Continuing from the other thread.
Read the rules: .
How to play: The dice you put in the "options" box is:
>What is /conqst/? /conqst/ is a 4Chan story-telling, strategy game that is just like Risk but allows you to have more freedom in defining your civilization. Build your nation on the path that you choose, be it war, economical, benevolence, pious, or just plain chaotic. You tell the story of how your nation thrives in this ever-changing world. Just remember one thing: Your ultimate goal is to conquer the world.
>Can I join? If there's any territory shaded in white, yes. If there isn't any, some players may be nice enough to give you land or allocate a puppet state. If not, then you could wait until the next game (or when I kick out inactive players).
>How hard is it to learn how to play this game? It's better for you to learn as you go, but its not difficult to play. You start with 5 territories as one nation, expand until you can't expand, and choose to attack, fortify, and/or defend. Plain and simple. You also get +1 attack and +1 defense for every certain amount of territories you own, and gain National Strength (NS) and gold every roll.
<span class="mu-s">Welcome, Taotie! </span>
This will be the new thread for this edition. Also join the conqst if you're not in:
https://discordgg/FjuMH3avfq LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 (maybe 24) hours from the time of this post.
N-14-^^ (Populous:Q-41-%9||0 Fede
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
Zothique Maxed|60(1)|146 Scimitar Republic 0|86(1)|152 Suspects Maxed|54(1)|143
Q-41-%9 0|70(1)|152 Imperium of Mankind Maxed|57(1)|144 Muck Marsh Cartel 0|54(1)|646
Jan Mayen Maxed|49(0)|140 OPISMAD Maxed|56(1)|142 Marrows Maxed|53(1)|141
Amarantine Empire Maxed|65(1)|148 Finnish Expedition Maxed|64(1)|162 Idiocracy of Gilded Truths 0|69(1)|147
Order of Liberty and Justice 9|30(0)|99 Kratiya 17|27(0)|107 Taotie 0|5(0)|30
Active Effects / Items
The Ligma
<span class="mu-s">On one prosperous day, you heard from your advisors that a rural village became slightly sick. After you sent medical professors to the village, they returned a few weeks later to inform you about a mysterious illness that has infected the villagers. Dubbed "The Ligma", you ordered those same medical professors to investigate the illness...
A few months later, you've received analysis from the medical professors. Studies have shown that "The Ligma" is not a detriment at all. According to the report, The Ligma has enhanced the abilities of your people, noting a variety having one of the following benefits: enhanced strength, durable skin, heighted perception, improved swiftness and increased intelligence. You are relieved that the villagers are not hurt after all, but you are left pondering on how The Ligma should be incorporated into your nation...</span>
All nations are inflicted with The Ligma. You have three paths that you may take on the fate of The Ligma:
1. Build laboratories to learn more about The Ligma, and find ways to enhance productivity in your nation.
2. Build laboratories to learn more about The Ligma, and find ways to exterminate it along with any possible variations of The Ligma.
3. Let The Ligma run rampant throughout your nation. Who knows what it will mutate into.
Building a lab costs 25 gold, with the price doubled for each lab you have in your nation.
Next event on map#10
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Conqstr
huh i dont remember the jan mayen expanding like that
>>5351550 They expanded to 4 territories and built a market due to the expansion penalty.
>>5351554 no i mean i am more confused as there expansion does not at all follow there plan of expanding inwards
Finnish Expo !7lfxwTSzfk
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5351548 fixed the link for ya
Also, brave Finnish soldiers allege that Zothique is harming our exploration of the region, so we're just gonna kill them all! Invade southward!
Imperium of Mankind
Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5351546 The Emperor orders his Imperial guards to keep expanding Northwards and he also orders laboratories be build to study the new disease.
>>5351556 >Try to reach that spot in red through the shortest path possible and build a market, anything leftover fills in that small island and the other stuff with arrows. If not possible then follow the path anyways and just fill in the island I must have missed the last sentence, so it'll be fixed like that.
hmmm i guess i need to reroll and use the same plan?
>>5351573 I'll use your 7 from your previous post. Do you want to keep your plans the same for this map?
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5351546 Use Kaching, and build 3 labs with my current gold.
Expand everywhere
This Ligma thing is great, I want to understand how it works and get the most out of it.
>>5351575 yeah i want to cup jan mayan trying first contact figure out who they are
Finnish Expo !7lfxwTSzfk
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5351557 >>5351546 We will also build a lab to understand the effects of the Ligma.
Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5351548 Valdislav was not content. The lack of progress made his already sour mood rancid. He left the former council building in search of someone to take his frustrations out on. In the middle of one of the down curved roads lined with residential houses in the crater. He grabbed a man just half his size and ripped him in half.
Vladislav: These worthless humans, I'll lead my kind myself and take them to the south myself!
Like that, the creature left Crater City to lead on the front of the expansion. This left the science cabal that usurped the former council in control of Crater City.
Activate national spirit expansionist and continue the southern expansion. The scientists establish a couple of laboratories (75 gold) along the coast to the west of Crater city. 2. They go to eliminate The Ligma.
Muck Marsh
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5351548 Roll to build more markets north of where the current markets are, and I want to purchase 3 laboratories to study the possible benefits of ligma
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:tTbMSzZe Mon 25 Jul 2022 17:33:47 No. 5351640 Report Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5351563 >>5351546 Activate EXPANSIONIST strategy then EXPAND as in picrelate - take the western river deltas and lakes first and foremost. Then spread a little love to the northeast on the other main continent.
As far as The Ligma goes, our nation will dedicate itself to Plan 2 (Exterminate). We will even throw down 75 gold to create 2 Labs right off the bat.
On another note, can I willingly accept the religion of my crazy neighbors, U-69?!-5X-47H, or whatever the religion is called? I like their Populous way of thinking and wouldn't mind giving them some Fede.
Could I do that this map/turn in addition to my current actions? Or do I have to erect religious buildings/dedicate an action to it? If so, I'll hold off this turn. Otherwise, sign me up, I'm already wearing a tinfoil hat and my people are ready to accept the tentacle.
>>5351640 Yeah, you can build religious buildings (i.e temples, mosques, cathedrals) to adopt another nation's religion now.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:tTbMSzZe Mon 25 Jul 2022 17:47:59 No. 5351660 Report >>5351641 Let's do it, then. I'll also use this turn build antennaes to the sky, and all sizes of anal probes, to properly communicate with and worship the slimy gods of the yesteruniverse. The religious building sites can go somewhere (anywhere) in the Berrmuta Trapezoid.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:tTbMSzZe Mon 25 Jul 2022 17:49:52 No. 5351663 Report Quoted By:
>>5351660 Fuck, I spelled it "wrong" in the picture. Ah, well.
The Scimitar Republic
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5351548 >Build 2 labs (75g) >Find ways to enhance productivity in your nation. >Expand according to the arrow, keeping our territories inside the zone. FLAGS, WE HAVE FLAGS FOR EVERYBODY!
>>5351626 >>5351660 >>5351548 >>5351577 Muck FLAG 1 (this flag has a cut out on the bottom left)
Q-41-%9 4
>>5351594 We have a trade deal, then!
The Scimitar Republic
Quoted By:
>>5351669 Also name the sea with the 'X' "Exchange Gulf"
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:tTbMSzZe Mon 25 Jul 2022 18:21:28 No. 5351706 Report Quoted By:
>>5351669 Excellent, you've incorporated the original three territories (Lefnut, Rynut, and Xlong) into the design! How thoughtful of you! We will fly this banner proudly!! AHH OH GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING TO MY BRAIN... URK...........
Order of Liberty and Justice
Order of Liberty and Justice ID:PAV6YQod Mon 25 Jul 2022 18:26:09 No. 5351714 Report Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5351548 expand everywhere liberty and justice will free the world
Order of Liberty and Justice
Order of Liberty and Justice ID:PAV6YQod Mon 25 Jul 2022 18:28:09 No. 5351716 Report Quoted By:
>>5351714 also build a lab to The Ligma and enhance it
Muck Marsh
>>5351669 Very cool. Thank you for the flag, friend
Marrow Anon
Quoted By:
>>5351608 Forgot to post as Marrow Anon, might as well drop some lore now.
Josef Stenger looked across the reports scattered his desk. The mutant enforcers were doing there jobs with expected efficiency. He then sat back in the office chair and took slid out a metal box. The lid opened he took out a bottle of absinthe.
In this austere office this was the one luxury he'd indulge with a cold glass of water. This building was a formerly an underground fallout shelter, though enough land had been blasted away to expose the structure to the surface. As such there weren't any windows even this far up, on the ground floor. He'd saw the report that Vladislav has left the city, that'd been another blessing for him.
In truth these mutants could be dealt with easily. The antigen for dissolving the retrovirus that created these beings was well known amongst his clique. Though having these creatures as enforcers was preferable to the alternative. If the populace ever overthrew the mutants his team would have plausible deniability.
He took his second shot as the steel door opened. Across his desk he observed a junior member of his team come in. "What, is it Horst?" The junior member pushed a folder onto the desk. The ledger detailing the deals with merchants to secure funding for the new biolabs to deal with Ligma. "What is our directive with regards to the new virus." Horst took the ledger back. "Once the labs are done work on a vaccine. These wild viruses are gamble not worth taking. If the quakes are in any correlated with this pandemic then virus could have effects beyond even the physical being."
"Beyond the body?" Josef motioned for Horst to leave. "Psychoactive, if the virus is active in the mind than it's a risk that could lead to hazardous consequences in the future. Get the directive delivered to labs immediately."
Horst left as Josef set aside the drinking glass to continue his work as director of Crater City.
Idiocracy of Gilded Truths
Idiocracy of Gilded Truths ID:Wm5Hvljp Mon 25 Jul 2022 19:51:47 No. 5351804 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5351563 > spend 125 for settlers > use settlers > expand northward The Idiocracy delivers us. Our golden truth lights the way.
Gild the truth. Hide it until it shines brighter than the sun itself.
Only the true golden light can see the sky. All else is but fuel for the flame
Jan Mayen
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5351669 these are sick, thanks. if OP could put the flag made for jan mayen somewhere close then thatd be appreciated.
>>5351563 On another note, Jan Mayen builds a lab to enhance the Ligma. Either our population becomes super soldiers or we create super cancer, we'll see. Expand south, too
Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5351548 Continue the southwestern expansion, but also construct a lab to study the effects of Ligma on our home island.
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5351548 Continue filling out the southern bank area
build two labs, to analyse and exterminate Ligma. Harmful or not, it is an abomination that is unnatural and incomprendable. Anything that exists must be under the full control of the Heptarchy, or not be at all. The Heptarchy has not planned for the introduction of this condition, and has decided that it is in the empire's best interests to keep everything going smoothly according to plan.
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5351548 A-21-$5 N-$1-42 P-42-%4 (No reason to stop doing what we're doing. Keep expanding everywhere and build more religious buildings around our holy site. Build a lab to the east to research how to harness the power of ligma.)
S-33-(A M-00-## (Additionally, build a searoute like pic related by spending 100 gold.)
>>5351669 Z-11-!! (Acceptable. Good job.)
>>5351640 A-21-$2 #-00-$$ P-29-!9 (We welcome you to join our religious, ape monkies. May we suggest a trade deal as well if you are joining our religion?)
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:tTbMSzZe Tue 26 Jul 2022 02:22:12 No. 5352280 Report >>5352195 Huh? I can't tell what you're saying... Wait... What?!?! No!! Keep that tentacle away from my orif-AGHHHHHH!!!!
...D&-P& 8N-8B-0*-^2 N-14-^^ (Let's trade, pardner! Forgive my horrible speech impediment. Communicating while using this ape's sweaty body is... Suboptimal.)
To anyone:
Quoted By:
>>5352280 Hey, if it works, it works. Hard earned money spent well :^) Ashen Clarke
Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5351546 Zothique Expands. It uses expansionist and builds fort on its borders. It's Western coast shall be named the Corpse-Pale Cliffs.
>>5351548 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
N-14-^^ (Populous):Q-41-%9, OPISMAD||18 Fede
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold | Labs| Ligmacites
Zothique 0|74(1)|181 | 0| 0 Scimitar Republic 3|93(1)|112 | 2| 0 Suspects 0|65(1)|529 | 3| 0
Q-41-%9 2|79(1)|60 | 1| 0 Imperium of Mankind Maxed|68(1)|5 | 3| 0 Muck Marsh Cartel 5|54(1)|511 | 0| 0
Jan Mayen Maxed|65(1)|153 | 1| 0 OPISMAD 0|82(1)|106 | 2| 0 Marrows 0|79(1)|105 | 2| 0
Amarantine Empire Maxed|87(1)|112 | 0| 0 Finnish Expedition Maxed|71(1)|181 | 1| 0 Idiocracy of Gilded Truths 5|82(1)|57 | 0| 0
Order of Liberty and Justice 11|37(0)|106 | 1| 0 Kratiya Maxed|43(0)|120 | 1| 0 Taotie 7|21(0)|37 | 0| 0
Active Effects / Items
Scimitar Republic:
>>5351669 |Q-41-%9:
>>5352280 |OPISMAD:
>>5352195 Finnish Expedition:
>>5351159 =============
The Ligma
<span class="mu-s">For those that have built labs, your researchers have begun to investigate "The Ligma". So far, they've uncovered the thing that connects it all together: Ligmacites. They will let you know if they've found a breakthrough with what you want to achieve.
For those that never bothered: Good luck.</span>
Next event on map#10
The First War: Finland vs. Zothique
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Imperium of Mankind
Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5352345 Keep expanding northwards
Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5352345 P-14-($ A-50-$$ L-42-O$ (Expansion shall never stop. Keep expanding everywhere. Build more religious buildings around the holy site.)
Order of Liberty and Justice
Order of Liberty and Justice ID:PAV6YQod Tue 26 Jul 2022 04:40:35 No. 5352360 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5352345 expand everywhere liberty and justice will free everyone no matter what
The Scimitar Republic
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5352352 >>5352280 >>5351821 >>5351741 >>5351577 Greetings friends, Hiring countless artists does not come cheap to the national treasury, in search of mutual respect, we come to you asking for a symbolic contribution of 25gold, helping to further cement our amicable diplomatic ventures.
>Expand as the arrow says The Scimitar Republic
>>5352345 Continue southeastern expansion. Apply any spill to cap the 2 unclaimed territories between myself and Amarantine.
Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5352383 linking dice
>>5351996 The Kratiyan Republican has no interest in battling with its northern neighbor. There is land enough for both our powers without draining one another's strength. Instead we should focus on trading between ourselves in preparation for future threats.
Jan Mayen
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5352361 Of course, although I'm not sure if that's allowed since we technically haven't had first contact. If it is though then sure. And some great berries too.
>>5351580 Now that we have reached first contact, we send a diplomat with the finest salmon. Jan Mayen only wishes for a prosperous existence.
>>5352345 try and encircle the coast as much as possible from both sides. Also, ka-ching national strategy
Muck Marsh
Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5352345 Roll to make more markets
Muck Marsh
>>5352345 Also I would like to make some purchases with my gold.
First order of business is to donate 25g to the scimitar republic. (We technically haven’t made first contact, but can I just donate anyways?)
Second order of business is to spend 120g on constructing two +3 fortifications on my souther border
And thirdly, I would like to spend 250g to purchase 2 orders of the extra settlers. I intend to use them next turn, but I will let you know next turn as well.
>>5352407 the diplomat stumble upon a lone nomad traveling crested atop a shaggy beast seemingly of stone like a hill, the gift of salmon is accepted silently, brought under the masks without a sound, before pulled out the fish whole but changed, as the bodies hits the beast clanging to the ground they ring as you realize its hollow now metal bones ringing against the hide turned metal the exchange was mutual but confusing distant as they turn to leave they leave you a new unrusted metal pot with a fearsome face made up of other creatures forming the image
(have not figured out how money works yet or where it really comes from or how it really works other then you just get it with the land regularly and no idea how to spend money)
>>5352407 fuck why does the area where we had first contact in look like the stone toss kiss comic
Marrow Anon
Quoted By:
Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5352345 >>5352345 To the south Vladislav was pleased, there was plenty more food here. The former metro had been home to many humans to devour. To turn to fertilizer to heal this land, he preferred this land to the south. The towers and structures reached far into the skies here. Vladislav's hulking self ascended one such large tower and gazed into the ruined city. Yes, he'd remain and direct the creatures from here.
Back in Crater City, Josef was pleasantly pleased with early research into Ligma. In time they'd come to a cure for the disease. Once there were spare funds he'd perhaps authorize one more lab to speed things along. For now the direction of expansion had to be addressed.
Focus expansion into securing the new southern most city of The Marrows Empire, Novaya Moskva. Now home to the seat of house Ignatyev. Then expand along the current south-east coast of The Empire. Eternal victory to the brave and prosperity to the sciences!
Ashen Clarke
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5352345 There's so many people playing I didn't notice I'd been attacked by finland. Oh well. Attack back, expand to the East.
Could we perhaps get a rule where you have to serve a declaration of war to the player you're attacking? Going through the list of actions to find your neighbour and see if they've attacked you is a bit of a headache.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:tTbMSzZe Tue 26 Jul 2022 09:41:23 No. 5352518 Report Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5352345 Expand all the way we can up the northern mainland, try to reach the edge of the largest lake in all Ligmaria (bullseye in pic). The lake smells intensely of sulfur, and has a dark doodoo brown color, but the water itself is potable and immaculately clean somehow. Mayhaps our Laboratories will find Ligmacites in the as-of-yet unnamed lake to assist in our research.
Since I have Expansionist (no expansion penalty), I'd also like to build some markets in the Bermuda Trapezoid this turn, if such a thing is doable. If not, skip the markets and just expand.
Also, can you build multiple buildings of different types per turn, or just one type per turn? (Forts, Markets, Temples...) I suppose if it's doable, add a few more religious buildings for N-14-^^, also in or near the Bermuda Trapezoid. If not I'll wait and just expand (and add the markets, if possible.)
Missive to the Scummy Scimmy boys:
>>5352361 A matter of respect, is it? (*takes off white glove and slaps your messenger's face silly with it, performing over a dozen whirlwind smacks in rapid succession*) You insult us. My nation doesn't pay for flags, flags should be free. You would know our feelings on this grave matter if you would have read Section 6, Article 9 of our national charter written with invisible ink. So, you can have your 25 gold... Over our dead bodies! Har har har!!
Ashen Clarke
Quoted By:
>>5352503 Forgot to add, defend from my two forts.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:tTbMSzZe Tue 26 Jul 2022 09:59:50 No. 5352522 Report I know it's on the other side of the world, but what are the little inland bubbles in the yellow arrows? Are those territories within territories, or were those supposed to be lakes? Pink arrow points to a border I'm unsure about, looks like a very looong boooy but might be two boys with only one pixel for a border (lol). Just asking for clarification even though it likely won't affect me
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5352345 expand everywhere
Build 4 more labs
Ligma research full steam ahead!
Finnish Expo !7lfxwTSzfk
Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5352345 Continue our attack on the Zoth strongholds.
"Brothers, I know that the Ligma sounds scary. I know that we're isolated and away from our world. But we also have enemies that want to kill us, and the only way we will be able to continue finding a way back home is to fight to the last man."
Finnish Expo !7lfxwTSzfk
Quoted By:
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5352361 The Finnish soldiers delegation requests a formal alliance. We need assistance. Zoths have tried to harm our efforts to find a way back home at every corner.
Quoted By:
>>5352545 >>5352345 Nvm, expand towards the sea gateway
The Scimitar Republic
Quoted By:
>>5352522 Territories within territories.
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5352418 >>5352361 No, you can't ask for a donation until you've met each other.
>>5352432 This link will answer some of your questions: Also rolling for you.
>>5352503 No, but what I could do though is collect all actions taken and post the links an hour before I make the map, so everyone can review it.
>>5352518 Yes, but keep in mind that, depending on your dice roll, you can only build a certain number of buildings at a time. For example, you may construct 3 buildings this turn (7 / 2 = 3).
>>5352522 Territories within territories. And those pixels are borders of other territories.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:tTbMSzZe Tue 26 Jul 2022 14:58:28 No. 5352663 Report Quoted By:
>>5352638 If I still have time, I choose all 3 buildings to be markets
Jan Mayen
Jan Mayen
i wish to bring attention to the fact this area of the map resembles michigan + the great lakes
>>5352681 you're wrong, that's lake amongus
>>5352345 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 12 hours from the time of this post.
N-14-^^ (Populous):Q-41-%9, OPISMAD||34 Fede
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold |Labs|Ligmacites
Zothique 4|88(1)|215 |0|0 Scimitar Republic 7|104(2)|153 |2|4 Suspects 7|81(1)|569 |3|6
Q-41-%9 11|97(1)|105 |1|2 Imperium of Mankind 0|84(1)|43 |3|6 Muck Marsh Cartel 10|54(1)|183 |3|6
Jan Mayen 0|87(1)|694 |1|2 OPISMAD 7|100(2)|148 |2|4 Marrows 9|95(1)|144 |2|4
Amarantine Empire 0|87(1)|142 |0|0 Finnish Expedition 0|64(1)|222 |1|2 Idiocracy of Gilded Truths 5|82(1)|87 |0|0
Order of Liberty and Justice 16|48(0)|141 |1|2 Kratiya Maxed|59(1)|158 |1|2 Taotie 17|21(0)|77 |0|0
Active Effects / Items
Settlers (2x) : Muck Marsh Cartel
Scimitar Republic:
>>5351669 |Q-41-%9:
>>5352280 |OPISMAD:
>>5352195 Finnish Expedition:
>>5351159 =============
The Ligma
<span class="mu-s">Eureka! The Ligmacites have been successfully split! Just a little more sequencing and testing, and some of you will discover The Ligma's abilities...</span>
Next event on map#10
The First War: Finland vs. Zothique
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Imperium of Mankind
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5352698 Expand Northwest
Finnish Expo !7lfxwTSzfk
Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5352698 Continue our war against the Zoths, build forts on two of our tiny islands, name the crossing the Gulf of Mannerheim.
>>5352698 OP, my mistake, the nvm was only for the expansion order, i still want the labs, can i get it built for map 7 or too late?
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5352698 Expand towards the sea gateway
Idiocracy of Gilded Truths
Idiocracy of Gilded Truths ID:Wm5Hvljp Tue 26 Jul 2022 18:37:57 No. 5352808 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5352345 > move to the southwest > build a lab in the middle of our lands- at our capital, Idiotia GILDED TRUTH HARBOR US, SHOW THY WILL THROUGH THOSE BLESSED BY THY UNEARTHLY LIGHT
Idiocracy of Gilded Truths
Idiocracy of Gilded Truths ID:Wm5Hvljp Tue 26 Jul 2022 18:39:08 No. 5352810 Report Quoted By:
Fucking dammit it didn’t post aaaand now I’ve missed a turn. Amazing. Just as I thought I had a chance this time around
>>5352698 <span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-b">If anyone wants, I can always cut back the time to 24 hours every map instead of 12. Please let me know! </span></span>
>>5352674 That we should sell burgers?
Jan Mayen
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5352689 ah, fuck.
>>5352817 best burger chain in all of ligmaria?
>>5352698 continue to envelop the coast/bay/whatever its called. Also if possible build another lab close to the already existing one.
Idiocracy of Gilded Truths
Idiocracy of Gilded Truths ID:Wm5Hvljp Tue 26 Jul 2022 19:16:05 No. 5352847 Report Quoted By:
>>5352812 I’d like that, yeah
Marrow Anon
Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5352698 Log: The virus that makes The Creatures of the North had it's genetic sequence mapped before the apocalypse. Though the virus wasn't deemed a particular threat due to readily available vaccine and antiviral treatments. The virus has nearly no effect on healthy adults, there are negligible behavioral modifications to adolescences, and major issues with children infected from a young age or at birth. The pituitary gland has tumors typically as the young brain develops. This results in acromegaly.
Furthermore even in developed adults the thyroid gland does begin to leak an amount of additional growth hormones. Inherited or late form of the infection in youth is lethal if immune antigen is introduced critical brain damage develops. Resulting in eventual multiorgan failure and death. Other brain areas of the brain significantly impacted by the virus include the thalamus, basal ganglia, and cerebellum. Overall, subjects lack empathy and are incredibly aggressive with intense mood swings into aggression.
