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Reach Higher Quest - Step 1

!!IfjEuaY7SrZ ID:R89xF17Q No.5503620 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Wherever our paths may lead, let our cries be heard. Upend the heavens, shatter the earth, and pave a shining road into the dark unknown.

What is it that you fight for?

[Please vote for one of the options (and sub-options, if applicable) below.]

>Blue Sphere Arabesque.
A sailing youth serving as cabin boy aboard one of the Circadian Fleet's famed navy girls. The captain is looking to set sail for Yggdrasil under the orders of Iron Bitch Hortensia, your nation's first proper leader in centuries. While mopping the deck of birdshit and vomit, you listened in on bar tales and rumors. With your meager wages, it's the only pastime you can afford. It seems like the Bitch is hoping to strike up some kind of trade deal with the avian mercenaries of Yggdrasil. Is there really anything worth looting on that overgrown tree? Maybe the rumors of a new Silva Heart forming among its colossal roots aren't all talk. Big news, if true; dangers of exploring an Illusionary Realm aside, the promise of such riches is sweet indeed. At least it's better action than those poor bastards who have to spend half a cycle protecting fat merchant ships. What a world you live in now, where the Bitch sets you all on the straight and narrow.