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Do Your Best Quest #136

ID:uXEvsfDZ No.5428600 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The ever-angsty Judge <span class="mu-i">Esperanza</span> decided to run a Test Tournament between Flame Users to test out the Dream Colosseum she built. The first match was between your friend <span class="mu-i">Oliver ‘Leo Major’ Watts</span>, and the <span class="mu-i">mysterious ‘Not-a-Girl’ Jesse</span>. Due to sheer luck and unprofessionalism on the host’s part, your pal took the round. Now, the second match is about to begin: <span class="mu-i">The little prodigy ‘Fiora Kobashi’</span> will face <span class="mu-i">‘the Astronaut(?)’ Galactic Calamity</span>, in a contest with peculiar rules: For Galactic Calamity to win, he needs to pat Fiora’s head at least once in under 3 minutes! What kind of fight will these two have?! You’re way more excited about this one!

Esperanza gives the signal for the challengers to begin the fight!

Galactic Calamity jumps into the air, multiple feet off the ground – he wants to finish this here and now!

“<span class="mu-s">[HAEIOU, HAEIOU!]</span>” The astronaut laughs hysterically as he goes higher up – it doesn’t look like he’s planning on crashing down anytime soon!

“I’m sorry, Mr. Calamity!” Fiora isn’t going to let the astronaut near her. You notice a symbol appearing on the ground once the little girl’s guard is up.

(QM Note: Last Week, it was decided you’ll play as Galactic Calamity. You’re not going to change POV; instead, you’re going to vote for the Astronaut's actions and roll for him. Everything will be seen through Johnny’s POV.)

<span class="mu-s">Galactic’s Move is:</span>

>Diving down as fast as he is capable of. He. Is. Patting. That. Head.
>Making Fiora float. Galactic needs to move closer, but not as close as the previous choice.
>Getting to the Crowd. Galactic needs to properly scout the people here.
>Write In.

<span class="mu-s">Jesse knows the Calamitys, but he doesn’t have fond memories of them. Maybe pursue the topic? Or change it altogether? What do you do?</span>

>Ask Jesse why the hate. Hate is so awful. Like your hateful sister, Amelia, who hates homeless people because they’re stinky. She’s awful.
>Ask Jesse about himself instead of pushing uncomfortable topics. Ask about his loser boxer friend or something.
>Leave him be and enjoy the match for what it is. Galactic needs to impress you here, after all, you headpatted a God.
>Write In.