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Ashen Dawn: Panzer Commander Skirmish: 2nd Operation

!!Pg7IW6v75om ID:a0y9I3bw No.5481565 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
<span class="mu-i">“Avenger Squadron, this is Storm Lord. Our LFSF system has got something. There’s lot of contact appearing on the HR Scope, northeast heading southwest. Seems they don’t like our employers moving up, or us covering the advance.”

“Let ‘em come. The Netillians couldn’t figure out LFSF, the best Twaryians are about as good in the sky as the pepperheads’ worst dogs. We’ll rip ‘em apart.”

“Stay alert, these craft’s speed and size signatures aren’t like the Twaryian fighters so far. The Caelussians might be objecting personally.”

“No shit? Then let’s show them why the Ellowian Republic Air Force rules over the skies of Vinstraga. Loose us. Their throats are open.”

“I hope so. Avenger Squadron, engage.”</span>


For the first time since the war had begun with Twaryi, things were looking up for Vynmark.

There had been little time to rest since the ad-hoc battalion’s first battle. It <span class="mu-i">had</span> been a victory, though a few groups limped along rather than charging confidently forth. The mounted infantry, the Dragoons, had received reinforcements from another battalion as thanks for aiding them in a push forward- new brothers, after a fashion, though they’d only known one another for less than an hour now, they’d been in the same battle. A few captured Twaryian tanks had also had their colors changed in the meantime to a grayish-green, accented with cerulean stripes and a white emblem on the back of the turret to aid identification.