when you're in the mood to share. Think of the good we could do!... Err, on a related note, what do you make of that big fellow who attacked the town?"
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Fri 24 Jun 2022 02:39:33 No. 5314759 Report Quoted By:
Astor gets 0.5XP and 5P for his victory.
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:V7w7SDtB Fri 24 Jun 2022 02:40:15 No. 5314760 Report >>5314757 "All of that for five coins..."
Astor roosts twice to go back to full health, he also takes the five coins and the Injection mold out of cava's body, he also rez him
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 57 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Fri 24 Jun 2022 02:41:29 No. 5314761 Report Quoted By:
>>5314758 "Regigigas? Quite the imposing fellow. As tall as a mountain...I do wonder why he attacked the Town..."
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Fri 24 Jun 2022 02:41:59 No. 5314762 Report Quoted By:
>>5314760 Vee 'claps' at the show presented to him and Citrine.
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Pendragon)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Pendragon) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 24 Jun 2022 02:44:01 No. 5314767 Report Rolled 4 (1d20) >>5314760 "GIVE ME BACK MY DAMNED INJECTION MOLD!"
*Cava's swinging Pendragon like crazy!
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:V7w7SDtB Fri 24 Jun 2022 02:47:54 No. 5314768 Report >>5314767 Astor tanks the hit
"Dude, first of all, you're grounded, second of all, without the mold, you would've easily defeated me in the past, i get it, great power and all, but you pretty much humiliated yourself for five damn coins, that was kinda based to be honest, but it was you, so it was cringe, so now, i'm going to give it back ONLY if you say sorry for being a terrible friend the last weeks and for attacking me to steal my money, ok?"
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Pendragon)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Pendragon) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 24 Jun 2022 02:56:16 No. 5314779 Report >>5314768 "??? Your money? It was on the ground! You're a shittier person than I thought. Trying to gaslight me, and then trying to make yourself out to be a better person than you are. You fucking steal the item that's pretty much keeping me useful in battle, and then laugh in my face. You mock me with roost, you constantly put the blame on me, and keep on buying things in my name. I have never considered myself a friend of yours, Astor."
Cava spits out the last bit with vitriol.
Astor has already lost all reputation with Cava.
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Fri 24 Jun 2022 02:59:55 No. 5314786 Report Quoted By:
>>5314736 After a while, Maroon returns to the cite of the barrier, careful to approach quietly and outside of the prying eyes of the Unown.
"Why did they leave? They've been here for days and now they leave? I couldn't have hit them that hard. . ." Maroon mutters to himself.
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:V7w7SDtB Fri 24 Jun 2022 03:02:44 No. 5314789 Report >>5314779 "Dude, are you five or what? Why are you crying for a damn mold that is better at killing you in fights than actually help? You were a decent fighter before but now you're basically dead weigh, and me being a terrible friend? I warned you! Now take your money, the damn mold and fuck off, also take off the helmet, maybe the lack of blood flow is making you a fucking retard after all"
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Pendragon)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Pendragon) ID:S6hgcgSS Fri 24 Jun 2022 03:04:27 No. 5314791 Report Quoted By:
>>5314789 "Shut the fuck up Astor. Fuck off."
*Cava doesn't even bother grabbing for Injection Mold.
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC)
Mistral Lv.61 Ninetales (Nevermeltice/TL TBGDC) ID:6y2tbWFJ Fri 24 Jun 2022 03:04:37 No. 5314792 Report Quoted By:
>>5314758 "Well, I can say with confidence that my source is myself, actually," Mistral responds. "Regigigas... I didn't think that it would do this kind of thing. I know it responds to catastrophes and can command Pokemon but outright attacks..."
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Fri 24 Jun 2022 03:07:53 No. 5314795 Report Quoted By:
>Sableye dances for the refugees
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Fri 24 Jun 2022 03:50:54 No. 5314843 Report Quoted By:
"Wow! even Chatot doesn't know about any of that!" "Wha-awk! Why bring me int-" "You're so knowledgable, Mistral! It's a shame we couldn't scoop you up for our guild before you found Lost Hope!..." "...What's the Sea of Time like?" Chatot stares at him in open mouthed confusion. He's just wearing the same smile as ever. You're uncertain of what train of thought would lead him to think you've been there, or if he even knows for sure. Chatot looks pretty uncomfortable. "Urk! Err, it's getting pretty late. Why don't you bunch hurry home before something else awful happe-ack!" He jumps back at the sight of Wigglytuff making a face at him. Looks like they've been working on his neurotic tendencies in private... Some spare breadcrumbs of information, a lead on Bind's location, and an oddly probing chat navigated, the guild regroups to stew on things. XP 50 to Mistral, Charles, and Castform XP 70 to Cava, Astor, Vee, Citrine, and Ymir. NEXT SESSION SATURDAY THE 25TH, 6:30 PM CST
Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Fri 24 Jun 2022 03:54:39 No. 5314847 Report Quoted By:
"Wow! even Chatot doesn't know about any of that!" "Wha-awk! Why bring me int-" "You're so knowledgable, Mistral! It's a shame we couldn't scoop you up for our guild before you found Lost Hope!..." "(Guildmaster, you can't just poach Explorers!...Wait, they aren't official. Is it really okay...? Oh no, they're staring!) Urk! Err, it's getting pretty late. Why don't you bunch hurry home before something else awful happe-ack!" He jumps back at the sight of Wigglytuff making a face at him. Looks like they've been working on his neurotic tendencies in private... Some spare breadcrumbs of information, a lead on Bind's location, and an oddly probing chat navigated, the guild regroups to stew on things. XP 50 to Mistral, Charles, and Castform XP 70 to Cava, Astor, Vee, Citrine, and Ymir. NEXT SESSION SATURDAY THE 25TH, 6:30 PM CST
The grass waves around the mansion that you have become accustomed to. Past the gates, through the garden, and at the front doors ajar, you peer into a starry field behind them. Stepping in, you see the shadowy figures staring down, with a new pokemon standing in wait, It's a Boltund. "You return once more. That is good. Very good." You see him pace around the room, although this seems to be more because of his jitteriness than actually analyzing the guild. "Absol's challenge has been completed and now it is time for mine. Shall you succeed, ah, there will only be one last trial after this... to which we shall entrust something important, paramount, such a critical thing... to all of you." He starts quickly running along and electricity arcs from his body. The sparks begin to form a recognizable shape, a portal, you assume. A blurry image draws itself between the vibrating electricity. "Begin at any time." Of Myths and Legends: Shocking Superstitions
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Sun 26 Jun 2022 00:30:27 No. 5317059 Report >>5317054 "Guess we're doing this again, huh?"
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 00:30:52 No. 5317060 Report Quoted By:
>>5317054 “We shall accept your challenge. And prove worthy.”
>Charles walks into the portal Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Sun 26 Jun 2022 00:31:51 No. 5317063 Report Quoted By:
>>5317054 "Ready for whatever's next!"
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Pendragon)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Pendragon) ID:S6hgcgSS Sun 26 Jun 2022 00:32:41 No. 5317065 Report Quoted By:
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 26 Jun 2022 00:33:00 No. 5317067 Report Quoted By:
>>5317054 Citrine totally remembers last time here because I totally did not leave in the middle of that session!
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Sun 26 Jun 2022 00:33:50 No. 5317070 Report Quoted By:
>>5317054 "Let's get this over with..."
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Sun 26 Jun 2022 00:33:53 No. 5317072 Report Quoted By:
>>5317054 Hey cool this is like Mario 64! Yahoo!
>Sable long-jumps into the portal Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 00:33:57 No. 5317073 Report >>5317059 “Looks like it, Vee! You ready?”
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
Quoted By:
>>5317054 "I hate trials." Poli complains.
