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To the Bitter end.... [ ONE SHOT]

!!6QqRvdBTJgc ID:O0PMiy0X No.5314371 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
<span class="mu-i"> The past, the future, the present... all meaningless in this accursed land. The <span class="mu-s"> Heart </span> is in murky stagnation. It no longer beats, drowning in its own lake of putrid blood.

Rancid corruption, nightmares of the dead gods and unspeakable abominations are festering around the heart. The prophesied <span class="mu-s"> Lourdihiem </span> , the Realm eater, is starting to manifest around the heart spouting black thunder below the lake. Its eternal hunger will devour us all sparing not a single realm.

Yet, Not all hope is lost. These three brave souls have crossed the impregnable fog to mend the heart and to restore balance to the realms. They won't be the first.... <span class="mu-r"> and they won't be the last. </span>

Which of these souls did I send to their demise ? </span>
> Biserkyr
+ Devout human warrior of Hul, wields two axes. High HP and Attack
+ Self heal after each combat encounter.
- Most Vulnerable to corruption
- Doesn't get along with non humans.

> Seinri
+ Blessed Human Shield maiden of Yuheira, Very high HP.
+ Will be the first to take any damage , protecting her party. Can deflect back some attacks.
- Vulnerable to corruption
- Will often charge first at any kind of foe be it stronger or weaker than her.

+A dark elf ranger cursed by Iblainn never to touch the ground, can fly to scout open areas.
+Corruption ( and other curses) increases his attack and health.
- Fairs poorly in closed areas
- Low starting Health
- Will never join the party if it has a light elf in it. Will kill any light elf on sight.

> Miesralf
+A light elf priestess graced by Tvye. Will generously heal any wounded party member with ease as well as any traces of corruption.
+ Highly resistant to corruption.
- Very low attack and health
- Can't heal herself
- Will never join the party if it has a dark elf in it. Will purify and dark elf on sight.

> Gundirr
+ A Fierce Winged Valkalre sent by Douten herself, exceptionally lethal against the corrupted and malicious spirits.
+ Incorruptible, can revive fallen party members at the cost of her maximum health.
- Grows weaker the closer she is to the heart
- Can't really fly too high, her maelstrom of feathers will be a hindrance to other melee focused party members.

> Wvalduur
++++ A bastard child of mortal and unkown divine blood, incredible strength and endurance. Will pulverise anything and anyone with his fists
+ Undying, Any fatal blow will knock him out instead for one encounter.
- Vulnerable to corruption , high corruption is to be avoided at all costs.
- Will curse the gods and desecrate anything related to them which might result in unfavorable outcomes.
- Will grow exceptionally weaker the closer he is to the heart.
