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Broken Empire - Ground Edition 3

ID:30T2JhJC No.5430067 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You change back to the sky facing camera, where the skies continue to unleash their endless torrent and lightning flashes in between glowing and massive orange-red explosions. Westre won’t be able to hold out for any longer.

But so much blood had been shed already, that to risk everything upon the chance that the enemy does not locate the obvious nuclear device, no matter how well hidden, would be to spit upon everyone’s sacrifices.

“Colonel Kosmowski, secure the spaceport.” You order, having made up your mind.

Silence follows for a couple of moments. “You sure about that ?” Eventually Vinn’s voice responds.


“Alright, we’ll try to go as fast as we can then. Just make sure you’re not bombed back to the stone age by enemy air.”

“Carry out your duties, Colonel. I shall carry out my own.”

“Aye, aye, Lord-Colonel.” Saying so, Vinn cuts the comm.

You may have responded with some cold bravado, but <span class="mu-b">my force won’t last for too long in the wide open like this.</span> You have a simple choice, stay out in the open and be potentially bombed or move back to the surrounding rubble for cover and potentially leave Vinn exposed.

Either way, your options are not good, since most of your infantry support is currently within the spaceport allowing hostile infantry to easily sneak up on you in the terrain entirely fitting for their fighting style. The artillery company can provide assistance for as long as they too are not discovered, their escorts are dangerously thin as well.

And finally, no doubt a call for help had already went out, though the scattered regiments, companies, and platoons are the least of your worries and you doubt that they might be able to actually pose a threat to you. No, when it comes to actual troops, you are far more worried if more droptroopers are sent to your location alongside a bunch of landers. You’d reap an untold toll upon those soldiers, since you would be entirely expecting them, but they’d be able to overwhelm you in the end.

But, as you had said to Vinn, you have to carry out your duties, and your duty is to ensure that the last spaceport within Etrius is utterly destroyed.

“Formation, spread out, secure all entrances. I want overlapping arcs of fire for the laser turrets, if enemy air comes down once more, be prepared to face them with all you’ve got. Keep an eye on the surroundings, do not fire until you confirm hostiles. If hostiles are confirmed, chase them off with a couple of shells, do not waste ammo and do not pursue.”

As your tanks begin to trudge along, you begin to once more look through the comms. Linton should be arriving soon. You also need to coordinate with your artillery, moving them into the open would be a death sentence, so you must keep in contact through this way. No doubt Westre is also continuously throwing out commands one after another, keeping an ear on her command would inform you if things go into the deep end.