Read the rules: .
How to play: (or the how-to-play gif below)
The dice you put in the "options" box is:
>What is /conqst/? /conqst/ is a 4Chan story-telling, strategy game that is just like Risk but allows you to have more freedom in defining your civilization. Build your nation on the path that you choose, be it war, economical, benevolence, pious, or just plain chaotic. You tell the story of how your nation thrives in this ever-changing world. Just remember one thing: Your ultimate goal is to conquer the world.
>Can I join? If there's any territory shaded in white, yes. If there isn't any, some players may be nice enough to give you land or allocate a puppet state. If not, then you could wait until the next game (or when I kick out inactive players).
>How hard is it to learn how to play this game? It's better for you to learn as you go, but its not difficult to play. You start with 5 territories as one nation, expand until you can't expand, and choose to attack, fortify, and/or defend. Plain and simple. You also get +1 attack and +1 defense for every certain amount of territories you own, and gain National Strength (NS) and gold every roll.
Quoted By:
>>5300887 We'll start in 12 hours from the time of this post.
Continent bonuses: Off
Attack/Defense +1: every 40 territories
Event mode: Delayed Storm
Philip IV
Quoted By:
>>5300887 The Kingdom of France
Fourth German Reich
Quoted By:
>>5300887 Fourth German Reich
berlin germany
David Wolsten Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wolsten Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:DQibG1ea Sat 11 Jun 2022 05:06:42 No. 5300997 Report Quoted By:
>>5300887 Order of Nine Angles
West country, England
Lo Razonable
Quoted By:
>>5300887 >The Moralintern >Sky Blue >Portugal Prince of Novgorod
Quoted By:
>>5300887 Republic of Novgorod
>>5300887 Notes
<span class="mu-s">Welcome back friends! This time, we will do religion right! </span>
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post or when everyone moves.
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France 0|5(0)|0 Fourth German Reich 0|5(0)|0 Order of Nine Angles 0|5(0)|0
The Moralintern 0|5(0)|0 Novgorod 0|5(0)|0
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Prince of Novgorod
Quoted By:
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5301378 Expand towards the north, to the Gulf of Finland, its ports shall be filled by our merchants.
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:G/4tVyZH Sat 11 Jun 2022 18:14:07 No. 5301588 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5301378 Take over Cornwall and then focus on Western England/Wales. Shropshire is the founding site of our most exalted Order. Hail the Numinous Way
Fourth German Reich
Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5301378 expand in germany
Lo Razonable
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5301378 Incremental progress is our goal. We shall start by going south. If our progress is too incremental (read: rolled a 1), build a market along the coast.
Lo Razonable
Quoted By:
>>5301683 A two is also too incremental. Build a market along the coast.
>>5301378 Expand in France.
Quoted By:
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5302103 roll
>>5301378 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France 3|12(0)|13 Fourth German Reich 6|16(0)|16 Order of Nine Angles 10|27(0)|20
The Moralintern 2|10(0)|12 Novgorod 3|12(0)|13
Next event on map#10
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Fourth German Reich
Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5302127 continue to expand in germany
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:Ega3qItY Sun 12 Jun 2022 03:11:35 No. 5302164 Report >>5302127 Order of Nine Angles takes Western England along the Welsh border to return and secure Shropshire. Agios O Baphomet
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:Ega3qItY Sun 12 Jun 2022 03:12:51 No. 5302166 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5302164 >>5302127 Rolling
Prince of Novgorod
Quoted By:
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5302127 Expand towards the White Sea.
Lo Razonable
Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5302127 Keep expanding south. If the progress is too incremental (rolled a 1-3), keep building more markets along the coast.
Philip IV
Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5302127 Expand in France, and remember to include my name and dice.
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5302127 Garumiel Republic
>Expand in Greece Conqstr
>>5302127 Notes
>>5302294 <span class="mu-s">Welcome friend! </span>
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France 11|28(0)|31 Fourth German Reich 11|27(0)|31 Order of Nine Angles 16|38(0)|36
The Moralintern 10|26(0)|31 Novgorod 4|19(0)|24 Garumiel Republic 5|16(0)|15
Next event on map#10
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Lo Razonable
Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5302470 Incremental progress. South is the best way to expand. If the market deems the progress too slow (rolled a 1-3), build a market along the coast.
Prince of Novgorod
Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5302470 Expand further into Karelia.
Build markets in Novgorod.
And stop playing on hard mode as if that would happen.
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:f2onJ3vL Sun 12 Jun 2022 15:49:48 No. 5302500 Report Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5302470 Go East
"We drive East" - Douglas Pearce
Garumiel President
Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5302470 >Expand into Greece Fourth German Reich
Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5302470 expand in germany once more
I can't believe I have to wait six whole hours for the next round. The only thing good about this is it gives the chance for more to join and more time to fill out borders
>>5302700 I wish I could go faster...Or get more players to join. I guess the rest of /qst/ isn't interested in this quest.
Quoted By:
>>5302727 It's alright,m8. We've got to work with this
Philip IV
Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5302470 Expand France!
>>5302470 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 14 hours from the time of this post.
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France 17|39(0)|47 Fourth German Reich 15|38(0)|45 Order of Nine Angles Maxed|38(0)|51
The Moralintern 14|37(0)|46 Novgorod 10|24(0)|40 Garumiel Republic 10|27(0)|30
Next event on map#10
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Fourth German Reich
>>5302888 expand in germany for more lebensraum
Fourth German Reich
Quoted By:
Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5303051 oop
Prince of Novgorod
Quoted By:
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5302888 Expand into Saint Petersburg and down the Russian border.
Philip IV
Quoted By:
Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5302888 Expand some more.
>>5302500 Want a trade deal new neighbour?
Garumiel President
Quoted By:
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5302888 Continue expanding in Greece, aiming for the clay near the Crete and Italy pathway, but do not cross yet.
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:ZJ2jIwcN Mon 13 Jun 2022 08:12:37 No. 5303161 Report Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5302888 Take over Southeast England
Lo Razonable
Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5302888 Expanding south still. If progress is too incremental (rolled 1-3), build markets along the coast.
>>5302888 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France Maxed|55(1)|66 Fourth German Reich Maxed|54(1)|64 Order of Nine Angles Maxed|45(1)|63
The Moralintern Maxed|48(1)|63 Novgorod Maxed|46(1)|63 Garumiel Republic 13|34(0)|43
Next event on map#10
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Prince of Novgorod
Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5303330 Build more markets
Use Ka-Ching
Expand down into Donetsk.
Philip IV
Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5303330 Expand.
>>5303161 You want a trade deal or not?
Suomi !Iqrgo1F046
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5303330 Greater Finland
Curious, do the /conqst/ players have a discord like the standard Risk community had way back?
>>5303344 No, the closest to being a community is on these threads only.
Suomi !Iqrgo1F046
>>5303345 Sad. I know not a lot of people like software like Discord or Skype, but the golden age of Risk including maps and players was always when the big Skype groups (pre-Discord) existed and things were organized. You'd always have threads across seven boards. Now it's all just stagnated, so it's refreshing to at least see Risk sorta thrive on /qst/.
>>5303347 I don't remember any sort of group nor do I have any plans on making a discord or skype. In terms of "popularity", I can say not a lot of anons on the board are interested in this quest (look at the archives on my ruleset if you don't believe me). Most of these players here now have been around since last year.
>You'd always have threads across seven boards. Damn anon. What timeline are you from? I'd like to see that.
Suomi !Iqrgo1F046
>>5303358 I started playing around early 2014, Risk had existed since 2012 and always had groups. Used to be, you could play on /mlp/, /pol/, /b/, /r9k/, /tg/, /int/ without worrying about bans. The off-site groups also had big map collections saved on Google Drive that anons could use to download maps to host on. Now you're lucky if you can find a game maybe on /bant/ or /int/ last a few hours without jannies nuking the thread.
The surviving mainline risk community wants nothing to do with /qst/ though, even though this board would probably be the chance to organize new blood and keep the thing going on. It's all sad, really.
>>5303362 That certainly was a while ago. Do you have the links to the maps? I would be able to incorporate them into this quest.
But yes, we need more risk threads. WE NEED TO <span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-s">MAKE RISK GREAT AGAIN! </span></span>
>>5300887 Nice to see a risk thread. Been years since I last played. Are risk threads on /qst/ nowadays? I remember them being on /b/, /int/ and even /pol/
>>5303362 Yo I still got some of those map collections! I used to play since 2012 up until 2016 or something. I enjoyed playing as Erwin Rommel or King Baldwin IV
Suomi !Iqrgo1F046
Quoted By:
>>5303364 Yeah, I have like hundreds and hundreds of maps created over a literal fucking decade by people. I'm probably gonna make an unofficial discord for this because I feel nostalgic for whatever reason.
>>5303367 Mado's Risk Chat, right? Yeah, I was in the Freedom Chat faction. Some RC stragglers from Skype made the switch to Discord eons ago, but at this rate it's honestly best to just avoid the rump discord community. If you wanna hit me up, my tag is Suo#5048 and I can point you to some peeps who might know you.
>>5303365 Afaik, I'm the only dude who is making these threads. There was an anon from /b/ that came here but didn't run the risk thread.
>>5303367 Post them here good sir. We need all the help we can get to MRGA.
Suomi !Iqrgo1F046
I've made an informal Discord for anyone in this thread. For far too long, Risk has been left dormant and abandoned on the imageboards. The greatest strength Risk had was being organized, and we lost that over time.
You are not required to join, obviously, but I will be using the Discord mainly to bring together anyone interested in creating content as well as organizing and scheduling games on /qst/. Maybe one day, we can also venture back into other boards. Anonymous
>>5303372 I posted some of them in the discord
>>5303379 made.
Quoted By:
>>5303399 >>5303379 Nice. I'll join later as I've got shit to do.
>>5303399 Are you going to join in this quest or nah? I can hold up to 20 anons.
Garumiel President
Quoted By:
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5303330 Expand towards the Italian bridge with greece
If roll is low (1-2), build market on Athens
Lo Razonable
Quoted By:
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5303330 The progress has been incremental enough to allow for a temporary boost to our productivity. Activate proposal #58218, timescale: 1 year, or in other words, activate Expansionist. Expand everywhere and build markets along the coast of Portugal.
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:weIsUg6I Mon 13 Jun 2022 21:44:45 No. 5303632 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5303330 Fill out England from the South on up!
Hail the white grain
Quoted By:
>>5303379 Discord is a glowapp full of anti-fa
Fourth German Reich
Quoted By:
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5303330 11. Expansionist (Expansion): You don't receive an expansion penalty when taking other actions, and you get +10 free territories in your respective expansion range.
expand once more in germany and place down forts to ensure the reichs future
>>5303364 Look up the Tamriel maps, I'd love to play one of them
>>5303330 Notes
>>5303344 <span class="mu-s">Welcome friend!</span>
>>5303671 That's been one of my maps since last year.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 16 hours from the time of this post.
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France Maxed|71(1)|84 Fourth German Reich 0|71(1)|77 Order of Nine Angles <span class="mu-s">Maxed (last chance) </span>|56(1)|78
The Moralintern 0|80(2)|84 Novgorod 0|53(1)|580 Garumiel Republic 16|38(0)|56
Greater Finland 0|5(0)|0
Active Effects / Items
Next event on map#10
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Lo Razonable
Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5303712 God is in his heaven. Expand everywhere still, focusing on building markets along the coast if progress is too incremental (rolled a 1-3)
Suomi !Iqrgo1F046
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5303712 Greater Finland must expand to take its core territory to the South!
By the way, we just got the map archive set back up.
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:weIsUg6I Mon 13 Jun 2022 23:29:36 No. 5303727 Report Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5303344 I can make us a Telegram chat and channel if you like
>>5303712 Continue to fill in England
Suomi !Iqrgo1F046
Quoted By:
>>5303727 >>5303727 It wouldn't work. Skype was the most accessible means back in the day, and people moved to Discord because it had more features, channels for mapmakers being a big deal. Telegram would just be a step back to Skype.
Matrix exists, but it's also not ready for prime time usage.
Lo Razonable
>>5303727 hey you got a national strategy you can use. you should, like, look them up in the pastebin
>>5303765 Explains fuck all, mate. Read the whole thing and I saw nowt. I would if I knew what options I had
Lo Razonable
>>5303772 I thought it was pretty self explanatory, this is what I'm talking about.
>>5303779 Oh, well that's not the page I was reading. Oh well, read through those and they all sound too complex, I like to keep my actions real simple
Garumiel President
Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5303712 Expand into northern Greece
If roll is low (1-2), build market on Athens
>>5303786 Or you can found a religion if you want.
Fourth German Reich
Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5303712 expand in germany once more for more lebensraum
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:weIsUg6I Tue 14 Jun 2022 01:36:00 No. 5303841 Report >>5303812 I'll call my religion the Numinous Way and as for National Strategy I'll just like whatever makes me gain ground faster so I can get Britain quicker
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:weIsUg6I Tue 14 Jun 2022 01:40:34 No. 5303844 Report Quoted By:
>>5303841 No actually I'd call it
>>5303812 Left handed Occultism (LHO)
Philip IV
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5303712 Activate ka-ching, expand.
Prince of Novgorod
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5303712 Expand down towards Crimea and into the Caucas.
>>5303726 Hello there, our fur traders have reported the formation of an unified Suomi state up in the north and we came to see for ourselves.
Would you like to trade? Perhaps even an economic alliance to help the development of your young state, what do you say?
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:uMJ0CI8X Tue 14 Jun 2022 09:44:50 No. 5304158 Report Quoted By:
>>5303847 Fucking die, frog
Suomi !Iqrgo1F046
>>5304030 We will take it under advisement for the time being as long as Novgorod does not infringe upon our territory.
Prince of Novgorod
Quoted By:
>>5304226 You can expand everywhere you wish in Finland and Scandinavia, except for the Kola Peninsuala, we claim that as a part of our republic.