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Sun 26 Jun 2022 00:34:17 No. 5317075 Report Quoted By:
>>5317054 Maroon nods at the Boltund and grins with primal delight to see another canine. "Thanks!" he barks and he pulls out his sword and thrusts forward towards adventure!
Team Storm Castform (L51)
Team Storm Castform (L51) ID:UBLtDw/6 Sun 26 Jun 2022 00:35:22 No. 5317077 Report >>5317054 >castform has... no FUCKING idea what's going on here oh sure a challenge! I accept! ...what are we doing?
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Sun 26 Jun 2022 00:37:38 No. 5317080 Report >>5317073 "I think so. Maybe I'll get another cool toy like last time." Vee looks at his cool sword which somehow fits in his scarf. "Maybe you could get one!"
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 00:38:47 No. 5317082 Report >>5317080 “I think I would like that! Given…well, I don’t quite make it to the end there! Heh.”
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Sun 26 Jun 2022 00:44:35 No. 5317095 Report Quoted By:
>>5317082 "I'll be sure to give it to you if I find one!"
Rolled 3 (1d20) >>5317077 Boltund eyes Castform with a side-glance. "Survive. It is that simple. Straightforward. Easy as it can be."
As everyone enters through the portal, it's like stepping through a wall of gelatinized water as it flows around you. Falling through the other end, you raise your head to stare at the dark clouds above, coursing with electricity. The very air feels alight with energy as static pulses through it. It makes your tongue or body feel tingly.
Now entering: Thunderous Crag 1F
>Electric Terrain Spiritomb
Quoted By:
Rolled 3 (1d6) >>5317097 Rolling to spawn(thunderous crag)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Sun 26 Jun 2022 00:46:26 No. 5317102 Report Rolled 1 (1d20) >>5317097 oogh, my eyes are vibrating... what a strange sensation.
>Sable takes a look around Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 26 Jun 2022 00:46:37 No. 5317103 Report Rolled 16 (1d20) >>5317097 "Huh. Dungeon..."
Citrine looks a little happier when he realizes it's Electric Terrain, and scans his surroundings slowly.
>perception Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
Quoted By:
>>5317097 Upon noticing the Electric Terrain, Poli has this to say:
"This is the worst place I have ever been in my life."
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Sun 26 Jun 2022 00:47:30 No. 5317107 Report "OoOoOo~!" Maroon shivers, "I like that this!" he barks. Maroon investigates up north.
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Pendragon)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Pendragon) ID:S6hgcgSS Sun 26 Jun 2022 00:47:42 No. 5317108 Report Quoted By:
>>5317097 "No sleeping here..."
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Sun 26 Jun 2022 00:47:47 No. 5317109 Report Rolled 8 (1d20) >>5317097 "Alright, I say go south then make our way north, cool?" Kaku walks down the south path.
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Sun 26 Jun 2022 00:48:15 No. 5317110 Report Quoted By:
>>5317097 "Oh wow. Simple. Huh." Vee's fur is standing on end.
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:T8u/wdDh Sun 26 Jun 2022 00:48:19 No. 5317111 Report Quoted By:
Astor is late, again "Hey guys"
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 00:49:04 No. 5317113 Report >>5317097 “Oh! I look forward to what mysteries lie in wait!”
>Perception Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Sun 26 Jun 2022 00:49:20 No. 5317116 Report Rolled 8 (1d20) >>5317097 "Anyone else feel a tingling? Anyway how's about we go north?"
*Ymir has a quick look around of the area*
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 00:50:31 No. 5317117 Report Rolled 14 (1d20) >>5317113 >attempting perception again Team Storm Castform (L51)
Team Storm Castform (L51) ID:UBLtDw/6 Sun 26 Jun 2022 00:51:48 No. 5317120 Report Rolled 2 (1d20) >>5317097 >Castform is now rainy! >or... stormy? does this level of thunderstorm count as electric over water? >he tries to see what on earth is going on Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:T8u/wdDh Sun 26 Jun 2022 00:57:53 No. 5317129 Report Rolled 3 (1d20) >>5317097 "... why is the ground tingly?"
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:00:48 No. 5317134 Report Quoted By:
>>5317129 “I will admit, I feel…a bit of a charge myself!”
>>5317102 While scanning the surroundings, Sable fails to notice a gap in the heightened ground and falls into it, getting zapped by the concentrated terrain! He's been paralyzed!
>>5317103 Citrine takes a good look around and finds a Yellow Gummi.
>>5317107 Maroon heads up north and finds an immediate left turn.
>>5317109 Kaku heads to the south portion of the room, peering into a long corridor of sparking grass. Despite the open space, it's pretty hard to see ahead.
>>5317116 Ymir looks at the surroundings, observing the open nature of the place. There are no safety rails and peering past the edge reveals a pulsing heart of electricity and darkness. It's pretty eerie. He tags along with Maroon.
>>5317117 Charles manages to find 40P on the ground.
>>5317120 Castform feels energized by the electricity in the air... but that's about it! It's almost like drinking a shot of caffeine.
Team Storm Castform (L51)
Team Storm Castform (L51) ID:UBLtDw/6 Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:06:38 No. 5317140 Report Rolled 18 (1d20) >>5317138 >castform is completely awake for possibly the first time in his fucking life >PERCEPTION, HARDER Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:07:29 No. 5317141 Report Rolled 6 (1d20) >>5317138 Vee takes a good look around.
"Maybe I could find a Thunder Stone or Electric Gem here. More for the collection."
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:07:36 No. 5317142 Report Quoted By:
>>5317138 “Oh! Money!”
>Charles notices the zapped Gremlin “Sable!”
>He rushes over and picks him up “Are you all right?”
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:08:03 No. 5317143 Report >>5317138 Citrine immediately picks up the Gummi before following Ymir.
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:08:24 No. 5317145 Report >>5317138 "If you guys are done looking around, can we get moving?" Kaku follows the path down and to the left (from his perspective)
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:10:11 No. 5317148 Report Rolled 16 (1d20) Maroon hops from spot to spot, heading further up the north passage, careful to keep an idea for any hazards or enemies. He doesn't notice if anyone has followed behind him.
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
Rolled 6 (1d20) >>5317138 >>5317145 Poli starts following Kaku, keeping his eyes peeled this time.
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers)
Sableye LV. 52 (Team Divers) ID:Ac5Fdcm3 Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:12:47 No. 5317154 Report >Sable is now locked in one pose, with a face of pure shock frozen on
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:14:00 No. 5317156 Report >>5317154 >>5317138 “Oh dear…Worry not! I’ll get us to the end! Let’s follow Kaku and Poli.”
>Charles and Sable take the down path with Kaku and Poli Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:T8u/wdDh Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:15:06 No. 5317157 Report Rolled 5 (1d20) "Huh..." Astor follows Charles, he also tries to not be paralyzed
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:15:17 No. 5317158 Report >>5317138 >Another perception for any thing out of the ordinary Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:16:17 No. 5317159 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 12 (1d20) >>5317158 >roll ate again Guildmaster
Rolled 2 (1d20) >>5317129 Astor also feels tingly! His feathers and fluff puff up with static, but otherwise, he is unable to see much.
>>5317140 Castform begins to see the pulsing ground dancing with electricity! It calls to him, almost. Otherwise, he cannot tell much. There is nothing left in the room to collect.
>>5317141 Vee does not see any cool stones aside from the ones pulsing with energy. They're not type-imbued, just zappy. He would probably be zapped if he touched one. Most likely.
>>5317143 >>5317148 Maroon, Citrine, and Ymir continue forward.
>>5317145 >>5317150 >>5317156 >>5317157 >>5317154 Kaku leads the way down the open but closed corridor. Nothing to be out of the ordinary so far.
