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!!ReO/ox958KJ ID:NUEPjh/M No.5508329 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
<span class="mu-i">A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…</span>

<span class="mu-s">STAR WARS


>>RECAP of the last thread:

Jedi Knight FARREN GAELLE departed from Mylus, tasked by the JEDI TRIUMVIRATE to find sanctuaries where other Jedi would have hidden in the wake of Order 66. His first stop was Dweem, the icy sanctuary of the silicon-based Jedi sect known as the IRON KNIGHTS. Along the way, he trained his padawan CEYLA VIKOL in the ways of the Jedi Shadows, and became closer with the crew of his ship, the ALBATROSS.

Arriving at Dweem, Farren received welcome from the Iron Knights and MASTER AQUINOS. Much to their surprise, the Iron Knights have taken shelter in the ruins constructed by the TERRIBLE GLARE, a renegade sect of Dark Jedi predating the time of the Sith. But any suspicions of Dark Side taint had been assuaged, and the grudge the Knights hold against the rest of the Jedi are largely reserved for Yoda and Mace Windu. For the next three days, the Iron Knights and the crew of the Albatross would work together in exploring the ruins, learning from each other, and deepening their respective understandings of the Force and Jedi teachings…

…but it would not last. On the fourth day of their stay, an alarmed discovery was made. In the neighboring sector on the spice-mines of Kessel, a Jedi Conclave was to take place with high-ranking members of the old order emerging from hiding. But due to the nature of the transmission, and emphasis on the presence of Obi-wan Kenobi, it was ultimately deduced that this was a trap to lure Emperor Palpatine’s enforcer – Darth Vader, who Farren knows to be Anakin Skywalker.

At the thread’s climax, the decision was made for Farren to undertake a rescue mission, and intercept any Jedi en-route to Kessel before the arrival of the 501st Legion and his old friend…


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