Other than that, you are welcomed to trade with us anytime you want.
>>5303712 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
Left handed Occultism (Flying Destiny):Order of Nine Angles||0 Fede
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France 0|87(2)|602 Fourth German Reich 4|82(2)|91 Order of Nine Angles 0|72(1)|97
The Moralintern 4|91(2)|104 Novgorod 1|60(1)|598 Garumiel Republic Maxed|54(1)|75
Greater Finland 7|21(0)|17
Active Effects / Items
Next event on map#10
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Lo Razonable
Quoted By:
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5304304 Start expanding east now. If our progress is still yet too incremental (1-3 roll), build more markets near our other markets.
Prince of Novgorod
Quoted By:
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5304304 Continue to expand in the Caucas and Crimea.
Build more markets.
Fourth German Reich
Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5304304 expand in gemrany once more
Garumiel President
Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5304304 >Use Expansionist Expand 4 tiles into Italy, than focus on reaching the east from greece, towards Constatinople. Build Markets in Athens and it's surroundings by the Aegean sea coast.
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:PTt3jW4s Tue 14 Jun 2022 23:16:14 No. 5304666 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5304304 Take over Wales and move onto the rest of England
Quoted By:
>>5303847 Hey dipshit, YOU GONNA ROLL?!!
Philip IV
Quoted By:
Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5304304 Expand.
>>5304304 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
Left handed Occultism (Flying Destiny):Order of Nine Angles||11 Fede
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France 9|103(2)|623 Fourth German Reich 12|98(2)|109 Order of Nine Angles 4|87(2)|111
The Moralintern 5|97(2)|121 Novgorod 2|66(1)|616 Garumiel Republic 0|80(2)|94
Greater Finland 7|21(0)|27
Active Effects / Items
Next event on map#10
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Conqstr
>>5305246 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
Left handed Occultism (Flying Destiny):Order of Nine Angles||11 Fede
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France 9|103(2)|623 Fourth German Reich 12|98(2)|109 Order of Nine Angles 4|87(2)|111
The Moralintern 5|97(2)|121 Novgorod 2|66(1)|616 Garumiel Republic 0|80(2)|94
Greater Finland 7|21(0)|27
Active Effects / Items
Next event on map#10
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Garumiel President
Quoted By:
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5305247 Expand. Get the 2 tiles left in south greece, Constatinople and the tiles between it and the eastern portion of greece.
Fourth German Reich
Quoted By:
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5305247 expand for more lebensraum in germany
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:tmJUJNK6 Wed 15 Jun 2022 05:11:08 No. 5305420 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5305247 March onwards and take more England until it is all united under the septagram banner
Now that Wales has been taken under the Order's control we have established a nexion there of many a mighty drecc
Hail the Numinous Way!
May we unite a mighty new kingdom for Britain and it's people!
Agios O Vindex
Prince of Novgorod
Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5305247 Expand in Crimea and the Caucas.
Philip IV
Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5305247 Expand in France some more. We shall be united.
Lo Razonable
Quoted By:
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5305247 Keep expanding east to spread our incremental progress out. If our progress is too incremental (roll of 1-3), build markets along the African coast.
Finn !Iqrgo1F046
>>5305247 Greater Finland continues its expansion south.
Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5305656 rolling
>>5305247 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
Left handed Occultism (Flying Destiny):Order of Nine Angles||23 Fede
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France 11|110(2)|637 Fourth German Reich 15|105(2)|122 Order of Nine Angles 7|98(2)|124
The Moralintern 12|113(2)|145 Novgorod 8|77(1)|640 Garumiel Republic 10|102(2)|119
Greater Finland 13|32(0)|37
Active Effects / Items
Next event on map#10
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Finn !Iqrgo1F046
>>5305734 Expand to finish Finland, spill into Scandanavia
I have realized that the /conqst/ discord invite was revoked by accident. This is the new invite: Prince of Novgorod
Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5305734 Fill up the Caucas
Expand into Crimea.
Build more markets
Lo Razonable
Quoted By:
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5305734 Expanding east is the goal, still. If we are on the verge of true progress (rolled a 7), spend 100 gold to boost the national strength by one. If progress is too incremental (rolled a 1-3), build some markets along the coast.
Garumiel President
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5305734 Expand into Anatolia; Build markets near Athens
>>5305867 Religion has a few benefits.
1. The biggest upside is the more Fede you have, the stronger you become as a nation.
2. As a founder, some beliefs enhance your abilities slightly more than followers.
For example, the flying destiny belief allows an extra 4 territories to be acquired while expanding for the founder. An extra 2 territories for followers of that religion.
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:W8is6xMb Wed 15 Jun 2022 20:51:49 No. 5306008 Report >>5305734 Order of Nine Angles takes more England
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:W8is6xMb Wed 15 Jun 2022 20:54:03 No. 5306011 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5306008 Shit, I must have accidentally put a space between the dice
>>5305734 David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:W8is6xMb Wed 15 Jun 2022 20:57:06 No. 5306013 Report Quoted By:
>>5305889 What's the tiny white chevron in the midlands there?
Fourth German Reich
Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5305734 expand in germany once again
Philip IV
Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5305734 Expand.
Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5305738 gotta roll using dice+1d10 in options
>>5305734 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
Left handed Occultism (Flying Destiny):Order of Nine Angles||33 Fede
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France 17|121(3)|655 Fourth German Reich Maxed|116(2)|138 Order of Nine Angles 12|114(2)|149
The Moralintern 15|117(2)|165 Novgorod 16|85(2)|666 Garumiel Republic 13|106(2)|137
Greater Finland 19|43(1)|59
Active Effects / Items
<span class="mu-r">It appears that a certain land has disappeared in the far north-west. Whatever happened to it?</span>
A hideout of thieves
<span class="mu-r">Is it just you, or does your banks seem...Empty? Oh no...Looks like a gang of thieves robbed you while you were snoozing away. According to your investigators, they seem to be located somewhere in central europe.</span>
Find the thieves to get your money back, along with everyone elses if they don't reach them first. 1,969 gold has been stolen.
Dry Oceans
<span class="mu-r">It seems that the nearby beaches are now dry of water, and can be transversed like any ordinary land. Perhaps the rest of the world's pollution is causing this strange behavior?</span>
You may now acquire the large territories around you for expansion in some locations.
Next event on map#20
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Fourth German Reich
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5306355 expand into the new open oceans
Lo Razonable
Quoted By:
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5306355 Attempt to expand into the new chunk of dry ocean land west of our African lands, with excess going east. If progress is too incremental (rolled 1-3), build more markets around our currently existing markets
Prince of Novgorod
Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5306355 Expand in the Gulf of Finland and Crimea
Send a party to start advancing towards the thieves' hideout from Novorossya.
Garumiel President
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5306355 Grab the dry sea tiles between me and italy, with the excess going into anatolia
If roll is low (1-3) or very high (8-10), build more markets as well.
Philip IV
Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5306355 Expand East.
RIP Iceland too. We hardly knew thee.
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:czRKd4LW Thu 16 Jun 2022 10:45:38 No. 5306579 Report >>5306355 The Order of Nine Angles marches on uniting England
We pray for our coastlines to return to normal
Hail Posiden
Agios O Vindex
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:czRKd4LW Thu 16 Jun 2022 10:46:39 No. 5306581 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5306579 >>5306355 Haha, dice go brrrrr
>>5306355 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
Left handed Occultism (Flying Destiny):Order of Nine Angles||44 Fede
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France Maxed|137(3)|20 Fourth German Reich Maxed|123(3)|13 Order of Nine Angles 16|129(3)|24
The Moralintern Maxed|139(3)|28 Novgorod Maxed|101(2)|30 Garumiel Republic Maxed|122(3)|24
Greater Finland 19|43(1)|10
Active Effects / Items
A hideout of thieves
Next event on map#20
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Lo Razonable
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5306677 It is time to spread the word of Humanism among our people. Start the Humanism religion (Piety belief) with our holy site in the center of our African lands.
Expand north now, focusing our incremental expansion in spain. If our progress is too incremental (1-3), build markets around our religious site.
Lo Razonable
>>5306691 >second 10 in a row Seems like our progress will not be incremental for long.
>>5306426 Hello, unidentified nation. We would wish to discuss with you about possible arrangements that could benefit us both. Perhaps a trade agreement?
Prince of Novgorod
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5306677 Use Expansionist and snake from Novorossya, through Galicia, towards the Thieves.
Also, build more markets.
>>5306361 The Republic of Novgorod greets the german state, we had good trade relations in the past, bar a few exceptions, how about we keep that tradition alive?
Garumiel President
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5306677 >Use expansionist Expand into anatolia until the seabridge with the caucasus, then the excess will be used to expand towards the balkans. Build markets along the coast of south greece.
>>5306695 Hello, new neighbour. A trade agreement can be done.
Lo Razonable
>>5306833 We acknowledge and accept this deal. Further negotiation will be done at a further time.
Fourth German Reich
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5306677 1.Expansionist (Expansion): You don't receive an expansion penalty when taking other actions, and you get +10 free territories in your respective expansion range.
expand to where the thieves are and place down forts to ensure the security of the reich
>>5306713 als Führer des Deutschen Reiches sind wir mit einem Handelsabkommen einverstanden, solange Sie unsere Pläne für Lebensraum für das deutsche Volk nicht durchkreuzen
Prince of Novgorod
>>5306984 As Prince of the Republic of Novgorod, I ask only that we are clear which land belongs to whom so that no misunderstanding will occur in the future.
Philip IV
Quoted By:
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5306677 Expand east, activate ka-ching.
>>5306833 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
Left handed Occultism (Flying Destiny):Order of Nine Angles||59 Fede
Humanism (Piety):The Moralintern||0 Fede
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France 0|144(3)|535 Fourth German Reich 0|144(3)|27 Order of Nine Angles 16|129(3)|44
The Moralintern 0|161(4)|56 Novgorod 0|127(3)|60 Garumiel Republic 0|154(3)|50
Greater Finland 19|43(1)|20
Active Effects / Items
The Moralintern:
>>5306833 |Garumiel Republic:
>>5306976 =============
A hideout of thieves
Next event on map#20
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Thieves
Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5307303 Uh oh, da bois are koming. Let's move away fellas!
Lo Razonable
Quoted By:
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5307303 Keep expanding north into the lands of Spain. If our progress is too incremental (roll of 1-3), build more markets around the other markets
Fourth German Reich
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5307303 expand to the thieves
>>5307004 Polen, Dänemark, Norwegen, ehemalige jugoslawische Länder, Österreich, Tschechoslowakei
Garumiel President
Quoted By:
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5307303 Expand towards the thieves’ den
Philip IV
Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5307303 Expand East.
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:0Nel3hDh Fri 17 Jun 2022 05:50:07 No. 5307447 Report Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5307303 Order of Nine Angles claims what's left of England with it's Nexion The Black Order establishing total rule over England
Any left over gains go across the border to Scotland to establish the Scotthorn Nexion
>>5307385 Hello, Deutschlander. I am an emissary of the O9A. My sacred Order and it's high Sovereign Myatt wishes to enter into an alliance with your great nation. We would at least like a treaty of non agression and open trade between us. So which would you, Reichsminister, like to sign?
Crimson Concordant A (*Alliance*)
Crimson Concordant B (*Non Agreession and Open trade*)
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:0Nel3hDh Fri 17 Jun 2022 05:52:11 No. 5307448 Report Quoted By:
>>5307447 Okay yeah, so it looks like all of my progress goes into Scotland then
>>5307303 Prince of Novgorod
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5307303 Expand to border the thieves.
Open a dialogue with them once I border them.
Attack if the thieves are hostile.
Prince of Novgorod
>>5307453 >1 Add to my action:
>Use gold to fuel the expansion to envelop the territory of the thieves. >>5307385 Agreeable with a few changes
>I lay claim to Slovakia and Moravia >I propose for Poland to be split with the Vistual serving as border. What do you say?
>>5307303 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
Left handed Occultism (Flying Destiny):Order of Nine Angles||71 Fede
Humanism (Piety):The Moralintern||8 Fede
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France 8|160(4)|557 Fourth German Reich 4|155(3)|41 Order of Nine Angles 19|140(3)|67
The Moralintern 8|177(4)|86 Novgorod 1|134(3)|87 Garumiel Republic 1|161(4)|77
Active Effects / Items
The Moralintern:
>>5306833 |Garumiel Republic:
>>5306976 =============
A hideout of thieves
Next event on map#20
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Lo Razonable
Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5307693 Keep expanding north into Spain. If our progress is too incremental (roll of 1-3), build markets around our other markets.
Garumiel President
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5307693 Continue expanding towards the thieves. If we roll enough to reach them, attack them.
Rumania (WE ARE NOT THIEVES) ID:i3gtqYDM Fri 17 Jun 2022 16:14:07 No. 5307764 Report >>5307760 Whoa whoa whoa wait why are you attacking us? We did nothing to harm you.
Garumiel President
>>5307764 You stole money from me as well, what do you mean ?
Rumania (WE ARE NOT THIEVES) ID:i3gtqYDM Fri 17 Jun 2022 16:48:29 No. 5307784 Report Quoted By:
>>5307766 Huh? Why would we do that? The gold we have came from a gold mine we've discovered, and we're using that to help the sick people in this region. How could you not tell?
Prince of Novgorod
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5307693 Expand along the northern coast, enclose the eastern plain.
>>5307764 Știți băieți, putem face noi o șmecherie să vă scăpăm de nemți și greci, asta dacă nu vreți să ajungeți lefteri, normal. [I'm unto you Conqstr, good luck with the slang] Thoth33 !isBJxEYMCQ
I see that /conqst/ is doing fairly well on this board. How would you guys feel about a more traditional 4chan risk like pic related? I plan to host a game today, maybe on this board, if you all are up for it. It would be faster pace, 10-15 minute updates over 2-4 hours. Any interest?
