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West Blue Seadogs Quest #20

!!Dfn1WI/0wvw ID:oonMfNxC No.5392378 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Wealth, fame, power. Gold Roger the king of the pirates obtained this and everything else the world had to offer. And his dying words drove countless souls to the seas.
"You want my treasure? You can have it! I left everything I gathered together in one place. Now you just have to find it!"

It's these words that ring in your ear now as you blankly stare at the room you're in. Maybe it's from the relief that this is all over, or from the adrenaline running out of your system but it feels like you've been standing in place for weeks now even though it was only a few minutes. Your rampage has come to an end, Clown has been successfully converted to your cause. You should feel happy, content even. But a strange sensation dominates your heart, one which you've not really felt before. A strange form of guilt. Everywhere you look all your eyes can see are signs of the path of destruction you carved. Or rather the beast that took possession of your body carved. Feeling drawn somewhere you begin retracing your straps back into the fort, completely ignoring your friends who are just glad to see you returned to your senses.

"Captain! Where are you going?"
Jaws asks but you don't answer. You have too much on your mind.

Walking past the splatters of blood, the claw marks and the metal scraps you get to the spot where three individuals tried to stand in your way. Lucci, Kaku and Mary lay where you left them. Motionless. Injured. But still alive.


"Fix them."

"A-Are you sure? They are Cipher-"

"Do it."

Reluctantly your doctor goes to work and stabilizes the government agents one by one. First she does Kaku, then Lucci and finally Mary. When she's done with the girl the giraffe mans eyes slowly open which prompts the others to wake up as well.

"Oh you got to be jerkin' my chains. And here I thought I died and could rest."
As Kaku sits up while holding his head Lucci glares at you from the ground, panting heavily.

"Cavalier... Why?"

Breathing almost as heavily as the jaguar man you look down at him.
"Don't think about it too much. If I'll kill you I'll do it because I want to. Not for any other reason."

"Didn't stop you from murdering all those people."

"I can't do anything about death. Yet."
You turn back to face your friends and begin shambling away.
"Come on. Let's get back home."

But as you attempt to leave you hear a call and shudder.
"Wait. Are you seriously leaving? Again?! Without saying a word?!"


>"There is nothing for us to talk about. I'm a pirate. You're a government dog. It's easier like this."
>"Sigh. Fine." (sit)
>"Let's go everyone."