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:19:23 No. 5317166 Report >>5317138 *Ymir continues on, staying relatively close to Maroon while he can in vase of trouble*
"Wonder if any electric ferals might try their luck with a thunder attack? Would be funny."
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:19:27 No. 5317167 Report Rolled 5 (1d20) >>5317163 Vee touches a zappy stone. "Check this out..." He says quietly.
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:20:21 No. 5317169 Report >>5317166 "I honestly wonder where this place even is. How far is it from the mansion? How were we taken here?"
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:20:22 No. 5317170 Report >>5317163 “Which way Kaku? I’m thinking left.”
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:21:31 No. 5317172 Report "Hm? Oh! Hey, guys!" Maroon barks, before leaning over to check behind them. "Where's everyone else?"
Team Storm Castform (L51)
Team Storm Castform (L51) ID:UBLtDw/6 Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:21:34 No. 5317173 Report >>5317163 >Castform goes to follow Maroon's team, deploying sun in the meantime, as it should reduce the accuracy of thunder Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
>>5317163 >>5317170 "Did we go the wrong way?"
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:21:47 No. 5317177 Report >>5317163 >>5317170 "Yeah, left it is, right is pretty much the way we came from." Kaku turns to the left
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:22:36 No. 5317178 Report >>5317172 "They went the other way."
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:22:57 No. 5317179 Report Quoted By:
>>5317175 “A fair question, Poli. Let’s go a little further and find out.”
>>5317177 “Well said! To the left!”
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:24:13 No. 5317180 Report >>5317172 >>5317178 "They'll probably be fine."
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:24:40 No. 5317181 Report Quoted By:
>>5317180 "They've certainly got the numbers!"
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:26:42 No. 5317184 Report Rolled 1 (1d20) >>5317178 >>5317180 "Oh! So then it's just us?" Maroon asks, stepping back to walk besides his guildmates. "Well, that's great, you two are really tough."
Maroon starts sniffing around for any enemies or interesting items.
Rolled 17 (1d20) Weather: Sunny
>Electric Terrain The change in weather doesn't appear to be very helpful, although it does feel warmer.
>>5317166 >>5317169 >>5317173 >>5317184 The north group, led by Maroon continues their way, now joined by Castform. Maroon begins to sniff the ground, however, it's a difficult job. The terrain makes his nose feel very strange, messing with his sense of smell. In fact, it messed with it enough that he didn't have the chance to notice that he walked into some... webs.
>Galvantula (Level 55) used Sticky Web! It crawls out from the side, chittering at the trapped Maroon.
>>5317170 >>5317175 >>5317177 Kaku's group keeps walking down, heading on the left path. They arrive at another fork in the road without much incident.
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:34:57 No. 5317192 Report >>5317191 "Hmmm. Another split. I think left will loop us around...maybe?"
"Should we go right this time?"
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:36:14 No. 5317194 Report Rolled 3 (1d20) "Ack! Help! I"m caught in some sticky white stuff!" Maroon yelps as he tries to escape.>Maroon uses Flare Blitz to light himself ablaze.
Team Storm Castform (L51)
Team Storm Castform (L51) ID:UBLtDw/6 Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:36:38 No. 5317195 Report Rolled 13 (1d20) >>5317191 >insect detected >weakness to fire confirmed >deploying Weather Ball >Castform used weather ball! Guildmaster
Rolled 16 (1d20) >>5317167 Vee, despite the possible danger, touches it!
>Higher the number, the more potent the electricity Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
>>5317191 >>5317192 "I'll just follow you guys. I'm not very good with directions."
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:38:41 No. 5317200 Report >>5317191 >>5317192 "Right, let's go right, if no one objects." Kaku turns right
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:38:42 No. 5317201 Report Rolled 14 (1d20) >>5317195 "A bug...?"
Citrine fires a Power Gem at the Galvantula.
"You okay there, Maroon? Oh, nevermind, you're just gonna... yeah..."
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:39:43 No. 5317203 Report Rolled 13 (1d20) >>5317198 >>5317200 "Understood! Lets go right!"
>Charles and Sable go to the right >Charles takes a look around while they travel >Perception Team Storm Castform (L51)
Team Storm Castform (L51) ID:UBLtDw/6 Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:40:54 No. 5317204 Report Quoted By:
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:42:52 No. 5317206 Report Rolled 20 (1d20) >>5317191 "Time to wash away the mess!"
*Ymir uses Muddy Water on Galvantula and maybe wash away the webbing*
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:43:20 No. 5317207 Report Quoted By:
>>5317196 Vee is shocked. "Ow!"
Rolled 8 (1d20) >>5317203 >>5317198 >>5317200 The group arrives at a large room and spots a sleeping feral Dedenne. There is also a pile of something in the corner of the room. You can't really tell from here.
>>5317194 Maroon begins burning away at the webs encasing him. Despite the power boost from the sun, it's not as fast as it could be.
>>5317195 Castform sends out a burning shot of energy, nearly crippling the Galvantula in one blow! It skitters away from Maroon.
>>5317201 Citrine unleashes an assault of lasers, lashing at the bug. It clicks in pain, very weak.
>>5317206 Ymir's wave of rushing, muddy water sends the electric spider right off the edge! It vanishes into the unknown depths of the infinite dungeon.
The north group receives 1d20 EXP.
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:53:52 No. 5317222 Report Rolled 19, 2 = 21 (2d20) >>5317220 "Maroon, you still need help?"
Citrine tries to Power Gem the webs away.
>first roll exp second roll attack Team Storm Castform (L51)
Team Storm Castform (L51) ID:UBLtDw/6 Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:54:32 No. 5317223 Report Rolled 10, 18 = 28 (2d20) >>5317220 (first roll for XP, second for move use)
>now the bug is down, Castform deploys a second weather ball to help break the web Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:55:30 No. 5317224 Report Rolled 14 (1d20) "I'm good!" Maroon drops out of the webbing and falls onto the floor. "Ow. . ." (Should we move ahead?)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:55:41 No. 5317225 Report Rolled 1 (1d20) >>5317220 "Hmm, what's that over there..."
>Charles tries to sneak over to the object on the other side of the room Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:56:03 No. 5317226 Report Rolled 16 (1d20) >>5317220 Vee is finished messing around. Mostly. He scurries around to find Charles.
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:56:46 No. 5317228 Report Rolled 4 (1d20) >>5317220 "No problem here!"
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Sun 26 Jun 2022 01:57:02 No. 5317229 Report Rolled 2, 9 = 11 (2d20) >>5317220 "Hmm, I see loot there... Alright guys, ambush in three. THREE!" Kaku hits the sleeping Dedenne with Fake out and Spirit Break!
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
>>5317229 "Why didn't you just walk around it?" Poli asks, not actually joining the fight.
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:T8u/wdDh Sun 26 Jun 2022 02:01:10 No. 5317235 Report Rolled 4 (1d20) >>5317220 Noticing that Charles is in danger, Astor slaps the rodent down
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Sun 26 Jun 2022 02:01:11 No. 5317236 Report >>5317231 "That's just asking to get shot in the back! Also, it's free XP."
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
>>5317236 "It sounds like work to me..."
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Sun 26 Jun 2022 02:04:31 No. 5317242 Report Quoted By:
>>5317239 "Sounds like you have to work on your grindset!"
Rolled 5 (1d20) >>5317222 >>5317223 >>5317224 >>5317228 Citrine scorches Maroon a little with his careless use of Power Gem, striking him for 1/5 damage. It only cuts a couple of webs away. Castform's Weather Ball is much more accurate and less painful, burning away the webbing. Maroon is freed.
They continue down the path.
>>5317225 Charles' falling awakens the sleeping Dedenne! It looks like it's ready to begin an electric assault for disturbing its rest but
>>5317229 Kaku's attack stops it dead in its tracks by causing it to flinch, followed by a subsequent crushing aura! It squeaks out in pain but it's not out yet. It stands back up and retaliates!
