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The 2nd Primarch Quest 22

!!RS7NSuo3fkv ID:RBVYiFdu No.5489667 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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You are Lieren, greatest son of the village of Nothing, revered hero of Shangrala, and brother to the virtuous, empathetic rebel Angron of Nuceria, whom you are currently assissting in his own battle against tyranny after lending him a helping hand in freeing himself, as well as a few lessons to awaken his latent psykerist talent as an empath with the assistance of your other brother, Magnus. Having just reunited with your fellow Shangralans and Astartes sons, whom have traveled the webway alongside your Beloved Emerald Lotus blossom, Kanzeon, and her sister, Anahita, to reinforce Angron's own every growing army of former gladiators and slaves, you noticed your followers amongst the Aeldari race were keeping a distance between themselves and your once enslaved brothers. Seeking answers from Noble Carys and valorous Folant, you learned the truth of how your brother was made a slave to begin with and the role the ever prophecy chasing Aeldari of the craftworlds played in it in their attempt to avert the dread future they beheld.

So, as you are not a simpleton who blames the world for one the ill deeds of the few, you decided it would be best for Angron to know of the truth of his capture and the cause for his attempted assassination, in the pursuit of bringing peace to his mind and preventing any misunderstandings or resentment from arising between him and the fair Aeldair, because of the misguided and foolish actions of those sycophants of destiny. After all, it would be a great tragedy if one day, your brother by blood leveled the blades of his axes against those whom are your brothers by thought and philosophy.

Of course, it is an easy task to separate Angron from his army, and his flock of advisors, since you have a feeling they would take greater offence and be outraged to learn the truth of his capture than he himself would be, and would also be less open minded towards your alien allies, especially after learning of the dark deeds committed by their kind. It may be a misplaced worry, but you yourself feel more insulted and angered when those you hold dear are mocked or threatened, and amongst Angron's circle of confidants is his father Oenomaus. And a father's instinct to protect their children is strong indeed, a father's wrath is a forced to be reckoned with one so powerful it can even shake the heavens. And you know that as well as you know that those whom are different are often held with unwarranted suspicion and mistrust.

Which is why it is best to reveal the truth to your brother and introduce him to Aeldari whom are not distant and deserving of said mistrust.

"And who better than myself and Folant" Carys says jauntily, as the more dour ranger marches at your side "To prove that not all of our people are apathetic to the plight of humanity, or retain the overwrought sense of pride that lead us to ruin"