Fourth German Reich
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5307693 continue to expand after the thieves
>>5307447 als Führer des Deutschen Reiches wünschen wir uns einen Non-Agreement-Pakt und offenen Handel
>>5307469 Das ist akzeptabel
Prince of Novgorod
>>5307868 I am glad we have reached an agreement.
Rumania (WE ARE NOT THIEVES) ID:i3gtqYDM Fri 17 Jun 2022 20:04:38 No. 5307902 Report >>5307794 I'm sorry, but we wish to remain normads with little to no interest in gaining international sovereignty nor inserting ourselves onto political affairs. We wish to remain in peace with our fellow nations.
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:GPp3f4O6 Fri 17 Jun 2022 20:12:37 No. 5307913 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5307693 Order of Nine Angles claims more Scotland
Prince of Novgorod
>>5307902 Dar na zis nimeni nimic de politică, am văzut că voi aveți niște probleme cu grecii și vă oferim ajutor, dar colac peste pupăză că tot voi începeți cu niște aberații, ziceți voi că nu vă doresc răul fanarioții , care-s deja gata să vă spintece de cum vă apucă? Interesting name for a gypsy clan there Conqstr, interesting name. Rumania (WE ARE NOT THIEVES)
Rumania (WE ARE NOT THIEVES) ID:i3gtqYDM Fri 17 Jun 2022 20:38:42 No. 5307933 Report Prince of Novgorod
Quoted By:
>>5307933 Vrei traducerea? Philip IV
Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5307693 Expand south.
>>5307872 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
Left handed Occultism (Flying Destiny):Order of Nine Angles||77 Fede
Humanism (Piety):The Moralintern||21 Fede
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France 13|171(4)|576 Fourth German Reich 14|177(4)|61 Order of Nine Angles Maxed|160(4)|96
The Moralintern 11|182(4)|112 Novgorod 4|141(3)|116 Garumiel Republic 4|169(4)|2085
Active Effects / Items
Fourth German Reich:
>>5307872 |The Moralintern:
>>5306833 |Novgorod:
>>5307868 Garumiel Republic:
>>5306976 =============
Next event on map#20
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Fourth German Reich
Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5308191 expand in germany and towards poland
Garumiel President
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5308191 >Purchase 8 settlers for immediate use. Expand into the west balkans, with excess going into the east balkans.
Philip IV
Quoted By:
>>5307863 Yeah, I wouldn't mind joining.
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:GPp3f4O6 Sat 18 Jun 2022 05:26:13 No. 5308266 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5308191 Order of Nine Angles continues to take Scotland. Any extras go into the surrounding islands to the north
Lo Razonable
Quoted By:
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5308191 Keep expanding north.
Philip IV
Quoted By:
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5308191 Expand south.
Prince of Novgorod
Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5308191 Continue to expand in the north, finish the enclosing.
>>5308208 The Prince of Novgorod hails another elected ruler. We, scions of Bizantium and of the Rus offer you trade and benevolence, masters of Hellas.
Garumiel President
>>5308384 Hello, new neighbor. We humbly accept your trade agreement.
>>5308191 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
Left handed Occultism (Flying Destiny):Order of Nine Angles||84 Fede
Humanism (Piety):The Moralintern||29 Fede
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France 14|178(4)|591 Fourth German Reich Maxed|188(4)|77 Order of Nine Angles Maxed|180(4)|124
The Moralintern 19|198(4)|143 Novgorod 13|157(3)|151 Garumiel Republic 10|196(4)|1117
Active Effects / Items
Fourth German Reich:
>>5307872 |The Moralintern:
>>5306833 |Novgorod:
>>5307868 >>5308441 Garumiel Republic:
>>5306976 >>5308384 =============
Next event on map#20
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Prince of Novgorod
Quoted By:
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5308487 Enclose Finland by expanding into the two big territories in its north.
Expand from the former sea along the Vistula in accordance with my treaty with the German Reich.
Lo Razonable
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5308487 Start expanding east now.
Lo Razonable
Quoted By:
>>5308499 >1 Build a market along the border with France as well.
Fourth German Reich
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5308487 1.Expansionist (Expansion): You don't receive an expansion penalty when taking other actions, and you get +10 free territories in your respective expansion range.
expand in germany and poland denmark place down forts
Garumiel President
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5308487 Expand into romenia
>>5308542 Hello new neighbor, would you like to establish a trade route between our lands ?
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:2371kgCC Sat 18 Jun 2022 20:48:55 No. 5308808 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5308487 Claim the last of Scotland for the Scotthorn Nexion and the northern isles of the Heberdies, Shetland, and owt to to with UK. Anything left goes into Ireland
Philip IV
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5308487 Expand towards Italy.
>>5308499 Hello, want a trade deal?
Lo Razonable
>>5309077 We acknowledge and respect this deal.
>>5309081 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
Left handed Occultism (Flying Destiny):Order of Nine Angles||90 Fede
Humanism (Piety):The Moralintern||43 Fede
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France 18|189(4)|609 Fourth German Reich 0|209(5)|91 Order of Nine Angles Maxed|200(5)|153
The Moralintern Maxed|204(5)|168 Novgorod 16|164(4)|185 Garumiel Republic 14|207(5)|1152
Active Effects / Items
>>5309081 |Fourth German Reich:
>>5307872 |The Moralintern:
>>5306833 >>5309077 Novgorod:
>>5307868 >>5308441 |Garumiel Republic:
>>5306976 >>5308384 =============
Next event on map#20
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Lo Razonable
Quoted By:
Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5309127 We shall use our latest contingency, Expansionist, to expand into as much African and Spanish land as possible. Build markets along the border with the Kingdom of France.
Fourth German Reich
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5309127 expand to norway and poland and germany
Fourth German Reich
>>5309170 Ja, ein Handelsabkommen wäre gut.
Fourth German Reich
Garumiel President
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5309127 Continue expanding into romenia.
>>5309173 Glad to make a deal with you.
Garumiel President
Btw, how do we make a trade league, OP ?
>>5309193 Ask someone to form a trade league with you, and place a trade post somewhere in your territory.
Garumiel President
>>5309198 Ok. What’s the benefits and cons of doing it compared to regular trade deals ?
Prince of Novgorod
Quoted By:
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5309127 Expand along the Vistula, in acordance with my treaty with the reich.
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:cKwiDaSe Sun 19 Jun 2022 08:28:25 No. 5309291 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5309127 Order of Nine Angles sails into Ireland to spread the sinister tradition to the sons and daughters of Erie Philip IV
Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5309127 Expand into the English Channel and towards Italy.
Quoted By:
>>5309203 benefits:
>Very high gold output >Your gold is pooled with each member, so you can use gold from them without having to give it to you on the next map. cons:
>Your attack strength is always down by 4 until you leave the trade league, and even after you leave, this con will persist for the next 4 maps. Conqstr
>>5309190 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 13 hours from the time of this post.
Left handed Occultism (Flying Destiny):Order of Nine Angles||101 Fede
Humanism (Piety):The Moralintern||49 Fede
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France Maxed|200(5)|632 Fourth German Reich 1|216(5)|102 Order of Nine Angles Maxed|215(5)|177
The Moralintern 0|230(5)|206 Novgorod 19|171(4)|219 Garumiel Republic Maxed|218(5)|1189
Active Effects / Items
>>5309081 |Fourth German Reich:
>>5307872 >>5309190 |The Moralintern:
>>5306833 >>5309077 Novgorod:
>>5307868 >>5308441 |Garumiel Republic:
>>5306976 >>5308384 >>5309173 =============
Next event on map#20
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Lo Razonable
Quoted By:
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5309480 Keep expanding north wherever we can. If our progress is too incremental (1-3), build more markets along the border with France.
Spend 100 gold to open a sea route from the dry ocean near our markets to Norway.
Garumiel President
Quoted By:
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5309480 >Use Expansionist Continue expanding into romenia, with excess going into yugoslavia. Build markets in south greece.
Prince of Novgorod
Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5309480 Expand along the Vistula, in acordance with my treaty with the reich.
Also, take those 2 tiles in northern Finland.
Fourth German Reich
Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5309480 continue to expand in germany and poland norway
Philip IV
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5309480 Expand East. Create a religion, the Avignon Papacy.
Philip IV
Quoted By:
>>5309925 Actually, expand towards Avignon and place the Holy site there. Use the offertory belief.
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:PAIASfOV Mon 20 Jun 2022 02:34:31 No. 5310047 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5309480 Order of Nine Angles lays claim to the emerald isle that is Ireland
Kill anyone who crosses us
>>5309480 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
Left handed Occultism (Flying Destiny):Order of Nine Angles||111 Fede
Humanism (Piety):The Moralintern||61 Fede
Avignon Papacy (Offertory):France||0 Fede
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France 0|216(5)|658 Fourth German Reich 6|227(5)|122 Order of Nine Angles 0|230(5)|202
The Moralintern 4|234(5)|142 Novgorod Maxed|182(4)|256 Garumiel Republic 0|235(5)|1226
Active Effects / Items
>>5309081 |Fourth German Reich:
>>5307872 >>5309190 |The Moralintern:
>>5306833 >>5309077 Novgorod:
>>5307868 >>5308441 |Garumiel Republic:
>>5306976 >>5308384 >>5309173 =============
Next event on map#20
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Conqstr
Lo Razonable
Quoted By:
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5310069 >>5310058 Expand across our newly formed searoute and focus all of our expansion onto it.
Philip IV
Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5310069 Expand East and in Italy.
Fourth German Reich
Quoted By:
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5310069 expand in germany poland and norway
Garumiel President
Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5310058 >Buy 4 settlers for immediate use Expand into Romenia
Prince of Novgorod
Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5310058 Use Expansionist.
Expand along the Vistula, in acordance with my treaty with the reich.
Also, take the other 2 tiles in northern Finland to enclose it.
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:PAIASfOV Mon 20 Jun 2022 07:20:21 No. 5310308 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5310069 O9A takes Ireland
>>5310058 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
Left handed Occultism (Flying Destiny):Order of Nine Angles||118 Fede
Humanism (Piety):The Moralintern||69 Fede
Avignon Papacy (Offertory):France||9 Fede
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France 6|227(5)|703 Fourth German Reich 13|243(6)|144 Order of Nine Angles 8|243(6)|230
The Moralintern 12|250(6)|183 Novgorod 0|208(5)|295 Garumiel Republic 6|254(6)|669
Active Effects / Items
>>5309081 |Fourth German Reich:
>>5307872 >>5309190 |The Moralintern:
>>5306833 >>5309077 Novgorod:
>>5307868 >>5308441 |Garumiel Republic:
>>5306976 >>5308384 >>5309173 =============
Next event on map#20
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Prince of Novgorod
Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5310478 Expand eastward, from all points of of the republic.
Garumiel Presidente
Quoted By:
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5310478 Expand 4 tiles into Italy as pic, then continue expanding into Romenia
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:8BvxGAXH Mon 20 Jun 2022 18:44:44 No. 5310635 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5310478 Order of Nine Angles fortifies the English coast and it's Doggerland *lower sea level* valleys
Lo Razonable
Quoted By:
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5310478 Spend some gold on getting +2 settlers to expand across the lands and expand everywhere. If our progress is too incremental (1-3), build markets along the France border.
Fourth German Reich
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5310478 expand in norway poland and germany
>>5310478 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
Left handed Occultism (Flying Destiny):Order of Nine Angles||123 Fede
Humanism (Piety):The Moralintern||74 Fede
Avignon Papacy (Offertory):France||24 Fede
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France 6|227(5)|742 Fourth German Reich Maxed|259(6)|167 Order of Nine Angles 18|243(6)|260
The Moralintern Maxed|250(6)|102 Novgorod 4|219(5)|330 Garumiel Republic 9|261(6)|709
Active Effects / Items
>>5309081 |Fourth German Reich:
>>5307872 >>5309190 |The Moralintern:
>>5306833 >>5309077 Novgorod:
>>5307868 >>5308441 |Garumiel Republic:
>>5306976 >>5308384 >>5309173 =============
The Roll of Fortune
<span class="mu-g">Good news! A European roulette has opened up, and if you roll your dice, you can win big prizes!</span>
Roll to earn a random prize! lasts for the next 5 maps.
Expansion Exponential Growth (EEG)
<span class="mu-g">With more and more building done throughout the continent, your people have grown significantly in some areas of the country. This high concentration should be best used to expand everywhere.</span>
For this map only, you gain 150 territories for expanding.
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Garumiel President
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5311085 Expand into Romenia, with excess going into yugoslavia and then Italy.
Garumiel President
Quoted By:
>>5311085 is that wheel roll different from the regular one ? and this expansion bonus, wow!
Lo Razonable
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5311085 Buy the Ka-Ching national strategy with our maxed out strength, expand everywhere, build more markets along the border we have with France (because c'mon, +150 territories, losing up to 10 won't mean much)
Philip IV
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5311085 Expand East.
>>5310870 Greetings. Would you like a trade deal?
Philip IV
Quoted By:
>>5311115 Actually, expand wherever we can.
Fourth German Reich
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5311085 expand everywhere
>>5311115 ja
Prince of Novgorod
Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5311085 Expand east.