>Dedenne used Nuzzle on Kaku! >>5317226 >>5317231 >>5317235 Vee joins the south party. Astor also fights back by simply slapping the Dedenne! It reels back, shaking its face.
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 26 Jun 2022 02:21:44 No. 5317256 Report Quoted By:
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Sun 26 Jun 2022 02:22:39 No. 5317257 Report Rolled 6 (1d20) >>5317255 "Hi!" Vee shoots the Dedenne with Swift.
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
Rolled 2 (1d20) >>5317255 "Hey! You're not supposed to fight back!" Poli nags at the Dedenne despite just chiding Kaku for attacking it at all. He uses Earth Power in retaliation for the... slight?
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Sun 26 Jun 2022 02:24:18 No. 5317260 Report Quoted By:
>>5317257 174 damage!
>>5317259 "Hi Poli."
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:T8u/wdDh Sun 26 Jun 2022 02:25:16 No. 5317261 Report Rolled 5 (1d20) >>5317255 Astor uses Brave Bird!
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Sun 26 Jun 2022 02:25:18 No. 5317262 Report Rolled 3 (1d4) >>5317255 "Eh-EEEEEE-" Kaku is paralyzed! He won't move on a 1...
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 02:26:43 No. 5317263 Report Rolled 17 (1d20) >>5317255 >>5317229 "Thanks for the save Kaku!"
>Charles quickly gets back up from his fall and uses Acid Spray on the Dedenne! Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Sun 26 Jun 2022 02:26:55 No. 5317264 Report Rolled 11 (1d20) >>5317255 >>5317262 He moves! "You little..." He punches Dedenne again with Spirit Break.
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 02:28:03 No. 5317265 Report >>5317263 (40bp + 58 + 17 = 115 Damage and Dedenne special defense dropped by 2 stages!)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 02:29:04 No. 5317266 Report Quoted By:
>>5317265 >Forgot SE (40x2 + 58 + 17 = 155 Damage instead)
Team Storm Castform (L51)
Team Storm Castform (L51) ID:UBLtDw/6 Sun 26 Jun 2022 02:29:55 No. 5317267 Report Rolled 3 (1d20) >>5317255 alright, let's keep going!
>castform trailblazes straight ahead! more concerned with covering ground than what might be lurking Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Sun 26 Jun 2022 02:31:00 No. 5317268 Report Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Sun 26 Jun 2022 02:33:51 No. 5317272 Report "Let's go North!" Maroon barks and trduges forward.
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Sun 26 Jun 2022 02:34:21 No. 5317273 Report >>5317268 >>5317255 "The left path further ahead seems interesting."
Team Storm Castform (L51)
Team Storm Castform (L51) ID:UBLtDw/6 Sun 26 Jun 2022 02:35:29 No. 5317275 Report >>5317272 >castform is barreling down east already without a care in the world. >you... should probably help him before he gets himself hurt Guildmaster
Rolled 13 (1d20) >>5317257 >>5317259 >>5317261 >>5317263 >>5317264 Vee sends out a volley of sharp stars, cutting into the Dedenne while they also slam into it! It's already pretty bloodied, but Poli quickly follows up with an explosion from right beneath it! Sending it airborne, Astor soars through and slams it mid-air back into the ground. Kaku takes the opportunity and smashes it with another crushing blast of aura, with Charles finishing it off with a shot of corrosive acid! It faints and vanishes shortly...
The south team gets 1d20 EXP. The pile of items, now closer, is 78P.
>>5317275 Castform and Citrine arrive at a dead end. A wandering Charjabug blocks their way back!
>Charjabug used Protect! >>5317273 >>5317272 Ymir and Maroon keep walking ahead, arriving at a split.
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Sun 26 Jun 2022 02:45:15 No. 5317297 Report Rolled 18 (1d20) >>5317293 "Good job!"
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 26 Jun 2022 02:45:18 No. 5317298 Report >>5317293 Citrine uses the opportunity to set up his Iron Defense!
"I think we just wait this one out."
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Sun 26 Jun 2022 02:45:50 No. 5317301 Report Rolled 4 (1d20) >>5317293 Kaku grabs his share. "Good, where to now? My gut says down-left."
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Sun 26 Jun 2022 02:46:30 No. 5317302 Report Rolled 11 (1d20) >>5317293 "I think the left path takes us back to the start, so I guess right is right!"
*He tries to scope out the path ahead*
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Sun 26 Jun 2022 02:47:00 No. 5317303 Report "Where you do you want to go, Ymir?" Maroon ask.
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 02:47:03 No. 5317304 Report Rolled 2 (1d20) >>5317293 >XP >Charles takes his share of the Poke "Hmm. I was thinking down right, but I'll go with majority vote."
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:T8u/wdDh Sun 26 Jun 2022 02:48:19 No. 5317307 Report Rolled 2 (1d20) >>5317301 "Following ya!"
Astor is surprisingly cooperative, he also looks for any items on the ground
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
Rolled 19 (1d20) >>5317293 >>5317301 "See, Kaku? Beating stuff up makes them want to put status effects on you."
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 02:50:39 No. 5317310 Report >>5317293 >>5317304 >>5317301 >>5317307 "Very well, down left it is."
>Charles reorganizes himself and places Sable under his hat Team Storm Castform (L51)
Team Storm Castform (L51) ID:UBLtDw/6 Sun 26 Jun 2022 02:51:12 No. 5317311 Report Rolled 14 (1d20) >>5317293 >>5317298 agreed
>Castform shows the Charjabug he means no harm, meaning mercy roll Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Sun 26 Jun 2022 02:51:44 No. 5317313 Report Quoted By:
>>5317308 "Status is temporary, experience is permanent!"
Rolled 2 (1d20) >>5317302 >>5317303 Splitting up further with the other two, north group 1 moves to the right path. Ymir's vision manages to make out the long hallway ahead and something on the right again...
>>5317298 >>5317311 The Charjabug reacts blankly to the act of neutrality and... moves away. Castform gets 5EXP. They reunite with the others.
>>5317297 >>5317301 >>5317307 >>5317308 >>5317310 Astor is unable to locate anything else in Room 6. It is empty. With that, the south group follows the other path and ends up at another split in the path and a room in front of them.
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Sun 26 Jun 2022 02:58:56 No. 5317321 Report >>5317318 "Let's go forward!"
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:00:32 No. 5317328 Report >>5317318 >>5317321 "Sounds good to me!"
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
>>5317318 >>5317321 "That sounds good. Vee is never wrong, except when he is."
Team Storm Castform (L51)
Team Storm Castform (L51) ID:UBLtDw/6 Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:01:07 No. 5317331 Report >>5317318 so, we found a dead end. which way?
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:01:16 No. 5317333 Report Rolled 7 (1d20) >>5317318 "Hmm another room."
>>5317321 >>5317328 "Right behind you!"
>Charles perceives into the next room... Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:03:43 No. 5317338 Report >>5317318 "The way to the right could be good, and it's right there!"
*Ymir starts that way*
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:05:05 No. 5317341 Report Quoted By:
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:07:07 No. 5317345 Report Rolled 17 (1d20) >>5317338 Maroon follows right before him, searching for items!
Rolled 8 (1d20) >>5317321 >>5317328 >>5317329 >>5317333 Charles looks into the room before entering, however, doesn't identify much. The group goes in anyway, entering the empty room. There's nothing here except for a bottle of Elixir.
>>5317331 >>5317338 >>5317345 Ymir leads the way and arrives in the room. This one is remarkably different compared to the others, signified by its stranger shape and a pile of grass and rocks vaguely resembling a staircase... what could that be?
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:08:45 No. 5317350 Report >>5317338 "I don't mind any path, really. We're here to... I dunno, actually..."
