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Furry Space Empress Quest

ID:sQ8SdbNO No.5312778 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You are the <span class="mu-s">Supreme Reichsführer</span> of the <span class="mu-s">Space Reich</span>.

Millions of years ago, your kindred were the animals of various planets, who assembled together to colonize space and the stars. Today, with the help of genetics, you are all fully sentient, humanoid animals, coloquially called "furries".

You were chosen over your rivals after twenty generations of Space Darwinism, a form of Darwinism in which DNA is exposed to outer space to test its resistance against radiation. Like your predecessors, you are a Criuq, originating from planet Criuq G5D. In human vernacular, you would be called wolf-bear hybrid. Of the wolf, you have the fierceness, and the instinct of a pack hunter; of the bear, you have the physical and mental strength. The need for hibernation has long been removed from the genetic material of your ancestors.

The Space Reich is a matriarchy driven by biological essentialism, that has been propelled by the ideals of fascism and eugenics. The women, the space mothers, are the guardians of hypergamy and genetic purity. This policy has ensured that the males who have the most inferior DNA do not pass it down to the future generations. Generally, everyone is physically healthy and fit, except for rare genetic diseases that are only passed on the maternal line.

How will you lead your dynasty?

>Promote the advancement of spacecraft engineering and quantum physics
>Develop an advanced AI to help you make decisions
>Expand the Reich to new planets, enslaving and destroying the native populations
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