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Do Your Best #134

ID:6W3yH1oB No.5399928 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
During your investigation to find out more about the ghost (Duckrothy) inside Kobashi’s home, an earthquake and some sort of shockwave hit simultaneously, causing the home owner and his new daughter to fall unconscious, bringing the research to a halt. They’re both fine otherwise. You’re trying to get a hold of yourself as you learned that there’s another uninvited guest (Houda) here, and Naiad informed you that the gate is ready for you to leave the bubble dimension! Was the sudden movement a result of that? Or was it something else?

A lot to process in a short amount of time…

“That’s great news!” You mentally send the information to the fairy through the fish hat on your pinky.

“You mind passing that over?” Houda is requesting the pic back. “No matter how charming Vanessa is, that harrowing image must be kept sealed from the eyes of this uncaring world.”

“Quack.” Dorothy wants you to find Lise to seal her fate.

“One at the time, please...” You want order.

“I’m playing second fiddle to a mere duck? It’s a fabulous bird, but it hurts the soul.” Houda isn’t happy being as important as a bird.

“It’s complicated.” You scratch the back of your head.

“As things usually are with you.” Houda smiles with interest in what’s going on.

“Quack!” Dorothy stands her ground and asks the thief to stay out.

“Rowdy boy…” Houda covers his ears to stop the sound of the quacking.

“Girl.” You point out.

“A lively lady then.” Houda doesn’t mind the correction.

You asked the thief to help you put the unconscious onto the bed and sofa respectively. They’re breathing normally, sleeping soundly – no need to worry too much.

<span class="mu-s">What do you do?</span>

>Wait for Kobashi and Fiora to wake up.
>Hand over the photo to Houda so that he can leave.
>Ask Naiad to make contact with Xavi, Lise and… Scarlet. Duckrothy will know the answer to her troubles.
>Ask Naiad and Duckrothy what just happened. They might have the answers.
>Write In.