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Rise of the Awakened

ID:SUol2Dnt No.5442528 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Gonna try doing something every Tuesday.

These are your races.

Speed: 50 ft
Size: Tiny
Weight: 3-8 lbs
Height: 4-11 in
Languages: Common, Rabbit
Modifiers: +4 DEX, -2 STR
Limited Capabilities: Can use paws for everything except attacking. Can only carry weapons with mouth that are counted as one hand and light weapons.
Bunny Hop: You move so fast in battle no one can really see you. In battle you are in permanent Disengagement and can move around freely with no attack of opportunity against you, enemies can only attack you if their passive perception matches or surpasses your character's Dexterity score, this will stop once you attack an enemy. When you are already in combat with someone you still need to Disengage from the fight in order to go back into Bunny Hop.

Speed: 30 ft
Size: Tiny
Weight: 5 to 16 lbs
Height: 7 in
Languages: Common, Cat
Modifiers: +1 Int, +1 Dex, -1 Con, -1 Str
Limited Capabilities: Can use paws for everything except attacking. Can only carry weapons with mouth that are counted as one hand and light weapons.
Marked for Death: You see your target, and now you want them dead. Once per day you can target one enemy for death, doing double damage to that one target for three turns or until the target is dead (The enemies weaknesses, immunities, and resistances still apply towards the result). You will regain this ability after a long rest.