"... I'll just follow you."
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:09:55 No. 5317352 Report Rolled 2 (1d20) >>5317350 "OH!"
Citrine bellows to alert the other group.
>rolling for volume Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:10:33 No. 5317353 Report Rolled 16 (1d20) "Stairs!" Maroon shouts and runs towards them.
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:10:52 No. 5317354 Report >>5317349 "Hmmm. Feels like we are looping...Should we go back?"
Team Storm Castform (L51)
Team Storm Castform (L51) ID:UBLtDw/6 Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:11:05 No. 5317355 Report Rolled 2 (1d20) >>5317349 >>5317352 oh, let me help call out too
>roll to call the boys Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:11:07 No. 5317356 Report >>5317349 Kaku picks up the Elixir. "Well, let's make our way back..."
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
>>5317354 Poli nods. "Yeah. The only thing here is a bottle of medicine, and it's not even the funny kind."
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:12:09 No. 5317358 Report >>5317356 >>5317357 "Should we head back to that last room? Or head all the way back to the other path way with the others?"
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:13:17 No. 5317360 Report >>5317358 "I say we meet up with the rest, maybe they had more luck!"
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:13:39 No. 5317361 Report >>5317349 >>5317358 "Let's clear out all we can and then head back. That sound good?"
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:T8u/wdDh Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:14:03 No. 5317362 Report >>5317360 "Nah, let them explore, i think i saw another path on the last room..."
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:15:39 No. 5317364 Report >>5317360 >>5317361 "Sounds good to me!"
>>5317362 "Perhaps we should stick together Astor? Or I can follow you if you really want to take another path."
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
>>5317358 >>5317360 >>5317361 Poli just lets them decide and follows along quietly.
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:17:55 No. 5317367 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 9 (1d20) >>5317349 >>5317352 >>5317355 "You guys are kinda quiet, let me try!"
*He tries to call out to the other group*
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:T8u/wdDh Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:20:23 No. 5317368 Report Quoted By:
>>5317364 "Nah, following you"
Rolled 15 (1d20) >>5317360 >>5317361 >>5317362 >>5317366 The group decides to just head back to the other areas, discussing what might be the best plan of action. As they're walking...
>>5317353 Maroon runs to the stairs and makes contact with it. Upon touching the first step, he feels a lurching sensation and feels himself automatically running the rest of the way. For everyone else, they feel themselves falling up a flight of stairs!
Suddenly, everyone falls into another room...
>Weather: Clear >Electric Terrain NOW ENTERING: THUNDEROUS CRAG 2F
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:22:58 No. 5317370 Report >>5317369 "Woah! Okay!"
He looks around.
"Same groups as before?"
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:23:08 No. 5317371 Report >>5317369 "Oh! We all got teleported! Helpful!"
Team Storm Castform (L51)
Team Storm Castform (L51) ID:UBLtDw/6 Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:23:25 No. 5317372 Report Quoted By:
>>5317369 >taste the SUN >by deploying it Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:23:47 No. 5317373 Report >>5317369 "Huh, so that's how this works?" Kaku gets up. "Where now? I'd like to go north this time..."
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:24:13 No. 5317374 Report >>5317370 >>5317373 "Sounds good Vee! Kaku? Where to?"
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Pendragon)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Pendragon) ID:S6hgcgSS Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:24:28 No. 5317375 Report Quoted By:
>>5317369 *Cava's here.
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
>>5317370 >>5317371 >>5317373 >>5317374 "Okay! Lead the way. I don't like being in control of navigation."
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:25:33 No. 5317377 Report >>5317374 >>5317369 "North it is! If it worked for Maroon it'll work for us."
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:26:34 No. 5317378 Report >>5317369 Citrine is still trying to piece together how HE could fall UP anything.
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:26:58 No. 5317380 Report Quoted By:
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:27:07 No. 5317381 Report >>5317369 "South West for us then?"
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Pendragon)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Pendragon) ID:S6hgcgSS Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:28:14 No. 5317382 Report >>5317369 "So... What's goin on?"
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:T8u/wdDh Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:29:09 No. 5317383 Report Rolled 18 (1d20) >>5317382 "We fighted like twelve fire types, you should run"
Astor tries to bs
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:30:07 No. 5317386 Report Quoted By:
>>5317369 >>5317377 >Heading North with Group Kaku Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Pendragon)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Pendragon) ID:S6hgcgSS Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:30:57 No. 5317387 Report Quoted By:
>>5317383 "Hardee-har-har. I already saw the electric terrain."
Team Storm Castform (L51)
Team Storm Castform (L51) ID:UBLtDw/6 Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:31:39 No. 5317388 Report Quoted By:
>>5317383 Astor, if we were fighting fire types I'd have rain up.
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:32:31 No. 5317389 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d20) "W-Woah! What the hell was that?!" Maroon yelps as he's suddenly on firm ground.
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:33:16 No. 5317390 Report Quoted By:
>>5317378 "Did I... flip? ... gravity? What?"
...He's still thinking about it.
Team Storm Castform (L51)
Team Storm Castform (L51) ID:UBLtDw/6 Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:35:02 No. 5317393 Report Quoted By:
(gotta peace out, late as hell)
>Weather: Sunny >Electric Terrain >>5317370 >>5317374 >>5317373 >>5317376 Forming a similar group, Kaku once again leads the way down a long and winding path. The clouds look particularly agitated, but otherwise... nothing too serious. It's just the same precarious drops flanking you on both sides.
>>5317381 Ymir, not receiving a response from the others, simply moves ahead and arrives at the entrance to a room.
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:42:12 No. 5317400 Report >>5317398 Kaku checks to the right side.
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:43:03 No. 5317402 Report Rolled 9 (1d20) >>5317398 >>5317400 Vee does the same.
"Do you think we'll find cool stuff?"
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:43:06 No. 5317403 Report Rolled 12 (1d20) >>5317398 >>5317400 >Charles perceives the right path Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:44:24 No. 5317404 Report >>5317402 "Maybe! But I'm not holding my breath, electric type items aren't very useful for me."
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:45:10 No. 5317407 Report Quoted By:
>>5317402 >>5317404 "We'll just have to wait and see!"
>>5317400 >>5317402 >>5317403 Peering on the other path, it's just a dead end. Good thing they didn't actually walk in, huh?
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:46:15 No. 5317410 Report Rolled 6 (1d20) >>5317398 *Ymir seemingly talking to himself*
"Shouldn't be too bad, hmm hol' on a moment what's that down the way?"
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:46:42 No. 5317412 Report >>5317409 "Nothing... Guess forwards it is!"
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:47:12 No. 5317414 Report Rolled 19 (1d20) >>5317410 Citrine peers the same way Ymir is looking.
"Think we'll hit the stairs first again?"
>Perception Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:47:15 No. 5317415 Report Quoted By:
>>5317409 "Huh. Wouldn't it have been funny if I just walked off of that?" Vee continues on the safer path.
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:47:15 No. 5317416 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d20) >>5317410 >>5317414 Citrine and Ymir look into the room and find an Eelektross floating in the static sea, casually staring off into the distance. It hasn't noticed either of the two yet.
>>5317412 Kaku continues to lead the group. As they walk along the path, they feel like they might be missing something. [Perception] roll for the group. Otherwise, they continue on their merry way...
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
Rolled 9 (1d20) >>5317427 Poli casually glances around as he tags along.
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:53:23 No. 5317430 Report Rolled 15 (1d20) >>5317427 Kaku perceives...
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:53:25 No. 5317431 Report Rolled 17 (1d20) >>5317427 "...I think we just..."
Citrine tries to sneak by the eel.
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:53:27 No. 5317432 Report Quoted By:
>>5317414 "We just might, not like anything can stop us the literal walls!"