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:cJga3A52 Tue 21 Jun 2022 07:54:32 No. 5311299 Report Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5311085 Fortify the English coastal border with France
>>5311171 As per our pact of non-aggression I'd like to request peaceful passage into Scandinavia. If not then I may be forced to go to war with someone and preferably not you or your allies
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:cJga3A52 Tue 21 Jun 2022 08:54:21 No. 5311319 Report Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5311085 OP if Germany accepts my passage then I'll spread to Sweden. Our in will be their goth girls
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:cJga3A52 Tue 21 Jun 2022 08:58:18 No. 5311321 Report Quoted By:
>>5311319 That wasn't meant to be a roll, just had dice laying in my options
>>5311171 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
Left handed Occultism (Flying Destiny):Order of Nine Angles||135 Fede
Humanism (Piety):The Moralintern||83 Fede
Avignon Papacy (Offertory):France||33 Fede
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France 12|377(9)|787 Fourth German Reich Maxed|409(10)|183 Order of Nine Angles Maxed|243(6)|783
The Moralintern 5|400(10)|642 Novgorod 12|369(9)|365 Garumiel Republic 16|411(10)|1453
Active Effects / Items
Anger (+2 Attack,ends in 3 turns): France
Critical Hit (+10 Attack,ends in 1 turn): Fourth German Reich
>>5309081 >>5311171 |Fourth German Reich:
>>5307872 >>5309190 >>5311115 |The Moralintern:
>>5306833 >>5309077 Novgorod:
>>5307868 >>5308441 |Garumiel Republic:
>>5306976 >>5308384 >>5309173 =============
The Roll of Fortune
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Prince of Novgorod
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5311544 Fill up Finland and Eastern Europe.
Fortify the Baltic Sea.
Fourth German Reich
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5311544 1. Anger (Power-up): Your attacks are boosted by +2 for the next 2 maps. Effect stacks.
attack The Moralintern everywhere
>>5311299 >>5311319 Sicher, solange Sie unsere Pläne für den Lebensraum nicht beeinträchtigen.
>>5311099 Sie haben sich in die Lebensraumpläne des Deutschen Reiches eingemischt und gelten als Feind Deutschlands
Fourth German Reich
>>5311096 >>5311115 >>5311299 >>5311551 das deutsche reich bittet um unterstützung für den krieg gegen die nation bekannt als die moralintern, da wir das deutsche reich
im Gegenzug wichtige Ländereien als Gegenleistung für die Unterstützung des Deutschen Reiches geben wird
Lo Razonable
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5311619 Immediate proposal: 500 gold and the transfer of 30 territories in the land you wish to expand into for immediate ceasefire. If you do not cease your assault, we will deem you as a hostile and dangerous entity and attack you.
Sofortiger Vorschlag: 500 Gold und die Übertragung von 30 Territorien in dem Land, in das Sie expandieren möchten, für einen sofortigen Waffenstillstand. Wenn Sie Ihren Angriff nicht einstellen, werden wir Sie als feindliche und gefährliche Einheit betrachten und Sie angreifen.
>>5311115 >>5311096 >>5311551 Due to the immediate attack that was not explained until the first blow, we are being invaded by a foreign power. We did not know of any intrusion of this entity's expansion nor did we know they even existed.
We wish for an alliance with one or all of you for the sake of our protection, with an attack bonus. We are willing to offer gold, territories, or other resources in order to sweeten your deal.
>>5311544 If Germany refuses our peace offer, we will have to defend ourselves and attack them back. Build markets along the border we have with France. D
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:cJga3A52 Tue 21 Jun 2022 18:51:49 No. 5311755 Report Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5311544 Order of Nine Angles attacks the French
Agios O Vindex
Garumiel President
Just to clarify, we can attack and build markets/forts in the same turn, right ?
Quoted By:
>>5311774 Yes, so long as the actions performed are not on the same territory.
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:cJga3A52 Tue 21 Jun 2022 20:36:44 No. 5311887 Report >>5311755 I'll take this back
>>5311115 If you allow me to attack them by moving through your lands peacefully. I must warn you now that the Crimson Concordant has reached it's zenith of power we will not stop until all enemies burn with Holy hellfire of Vindex's wrath
Garumiel President
>>5311887 You're attacking who ?
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:cJga3A52 Tue 21 Jun 2022 20:41:44 No. 5311895 Report Quoted By:
>>5311619 So let us start today, to live and die the same way
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:cJga3A52 Tue 21 Jun 2022 20:43:09 No. 5311897 Report Quoted By:
>>5311890 I'm giving France an ultimatum
They let me pass and attack Moralintern or I destroy them first to get to them
Garumiel President
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5311754 Seeing the sudden aggressivenes of the German Reich, the Garumiel Republic will join The Moralintern in their struggle.
>>5311623 Δεν θα συμμετάσχω στην επίθεσή σας και θα βοηθήσω την Moralintern όσο συνεχίζεται αυτός ο πόλεμος.
>>5311544 >Buy 3 Increase Attack Attack the german reich through our border in the balkans. Build forts on my northern most border with the reich.
Fourth German Reich
Quoted By:
>>5311931 wir geben Ihnen das gesamte Gebiet des ehemaligen Mittelmeers zusammen mit Italien und der Hälfte Nordafrikas
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:cJga3A52 Tue 21 Jun 2022 23:01:41 No. 5312042 Report >>5311931 Dago Scum! All of you
The Germanic race will triumph as we did in Teutoberg Forest
Lo Razonable
>>5311931 Excellent. Our alliance capital shall be in the center of Spain, if that is okay with you. We acknowledge and love you.
>>5311754 Yeaaah, let's add on "spend 600 gold to gain +2 attack" instead of trying to bribe Germany to not destroy us.
Garumiel President
>>5312060 Sure thing, if that’s the safest place.
>>5312042 Your aggression will only need to chaos.
Garumiel President
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:Js2SbFkv Wed 22 Jun 2022 01:26:11 No. 5312225 Report Quoted By:
>>5312149 >Only bring chaos When will you magians stop trying to civilize owt? Just fuck off and die, Jew cousins
Philip IV
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5311544 Fortify our border with England.
Support Germany. >>5311887 We accept this proposal, but be warned we will attack you if you try to backstab us. >>5311754 We would accept an alliance, but our position between England and Germany requires us to decline for reasons of self preservation. We will however support you in your war. >>5311623 We wish to join in an alliance, but we must wait until our borders are secure before we officially join. David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:Js2SbFkv Wed 22 Jun 2022 02:21:23 No. 5312311 Report Quoted By:
>>5312242 Alright then
>>5311544 You heard him, OP
I pass through peacefully to attack the enemy that resides beyond his borders
I would like to add that I shall maintain a peace with France until that is for whatever reason they aggress us or we agreed them from this point out
>>5311544 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
Left handed Occultism (Flying Destiny):Order of Nine Angles||141 Fede
Humanism (Piety):The Moralintern||90 Fede
Avignon Papacy (Offertory):France||40 Fede
The Defense Core:The Moralintern,Garumiel Republic | +1 Attack | 19 att/def
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France Maxed|373(9)|1839 Fourth German Reich 0|409(10)|204 Order of Nine Angles Maxed|247(6)|812
The Moralintern 14|386(9)|89 Novgorod 16|386(9)|400 Garumiel Republic 17|425(10)|591
Active Effects / Items
Anger (+2 Attack,ends in 2 turns): France
+2 attack (+2 Attack,ends in 2 turns): Fourth German Reich
+2 attack (+2 Attack,ends in 3 turns): The Moralintern
+3 attack (+3 Attack,ends in 3 turns): Garumiel Republic
>>5309081 >>5311171 |Fourth German Reich:
>>5307872 >>5309190 >>5311115 |The Moralintern:
>>5306833 >>5309077 Novgorod:
>>5307868 >>5308441 |Garumiel Republic:
>>5306976 >>5308384 >>5309173 =============
The Roll of Fortune
Next event on map#30
The Central War: Fourth Reich, Order of 9 Angles vs. The Defense Core
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Fourth German Reich
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5312367 attack The Defense Core everywhere
>>5312242 Verständlich, aber wenn ihr unserem Bündnis beitretet, können wir euch die Ländereien in Spanien und Portugal zusammen mit den Ländereien zurückgeben, die die Moralinternationale eurem Land gestohlen hat. Garumiel President
Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5312367 Continue attack through the balkan border. Build markets in southern greece.
French Foreign Legate
Quoted By:
>>5312403 You and England should form an alliance. I will support you both, and join in soon. We must ensure that Novgorod does not join the war on their side. They will be able to take a lot of Garumiel's land though. Lo Razonable
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5312367 Strike back against the Fourth German Reich and anyone else who attacks me. Build fortifications around the alliance capital.
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:Js2SbFkv Wed 22 Jun 2022 05:51:13 No. 5312517 Report Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5312367 Attack Moralintern through France
Prince of Novgorod
Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5312367 Continue to fill the empty land inside the republic.
Further fortify the borders.
Philip IV
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5312403 >>5312517 I cannot help you out if you two do not form an alliance with each other. >>5312367 Fortify my border with England.
Support England and Germany. >>5312410 >>5312450 What guarantees would I get if I were to attack England and Germany? Fourth German Reich
Quoted By:
>>5312517 Ich denke, dass ein Bündnis für uns beide von Vorteil wäre.
>>5312367 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
Left handed Occultism (Flying Destiny):Order of Nine Angles||152 Fede
Humanism (Piety):The Moralintern||100 Fede
Avignon Papacy (Offertory):France||50 Fede
The Defense Core:The Moralintern,Garumiel Republic | +1 Attack | 20 att/def
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France Maxed|373(9)|1888 Fourth German Reich 2|376(9)|226 Order of Nine Angles Maxed|243(6)|839
The Moralintern Maxed|403(10)|141 Novgorod Maxed|391(9)|833 Garumiel Republic Maxed|435(10)|1037
Active Effects / Items
Anger (+2 Attack,ends in 1 turn): France
Big Shield (+10 Defense,ends in 1 turn): France
+2 attack (+2 Attack,ends in 1 turn): Fourth German Reich
+2 attack (+2 Attack,ends in 2 turns): The Moralintern
+3 attack (+3 Attack,ends in 2 turns): Garumiel Republic
>>5309081 >>5311171 |Fourth German Reich:
>>5307872 >>5309190 >>5311115 |The Moralintern:
>>5306833 >>5309077 Novgorod:
>>5307868 >>5308441 |Garumiel Republic:
>>5306976 >>5308384 >>5309173 =============
The Roll of Fortune
Next event on map#30
The Central War: Fourth Reich, Order of 9 Angles vs. The Defense Core
Potential Superpowers
The Moralintern,Garumiel Republic
Rules and How to Play
============= Conqstr
>>5312918 Aight, time to select a new map for a new game (this game will continue as usual):
>World Edition #7 >Europe Edition #3 >Tamriel Edition #3 >Africa Edition #2 >Space Edition #2 >Kolovoi Edition #2 >Staalvark Edition #2 Also, I did look through some of the map archives that the other anon has provided, and there's plenty that I could work with. These are the map names:
>Australasia >Australia >USA >Fallout (including mexico and canada). A lot more detailed than the one I made. >China >Japan >Sea of Japan and Yellow Sea >Earth along with Solar System Planets >Solar System (planets aligned) >Solar System (planets scattered) >Star Wars galaxy >Eurasia >New World >Mexico >Middle Earth >Far east and pacific >South America Fantasy nonoriginal maps (may need to ask me for an image these)
>Custard island >Falkerston >Monotile (one territory map) >MyFarog >Unnamed Homebrew >New Dawn Prince of Novgorod
>>5312971 >China Each player a warlord
Fourth German Reich
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5312918 attack The Defense Core everywhere
>>5312971 >>China time for the new warlord era
Lo Razonable
Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5312838 You would be allowed to keep any territories you directly captured. You will also get a 200 gold down payment from us the moment we reach it and we will give you the lands we have that are in France. >>5312918 Activate Blitzkrieg and smash through the Fourth German Reich with our coalition soldiers and airships. Keep fortifying our alliance capital. Counterattack anyone who tries to attack us back.
Lo Razonable
>>5312971 >China WE MAKE RICE CAKE
Garumiel President
Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5312918 >Use Blitzkrieg Continue advance through our border with the Reich. Build forts in the alliance capitol and then along our border with the reich.
>>5312971 >Eurasia Long Long Advance.
Prince of Novgorod
Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5312918 Use Expansionist and fill the gaps in the Republic
Build more markets in the east.
Further fortify the borders.
Quoted By:
>>5313145 Mine is made in China.
Quoted By:
>>5312971 Tamriel sounds fun
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:ExuZ6DBI Thu 23 Jun 2022 00:59:28 No. 5313592 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5312971 Fallout sounds fun, too
>>5312918 O9A attacks Moralintern
Philip IV
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5312918 Activate critical hit, attack both England and Germany.
Build holy sites around Avignon.
Also, is there something wrong with your software? How'd I get big shield and anger?
Voting for China as well.
Quoted By:
>>5313660 No, the big shield and anger are part of your rewards from the Roll of Fortune event. I've added it intentionally.
>>5312918 Notes
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
Left handed Occultism (Flying Destiny):Order of Nine Angles||169 Fede
Humanism (Piety):The Moralintern||112 Fede
Avignon Papacy (Offertory):France||63 Fede
The Defense Core:The Moralintern,Garumiel Republic | +1 Attack | 21 att/def
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France 0|422(10)|1934 Fourth German Reich 12|309(7)|251 Order of Nine Angles 0|226(5)|860
The Moralintern 0|426(10)|194 Novgorod 0|412(10)|870 Garumiel Republic 0|447(11)|1079
Active Effects / Items
Slithering Snake Success (+3 Attack & Defense,ends in 3 turns): Order of Nine Angles
+2 attack (+2 Attack,ends in 1 turn): The Moralintern
Blitzkrieg Success (+3 Attack,ends in 1 turn): The Moralintern
Resolve(Attack) (+1 Attack,ends in 5 turns): The Moralintern
+3 attack (+3 Attack,ends in 1 turn): Garumiel Republic
Resolve(Defense) (+1 Defense,ends in 5 turns): Garumiel Republic
>>5309081 |Fourth German Reich:
>>5307872 |The Moralintern:
>>5306833 >>5309077 Novgorod:
>>5307868 >>5308441 |Garumiel Republic:
>>5306976 >>5308384 =============
The Roll of Fortune
Next event on map#30
The Central War: Fourth Reich, Order of 9 Angles vs. The Defense Core, France
Potential Superpowers
The Moralintern,Garumiel Republic
Rules and How to Play
============= David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:rPUVVeCj Thu 23 Jun 2022 03:09:58 No. 5313695 Report Quoted By:
Righteous fury will be exacted upon you, magians
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s
David Wulstan Myatt !L2s0EGz/8s ID:rPUVVeCj Thu 23 Jun 2022 03:12:29 No. 5313698 Report Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5313688 Order of Nine Angles repel the advancing French forces and exact vengeance
Garumiel President
Quoted By:
Rolled 9 (1d10) Why is the blitzkrieg bonus not showing for me ?