The major notable feature of this virus is that potency increases as successive generations are exposed to the infection. Resulting what can be seen in the present day creatures.
Expand along the South-East and take the land bridges if possible.
Marrow Anon
Quoted By:
>>5352851 Dropped the picture. This is The Marrow's route.
The Scimitar Republic
Quoted By:
>>5352812 That's cool with me.
Muck Marsh
>>5352698 I will now purchase a THIRD extra settler, and then use all 3 of my settlers to expand to this line. Any extra tiles will be used to expand west instead
Order of Liberty and Justice
Order of Liberty and Justice ID:PAV6YQod Tue 26 Jul 2022 20:34:40 No. 5352903 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5352698 expand once more for Liberty and Justice
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:tTbMSzZe Tue 26 Jul 2022 20:46:25 No. 5352921 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5352817 Burgers?
>>5352698 Continue to E X P A N D north towards the largest lake in Ligmaria.
Create more markets, also in the northern mainland.
Finally, purchase another Lab and put it on the upper mainland, far away from the new markets also being built there this turn. Soon we will intensify our research on combating this blasphemous mystery substance.
so settlers are used to contact other nations or something not on the list?
The Goose !!9Nx11Y8TakX
>>5352812 I vote neither for or against.
Whatever is good for the gander...
The Goose !!9Nx11Y8TakX
>>5352922 Also, how long do extra settlers last for? Just one turn, right?
(I believe we are referring to #6 on the Economy pastebin)
Quoted By:
>>5352922 >>5352939 Settlers allow you to expand to more territory. You may keep settlers as long as you want. Just don't let another nation steal them.
Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5352698 Expand northeast along the coast. Construct a market in the southeast as well.
what happens if a territory is separated from the bulk of the main country?
Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5352698 expand like a bubble leaving one territory thickline coating the coastline in unbroken manner so someone like jan mayen can go around taotie
The Scimitar Republic
>>5352698 >Buy level 2 forts at the provinces with a Black dot (120) >Expand orange arrow Cut off the expansion routes of our friend's foes.
Quoted By:
>>5352945 I'm not sure what you're expecting. There isn't any penalty for territories away from your mainland. It's simply territory that you have access to.
The Scimitar Republic
Quoted By:
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5352970 >>5352698 Forgot my roll, sorry
Quoted By:
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5352698 Shit I missed a mupdate
>Expand in the north east till the strait crossing to the island. Then expand southeast towards the great lakes. Sus
Quoted By:
>>5352713 >>5352717 >>5352698 also build as many labs as i can (two i guess 200 400),
Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5352698 A-21-$5 N-$1-42 P-42-%4 (No reason to stop doing what we're doing. Keep expanding everywhere and build more religious buildings around our holy site.)
how much does a lab cost?
Marrow Anon
>>5353099 25, 50, 100, doubling after each one.
Quoted By:
>>5353105 Damn then i could have built a lab earlier
Ashen Clarke
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5352698 The sharp eyes of Zothique look upon Finland once more, and conquer...
The lustrous jungles also begin to move eastward.
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5352891 rolling for you, much marsh monster
Jan Mayen
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5352698 >>5352846 Will automate my next too in case I sleep in and miss the map. Keep closing around the bay
>>5352698 Notes
<span class="mu-s">Switching to 24 hours now </span>
automated roll
>>5353326 LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 24 hours from the time of this post or when everyone moves.
N-14-^^ (Populous:Q-41-%9, OPISMAD)||59 Fede
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold |Labs|Ligmacites
Zothique 10|99(1)|251 |0|0 Scimitar Republic 14|120(2)|77 |2|8 Suspects 15|97(1)|10 |5|12
Q-41-%9 15|110(2)|145 |1|4 Imperium of Mankind 3|91(1)|76 |3|12 Muck Marsh Cartel 12|67(1)|99 |3|12
Jan Mayen 3|94(1)|680 |1|4 OPISMAD 11|113(2)|90 |3|4 Marrows 18|111(2)|183 |2|8
Amarantine Empire 1|94(1)|173 |2|8 Finnish Expedition 5|58(1)|266 |1|4 Idiocracy of Gilded Truths 8|89(1)|95 |1|0
Order of Liberty and Justice Maxed|59(1)|177 |1|4 Kratiya Maxed|66(1)|192 |1|4 Taotie 19|28(0)|109 |0|0
Active Effects / Items
Scimitar Republic:
>>5351669 |Q-41-%9:
>>5352280 |OPISMAD:
>>5352195 Finnish Expedition:
>>5351159 =============
The Ligma
>>5352702 >>5352713 >>5352891 <span class="mu-s">Well done! You've successfully reached the point of understanding "The Ligma"! Now, onto the conclusions:
For those that wish to enhance their abilities, it appears that the Ligmacites can form into the following patterns: Sligma (attack), Shligma (defense), Charligma (gold), Fligma (fede), Pigma (expansion) and Stigma (poison). One pattern to adapt to your people costs 10 ligmacites. Try it and find out what it does.
Furthermore, you may also attempt to use the current Ligmacites (removes 10 of them) to mutate The Ligma and give your people a random bonus. With some moderation, you won't ever receive anything bad from The Ligma.
Now, for those that wish to kill it off this planet, creating an antibody for The Ligma costs 10 ligmacites. Additionally, any one person who uses The Ligma to their advantage, as long as the antibodies work, they have no effect on you. However, be mindful that any minor mutations of The Ligma may hinder this effect a little. </span>
Next event on map#10
The First War: Finland vs. Zothique
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Ashen Clarke
Quoted By:
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5353347 Push back the vile Finns and let them know the terrors of Zothique. The jungles and wilds of Zothique shall expand east, looking for more plains and peaks to experience the coal red sun oblique.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:tTbMSzZe Wed 27 Jul 2022 03:21:56 No. 5353360 Report >>5353347 Make contact with the Muck Marsh Cartel:
*Sniff, sniff*
"Oh, uh... Hello there, lads. Wonderful weather we're having today, huh? How 'bout those Ligmacytes?"
>>5353347 here's a more detailed graph that I should have posted instead of writing it out.
F-49-$( !)-DA-%! L-10-$5 J-14-a% Q-41-%9 SC-1M-1T (Attention, foreign nation consisting of carbon based lifeforms. We wish to introduce ourselves, the Q-41-%9, to you, the Scimitar Republic. We wish to offer you a deal, a trade deal, to benefit your economy. Perhaps you can ship us any 'ink' or 'dye' you have for us to drink. We can offer you 'drinking water' in exchange.)
A-14-%@ (We also received a disrupted message for an exchange of 25 gold for a map. We will give that to you as well.)
>>5353347 A-AA-AA B-BB-BB C-CC-CC (You know what we must do. We all know what we must do. Keep expanding to every corner we can get our hands onto, build more religious buildings around our holy site.)
Marrow Anon
Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5353347 The first contact: News that The Marrows had now made contact made its way to Josef's desk quickly. A decision had to be made, with little hesitation the grizzled old man called for war plan A. Mutants and infantry battalions would be deployed, if they couldn't secure their central positions their would be hell to be paid.
Expand against the Imperium of Mankind and attack from where it's possible. If possible build markets on the island to the south of Crater City. The industries of war shall be built on blood.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:tTbMSzZe Wed 27 Jul 2022 03:44:52 No. 5353373 Report Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5353347 >Expand First ensure that we finally reach Doodoo Butter Lake in the north. 5 territories or less if possible.
The rest of the expansion goes towards the second highlighted area in the picrelat, on the southern mainland.
>Build markets Near the other existing markets
Quoted By:
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5353347 Kratiya embraces the purity of the unLigma flesh. Remove Ligma. All my homies hate Ligma.
Also expand southeast.
The Scimitar Republic
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5353367 As long as you don't set your tentacles on our rightful sword shaped peninsula we shall carry out a friendly trade agreement between our nations, and we will ship you supplies of our precious and tasty orange ink.
We need a reasonable living space to thrive, as one naturally does.
>accept trade deal as long as they agree to the conditions. >>5353220 It has come to our attention that you have been warrying with one of our esteemed trade partners. We can't and will NOT tolerate any threats to our foreign economic affairs.
Either you cede a corridor of access to the rest of the continent to the finns or we will have to intervene in that military campaign of yours.
>Expand according to the arrow, taking control over the port Muck Marsh
Quoted By:
>>5353273 Sorry I thought for sure I did the dice+d10 thing
Muck Marsh
>>5353360 *motions with slimy appendages towards a digital speaker that outputs the following translated message*
Greetings new friends. Yes, we are very intrigued by this new discovery of the ligmatites. We wish to further… integrate with the biosphere. We encourage you to do so as well. I hope we can get along with each other. Violence would be… disadvantageous for business.
Muck Marsh
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5353347 We will embrace the Stigma strain. May it enhance our species and bring us prosperity!
I will use my action this turn to expand into the pockets of unclaimed territory.
I will also spend 80 gold to build two +2 fortifications on our eastern border. These outsiders… they cannot be trusted. Our people must be protected and strong defenses are required for this
Muck Marsh
Quoted By:
>>5353451 And also sorry if it wasn’t clear, but I don’t wish to expand any further east
>>5353347 A-PL-59 (Nearly forgot. We shall focus on Fligma, we did build a lab.)
>>5353373 11-22-33 !!-!!-!! (Deal accepted and signed. We have so much land to expand into, we can restrict our expansion so.)
Imperium of Mankind
Quoted By:
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5353347 Activate Anger power up and use ligmacites to activate sligma. Counter-attack Marrow.
Quoted By:
>>5353422 >>5353467 Just noticed I meant to reply to you, not to OPISMAD. Whoops.
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5353347 Expand southeast
Mutate ligma!!
Finnish Expo !7lfxwTSzfk
Quoted By:
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5353347 Activate a ligmacite for attack pattern, counter the Zoth hordes.
>>5353422 These terrorists will be conquered in full.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:tTbMSzZe Wed 27 Jul 2022 13:52:49 No. 5353679 Report >>5353444 "Wow wee, more talking tentacloids! Are you also from outer space, or are you native to this planet? There's this real cool tentacle guy in the sky named N-14-^^, I think you should submit to him to receive his blessings, as I have done. And yes, peace is preferable. Let's rejoice in the bountiful harvests of Ligmaria together. Shall we form a trade union?"
(Can I start a second trade partnership? Or only one at a time? Could I act as a middle-man/messenger and offer Muck Marsh Cartel to join the trade partnership I have with Q-41-%9, or would they have to make contact first?)
>>5353574 >>5353347 ...mutate ligma to Fligma!!
also i'm against 24h maps
Quoted By:
>>5353422 The lands of Zothique do not give way to lesser realms and men. It is the Finn's fault for thinking they could tame our wild jungles and ravines, and in their hubris have marched to their doom. The seek our haunted coasts when they have all of theirs, and they squander what hope they have of winning. No, we will not end this clash for it is peace the Finns shall seek; it is up to them to decide what will be given, and what will be taken. And do not think to contend with the darkened lands of Zothique, for it is strong and you are weak.
Muck Marsh
>>5353686 I also prefer 12 hr maps, but 24 is fine if you need to, op
Quoted By:
>>5353729 >>5353686 Personally, I would stick with 12 hours, but I guess some people can't keep up, considering we've got 15 players on the map and a lot of shit can happen.
Muck Marsh
>>5353679 *the digital speakers sputter as they power on*
More tentacloids? We haven’t made contact with any other nations. We have been in relative isolation until recently. We are very interested in learning more about their biology though. We would also like to sample some living tissue from your species so that we may… better understand each other.
We do not know about this N-14-^^ you speak of. But submission… does not appear preferable. We would like to know more about this “tentacle guy in the sky”. Perhaps he is willing to share the technology that allows him to fly with us.
We are willing to conduct trade with you. An union would be most acceptable, and I believe we both will benefit from trade between our peoples. We will send our diplomats immediately to work out the details
>>5353679 (Yes to having more than one trade deal, and you can always introduce a nation to another nation if you know them. If Marrows met up with say Amarantite Empire, Marrows can introduce them to the Imperium of Mankind.)
>>5353347 so maya where do you want to go in what direction? currently i dont know where exactly if i block you we could trade territories 1:1 as the masked creatures follow you side by side currently getting in the way like a kid
Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5353813 >expand according to plan The Scimitar Republic
>>5353364 Ligmacites can be traded.
Jan Mayen
Quoted By:
>>5353813 trying to grow around that bay as much as possible right now. after that, probably go south to the river
>>5353841 do we need to prospect ligma sites and ligma mine?
labs are destroyed or stolen when conquered?
Quoted By:
>>5353909 When you conquer a territory with a lab, you can choose to keep it or destroy it.
Order of Liberty and Justice
Order of Liberty and Justice ID:PAV6YQod Wed 27 Jul 2022 20:49:43 No. 5353960 Report Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5353347 expand everywhere once again
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:tTbMSzZe Wed 27 Jul 2022 22:10:36 No. 5354052 Report Quoted By:
I choose to
>Introduce the my neighboring tentacloid nations to each other, Muck Marsh Cartel and Q-41-%9. >>5353752 >>5353749 Also, as far as 12/24h maps is concerned, I'll change my mind to not vote. I now vote in favor of ~12h maps.
>>5353347 Notes
<span class="mu-s">Switching to 12 hours on the next map and kicking out Amarantine Empire and Idiocracy of Gilded Truths if they do not roll for this map. </span>
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 24 hours from the time of this post.
N-14-^^ (Populous:Q-41-%9, OPISMAD)||81 Fede
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold |Labs|Ligmacites
Zothique Maxed|118(2)|291 |0|0 Scimitar Republic Maxed|136(2)|146 |2|12 Suspects Maxed|119(2)|53 |5|12
Q-41-%9 Maxed|128(2)|65 |1|6 Imperium of Mankind 13|95(1)|116 |3|8 Muck Marsh Cartel 18|78(1)|64 |3|8
Jan Mayen 7|105(2)|717 |1|6 OPISMAD Maxed|131(2)|139 |3|10 Marrows Maxed|112(2)|215 |2|12
Amarantine Empire 1|94(1)|203 |2|12 Finnish Expedition 12|51(1)|312 |1|6 Idiocracy of Gilded Truths 8|89(1)|125 |1|2
Order of Liberty and Justice Maxed|75(1)|214 |1|6 Kratiya Maxed|73(1)|227 |1|6 Taotie Maxed|39(0)|144 |0|0
Active Effects / Items
Ligma-STR (+5 Attack): Zothique
Fligma : Suspects
Sligma : Imperium of Mankind
Stigma : Muck Marsh Cartel
Ligma-VOL1 (+5 Gold): Taotie
Scimitar Republic:
>>5351669 >>5353367 |Q-41-%9:
>>5352280 >>5353422 |OPISMAD:
>>5352195 Finnish Expedition:
>>5351159 =============
The Ligma
<span class="mu-r">The Ligma has mutated for some nations! </span>
Next event on map#10
<span class="mu-r">Another explosion is heard throughout the world. Again, what is happening? We still can't pinpoint the exact source! </span>
The First War: Finland vs. Zothique
The War of Bloodlust: Marrows vs. Imperium
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Finnish Expo !7lfxwTSzfk
Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5354307 The Zoths will fear the wrath of our snipers as we go deeper into their forests.
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5354307 close the distance between me and Marrows.
After being exposed to Ligma and all its wonders, the sussy people knew this was too good to be earthly. After a long study and many meetings our people have come to the conclusion that divinity is not beyond our reach, in fact, there are half gods among us.
using my maxed NS to create the Red's Legacy religion with the High Walls belief.
The Skeld (holy site) location on pic
Rolled 1 (1d10) Expand eastward. Lets fill up that subcontinent. In order to destroy the ligma we must use the ligma. Enable PIGMA.
Ashen Clarke
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5354307 Activate Blitzkrieg, attack Finland. Attack the Scimitars too if they are foolish enough to meddle with the lands of Zothique. Expand ever further to the East.
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5354307 N-30-S9 A-40-$8, !-45-!E, AL-40-!! (It is time to use the national strategy, Scouting Party, to introduce ourselves to the Suspects. The sus, if you will. Keep expanding everywhere and build more religious buildings around our holy site.)
>>5353749 A-14-$!, $!-DL-4$ !(-%!(%! 1$? $(10 $(@ A-F-gGLA. AF-TO-$8. (Welcome, Much Marsh. We are the Q-41-%9. We are silicon based lifeforms that came to this planet to seek a better future. Our many limbs, faces, and tendrils squirm at your presence.)
N-14-^^ A-XX-!! L-$$, !$), OP-IS-MAD ??!O (N-14-^^ is simply our religion, since we sense confusion over that name. It focuses on community and growing of the population, to seek for a better future for the believers. OP-IS-MAD is simply another humanoid species who is not used to our diaclet.
&&&-&&&-^^^, $$$$! (We offer you a deal. You can join a trade deal with the two of our nations, benefiting all nations involved with more gold and resources. I also offer you to join my religion, to bolster your own expansion, for the small price of building religious buildings in your nation.)
>>5354339 !!-!!-!! F-13-$!, L$-!$-!$, Q-41-%9, AM-GO-US LA-14-(!, P-11-11 (Attention, Nation of Sus. We wish to propose a offer o you. A trade deal, and potential access to more nations for future trade deals down the road. We are the Q-41-%9. We hope this deal is acceptable.)
Marrow Anon
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5354307 The first news along the front wasn't good. Mismanaged logistics doomed the first wave Josef however had an idea. Among the creature of the north on the continent, they spoke of great origin amongst the north. Firstly he'd order deployment of antibodies against the Imperium. Secondly, he'd 'promote' one of the mutants. It'd be a deeper plan Crater island wouldn't be Crater island. Creator Island would be the northern lands where all of live originated from. In life death was inevitable, yet in battle the deceased would be delivered to the Great Hall. Where they'd eat, feast, and battle eternally with the first creature ODIN. That'd raise moral among The Creatures.
Create Religion: Norf - Creed of War put the holy ground in center of Crater/Creator City. Attack to the east and expand to the south. Create and deploy antibodies against the Imperium.
Marrow Anon
Jan Mayen
>>5354307 Build as many forts as possible, anywhere on the red tiles.
Also create a scouting party to initiate first contact with The Scimitar Republic.
Jan Mayen
Quoted By:
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5354446 forgot to roll
>>5354418 What do you mean by "our holy site"? are you converting to the almighty sus? If so, im very pleased to meet you and i'm planning on those buildings and keep spreading ligma to the world.
about the trade deal i'll accept that, and i not only deal with gold but also ligmacite and sussy favors, feel free to ask for anything!
about meeting new people i'm not really a fan, i like to keep a low profile and the Red's Legacy will not be announced to the world, the world should seek our truth, not the other way around, just like did.
Q-95-$÷, @M0,NG-U$!
Quoted By:
>>5354497 XX-XX-XX (Incorrect to the first question. We have our own religion and we are focusing on bolstering the power of it first. We shall respect your religion, however.)
UU-UU-UU (Trade deal accepted. We hope this exchange is worthwhile.)
XD-??-XD (Adorable use of our language. You are truly sussy.)
Imperium of Mankind
Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5354307 The Emperor is not pleased with the initial offensive expecting more land to have been take. He order's a new offensive against the Marrow. He's order's the military to use the Blitzkrieg tactics to make a break through.
The imperial senate has proclaim "Cult Imperialis" as the official religion of the Imperium.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Thu 28 Jul 2022 12:19:29 No. 5354561 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d10) Use 10 ligmacites to formulate a solution that counteracts the Ligma that gives other nations a bonus to their Strength. This nation will not be sundered by a mutation! Then activate SCOUTING PARTY and introduce my nation to the fine fellows of Kraytia>"Sup y'all?" Then expand as far west and southwest as I can on the lower mainland, as if trying to meet the eastern borders of the Idiocracy of Gilded Truths, and the Order of Liberty and Justice Also buy a Lab, and put it somewhere, anywhere deep within my borders
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Thu 28 Jul 2022 12:33:21 No. 5354566 Report >>5354366 Inspired by the tentaclats, I would also like to extend a deal for a trade union with the peoples of Kratiya.
And if I could encourage them to lay down offensive Ligma research in order to focus on immunizations of the rampantly diverging strains, I would do so. In our laboratories, we have made a breakthrough, and isolated an organelle that looks like two tiny walnuts or brazil nuts in the Ligma virus, next to where its DNA is stored. This organelle is responsible for producing various changes in physiology. My nation sees past the easy convenience, and sees that only horribly painful death and very smelly diseases await anyone who harvest the energy of Ligma Nuts.
The Scimitar Republic
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5354307 >Gene engineer our Ligma into Anti-Ligma-STR(zothique) >Found our Religion The rulers of the old world have returned to reclaim what was once lost. Our glory is eternal, and so are we.
>Flying Destiny: +5 territories while expanding for the founder, +3 territories while expanding for followers. A big obelisk is erected at an important square in the city of SvetenBojs (black X). Built of black rock with a golden tip at the end.
>>5354368 The Zothiqueans have proven to us that they can't be tamed and are the masters of their own destiny. We won't meddle in your sovereign state as long as it doesn't threaten us.
>>5353960 We greet you from the not so distant western coast of this continent, we come in peace, offering you a trade pact, the world is large and full of opportunities, why waste them in a foolish war?
>Aquire the eastern coast of the big lake 'Sam Ugo', named that in honor of one of our greatest statesman The Scimitar Republic
Muck Marsh
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5354307 Expand into the 2 tiles in the east and then continue west.
>>5354418 *the translator whirs*
Greetings. Your biology is quite… unique. We too seek a better future on this planet. We welcome you to Ligmaria. We insist that you share all texts regarding your species’ biology with us. It is quite…. fascinating.
Your religion is…. acceptable. We agree with its core tenets, and we humbly accept your proposal. As for your other proposal… a trade deal would be very…. mutually beneficial. We accept. We look forward to this partnership and to grow the economies of our peoples.
We must also request that you share your communication access to the scimitar republic with us. We have unattended to business with them that we would like to… resolve.
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5354307 >>5353813 Continue this plan expand downwards and leave the same coastline
>>5354339 >>5354307 Also use 10 ligmacites to mutate The Ligma
Quoted By:
>>5354885 *enhance is what i meant
Quoted By:
>>5354854 basically every as always squeeze as tightly as possible against the coastline again but leaving a as thin as possible strand of territory around the coast that are still connected with eachother
>>5354566 The Kratiyan Royal Republic agrees with the sentiments of the OPISADICK. Ligma is a dangerous and radical divergence from Pure Humanity, and it should be rejected and destroyed at every turn. We would aid in research to eradicate Ligma, as well as trade with OPISADICK to strengthen our mutual anti-Ligma stance.
Order of Liberty and Justice
Order of Liberty and Justice ID:PAV6YQod Thu 28 Jul 2022 22:42:00 No. 5354976 Report Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5354307 1.Expansionist (Expansion): You don't receive an expansion penalty when taking other actions, and you get +10 free territories in your respective expansion range.
expand everywhere and continue our research on Ligma
>>5354613 this is acceptable as we can tell that you follow the path of Liberty and Justice
>>5354307 >>5354307 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 13 hours from the time of this post.
N-14-^^ (Populous):Q-41-%9, OPISMAD||115 Fede
Red's Legacy (High Walls):Suspects||0 Fede
Norf (Creed of War):Marrows||0 Fede
Unknown (Flying Destiny):Scimitar Republic||0 Fede
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold |Labs|Ligmacites
Zothique 0|136(2)|329 |0|0 Scimitar Republic 0|143(2)|190 |2|6 Suspects 0|130(2)|92 |5|22
Q-41-%9 0|140(2)|257 |1|8 Imperium of Mankind 18|95(1)|151 |3|14 Muck Marsh Cartel 19|85(1)|104 |3|8
Jan Mayen 14|105(2)|657 |1|8 OPISMAD 0|143(2)|135 |4|16 Marrows 0|117(2)|252 |2|4
Finnish Expedition 14|41(0)|353 |1|8 Order of Liberty and Justice 0|92(1)|247 |1|8 Kratiya Maxed|80(1)|260 |1|8
Taotie Maxed|55(1)|186 |0|0
Active Effects / Items
Ligma-STR (+5 Attack): Zothique
Blitzkrieg Success (+3 Attack,ends in 1 turn): Zothique
Anti-Ligma-STR : Scimitar Republic
Fligma : Suspects
Sligma : Imperium of Mankind
Stigma : Muck Marsh Cartel
Anti-Sligma : OPISMAD
Anti-Sligma : Marrows
Ligma-VOL1 (+5 Gold): Taotie
Scimitar Republic:
>>5351669 >>5353367 >>5354976 |Suspects:
>>5354418 |Q-41-%9:
>>5352280 >>5353422 >>5354497 >>5354738 Muck Marsh Cartel:
>>5354418 |OPISMAD:
>>5352195 >>5354910 |Finnish Expedition:
>>5351159 Order of Liberty and Justice:
>>5354613 |Kratiya:
>>5354566 =============
The Ligma
Map Bandits
<span class="mu-r">Yeehaw! The Map bandits have arrived to scramble things up a notch!</span>
Dat's right partners, life is like a box of chocolates. You don't know what you gunna get after the ligma splits yall up.