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:T8u/wdDh Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:54:03 No. 5317434 Report Rolled 9 (1d20) >>5317427 Astor also perceives
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:56:14 No. 5317437 Report Rolled 17 (1d20) >>5317427 Vee is perceiving. Hopefully.
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:56:14 No. 5317438 Report Rolled 15 (1d20) >>5317427 (Stealth roll)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:56:28 No. 5317440 Report Rolled 11 (1d20) >>5317427 >Perceiving? Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 03:58:07 No. 5317443 Report Quoted By:
>>5317427 "Anyone...notice anything? Something feels off."
Rolled 6 (1d20) >>5317431 >>5317438 Together, the two fairly large pokemon sneak by the Eelektross, heading to the other side of the room. It's none the wiser as it continues to float around in the occasional burst of static.
They both gain 10EXP for their stealthy maneuvers.
>>5317429 >>5317434 These two notice nothing out of the ordinary as they continue on the path. It is very electric, though. They see that!
>>5317430 >>5317437 >>5317440 Kaku, Vee, and Charles quickly notice on the path that there was a trap! Several gems deeply embedded into the plate don't quite tell you what they might do. Best to just walk around it for now.
Heading around it, they keep their high alert up and notice that the right path is another dead end. Vee peers further down the long corridor to see many things.
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 26 Jun 2022 04:04:16 No. 5317453 Report >>5317449 "Uhhhhhh... right? It's 50-50."
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 04:05:01 No. 5317455 Report Rolled 12 (1d20) >>5317449 "Well that was close! We need to be careful."
>Charles listens and looks further down the pathway... Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Sun 26 Jun 2022 04:05:48 No. 5317456 Report Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Sun 26 Jun 2022 04:06:40 No. 5317458 Report Rolled 13 (1d20) >>5317449 "There's something down the hall over there. More paths and... something else. I can't tell."
"...Lemme try something..."
Vee shoots a dozen stars down the corridor, hitting different parts of the ground and the end of it with Swift!
"If there're any more traps, I wanna know."
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Sun 26 Jun 2022 04:07:22 No. 5317459 Report >>5317449 "Room to the right? It's the closest turn..."
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:T8u/wdDh Sun 26 Jun 2022 04:07:38 No. 5317460 Report Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 04:07:41 No. 5317461 Report Quoted By:
>>5317458 "Good idea, Vee!"
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Sun 26 Jun 2022 04:10:46 No. 5317465 Report Quoted By:
Maroon blinks and looks around. "Citrine? Ymir? Where are we?"
>>5317453 >>5317456 The two of them, continue creeping until they're in the right hallway. Ymir and Citrine return to normal walking, safe from the creature.
>>5317458 >>5317455 From their position, they can't see much down the other paths. However, Vee's Swift stars fly out and slam into the ground! For a second, you're sure that there was nothing there but... there's a cracking noise and a burst of light erupting from the floor ahead. There was a trap! It's not functional anymore.
>>5317459 >>5317460 Kaku and Astor peer into the room and see... a lot of stuff. There are Orbs, TMs, and lots of Poké scattered on the ground. Not entering the room fully, you can see more but can't make it out. And is that... the stairs? There's a strange stack of shapes that indicate it. Wow!
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 04:16:48 No. 5317475 Report >>5317471 "Nice work Vee!"
"Kaku? Astor? Find anything?"
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
Quoted By:
>>5317471 "I have a bad feeling about this room." Poli stares into the room.
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Sun 26 Jun 2022 04:17:39 No. 5317480 Report >>5317471 "Wow, guys, there's the stairs, we are done here! Come take a look." Kaku takes the Poke and checks the stash
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Sun 26 Jun 2022 04:19:28 No. 5317481 Report >>5317471 >>5317475 "Haha! I knew it!" Vee does a little dance before continuing on.
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 04:19:37 No. 5317482 Report Rolled 16 (1d20) >>5317471 >>5317480 "Oh? Excellent!"
>Charles perceives into the room from the hallway Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Sun 26 Jun 2022 04:20:42 No. 5317484 Report Rolled 9 (1d20) >>5317471 "Guys. . ?" Maroon is worried now, he tries to rejoin with the nearest group.
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Sun 26 Jun 2022 04:20:48 No. 5317485 Report Quoted By:
>>5317471 >>5317475 >>5317480 >>5317481 Vee makes a sudden u-turn and enters the room Kaku is talking about. "Money!"
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:T8u/wdDh Sun 26 Jun 2022 04:23:38 No. 5317489 Report >>5317480 >>5317475 "This feels like a trap but oh well"
Astor rushes inside
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLrqRHua1t0 >>5317480 As Kaku and Vee enter to secure the items within, they suddenly see Pokemon falling from the clouds are crawling out from the sides.
>>5317482 Charles watches as a mass of Pokemon suddenly swarm into the once pokemon vacant room. Where were they all coming from!?
>>5317489 Astor also enters!
>Heliolisk (Level 49) >Heliolisk (Level 55) >Ampharos (Level 61) >Galvantula (Level 57) >Dedenne (Level 33) >Dedenne (Level 29) >Charjabug (Level 36) >Charjabug (Level 39) >Eelektross (level 53) >Eelektross (level 54) ...appear in Room 7!
It's a Monster House!
>>5317484 Maroon is trailing behind the north group, checking the available paths. Roll [Perception] to see if he notices the trap on the ground.
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 04:29:30 No. 5317495 Report >>5317494 "Uh, GUYS!? I think we should leave!!!"
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
Quoted By:
>>5317494 "I am not going in there." Poli states...
...even though he's the one with Earth Power.
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Sun 26 Jun 2022 04:31:15 No. 5317499 Report >>5317494 "What in the- Uh, guys, the stairs are right there!"
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 04:32:11 No. 5317501 Report >>5317499 "Yes! Behind all the pokemon!"
"Quick, get back! I can try to seal off the room!"
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:T8u/wdDh Sun 26 Jun 2022 04:32:34 No. 5317502 Report Rolled 3 (1d20) "Mad dash or fight? Actually, you run, i want to beat someone" Astor uses Close Combat against Heliolisk (Lvl 55)!
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Sun 26 Jun 2022 04:33:47 No. 5317504 Report Rolled 9 (1d20) >>5317494 Maroon checks for traps and items.
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Sun 26 Jun 2022 04:34:45 No. 5317505 Report >>5317494 Vee immediately gets to stealing because he can't fight this many enemies at once. "I'm getting everything I can!"
Vee used a Vanish Seed!
Vee makes a vanishing sound as he vanishes. "Whoosh!"
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
Rolled 7 (1d20) >>5317495 "I think I have this. Please prevent me from experiencing pain."
Poli walks into the room and uses Earth Power.
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 04:36:39 No. 5317510 Report Rolled 1 (1d20) >>5317494 >>5317508 "Huh?! O-oh, sure thing Poli!"
>Charles blocks for Poli! Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Sun 26 Jun 2022 04:38:32 No. 5317514 Report Rolled 6 (1d20) >>5317501 "You seal off the room and we'll be trapped in the dungeon! Let's just pick off a few of them and get to the next floor!
>>5317494 Kaku changes Electric terrain for Misty Terrain, then Lariats whoever is in front of him!
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Sun 26 Jun 2022 04:38:49 No. 5317515 Report >>5317494 "Guess we continue on. Hope the others are doin' alright."
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 04:46:12 No. 5317528 Report >>5317494 >Charles is looking panicked! Especially after that last roll! >He calls out to the other team in the dungeon! "HEEEEEEEEEEEEELP HELP UUUUUUSS!"
>He hopes he is heard... Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
>>5317528 "Why do I have the feeling you are not going to prevent me from taking several super-effective attacks?" Poli wonders at the panicked snail-dragon.
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 26 Jun 2022 04:47:57 No. 5317535 Report >>5317528 "..."