>>5313688 >Buy 2 increase attack Continue advance on the reich through our border in poland. Build markets in south greece, with excess going into central greece.
Fourth German Reich
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5313688 attack The Defense Core and France
Philip IV
Philip IV
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5313688 Attack England and Germany! France will be the supreme power on the continent!
Lo Razonable
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5313688 Eliminate our enemies with brutal precision. Keep striking against the unorganized Fourth German Reich and Order of Nine Angels. Build markets around the alliance capital.
Quoted By:
>>5313698 >>5313722 >>5313786 >>5313866 Oh come on, this is just ridiculous.
Prince of Novgorod
>>5313722 Considering how close I am to finaly unify the slavs of the east and the west, I ask that you honour your deal and give me your lands in Slovakia, Moravia and east of the Vistula. Fourth German Reich
Prince of Novgorod
Quoted By:
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5313688 Attack the German Reich
>>5313989 Failure to comply with our deal here
>>5307868 will be considered an act of agression and dealt with until the situation changes.
>>5313688 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
Left handed Occultism (Flying Destiny):Order of Nine Angles||186 Fede
Humanism (Piety):The Moralintern||129 Fede
Avignon Papacy (Offertory):France||78 Fede
The Defense Core:The Moralintern,Garumiel Republic | +1 Attack | 21 att/def
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France 1|559(13)|1974 Fourth German Reich 17|213(5)|265 Order of Nine Angles 1|128(3)|881
The Moralintern 2|437(10)|242 Novgorod 10|456(11)|911 Garumiel Republic 9|451(11)|524
Active Effects / Items
+2 attack (+2 Attack,ends in 3 turns): France
Slithering Snake Success (+3 Attack & Defense,ends in 2 turns): Order of Nine Angles
Resolve(Attack) (+1 Attack,ends in 4 turns): The Moralintern
Blitzkrieg Success (+3 Attack,ends in 1 turn): Novgorod
Resolve(Defense) (+1 Defense,ends in 4 turns): Garumiel Republic
+2 attack (+2 Attack,ends in 3 turns): Garumiel Republic
>>5309081 |Fourth German Reich:
>>5307872 |The Moralintern:
>>5306833 >>5309077 Novgorod:
>>5307868 >>5308441 |Garumiel Republic:
>>5306976 >>5308384 =============
The Roll of Fortune
Next event on map#30
The Central War: Fourth Reich, Order of 9 Angles vs. The Defense Core, France, Novgorod
Potential Superpowers
The Moralintern,Garumiel Republic
Rules and How to Play
============= Prince of Novgorod
Quoted By:
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5314099 Continue the attack.
Expand in Poland.
Garumiel Republic
Quoted By:
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5314099 Continue attack through our polish border with the Reich.
Lo Razonable
Quoted By:
Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5314099 Keep attacking the Fourth Reich and the Order of 9 Angles. Build more markets along the alliance capital.
Fourth German Reich
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5314099 attack The Defense Core, France and give the land in Slovakia, Moravia and east of the Vistula to Novgorod fucking captcha is being a bitch
>>5313959 Kumpel, ich habe deinem Deal zugestimmt, warum zum Teufel greifst du mich an? Philip IV
Quoted By:
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5314099 Continue rolling on through England and Germany. Build some markets around Paris.
David Wulstan Myatt
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5314099 Fuck this gay shit, I quit
Here's one last fuck you to King Frog and cede my gains and ally lands to Germany
Philip IV
Quoted By:
>>5314584 Should have formed an alliance bro, I warned you both. I would have joined you if you had.
>>5314099 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
Humanism (Piety):The Moralintern||138 Fede
Avignon Papacy (Offertory):France||84 Fede
The Defense Core:The Moralintern,Garumiel Republic | +1 Attack | 22 att/def
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France 11|702(17)|2023 Fourth German Reich Maxed|144(3)|286 The Moralintern 12|469(11)|303
Novgorod Maxed|490(12)|952 Garumiel Republic 16|455(11)|576
Active Effects / Items
+2 attack (+2 Attack,ends in 2 turns): France
Resolve(Attack) (+1 Attack,ends in 3 turns): The Moralintern
Resolve(Defense) (+1 Defense,ends in 3 turns): Garumiel Republic
+2 attack (+2 Attack,ends in 2 turns): Garumiel Republic
>>5309081 |The Moralintern:
>>5306833 >>5309077 |Novgorod:
>>5308441 Garumiel Republic:
>>5306976 >>5308384 =============
Next event on map#30
The Central War: Fourth Reich, Angles vs. The Defense Core, France
Potential Superpowers
France,The Moralintern,Garumiel Republic
Rules and How to Play
============= Garumiel President
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5314771 Attack the polish territories of the Reich. Build markets in the remaining clay in south greece, with excess going to central greece.
>>5314822 You could expand around Germany and attack them too if you wanted. That's how you could gain more territory per your question.
Garumiel President
>>5314825 Really ? If possible change the building markets action to expanding into territory near polish reich and then attack. If not I’ll wait for next turn.
>>5314827 Yes. You don't need to change your action on building markets either as you can do all actions if you wanted (i.e attack the fourth reich, defend everywhere else, build markets in greece and fortify specific borders, expand around germany, etc).
Philip IV
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5314771 Conquer the foul German dogs! Attack!
Build more markets at Paris as well.
Garumiel President
>>5314830 Thanks you for clarifying
Prince of Novgorod
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5314771 Continue to attack the Reich, prioritise their pands in Poland and east Germany
Use Expansionist and fill the empty lands of the Republic, prioritise the empty pand in Poland.
Give them one tile in Moscow. >>5314938 With the end of the war in sight, I wish to join The Defence Core or whatever it will be called in the post-bellum period, what are the requirements, if I may ask?
>>5314503 Officialy, you broke the treaty by expanding over the Vistula and by not giving me Moravia and Slovakia, but I belive that even you could see what was coming the moment France attacked, but don't worry, I'm not going to straight up annex you, we still have much to do you and I, and we can start by looking over your conversations with O9A and France, why did you attack Moralintern and what were you disussing with France so much? Fourth German Reich
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5314771 2. Critical Hit (Attack): +10 attack for the current map.
push back against everyone
>>5315043 moralintern hatte unsere pläne von lebensraum durchkreuzt und musste bestraft werden und was ich mit frankreich besprach, war ein deal über die ländereien, die ich Moralintern geben wollte, aber dieser verräter stellte sich auf die seite von moralintern und der o9a und frankreich wollte nur wissen, wie sie von einem verbündeten mit mir profitieren können Prince of Novgorod
>>5315066 How about we make a deal? I will propose the creation of a german buffer state and a change of borders for everybody to balance things out on the continent, Morlintern and Garumiel should be fairly open to this idea since France outclasses them too much. For now I ask that you surrender to me and the Defence Core and work with me to convince the others that you are usefull against France. Do you agree with my plan? Lo Razonable
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5314771 Keep steamrolling the Reich and laugh at thr dude who didn't realize he had to join an alliance to win. Build markets around the alliance capital
Fourth German Reich
>>5315105 Ich stimme zu, dass dies das Beste wäre. Prince of Novgorod
Quoted By:
>>5315274 Very well, I guess you can announce the ceasefire now before the next map is posted. Conqstr
>>5314771 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
Humanism (Piety):The Moralintern||151 Fede
Avignon Papacy (Offertory):France||96 Fede
The Defense Core:The Moralintern,Garumiel Republic | +1 Attack | 22 att/def
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France 18|748(18)|2074 Fourth German Reich 0|70(1)|304 The Moralintern 18|469(11)|364
Novgorod 0|535(13)|990 Garumiel Republic Maxed|472(11)|629
Active Effects / Items
+2 attack (+2 Attack,ends in 1 turn): France
Resolve(Attack) (+1 Attack,ends in 2 turns): The Moralintern
Resolve(Defense) (+1 Defense,ends in 2 turns): Garumiel Republic
+2 attack (+2 Attack,ends in 1 turn): Garumiel Republic
>>5309081 |The Moralintern:
>>5306833 >>5309077 |Novgorod:
>>5308441 Garumiel Republic:
>>5306976 >>5308384 =============
Next event on map#30
The Central War: Fourth Reich vs. The Defense Core, France, Novgorod
Potential Superpowers
France,The Moralintern,Garumiel Republic
Rules and How to Play
============= Prince of Novgorod
Quoted By:
Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5315296 Expand in Ukraine and Belarus.
Build more markets in the east.
Fourth German Reich
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5315118 >>5314822 >>5315043 >>5314918 Achtung, die deutsche Regierung hat um eine Feuerpause gebeten
Garumiel President
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5315296 >Activate Ka-Ching! >Buy 2 settlers Expand into crete and anatolia, build markets in central greece.
>>5315542 I'll accept your cease fire, on the condition you give up your remaining polish territories to me.
Prince of Novgorod
>>5315647 I belive that there is a conflict of interest here, may I know why you ignored me and my request to join the Defence Core?
Garumiel President
>>5315668 sorry, the (you) didn't appear on the desktop post.
You can join us, no specific requirement as of yet. Prince of Novgorod
>>5315682 >>5315118 I am thankfull for being admited in this alliance, I will have an embasy built in Moscow immediatly, until then however
how would you gentlemen like a bit of vodka to go alomg with the post-war discussion? I belive we have much to talk about. Garumiel President
>>5315697 Neat
I accept your drink of choice. Let's go, then. Prince of Novgorod
>>5315706 First things first, we need to adress the dolphin in the room, France. With his hold over the British Isles and most of Germany, Austria and Czechia, his hegemony is secured. Maybe it's because he didn't gave me any motives to trust him, but I do not like the idea of Europe dancing along french music, there has to be a balance, don't you think? Garumiel President
>>5315721 I see where you coming from. Do you have an idea in mind ? Prince of Novgorod
>>5315732 A balance must be struck in Europe, so that no nation may attack another, for that I propose a couple of things: 1- The creation of one enonomic alliance and trade league, so that there would be no need for resource wars. 2-The creation of a german national state from the ashes of the current Reich, a buffer state, if you would, between all of us. 3- The remaking of borders unto more natural lines, nothing to major though, France with England, Wales, Ireland and its lands west of the Rhine, you with Anatolia, the Balkans, southern Italy, Romania, Hungary, Styria and Upper Austria, me with the lands inhabited by eastern and western slavs alongside Finland for security reasons and finaly Moralintern with Spain, southern Italy, Scandinavia, Danmark and Scotland. These are the borders I have been considering, though they would be better called an early draft than anything else, things like these should be discussed with everybody. Any opinion so far? Lo Razonable
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5315296 Build some markets around the boarder I have with Novgorod, defend everywhere else.
Prince of Novgorod
Quoted By:
>>5315768 You should join the conversation between me and Garumiel.
>>5315697 >>5315706 >>5315721 >>5315763 Lo Razonable
>>5315763 We acknowledge your proposal. We shall go down the list of suggestions. 1.) Acceptable. Alliance currently formed was only made to protect against Order of Nine Angels and the Reich. It is not strictly necessary anymore. 2.) Due to the Reich being a non-threat, it is not too threatening to give them back some lands. We do recommend turning the Reich into a puppet nation to prevent too much damage. 3.) A visual example would be beneficial to determine whether these arrangements are fair. As of currently, we don't seen any instantly glaring holes in it. >>5315721 That is, indeed, worrisome. One alliance with the Reich and he could have pretty worrying firepower against the Coalition. Prince of Novgorod
Quoted By:
>>5315542 You can join the discussion I'm having with the DC, just read every spoiler between me and them. >>5315789 1-Very well, I thus propose the formation of the European Security and Trade Organization(ESTO) which shall serve as both an economic alliance and a trade league, though I advice for us to wait until the border question is answered to officialy create this organization 2-I propose for the Fourth German Reich to be reorganised as the German Republic, an independent and soverign national state, not a puppet since that would be too great of a boon for its overlord. Likewise, I can vouch for them and their goodwill. 3-That would be indeed a good idea too bad it's late where I am and I'm phoneposting. regardless, I will see that a postwar map is "soon" created. Unto the Dophin Problem, Germany referred to them as traitors and, considering the many talks between them, France and the O9A, I'm inclined to belive that there was an informal deal between the three parties, a deal that was broken due to the war turning on the two attackers. I belive that Germany should be further questioned on this matter. Philip IV
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5315296 Fortify our sea areas.
>>5315542 We will accept this ceasefire and negotiation on the condition you give us the four territories in West Germany and the rest of the Danish mainland, or we will be compelled to take them by force.
>>5315296 How does naval supremacy work now that the seas are their own territories? >>5315789 >>5315732 What are you all talking about with Novgorod? The war is almost over is it not?