Next event on map#15
The First War: Finland vs. Zothique
The War of Bloodlust: Marrows vs. Imperium
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Jan Mayen
Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5355268 Here's hoping the map bandits dont fuck shit up too badly.
Continue to expand around the bay as usual and build another market using the expansionist NS.
Also finally donate that 25 gold to the scimitar republic.
Marrow Anon
>>5355268 No fancy lore this time. Just attack to the east and expand to the south.
Quoted By:
>>5355274 Lame. I enjoyed reading it.
Marrow Anon
Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5355274 Dice didn't show for some reason...
>>5355268 OP i need clarity, can i enhance the ligma after mutating it to a pattern?
Order of Liberty and Justice
Order of Liberty and Justice ID:PAV6YQod Fri 29 Jul 2022 03:47:32 No. 5355289 Report Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5355268 expand everywhere once more and continue to research The Ligma and build more labs
Ligma-VOL1 (+5 Gold): Taotie what doe´s this mean?
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5355268 Begin anti-Ligma research in conjunction with OPISADICK. Resume southeastern expansion.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Fri 29 Jul 2022 04:48:52 No. 5355325 Report Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5355268 >LMK if I made any mistakes. I believe Muck Marsh Cartel joined N-14-^^, though I may be missing something.
Also, I'm guessing Ligmacites are cumulative and don't deplete upon using them for (antibody) research?
Other stuff looks good to my knowledge and attention span.
>>5355302 Very stunning and brave of you, friend.
Now for my actions this map:
Expand everywhere on the southern mainland, but make a point to introduce ourselves to the Order of Liberty and Justice.
To OoTaJ:
"Hail! We come in peace! How are things on the other side of the great continent?"
Introduce KRATIYA to all three nations I am in contact with this turn: first Order of Truth and Justice, then Q-41-%9, and finally Muck Marsh Cartel. Or all at the same time, if possible, that is preferable. If I can only do one per turn or OoTaJ is unavailable, I choose to go in order of how I wrote them.
Priveleged Communications:
>TO KRATIYA AND CONQSTR ONLY, DON'T PEAK: Truth be told, my tentacled alien neighbors scared me so much, I gave in to their bizarre religion just so they might stop probing and tentacling my peoples, but it's only intensified their "communications" with my people. I live in a state of constant fear. On top of that, OPISBUTTMAD also made contact with a bizarre terrestrial tentacled race as well, they appear most fearsome... I worry for my safety in these lands... In case anyone is listening in on these broadcasts... R-69-&H J-K0-+7 C-$8-*G. Repeat broadcast. Truth be told, my tentacl... Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Fri 29 Jul 2022 04:53:12 No. 5355330 Report Liberty and Justice, Truth and Justice... Same difference, right? (I'm a little drunk and also phoneposting)
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5355268 A-21-$5 N-$1-42 P-42-%4 ##$ (No reason to stop doing what we're doing. Keep expanding everywhere and build more religious buildings around our holy site, alongside some markets now that our FEDE is high enough.)
>>5354738 >>5354613 $-!!-49 A-!!-59 (Scimitar, Muck. Muck, Scimitar. You two are now introduced, you may talk.)
Muck Marsh
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5354613 *slips 25g into the donation box*
We appreciate your craftsmanship, people of the sword. We apologize in advance for any slime that may or may not have gotten on the gold
>>5355268 Do I need to do anything now that I’m in a trade league and are following a religion? I’m not too clear on the rules but it seems like I have to make some buildings?
Rolling to expand west
>>5355411 (Trade deals are not trade leagues. Trade deals just give both parties a passive +5 gold. As for the religion, you can build religious buildings to generate more Fede, which gives bonuses after certain milestones are reached, but you don't strictly have to.
The populous religion ability allows you to build forts/markets/religious buildings, attack, or defend without getting a penalty to expansion. Forts help you defend, markets give you more money, and I just explained the religious buildings)
Muck Marsh
Quoted By:
>>5355416 Oh ok I’m still confused
>>5355268 I want to build a religious building
Quoted By:
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5355268 Claim the one free territory between me and the Marrows and then keep expanding southeast.
Build forts on my holy site and labs.
Keep trying to enhance the Ligma until it works.
Finnish Expo !7lfxwTSzfk
Rolled 2 (1d10) Take back the island, counter back into Zoth lands.
>>5355268 Ashen Clarke
Quoted By:
Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5355268 The Finns are weak and cannot hold back the tide, the tide that is the terror of Zothique. Attack! Expand Zothique ever Eastward.
>>5355279 Yes
>>5355293 It means you get +5 gold per turn
>>5355325 1.No , they need a few religious buildings first if they want to join.
2.Yes, they do deplete once you used them for anything
>>5355411 You're not in a trade league. You've made a trade agreement. Otherwise see
>>5355416 the Scimitar Republic
>The chosen people >Exand orange arrow >>5355411 We thank you for your contribution. While we are are it why not enter in a comercial agreement? We have plenty of mushrooms in our dank forests and jungles.
>>5355620 TO FINLAND
We advise you to end your war if you seek the survival of your people. We can offer you the lands colores in cyan for the low price of 150gold per province. Alternatively, for us to partake in this dangerous war we would need resources, namely all of your gold, otherwise we can not garantee your safety. the Scimitar Republic
>>5355330 Aren't you interested in our cultural practices? Our religion can offer you grewt benefits in the long run. Join us in this reconquest of the old land.
the Scimitar Republic
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Fri 29 Jul 2022 14:46:41 No. 5355755 Report Quoted By:
>>5355714 Okay, I conflated like 4 or 5 different things and got them all mixed up. I forgot my Populous religion negated my expansion penalty. If there is still time, I'd like to build more temples this turn, scattered all over my nation.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Fri 29 Jul 2022 14:47:51 No. 5355757 Report Quoted By:
>>5355750 (I don't believe we've yet made contact ;-( )
>>5355268 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 11 hours from the time of this post.
N-14-^^ (Populous):Q-41-%9, OPISMAD,||146 Fede
Red's Legacy (High Walls):Suspects||5 Fede
Norf (Creed of War):Marrows||13 Fede
The Chosen People (Flying Destiny):Scimitar Republic||8 Fede
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold |Labs|Ligmacites
Zothique 9|146(2)|368 |0|0 Scimitar Republic 7|159(3)|244 |2|10 Suspects 10|152(3)|140 |5|22
Q-41-%9 5|151(3)|313 |1|10 Imperium of Mankind 18|85(1)|181 |3|14 Muck Marsh Cartel Maxed|94(1)|155 |3|12
Jan Mayen Maxed|121(2)|673 |1|10 OPISMAD 6|143(2)|190 |4|14 Marrows 2|132(2)|285 |2|8
Finnish Expedition 16|38(0)|394 |1|10 Order of Liberty and Justice 2|99(1)|234 |2|10 Kratiya 10|102(2)|307 |1|10
Taotie Maxed|62(1)|246 |0|0
Active Effects / Items
Ligma-STR (+5 Attack): Zothique
Anti-Ligma-STR : Scimitar Republic
Fligma-SYT : Suspects
Sligma : Imperium of Mankind
Stigma : Muck Marsh Cartel
Anti-Sligma : OPISMAD
Anti-Sligma : Marrows
Ligma-VOL1 (+5 Gold): Taotie
Scimitar Republic:
>>5351669 >>5353367 >>5354976 |Suspects:
>>5354418 |Q-41-%9:
>>5352280 >>5353422 >>5354497 >>5354738 Muck Marsh Cartel:
>>5354418 |OPISMAD:
>>5352195 >>5354910 |Finnish Expedition:
>>5351159 Order of Liberty and Justice:
>>5354613 |Kratiya:
>>5354566 =============
The Ligma
Next event on map#15
The First War: Finland vs. Zothique
The War of Bloodlust: Marrows vs. Imperium
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Sus
Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5355857 Expansion focus on pic (pink with a teal cross)
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Fri 29 Jul 2022 16:27:25 No. 5355886 Report >>5355857 You son of a bitch.
The Scimitar Republic
Quoted By:
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5355857 >aquire sea gate 1st >spill into 2nd expansion connecting our lands >spill into 3rd expansion consolidating our distant holdings Marrow Anon
Quoted By:
Since I actually got some sleep. I will write out a scene in Novaya Moskva. A man leaned against a building smoked a cigarette. He plucked the filter from his cracked lips and flicked it out onto the street. His hand slid down his side and reached a grip. As one the tyrants who'd reached this already demolished city walked as though this land had been theirs for generations. The man stepped from the corner and fired a round. The creatures head snapped back and the mutant made feral-like roar and charged. These thing's had skulls thicker than the wasteland's elephants. Though, he thought as he grazed past the hulking creature's sided and spun around to sink a shot into the creatures leg bringing it to the ground. If there were one more he'd need his entire crew. The creature finally fell to another 50 cal. shot to the back of the head. Up the street in a poorly lit viewing the action through a spotting scope a member of the Crater City team blanked. He'd observed the action from here. Including the man with gun emptying his magazine in The Creature from the North's skull to ensure it was dead. The science team member then putting the scope back on his belt just as the man down the holstered his gun. He'd made a mental note to bring the neighborhood to the notice of the enforcers. If The Marrow's Empire was going to govern then they needed to get it's largest city compliant first.
>>5355886 What? I was following instructions.
>Expand everywhere on the southern mainland, but make a point to introduce ourselves to the Order of Liberty and Justice. Therefore, I made a point.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Fri 29 Jul 2022 16:34:37 No. 5355893 Report Quoted By:
>>5355890 No, not that part, that's... "Fine." I'm just a little shaken up, is all.
But lolfinland
>>5355375 Hello silicon based folks, it's your sussy trade friend here and i'd like to make an offer after this geographical mess.
you have lands that i want and i might have lands that you want, check the picture if you agree with the proposal.
so, what do you say?
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Fri 29 Jul 2022 17:01:32 No. 5355923 Report Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5355890 Fede and Fede tiers only affect the founder, correct?
Also, it looks like I only gained 9 territories last turn, what does the math look like on that? I assumed with a roll of 6 (11 territories), and a religion that negates the expansion penalty, I'd have more. Does my "+5 territories while expanding" from Scouting Party National Strategy still work?
Also what is the "point" on the map, at the central southern edge?
For my turn, expand and take the lakes , picrela
Also build markets in the northern mainland, south of the Laboratory up there, but above or adjacent to the other markets.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Fri 29 Jul 2022 17:03:23 No. 5355925 Report >>5355923 Hell yeah I love rolling 1's (beating my neighbor's kids with a tire iron right now)
Marrow Anon
Rolled 10 (1d10) As the southern expedition they felt almost the turn below them. The sky itself appeared to shift and the team leading the usual settlers of mutants and humans decided to stop. Set up camp and do examinations of themselves in the morning. Perhaps they'd been exposed to some sort gas leaking from the ground.
In the morning one of science team members woke up startled as one of The Creatures from the North roared. Was there an attack? He stumbled out of the tent in his underpants. There they were. No longer on the plain they had established camp on. After establishing their location using the sun as a reference they realized they far removed from their intended destination. As the creature's roar echoed through the valley's around.
The southern expedition establishes contact with Kratiya and Sus
>>5355302 >>5355916 by extending a trade deal. They also attempt to relink with the rest of the empire. Continue expansion into the Imperium of man. A fishing boat confusingly lands on the shore of the Finland and offers them their catch for a trade deal.
>>5355620 Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Fri 29 Jul 2022 17:17:48 No. 5355951 Report >>5355925 If I conduct more anti-ligma research, can I keep/add on to my previous research? Or can I only utilize one method at a time?
If I wanted to further mutate/improve my current anti-sligma, what would the cost and effects be?
>>5355289 hello free and fair people, i'm from the sussy people i come with offers!
territories, ligmacites, gold and faith, I have it all.
right here we have the Red's Legacy religion, we really like the Ligma and we keep our walls strong, no one can touch us, if you join us, no one will be able to touch you too!
we also offer you a trade agreement, where we both can benefit from it, making our economy grow.
and to end it, i'd like to know if this piece of land (location on pic) is for sale? i offer ligmacites, gold and friendship, you name the price.
Marrow Anon
Quoted By:
>>5355945 Since I rolled so well, also put some expansion into the east along the southern land bridge if possible. Map updated.
>>5355945 i gratefully accept the trade deal
Marrow Anon
Quoted By:
Map with extra arrow!
the Scimitar Republic
>>5355951 Hello friend, how about some terrain swapping?
We feel as if our lands are not well strategically positioned, and would like to propose a trade. We offer you those 2 terrains in exchange for the one you have in our Bay.
the Scimitar Republic
Quoted By:
>>5355857 oops i mean 13 hours not 11
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Fri 29 Jul 2022 17:35:27 No. 5355976 Report >>5355965 >>5355968 I believe you mean to speak with the Order of Liberty and Justice (still don't think we have made contact with each other yet)
I, too, am eagerly awaiting for the OoLaJ to return my attempted correspondence.
the Scimitar Republic
Quoted By:
>>5355976 Our messenger network is still in it's formative years, this message was meant for
>>5355289 Still, hello, we are very sorry for the inconvenience. How about we make up to you creating a trade agreement? We have the finest swordmakers and gunsmiths in all the land!
>>5355293 Hi Taoties, im sussy and i have trust issues.
you have lands on my lands (location on pic) and that bothers me, but i'm willing to buy it from you, what do you say 50 gold and 1 ligmacite for each territory?
i'll use this as an opportunity to introduce you to the Red's Legacy, my religion is based on ligma and preparation, we teach you to make impenetrable forts and we allow you to participate in the almighty ligma evolution!
and finally, I extend to you an trade agreement.
Quoted By:
>>5355857 >>5355885 since i rolled well, also expand towards the free territories labs
Rolled 8 (1d10) Kratiya seems to have found itself in possession of the world's longest territorial corridor. Not all of this land is practically useful (or defensible), so rather than blobbing out from it, the KRR focuses its expansion efforts on finishing the acquisition of the western peninsula. The southern territories are to be administered by the locals with no taxes but a requirement of soldiers and settlers to be sent elsewhere.
Jan Mayen
Quoted By:
>>5355857 this is hell to look at, thank you.
Jan Mayen
Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5355857 Expand so as to establish contact, following the red arrows (numbers are priority). If anything is left over, it goes to the remaining two arrows on the map.
Muck Marsh
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5355746 >commercial agreement Ok we accept
>>5355857 expand west
Finland !7lfxwTSzfk
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5355857 Salvation comes to the Finnish soldiers as the world changes before their very eyes. An effort is made to build several forts across the island as well as expand to fill the remainder and spill into exploring new unknown land south. Fears from the Zoth wars still haunt several battle hardened explorers.
>>5355945 We accept your trade agreement.
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5355857 >EXPANSIONISM ACTIVATES spending all NS expands after priority from darkest to lightest higlighted by yellow around areas
>Taotie displaced into strange new places without being aware of it continue as normal the usual >have settled down in some areas getting more out of the land (7 markets) >other then that crowding at the edges watching new others moving about (defend) Order of Liberty and Justice
Order of Liberty and Justice ID:PAV6YQod Fri 29 Jul 2022 22:46:03 No. 5356244 Report Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5355857 expand once more and use Pigma
A scene from the shores of Zothique. A dim sun, only seen from the Western shores, slowly rose above the horizon. The forests of Zothique stand tall at the edge of the islands that once belonged to Finland. They stoically stare across the waters, to where the Finnish island once was. It is gone now, engulfed by a flash of light just as Zothique began to move across the bay, and nothing of it is left, not even a grain of pale sand. The forests slowly ponder the significance of this event, before returning to their vigilant watch. Thunder trembles in the distance as a storm washes over distant peaks and lands. (What the hell, thought I might try a little of my own writefagging)
Ashen Clarke
Quoted By:
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5355857 Expand ever further to the East. Zothique will grow ever stronger now the Finnish fools have disappeared.
Quoted By:
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5355857 A-$A-AA B-BB-BB C-CC-CC (You know what we must do. We all know what we must do. Keep expanding to every corner we can get our hands onto, build more religious buildings and markets wherever there's free space.
2-35-LI (Also, now with 10 ligmacites, tine to make the fede boosting ones. Spend 50 gold to build two labs in our territories north of the Scimitar republic.)
Quoted By:
>>5355857 Next map in 13 hours.
>>5356538 >The forests slowly ponder the significance of this event, before returning to their vigilant watch. I liked this sentence
Quoted By:
>>5356627 Why thank you anon.
the Scimitar Republic
Quoted By:
>>5356538 Prettt good, fren.
>>5355857 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 11 hours from the time of this post.
N-14-^^ (Populous:Q-41-%9|Muck Marsh Cartel,OPISMAD|183 Fede
Red's Legacy (High Walls):Suspects||16 Fede
Norf (Creed of War):Marrows||18 Fede
The Chosen People (Flying Destiny):Scimitar Republic||16 Fede
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold |Labs|Ligmacites
Zothique 12|153(3)|401 |0|0 Scimitar Republic 14|180(3)|298 |2|14 Suspects 19|168(3)|187 |5|32
Q-41-%9 15|151(3)|235 |3|2 Muck Marsh Cartel Maxed|116(2)|209 |3|18 Jan Mayen Maxed|128(2)|709 |1|12
OPISMAD 7|150(3)|240 |4|22 Marrows 12|239(4)|326 |5|12 Finnish Expedition 19|38(0)|436 |1|12
Order of Liberty and Justice 5|106(2)|272 |2|14 Kratiya 18|118(2)|352 |1|12 Taotie 0|94(1)|291 |0|0
Active Effects / Items
Ligma-STR (+5 Attack): Zothique
Anti-Ligma-STR : Scimitar Republic
Fligma-SYT : Suspects
Fligma : Q-41-%9
Stigma : Muck Marsh Cartel
Anti-Sligma : OPISMAD
Anti-Sligma : Marrows
Ligma-VOL1 (+5 Gold): Taotie
Scimitar Republic:
>>5351669 >>5353367 >>5354976 >>5356085 |Suspects:
>>5354418 >>5355945 |Q-41-%9:
>>5352280 >>5353422 >>5354497 >>5354738 Muck Marsh Cartel:
>>5354418 >>5355746 |OPISMAD:
>>5352195 >>5354910 |Marrows:
>>5355961 >>5356120 Finnish Expedition:
>>5351159 >>5355945 |Order of Liberty and Justice:
>>5354613 |Kratiya:
>>5354566 =============
The Ligma
Next event on map#15
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Finnish !7lfxwTSzfk
Rolled 1 (1d10) Kill off the invaders on my island, spill south.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Sat 30 Jul 2022 16:21:37 No. 5356976 Report >>5356956 >>5355923 Can I get an answer to the question in this post regarding territories/expansion? I'm a little confused
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5356956 claim the territories highlighted in pink and go after the free labs.
OP, after stacking 50 ligmacites and i choose another pattern, will i have 2 patterns or i'll trade one for the other?
>>5356195 dude i don't think you can buy markets.
my offer from the last post still stand
>>5355993 (trade agreement and swapping lands)
>>5356244 my offer from the last post still stand
>>5355953 Conqstr
>>5356976 No, you've gained 11 territories for the map from your roll.
>>5356986 If you get 100 ligmacites, you can mutate your current pattern to another.
Quoted By:
>>5356986 In other words, combine your current pattern to another.
The Scimitar Republic
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5356956 >expansion >spill >cancel the offer I made to Order and Justice in this post >>5355968 >>5356020 Greetings, neighbor, we have been in indirect contact with one another for a while now, you seem to be a reasonable people to create ties with.
Our merchants go far an wide across the land, ask any nation and they shall tell you that we have the best exports around.
Would you like to trade with us, as many others do?
>>5356956 Huh i guess i could not make markets
>>5357012 what i have done with ligma until now is:
Ligma -> Fligma (10 ligmacites)
Enhanced Ligma - Fligma -> Fligma-SYT (10 ligmacites)
i need 100 ligmacites because using 10 to enhance made the 50 double? or did you changed it and i missed a post?
Order of Liberty and Justice
Order of Liberty and Justice ID:PAV6YQod Sat 30 Jul 2022 19:27:17 No. 5357098 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5356956 expand everywhere once more
>>5356989 well a trade agreement sounds fine but no that land is not for sale
Muck Marsh
Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5356956 I’d like to activate Ka-Ching! again. Also, use 10 ligmacites to evolve (I’m not sure how this works. Do I upgrade the strain I chose or do I choose a new one? If I choose a new one, I choose defense)
Rolling to expand west.
Jan Mayen
>>5356956 Enhance ligma into pigma (the expansion one, I believe. correct me if im wrong). And take as many territories in the circled area (it's near the bottom of the map). Any spillover goes towards connecting the territories in the top right.
Jan Mayen
Quoted By:
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5357182 Forgot to roll for the fourth (?) time
Marrow Anon
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5356956 Josef got the news that Imperium of man kind had fallen. The war was over The Marrows Empire was most likely the only empire left in this wasteland. However these lands need governed. In the corner of mind he'd hoped to see his side annihilated. His seat may as well as been an electric chair.
He considered the future under the empire. Science team members had already worked with locals to reestablish electricity to Novaya Moskva. The cartography team was labeling to make future governance easier. Still the maps weren't stable. They'd need to deal with the Fins that'd appeared off of the coast somehow. As for administration it was time to delegate the newly acquired lands.
In Crater City there was populist councils still in operation. Mainly they fought against the overreach of the merchant class against the lower classes. Still they had some experience governing if only small areas of society.
His dispatched science team member got in contact one with Felix Siekert. He'd administrate the acquired territories from the city of Munich established by the labs found in the acquired territories.
New direction to expand to While the eastern territories are stabilized, some westward expansion will be done to secure Moskva's position.
>>5356961 Fins, I would also like to establish a non-aggression pact and would like to declare that if you need access to more territory to the east, an exchange of territory for gold can be arranged in advance. Also would you like to adopt Norf as a religion? It grants +1 attack. The North is stronger together.
Marrow Anon
>>5356961 These 4 territories for 100 gold. Is this a deal?
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:/XEhTx+B Sat 30 Jul 2022 23:07:19 No. 5357281 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5356956 Expand as far north along DooDoo Butter Lake as I can, attempt to make contact with Taotie
Build markets in the north as well
>>5357054 me again and i am a bit confused about it still
>>5356989 i am fine with trade with anyone such as you may we respectfully trade our dinner scraps at each other as my kind do not know conflict until now
also that second bit of land i do not recognizance is at such a small map
Quoted By:
>>5357315 That is a mistake. I've built you markets for this map.
New Finland !7lfxwTSzfk
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5357193 We will accept your offer.
Marrow Anon
>>5357342 It's done.
>>5356956 Conqstr, call this this tract of land the Finnish Corridor. Though there won't be Danzig or War moment for this land.
Ashen Clarke
Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5356956 Expand wherever there is land to be taken, to be changed into the lands of Zothique. Focus on the peninsula to the south. (Did Zothique also expand straight across the bay? Didn't know it could do that.)
>>5356989 i think thats the imperium but we do not know what your core beliefs are other then what you have told us but we do not even who is this Red, i sort of wanted to keep that area as a reservation so i dont get exterminated by the marrow.
>>5357182 SUS and Jan Mayen i introduce you both to eachother and ask do you want to both enter trade agreements and become allied?
Quoted By:
>>5357061 No, that's my fault. its 50 ligmacites.
