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The 2nd Primarch Quest 21

!!RS7NSuo3fkv ID:NAorCTUr No.5437071 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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You are the Second Primarch, a son of the emperor of mankind and leader of his legions. You are Lieren of Nothing, Warrior, Philosopher, Cultivator, Poet, Farmer, Hunter and friend of many virtuous and kindly souls. From the fog swept valley's of Shangrala, you now stand by the side of one of your warpswept and once lost brothers, Angron Thal'kyr, the former gladiator slaved of the wicked house of the Thal'kr, one of the lineages of the tyranical high riders who have long misruled and abused the fair sphere of Nuceria and her chained and brow beaten populace. As Angron began his war against tyranny, you sent your brother Feng, the first of your companions to join you in the struggle against those fools who believe they rode so high as to rule the heavens, to weaken the opposition by assassinating the general of the Thal'kr armies sent against the last high rider army that marched from the city of Loc'ea.

For, as blood was shed, you once more donned the wrinkled mask of kindly Kynigos, an ancient wandering sage and scholar, rarely merciful and caring Lanista and the confident and herald of the Loc'ria family, having already woven a tale of treachery and betrayal to remove from the city and house alike the stain of tyranny and the sinful and cruel excesses of those forever lost to the lure of corruption and fleeting pleasures. Setting into motion the final stroke, to remove the drunkard head of Lycuarch the patriarch of the Loc'ria house, a short sighted and blind man who considered Kynigos a close friend and indebted himself to him for saving his house from an outbreak of scurvy, you gave commands to the various virtuous sects within the city to at once act together, throw off their chains and kill the tyrants before them.

From the Beggar sect, who alone knew your identity as more than just a doddering old man even if fewer among them knew the whole truth, to the city guard and gladiators, to the wealthy merchants and even the scions of Lycuarch's own bloodline, as one, those who saw the filth around themselves marched, and overthrew the high riders of Loc'ea. Allowing yourself to be taken to trial alongside the rest of the ruling class who were not part of the glorious half hour revolution, you watched as one by one, teary eyed and trembling, the tyrants were executed by axe, incineration or hanging, until at last Kynigos was judged

And found faultless, by the council made of the leaders of the revolution, the heirs of the judged and sentence and the influencial of the city, who had taken quite an interest in the lessons of the journey. Thus, the veil of bloodthirst was lifted from the eyes of the common man, and the mob of the city saw at last the beauty of life and the rewards of selfless living.

Though you'd like nothing more to walk amongst the people of the city, and see how they enjoy their new found freedom, you cannot