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Mutant!Quest #12

!!49RhwhJ3WGL ID:lgMWeitW No.5346371 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Your name is Elise. Elise Martins. And, to put it simply, you are not normal.

What you are is a mutant— one of the many few in Konigsburg who possess strange and unnatural abilities due to the explosion of FutureLabs’ particle accelerator.

You have two brothers, Matt and John, but it's only Matt who knows of your powers. John, on the other hand, is a mutant, and a powerful one at that. Bernard, too, is the heart of your team; how you’d get by without him is beyond you.

Currently, you’re in Rottsville, one of your city’s more dilapidated ghettos so that you may bring more mutants to your cause: saving none other than Ernst Braun, otherwise known as Conduit.

The sole bombmaker of the Crux, so fervently had Ernst taken to Pharos’ ideals, and, like all the other mutants who’d joined hands with the former Crux leader, FutureLabs had gotten their hands on him as well.

Used as a bargaining chip in exchange for Eddie Braun’s technopathic abilities, Eddie had been promised by Atticus Charles that no harm would come to his brainwashed twin… or so he had thought.

So you had discovered in a dream, Atticus Charles had begun treatments with Aurum Impulsum as soon as Eddie had faked his death in a bid to turn Ernst into a mindless, living mutant detector– a plot that would endanger every last mutant in Konigsburg.

Now, not only have you discovered one sinister plot from FutureLabs, but beneath the streets of Konigsburg lies yet another threat: <span class="mu-i">the Fraternity of the Atom</span>– a group dedicated to the elimination of all mutant opposition.