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5357027 Kratiya agrees to the trade proposal.
The KRR continues its policy of expansion in the west. looking to complete its expansion into that peninsula and assume control over the entire area.
Quoted By:
>>5357350 How much gold? Will Finland change their move to building a religious building?
>>5357350 Also what tract of land specifically?
the Scimitar Republic
Marrow Anon
Quoted By:
>>5357479 100 gold, this set of 4 territories connecting to the bridge over the river so Finland can have room to expand without going attacking.
>>5357195 Also, that's up to Finland if they want to adopt Norf, that's up to them.
Jan Mayen
>>5357448 Thatd be beneficial. All of us are in the north so we're relatively close.
>>5356956 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 13 hours from the time of this post.
N-14-^^ (Populous:Q-41-%9||245 Fede
Red's Legacy (High Walls):Suspects||21 Fede
Norf (Creed of War):Marrows||27 Fede
The Chosen People (Flying Destiny):Scimitar Republic||23 Fede
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold |Labs|Ligmacites
Zothique Maxed|169(3)|439 |0|0 Scimitar Republic Maxed|201(4)|358 |2|18 Suspects Maxed|190(3)|240 |7|42
Q-41-%9 15|151(3)|302 |3|2 Muck Marsh Cartel 0|116(2)|760 |3|24 Jan Mayen Maxed|135(2)|744 |1|4
OPISMAD 14|178(3)|297 |4|30 Marrows 18|250(5)|473 |5|22 Finnish Expedition Maxed|42(0)|381 |1|14
Order of Liberty and Justice 9|117(2)|311 |2|18 Kratiya 19|118(2)|390 |1|14 Taotie 0|90(1)|331 |0|0
Active Effects / Items
Ligma-STR (+5 Attack): Zothique
Anti-Ligma-STR : Scimitar Republic
Fligma-SYT : Suspects
Fligma : Q-41-%9
Stigma : Muck Marsh Cartel
Pigma : Jan Mayen
Anti-Sligma : OPISMAD
Anti-Sligma : Marrows
Ligma-VOL1 (+5 Gold): Taotie
Scimitar Republic:
>>5351669 >>5353367 >>5354976 >>5356085 >>5357470 |Suspects:
>>5354418 >>5355945 >>5356989 >>5357320 |Q-41-%9:
>>5352280 >>5353422 >>5354497 >>5354738 Muck Marsh Cartel:
>>5354418 >>5355746 |OPISMAD:
>>5352195 >>5354910 |Marrows:
>>5355961 >>5356120 Finnish Expedition:
>>5351159 >>5355945 |Order of Liberty and Justice:
>>5354613 >>5356986 |Kratiya:
>>5354566 >>5356020 Taotie:
>>5356989 =============
The Ligma
Next event on map#15
Finland & Taotie War
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Muck Marsh
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5357520 keep expanding west and take that 1 random gray tile in my territory
>>5357538 That silver territory belongs to Order of Liberty and Justice. Are you sure you want to attack?
Muck Marsh
Quoted By:
>>5357539 yeah its only 1 tile. that land is in our territory
Marrow Anon
>>5357520 As the east settled expansion resumed. Josef had time to think. Perhaps, this time science would finally prevail. Those impassioned dictators, demagogues wouldn't have an opportunity to prevail in his domains. When the infrastructure allowed he'd attempt to pitch a treaty with their new neighbors the Finns to strengthen their position through more than conquest. Until then the science teams leading The Creatures from the North could only secure territory against mutants, aliens, and whatever other creatures that rose from this blighted ground.
In the east fires were finally being put down. Infrastructure hastily patched up by giant creatures lugging in supplies to patch roadwork. A former Imperium of Man citizen shrunk into his house as a creature followed behind a science team member. They'd raided houses and brought out the finest men to carry them north. They'd test women and take them too if they were found to be 'defective.' To be put down like fouled livestock. Suddenly a bang on the door. The door swung open and a masked man entered. "Herr Albert. You have been selected to join a study."
Expand south east and secure the other bridge across the river first and foremost if the roll is roll is bad.
Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5357520 !*I-AFL AAA-FFF $$$$-!(% (Expand everywhere we see fit. Build more religious buildings and markets where we can put them.)
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5357520 activate national strategy Rising Walls, markets and forts location will be posted after the roll.
Expand first towards the Idiotia lab and stop there. then start expand to the west of the Eburnic Sea.
>>5357520 probably no but i gotta know for sure.
fortifications created using 20 gold will be +9 (High Walls belief)? fortifications bought during Rising Walls turn will be 2 for the price of 1?
Quoted By:
>>5357588 >>5357520 forts locations -> F on pic
Order of Liberty and Justice
Order of Liberty and Justice ID:PAV6YQod Sun 31 Jul 2022 04:04:04 No. 5357615 Report Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5357520 expand everywhere
Order of Liberty and Justice
Order of Liberty and Justice ID:PAV6YQod Sun 31 Jul 2022 04:06:12 No. 5357616 Report Quoted By:
>>5357615 also didnt i make my Ligma into pigma
Jan Mayen
Quoted By:
Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5357520 Same plan as last time, although use the expansionist strategy this time around.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Sun 31 Jul 2022 06:05:02 No. 5357709 Report Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5357520 My nation's surely un-diabolical actions:
>INTRODUCE ALL OF MY NEIGHBORS TO EACH OTHER!!! >Communication to ALL NEIGHBORS: I would like to introduce you fine fellows all to one other, in pursuits of commerce, technological advancement, and peace. I would also like to ask two questions of you: Is there anyone else in world that can be introduced to this group of friends, and would you introduce them to me? More importantly... Will all of you turn away from the disturbing allure of LigginMaNutz and join me in researching its weaknesses? Together we can stop anyone from having TaLigma Fugginzmelly HaireeBallZackThenSwallowThe RezultingLoaddAfterr (commonly known as just Ligma). There is surely a great evil coming upon this world, as has been portended, warriors will be tempted, but they cannot succumb to LickingMaiSwettyScrote, lest they be doomed to a bad taste in their mouths when they enter purgatory, or hell, or N-13-VV. The time may come soon when we may need to defend ourselves from evil. >Communication/Trade to Q-41-%9: Hi, we'd like to... Oh, yeah... Hang on, lemme plug my tentacle in... GAHHHHH!!! ...R-RR-%2 7-21-?E F-FF-FF G-03-K$ @-4Q-4Q 4-4+-4= (I would like to propose a trade to you. We would sincerely enjoy having the Bermuda Trapezoid all to ourselves. In addition, the lands to the north greatly interest us. Perhaps we can perform a mutual exchange?
We offer two trades:
1. All of your Bermuda Trapezoid territories (lower purple arrow in pic) for my 7 territories marked in orange stars, as well as 250 gold and 25 ligmacites.
2. The 20 lands on the northern continent (upper purple arrow in pic) near my other territories, for the 20 territories marked in green stars in my picture, to link you to your new territories. A precisely even trade.)
>Communication/Gift to TAOTIE >>5357448 : "Howdy, pardner. How's she hangin'? Iffin' yer lookin' fer anything in particular, let us know. In fact, yer nation seems a bit... Impoverished. Here, take 25 GOLD, invest it in the wellbeing of your commonfolk, or use it as you please. Sombreros MAY be in order for a situation like this." Then, I obsequiously expand to fill out these specific pink-multicircled territories to the best of my ability, PICRE.
If I have any juice left over, expand around Lake Kakatiti and Lake Titikaka.
>>5357520 For CONQSTR:
Not trying to pester you with endless questions, I'm sure inputting all this data must be... A task. But...
Am I no longer a follower of N-14-^^? I'm not listed with the Organization. Is it because I need more religious buildings? If I am still a part of it, I'd like to build markets everywhere this turn.
I looked harder on the last two maps and counted the full 11. My bad. Also noticed I have border contact with Taotie. Communication above.
I'm guessing the Scouting Party National Strategy's +5 territory bonus is a one-turn buff that expires after the turn you activate it? I might have missed something in the pastebin.
Cheers, cunt.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Sun 31 Jul 2022 06:21:17 No. 5357715 Report Quoted By:
Communication to Muck Marsh Cartel: If you would like to take the unused land between us in the southern continent, you have my blessing. Otherwise, I would ask you how you wish that land to be used. I will accept any response you issue, whether you wish to take the land for yourself to use, or you would leave the land as a buffer zone between us, or if you might cede the rights to conquer that land to OPISMAD, so that we may build upon it at a later date. Also... Does the smell or taste of DooDoo Butter Lake truly not hinder you at all? My people have a hard time adjusting from the pristine water of our islands to this brown muckwater, despite its miraculous characteristics and abundance of Ligmacites. The crappies can't resist my bait, though.
>>5357709 2222222222222222222!!!!!!!! (The second one, please.)
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Sun 31 Jul 2022 11:33:59 No. 5357807 Report Quoted By:
>>5357737 Y-YY-YY (Then it's a deal!)
no idea if building has a penalty on expanding and if i can build both >so retaliation strike to attempt reclaim the territories attacked >usual expansion in panic as always constantly >markets for that cash money >panic expansion in the thought of enemies suddenly appearing with sea gates fortification on the coasts
Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5357709 thank you for your charity as we speak sombreros are being made
>>5357808 >>5357520 plan lets see if i did this correctly
New Finland !7lfxwTSzfk
Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5357520 Finnish soldiers have given up the dream of returning home, the lands of Ligmaria are for all intents and purposes, home for now. The Zoth wars had scarred our people, and as forces continue to kick out the Taotie from our island, we have made agreements with the Marrows that ensure us safe passage through a river they largely control from the west.
Any spills after removing the Taotie from New Finnish Island will go towards general expansion east through our exclave. We will build forts throughout each of our sea crossings on the island that we control, including two markets in the center.
Ashen Clarke
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5357520 Activate expansionist, expand throughout the West. Build forts on the islands in the Gulf of Mannerheim. Title the peninsula to the East "The Simorgh's Beak"
With the disappearance of Finland to lands unknown, the lands of Zothique turned their many eyes to the East. Zothique would cover all, in time, but eternity creates patience, and an understanding of prudence. Gold would start flowing, gold from strange places below ground, bright metal from the realm of the Demon-King Thessaidon who creates rivers of un-water in the dark with his tears. Zothique toils thus while the stars glisten and glare above.
Ashen Clarke
Quoted By:
>>5357824 Hell, meant to change that to ka-ching before I posted.
The Scimitar Republic
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5357520 >Expand on arrow Our eastern holdings must encompass these big swathes of land, creating buffers zones against potential would-be attackers.
The Scimitar Republic
>>5357834 >>5357520 Our facade must fall sometime. We must erradicade the Zotiquean menace before they come knocking on our door.
>activate slithering snake (we didn't use our NS on the last move) Slithering Snake (Attack): Surprise attacks on nations not at war with you apply Blitzkrieg. If all attacks are successful, apply Anger and +1 attack for the next 3 maps. If unsuccessful, you get a -3 attack debuff and -3 defense debuff for the next 2 maps. Effects don't stack with more nations and don't work with inactive players (inactivity status must appear on the main post).
>attack Zothique and Zothique only >expand along arrow, all the same >>5357615 We come to you reassuring our friendship. This pacifying operation of ours might seem drastic, but these are dangerously strong people with dangerous ideals, which will turn on you the moment they see you show any hint of weakness.
They had been at war with a great trade partner of ours. These savages were so aggressive against them in the battlefield that my friends ended up moving their giant island to avoid their demise.
We really hope we are still in good terms.
The Scimitar Republic
Quoted By:
>>5357848 >>5357846 >>5357520 I still go through with my attack
Ashen Clarke
>>5357615 A shadow of Zothique.
Zothique would ask you to consider the problem before you. If you aid the Scimitars you only empower a force that is already reducing your avenues for expansion. Additionally, you would be the weaker member in the agreement, the scimitars would take most of Zothique's territory and could easily conquer you soon after. If, however, you decide to aid Zothique then you would be able to take much of the scimitars territory and would start a strong and equal partnership that would not be forgotten. Do not believe the Scimitars and their lies against us as well, Finland was the aggressor against Zothique and it was only due to some strange power that they escaped Zothique's vengeance. We hope you will consider your future actions wisely.
The Scimitar Republic
>>5357615 You will never be safe around the bellicose Zothique, even if you join them against us and end up splitting us 50/50 they will still have overlordship status over you, for they have fierce soldiers and great tactics on the battlefield.
Besides, we are not asking you to join us in warfare and risk defeat in war, we merely wish for your neutrality on the matter.
Ashen Clarke
Quoted By:
>>5357865 >bellicose >Get's attacked twice by neighbours Sure.
>>5357865 The KRR objects in the strongest possible terms of a wider war in the south. If warfare between Zothique and Scimitar continues past the following map, sever trade relations with Scimitar.
>>5357520 Construct forts in the x'd out provinces and resume expansion on the following lines.
The Scimitar Republic
>>5357834 >>5357846 >>5357520 >buy lvl 2 forts on the X tiles >>5357890 Our eyes do not gaze north, Kratiya. Keep yourselves out of this and you shall be granted our three colonies on your east, the fort which lies within it, and gold down the road after the conflict is over with.
The Scimitar Republic
Quoted By:
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5357889 come on dude roll like everyone else.
>>5357709 No, my software is dumb. Ignore it.
Scouting Party's expansion bonus is a one-time thing.
Quoted By:
>>5357588 >>5357520 Also get rid of these 2 lands Taotie have on my mainland, and send them 50 gold for compensation if i manage to claim it. I tried to be reasonable, but i cant have other nations territories everywhere in my mainland.
Quoted By:
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5357577 same with you pal.
>>5357448 >>5357496 I accept the trade agreement from Jan Mayen
Quoted By:
>>5357600 No, buying forts remains the same regardless of belief.
>>5357520 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 11 hours from the time of this post.
N-14-^^ (Populous):Q-41-%9, OPISMAD, Much Marsh Cartel||302 Fede
Red's Legacy (High Walls):Suspects||36 Fede
Norf (Creed of War):Marrows||35 Fede
The Chosen People (Flying Destiny):Scimitar Republic||28 Fede
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold |Labs|Ligmacites
Zothique 0|174(3)|473 |0|0 Scimitar Republic Maxed|244(4)|425 |2|22 Suspects 0|198(3)|248 |7|54
Q-41-%9 Maxed|161(3)|374 |3|8 Muck Marsh Cartel 5|128(2)|816 |3|30 Jan Mayen 0|166(3)|787 |1|6
OPISMAD 19|190(3)|355 |4|38 Marrows Maxed|266(5)|521 |5|32 Finnish Expedition Maxed|44(0)|430 |1|16
Order of Liberty and Justice 16|137(2)|358 |2|12 Kratiya Maxed|134(2)|439 |1|16 Taotie 4|103(2)|430 |0|0
Active Effects / Items
Ligma-ROCK (+5 Attack & Defense): Zothique
Anti-Ligma-STR : Scimitar Republic
Fligma-SYT : Suspects
Fligma : Q-41-%9
Stigma : Muck Marsh Cartel
Pigma : Jan Mayen
Anti-Sligma : OPISMAD
Anti-Sligma : Marrows
Pigma : Order of Liberty and Justice
Ligma-VOL2 (+15 Gold): Taotie
Scimitar Republic:
>>5351669 >>5353367 >>5354976 >>5356085 >>5357470 |Suspects:
>>5354418 >>5355945 >>5356989 >>5357320 >>5357496 |Q-41-%9:
>>5352280 >>5353422 >>5354497 >>5354738 Muck Marsh Cartel:
>>5354418 >>5355746 |Jan Mayen:
>>5357922 |OPISMAD:
>>5352195 >>5354910 Marrows:
>>5355961 >>5356120 |Finnish Expedition:
>>5351159 >>5355945 |Order of Liberty and Justice:
>>5354613 >>5356986 Kratiya:
>>5354566 >>5356020 |Taotie:
>>5356989 =============
The Ligma
<span class="mu-s"> The Ligma once again has mutated! </span>
Next event on map#15
<span class="mu-r">The usual explosion kicks off again. This time, more violently and sounding closer than before... </span>
Finland & Taotie War
Minor Occupation War: Muck Marsh vs Order and Liberty
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Order of Liberty and Justice
Order of Liberty and Justice ID:PAV6YQod Sun 31 Jul 2022 16:25:00 No. 5357977 Report Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5357965 attack the Muck Marsh Cartel everywhere may justice bring us to victory
>>5357846 >>5357854 >>5357865 we of the Order of Liberty and Justice will remain neutral in this conflict and wish of a peaceful resolve of this conflict
Finnish Risk Master
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5357965 Kick Taotie off the island already.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Sun 31 Jul 2022 16:36:16 No. 5357990 Report Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5357965 Expand as far West as I can on the southern continent, as in pic
Buy another Lab (I think I have enough gold...) and stick it in the heart of my north continent territories, build markets there as well
Marrow Anon
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5357988 Finns, would you like some help some your island? The mutants seem to be giving some difficulties... and any territory on the Finnish island would be returned immediately after the clean up is finished.
>>5357965 Expand along the south side of the river. Try to enclose the Muck enclave along The Marrow's eastern border.
Lore: Albert was brought to sterile lab room and sat across from the masked science team member (STM). He squirmed nervously and glanced around. The tables had vials, microscopes and in the room was some form of glass case with a body encased within. "Herr Albert," The STM started, to which Albert merely shook his head. "You are a wonderful specimen." The STM slid some papers in front of him and then picked them up.
"Your DNA is remarkably clear of defects. In this wasteland, this is wonderful. Humanities preservation depends upon having viable offspring for generations which unfortunately may not be possible with the damage to Y chromosome. For this reason we'd like to ask you to join The Science Team." Join the invaders...?
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5357965 focus on claiming the lands on pink and build forts on F.
Finnish Risk Master
For those interested, there is also another Risk thread going on at
>>5357986 that's being sponsored by the same group hosting this thread.
>>5357996 Yes, we would greatly appreciate any help.
Marrow Anon
Marrow Anon
>>5358002 >>5357965 Alright, amending our action first expansion will go on to hopping on to the Finn's island and punting the Taoties back to their homelands. Off to drink blood and mead in great halls of ODIN.
Quoted By:
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5357965 $$$-$$$-$$$ (Activate Ka-Ching, as it were.)
^^^-^^^->>> (Keep expanding everywhere, build markets and religious buildings in the territories we have near the Eburnic Sea.)
>>5357990 In the spirit of friendship and our long good relations, we offer to you control of these tiles. They are too far from Kratiya proper, and we do not wish to have such farflung outposts from our own heartland.
Quoted By:
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5357965 Expand northward toward the Vellona River. This will mark our northernmost expansion. Use the Expansionist national strategy to complete this task.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Sun 31 Jul 2022 19:23:31 No. 5358152 Report Quoted By:
>>5358091 Thank you, Kratiyan friends, we much appreciate this gesture. If you like, take this gift of 20 Ligmacites for your troubles. We are also working on an interesting proposal we think you will be eager to hear about. The exact details of this proposal should be ready by next turn.
Muck Marsh
Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5357977 You will regret this
>>5357965 I will spend 600 gold on increasing my attack by +2 this round.
Attack The Order of Liberty and Justice. We cannot allow them to destroy us.
Jan Mayen
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5357965 Just realized it states that i have one lab while I have two. Have you been counting my ligmacites as if I have one or two labs?
Also, get the territories circled in red.
I feel like the world is soon going to have a world war
Jan Mayen
Quoted By:
>>5358479 ignore the red mark on the island, thats an accident
>>5357998 >>5357965 also use the opportunity to take back my main land, attack the highlighted lands, and only them.
Q41 and Order of Liberty and Justice, i hope this doesn't mean war, if i can give you guys any compensation, let me know.
Order of Liberty and Justice
Order of Liberty and Justice ID:PAV6YQod Mon 01 Aug 2022 00:28:03 No. 5358511 Report >>5358503 if you cancel you attack on me around 75 gold should be fine for the trade of the land that you want
Quoted By:
>>5358511 done, cancel the attack and send 75 gold to the Order of Liberty and Justice (i think i can't change my actions a third time, but if i attack, send the 75 gold anyway).
Ashen Clarke
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5357965 Zothique strikes back against the perfidious scimitars! It purchases attack strength for the next round. It continues to expand in the East, towards distant lands that do not know the power of Zothique.
The Scimitar Republic
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5357965 ACTIVATE NS
>1. Blitzkrieg (Attack): If you successfully capture an enemy territory after attacking, all of the enemy (either one or more nations) territories that are adjacent to your captured territory are also attacked (no second roll). If you successfully take any territory, +3 attack for the next map. >expand on the `blade` >attack Zothique It's time these coconut eating savages learn real military tactics.
>>5357977 Go to war now, we can beat them Anonymous
Quoted By:
Oh boy I can't wait to see what the event is
Ashen Clarke
Quoted By:
>>5358632 Actually no, switching to defence from all my territories.
>>5357965 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 13 hours from the time of this post.
N-14-^^ (Populous:Q-41-%9||366 Fede
Red's Legacy (High Walls):Suspects||46 Fede
Norf (Creed of War):Marrows||44 Fede
The Chosen People (Flying Destiny):Scimitar Republic||41 Fede
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold |Labs|Ligmacites
Zothique 2|181(3)|205 |0|0 Scimitar Republic 0|251(5)|244 |2|24 Suspects 10|212(4)|246 |7|68
Q-41-%9 0|165(3)|946 |3|14 Muck Marsh Cartel 13|131(2)|275 |3|36 Jan Mayen 3|173(3)|829 |2|24
OPISMAD Maxed|211(4)|12 |5|26 Marrows Maxed|277(5)|568 |5|32 Finnish Expedition Maxed|48(0)|2480 |1|18
Order of Liberty and Justice 18|133(2)|475 |2|16 Kratiya 0|124(2)|2484 |1|38 Taotie 4|99(1)|2485 |0|0
Active Effects / Items
Ligma-ROCK (+5 Attack & Defense): Zothique
+1 attack (+1 Attack,ends in 3 turns): Zothique
Anti-Ligma-STR : Scimitar Republic
Fligma-SYT : Suspects
Fligma : Q-41-%9
Stigma : Muck Marsh Cartel
+2 attack (+2 Attack,ends in 3 turns): Muck Marsh Cartel
Pigma : Jan Mayen
Anti-Sligma : OPISMAD
Anti-Sligma : Marrows
Pigma : Order of Liberty and Justice
Ligma-VOL2 (+15 Gold): Taotie
Scimitar Republic:
>>5351669 >>5353367 >>5354976 >>5356085 >>5357470 |Suspects:
>>5354418 >>5355945 >>5356989 >>5357320 >>5357496 |Q-41-%9:
>>5352280 >>5353422 >>5354497 >>5354738 Muck Marsh Cartel:
>>5354418 >>5355746 |Jan Mayen:
>>5357922 |OPISMAD:
>>5352195 >>5354910 Marrows:
>>5355961 >>5356120 |Finnish Expedition:
>>5351159 >>5355945 |Order of Liberty and Justice:
>>5354613 >>5356986 Kratiya:
>>5354566 >>5356020 |Taotie:
>>5356989 =============
The Ligma
<span class="mu-g">Rejuvenate and prosper. Not all is lost.</span>
+2000 gold added for the weakest 3 nations.
Next event on map#20
Finland, Marrow vs. Taotie
Minor Occupation War: Muck Marsh vs Order and Liberty
The Safari Wars: Scimitar Republic vs. Zothique
The Suspicious Attack: Sus vs. Q-41-%9
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Sus
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5358763 Expand to the left of vellona river, bellow the q-41 nation.
Order of Liberty and Justice
Order of Liberty and Justice ID:PAV6YQod Mon 01 Aug 2022 03:16:39 No. 5358791 Report Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5358763 attack Muck Marsh Cartel
>>5358671 no we are staying neutral Ashen Clarke
Quoted By:
Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5358763 Push back against the scimitars. Zothique shall take what it needs. Expand more in the west, and open a seagate to the peninsula north of the scimitars. They shall regret sending their forces into the shadowy lands of Zothique.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Mon 01 Aug 2022 03:37:16 No. 5358819 Report >>5358763 >Turn 15 Here goes nothing.
I invite the following nations to join an alliance with me, and with each other:
Zothique (hello, by the way, neighbors!)
