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Do Your Best Quest #130

ID:L4+Uqmqx No.5309771 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Last time, you learned about the trials and tribulations of many of your acquaintances and friends through Mr. Won-Jae during your long and fruitful chat together. After it was over, Esperanza decided you’re worth trusting – and gave you a dangerous mission: to murder on her behalf. You’re looking for alternatives, as everything is to stop the former dictator from reclaiming his younger body in the Bubble Dimension.

“I’ve had enough… That’s what I’m going to do. We’ll talk if I need something else from you.” Esperanza doesn’t like the hesitation and her patience has run thin. She’s going to take matters into her own hands unless you say something.

“Hold it.” You ask for a moment to propose an alternative. “I won’t promise to murder him, but I’ll promise to do what I can about this.”

“And what can you do?” Esperanza is wary of the risks of one Judge killing another, and she’d prefer not to do it.

“I’ll find a way to close off the bubble dimension.” The problem is the old man trying to take over his body, and this is a way to stop it.

“Bubble-What?” Esperanza raises an eyebrow.

“That’s what I call it. I might trademark it.” You will earn millions with that and the Nautical Nariko.

“What’s a trademark…?” Esperanza is too confused by this.

“Move on.” Smithele finds your billion-gordollar idea stupid. His jealousy is palpable.

“I don’t want you to get rid of this anomaly. I’m fond of this world and its effects on the other.” Esperanza sounds kinda cutesy.

“Will cutting the energy stream from flowing be the end of the Bubble Dimension?” You wonder.

“No, but it’ll make it difficult for us to get in.” Esperanza enjoys this place. “This realm is completed; it doesn’t need the Energy flowing in and out to survive. It only passes information, feelings, thoughts, and all that – what you already know. But we found out there’s a positive feedback loop between both worlds. The energy passing is purer! It’s being cleansed!”

“Huh, that’s interesting.” You nod.

“Isn’t it?” Esperanza likes this a lot. “The regret that is carried over in the stream from the other world disappears here because the recipients act on those feelings. They’re eager to make amends now that they subconsciously know what those decisions will lead to. And in return, those regrets from the past stop weighing their counterparts from the other world down. People become happier in both realms. It’s powerful.” A chance to do over… You wonder how she knows. Judge stuff…

“Something that isn’t supposed to happen.” Smithele is the total opposite. He feels it’s against nature itself.