I personally do not trust them, they have intervened to preserve Germany and have given them asylum, even though the sole blame for this war can be laid at Germany's feet. Conqstr
>>5315296 Notes
Warlord thread is up:
>>5316015 LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
Humanism (Piety):The Moralintern||167 Fede
Avignon Papacy (Offertory):France||112 Fede
The Defense Core:The Moralintern,Garumiel Republic,Novgorod | +1 Attack | 36 att/def
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France Maxed|748(18)|2124 Fourth German Reich 2|70(1)|319 The Moralintern Maxed|469(11)|424
Novgorod 9|542(13)|1030 Garumiel Republic Maxed|486(12)|1059
Active Effects / Items
Resolve(Attack) (+1 Attack,ends in 1 turn): The Moralintern
Resolve(Defense) (+1 Defense,ends in 1 turn): Garumiel Republic
>>5309081 |The Moralintern:
>>5306833 >>5309077 |Novgorod:
>>5308441 Garumiel Republic:
>>5306976 >>5308384 =============
Next event on map#30
The Central War: Fourth Reich vs. The Defense Core, France, Novgorod
The Moralintern,Novgorod,Garumiel Republic
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Garagarael
>>5316019 I'll wait for reich's answer for a bit, meanwhile I wanna know what's the territorie modifier that's need for the Hyper-National Strategy ?
>>5316044 40*5=200
So 200 territories.
>>5315910 A sea crossing is still needed to activate naval superiority. Otherwise its useless. Garumiel President
Fourth German Reich
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5316019 place down forts everywhere
>>5316044 die bedingungen klingen gut, aber das königreich frankreich ist wild entschlossen, das deutsche reich zu zerstören, und wird wahrscheinlich zum verräter werden, sobald der frieden mit unserer gesenkten wache geschlossen ist Garumiel President
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5316019 Expand into remaining islands and cyprus, build markets in central greece.
>>5316070 good to hear. remember to include the transfer of the remaining polish clay to me Prince of Novgorod
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5316019 Expand in Belarus and Ukraine.
Build more markets in the east.
>>5316185 You never answered me, read the last spoilers between me, you and Moralintern nad tell me what's your opinion. Garumiel President
>>5315763 >>5316237 >>5315789 The trade league idea is fine. My question is how much former german land we'd be giving to this buffer state ? We must keep him small, after all and also there's the french question you mentioned, so the reich should remaing powerless and of no use to any ally. Lo Razonable
Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5316019 Activate Ka-Ching, keep building more markets around the alliance capital, defend everywhere else.
>>5315910 The Reich is a tiny speck now, a non-threat towards any nation and only clinging to this earth through our sense of "mercy". As for the discussions, we are simply organizing a way to prevent another war from occurring, as it were. Lo Razonable
>>5316243 75 to 100 territories would be the upper limit, I would believe. I'd say stick to the higher end of it. Prince of Novgorod
>>5316324 >>5316243 I made this map for to serve as the starting point for our border changes, I made it based on ethnography and national interests. Any thoughts? Prince of Novgorod
Quoted By:
>>5316070 What do you think of my proposal here >>5316336 ? Philip IV
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5316019 Attack Germany in Denmark and take the territories already surrounded by us. Fortify the sea lanes.
>>5316070 You have refused our demands as outlined here
>>5315910 so we are forced to refuse your offer of ceasefire and take what he have demanded from you.
Prince of Novgorod
>>5316381 From one ruler to the other, do not go further than that.
Philip IV
>>5316394 We do not intend to, we are merely taking what we have demanded. Once the Danish mainland and West Germany is fully under our control we will take part in the ceasefire.
>>5316019 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
Humanism (Piety):The Moralintern||183 Fede
Avignon Papacy (Offertory):France||130 Fede
The Defense Core:The Moralintern,Garumiel Republic,Novgorod | +1 Attack | 36 att/def
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France Maxed|780(19)|2172 Fourth German Reich 4|38(0)|334 The Moralintern 0|469(11)|985
Novgorod 14|546(13)|1068 Garumiel Republic Maxed|491(12)|1111
Active Effects / Items
>>5309081 |The Moralintern:
>>5306833 >>5309077 |Novgorod:
>>5308441 Garumiel Republic:
>>5306976 >>5308384 =============
Next event on map#30
The Central War: Fourth Reich vs. The Defense Core, France, Novgorod
The Moralintern,Novgorod,Garumiel Republic
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Prince of Novgorod
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5316432 Expand into Belarus and Ukraine
Build markets in Moscow.
Garumiel President
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5316432 >Activate Ka-Ching! Expand into cyprus, build markets in central greece
>>5316336 seems good to me. would just chip a little more land from their south, tough. Fourth German Reich
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5316432 transfer polish holdings to Garumiel place down forts everywhere
>>5316185 Das ist in Ordnung, solange man dem französischen Königreich sagt, dass es sich zurückziehen soll, und falls es den Frieden nicht einhält, es dafür bestraft. Prince of Novgorod
>>5316793 I ask you again, do you agree with my proposal here >>5316336 ? Any suggestions, any anything? Lo Razonable
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5316336 This is acceptable. >>5316432 Build more markets around the alliance capital, defend everywhere else.
Prince of Novgorod
>>5316872 >>5316769 I am happy to see that my proposal is acceptable. If there are no other comments, then I will inform France of our plan for Europe. I do belive that the "Moscow Accords" has a nice ring to it. >>5316407 From Prince Vladimir of Novgorod to King Philip IV of France
I annouce with jubilation that peace may once again rise in Europe.
I, alongside the President of the Garumiel Republic and the Leader of The Moralintern have reached an accord with the leadership of the Fourth German Reich and have created a plan for the prosperity of post-war Europe.
We propose first and foremost the creation of an economic alliance and united trade league known as the European Security and Trade Organization(ESTO) to serve as the backbone of European recovery through the facilitation of free trade and cooperation between everybody, as the deterrent against any possible agression from both inside and outside Europe, and finaly as a forum for the discovery of peaceful solutions when conflicts arise, such as the Lebensraum problem of the Fourth Reich.
We propose the creation of a pacified German national and soverign state in the form of a newly formed German Republic to act as living proof of our cooperation and to maintain the balance of power within Europe.
We propose a change of borders along both ethnic lines and national interests, so that none of us may rise against the others. The plan for the new borders can be found here
>>5316336 and have already been approved by the other powers like every other point of our Accord.
We thus invite you to join us on the path of recovery and prosperity for all of Europe.
Fourth German Reich
Prince of Novgorod
Quoted By:
>>5316944 Checked'
Also, know that you aren't getting off scot-free, I will most likely need you to testify, negociate and NOT mess this up. If the negociations go down, we should play up France's involvement in the war, especially him giving O9A military access, so that Moralintern and Garumiel join us against a french aggresor. Philip IV
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5316432 Fortify our sea lanes, attack Germany in denmark. Also give them back what we just took in East Germany, should have specified I only wanted to take the territories in the west last turn.
>>5316903 Your demands are frankly ridiculous. We would accept a global economic alliance and even the restoration of a small part of the German state, but the reorganisation of our land and our land alone is unacceptable. We have done the lions share of the work in this war, and without us victory would not have been possible. We refuse to communicate further if you do not acknowledge that such a deal would leave us as the most junior partner and, I might add, you the most powerful member. An incredible demonstration of self-interest. What happens once you have had your way? Peace in our times for all Europe? No, I do not believe so. You already have Germany on side it seems, so all you would need to do is convince Moralintern or Garumiel to join you in war on myself and the other unlucky "partner" and you would have dominance over all Europe. A very clever piece of political manoeuvring, we must acknowledge that, but one that the French state will not accept.
We are insulted that you do not plainly say what it is you want, that is, the neutering of the French state because we hold the balance of power in Europe and could threaten your further plans for the continent.
You obviously do not fear us as a direct threat as we have no hope of overcoming the Defense Core in war and do not wish for our own annihiliation, so we must find some other reason for your plans against us. The only reason we can think of is that this peace is a sham, an illusion meant to lull us into a false sense of security so you may become the sole reigning power in Europe by destroying the one nation that could, with the help of others, prevent you from taking over the entirety of Europe. We are sorry it has come to this, we would have accepted any peace if it guaranteed peace for good, but we refuse this deal for the sake of our own self-preservation.
We will not give up the land that we have shed our blood for, for the sake of some unjust peace.
Philip IV
TO GARUMIEL, NOVGOROD, AND MORALINTERN To put it even more simply: None of you can defeat the other members of your alliance on your own. You are all roughly equal in power. Two against one will always end in the victory of the two, but only as long as I do not become involved. If one member wishes to fight against the others, they would naturally have to get my support to win, and we would have the advantage. Conversely, if two wished to destroy the one, they would have to ensure I do not join in defence of the one as I and the one would have the advantage. I hold the balance of power in Europe. According to this deal however, that position would be stripped from me and given to one of you, and it would upset this delicate balance. I suspect Garumiel would be the probable target of conquest, as they get very little in the way of territory from this deal and most of it goes to Moralintern. It ultimately doesn't matter, because Novgorod with Garumiel and Germany would still be able to defeat moralintern too, even if I joined on moralinterns side. The advantage would be to whoever is able to convince the others to fight with him, and it doesn't really matter who it is. It could just as easily be Moralintern and Garumiel against Novgorod or any combination of nations. I am a threat to your alliance. I acknowledge that. I am also essential to its continued existence and the delicate balance of power that now exists between you. By destroying my position you all but guarantee continued war and the potential destruction of yourselves, and this is not a position that I, or you, want to find ourselves in.
>>5316432 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
Humanism (Piety):The Moralintern||198 Fede
Avignon Papacy (Offertory):France||146 Fede
The Defense Core:The Moralintern,Garumiel Republic,Novgorod | +1 Attack | 36 att/def
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France Maxed (last chance)|763(19)|2222 Fourth German Reich 5|42(1)|348 The Moralintern 6|469(11)|1050
Novgorod Maxed|553(13)|1111 Garumiel Republic Maxed|504(12)|1665 Russian Invaders 0|1400(35)|10000
Active Effects / Items
>>5309081 |The Moralintern:
>>5306833 >>5309077 |Novgorod:
>>5308441 Garumiel Republic:
>>5306976 >>5308384 =============
The Foreign Assault
<span class="mu-r">It appears that from the other side of the ocean, a group of invaders has noticed civilization in Europe. With full on confidence, they decided to invade Europe and make new colonies there. Could Europe push away this threat?</span>
Oil and Energy Embargo
<span class="mu-r">As a result of the invasion force, they have embargoed all nation's oil and energy assets, creating a crisis in Europe.</span>
No gold is gained for the next 3 maps.
Next event on map#40
The Central War: Fourth Reich vs. France
The Moralintern,Novgorod,Garumiel Republic
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Russian Invaders
Quoted By:
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5316872 >>5316769 >>5316742 BHИMAHИE ФИЛЬTИЧECКИХ БAPБAPИЙ! He coпpoтивляйтecь, ecли нe хoтитe вoйны. Haм oбoим бyдeт лeгчe oбecпeчить миpнyю пepeдaчy вaших зeмeль нaшeй вeликoй импepии! тaкжe я дeлaю вoнючий кaкaшкa
Attack everywhere!
Fourth German Reich
>>5317330 place down forts everywhere defend against the french
>>5317251 >>5316872 >>5316769 hier um Unterstützung bitten
Fourth German Reich
Garumiel President
Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5317330 you forgot to fill out cyprus.
>Activate Rising walls Build forts in Athens and around the alliance capital, place the markets from the NS in central greece and to it's north the excess. Defend in the territories located around the russian seaway and around it. Expand into whatever remain in cyprus.
>>5317251 Interesting point, but now there's the foreign invasion coming to all of us.
Philip IV
Quoted By:
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5317330 Give Germany back what we took in Sjaeland and conclude our war. Activate ka-ching and support Moralintern and Garumiel. Build forts in our sea zones and markets in switzerland.
Prince of Novgorod
>>5317219 >We have done the lions share of the work in this war, and without us victory would not have been possible. What a not-so-clever lie, are you really saying that you didn't give military access to the O9A? Or are you implying that they teleported in Italy and in Spain? You came in after Garumiel and Moralintern were already on the ofensive. They would have won regardless of what we would have done.
The border changes are something that are meant to strifle any imperialistic desire a nation might have. Moralintern gets Scandinavia, Garumiel gets Austria and my territories in Romania, you get the whole of England, Wales, Ireland and the Netherlands. Germany, with their ethnic lands granted and with the issue of Lebensraum solved by that and ESTO, would be pacified. I, the so called "most powerful member", would be contained to just my original lands plus those of the western slavs, with the new German Republic, Moralintern and Garumiel as my neighbours, I would have no reason to attack them. If nothing else, peace and sovereignty is more profitable to us than war or domination, fact that we are well aware of since we declined the idea of a puppet Germany.
You do not maintain the balance of Europe, you hold it hostage. The border changes are meant to dissuade further conflicts by giving everybody what they might want, Moralintern, Garumniel and Germany have agreed with the new borders, it's only you left.
Prince of Novgorod
Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5317330 Give the Reich the german territories we occupie.
Continue to fill up Ukraine.
Use Critical Strike and strike against the russian insurrenction.
Support Garumiel and Moralintern.
Lo Razonable
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5317330 Focus our assault on this foreign invader. Transfer over a territory bordering the markets around the alliance capital to the Reich. Spend most of our gold on an military base placed at the searoute in southern Norway (the one that connects to the UK and what was formerly The Forbidden Nation
to not be coy, Iceland )
Build more markets around the alliance capital just for the sake of future proofing.
Philip IV
>>5317780 09A had threatened me with war if I did not comply, and given that I was bordering both them and Germany I was forced to accept their demands. When I did go on the offensive I did it because I felt it was finally safe for me to do so. And you are ignoring the point that I have done the majority of the fighting thus far and hastened the end of this war.
In any case, I will not be getting anything out of this deal, in fact I will be losing rather a lot, more than half my territory if I'm not mistaken. The only thing I would gain is the tenuous promise of continued existence, one that could be easily broken if anyone but Germany decided the French state was no longer necessary. Indeed, I would hardly call this a victory for myself at all under your current demands.