Muck Marsh Cartel
Order or Liberty and Justice have proven themselves to be dicks by not returning my previous correspondences, hurting my nation's feelings greatly, and irreparably. They do not get invited to the Cool Cids Club or the Tentacloid-Humanoid Alliance (or whatever we deem fit to name the alliance, should anybody accept and join me.)
Further information will be in my next post, coming soon, in perhaps about an hour. My actions and roll will also be included.
The Scimitar Republic
>>5358763 >Expand around Sam ugo >Attack Zothique Muck Marsh
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5358791 holy shit fuck off you fucking nigger. just go be somewhere else
>>5358763 honestly fuck you op. the map bandit event is fucking horseshit
attack gray. and use my ligmacites for something if they actually have a use. i'm tired of keeping track of a billion different currencies
>>5358819 If im not mistaken, OP delayed trade leagues and alliances for 5 more turns
And holy shit, half of the players in one alliance, that would suck.
Jan Mayen
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5358833 Same as last time. Also add a random attribute to my Pigma with ten ligmacites.
>>5358833 shit is getting messy. nukes gonna go flying anytime now
Quoted By:
>>5358832 OP i kinda agree with muck marsh, i am the fucking ligma superpower with a lot of labs and stuff but the 2 guys who ignored ligma knows exactly how it affects their nation and who didn't just have funny ligma names. Shouldn't it be the opposite?
Im still hoping for the whole running rampant = gg thing, but right now im felling scammed
>>5358842 We might have to prepare the northern alliance
The Scimitar Republic
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5358763 Continue expansion in the following areas. Construct a fortress on the island in the vellona river. Construct a military base on the x. Continue anti-Ligma research in our single lab.
>>5358788 The KRR formally requests that the Suspects stay north of the Vellona River and do not cross the natural boundary. Kratiya will respect the Suspect's claim to lands north of the Vellona River, and will strongly condemn any such nation threatening the sanctity of Suspect territorial integrity. As a token of our interest in fostering a productive relationship between our countries, we offer this gift of fifty (50) gold.
>>5358875 Im so glad to finally meet someone who understand boundaries, it was never my intention cross the river! I also want to nurture this relationship, this gift (10 ligmacite) is my way to thank you for the gesture.
Would you be interested in a trade agreement?
Maybe religion too, the Red's Legacy believe that the best offense is an impenetrable defense, every fort you create will be +9. If you're interested, just build some religious buildings and declare Red's Legacy as your faith!
the Scimitar Republic
>>5358791 We should becareful with our neighbors, we are located perfectly to be sliced and repartitioned to others. The signs are showing themselves, OPISMAD just pitched the idea of a southern alliance that does NOT inclue you or me. We must unite if we are to prevail in this treacherous world. I say you ditch that war of yours for bits of land in another continent and focus your efforts in the mainland. For soon there will be nothing for us both to rule. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>5358855 Yeah, although most countries in the north are at war. Just us two who arent in any type of skirmish
the Scimitar Republic
Quoted By:
>>5358006 >>5358000 Greetings, old friend. We hope that you can vouch for us to the marrows in what we are about to propose. We come to warn you about the plans of the southern powers. They wish to create a giant international coalition, cutting me and the Order up, and once that is achieved, they can only set their eyes north. not onlt that, they would have a BIG foot in the door to the north already, having Taotie, Kratiya and the Mucks do you to worry about, let alone the new invaders. I suggest we unite powers to prevent this grim future that we are headed to. Were the Kratiyans to attack us we wish that you would come to aid us and conquer their lands for our shared safety. Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Mon 01 Aug 2022 06:00:03 No. 5358937 Report Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5358833 I was just going off the pastebin, but I'm guessing you're probably right.
Uhhhhh... Okay. I guess... Just pretend that never happened.
"6-94-20 4-20-69, +-++-++ 5-LG-MA." (I would once again like to negotiate for control of the islands within the Bermuda Trapezoid. In exchange for the 18 territories you hold in the Trapezoid, I am willing to give you 24 splendid territories (marked by pink stars) - 18 on the mainland attached to your country, and 6 territories on the two peninsulas overlooking Simorgh's Beak. (notice lower left corner in pic) Is this an amiable trade? I can throw in 5 Ligmacites to sweeten the deal.)
Activate national strategy EXPANSIONIST, and expand on the southern continent, with the brown arrows.
Build markets near the large black/yellow triangle with the dollar sign.
(Perhaps find a way to communicate with Q-41-%9 without being probed every time. Maybe some sort of translation device.)
Quoted By:
>>5358937 world war 1 averted?
Order of Liberty and Justice
Order of Liberty and Justice ID:PAV6YQod Mon 01 Aug 2022 06:43:07 No. 5358962 Report >>5358918 i understand we should make an with as many nations as possible and ensure sovereignty is ensured Ashen Clarke
Quoted By:
>>5358937 Zothique thinks that organising an informal agreement beforehand is still a good idea. These powers that rule the south should form a grand alliance to secure our position. There are many hostile lands throughout this world, as Zothique knows all too well. Only in unison may all know safety from those that seek chaos and strife.
Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5358937 %PAL ??! JFOA, S>F R>..FTRANLSATION...FORCE...LUNGS.
Q-41-&% $-$!-A$, !$-51, 41-%-$$ (The deal is acceptable. As for the alliance, that may not be possible to stuff so many into one sustained powerhouse, we can get everyone you know about to get into a trade deal with everyone else, to equal more M O N E Y for everyone involved.)
>>5358763 ALA, MAMA, PADAP. BUI, LDE, BUILD. REL. (Build religious buildings and markets around our holy site as per usual. Expand everywhere we can get our grips on.)
Finnish Risk Master
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5358763 Continue kicking out Taotie, spills continue filling the north of the river. Build forts of level four strength around all river crossings.
The Scimitar Republic
Quoted By:
>>5358962 Get in contact with as many people as possible and tell them we are in dire need of help. Ditch your current war, offer them money, even all the land that's over there, and fight with me against Zothique. All they need to do is survive a bit longer and they will be unbeatable, we need to act FAST. Taotie
Quoted By:
who most likely looks to be the most likely too win?
Quoted By:
>>5359107 i did not really want to fight you could just have asked to buy that one tile or all of them
Quoted By:
>>5358892 We would be happy to trade with our respectful neighbors.
Quoted By:
>>5358788 >>5358763 Shitty roll, also build 1 fort somewhere in my scattered lands to the south
Adopt a new pattern in my fligma, the shligma(defense).
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5359201 gotta roll bro
Quoted By:
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5359201 god fucking damn it i forgot to roll with all the lag i had
Quoted By:
>>5359205 thanks for the roll bit rushed as i literally for a few minutes lost electricity in my house and the plan i had been sitting for about a halfhour trying ot get shit to run
>>5358763 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 11 hours from the time of this post.
N-14-^^ (Populous:Q-41-%9|Muck Marsh Cartel,OPISMAD|428 Fede
Red's Legacy (High Walls):Suspects||65 Fede
Norf (Creed of War):Marrows||59 Fede
The Chosen People (Flying Destiny):Scimitar Republic||49 Fede
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
Zothique 11|213(4)|744 Scimitar Republic 7|254(5)|808 Suspects 11|212(4)|760
Q-41-%9 8|187(3)|1525 Muck Marsh Cartel Maxed|132(2)|834 Jan Mayen 6|180(3)|1371
OPISMAD Maxed|224(4)|571 Marrows Maxed|277(5)|1109 Finnish Expedition Maxed|49(0)|2289
Order of Liberty and Justice Maxed|132(2)|1023 Kratiya 8|140(2)|1584 Taotie 9|109(2)|2530
Active Effects / Items
+1 attack (+1 Attack,ends in 2 turns): Zothique
+2 attack (+2 Attack,ends in 2 turns): Muck Marsh Cartel
Scimitar Republic:
>>5351669 >>5353367 >>5354976 >>5356085 >>5357470 |Suspects:
>>5354418 >>5355945 >>5356989 >>5357320 >>5357496 >>5358892 |Q-41-%9:
>>5352280 >>5353422 >>5354497 >>5354738 Muck Marsh Cartel:
>>5354418 >>5355746 |Jan Mayen:
>>5357922 |OPISMAD:
>>5352195 >>5354910 Marrows:
>>5355961 >>5356120 |Finnish Expedition:
>>5351159 >>5355945 |Order of Liberty and Justice:
>>5354613 >>5356986 Kratiya:
>>5354566 >>5356020 >>5358892 |Taotie:
>>5356989 =============
The Ligma
<span class="mu-s">Strange...The Ligma has disappeared from existence. Oh well, I suppose we can turn the labs into toy factories and ligmacites into coins. </span>
Next event on map#20
Finland, Marrow vs. Taotie
Minor Occupation War: Muck Marsh vs Order and Liberty
The Safari Wars: Scimitar Republic vs. Zothique
The Suspicious Attack: Sus vs. Q-4
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Marrow Anon
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5358763 Expand southeast on The eastern borders south of River and continue the attack on the Taoties. Activate national strategy expansionist and build markets around the east coast of the Rybinsk Sea.
Finnish Risk Master
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5359231 Get rid of Taotie, build forts with +8 strength around the +4 forts at the sea crossings that I currently control. Spill towards filling up the river north of my exclave.
Marrow Anon
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5359233 Dammit!!
Quoted By:
>>5359236 I'll take this roll since you didn't post in time.
Marrow Anon
Quoted By:
>>5359236 Forgot the picture. I just woke up.
The Scimitar Republic
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5359231 >buy lvl 2 forts on the red Xs >buy 1 attack >attack Zothique >expand around lake Sam Ugo These savages believe they can mess with the heirs of this new world? They are deeply mistaken.
The Scimitar Republic
>>5359231 OP, how come everyone got their 'money back' if not everyone invested in labs?
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5359231 keep expanding like last turn and building forts.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Mon 01 Aug 2022 16:27:23 No. 5359259 Report Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5359231 Not sure if it's a mistake that I have MAXED National Strength two turns back to back, but if it's not a mistake, I'd like to activate EXPANSIONIST again!!! Manifest Deez Nutz, destiny!
Then I'd like to expand along the RED/ORANGE arrows in picrela.
Along the northern edge of the southern continent, and along Dogcock Tip Bay on the opposite end.
I'd also like to create Fortifications this turn. If I'm able to do so, immediately transfer all these new fortifications to Zothique, so that they may use them as they see fit, so they may prosper in the conflict they are currently embroiled in.
If I can't gift the forts right away, put them where on my land where you deem them most likely to be effective, Conqstr. (Ignore the dollar sign pyramid in the pic, I decided last minute to switch from markets to forts, but don't want to redo the pic in MS Paint.)
Also, extend trade agreements (not trade league) to the Muck Marsh Cartel, Zothique and Taotie.
Continue trading with Kratiya and Q-41-%9 as well, of course.
Finally, convert all Labs to P.F. Chang's and Outback Steakhouses. (jk pls don't)
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Mon 01 Aug 2022 16:29:06 No. 5359260 Report Quoted By:
>>5359259 >>5359249 >>5359236 >>5359234 UHHHH... WHOLE LOTTA 10'S UP IN HERE, BOYS!!!
>>5359240 haha the dice gods think u smell bad
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Mon 01 Aug 2022 16:42:27 No. 5359266 Report Quoted By:
Posting a large version of my flag, the Jolly Johnson, as a display of our brimming national pride, and to inspire deeper patriotism in my constituents, and also to strike fear in those who would plot in the shadows against me and my friends. We also unveil a new national slogan to rally behind: "RESPECT OUR GIRTH!!!"
>>5359249 >>5359231 new forts locations on picture
also move some forts (also pic) since labs gave me a netloss.
>>5359242 true
OP, could you elaborate the math behind compensation for building labs?
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Mon 01 Aug 2022 17:03:39 No. 5359285 Report >>5359281 Those sure are some Sus looking fort placements...
>>5359285 fort is for defense my friend, i'm just feeling claustrophobic down there
Jan Mayen
Quoted By:
Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5359231 Build as many forts as possible while upgrading the forts I already have.
Order of Liberty and Justice
Order of Liberty and Justice ID:PAV6YQod Mon 01 Aug 2022 18:03:02 No. 5359334 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5359231 1.Expansionist (Expansion): You don't receive an expansion penalty when taking other actions, and you get +10 free territories in your respective expansion range.
expand everywhere and place down forts on our borders and attack Zothique
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Mon 01 Aug 2022 18:19:40 No. 5359352 Report >>5359309 Perhaps we can reach an agreement over those pieces of land so you don't have to worry about them anymore?Consider the following trade in picrelated, and if you would like to tweak it, I am open to offers.
I also beg for a cessation of the Suspicious Attack, that the nations of Sus and Q-41-%9 may to come to a peaceful end to their conflict if at all possible.
>>5359352 that's an insult, if i wanted 10 territories via settlers that would cost me 625 gold!
about the war... i never meant to start a war with q-41, i tried to buy the lands, i was open to counteroffers but he never answered, so i took the lands and that was it, im not looking for enemies.
Marrow Anon
>>5359359 In the future, The Marrows is tempted to extend an offer for extended cooperation against future southern adversaries and incursions no matter how they may occur. An alliance of Northern powers may be coordinated in our shared interests against the traitorous south.
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5359231 ^<^>><><><%><<<><><><><><><><><><><>< (Expansion. Everywhere. More religious buildings. More markets. Build those around our holy site. Repurpose the labs.)
??? (Something is sus. I smell...unresolved tension. Weren't there sussy imposters?)
AL!$J %!(% (The mind does not notice a change in territories. Did we miss something? Oh well! If it was important, we would've attacked back.)
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Mon 01 Aug 2022 19:06:40 No. 5359372 Report >>5359359 But my friendship is priceless...
Perhaps we can attempt negotiations again further down the line. No hard feelings. Good day to you, sussy bakas.
Muck Marsh
Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5359231 Expand west
>>5359231 Complete this northern expansion to the river. Apply spillover to the southeast.
Quoted By:
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5359382 Additionally turn the lab into another market, and purchase 3 more markets in locations in my west.
>>5359372 Exactly, i would never pay for it! Same here, hard feelings.
>>5359363 If the south really turns out to be a traitor, I'm glad to know I can count on you.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:/XEhTx+B Mon 01 Aug 2022 23:03:45 No. 5359545 Report Quoted By:
>>5359497 Kek I was thinking "what kind of sly passive aggressiveness is this?!"
Ashen Clarke
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5359231 Did I not get a seagate last turn? Pretty sure I had enough money. Anyway, expand south, but expand on the peninsula north of the scimitars if I did get one. Attack the scimitars! They will regret sending their forces against the terrors of Zothique.
Quoted By:
>>5359363 Was i not the one first attacked i did not notice any offer too buy the land.
>>5359438 So this after you already spit on me already ploting to befriend my murderer
>>5356961 literal first response to me being there
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:/XEhTx+B Tue 02 Aug 2022 01:54:41 No. 5359683 Report Quoted By:
>>5359675 Don't worry about the mean northerners, Taotie. Us southerners have love for you and your spiffy sombreros in spades. You can come hang out and be bros with us.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:/XEhTx+B Tue 02 Aug 2022 01:58:23 No. 5359686 Report >>5359363 Traitorous? Who has betrayed who?
Marrow Anon
>>5359686 Your meddling in Northern affairs already betrays your malintent. Attempting to sow the seeds of mistrust within a region that doesn't need your filthy southern slander muddying the diplomacy. Now get your filthy southern paws out of our affairs while we clean up the rabbles.
O.P.I.S.M.A.D has sent over clothes that they then put on random TAOTIE that walked past they did not figure out how they managed to put on clothes that required neckholes but dressing them up easily happened even if sandals made taotie's for months had them walking around awkwardly like dog with socks
Ashen Clarke
Quoted By:
>>5359653 Adding on to my roll attack the Order of Liberty and Justice.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Tue 02 Aug 2022 02:51:36 No. 5359739 Report >>5359706 I am free to mingle as I please, this includes conducting trade and forming friendships. You sound like a petty, embarrassed, scared tyrant.
You don't own the northern continent, and even if you did, if you don't hold your slanderous, scum-lapping tongue... Your people will soon own nothing but misery and a permanent residence in a mass grave full of piss.
>>5359713 >>5359728 Loving the panchos, mate.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Tue 02 Aug 2022 02:59:27 No. 5359745 Report Quoted By:
>>5359706 Also, I've betrayed my malintent? Doesn't that, like... Make me a good, honest person? You sound awfully shady, judgemental and bossy. I'd never want to ally myself with someone who has those qualities. I doubt anyone would. Touch grass, incel.
>>5359728 I also like the chanclas.
Marrow Anon
>>5359739 In a grave is a better alternative to living in the moral depravity of the southern lands.
>>5359746 dont you eat human babies?
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Tue 02 Aug 2022 03:02:41 No. 5359750 Report Quoted By:
>>5359231 Notes
<span class="mu-s">HEY! SETTLE DOWN UP THERE! HERE'S THE MAP!.</span>
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 13 hours from the time of this post.
N-14-^^ (Populous:Q-41-%9|Muck Marsh Cartel,OPISMAD||496 Fede
Red's Legacy (High Walls):Suspects||75 Fede
Norf (Creed of War):Marrows||64 Fede
The Chosen People (Flying Destiny):Scimitar Republic||59 Fede
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
Zothique Maxed|241(4)|684 Scimitar Republic 12|251(5)|570 Suspects Maxed|224(4)|838
Q-41-%9 10|194(3)|1602 Muck Marsh Cartel Maxed|141(2)|894 Jan Mayen 15|180(3)|1419
OPISMAD 10|246(4)|638 Marrows 0|309(6)|1160 Finnish Expedition 10|66(1)|2343
Order of Liberty and Justice 0|156(3)|1070 Kratiya 9|140(2)|1632 Taotie 14|116(2)|2575
Active Effects / Items
+1 attack (+1 Attack,ends in 1 turn): Zothique
+1 attack (+1 Attack,ends in 3 turns): Scimitar Republic
+2 attack (+2 Attack,ends in 1 turn): Muck Marsh Cartel
Scimitar Republic:
>>5351669 >>5353367 >>5354976 >>5356085 >>5357470 |Suspects:
>>5354418 >>5355945 >>5356989 >>5357320 >>5357496 >>5358892 |Q-41-%9:
>>5352280 >>5353422 >>5354497 >>5354738 Muck Marsh Cartel:
>>5354418 >>5355746 |Jan Mayen:
>>5357922 |OPISMAD:
>>5352195 >>5354910 Marrows:
>>5355961 >>5356120 |Finnish Expedition:
>>5351159 >>5355945 |Order of Liberty and Justice:
>>5354613 >>5356986 Kratiya:
>>5354566 >>5356020 >>5358892 |Taotie:
>>5356989 =============
Next event on map#20
Finland, Marrow vs. Taotie
Minor Occupation War: Muck Marsh vs Order and Liberty
The Safari Wars: Scimitar Republic, Order and Liberty vs. Zothique
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Taotie
Quoted By:
so yeah they got 6 attack and defense power now
The Scimitar Republic
Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5359754 >buy more attack >attack Zothique >expand around Sam Ugo Finnish Expedition !7lfxwTSzfk
Finnish Expedition !7lfxwTSzfk ID:aOO5272/ Tue 02 Aug 2022 03:09:06 No. 5359759 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5359754 Fortress Finland
Our soldiers realize that in order to defend the civilization we want to keep going, we must lock down our island as a core and integral part by all means. We must build forts with at least +3 strength throughout as much of the island as possible. Conquer as much neutral land on the island as we can as well as finishing up the last remaining neutral territory on our island.
Marrow Anon
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5359748 The mutants are a respected part of Marrow's society. They serve as frontline fighters so human lives do not go to waste in coordination with the science team. They have a separate sense of morality, in that way they are not bound by the common morality. They eat criminals not children now that the jails are filled.
>>5359754 If possible, transfer the one island territory territory on the Finn's island to the Finns. Expand east and continue the campaign against the Taoties. They will now be unable to escape the Marrow's wrath. The great mead hall calls for blood and the chalices will be filled with blood. Burn their sombreros and scatter their ashes to the sea.
>>5359377 Muck would you like a trade agreement? I believe that our common interests for the future align.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Tue 02 Aug 2022 03:37:04 No. 5359792 Report Rolled 3 (1d10) Zothique, don't forget to move the forts I gifted you last turn! I'd like to create more forts again, but gift them to Taotie this time. Put them to good use, amigo! Defend yourself!! Then expand EVERYWHERE (except for next to zothique, they can have the remaining territories next to them.) To any neighbor I am not trading with... Would you like to trade with me? It appears my only official trade partners are Kratiya and Q-41-%9. Muck Marsh Cartel... Sus... Taotie... Will you be my formal trade partners? Please say yes. . . . Order of Liberty and Justice... Go kick rocks! Muhahahaha
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Tue 02 Aug 2022 03:38:21 No. 5359795 Report Fuckin rolled a 3, brb, killing myself
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Tue 02 Aug 2022 03:41:01 No. 5359798 Report Quoted By:
>>5359792 (Meant to include Zothique in my trade deal proposition as well.)
(Let's earn some gold, all you fuckers. Say you'll trade with me!)
Ashen Clarke
Quoted By:
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5359754 Activate critical hit and attack all those who would seek to tame Zothique. Purchase 2 extra attack strength. Expand from our northern colony towards Hilt's bay.
Also, pretty sure Zothique should have the two territories connected to the islands in the Gulf of Mannerheim.
Ashen Clarke
>>5359792 Zothique thanks you for your gift of fortifications. We shall use them well.
Trade between the strange lands of Zothique and yourself is also an agreeable proposition. It shall be done.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Tue 02 Aug 2022 04:59:24 No. 5359858 Report Muck Marsh Cartel, it appears you have been accosted and landlocked by foolhardy curs, take this small gift of 100 gold and use it on anything you wish, perhaps a sea bridge, or fortifications? Hail the tentacle, and may N-14-^^ be with you.
Marrow Anon
Quoted By:
>>5359858 I wonder who has landlocked the Muck Cartel in the west and the south.
Muck Marsh
Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5359231 Use Ka-Ching! and roll to build more markets
Muck Marsh
>>5359773 Yes I would be willing to accept a trade agreement. My only condition is to fix the current border gore. Would you accept to swap these 3 territories for your 3 territories?
Muck Marsh
Quoted By:
>>5359858 Why thank you friends. This 100 gold shall be used for fortifications in the future!
Muck Marsh
>>5359792 Yes we would also like to become trade partners. We wish to get along with all of our neighbors. We do not wish to provoke war with anyone
Jan Mayen
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5359754 Build market in mainland + expand the little colony thats in the middle of the map
>>5359366 Hello neighbors (even though we share only the smallest border through your colony in the north), how would you like to enter into a trade deal? The more the merrier, yes?
Order of Liberty and Justice
Order of Liberty and Justice ID:PAV6YQod Tue 02 Aug 2022 06:56:20 No. 5359938 Report Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5359754 attack Zothique
Order of Liberty and Justice
Order of Liberty and Justice ID:PAV6YQod Tue 02 Aug 2022 06:59:22 No. 5359940 Report Quoted By:
>>5359938 also use all of our gold to buy attack
Quoted By:
>>5359792 dont go supporting the war marrows and finns
>>5359792 i will join in this trade agreement of the East and north west.
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5359754 Activate expansionist, expansion direction on pic.
Build forts everywhere we touch other nations
My 5 forts to the south last turn only have +3, why?
OP im still curious about the logic behind the ligma compensation.
Quoted By:
what religions are there are what do you offer and think?
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5359909 ACCEPTABLE.
>>5359754 ^)!-%)(@-%%% (Expand everywhere, keep building more religious buildings and markets. Stare at the ceiling tiles of GOD.)
%!(-%!-!%% (God is looking rather shiny today.)
>>5359754 >upgrade marked U fortification up too level 10 should cost 140 if i am not completely wrong about the calculations >prioritize building fortifications in the south at any spill over should go to building the markets >expansion is very much the lowest priority Taotie
>>5359792 Accept the trade deal
Marrow Anon
Quoted By:
>>5359903 Yes, this would be acceptable.
>>5360007 >My 5 forts to the south last turn only have +3, why? Because I didn't think about religion. Now I'm sus like you.
