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The Game of Games: Hand #2

!!qLL4RjByPPt ID:Gk09/7c7 No.5499822 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
"My name is Mitchell Hawthrone, age 15. This is, uh, an audio diary, just like you recommended Aunt Rebecca. I guess I'll just... talk about my day? I woke up and made breakfast since mom and dad left for work already. I got a bad feeling and burnt the bacon. That's not supernatural though. It was just my subconscious reminding me to check on the food. And the one I have passing that empty lot on the bus is just anxiety. I always get it there, so it's a habit. Maybe it's just creeping me out. Uh, what else... there was a test in English. I managed, somehow. Me and Jason tried to hit on a couple chicks from the volleyball club after school but that didn't really work out. Had a bad feeling from the start now that I think of it, but that wasn't really related..."

"...That's my day I guess. Dad might get back soon so I'll see what he wants to do for dinner before I make anything. I'll see you next week for our next session."

Click. You stare at the bumps in the ceiling blankly.

You're not insane. Or weird. Just a bit anxious. Or a lot anxious. Give it some time and you can get over this hump and blend in, just like one of the bumps in the popcorn ceiling.

You can live a normal life.
<span class="mu-r"> It hurts. </span> <span class="mu-b"> It's cold. </span> <span class="mu-s"> You're tired. </span> Thoughts like these float up and are forced back down as you reach the house across the street. The thing limps along, in the middle of the road behind you. Hoping beyond hope, you try to push open the door. It doesn't give. Of course.
>You guess you'll do a once around of the house and see if any of the doors or windows give. It'll take some time, but... well, you don't think you'll be caught up with any time soon.
>Its not like the place will just be left open for you. Best to find a window or other entrance and just bash a way in as quick as you can.
>Maybe they keep a spare key around? Under the doormat, or near a potted plant maybe? There's a good chance they don't, but well... may as well look.

Well, it's not like it's the end of the world if you can't get in.
>You could always just head down the street and enter the furthest house from here. Give you a bit of distance from the thing.
>Your house is always open to you... even if several of the doors are broken and there's still something sobbing in your uncle's old bedroom.
>There are half a dozen other houses to examine, and you're sure one of them is unlocked... probably. You'll just need to look hard enough while keeping a distance from your new stalker.