>>5317515 "Guess that answers that question."
Citrine steps on his Mobile Orb, crushing it, and slides out of frame. And through the walls. He is making his way towards the Monster House!
"Wow, I feel like a ghost..."
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 04:49:13 No. 5317537 Report Quoted By:
>>5317534 "I'm sorry! I'm trying!!!"
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Sun 26 Jun 2022 04:51:51 No. 5317540 Report >>5317528 >>5317535 "Time for action then."
Rolled 10, 8, 11, 18, 15 = 62 (5d20) >Weather: Sunny
>Misty Terrain >>5317504 >>5317510 Maroon rejoins part of the team, watching as Charles stands in the entrance to the room, frozen up.
>>5317502 Astor moves in quickly to assault the Heliolisk, breaking away from the rest of the group!
The Heliolisk hisses out as it's struck by multiple hits, threatening to take it down! However, it stands its ground and zaps back, flaring its frills!
>Heliolisk (Level 49) used Thunderbolt on Astor! >>5317505 Vee becomes invisible.
>>5317508 Poli enters with the rest of the group, stomping the ground the crack it. There's a cacophonous noise as multiple explosions erupt from beneath the various Electric pokemon! The Heliolisk fighting Astor is nearly looking out of it!
>>5317514 Kaku crushes a seed as a mist overtakes the floor... and he slams some fae energy into the Charjabug nearest to him! It goes down from the attack!
>>5317535 >>5317540 Citrine and Ymir hear something and crush an orb! They suddenly begin slipping through the floor and walls, unused to the strange sensation of liquid solids! With inexperience, they slowly trudge their way to the others.
>Heliolisk (Level 55) used Thunderbolt on Poli! >Ampharos (Level 61) is preparing something... it's looking like it might burst with Electricity! >Galvantula (Level 57) used Thunder Wave on Kaku! >Dedenne (Level 33) used Eerie Impulse on Charles! >Dedenne (Level 29) moves closer. >Charjabug (Level 36) used Light Screen! >Eelektross (level 53) used Flamethrower on Astor! >Eelektross (level 54) moves closer. Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Sun 26 Jun 2022 05:07:57 No. 5317560 Report Rolled 3 (1d20) >>5317559 Vee doesn't hesitate to start stealing all the items he can see while invisible. Everything that might be of use he takes. He makes sure to do funny faces to the ferals who can't see him while doing it, too.
Vee used Covet!
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 26 Jun 2022 05:09:03 No. 5317561 Report Quoted By:
>>5317559 "What's going on?!"
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
Rolled 11 (1d20) >>5317559 "This is horrible." Poli complains, still in it!
He uses Earth Power again, having nothing better to do since all of his other attacks are also walled by Light Screen.
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Sun 26 Jun 2022 05:11:17 No. 5317565 Report >>5317559 Kaku is protected from status by Misty Terrain! He move towards the stairs.
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 05:12:44 No. 5317566 Report Rolled 6 (1d20) >>5317559 >Charles, seeing his friends in danger, rushes inside, shaking off his fear! "Hold on!"
>Charles used breaking swipe on the enemies! Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 05:16:01 No. 5317567 Report >>5317566 (60 x 0.5 x 1.5 x 0.7) + 58 + 6 = 96 damage to all enemies and all enemies Normal attack reduced by 1 stage!
>>5317559 "Citrine! If you can hear me block for Poli!"
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Sun 26 Jun 2022 05:17:24 No. 5317568 Report Rolled 5 (1d20) "What the hell is going on?!" Maroon shouts in shock as he sees the sheer volume of enemies."I'm coming!">Maroon uses Flare Blitz on Charjabug!
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 26 Jun 2022 05:18:10 No. 5317569 Report Rolled 3 (1d20) >>5317567 "I am inside the walls."
Citrine exits the walls.
"Uh, alright! Let me, uh..."
Citrine fires a quick Power Gem at Eelektross (Lv. 53)!
"Is everybody else alright?"
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Sun 26 Jun 2022 05:21:21 No. 5317573 Report Rolled 1 (1d20) >>5317568 >616 damage! >205 recoil! >1015/1220 HP Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Sun 26 Jun 2022 05:24:49 No. 5317577 Report Rolled 18 (1d20) >>5317559 *Ymir immediately charges in summoning a wave of Muddy Water headed right for the Eelektross and Dedenne*
(The two NW of Kaku)
"Looks like we arrived on time!"
Rolled 10, 9 = 19 (2d20) >>5317560 Vee starts grabbing everything with his use of Covet, shattering his cloak of invisibility! He acquires: All-Hit Orb, Warp Orb, Gold Gummi, Green Gummi, False Swipe TM, Payback TM, Hidden Power TM, an Apple, and 360P.
>>5317563 Poli shatters the earth once more with another strike of Earth Power, sending superheated debris all around and under the ferals! The remaining Heliolisk goes down!
>>5317565 Kaku begins advancing to the stairs, trying to avoid the enemies surrounding him!
>>5317566 Charles unfurls his tail and allows dragon energy to pool into it, sweeping the room! It knocks out a Dedenne, sending it right to the ground before vanishing.
>>5317568 Maroon launches himself at the Charjabug, obliterating the bug in a burst of fire!
>>5317573 He also breaks his nose against the ground. It is cosmetic, but it still hurts.
>>5317569 Citrine's laser light show makes quick work of the weakened Eelektross! It goes down in a shower of static, vanishing back to wherever dungeon ferals go.
>>5317577 Ymir's roaring wave of water topples the bruised and burnt Eelektross and drowns the Dedenne in murky water!
>Ampharos (Level 61) has prepared something! It's Discharge! >Galvantula (Level 57) crawls closer to Kaku and unleashes a mighty Thunder! Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 26 Jun 2022 05:38:48 No. 5317588 Report Rolled 15 (1d20) >>5317587 Citrine blocks for Poli. Correctly.
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
Rolled 4 (1d20) >>5317587 >>5317588 "Ah. Excellent timing. Thank you." Poli says as the Discharge is discharged directly into Citrine's face instead of his own. He follows up with another Earth Power, having nothing better to use yet again.
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 05:43:15 No. 5317597 Report Rolled 15 (1d20) >>5317587 "Th-they're almost done! Let's do this!"
>Charles used Breaking Swipe again on the remaining enemies! Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Sun 26 Jun 2022 05:43:23 No. 5317598 Report Rolled 15 (1d20) >>5317587 "OW!" Kaku is at seven hundreds or something HP. He hits Galvantula with a Lariat.
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 05:44:16 No. 5317599 Report Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 26 Jun 2022 05:45:01 No. 5317600 Report Quoted By:
>>5317599 (you need more skill points to perform this action)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Sun 26 Jun 2022 05:45:40 No. 5317601 Report Rolled 16 (1d20) >>5317587 "Time to go! Haha!"
Vee runs directly to the stairs, but stops and turns to send out a parting gift. "Thanks Poli!"
Vee used Copycat!
Vee used Earth Power!
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Sun 26 Jun 2022 05:46:00 No. 5317602 Report Quoted By:
>>5317598 Seven hundreds before the thunder that is! More like four hundreds... He deals 195 damage
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Sun 26 Jun 2022 05:47:04 No. 5317604 Report >>5317601 244 damage!
The Earth Power is very Earthy, AND powerful!
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 05:47:40 No. 5317605 Report Quoted By:
>>5317597 (60 x 0.5 x 1.5 x 0.7) + 58 + 15 = 105 Damage to all enemies and enemy damage reduced by 1 stage!
>>5317588 Citrine takes the brunt of two outbursts of electricity!
>>5317597 Charles sweeps the rug out from under the Ampharos and Galvantula, sending them right to the ground!
