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Jump City Heroes (Redux) #1

ID:KI2TAcHu No.5458625 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You are Sarena Rosenberger, a Jewish pizza hostess who months ago graduated high school and lived a relatively plain life. Due to a series of unfortunate events you unleashed the mystical essence trapped within your family heirloom. A grimoire known as the Book of Tehom. Binding the primordial monstrosity of chaos and culture hero deity of order to your very being. In the process, your body was morphed by The Source, an infinite coalescence formed from both Aether (Tehut/The Light) and the Abyss (Tehom/Great Darkness), turning you into an avatar/demihuman (goddess).

Harnessing the Pleroma as well as its pneumatics on your fingertips, you call upon those words to transform into Pantheona, the divine avatar of the two cosmic forces residing inside your soul. Serving as the bridge between the natural world and the otherworldly realms, you slowly come to understand your placement as time goes on. With the essence of Shekhina and Tiamat residing within you, effectively serving as a balancer, you have the makings of true duality your additional role as arbiter balancer & warrior emissary of Order & Chaos. Known simply as the "Galactic Angel of Retribution".

Although far from truly inheriting the title, you adjust to the responsibilities entrusted to you as you’re thrust into the metahuman lifestyle. With a can-do spirit and spunk/moxie, you dive into the world of capes. Partnering up with several other superpowered individuals you were on your way to becoming a part of something bigger than yourself. A superhero team, the Teen Titans.

<span class="mu-s">Note:</span>I have no excuses for essentially taking a year off from this. For that, I can only give my deepest apologies. A lot of shit has happened that ultimately took my time and kill my drive.

So I'm going back to zero with this redux to hopefully tell a more coherent yet enjoyable story. That said, everything done in the old quest will carry over in some shape and/or form (with the proper reigning and alterations). So you don't need to read the old quest nor feel like your efforts from there amounted to nothing.