Tell me, what will you do if I flat out refuse this deal? Attack me for not wanting to give up what I have rightfully taken? Annihilate my nation with your partners because you feel threatened? Will we be forced to accept the demands of the new agreement under pain of death? I do not hold Europe hostage, you are holding me hostage with the support of your partners and Germany itself, the aggressor in the war we have concluded. I could never attack you and win even if I wanted to since the Defence Core is far more powerful than I am. Tell me, exactly how am I holding Europe hostage? Germany is the only nation that I can hope to fight fairly, and I have no doubt that you will all come to his defence if I ever do. No, my only chance is retaining my lands and hoping that one of your allies will see the injustice in destroying me and opposes you for it, though such a hope is small. A better chance than willingly reducing myself to the point of helplessness.
Prince of Novgorod
>>5317873 >09A had threatened me with war if I did not comply, and given that I was bordering both them and Germany I was forced to accept their demands Garumiel and Moralintern were already at war with the Reich when O9A gave you his "ultimatum", it would have been 3 to 2 and you had 4 attack over O9A. You were in the best position to fight both of them, I would even say that fighting them from the start would have been your best option since you were occupying german land and the O9A was not a reliable neighbour, I bet all my gold that he would have attacked you after the war was over. Your claim that you were "threatened" to give them military access paints you as either ignorant, craven or both. Will you give the rogue militants open borders since they are much stronger then you? Of course not, but you gave O9A when you were in a position of power over them, and I don't see why other than because you chose to to further your own goals to the detriment of European stability.
Your second point seems to assume that Garumiel and Moralintern are somehow either my puppets or that they are opportunistic expansionists. Moralintern and Garumiel are two prestigious nations and if you belive that they would stay on the sideline or even participate in your supposed partition then you are, at best, detaching this discussion from reality to serve you or, at worst, projecting unto them. I based my proposals with the idea that no nation would stand and watch while another suffers and if you think that they would simply allow me to invade you then you are mistaking.
What will happen if you refuse? Nothing, or better said no war. I have to ask though, what do you think will happen if you place yourself as the one nation which refuses to move on into a better Europe? What do you think will happen if you isolate yourself economically and diplomatically? You will fall behind, much more then you would have if you accepted, you will remain the big blue blob of Europe, mighty yet alone, a pariah state by your own desire, a shadow over Europe, and that is how you are holding it hostage.
>>5317330 Notes
>>5317795 he said the forbidden words.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
Humanism (Piety):The Moralintern||214 Fede
Avignon Papacy (Offertory):France||155 Fede
The Defense Core:The Moralintern,Garumiel Republic,Novgorod | +1 Attack | 36 att/def
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France 0|762(19)|2722 Fourth German Reich 7|57(1)|348 The Moralintern 11|468(11)|50
Novgorod 0|545(13)|1111 Garumiel Republic 6|513(12)|1665 Russian Invaders 3|1300(32)|10013
Active Effects / Items
>>5309081 |The Moralintern:
>>5306833 >>5309077 |Novgorod:
>>5308441 Garumiel Republic:
>>5306976 >>5308384 =============
The Foreign Assault
Oil and Energy Embargo
Next event on map#40
The Moralintern,Novgorod,Garumiel Republic
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Russian Invaders
Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5317980 Heт? Toгдa мы вepнeм нaшy poдинy.
Attack everywhere! bomb the cities and civilians! Spend 3,000 gold for +10 attack!
Prince of Novgorod
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5317980 Strike against the insurrectionists.
Expand into Ukraine.
Build more markets in Poland.
are you by any chance a /k/ommando, Conqstr? Fourth German Reich
Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5317980 place down forts everywhere
Garumiel President
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5317980 OP where are my forts ?
>Spend 600g for +2 attack Build forts in athens and around the alliance capital, markets in central/north greece and counter-attack the invaders.
Lo Razonable
Quoted By:
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5317980 Coalition Airship Archer, eliminate target. Keep fighting back against the Russian Invaders. Build yet more markets around the alliance capital.
>>5317980 Notes
>>5318124 NATO sends their regards, comrade >>5318309 You built one fort and one market on map #30.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
Humanism (Piety):The Moralintern||222 Fede
Avignon Papacy (Offertory):France||174 Fede
The Defense Core:The Moralintern,Garumiel Republic,Novgorod | +1 Attack | 36 att/def
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France 0|762(19)|2722 Fourth German Reich 11|57(1)|348 The Moralintern Maxed|468(11)|50
Novgorod 10|553(13)|1111 Garumiel Republic 10|513(12)|1065 Russian Invaders 7|1200(30)|7027
Active Effects / Items
+2 attack (+2 Attack,ends in 3 turns): Garumiel Republic
+10 attack (+10 Attack, ends in 3 turns): Russian Invaders
Apeshit (+20 Attack,ends in 1 turn): Russian Invaders
>>5309081 |The Moralintern:
>>5306833 >>5309077 |Novgorod:
>>5308441 Garumiel Republic:
>>5306976 >>5308384 =============
The Foreign Assault
<span class="mu-r">Uh oh. Looks like the Russian invaders are desperate enough to go apeshit all over europe! </span>
Oil and Energy Embargo (ends next map)
Next event on map#40
The Moralintern,Novgorod,Garumiel Republic
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Conqstr
>>5318720 map for those that can't see shit
Fourth German Reich
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5318720 place down more forts everywhere
Lo Razonable
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5318723 Build more markets around the alliance capital to get more gold for when the embargo ends. Fight back against the enemy. Spend our national strategy on Critical Hit to attempt to repel the invader.
Mother of Humanism, Dolores Dei, spare us.
Philip IV
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5318720 Build markets in switzerland.
>>5317908 We are fine with isolation, as long as it ensures our sovereignty. We will ignore your insinuations that we are holding the continent hostage because we're not liberal enough, and bid you adieu.
Garumiel President
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5318720 Build forts in (and then near) the territories close to the land bridge created by the invaders. Defend our land from the invaders.
Prince of Novgorod
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5318720 Kill the apes.
Expand in Ukraine.
Build more markets in Poland.
Give that one tile in Zealand to Germany
>>5318892 Do not strawman my arguments.
>>5318954 >>5318869 >>5318827 Since the french negociations failed, rather spectaculary to be honest considering how he accused you all to be warmongering opportunists, I belive that we should go without on without him, that is, after we deal with the apes. Nonetheless, I invite the German Republic into The Defence Core and grant him access to my markets, all in favour for his admission? Russian Invaders
Quoted By:
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5318720 Attack everywhere!
>>5318720 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 11 hours from the time of this post.
Humanism (Piety):The Moralintern||236 Fede
Avignon Papacy (Offertory):France||190 Fede
The Defense Core:The Moralintern,Garumiel Republic,Novgorod | +1 Attack | 36 att/def
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France 3|762(19)|2722 Fourth German Reich 16|58(1)|348 The Moralintern 0|456(11)|50
Novgorod 17|535(13)|1111 Garumiel Republic 13|499(12)|1065 Russian Invaders 17|1200(30)|7047
Active Effects / Items
+2 attack (+2 Attack,ends in 2 turns): Garumiel Republic
+10 attack (+10 Attack): Russian Invaders
>>5309081 |The Moralintern:
>>5306833 >>5309077 |Novgorod:
>>5308441 Garumiel Republic:
>>5306976 >>5308384 =============
The Foreign Assault
<span class="mu-g">Apparently, one of the Russian generals accidentally gave away the coordinates to the Russian Invasion HQ while fighting on the frontlines in the north. They are located in Iceland. </span>
Next event on map#40
The Moralintern,Novgorod,Garumiel Republic
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Russian Invaders
Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5319306 Think you can win against us, Europeans? We have you surrounded.
Attack everywhere! Buy another +10 attack!
Fourth German Reich
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5319306 forts everywhere
Garumiel President
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5319306 >Buy 3 attack increase Attack the invaded land, defend in the alliance capital. Build forts in Bulgaria.
Garumiel President
Quoted By:
Moralintern and France, get those ruskies
Prince of Novgorod
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5319489 >>5318869 >>5319408 I have an idea! The invaders have put everything into attack, however their capital lies undefended and most importantly, vulnerable to Agent Orange.
>>5318892 Philip, though I would not call you my friend, I sincerely belive we can all work togheter to end this crisis. Grant our forces passage through your lands so that we may rush our foe's capital and burn it to the ground.
Lo Razonable
Quoted By:
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5319306 Keep building more markets around the alliance capital. Attack those damn ruskies. Defend everywhere else.
>>5319066 Literally any attack boost would be beneficial. Let him in. >>5319548 >Chemical Orange. Makes one of your territories unusable by anyone for the next 2 maps. When this effect ends, converts to free territory. Doesn't work on territories with more than +3 fortification strength (i.e a territory that has +4,+5, etc.). Takes effect on the next map. Costs 150 gold. I'm not sure how this is supposed to help us outside of trying to burn out his constantly attack boosts.
Philip IV
Quoted By:
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5319306 Fortify our border with Novgorod.
Philip IV
>>5319548 Though I hate to say it, I'd like to request access to your alliance to fight these invaders. Iceland must not be left in the hands of the perfidious Russian (no insult to you).
Lo Razonable
Quoted By:
>>5319922 The Moralintern welcomes and acknowledge you into our alliance. We must put aside any differences to repeal the invaders.
>>5319306 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
Humanism (Piety):The Moralintern||251 Fede
Avignon Papacy (Offertory):France||206 Fede
The Defense Core:The Moralintern,Garumiel Republic,Novgorod,France | +1 Attack | 54 att/def
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France 6|761(19)|2775 Fourth German Reich 18|58(1)|363 The Moralintern 6|446(11)|122
Novgorod Maxed|512(12)|1158 Garumiel Republic Maxed|509(12)|229 Russian Invaders Maxed|1190(29)|4061
Active Effects / Items
+2 attack (+2 Attack,ends in 1 turn): Garumiel Republic
+10 attack (+10 Attack,ends in 1 turn): Russian Invaders
+10 attack (+10 Attack,ends in 3 turns): Russian Invaders
Nuke : Russian Invaders
>>5309081 |The Moralintern:
>>5306833 >>5309077 |Novgorod:
>>5308441 Garumiel Republic:
>>5306976 >>5308384 =============
The Foreign Assault
<span class="mu-r">Look out! The Russian invaders brought nuclear-armed forces to the battle! </span>
Next event on map#40
The Moralintern,Novgorod,Garumiel Republic
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Russian Invaders
Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5319966 It's almost time for our "special operations", тoвapищ.
Attack everywhere. Activate Bltizkrieg. Send more VDV.
Lo Razonable
Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5319966 Open a sea route from the dry ocean near Span to the capital of the Russian Invaders. Build more markets around the alliance capital. ATTACK THE RUSSIAN INVADERS, DAMNIT.
Garumiel President
Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5319966 >Use Steal on Russian Invaders Defend in the alliance capital and the territories around it with forts, attack the invaders from the others territories. Build markets in central/north greece.
Fourth German Reich
Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5319966 place down more forts everywhere
Prince of Novgorod
Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5319966 Attack the Invaders in the north, Novorossiya and in the Caucas.
Philip IV
Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5319966 Attack these idiotic invaders. Sink their VDV to the bottom of the sea.
>>5319966 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
Humanism (Piety):The Moralintern||261 Fede
Avignon Papacy (Offertory):France||220 Fede
The Defense Core:The Moralintern,Garumiel Republic,Novgorod,France | +1 Attack | 55 att/def
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France 11|762(19)|2830 Fourth German Reich Maxed|58(1)|381 The Moralintern 17|456(11)|99
Novgorod Maxed|530(13)|1208 Garumiel Republic 0|515(12)|788 Russian Invaders 0|1155(28)|3576
Active Effects / Items
+3 attack (+3 Attack,ends in 2 turns): Garumiel Republic
+10 attack (+10 Attack,ends in 2 turns): Russian Invaders
Nuke : Russian Invaders
Nuke : Russian Invaders
>>5309081 |The Moralintern:
>>5306833 >>5309077 |Novgorod:
>>5308441 Garumiel Republic:
>>5306976 >>5308384 =============
The Foreign Assault
Next event on map#40
The Moralintern,Novgorod,Garumiel Republic
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Lo Razonable
>>5320466 Build more markets around the alliance capital, PUSH THE ATTACK ON THE RUSSIANS. KILL THEM. BOMB THEM INTO THE DIRT.
Lo Razonable
Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5320467 whoops forgot dice
Fourth German Reich
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5320466 11. Steal (Special) - You steal 500 gold from another nation (and one item optionally and if applicable), but cannot buy anything this turn.
steal from the Russian Invaders and commit nuclear piracy and place down forts everywhere
Prince of Novgorod
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5320466 Use Steal on the invaders to take that nuke off them.
Continue to attack them.
Russian Invaders
Quoted By:
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5320553 >>5320541 >thinking they can commit piracy on our nuclear missles and nuclear ordinations >xaxaxaxaxa >>5320466 Attack everywhere! Fire the nukes at the alliance capitols!
Garumiel President
Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5320466 Attack the russians at the Bulgaria and southern Ukraine. Build markets in north greece.
Philip IV
Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5320466 Attack the invaders!
>>5320466 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
Humanism (Piety):The Moralintern||277 Fede
Avignon Papacy (Offertory):France||231 Fede
The Defense Core:The Moralintern,Garumiel Republic,Novgorod,France | +1 Attack | 55 att/def
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France 19|763(19)|2888 Fourth German Reich 0|58(1)|897 The Moralintern Maxed|450(11)|174
Novgorod 0|545(13)|1755 Garumiel Republic 4|514(12)|844 Russian Invaders 1|1130(28)|2587
Active Effects / Items
Nuke : Fourth German Reich
Nuke : Novgorod
+3 attack (+3 Attack,ends in 1 turn): Garumiel Republic
+10 attack (+10 Attack,ends in 1 turn): Russian Invaders
Nuke : Russian Invaders
Nuke : Russian Invaders
>>5309081 |The Moralintern:
>>5306833 >>5309077 |Novgorod:
>>5308441 Garumiel Republic:
>>5306976 >>5308384 =============
The Foreign Assault
Next event on map#40
The Moralintern,Novgorod,Garumiel Republic
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Fourth German Reich
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5321272 place down more forts everywhere
Fourth German Reich
>>5321282 and for the hell of it drop the nuke on the Russian Invaders capital
Garumiel President
Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5321272 Continue advance on south ukraine controlled by russian invaders, defend everywhere else. Build forts in bulgaria where there's a seaway.
