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Kobolt Klan Adoption 6

!0H0qzjbv4. ID:1WkYuXOs No.5333328 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You recently recruited a Grey Knight, who helped you out considerably during your travels through Wulven-infested lands. In those lands, you managed to cure your adorably tiny shoulder kobolt from turning into a gigantic werewolf at night fairly easily, though killing the Wulven has left the Grey Knight badly injured. She pulled through, but to repay her debt, has agreed to travel with you until the next town over. After that she chase down the archmage Ogg, who intends to go to Mother Mountain to create a new race of dragons.

What just happened, however is that Paracelsus, your doctor turned lover, wants to drink a glass of what is essentially magical fallout to hasten her draconic transformation along.

You keep staring.
And then, very slowly.
Very carefully.
You ask:
Your eyes meet hers, and she looks away for a moment... but then meets your gaze again.
"It will hasten the transformation considerably. More... equal than what you've suffered. It will grant me the same advantages as you, and perhaps even access to magic of my own. It will allow me to heal more efficiently than before, if I gain access. The... ease of it is distasteful, but we can't leave an advantage alone."
Okay, sure, but this doesn't answer the more relevant question, which you quickly ask:

"Do you want this?" You ask her, and she doesn't even flinch:
"I'm not hypocrite, Reynauld. I intended to see how far it goes, and Ogg's notes clearly show that it would plateau when we are more akin to... Well, a very large kobolt, or just a dragon-like humanoid, I suppose. Ogg is right in one thing, it would likely be... a step above the baseline human."
She takes a shaky breath.
"But I wouldn't be asking it if we weren't... more than friends. Reynauld... Will you permit me to do this?"

>Not if you can't answer these questions
Which questions are you asking?

>Absolutely not!

>If you think it's best...