>OP im still curious about the logic behind the ligma compensation. Because the whole system was over cumbersome and so I compensate everyone regardless if they did build a lab or not (despite me saying otherwise). Sometimes I make poorly designed events and incorporate it thinking it would work, and this system was never tested before being implemented.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Tue 02 Aug 2022 15:57:51 No. 5360201 Report >>5360193 NOOOOOOOOO HOW DARE YOU BE IMPERFECT OR TRY SOMETHING NEW
>>5359754 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 13 hours from the time of this post.
N-14-^^ (Populous:Q-41-%9||558 Fede
Red's Legacy (High Walls):Suspects||90 Fede
Norf (Creed of War):Marrows||72 Fede
The Chosen People (Flying Destiny):Scimitar Republic||70 Fede
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
Zothique 0|268(5)|121 Scimitar Republic 16|247(4)|331 Suspects 0|245(4)|911
Q-41-%9 Maxed|216(4)|1688 Muck Marsh Cartel 0|141(2)|1553 Jan Mayen 19|187(3)|1462
OPISMAD 13|246(4)|598 Marrows 7|317(6)|1213 Finnish Expedition 11|73(1)|2388
Order of Liberty and Justice 5|153(3)|215 Kratiya 9|140(2)|1679 Taotie Maxed|124(2)|2483
Active Effects / Items
+2 attack (+2 Attack,ends in 3 turns): Zothique
+1 attack (+1 Attack,ends in 2 turns): Scimitar Republic
+1 attack (+1 Attack,ends in 3 turns): Scimitar Republic
+3 attack (+3 Attack,ends in 3 turns): Order of Liberty and Justice
>>5359792 |Scimitar Republic:
>>5351669 >>5353367 >>5354976 >>5356085 >>5357470 |Suspects:
>>5354418 >>5355945 >>5356989 >>5357320 >>5357496 >>5358892 >>5359792 Q-41-%9:
>>5352280 >>5353422 >>5354497 >>5354738 >>5359909 |Muck Marsh Cartel:
>>5354418 >>5355746 >>5359773 >>5359792 |Jan Mayen:
>>5357922 >>5360052 OPISMAD:
>>5352195 >>5354910 >>5359807 >>5359906 >>5359996 >>5360153 |Marrows:
>>5355961 >>5356120 >>5359903 |Finnish Expedition:
>>5351159 >>5355945 Order of Liberty and Justice:
>>5354613 >>5356986 |Kratiya:
>>5354566 >>5356020 >>5358892 |Taotie:
>>5356989 >>5359792 =============
Next event on map#20
Marrow vs. Taotie
The Safari Wars: Scimitar Republic, Order and Liberty vs. Zothique
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Conqstr
The Scimitar Republic
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5360205 ATTAAAAAAAACK
The Scimitar Republic
>>5360209 >>5360205 also expand on lake amogus
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Tue 02 Aug 2022 16:18:21 No. 5360216 Report Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5360205 Finish expanding everywhere I can on the southern continent, still leaving the land near Zothique alone. Any expansion overflow goes to the northern continent, if applicable.
Continue creating and supplying fortifications to Zothique to aid their war/defense efforts.
Marrow Anon
Rolled 2 (1d10) What would peace look like for The Marrow's was a question Josef Stenger had to face. Once the fires of the initial anarchy died the nation had to pivot. Already there'd been some economic development done. Markets were directed to stop primitive inefficient methods of business. Already a centralized currency the Zloty was floating around pegged against gold. The marketplace on the Rybinsk Sea, a source of hope once of war developing a middle class.
Still the nation needed allies and already the new neighbors in the Finns proved promising. The southern border with Muck people appeared to be secure as well. Only further east still were there issues with geopolitics. Now to begin the foundation of the alliance to stabilize the region. The Northern Alliance of Powers, NAP.
>>5360205 Invade the Taoties and continue consolidating the internal territory of The Empire. Could The Marrows Empire be considered a superpower currently?
>>5360218 Sus would you be interested in The NAP alliance?
>>5359795 Finns, would you be interested in The NAP alliance?
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5360205 ^^<><>% (Markets and religious buildings, keep building them around our holy site.)
%!%-NAT-STAT-MON MIL-BS-OPISMD (Activate Ka-Ching! and spend our 2000 gold on two military bases, bordering alongside OP-IS-MAD)
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5360205 claim the pink one (pic) and expand towards the arrow (pic)
>>5360193 >>5360201 i don't mind the system/event not working and being removed, but the compensation is fucked up.
Zothique ignored the whole Ligma stuff, he gets +5 for 7 map and also get the ~600 gold, while i wasted 775 gold on labs, got nothing for 7 maps and get back ~600 gold.
i feel like i just ligma op balls.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Tue 02 Aug 2022 16:38:53 No. 5360228 Report >>5360052 >>5360216 Two tens in a row, fuck yeaaah. Looks like my borders are more or less set, in the southeast. Now to claim the far east!
In a joint celebration in our new territories near Dogcock Tip Bay, around the sister Lakes Titikaka and Kakatiti, and the unnamed central channel south of DooDoo Butter Lake that cuts the continents in half, we also decide to name this great dividing body of water while we party.
Henceforth, the large river or ocean that cuts the continents in half shall be known as the "Strait of Jabalzhurt"
We shared our exuberant splendor and mirth with our trade partner nations, giving them a symbolic Token of Friendship, which cost my blacksmiths and goldsmiths exactly 10 coins each to create. I also made one for myself. We can all wear these very stylish gold medals on necklaces, or keep them in a nice display cabinet or secret vault or something. Cheers, friends! I hope you like them!
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Tue 02 Aug 2022 16:41:57 No. 5360229 Report >>5360228 Idk why I said two tens in a row when I got a 3 in between... Anyway... Maxed nat STR here I cum!
>>5360227 Why do you think your peers keep posting OP-IS-MAD or OPISADICK?
Because I'm attractive, that's why.
>>5360240 fair enough, i'm joining them you beautiful
OPisMICROPENISbutGIANTBALLS !!sipAx80BtvI ID:Aqz0jmkU Tue 02 Aug 2022 17:07:21 No. 5360254 Report >>5360222 Damn dawg I thought we still had to wait another turn or two for official alliances. Guess I kinda jumped the gun first, though.
>>5360223 1-33-7! .-..-.. T-IT-S! !-13-37 N-1+-4^
[All your base are belong to us!! ...Err, sorry, having trouble with the T.I.T.S. (Tentacle In The Sphincter) technology. What I meant to say was, you have chosen wise places for your military bases, I will help repel foreign invaders, and keep our borders sacrosanct, as we believe N-14-^^ instructs us to do.]
>>5360227 Yeah, I hear you, I was just pitshosting. If you like, you can still explore Ligma Nuts with me in private. Lolololol jk. Also, have you considered anything I could trade you for the 6 territories adjacent to me in the Southeast? Or formulated any other trade deal you're interested in striking with me? If not, I'll likely have an offer for you next month/year/turn/map.
>>5360245 TRIVIA: Your ID can be rearranged to spell OP Coccyx
Which kind of sounds like OP cocksucks
>>5360222 this alliance needs a better name for me to want to join it, imagine the ZAP alliance, that would be awesome.
>>5360254 right now i don't have any deal in mind and i like being AMONG other nations
Order of Liberty and Justice
Order of Liberty and Justice ID:PAV6YQod Tue 02 Aug 2022 18:46:31 No. 5360320 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5360205 attack Zothique once more
Jan Mayen
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5360205 Expand as much as possible in the direction of the arrow + Expansionist NS. Soon there won't be any more space left to expand, gotta take everything while you can.
Finnish Expedition !7lfxwTSzfk
Finnish Expedition !7lfxwTSzfk ID:aOO5272/ Tue 02 Aug 2022 20:14:09 No. 5360395 Report Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5360205 Jan Mayen is a core part of Norway, so we're just gonna invade the fuckers and kill them all. Priority invasion north through land I directly control. Fortify as much territory as possible within the island under +4 strength.
>>5360222 We will accept an alliance, the Marrows have proven to be friends.
Quoted By:
>>5360282 >>5360222 well... the finnish folk just started a sussy war with my boy Jan Mayen, i'm not in the mood to join it
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5360205 Complete our northern expansion to the shore and then apply any spill over to the southeast.
Marrow Anon
>>5360395 I think we need a couple more maps until any alliances will be formalized by Conqstr. I am just laying down the foundations for now and see who's interested in The NAP. Conqstr
>>5360491 Everyone can start forming alliances on the next map, which then becomes official on map #20.
Marrow Anon
>>5360492 Okay understood, thank you Conqstr.
Quoted By:
>>5360491 dude you really should change the name, who wants to take a NAP when wars are brewing?
Ashen Clarke
Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5360205 Expand towards Hilt's bay, and push further into the enemies of Zothique. They shall know the folly of meddling with the vast lands of Zothique. Move the fortifications so generously gifted by the Allied Dictatorship closer to our border with the Order. Title the island in the bay to our south Carcosa.
Also I don't think you added the one territory Zothique should have taken from the Order of Liberty in the East.
Jan Mayen
>>5360395 damn, ok. this type of thing is why i had fortifications built
Anyone wanna join in on the war on my side?
Also a loss to the NAP. Only 3/5 of the north nations at best unless this is resolved quick and on good terms.
>>5360205 Also, build a military base somewhere far from the Finns.
Ashen Clarke
>>5360638 You can just attack them back, you rolled a 10 to their 5.
Jan Mayen
>>5360651 Forgot you could change your action lol
>>5360205 >>5360358 Change my expansion into an attack. Cut the island down the middle.
>>5360205 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 13 hours from the time of this post.
N-14-^^ (Populous:Q-41-%9||638 Fede
Red's Legacy (High Walls):Suspects||102 Fede
Norf (Creed of War):Marrows||85 Fede
The Chosen People (Flying Destiny):Scimitar Republic||80 Fede
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
Zothique 4|275(5)|160 Scimitar Republic Maxed|269(5)|393 Suspects 8|261(5)|992
Q-41-%9 0|223(4)|21 Muck Marsh Cartel 0|141(2)|1620 Jan Mayen 0|229(4)|1516
OPISMAD Maxed|268(5)|685 Marrows 9|323(6)|1266 Finnish Expedition 16|63(1)|2437
Order of Liberty and Justice 7|142(2)|257 Kratiya 12|147(2)|1729 Taotie Maxed|123(2)|2528
Active Effects / Items
+2 attack (+2 Attack,ends in 2 turns): Zothique
+1 attack (+1 Attack,ends in 1 turn): Scimitar Republic
+1 attack (+1 Attack,ends in 2 turns): Scimitar Republic
+3 attack (+3 Attack,ends in 2 turns): Order of Liberty and Justice
>>5359792 |Scimitar Republic:
>>5351669 >>5353367 >>5354976 >>5356085 >>5357470 |Suspects:
>>5354418 >>5355945 >>5356989 >>5357320 >>5357496 >>5358892 >>5359792 Q-41-%9:
>>5352280 >>5353422 >>5354497 >>5354738 >>5359909 |Muck Marsh Cartel:
>>5354418 >>5355746 >>5359773 >>5359792 |Jan Mayen:
>>5357922 >>5360052 OPISMAD:
>>5352195 >>5354910 >>5359807 >>5359906 >>5359996 >>5360153 |Marrows:
>>5355961 >>5356120 >>5359903 |Finnish Expedition:
>>5351159 >>5355945 Order of Liberty and Justice:
>>5354613 >>5356986 |Kratiya:
>>5354566 >>5356020 >>5358892 |Taotie:
>>5356989 >>5359792 =============
Next event on map#20
Marrow vs. Taotie
The Safari Wars: Scimitar Republic, Order and Liberty vs. Zothique
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= The Scimitar Republic
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5360688 >buy 1attack >expand towards the sword peninsula >activate blitzkrieg >attack Zothique >>5360227 Greetings, friend, I believe we have not met formally after OPISMAD introduced everyone in the known world. Here in the south we have been surrounded by snakes, they want us dead. You seem to be reaching the borders of our main rivals, the Zothique. I propose an alliance between us, one that expands between north and south, to unify the world and protect the peaceful and just people of out nations. We are just asking for help. Marrow Anon
Quoted By:
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5360688 Expand into internal territories and consolidate control. Continue the offense against the Taotie's lands.
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5360688 Claim this spot(pic) and finally, expand everywhere and build free religious buildings!
>>5360693 I'm adorable and everyone want me, i'll wait for a while and decide what i'll do, but i really like the idea of unifying the north and south, and also would like to have access to the lake amongus Finnish Expedition !7lfxwTSzfk
Finnish Expedition !7lfxwTSzfk ID:aOO5272/ Wed 03 Aug 2022 03:26:49 No. 5360715 Report Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5360688 Look we started this aggressive war for no reason, but we still have to invade Jan Mayen because I sure as hell am not gonna attack the Marrows after they helped me.
Reclaim our lost T and invade through that sea crossing to conquer their land.
Order of Liberty and Justice
Order of Liberty and Justice ID:PAV6YQod Wed 03 Aug 2022 03:30:03 No. 5360717 Report Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5360688 attack Zothique
Jan Mayen
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5360715 You could always make a sea gateway to somewhere free, although I don't blame you.
>>5360688 Continue attacking the island with the same plan as before and use the Critical Hit NS.
Also, how much National Strength does it actually cost to use a NS?
The Scimitar Republic
Quoted By:
>>5360712 Well, if you fancy that idea so much, why not manifest that into reality? We have been waging a tough war for quite some time now and we need help. What would your help cost? We need someone to support our rolls in battle. >>5360717 Nice attack, man! You may gaze upon our spoiler above. We have made contact with the Sus asking for help in our rolls, I have a suspicion that they may ask for resources that the Republic currently does not have, we ask that you maintain an open mind with regards to bargaining with them and sharing your currency with us to make this deal. Ashen Clarke
>>5360500 >>5360488 >>5360229 >>5360223 >>5359906 >>5360732 Zothique would like to resurrect OPISMAD's grand alliance proposal. We are also including Jan Mayen in this communication because they too, like Zothique, are suffering from the irrational aggression of Finland. What do you all say to this proposal?
Ashen Clarke
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5360688 Push back against the forces arrayed against Zothique. Expand ever closer to Hilt's Bay. Defend from our fortified territories. Support Jan Mayen.
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5360688 Complete our northern expansion to the shore and then apply any spill over to the southeast. Construct three markets in the west.
>>5360764 OPISMAD is a long-standing friend of the KRR. Zothique, on the other hand, is an unknown factor to the south. While we do not have any ill will toward you, we also don't have much in common. Let us start with a trade agreement and we can revisit the matter of a formal alliance at a later date.
>>5360704 The KRR appreciates the continued good will of Sus. It is nice to have neighbors that are respectful of one another's borders.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Wed 03 Aug 2022 05:47:39 No. 5360829 Report Rolled 1 (1d10) No need to rush into things, I suppose. My invitation to join an alliance will be formally announced NEXT TURN, but everyone is free to make their decisions now, as well. Nations invited to join the alliance have been named already, and are named again here on this list: Muck Marsh Cartel Q-41-%9 Sus Taotie Kratiya My nation, OPISMAD And the final consideration, Jan Mayen I suggest every nation strongly consider whether or not joining the "LADS LIVIN' LARGE" alliance will benefit from membership, or are better off pursuing other endeavors. >Sign LLL charter >Don't sign LLL charter >Wait another turn +++++++++++++++++ As for my turn, expand everywhere in the north and build forts to gift to Taotie again. Godspeed, amigos! Then activate national strategy TICKING TIMEBOMB!!!!
Jan Mayen
>>5360829 It all depends on how many join, although I'd say it's highly likely. Large alliances offer peace in the long term. So wait one more turn.
>>5360764 I believe the Marrow and the Finns are allies, no? Or at least fought together against one enemy
Quoted By:
>>5360829 > the bone marrow grinder alliance
>>5360849 for jan mayen
do you require support incase marrow attacks you also? Ashen Clarke
>>5360849 Not sure why Marrow Anon was added. Maybe a mistake was made.
Quoted By:
>>5360890 because they where trying to tag team me but i started burrowing in like a worm before i gave up
Quoted By:
>>5360795 >>5360715 >>5360667 GOOD MORNING GOOD NEIGHBORS, i have offers from everyone to join alliances but i'd like to make a proposition of my own! I hate the idea of having OPISMAD as an ally, his behaviour is erratic and the Q-41 dude, completely crazy. In my dreams: the Marrow drop the Finnish folks because their decision making is shitty, terrible quality in an ally; The Jan Mayen will destroy the Finnish (already happening) and follow me in to the chaos; and Kratya, my respectful neighbor, we both have lands made to destroy the south if they ever try something against us. TLDR: I want you guys to join the AMAZING MANS OF NICE GREATNESS UNITED STRENGHT (AMONG US), and after that i'd like to consider inviting the scimitar and order of liberty and stuff to our great alliance too, if we leave them to the south, they'll be destroyed, and OPISMAD never considered inviting them to the southern alliance even though they are south, kinda sus Ashen Clarke
>>5360767 Also purchase 1 extra attack.
Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5360228 UPDOWNLEFTLEFTDOWNUP1414 (Delicious. I shall hang this around my seventeen neck.)
>>5360688 <>UPDOWNLEFTRIGHTLEFTRIGHTBEAAHSTART (Expand, expand, expand! Keep building religious buildings and markets where we can stuff them.
>>5360764 >>5360829 SIGHLEFTLAUGHLAUGHLOVELOVE1414(!!( (We are accepting of an alliance and/or trade league, for the power increase of our nation will be most suitable. Lad Living Large will be an acceptable name)
Finnish Expedition !7lfxwTSzfk
Finnish Expedition !7lfxwTSzfk ID:aOO5272/ Wed 03 Aug 2022 13:10:31 No. 5361024 Report Quoted By:
>>5360732 oh yeah, u rite, then this war was unneeded
Ashen Clarke
Quoted By:
>>5360829 A scene in the Allied Dictatorship
Two yellow priests had entered the Dictatorship's foreign office, their faces hidden in shadow. One drew from his robes an equally yellow parchment, fragile and faded with age, to be given to the most senior members of the department. They were quickly led into another room where they met with suitable representatives from the Dictatorship. Zothique had come to them, had answered their invitation to the grand alliance of many nations. Such a thing had not been done, not even in the other worlds which Zothique had witnessed before.
The pact was made, the deal struck. An alliance was born, one that would endure faithfully while its members stood strong, or wash away with the rain of history. Time would tell, sooner rather than later some suspected as they watched the Yellow Priests melt into the darkness of the trembling night. Those who slumbered stirred, and those already awake felt the coming of some strange and sweltering storm.
Quoted By:
OP, i would like to request 11 more hours until the next map for alliances and peace talk
Quoted By:
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5360688 >marked +3 fortification upgrade to level 20 >marked +10 fortification upgrade to level 11 >expand >build markets >Ka-Ching! (Special) Conqstr
>>5360688 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 11 hours from the time of this post.
N-14-^^ (Populous:Q-41-%9, OPISMAD, Muck Marsh Cartel||714 Fede
Red's Legacy (High Walls):Suspects||115 Fede
Norf (Creed of War):Marrows||99 Fede
The Chosen People (Flying Destiny):Scimitar Republic||92 Fede
Weirdos:OPISMAD,Q-41-%9,Zothique | | 14 att/def (Need an alliance bonus)
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
Zothique 7|261(5)|198 Scimitar Republic 0|304(6)|153 Suspects 15|270(5)|1072
Q-41-%9 8|239(4)|111 Muck Marsh Cartel 0|141(2)|1687 Jan Mayen 6|229(4)|1566
OPISMAD 0|275(5)|763 Marrows 10|330(6)|1318 Finnish Expedition 0|63(1)|2490
Order of Liberty and Justice 16|134(2)|306 Kratiya Maxed|155(3)|1784 Taotie 0|135(2)|3073
Active Effects / Items
+2 attack (+2 Attack,ends in 1 turn): Zothique
+1 attack (+1 Attack,ends in 1 turn): Scimitar Republic
+1 attack (+1 Attack,ends in 3 turns): Scimitar Republic
+3 attack (+3 Attack,ends in 1 turn): Order of Liberty and Justice
>>5359792 |Scimitar Republic:
>>5351669 >>5353367 >>5354976 >>5356085 >>5357470 |Suspects:
>>5354418 >>5355945 >>5356989 >>5357320 >>5357496 >>5358892 >>5359792 Q-41-%9:
>>5352280 >>5353422 >>5354497 >>5354738 >>5359909 |Muck Marsh Cartel:
>>5354418 >>5355746 >>5359773 >>5359792 |Jan Mayen:
>>5357922 >>5360052 OPISMAD:
>>5352195 >>5354910 >>5359807 >>5359906 >>5359996 >>5360153 |Marrows:
>>5355961 >>5356120 >>5359903 |Finnish Expedition:
>>5351159 >>5355945 Order of Liberty and Justice:
>>5354613 >>5356986 |Kratiya:
>>5354566 >>5356020 >>5358892 |Taotie:
>>5356989 >>5359792 =============
<span class="mu-r">Bad news: Your scouts have reported that the world is being covered in darkness, swallowing everything in its path starting from territories that nobody lives on. Is this the end of the world?</span>
For each map, the void will consume 100 territories.
Marrow vs. Taotie
The Safari Wars: Scimitar Republic, Order and Liberty vs. Zothique
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Finnish !7lfxwTSzfk
Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5361110 Repeat my prior roll, nothing has changed.
Marrow Anon
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5361110 Continue to expand into and consolidate the internal territories. Attack the Taoties.
>>5361110 wtf OP, are you biased?
first map bandits 3 guys in my mainland hahafunny, then ligma netloss and now this.
i keep trying to play smart, landlocking, trading land but there is always the "OP intervention" in a game with a set of rules. Sea gateways is a thing, let the players use it.
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5361110 try to connect these lands before the funny void take over
>>5361123 yes
stay mad cuck
Quoted By:
>>5361128 too bad :/
>>5361110 the void consumed the sussy folks, i'm opting out of the game make it free territory or void.
great game, sussy management.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:0J/lg3Fj Wed 03 Aug 2022 18:26:33 No. 5361211 Report >>5361124 Zothique, OPISMAD and Q-41-%9 would like to extend formal invitations to the following chads to join the LADS LIVIN' LARGE alliance:
Muck Marsh Cartel
Jan Mayen
What say you lads? Would you like to live large with your fellow lads?
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:0J/lg3Fj Wed 03 Aug 2022 18:31:49 No. 5361214 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 1 (1d10) Expand everywhere, build forts randomly, and research the void if possible
Jan Mayen
Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5361110 I assume the void is your way of ending it? In that case, expand the other colonies I have around the map as much as possible.
>>5361211 Sure, yeah. We sign the charter.
Jan Mayen
Quoted By:
>>5361222 also defend against attacks, if any
Quoted By:
>>5361222 Maybe. You have until Map#53 to rule the world if there are ~3200 territories on this map.
Finland !7lfxwTSzfk
>>5361119 We must enter into an alliance.
Marrow Anon
Quoted By:
>>5361255 Finland what bonus should we have I don't think +2 territories is going to amount to much if the Void gobbles up remaining territories. So between offense and defense I'd prefer the +1 to attacks. Though +1 defense wouldn't be bad either. Also should we put the alliance capital on the Finnish or the Marrow's Island? My say is creator island since it's bit further from any war front currently.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Wed 03 Aug 2022 21:03:54 No. 5361296 Report With all the trifling nosy neighbors who live small instead of large, LLL feels it necessary to take the +1 DEF perk. (Open to changing it to ATK if you guys like)
The Scimitar Republic
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5361110 attack zothique expand in the sword
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Wed 03 Aug 2022 21:45:07 No. 5361318 Report Quoted By:
>>5361307 Give it up, the tip of the sword is already broken, humiliated and exposed, like the circumcised phallic symbol it is.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Wed 03 Aug 2022 21:51:12 No. 5361322 Report >>5361211 *Kratiya is also offered a position in the alliance
I knew I was forgetting something
Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5361296 +1 ATK MROE LICKED
>>5361110 END OF WOLD? SPA CE SHI P, SEND t O S k Y
EXPAND everYWHERE, BuILD markets AND reLigiouS buildings where we CaN, attack anY oNe wjp AtAckS us BAAACCkkkKFkkk.