Lo Razonable
>>5321272 Activate steal to weaken that funny "money --> attack" strategy the Russians have. Build more markets around the other markets I already have. Keep beating the shit out of the russians.
Lo Razonable
Prince of Novgorod
Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5321272 Drive the invaders off our lands in the north and the south.
>>5321394 Now's the time! Use Agent Orange on their capital and end this war!
Philip IV
Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5321272 Death to the invader! Open a seagate to the tip of Iceland and fortify our sea zones.
Russian Invaders
Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5321272 Heт! Bы нe мoжeтe пpocтo yкpacть мoи ядepныe бoмбы вo вpeмя пoлeтa и иcпoльзoвaть их пpoтив нac! Я дoлжeн был выигpaть этy игpy!
Attack everywhere! spend 1,500 gold on more attack. Fire the nukes on the alliance capitols!
>>5321272 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
Humanism (Piety):The Moralintern||288 Fede
Avignon Papacy (Offertory):France||244 Fede
The Defense Core:The Moralintern,Garumiel Republic,Novgorod,France | +1 Attack | (Capitol destroyed!)
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France Maxed|762(19)|2944 Fourth German Reich 1|58(1)|911 The Moralintern Maxed|453(11)|755
Novgorod 8|533(13)|1806 Garumiel Republic 15|516(12)|908
Active Effects / Items
Morale Loss (ends in 3 turns): The Defense Core
Nuke : Fourth German Reich
Nuke : The Moralintern
Nuke : Novgorod
>>5309081 |The Moralintern:
>>5306833 >>5309077 |Novgorod:
>>5308441 Garumiel Republic:
>>5306976 >>5308384 =============
Next event on map#40
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Tsar of all Slavs
Rolled 6 (1d10) Let this day be remembered as the day we sacrificed our blood for victory for our Republic, our peoples, our alliance and our Europe. It's time for the republic to change into something greater.
>>5321890 Change name from Republic of Novgorod to the Slavic Federation.
Expand everywhere I can.
Build more markets in Moscow.
Fortify my border with France.
>>5321395 >>5321372 >>5321285 Alliance meeting, everybody present? Garumiel President
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5321890 Build markets in central greece
>>5321920 sure thing. I hope you're managing it after the desperate measure of the invaders Tsar of all Slavs
>>5322130 To Moralintern, Germany and Garumiel:
We have relocated our government to Moscow as Novgorod is a bit too irradiated. Other than that, we'll rebuild. I called this meeting to finaly enact our post-war plan for European Recovery, now more than ever with the invasion defeated. Since France is still paranoid and thinks of us puppets and warmongers, him joining us is forgone hope, thus we must march forward with the dissolution of the Defence Core and the formation of ESTO, with one additions to our original plan, the formation of a Nuclear Control Comittee, so that the tragedy that claimed Saint Petersburg will never repeat, thus we ask that everbody agrees, that there shall be no nuclear power outside of our alliance. You personaly Garumiel, I ask that you retreat your troops from my land, and I offer you 400 gold and my territories in România for the polish land in your controll, do you agree? Fourth German Reich
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5321890 place down more forts everywhere
>>5322291 ja
Lo Razonable
Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5321920 >>5322291 Current situation. Two of the four major powers have nuclear devices, one minor power has access to a nuclear device. Current stat ensues a proper deadlock that prevents any future war. This agreement is acceptable. >>5321890 Build markers around Norway, defend everywhere else
Lo Razonable
Quoted By:
>>5322552 Oh, and since our national strategy is apparently maxed, activate KA-CHING.
Philip IV
Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5321890 Reset our national strategy. Build Markets in Switzerland.
Garumiel President
>>5322291 Sure. I accept your offer and I'll also retreat from the captured territory the invaders were Conqstr
>>5321890 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
Humanism (Piety):The Moralintern||297 Fede
Avignon Papacy (Offertory):France||259 Fede
The Defense Core:The Moralintern,Garumiel Republic,Slavic Federation,France | +1 Attack | (Capitol destroyed!)
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France 0|762(19)|1998 Fourth German Reich 8|58(1)|931 The Moralintern 12|453(11)|838
Slavic Federation 16|538(13)|1852 Garumiel Republic Maxed|516(12)|970
Active Effects / Items
Morale Loss (ends in 2 turns): The Defense Core
Nuke : The Moralintern
Nuke : Slavic Federation
>>5309081 |The Moralintern:
>>5306833 >>5309077 |Slavic Federation:
>>5308441 Garumiel Republic:
>>5306976 >>5308384 =============
Next event on map#40
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Fourth German Reich
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5322651 place down fort everywhere
also what happen to my nuke from the last map
Lo Razonable
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5322651 Keep building markets around our current markets. Defend everywhere else.
Tsar of all Slavs
Quoted By:
>>5322651 I, Germany, Moralinter and especially Garumiel had an agreement here
>>5322291 , thsese were their responses:
>>5322522 >>5322552 >>5322579 Garumiel President
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5322651 Build markets in central greece, with excess going into north europe/albania.
Philip IV
Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5322651 Build markets in switzerland and around Paris.
Tsar of All Slavs
Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5322651 Expand everywhere I can.
Fortify my border with France.
Build more markets in Moscow.
Quoted By:
>>5322681 you used it.
>>5321285 Conqstr
>>5322651 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
Humanism (Piety):The Moralintern||312 Fede
Avignon Papacy (Offertory):France||273 Fede
European Security and Trade Organization:Fourth German Reich,The Moralintern,Slavic Federation,Garumiel Republic | +40 Gold | 4803 Gold
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France 7|762(19)|2055 Fourth German Reich 12|58(1)|948 The Moralintern 16|453(11)|919
Slavic Federation Maxed|578(14)|1498 Garumiel Republic Maxed|483(12)|1438
Active Effects / Items
Morale Loss (ends in 1 turn): European Security and Trade Organization
Nuke : The Moralintern
Nuke : Slavic Federation
>>5309081 |Fourth German Reich: SA #39 |The Moralintern:
>>5306833 >>5309077 SA #39
Slavic Federation:
>>5308441 SA #39 |Garumiel Republic:
>>5306976 >>5308384 SA #39
Next event on map#40
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Tsar of All Slavs
Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5323197 Reset my National Strength.
Continue to expand everywhere I can.
Build more markets in Moscow.
>>5322958 >>5322821 >>5322681 ):
So... We are all aware that France wants to gain nukes, right? If possible, communicate in this meeting before stating your action, we have to think a lot here. Garumiel Republic
>>5323236 I think he’s just gonna use KaChing 3.0. Even if he went that route, we still have the nuclear parity and someone can just reset their points and get more. Anonymous
>>5323411 Checked
For ESTO members:
I doubt he would settle for KaChing 3.0, you can see from my negociations with him that he values his idea of sovereignty more than anything else, and I doubt that he would be fine with any one of use having more nukes than him considering how he views both you and Moralintern. Ask him what's his intention, publicly or privately with me as witness, and I bet 50 gold he will either try to discredit me, attempt to convince you to help him, or just ramble on about his autonomy. Point is, I told him that he will not be invade if he does not join ESTO, but if he thinks he could arm himself with nuclears missiles, than it's time for an intervention. Tsar of All Slavs
Garumiel President
>>5323512 well, considering everything, he's not gonna agree to the possibility of having nukes and he already considers you a puppeteer, so he'll say that your "agreement is expected" and won't budge Tsar of all Slavs
>>5323583 To ESTO:
In the end, the problem stems from the fact that he is the sole superpower of Europe, fact that I just now realised that it invalidates not only my reset, but also your idea to simply outnuke him. Anyway, the greater problem at the moment is us not being superpowers anymore, I have a couple ideas on how to fix this but I like none so, any solutions? To Conqstr:Since I am not a superpower, you can change my NS from a restart, to simply Expansionist. Tsar of all Slavs
Quoted By:
>>5323679 >>5323197 Messed the spoilers.
To Conqstr:
Since I am not a superpower, you can change my NS from a restart, to simply Expansionist. Garumiel President
Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5323197 >Reset National Strength Build markets in north greece
Philip IV
Quoted By:
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5323197 Build markets in London.
Fourth German Reich
Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5323197 place down more forts everywhere
>>5323197 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
Humanism (Piety):The Moralintern||330 Fede
Avignon Papacy (Offertory):France||285 Fede
European Security and Trade Organization:Fourth German Reich,The Moralintern,Slavic Federation,Garumiel Republic | +40 Gold | 43183 Gold
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France <span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-s">MAXED</span></span>|762(19)|22116 Fourth German Reich <span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-s">MAXED</span></span>|58(1)|2006 The Moralintern <span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-s">MAXED</span></span>|453(11)|12038
Slavic Federation <span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-s">MAXED</span></span>585(14)|15590 Garumiel Republic <span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-s">MAXED</span></span>|483(12)|13549
Active Effects / Items
Nuke (5x) : France
Nuke (5x) : Fourth German Reich
Nuke : The Moralintern
Nuke (5x) : The Moralintern
Nuke : Slavic Federation
Nuke (5x) : Slavic Federation
Nuke (5x) : Garumiel Republic
>>5309081 |Fourth German Reich: SA #39 |The Moralintern:
>>5306833 >>5309077 SA #39
Slavic Federation:
>>5308441 SA #39 |Garumiel Republic:
>>5306976 >>5308384 SA #39
Era of High Advancement
<span class="mu-g">As the nations recover from the war, a new era has been brought upon Europe. As a result, significant advancement of nations follow.</span>
Everyone has their national strength maxed, and may use a hyper national strategy. +1000 gold for each territory count / territory modifier. Each nation now has 5 nukes.
Fourth German Reich,The Moralintern,Slavic Federation,Garumiel Republic
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Philip IV
>>5323963 >Go through the effort of getting a hyper national strategy only for everyone to get one anyway Garumiel President
>>5323982 well, I reseted mine too, if it makes things better
Quoted By:
>>5323985 >>5323982 Yep I'm thinking based.
Lo Razonable
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5323963 Activate Ka-Ching 3.0, build as many markets as possible, spend some gold to upgrade our markets twice (6000), and keep our nukes locked and loaded.
>>5323679 It appears we are in a proper stalemate now. No one can pull the first trigger without being nuked five or six times. I think the issue solves itself. Tsar of all Slavs
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5323963 Use KaChing! 3.0
Fill up everything, Finland, Estonia, Ukraine, the south and the north.
Also, shouldn't Moralintern and I also have five nukes? It's said that each nation has 5 nukes, not that each nukeless nation developed their own arsenal.
>>5324009 I guess the world is stuck in a nuclear stalemate
which means that we will have to get the French socio-economically but that takes a lot of time, so... To everybody:
Now that nobody can attack and everybody is pretty prosperous due to the post-war economic boom, how about we end the game?
Garumiel President
Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5323963 >Activate Ka-Ching! 3.0 Build markets in north greece/trace.
>>5324204 sure, seems like we're in the endgame
Philip IV
>>5323963 Am I allowed to immediately purchase a national strength recharge after I use it? Am I then allowed to reset my national strategy and purchase another recharge? And so on, I think you get the picture... Philip IV
Quoted By:
>>5324204 I'll probably say yes, even if conqst responds positively to my query. It's all too knife edge for my liking.
>>5324303 No and no. Though, they are in a trade league and not in an alliance. Philip IV
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5323963 Build markets.
>>5324395 Hm. Tempting, very tempting. Conqstr
>>5324422 yes it is. quickly, kill them now. kill them while they are away. Conqstr
>>5323963 Notes
<span class="mu-s">Endgame called (3/5 voted, 4/5 needed to end game)</span>
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
Humanism (Piety):The Moralintern||344 Fede
Avignon Papacy (Offertory):France||302 Fede
European Security and Trade Organization:Fourth German Reich,The Moralintern,Slavic Federation,Garumiel Republic | +40 Gold | 40812 Gold
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
France Maxed|762(19)|22175 Fourth German Reich Maxed|58(1)|2059 The Moralintern 0|453(11)|8161
Slavic Federation 0|640(16)|14931 Garumiel Republic 0|483(12)|15661
Active Effects / Items
Nuke (5x) : France
Nuke (5x) : Fourth German Reich
Nuke : The Moralintern
Nuke (5x) : The Moralintern
Nuke : Slavic Federation
Nuke (5x) : Slavic Federation
Nuke (5x) : Garumiel Republic
>>5309081 |Fourth German Reich: SA #39 |The Moralintern:
>>5306833 >>5309077 SA #39
Slavic Federation:
>>5308441 SA #39 |Garumiel Republic:
>>5306976 >>5308384 SA #39
Fourth German Reich,The Moralintern,Slavic Federation,Garumiel Republic
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Fourth German Reich
Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5324441 place down forts everywhere and voting to end the game
Quoted By:
>>5324441 <span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-g">AND THE WINNERS OF /conqst/ EUROPE EDITION #2 ARE...EVERYONE!
<span class="mu-i">CONGRATULATIONS!!!</span></span></span>
gg no re.
Philip IV
>>5324423 lol, I probably wouldn't have managed. Between being outnumbered, outgunned, and them having several times more nukes than me it would have ended badly.
>>5324970 Coward. You had your chance!
Tsar of all Slavs
Quoted By:
>>5325017 He had his chance to lose.
>>5324970 We will take you over more covertly, though I will not lie and say that Nuclear Endsiege sounds like a good ending.