On to solutions. First, on the police force…
>[Employ Locals]You’ll have to be careful who you choose, and ensure that they’re well trained, but using locals provides you with the best chance of long term stability. You will have to keep an eye on them, and make sure that the remnants of the criminals and gangs don’t find a foothold.
>[Employ Loyalists]Bring loyal… workers? Citizens? You’re not even sure what to call them… Bring people from the facility in to police the people of Delta. You can be sure of their health and fitness, and that they should be free of any connection to the locals, for better and for worse.
Next, on the matter of the population…
>[Continue Human Mining]It’s not exactly efficient, but it will keep any Inquisitive sorts off your back about mass industrial automation. You can’t hide your operations on Delta as well as you can in the facility, after all. It’s work they’re comfortable with, and with you providing support, it shouldn’t be too dangerous.
>[Expand Local Industry]It’ll take another influx of resources to begin in earnest, but an expansion of local heavy industry could supply consumer goods, militia-grade weapons, or processed ores, potentially freeing up some of your local industry, allowing you to expand your armed forces, or allowing you to begin trading with the wider galaxy in a less suspicious sort of way, all the while keeping your people busy.
>[Begin Forced Migration]Forced is perhaps a little harsh. You doubt you’ll have any trouble finding takers. At the very least, you’ll be able to expand your potential recruitment pool, although you doubt you’ll get much else from the endeavour. If you’re planning on cutting them loose, though, this could be a good way of getting something out of it quickly.
Lastly, what to do with your chunk of the planet…
>[Administer as Colony]You’ll directly manage and maintain the colony, with a Mechancius governor to oversee day to day operations. You’ll effectively treat the locals as citizens, enforcing your own laws and standards onto them. It’ll also mean that you’ll be obligated to, eventually, give them the same standard of living as those in the facility, which could be expensive.
>[Release as a Puppet]Install a puppet government, but release them as a nominally independent state. How long the puppet government will last, you can’t say, but it’ll give you a large degree of control over them for a few years at least, while giving the Administratum what they want too.
>[Grant Independence]You’ll give them their independence. Let them hold elections for the position of governor, and then remove the occupation forces. You’ll have no control over how things go from there, and how they feel towards you will likely depend on how you treat them otherwise, but you should be able to request a portion of materials excavated for a time, to pay back the construction works.