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Supreme Space Monke Sidequest- Unspeakable

ID:MIMVrQi1 No.5371032 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Your name is <span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-i">Akule Naonae</span></span> and you are a solider. You are seventeen years old and your rank is unimportant in the chain of command. You serve in the <span class="mu-i">Centralia's Peacekeeping Infantry Force</span>- currently deployed in the occupation zone of Northland.

It seems ridiculous that with today's modern day technology, concepts like “war” and “soliders” still even exist. You feel outdated here- at the very least. The world wide computer network has existed for a few decades now, flying drones can explosive payloads, and most nations are so developed and politically entrenched starting even one conflict would quickly involve everyone. Most major nations of the world have nuclear weapons- so none of them are <span class="mu-i">ever</span> going to fight each other. Wars only exist now in little shithole countries- much like Northland.

On a routine patrol, you and your squad have almost finished your route. It's going to get dark soon; and you will return to the base momentarily. You don't much like walking around on foot; but you understand why. You're just here as a display of force. The way your great grandfather fought in war is as alien to you as the concept of fighting with knives in the jungle in the old iron ages. You're going to go back to your barracks which has internet and hot showers for gods' sake.

Wait a second. You're feeling a little exposed here. You got a bad feeling all the sudden.