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Do Your Best Quest #135

ID:cH/Ndc/+ No.5415595 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You’re not sure how you ended up here, you were supposed to be cuddling with the two wonderful tomatoes that you love. But now you’re about to witness a death match between your pal Oliver and a random flame user inside Esperanza’s Magical Colosseum. This show is the Judge girl’s way to repay for the discomfort she and her entity caused you. You’re officially the only crowd member in the entire stadium, and you want your money back.

“You two. You’re going to fight to the death on my signal.” Esperanza uses her megaphone to relay the rules.

“T-To the death...?!” This information takes Oliver by surprise.

“Excuse me?” The girl imagined something like this would happen, but not to this extreme.

“They didn’t know?!” You didn’t like where this is going before, but you feel like this is too much now. Esperanza is way too callous.

“Be quiet. They’re forced to follow my rule.” Esperanza puts her hand over the speaker. “And why do you care? You don’t know these mooncalves.”

“I don’t want to watch people die, especially for entertainment’s sake.” You have morals! Dubious sometimes, but you have them nonetheless! You try to get closer to the girl, but there’s an invisible wall impeding your approach. No matter what the situation is, you hate invisible walls! You don’t think Oliver or the girl can see you clearly from where you are.

“Don’t be so melodramatic. Do you understand how many people have died already in this game? One more won’t make a difference.” Esperanza isn’t getting what you’re saying. “Ugh, now Smithele is bugging me. He tells me to tell you that you need to trust me on this one, everything will be fine, I guess. It’ll be less entertaining if you know more.”

“Judge! This is inconceivable!” The girl complains from down below.

“Too bad.” Esperanza responds with little to no interest. “I do as I please in my jurisdiction.”

“You can’t be serious!” The girl is indignant.

“This is your fault for putting your nose where it doesn’t belong.” Esperanza talks back.

“Sounds like my life in a nutshell…” Oliver laughs at himself.

“Don’t make light of the situation.” The girl retorts at Oliver’s coping method with disgust.

“Sorry, when despair overwhelms me, all I can do is laugh! <span class="mu-i">Buahehahuhihihi</span>!!!” Oliver continues his trademark awful laugh.

Can you do something to stop this?

<span class="mu-s">What do you do?</span>

>Ask if you can change the rules so it doesn’t have to be to the death. A three count? Until unconsciousness? Point is, channel your inner Scarlet and make this lamer.
>Gain some time by asking to talk to the contestants in private. Make your presence known to help out somehow.
>Ask Esperanza for more details as to why everything will be fine. You can’t trust psychopaths easily.
>Keep watching. Esperanza asked you to trust her and you will have to.
>Write In.