Order of Liberty and Justice
Order of Liberty and Justice ID:PAV6YQod Thu 04 Aug 2022 00:19:48 No. 5361423 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5361110 attack Zothique
Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5361322 Kratiya is pleased to join the alliance with its longtime friends in OPISADICK.
>>5361110 Expand southeast. Construct more forts along the border with Scimitar.
Ashen Clarke
Quoted By:
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5361110 Push back against the stupid scimitars and their allies. They can't stop the march of Zothique! Expand with all speed down the Broken Scimitar towards hilts bay!
Ashen Clarke
>>5360963 >>5361110 I should also have 1 extra attack.
Ashen Clarke
Quoted By:
>>5361123 We also need an alliance bonus, Zothique will vote got attack but is fine with anything.
>>5361512 You don't have enough. You need 300 gold for +1 attack.
Ashen Clarke
Quoted By:
>>5361516 Oh yeah, not sure how I forgot that. Whoops.
>>5361110 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 13 hours from the time of this post.
N-14-^^ (Populous:Q-41-%9||800 Fede
Norf (Creed of War):Marrows||109 Fede
The Chosen People (Flying Destiny):Scimitar Republic||105 Fede
Weirdos:OPISMAD,Q-41-%9,Zothique,Kratiya,Jan Mayen | +1 Attack | 22 att/def
Rebel Alliance:Finnish Expedition,Marrows | Need alliance bonus | 7 att/def
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
Zothique 17|281(5)|243 Scimitar Republic 2|304(6)|212 Q-41-%9 14|250(5)|203
Jan Mayen 15|236(4)|1619 OPISMAD 1|282(5)|841 Marrows 15|338(6)|1374
Finnish Expedition 6|72(1)|2540 Order of Liberty and Justice Maxed|126(2)|355 Kratiya Maxed|160(3)|1837
Taotie 0|133(2)|3125
Active Effects / Items
+1 attack (+1 Attack,ends in 2 turns): Scimitar Republic
>>5359792 |Scimitar Republic:
>>5351669 >>5353367 >>5354976 >>5357470 |Q-41-%9:
>>5352280 >>5353422 >>5359909 Jan Mayen:
>>5360052 |OPISMAD:
>>5352195 >>5354910 >>5359807 >>5359996 |Marrows:
>>5356120 Finnish Expedition:
>>5351159 >>5355945 |Order of Liberty and Justice:
>>5354613 |Kratiya:
>>5354566 >>5356020 Taotie:
>>5359792 =============
<span class="mu-r">The void has consumed the nations of sus and mucks, advancing the world further to doom...</span>
Marrow vs. Taotie
The Auguth War: Finland Vs. Jan Mayan
The Safari Wars: Scimitar Republic, Order and Liberty vs. Zothique
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Conqstr
Aight, time to select a new map for a new game (this game will continue as usual):>World Edition #7 >Europe Edition #3 >Tamriel Edition #3 >Africa Edition #2 >Space Edition #2 >Kolovoi Edition #2 >Staalvark Edition #2 >Australasia >Australia >USA >Fallout (including mexico and canada). A lot more detailed than the one I made. >Japan >Sea of Japan and Yellow Sea >Earth along with Solar System Planets >Solar System (planets aligned) >Solar System (planets scattered) >Star Wars galaxy >Eurasia >New World >Mexico >Middle Earth >Far east and pacific >South America Fantasy nonoriginal maps (may need to ask me for an image these)>Custard island >Falkerston >Monotile (one territory map) >MyFarog >Unnamed Homebrew >New Dawn
Jan Mayen
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5361558 Earth + Planets sounds cool, could we see what it looks like/how many tiles it has?
>>5361555 Also expand everywhere + expansionist NS.
>>5361564 Absolutely. I think you might be referring to picrel
>Earth along with Solar System Planets Conqstr
>>5361568 All the other labels and legends will be replaced with mine of course, and I do not know how many territories there are.
>>5361555 Upgrade fortification +3 thats not touching marrow too level 23
Upgrade fortification +10 to level 20
Move back fortification touching marrow to the market district
Expand everywhere
Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5361574 Oh
Order of Liberty and Justice
Order of Liberty and Justice ID:PAV6YQod Thu 04 Aug 2022 03:17:37 No. 5361581 Report Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5361555 1. Anger (Power-up): Your attacks are boosted by +2 for the next 2 maps. Effect stacks.
attack Zothique and use all my gold to buy attack
Order of Liberty and Justice
Order of Liberty and Justice ID:PAV6YQod Thu 04 Aug 2022 03:18:38 No. 5361583 Report >>5361558 >>Fallout (including mexico and canada). A lot more detailed than the one I made. can wait to see this map
The Scimitar Republic
>attack zothique >expand west of amogus Finland !7lfxwTSzfk
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5361558 If you've improved on the Fallout map, I'd love to see another Fallout campaign.
Continue my war against Jan Mayen, invade his territory.
Jan Mayen
>>5361570 i guess about 1100-1200. Counted a few planets and guessed the rest. Can I see New Dawn? sounds cool
>>5361589 Only the main map will be featured and not the zoomed-in areas. Otherwise, I would possibly need to change how much goes into expansion.
>>5361590 Most of these maps (aside from the maps with Edition appended at the end of the name) I do not have a count on.
Jan Mayen
>>5361564 also attack the finns. keep forgetting about that
Jan Mayen
>>5361595 how about world edition?
so far the earth+space one sounds the most interesting for me
Quoted By:
>>5361603 World Edition has around 1,300 territories
Personally, I would prefer maps between that amount and ~2,300 territories as it would fit my ruleset better instead of having to modify expansion and attacks to cover larger areas.
You can find those maps in the archives in the ruleset link at the bottom.
Ashen Clarke
>>5361555 How did my 10 not beat the Scimitar's 2?
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Thu 04 Aug 2022 03:58:15 No. 5361624 Report Rolled 10 (1d10) IT'S TIME TO REVERSE THE LUCK OF LANIUS!
Then, uhh... Expand everywhere else and build forts, I guess.
>>5361558 >>Tamriel Edition #3 or +1 to whatever handmade map has been waiting to be used for a while Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Thu 04 Aug 2022 03:59:33 No. 5361626 Report >>5361624 Luck of Lanius: BANISHED INTO THE VOID
Us lads literally can't stop livin' large
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Thu 04 Aug 2022 04:08:05 No. 5361633 Report >>5361626 Since my roll was so prolific, allow me to detail my plans of expansion. I would chiefly like to expand into and around the blue pentagon areas first and foremost.
i wish for a map combining the solar system and fallout as fallout got aliens and stuff
Quoted By:
>>5361555 >>5361619 Looking at it more closely I think you switched Order of Liberty and the Scimitar's rolls.
Quoted By:
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5361555 Th E V oD IS a F u R S e, F i G T a G I an St it. E x AP nd Exverywhere. BuIld mOre MarkEts and ReligIous BuilDingS. SuPpOrt My AlLiEs' AtTackS.
>>5361558 >Fallout (including mexico and canada). A lot more detailed than the one I made. Marrow Anon
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5361555 Continue the invasion against the Taoties. Expand into and consolidate internal territories.
Josef continued his tasks as usual. If this void of darkness were to come in to his office. His reaction just be business as usual right up until he could no longer fill out the papers. Cynically he'd known that unifying the wastes would never happen. Still the thoughts of a technocratically ran empire finally stopping the madness in the end appealed to him. He'd work right until the end from Crater City.
Finland !7lfxwTSzfk
Quoted By:
>>5361903 >>5361874 >>5361635 >>5361633 >>5361619 >>5361603 >>5361581 I don't know how many of you joined the Discord server yet, but I figured I'd drop back in to just shill a few things since it's become relevant in these games. A lot of the reason that Conqstr has been able to also look at a bunch of new maps is because of work we've been doing to supply the entire Risk community with a fully featured map archive. Much of that work was done within the /conqst/ discord which you can join in the week below. I know not everyone is gonna be excited for a Discord and perhaps most of you probably won't join it, which is why I wanted to directly link to our map collection. I am one of the chief maintainers of this gigantic collection of maps going back to work anons had done in 2011. That's literally more than a decade of content collected over the years, and it's almost been lost on numerous occasions because of people having infighting with one another. I encourage you to take a look at it or even bookmark it if you're feeling inspired to host games on the board. If you want to help me add more content into it, feel free to read up the document talking about the archive for a Discord link + my direct profile if you hate groups. Or simply post maps you might have been working on in here with a reply to this post.
Quoted By:
>>5361568 is this just the intro picture or does the planets actually overlap?
The Scimitar Republic
Quoted By:
>>5361558 The epic fallout one
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5361587 A demand is made for the fort and territories in the east of our border. There is little reason for scimitar to have these lands, and at present they are blocking my further eastward expansion.
>>5361555 Expand north. Take what territory we can before the void consumes it.
The Scimitar Republic
Quoted By:
>>5361957 We sent you this deal years ago and you ignored our diplomats. We will agree to this if you at least compensate us with 300 gold (what a bargain) and we get to maintain friendly relations.
Quoted By:
>>5361619 You should have taken those territories as I do not see why not.
+16 territories added
>>5361555 Notes
<span class="mu-s">So far, we're going to do fallout 2.0 edition for our next /conqst/. </span>
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 11 hours from the time of this post.
N-14-^^ (Populous):Q-41-%9, OPISAHOTPAPA||886 Fede
Norf (Creed of War):Marrows||121 Fede
The Chosen People (Flying Destiny):Scimitar Republic||113 Fede
Weirdos:OPISMAD,Q-41-%9,Zothique,Kratiya,Jan Mayen | +1 Attack | 24 att/def
Rebel Alliance:Finnish Expedition,Marrows | | 7 att/def
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
Zothique 17|273(5)|278 Scimitar Republic 9|318(6)|271 Q-41-%9 17|257(5)|285
Jan Mayen Maxed|279(5)|1668 OPISAHOTPAPA 11|304(6)|918 Marrows 18|344(6)|1418
Finnish Expedition 12|61(1)|2590 Order of Liberty and Justice Maxed|118(2)|94 Kratiya Maxed|171(3)|1888
Taotie 0|138(2)|232
Active Effects / Items
+1 attack (+1 Attack,ends in 1 turn): Scimitar Republic
Anger (+2 Attack,ends in 3 turns): Order of Liberty and Justice
+1 attack (+1 Attack,ends in 3 turns): Order of Liberty and Justice
>>5359792 |Scimitar Republic:
>>5351669 >>5353367 >>5354976 >>5357470 |Q-41-%9:
>>5352280 >>5353422 >>5359909 Jan Mayen:
>>5360052 |OPISAHOTPAPA:
>>5352195 >>5354910 >>5359807 >>5359996 |Marrows:
>>5356120 Finnish Expedition:
>>5351159 >>5355945 |Order of Liberty and Justice:
>>5354613 |Kratiya:
>>5354566 >>5356020 Taotie:
>>5359792 =============
Marrow vs. Taotie
The Auguth War: Finland Vs. Jan Mayan
The Safari Wars: Scimitar Republic, Order and Liberty vs. Zothique
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Finland !7lfxwTSzfk
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5361987 We will build labs at the center of our island to research into the void. Expand to cover all neutral territory within my vicinity. I don't think this should be the time for war right now.
How about you?
>>5361602 Hot Papa is codeword for Gay Rapist !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Hot Papa is codeword for Gay Rapist !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Thu 04 Aug 2022 17:24:20 No. 5362040 Report Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5361987 Expand everywhere in the north
Build forts
Pee into the void, see what happens
>>5361987 Can I get a timer or a one turn notice before Ticking Timebomb activates, Hot Papa? I don't wanna assume something and miscalculate.
Hot Papa is codeword for Gay Rapist !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Hot Papa is codeword for Gay Rapist !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Thu 04 Aug 2022 17:31:42 No. 5362047 Report Quoted By:
>>5362040 Prioritize taking every territory in the north horn pictured here before taking any other land.
From now forth, this land shall be known as the...
̶̧̫̘̰̪̣͕͖̹̭͕͔̱̑̉̂̌̓̒̋̂̃̔̚͜͝H̵̖̥̞͈̗̣̱̩̋̀͑̽̒͂͊͐̽̋̑̓͘̕ͅō̴̯͎̤̙̝̠̣̥̖̌̌̒͌̓͘͜r̵̡̬͎̩̖̤̞̯͇̘͇͆͛̂̔̎̐̽n̴̹̤̦͚̦̪̫̈́̉̀͑̋͘͘y̷̢̬̙̻̻͙̪̼̻̆̾́̀̋̔̎́́͋͝ ̵̢̡̱̘̱̬̥̈́̍͂́̔̒̾͆̕̚͝P̷̛̥͕̤͚̫̟̖̱͙̝̟̳̮̯̉̎ͅe̸͙͉̞̞͉̙̭̊̀̀̊̿̇̎͐ṋ̸̢̟̺̰̟̟͈͚͇͙͊̊́̑͆̒̎̾̔̈̃͝ͅͅͅi̶̝͒̈́̋̀͆̽̀͗͝͝͠ͅṉ̴̞͉̻̗͊̾͂̉́̈͋͊̾̕ş̴̢̛̯͓̦̤̹̟̖̱̠̤̦͖͒̊̄͊̃̏͊͝͝ͅư̸̢̗̘̮̖̗̳͉̰͖̗̾͌͒͂̍́̾́̎́̈́̚ļ̵̡̛͇̳̪̘̫̩̗̞̬͎̳̦̇̓̽̒̂̓͊͘͠͝ͅa̴̢͔͕̩̥̫̱͈͕̋̔̇̃͐́̐̀̃͛͘̚̚͜͠
Jan Mayen
Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5361990 I agree. In the last days of this world, we should strive for peace.
>>5361987 Give back that one territory on the Finns' island and continue to expand into as much free territory as possible.
>>5361990 >>5362040 >The void is a substance of unknown matter. Its presence douses light, covering the whole world in a perpetual night. Anything that the void touches become its kingdom. It continues to spread slowly, however, as there is something that limits its over-reaching consumption and growth. >Anything that your scientists may have tried has only made the void grow. The matter consumes everything and anything. Anonymous
>>5362058 >Continue pissing into the void Marrow Anon
Quoted By:
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5361987 Continue the inward expansion to consolidate territory, spill any excess west to hold territory against the void wherever possible.
As the light continued to fade against the darkness there was quiet solidarity. The Marrows would hold whatever they could as transient as their control would be.
Order of Liberty and Justice
Order of Liberty and Justice ID:PAV6YQod Thu 04 Aug 2022 22:56:19 No. 5362273 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5361987 attack Zothique
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5361987 KeEp ExAPndiNG evErWYherE. PrAy, PraY with OuR MiGhTy FeDe to ChAllEnGe thE voId. BuIld MorE marKets AnD ReligIous BuiLdiNgs. AtAcK aNyone WhO tttCackAttackS us Back.
Quoted By:
>>5362279 spEnd 100 GOLD for NATIONAL straTEGY boost.
The Scimitar Republic
Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5361987 WE ARE OM TJRE FIMAL STTECKKK !!!!!!
>attack zothique The Scimitar Republic
Quoted By:
>>5362445 Oops, expand in the border of zothique south too
Jan Mayen
>>5362120 Try shitting maybe
>>5362279 congrats on the language improvement
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:/XEhTx+B Fri 05 Aug 2022 02:18:31 No. 5362551 Report Quoted By:
>>5362488 Yes, congratulations, Q-41-%9, though I do miss being probed now UwU
>Shit into the voidhole I call this a "Hot Papa". Urban dictionary entry coming soon.
>>5361987 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 13 hours from the time of this post.
N-14-^^ (Populous):Q-41-%9, OPISCUTE||976 Fede
Norf (Creed of War):Marrows||135 Fede
The Chosen People (Flying Destiny):Scimitar Republic||119 Fede
Weirdos:OPISCUTE,Q-41-%9,Zothique,Kratiya,Jan Mayen | +1 Attack | 23 att/def
Rebel Alliance:Finnish Expedition,Marrows | | 8 att/def
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
Zothique 17|242(4)|313 Scimitar Republic 18|355(7)|332 Q-41-%9 Maxed|264(5)|267
Jan Mayen Maxed|289(5)|1712 OPISCUTE Maxed|320(6)|994 Marrows 19|358(7)|1460
Finnish Expedition 18|73(1)|2640 Order of Liberty and Justice Maxed|124(2)|133 Kratiya Maxed|171(3)|1934
Taotie 4|131(2)|283
Active Effects / Items
Anger (+2 Attack,ends in 1 turn): Order of Liberty and Justice
+1 attack (+1 Attack,ends in 2 turns): Order of Liberty and Justice
>>5359792 |Scimitar Republic:
>>5351669 >>5353367 >>5354976 >>5357470 |Q-41-%9:
>>5352280 >>5353422 >>5359909 Jan Mayen:
>>5360052 |OPISCUTE:
>>5352195 >>5354910 >>5359807 >>5359996 |Marrows:
>>5356120 Finnish Expedition:
>>5351159 >>5355945 |Order of Liberty and Justice:
>>5354613 |Kratiya:
>>5354566 >>5356020 Taotie:
>>5359792 =============
Marrow vs. Taotie
The Safari Wars: Scimitar Republic, Order and Liberty vs. Zothique
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Fri 05 Aug 2022 03:11:39 No. 5362601 Report Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5362584 Expand + build forts
Cum in the void
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Fri 05 Aug 2022 03:16:17 No. 5362606 Report >>5362601 Oh yeah, and activate BOMBARDMENT national strategy
Target anyone not in the alliance
Order of Liberty and Justice
Order of Liberty and Justice ID:PAV6YQod Fri 05 Aug 2022 03:31:06 No. 5362614 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5362584 1. Anger (Power-up): Your attacks are boosted by +2 for the next 2 maps. Effect stacks.
attack Zothique
The Scimitar Republic
Quoted By:
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5362584 >attack zothique >try to reclaim voided provinces bordering us. Toatie
Quoted By:
Do you rage against the dying light, Do you quietly go into the night as despair consumes you, as neighbour will turn on neighbour, friend after friend gone even those who slighted you, does not try tears sting upon your flesh, what is the wisdom from above that will save us all
Marrow Anon
Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5362584 Continue to consolidate the internal territories and attack the Taotie's territories. There won't be any space left for philosophical ramblings in this spreading darkness.
Quoted By:
Humans, the dark forest, tendrils do you accept a mask to be forged
Ashen Clarke
Quoted By:
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5362584 Hell, got majorly drunk and forgot to play. Anyway
Attack the enemies of Zothique. Bring terror to those who are too weak! Expand where possible.
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5362584 PrAy. Pray Ha RdEr. Ec panD evetywhere. Build more relLigious BhuLdIngS anD MarKeTs ahere I can.
Quoted By:
>>5362923 AnD acyIvate Ka-Ching ToO
Quoted By:
>>5362606 i dont remember if we are in a alliance is this the trade agreement that has enriched our nations.
for jan mayen would you like to get my +10 golden guardian (fortification) to use with "Naval Superiority (Attack): If you're crossing from one ocean to another (anywhere with a red line) and your attack is successful, you also gain all the opponent's territories and adjacent territories. Your initial captured territory also receives +3 fortification and 200 gold is added." or something or can one even move fortifications over void without it being consumed/lost
Jan Mayen
Quoted By:
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5362584 continue to expand.
Jan Mayen
>>5362931 I would like to avoid instigating any wars myself for now, but thank you for the offer Taotie
>>5362584 >ATTACK Marrow to protect our self and if successful move in with +20 fortification along the black arrow inside the attack arrow only if attack is successful >give OPISCUTE the +3 fortification in the southern territories where ever they want it >EXPAND so we may perhaps survive in a large sanctuary >>5362969 for your survival i wanted to grant the gift i had it ready and everything in the post and i wonder if its possible if expansion is what makes the void attack specific nations as wealth or power dont seem to have a effect on who is consumed i have been pondering in the future should i give up all my central lands to someone worthy so it does not fall into the wrong hands your opinion on it? >NEXT TURN shall be AUTOMATIC the void whispers to them as they are lulled into a sleep of the mind before they shall wake again in the next season Conqstr
Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5362975 dice
>>5362584 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 11 hours from the time of this post.
N-14-^^ (Populous:Q-41-%9||1067 Fede
Norf (Creed of War):Marrows||148 Fede
The Chosen People (Flying Destiny):Scimitar Republic||133 Fede
Weirdos:OPISMAD,Q-41-%9,Zothique,Kratiya,Jan Mayen | +1 Attack | 25 att/def
Rebel Alliance:Finnish Expedition,Marrows | | 8 att/def
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
Zothique 18|275(5)|349 Scimitar Republic 19|332(6)|385 Q-41-%9 0|271(5)|851
Jan Mayen 0|311(6)|1761 OPISMAD 0|336(6)|1069 Marrows Maxed|368(7)|1503
Finnish Expedition 18|73(1)|2684 Order of Liberty and Justice 0|120(2)|170 Kratiya 0|171(3)|1980
Taotie 4|126(2)|330
Active Effects / Items
Anger (+2 Attack,ends in 1 turn): Order of Liberty and Justice
+1 attack (+1 Attack,ends in 1 turn): Order of Liberty and Justice
Anger (+2 Attack,ends in 2 turns): Order of Liberty and Justice
>>5359792 |Scimitar Republic:
>>5351669 >>5353367 >>5354976 >>5357470 |Q-41-%9:
>>5352280 >>5353422 >>5359909 Jan Mayen:
>>5360052 |OPISMAD:
>>5352195 >>5354910 >>5359807 >>5359996 |Marrows:
>>5356120 Finnish Expedition:
>>5351159 >>5355945 |Order of Liberty and Justice:
>>5354613 |Kratiya:
>>5354566 >>5356020 Taotie:
>>5359792 =============
Next event on map#99
Marrow vs. Taotie
The Safari Wars: Scimitar Republic, Order and Liberty vs. Zothique
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Toatie
Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5363006 So OPIS lets become allied so we share attack power as i attack MARROW
>attack marrow Taotie
>>5363010 On other news who would want like 90% of my land and promise too slaugher marrow we can hash out the details before we fully agree as o become a fortification and market factory for you
Marrow Anon
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5363006 Since the world is coming to an end, buy a military base and place it within Crater City. Buy extra attack with leftover funds. Expand wherever possible and attack wherever possible. Use the national strategy behind enemy lines and attempt to take the marked territory.
The science team in the end days tried to deploy helicopters to see if there was anything left within the void consumed wasteland. Several were deployed to the east to attempt to pierce deep into the heartlands of their foe.
Marrow Anon
>>5363015 Are you sure about those markets? They would mighty fine razed. I'd suggest, you could just be my puppet and wear dog collars instead of sombreros.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Fri 05 Aug 2022 16:51:53 No. 5363031 Report Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5363010 Thank you for the fortifications!
I don't think you officially opted into the LADS LIVIN' LARGE alliance earlier, but there may still be a spot for you. I'd be happy to have you sign the charter immediately, but now, I'm not the only arbiter of the group. If the other members will accept you in, you are welcome to join us!
>Expand wherever possible >Buy Military Base for 1k, put it as hidden and deep and guarded in my territories as possible >Assist Taotie in their military endeavors if at all possible, regardless of alliance status For LADS EYES ONLY:
Offer: In exchange for a "7. Sea Gateway (Special)" National Strategy (and maybe a territory or two temporarily, if need be) that links me to the lands of the enemy...
I pledge to combat our foes and return the favor by supporting you with a "4. Bilateral Rally (Special): This maxes out another nation's National Strength on the next map." National Strategy as soon as I can, and a doubled return or doubled compensation of any temporarily gifted territories in strategic chokepoints.
>continue cumming into the void I'm starting to think I'm infertile, I keep cumming into the void but we still haven't had a baby yet.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Fri 05 Aug 2022 17:03:52 No. 5363041 Report >>5363020 We'll see who the bitches and dumb pups are, once we command your women and children to sit and bark and beg and roll over, after we slit the scruffy throats of all your twisted, mutant mongrel mutts and lying, dog-faced pony soldiers! Woof for me!
>>5363015 Don't take that from them, buddy, let's fight back!!!
