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Bones Quest #20: Overtime

!!ehWv9n5C1mz ID:APGk+s4L No.5416450 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You’re <span class="mu-s">STANLEY PARBLE</span>: a girl with a weird name and an even weirder tale: after a <span class="mu-r">CENTURIES-OLD LICH</span> woke up during your graveyard shift at the <span class="mu-g">GOOD BOY DOGGIE BONE</span> factory, your simple life of janitorial work became a bit more… Complicated.
Sure, you became pals with your now-sentient skeleton (you named him <span class="mu-g">LY</span>) AND gained some nifty <span class="mu-b">SUPER POWERS</span> from eating <span class="mu-b">MAGICAL BONE MARROW</span>, but that doesn’t change the fact that your hometown of <span class="mu-g">CLEARWATER, CALIFORNIA</span> is overrun by <span class="mu-r">HOMICIDAL SKELETONS!</span> Even worse, the guy in charge is dead-set on taking over the rest of the world while he’s at it! <span class="mu-s">Not cool!</span>

Well, he <span class="mu-i">was</span> dead-set on it, at least. Now he’s just <span class="mu-s">DEAD</span>, save for his <span class="mu-b">GLOWING SKULL</span> you keep hidden while you’re figuring out what to do with it. There are a few loose ends to tie, of course, but despite your unease and growing evidence to the contrary, your quest is <span class="mu-s">over</span>.

After defeating <span class="mu-r">TIM</span>, time, well, got a little fuzzy. You touched base with Sybil and Art, of course–both of whom have no intention of stopping in their pursuit of the jackasses who caused this whole mess. You even reconnected with your brother Sue, too, who’s got a baby on the way and offered you a new life in Vermont with his wife Heather! Turns out she isn’t that big of an <span class="mu-r">ART BITCH</span> as you remember her being!

Having buried the hatchet, you moved on to more… <span class="mu-i">personal</span>... priorities, namely going on that first date Talbot promised you shortly before becoming a puppet of evil and trying to kill you. The outing was a chaotic, but unexpectedly <span class="mu-s">SMASHING</span> success, and after spending a few days with the big lug it’s pretty clear you’re gonna keep him around, if only for a little while longer.

There’s still more to cover, however–chief among them the meeting you had scheduled with <span class="mu-g">GOOD BOY.</span> Called into their recently-reconstructed corporate office, the members of the so-called ‘<span class="mu-g">BOARD</span>’ have a proposition for you… one that’s much bigger than a bonus!

Your story, for the time being, is over… but what is an end if not the beginning of something new?