>>5317604 >>5317595 With both Vee and Poli slamming into the earth with a fiery pulse, it blasts the ground beneath the two downed ferals, scorching them with a burst of fire and molten rocks!
>>5317598 Kaku retaliates and gives a swinging set of punches, knocking the lights and reality right out of the spider! It vanishes.
The dust settles and the Monster House has been cleared.
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Sun 26 Jun 2022 05:52:37 No. 5317608 Report >>5317607 Vee keeps the All-Hit Orb, Warp Orb, Hidden Power TM, and Apple.
He leaves the Gold Gummi, Green Gummi, False Swipe TM, Payback TM, and 360P for anyone else to take.
"Stairs time!"
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Sun 26 Jun 2022 05:52:41 No. 5317609 Report Quoted By:
>>5317607 "And thats a wrap! Can we move on to the next floor?"
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
>>5317607 "That was awful." Poli says, but his tone of voice is... still really cheery. "I don't think that would have gone as well as I thought it would without Charles' immense tactical knowledge."
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 26 Jun 2022 05:54:06 No. 5317613 Report >>5317607 "Okay, everyone good?"
"...where are all the items?"
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d20) >>5317608 Poli walks over to eat the Green Gummi on the spot.
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 26 Jun 2022 05:55:30 No. 5317617 Report Quoted By:
>>5317608 Citrine takes the Gold Gummi.
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Sun 26 Jun 2022 05:56:38 No. 5317620 Report Quoted By:
>>5317613 "I stole 'em! The ones I don't want are on the ground! I really want that Gold Gummi... but I took everything else, so you can have it!"
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 05:57:09 No. 5317621 Report >>5317607 >>5317610 "Thank you, Poli. I'm glad I could do something right today."
>>5317608 >Charles takes the 360P "Thank you, Vee."
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Sun 26 Jun 2022 05:57:11 No. 5317622 Report Quoted By:
>>5317607 "Not too shabby I say!"
*Even if it was a single attack, he was content to see some action.*
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Sun 26 Jun 2022 05:58:58 No. 5317625 Report Quoted By:
>>5317621 "No problem! I wanted to steal everything! Hehe!"
Vee is in a good mode, having successfully stolen a lot of things.
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Pendragon)
Cava/Esca (Ironwill, Lvl 58) (Pendragon) ID:S6hgcgSS Sun 26 Jun 2022 06:02:10 No. 5317630 Report Quoted By:
>>5317607 *Cava is here but he's been sleepwalking the entire time. He gets no rewards, but hey, at least he's here!
As everyone gathers and recollects themselves from the sudden onslaught of ferals appearing, they make their way to the stairs, victorious. Instead of advancing to the next floor, they arrive at the starry field, staring at a Boltund. "Fantastic. Glorious. You managed to overcome the ordeal of a Monster House, something I note that you have never experienced. An event not already etched into your minds." Boltund nods, still pacing around the group. His head reaches around his side and unbuckled a sheath and sword. He lays it down on the ground. "This is yours. My blade is entrusted to you all." It looks like a two-pronged rapier. Very strange.>Lightning Fork - Changes Generic Attack into Spark
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Sun 26 Jun 2022 06:11:32 No. 5317640 Report Quoted By:
>>5317638 "Oh wow! It looks cool! I wonder if Charles would like it..."
He turns around. "Is anyone else gonna take it?"
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
Quoted By:
>>5317638 "Wow! That looks cool. Too bad I can't equip swords. I'm a Dark Mage." Poli says... even though there's quite literally nothing ACTUALLY preventing him from using such an item.
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Sun 26 Jun 2022 06:13:12 No. 5317643 Report Quoted By:
>>5317638 "Wow! It's a cool knife!" Maroon remarks, suddenly here.
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 26 Jun 2022 06:13:25 No. 5317645 Report >>5317638 >>5317638 Citrine takes it. Why? Incredible question.
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Sun 26 Jun 2022 06:20:16 No. 5317647 Report >>5317645 "Maybe we could take turns inefficiently hitting each other with swords now! You can cheat though with the core."
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 26 Jun 2022 06:21:24 No. 5317649 Report >>5317647 "Yeah, doesn't sound fair..."
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Sun 26 Jun 2022 06:22:35 No. 5317652 Report Quoted By:
>>5317649 "Well, all's fair in love and war. Maybe it would be better if you fought Pika with it instead."
"Farewell. Goodbye. Next when we meet again, we will have something to speak to you all about," Boltund says, backing away into the stars. You find that the stars are fading and you're back at the foot of the mansion like nothing ever happened. The sun is still in the sky, shining bright with the grass waving in the distance. Mistral is nearby, resting peacefully. Mission Complete! +300EXP +3d20EXP
Poli (Team TBGDC) Lv. 47
Quoted By:
Rolled 15, 13, 10 = 38 (3d20) >>5317655 "Where are all the wizard trials, then..?" Poli wonders out loud.
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand))
Ymir L.51 Swampert (Assault Vest/Team Quicksand)) ID:u92Ao8pm Sun 26 Jun 2022 06:25:41 No. 5317657 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 5, 15, 6 = 26 (3d20) >>5317655 "Another mission in the books, and with a neat lookin' trophy!"
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Sun 26 Jun 2022 06:26:00 No. 5317659 Report Rolled 3, 14, 20 = 37 (3d20) >>5317655 "Bye Boltund." Vee says as they leave. He watches the stars before they finally disappear.
"That was fun!" He turns to Mistral. "Hi Mistral! You should've seen what happened."
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg)
Kaku (LV.53 Grimmsnarl, Lucky Egg) ID:rJVHh0C0 Sun 26 Jun 2022 06:26:56 No. 5317660 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 18, 17, 5 = 40 (3d20) >>5317655 "And that's all, folks. See ya' all in the next mission..." Kaku absconds!
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62)
Team Quicksand Leader Citrine (Gigalith, Lv. 62) ID:tB+rKZlU Sun 26 Jun 2022 06:28:17 No. 5317661 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 14, 15, 8 = 37 (3d20) >>5317655 "You should come with us next time, Mistral... Oh, he sleeping? My bad."
>>5317659 Mistral stirs awake, blinking as he does so. It seems that he's a little drowsy. "...hello. I'm awake. What, uh, happened?"
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone)
Team Divers Vee, Level 48 Eevee (Everstone) ID:aU/Pvdv9 Sun 26 Jun 2022 06:30:12 No. 5317667 Report Quoted By:
>>5317662 "We met the ghost Boltund and he gave us his rapier. It looks kinda like a steak knife. Citrine took it. I was gonna give it to Charles but I kinda already took a lotta stuff..."
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn)
Maroon Lv. 61 Arcanine (Heavy Horn) ID:R6686AHN Sun 26 Jun 2022 06:33:33 No. 5317671 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 13, 3, 13 = 29 (3d20)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:A8KMHRDX Sun 26 Jun 2022 10:42:09 No. 5317817 Report Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61)
Astor (Quicksand - lvl 61) ID:A8KMHRDX Sun 26 Jun 2022 10:44:15 No. 5317819 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 6, 20, 15, 14 = 55 (4d20) >>5317817 Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm)
Charles, Lv. 58 Goodra (Team Storm) ID:LqbpT6eY Sun 26 Jun 2022 11:35:30 No. 5317844 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 16, 6, 12 = 34 (3d20) >>5317655 >XP Roll Guildmaster except Guildmaster
Guildmaster except Guildmaster ID:d5rt+S34 Wed 29 Jun 2022 00:12:28 No. 5320924 Report Quoted By:
Vee, Kaku, Escav, Ymir, and Citrine have traced Bind’s movements to a mystery dungeon pretty far removed from treasure town. Now apparently a recovery mission, the gang sets out to get their Lopunny Guildmaster back. Chapter 26: Bonds that Bind
Quoted By:
>>5320935 Thank you, good sir.