>>5363031 Just realized Zothique is the only one even close to having maxed Nat STR but the offer is open for anyone. Trying to get this done ASAP so I can utilize TICKING TIMEBOMB on some unlucky putz.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Fri 05 Aug 2022 17:16:19 No. 5363045 Report >>5363041 >>5363031 Shit, I just realized there may not be time for what I intended to do. (Not actually sure)
But I think we can do the same thing with a Sea Gateway (economy purchase, not national strategy) so that I can capitalize on my Ticking Timebomb strategy in time. I still want to buy the military base this turn (probably because I'm dumb) so I won't have the gold. Can anyone spot me a sea gateway and if needed, a piece of land or two so that I may assist in conquering our foes? I'll TRIPLE the gold and territory loan(s), or utilize a Bilateral Rally on whomever helps me out. Do it for the LADS.
Quoted By:
>>5363045 psst. Your ticking timebomb goes off on the next map. pass it on Order of Liberty and Justice
Order of Liberty and Justice ID:PAV6YQod Fri 05 Aug 2022 22:28:46 No. 5363301 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5363006 attack Zothique
Jan Mayen
Quoted By:
>>5363031 no issues with Taotie in LLL
Jan Mayen
Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5363006 Keep expanding, provide support to Taotie. Create sea gateway with money too
Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5363006 ExAPND, BUiLD MARKETS and RELIGIOUS bUilDINGs, SUppORT AlliES in ThEir AttAcks. TranSfer 50 GolD to allL of My AllIes.
Ashen Clarke
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5363006 Zothique shall teach its enemies their final lesson. Attack! Expand where possible.
The Scimitar Republic
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5363006 Attack Zothique
Attack Kratiya
>>5363016 Why don't we join forces, eh? make an alliance of our own to resist their oppression.
You, me, Order of justice and the Finns.
Marrow Anon
Quoted By:
>>5363413 Sure welcome to the alliance. Being cruel to your enemies is mandatory.
Ashen Clarke
Quoted By:
>>5363412 Purchase +1 national strength too.
>>5363006 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 13 hours from the time of this post.
N-14-^^ (Populous:Q-41-%9||1158 Fede
Norf (Creed of War):Marrows||153 Fede
The Chosen People (Flying Destiny):Scimitar Republic||141 Fede
Weirdos:OPISMAD,Q-41-%9,Zothique,Jan Mayen | +1 Attack | 23 att/def
Rebel Alliance:Marrows,Scimitar Republic | | 13 att/def
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
Zothique Maxed|313(6)|335 Scimitar Republic Maxed|324(6)|444 Q-41-%9 6|282(5)|691
Jan Mayen 8|311(6)|1758 OPISMAD 4|347(6)|190 Marrows 0|385(7)|54
Order of Liberty and Justice 1|110(2)|206 Taotie 13|121(2)|386
Active Effects / Items
TickingTimeBomb (+8 Attack,ends in 1 turn): OPISMAD
+5 attack (+5 Attack,ends in 3 turns): Marrows
Anger (+2 Attack,ends in 1 turn): Order of Liberty and Justice
>>5359792 |Scimitar Republic:
>>5353367 >>5354976 |Q-41-%9:
>>5352280 >>5353422 >>5359909 Jan Mayen:
>>5360052 |OPISMAD:
>>5352195 >>5359807 >>5359996 |Order of Liberty and Justice:
>>5354613 Taotie:
>>5359792 =============
<span class="mu-r">The void consumes more souls that fled the world...</span>
Marrow vs. Taotie
The Safari Wars: Scimitar Republic, Order and Liberty vs. Zothique
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Order of Liberty and Justice
Order of Liberty and Justice ID:PAV6YQod Sat 06 Aug 2022 03:04:49 No. 5363494 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5363493 attack Zothique
Quoted By:
Fallout Edition #3 is up:
>>5363496 Q-41-%9
Quoted By:
Ashen Clarke
Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5363493 Eat the Scimitars and Order. Zothique will have its fill. Expand to free lands. Activate critical hit.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Sat 06 Aug 2022 06:18:10 No. 5363628 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5363493 Kek I'll use my Ticking Timebomb strategy yet. I shall not be denied!
>Absolutely rape and enslave the Order of Liberty and Justice on the Bermuda Trapezoid THIS IS MY LAND
Kind of wondering now what would have happened if our territories kept getting jumbled up or started off more randomized instead of having large, easy to understand blocks. Are we... Retarded? I suppose since Ligmaria is (what I assume to be) a "world-wide" conquest, I suppose this format makes sense. But for something like a smaller map with many factions, all truly scattered and vying for power... Maybe something like a cold civil war that just activated... There would be pockets of support for different factions from region to region, perhaps even adjacent to strongholds. Maybe if something like a hypothetical 2022 U.S. Civil War broke out, there are "red", "blue", and "purple" states, but still areas within them that would differ from others in terms of "faction". Just a thought.I think the scattered territories event surprised a lot of people. It's hard to plan around which makes it unpredictable... And therefore fun. But like every opportunity, also inevitably leads to heightened nervousness and sometimes anger at not being able to "fully and meaningfully" influence the effects of their actions.
Marrow Anon
Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5363493 From the paratroopers pocket push out and attempt to split the Taotie's land in half. Continue advancing in from the east.
So OPIS and JAN mayen HOW do we join into OFICCIAL alliance where our attack power is combined?
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Sat 06 Aug 2022 13:45:29 No. 5363803 Report >>5363789 Bippity
We declare an alliance member out of you!
The deed is done.
Quoted By:
>>5363803 is our MIGHT COMBINED? and we are now at a mutual 8 power?
Quoted By:
>>5363803 does this come in effect on this turn?
Jan Mayen
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5363493 Attack marrows because why not, the world is going to end soon. I know I said i'd end it in peace but I've decided thats no fun. Use blitzkrieg if I have enough national strength
also expand onto that small piece of land that is circled
>>5363832 you also want to join in on the alliance again marrow?
Jan Mayen
>>5363842 yeah why not. were already in a larger alliance together
Quoted By:
>>5363844 hmmm does this mean 2+6+6=14 is the attack power we have without any fortifications support or roll?
Marrow Anon
Quoted By:
>>5363493 Defend against Jan Mayen.
Quoted By:
>>5363844 do you want that +10 fortification for your use its more powerful in your hands?
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5363493 >give jan mayen territory and the +10 fortification at marked locations >give OPIS territory >in both build a fortification or more that they will claim >Attack MARROW >Give all gold too jan Mayen as they will need it Jan Mayen
Jan Mayen
Quoted By:
>>5363832 Buy an increase of attack using gold
The Scimitar Republic
Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5363493 >critical strike >attack >expand Conqstr
Quoted By:
>>5363656 Yeah I can do scenarios. I was thinking of one the other day about how half of the map is conquered by an "empire", with events surrounding it. Everyone else would start as a separate nation elsewhere, either supporting or plotting against the empire.
As for the map bandit event, I won't stop doing those and you may not force me to croak. Put that thing back where it belongs or so help me.
>>5363493 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 11 hours from the time of this post.
N-14-^^ (Populous:Q-41-%9||1251 Fede
Norf (Creed of War):Marrows||164 Fede
The Chosen People (Flying Destiny):Scimitar Republic||147 Fede
Weirdos:OPISMAD,Q-41-%9,Zothique,Jan Mayen,Taotie | +1 Attack | 27 att/def
Rebel Alliance:Marrows,Scimitar Republic | | 13 att/def
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
Zothique 0|350(7)|372 Scimitar Republic 0|317(6)|495 Q-41-%9 16|278(5)|788
Jan Mayen 15|310(6)|1944 OPISMAD 13|350(7)|261 Marrows 4|384(7)|94
Order of Liberty and Justice 6|89(1)|246 Taotie Maxed|102(2)|0
Active Effects / Items
+1 attack (+1 Attack,ends in 3 turns): Jan Mayen
+5 attack (+5 Attack,ends in 2 turns): Marrows
>>5359792 |Scimitar Republic:
>>5353367 >>5354976 |Q-41-%9:
>>5352280 >>5353422 >>5359909 Jan Mayen:
>>5360052 |OPISMAD:
>>5352195 >>5359807 >>5359996 |Order of Liberty and Justice:
>>5354613 Taotie:
>>5359792 =============
Next event on map#99
Marrow vs. Taotie
The Safari Wars: Scimitar Republic, Order and Liberty vs. Zothique
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Marrows Anon
Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5363921 Cancel the offensive again the Taoties. Attack Jan Mayan on all fronts. Territories taken in Taotie's territory are to defend. This betrayal fostered by the south is unBEARable, I always knew they would mislead the north into their squabbles. Pic includes instructions conveyed more clearly.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Sat 06 Aug 2022 16:34:38 No. 5363946 Report Quoted By:
>>5363866 Thank you, friend! Now we can rend the savage menaces in twain and force them to beg on command like the dogs they are!
OPISNOTALAD !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Sat 06 Aug 2022 16:39:57 No. 5363950 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5363921 Attack Marrows in the north in the land gifted to me by Taotie
If possible, increase the fort to +10 level
Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5363921 Language: mastered. It is time to die like these carbon based humans. Build markets and religious buildings where we can. Support our allies' attacks. Attack anyone who attacks us. Pray, pray into the void.
Jan Mayen
Quoted By:
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5363921 Give support to OPISMAD
Keep attacking on all fronts
Buy attack once more
Order of Liberty and Justice
Order of Liberty and Justice ID:PAV6YQod Sat 06 Aug 2022 23:34:12 No. 5364393 Report Ashen Clarke
Quoted By:
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5363921 Eat our enemies until Zothique is ready to burst with the bounty of their lands. A delicious feast will be had!
Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5364393 dice
>>5363921 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 13 hours from the time of this post.
N-14-^^ (Populous:Q-41-%9||1358 Fede
Norf (Creed of War):Marrows||177 Fede
The Chosen People (Flying Destiny):Scimitar Republic||162 Fede
Weirdos:OPISMAD,Q-41-%9,Zothique,Jan Mayen,Taotie | +1 Attack | 25 att/def
Rebel Alliance:Marrows,Scimitar Republic | | 12 att/def
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
Zothique 10|372(7)|417 Scimitar Republic 0|285(5)|537 Q-41-%9 Maxed|266(5)|886
Jan Mayen Maxed|315(6)|1690 OPISMAD Maxed|340(6)|332 Marrows 6|353(7)|132
Order of Liberty and Justice 8|62(1)|283 Taotie Maxed|90(1)|44
Active Effects / Items
+1 attack (+1 Attack,ends in 2 turns): Jan Mayen
+1 attack (+1 Attack,ends in 3 turns): Jan Mayen
+5 attack (+5 Attack,ends in 1 turn): Marrows
>>5359792 |Scimitar Republic:
>>5353367 >>5354976 |Q-41-%9:
>>5352280 >>5353422 >>5359909 Jan Mayen:
>>5360052 |OPISMAD:
>>5352195 >>5359807 >>5359996 |Order of Liberty and Justice:
>>5354613 Taotie:
>>5359792 =============
<span class="mu-r">The void has no other free land to consume, and will now consume the rest of life...</span>
Marrow vs. Taotie
The Safari Wars: Scimitar Republic, Order and Liberty vs. Zothique
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Jan Mayen
Quoted By:
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5364799 Continue to attack the Marrow on all fronts. Use NS Critical Hit as well.
Build a military base, too.
Order of Liberty and Justice
Order of Liberty and Justice ID:PAV6YQod Sun 07 Aug 2022 03:10:24 No. 5364820 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5364799 attack Zothique
Ashen Clarke
Quoted By:
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5364799 KILL OUR ENEMIES
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5364799 >Support jan myen and opis roll money and give to them >Attack marrow OPSMELLS !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Rolled 10 (1d10) *Squirts cum all over the dog bitch sex servants we have secured in our second ever taste of international blood, as they pull at their leashes and collars but are unable to free themselves from the posts we've tied them to.*
Satisfied with hundreds of Marrowan footstool-hound slaves we secured, we continue attack... but this time in the southwest!
We activate BEHIND ENEMY LINES Nat Strat and take the fight to The Scimitar Republic, the foul friends of the foolishly so-called Order of Liberty and Justice, whom I've already previously expelled off the face of our birthright isles of the Bermuda Trapezoid.
(Leave room for my ally to keep expanding around me - purposefully try not to cut him off from expansion. Head to the Void of Hilt's Bay and piss, cum and shit in there if at all possible.)
>>5363876 You'll finally fucking pay for putting a dick on my flag. You really think I liked it? I was just pretending to take it in stride so I could avoid the ridicule, but I never forgot about you, you fucking piece of shit.
(Nat 10 puts a dick on their flag pls?)
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Sun 07 Aug 2022 06:09:11 No. 5365042 Report Quoted By:
>>5365041 Meme magic is real!
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Sun 07 Aug 2022 06:13:53 No. 5365046 Report Quoted By:
>>5365039 Oh nice, I almost missed your 10!
so um guys can anyone give me like 20 land so they void cant consume me instantly
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5364799 KEEP building more religious buildings and markets, activate Ka-Ching, support our allies' attacks.
Marrow Anon
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5364799 Continue the attacks against Jan Mayan. Defend within the enclave.
Josef started a drink of absinthe. Already the void was consuming territory. He'd mostly let the science team keep the status quo going. There wasn't much to be done anymore besides wait for the void to inevitably consume all. The hopes for the future had come and gone as the nation was devoured from the edges by the darkness.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Sun 07 Aug 2022 14:34:21 No. 5365274 Report Quoted By:
>>5365121 I got you, senpai. The Taotie and the Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship have always been friends.
Take these territories circled in yellow.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Sun 07 Aug 2022 14:35:22 No. 5365275 Report Quoted By:
>>5365201 LADS: roll 10's like it's nothing
>>5365245 Bads: nat 1's all day
>>5364799 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 11 hours from the time of this post.
N-14-^^ (Populous:Q-41-%9||1467 Fede
Norf (Creed of War):Marrows||191 Fede
The Chosen People (Flying Destiny):Scimitar Republic||177 Fede
Weirdos:OPISMAD,Q-41-%9,Zothique,Jan Mayen,Taotie | +1 Attack | 25 att/def
Rebel Alliance:Marrows,Scimitar Republic | | 11 att/def
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
Zothique 13|392(7)|455 Scimitar Republic 0|250(5)|579 Q-41-%9 0|254(5)|1491
Jan Mayen 0|319(6)|730 OPISMAD Maxed|322(6)|404 Marrows 7|323(6)|169
Order of Liberty and Justice 13|40(0)|323 Taotie Maxed|87(1)|98
Active Effects / Items
+1 attack (+1 Attack,ends in 1 turn): Jan Mayen
+1 attack (+1 Attack,ends in 2 turns): Jan Mayen
>>5359792 |Scimitar Republic:
>>5353367 >>5354976 |Q-41-%9:
>>5352280 >>5353422 >>5359909 Jan Mayen:
>>5360052 |OPISMAD:
>>5352195 >>5359807 >>5359996 |Order of Liberty and Justice:
>>5354613 Taotie:
>>5359792 =============
Next event on map#99
Marrow vs. Taotie
The Safari Wars: Scimitar Republic, Order and Liberty vs. Zothique
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Marrow Anon
Quoted By:
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5365325 Defend along all territories and deploy chemical orange on the one territory giving Jan Mayen access across the river.
Burned earth is preferable to the alternative.
Order of Liberty and Justice
Order of Liberty and Justice ID:PAV6YQod Sun 07 Aug 2022 16:07:48 No. 5365343 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5365325 attack Zothique
Jan Mayen
Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5365325 Continue to attack the marrow. Give these territories to Taotie so they can fight and these to OPISMAD (circled in their respective colors)
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5365325 >roll money give all money too OPIS >support jan mayen you guys in the fallout game yet?
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Sun 07 Aug 2022 19:23:27 No. 5365522 Report Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5365372 >>5365463 Thanks, pals. We'll put this to good use.
Build 2 sea gateways in Jan Mayens land gift, attached to The Marrows.
This turn, activate Armorbreaker and continue attacking The Scimitar Republic as I planned in this picture
>>5365041 Conqstr
>>5365522 Not so fast champ. You used your national strategy here:
>>5365041 Taotie
>>5365524 huh
>>5365325 this still says "OPISMAD Maxed|322(6)|404"
Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5365325 More religious buildings, more markets, keep building there where we can put in space. Keep praying, keep supporting our allies, give 250 gold to each ally.
Jan Mayen
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:MD4jkRY/ Mon 08 Aug 2022 01:06:31 No. 5365783 Report Quoted By:
>>5365524 >>5365557 My plans remain the same, Armorbreaker or no
Ashen Clarke
Quoted By:
>>5365325 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 13 hours from the time of this post.
N-14-^^ (Populous:Q-41-%9||1592 Fede
Norf (Creed of War):Marrows||203 Fede
The Chosen People (Flying Destiny):||192 Fede
Weirdos:OPISMAD,Q-41-%9,Zothique,Jan Mayen,Taotie | +1 Attack | 26 att/def
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
Zothique 19|434(8)|746 Q-41-%9 4|254(5)|597 Jan Mayen 9|314(6)|1175
OPISMAD 5|333(6)|521 Marrows 10|321(6)|58 Order of Liberty and Justice 15|23(0)|360
Taotie 0|89(1)|250
Active Effects / Items
+1 attack (+1 Attack,ends in 1 turn): Jan Mayen
>>5359792 |Q-41-%9:
>>5352280 >>5359909 |Jan Mayen:
>>5360052 OPISMAD:
>>5352195 >>5359807 >>5359996 |Taotie:
>>5359792 =============
Marrow vs. Weirdos
The Safari Wars: Order and Liberty vs. Zothique
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:MD4jkRY/ Mon 08 Aug 2022 03:54:04 No. 5365983 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5365937 Attack Marrows, salt their fields, indoctrinate their youth with liberalism
Jan Mayen
Quoted By:
Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5365937 I guess were going till the void takes us all
Attack + support all my allies
Ashen Clarke
Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5365937 CONSUME
Quoted By:
Zoth and q4 got alot of land i think we all need too think about dividing up the land too increase our survival chances as it seems to mostly target one nation before moving on
Order and Liberty
Quoted By:
Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5365937 attack Zothique
Quoted By:
WAIT IS THERE NOT A thing for 50 gold you can make unusable land usable again?could we buy back void territory?
>>5365937 More religious buildings, more markets, keep building there where we can put in space. Keep praying, keep supporting our allies, give 125 gold to each ally
Quoted By:
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5365937 >Spend 50 G to clear up unusable land the "void" >build markets as many as possible >build as many fortifications as possible Conqstr
>>5365937 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 11 hours from the time of this post.
N-14-^^ (Populous:Q-41-%9||1716 Fede
Norf (Creed of War):Marrows||218 Fede
The Chosen People (Flying Destiny):||192 Fede
Weirdos:OPISMAD,Q-41-%9,Zothique,Jan Mayen,Taotie | +1 Attack | 25 att/def
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
Zothique Maxed|434(8)|907 Q-41-%9 0|240(4)|203 Jan Mayen 0|302(6)|1223
OPISMAD 0|317(6)|713 Marrows 10|303(6)|94 Order of Liberty and Justice Maxed|20(0)|524
Taotie 10|75(1)|429
Active Effects / Items
>>5359792 |Q-41-%9:
>>5352280 >>5359909 |Jan Mayen:
>>5360052 OPISMAD:
>>5352195 >>5359807 >>5359996 |Taotie:
>>5359792 =============
Marrow vs. Weirdos
The Safari Wars: Order and Liberty vs. Zothique
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Mon 08 Aug 2022 16:17:24 No. 5366330 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5366328 Fortify as we fade into oblivion, and build 2 more sea gateways, one to Marrows and one to OoLaJ
But real estate in the void
GUYSITWORKED i bought back a tile of land we need 50 markets everyturn to reclaim one land but we can do it
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Mon 08 Aug 2022 16:19:08 No. 5366333 Report Buy* not but
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:Aqz0jmkU Mon 08 Aug 2022 16:21:03 No. 5366338 Report >>5366331 >>5366333 Build the Voidbridge of Friendship, once again linking Taotie and my lands in harmony
Quoted By:
>>5366338 Zoth and us may need too distribute our land equally so we all can survive we must have everyone rolling more markets and reclaiming land as hard as we can
Jan Mayen
Quoted By:
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5366328 Build as many markets as possible + attack marrow
also give adjacent territories to taotie
Quoted By:
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5366333 i am deeply sad how we could have saved the world if my rock hitting scientists had made this discovery earlier
>>5366328 >build as many markets as possible >support jan mayen >use all money to reclaim land preferably those with the markets on them Q-41-%9
Quoted By:
Ashen Clarke
Quoted By:
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5366328 Activate ka ching, kill off our enemies. Send all our money to OPISMAD.
>>5366328 Notes
No notes.
LMK if I made any mistakes.
Next map 13 hours from the time of this post.
N-14-^^ (Populous:Q-41-%9||1848 Fede
Weirdos:OPISMAD,Q-41-%9,Zothique,Jan Mayen,Taotie | +1 Attack | 25 att/def
National Strength Maxed | Territory count (+Attack/Defense) | Gold
Zothique Maxed|442(8)|0 Q-41-%9 6|240(4)|311 Jan Mayen 3|302(6)|1265
OPISMAD 1|317(6)|2225 Taotie Maxed|75(1)|486
Active Effects / Items
>>5359792 |Q-41-%9:
>>5352280 >>5359909 |Jan Mayen:
>>5360052 OPISMAD:
>>5352195 >>5359807 >>5359996 |Taotie:
>>5359792 =============
Next event on map#99
Potential Superpowers
Rules and How to Play
============= Jan Mayen
>>5366973 seeing as how were all in the alliance, i think we can end this one.
>>5366985 If that's what you want. this can end in two ways:
1. <span class="mu-s">The void consumes you all </span>
2. <span class="mu-s">End game </span>
<span class="mu-s">End game called (1/5, 4/5 needed to end game) </span>
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:M7AUmncX Tue 09 Aug 2022 03:20:52 No. 5366992 Report Quoted By:
>>5366985 I guess you could say this game has been... Voided.
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX
Original Peoples Island States Military Allied Dictatorship !!9Nx11Y8TakX ID:M7AUmncX Tue 09 Aug 2022 03:23:20 No. 5366997 Report >>5366988 Not really seeing a difference but I guess with 2 we save time and frustration and get to all call ourselves winners rather than turning on and eating each other alive.
Looks like the Lads get to ride off into the sunset as the victors as everyone always knew they would. I guess all that's left to do... Is live large.
Jan Mayen
>>5366997 I agree, option 2 seems better. Especially for the archives, since one more map thats just all black is pretty redundant
Ashen Clarke
>>5366988 No we grind the engines of industry buying back land bubbles of reality in the void
Quoted By:
>>5367001 >>5366997 >>5367016 >>5367035 >>5367177 ok option 1 it is then
<span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-g">AND THE WINNER OF /conqst/ LIGMARIA EDITION #1 IS...THE VOID!
<span class="mu-i">CONGRATULATIONS!!!</span></span></span>
gg no re.
Jan Mayen
well this map was pretty fun. hope a game happens in the future using it again
>>5368056 I liked the map, but I dislike narrow portions of it. Unless you've got a lot of gold and/or possibly working with other nations, it might take a while to get through when attacking.
Jan Mayen
>>5368231 thats true, although the shape makes for very interesting-looking nations and expansion, if albeit sometimes annoying.
>>5368287 >>5368231 I thought it was a pretty good map. In fact, its design might be the reason I joined this time around. World/USA/Europe maps can get kinda played out.
>>5368298 The void event I rate 3/10 - please do not repeat in the future, but not unforgivably bad to the point that I'm going to make a voodoo doll in your likeness. I could go further into detail but I don't want to make you or me or anyone else relive it.
>>5368305 Yes, go into further detail as I have relived others saying their piece of mind about /conqst/. Look at the first two quests in my archive. They are filled with a bunch of headaches.
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5368687 Attack the Cherokee
>>5374284 The burden of proof is on you
>>5374307 It's called 4d chess. Learn to play it some time, kiddo.
>>5374515 I already did. Checkmate.
Imperium of Mankind
>>5374529 >in 12 minutes >doubt Why you obsessed with this QM, anon? Did he own your ass or something?
Quoted By:
>>5374636 Its called romance