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The 2nd Primarch Quest 19

!!RS7NSuo3fkv ID:fYZWlxYP No.5350642 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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You are Kynigos the Ancient, a mysterious traveling mystic who has arrived to the city of Loc'ea, in the hopes of bringing prosperity to this land desolate of freedom and virtue, that is named Nuceria. Having trained the urchins and beggars of the slums and poorer districts of the city how to defend themselves with martial arts, while sowing the seeds of wisdom amongst them by tutoring and instructing them in the hopes they would one day share your worldview shaped by the hardships and lessons of your life long Journey, you then used your discerning eye to your benefit in the arena grounds, earning a fast fortune by betting on fights the outcome of which no other could predict, and then, having covertly freed the slaves you purchased with this wealth, you were granted an audience with the ruling family of Loc'ria, who had sought you out in the hopes somewhere in the vast troves of your knowledge lied the secret to free them of a mysterious plague that had befallen their house.

In truth it was scurvy, and you are not the withered, crooked back wanderer known as Kynigos, you are Lieren of Nothing, who has traveled from Shangrala in search of one of his lost brothers, bound in iron chains. Having spread the Journey amongst the oppressed lower classes of Loc'ea, and cunningly earned a position of power and station of high respect within the palace and court of the Loc'ria clan by applying basic knowledge of nutrition and health, you used the privileges and powers afforded to "Frail Kynigos" as the highest and most honored diplomat and herald of House Loc'ria to further the spread of the journey amongst the destitute and poor, while also ensuring your gladiators would spread it to their fellow fighters within the arena.

Having given the task of traveling to the slums of other cities to the most skilled and cunning of the sect of beggars, thieves and peddlers you have formed, you realized that you had already stood before the bridge that would lead you to your brother's cage. As Kynigos, you had earned something of a reputation as a lover of the arena, who spent most of his time in the stands or in the school he owned, teaching and raising a crop of fighters of such excellence there were even whispers they could, perhaps, one day produce a challenge to the "Lord of the Red sands"

An epithet you knew belonged to your collared and enslaved brother, the "Unbeaten" as he was called by many. And, while you are prone to constructing and following complex plans, you are also, at the core of your nature, a pragmatist despite your idealistic belief and emotions as powerful as a storm raging through the heavens to strike and split the earth below. So, not long after you had set in motion the dissemination of the Journey's teachings and values, you approached on of your "Fellow" patrons of the arena.