You look at your friends, and shake Tom awake, the murderer turned damsel in distress starts awake with a gasp. "Wha- there was a Slowbrow and... how did I get here? Why is it sandy?" You hand her a brook and turn to see, Planchet already sweeping, the mad knight helping you with nary a boast or a demand of repayment. Reluctantly, Tom joins in, and Carrie... well Carrie isn't in the room. Slowly, certainly, the ruined atrium becomes a cleaned up hallway, the large pile of sand gleefully being slurpsorbed by Sandman, the Sandygast wiggling in sadistic glee, as it should you did a LOT today. Neo Rocket is likely spiraling from that loss... and it won't be long until they strike back, especially if the Yellowjacket is at their heels. The walls seem to be closing in, but... they all have doors. So many threats, but all of them... surmounted. You haven't even lost a battle yet. But maybe... this is just the calm before the storm.
>>5524092 >In a palace several miles away. Admin Weston storms into the room, his normally calm face beet red. "Master with all due respect.”
He stops, a low growl emitting from his side. Next to the doorway, a large white pokemon lay curled on a table, its body hunched over ready to pounce. Given how close the beast was, even if he reached for his pokeballs, the beast could gut his throat before he could even muster a defense.
Completely unconcerned, a withered old man sat at a table, sipping a red wine and dabbing at his lips with a handkerchief. “Really now, with ALL due respect? Given our ranks, and your predicament, I think your tone is quite lacking the respect I am due.” The man grins, long fanged teeth that do not belong to any human glistening in the candle light. “Or am I incorrect.”
Weston gulps. “Of course not sure… forgive me. I have put so much into this project that-”
“That you lose sight of yourself in your passion. It is understandable, and in fact forgivable.” The man leans over his plate of food, a reddish meat covered in slices of oranges. “But, it is better to nip problems in the bud before they become habits.” He smiles.
Weston returns the smile warily. “Thank you sir, but, can you please, elaborate on your thinking behind this.” He draws out a sheet of paper. Emblazoned on the parchment in black ink is a acceptance letter to the Rose Academy prison guards. “I did not apply.”
“No you did not, but you are the one concerned about the Laundry, and I consider that volunteership to address the issue.” The man cuts a slice of the meat, sauce pooling around it as the meat gushes juice. “Hmm.” He tastes the meat and frowns. “Are Goldeens really so, pedestrian a flavor? I will need to inform my butler.”
Weston bows his head, the mans coat flickering with the wind. “But sir, be that as it may, my job is to be your personal assistant, your muscle. You yourself said that the heiress was a low priority target. Why not one of the grunts, or eliminators instead?”
“Times change, and timetables do too.” The man spits the meat into his napkin, tossing the plate aside where it crashes into seven pieces. The cat leaps from the table, lapping at the ill prepared meat. “I have been informed of several, convergences around that prison. I was hoping our little Laundry would be operating in a overfunded jail, and our target could be tempted and bribed our way, and if not, rot in a bubble.” The man frowns. “But there are far too many hands in the pot, and that Princess is liable to become someone elses pawn.” He sips his wine. “Or worse, her own woman.”
Weston adjusts his glasses. “And it is best to address problems early…”
The tooth man smiles. “Precisely. Oh and Weston.” He raises a glass. “To your new career. Fet yourself a glass from the cabinet. You start tomorrow.”
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>>5524092 >official art Goddamn! Nice.
>>5524095 Your name is Gurie Niamic and you just woke up and your skin has been itching all night.
You tend to itch when people talk about you, your nerves have always been wound so tightly that the slightest tremors raise your hairs. Or maybe it's because you are a psychic... or maybe it's because your paranoid and sad?
Hmm... well, you mad yourself sad now! So there is that at least.
Also, you were actually watched the entire night, the glowing eyes of Carrie's Natu were boring into you, and still are.
"Na?" The bird turns to the side, a eye fully planted on you... probbably. Natu's peripheral vision is notoriously better then its front view. But also, Natu's tend to be a bit scattered brained, they can see the future, and the past, but not actually KNOW what's going on anyway.
Still the pokemon is eyeballing you... only to fly off, to the bed next to you, where Carrie is lounging, her one arm hold up a remote that is projecting a movie onto the wall.
"You are awake?" Carrie says turning to you.
"Um... yeah." You climb out of bed. "Yeah I am awake."
You have the daily hygiene matinence you have to do before lunch. Last time you went a crazy lesbian almost died maybe, and now she lurks at your table.
To be honest the experience is sortof tempting you to just power rush through the thing without paying attention and just do the bare minimum. You can always shower more later. You have a trick where you are invisible so no one can stare at you.
>Skip the shower sequence this time. You got ominous meal time lore dumps to go through >NO! The womans shower is a sacred chapel of dreams! Surely this time something will happen that ISNT a pain in the ass. Whatever you choose, its time to pick your most important meal.
Today is... a special day! They are serving JOE STARCHIES!
That's a regional dish, its a lot like a pancake, but thinner, saltier, and you layer it thin with a sauce of spiced yeast, or Rizzey as its called.
Of course, for extra money, you can get extra toppings like syrup for a sweet and salty thing, or get a Starchy sandwhich, or even... Rizzey Rolls!
You think you may be the only person excited about this however.
>Splurge with that Warden money >Save that warden money for later so you can get some gear >Splurge... and buy a splurge for one of your friends/pokemon Note your pokemon eat the same food you do, or a equivalent, so the nicer your dish is the happier you are, and your pokemon.
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Hiya! It's me Mimikyu! And boy howdy do I have some quick lore to explain!
Everyone remembers me, I am Gurie's best friend! But who is Gurie! And what's going on!
Well, I, despite being a cute and lovely pokemon, occasionally have, lets call them gamer moments. Everyone loves gamers right?
So, when you are around the block like me, and you see pikachu everywhere... you get upset!
I even moved to Orre thinking it was pikachuless since there were so little wild pokemon.... BUT THERE IS A PIKACHU THEME PARK!
I can't help but get angry at that!
So when someone I thought was my friend said they could use my skill to help me get revenge, and destroy the normies... I lended my wisdom! And then they said there was this cool lady who needed my help and she should join our team! But the lady was very scary and now I'm on her team!
That's Gurie! And Somehow shes the main character!
A humble incredibly powerful heiress to a crime empire AND a formidably psychic in her own right, she got arrested by the goverment for fear of her power and as a hostage to use against her dad... but she decided to start her own gang just like her dad instead! Right here, in Rose's Academy, a prison school!
She's made friends, but she's made enemies with the entire international gang of Neo Team Rocket!
Her pokemon include
>Gremlin the Impidimp: A SHADOW POKEMON who seems to have no personallity, what little we see of it seems to be... pretty mean! Hes VERY loyal to Gurie, and almost ready to be purified! If only a purification machine or divine rock existed in prison >Sandman the Sandygast: A self professed crime lord who swore featly to Gurie after she overpowered him in a astral battle somehow. Sandman seems really powerful! His Scorching Sands hit like a truck and because of their unique relationship Gurie can take his shovel and wade into battle herself! Just like that ninja. >Jabberwocky the Trapinch: The only henchman Sandman had, hes spunky and unknown. Want's to be a dragon. Friends:
>Carrie: A one armed upperclassman who admires your father. Has a lot of flying types, all of them are cute.. Seems to act tougher then she might be? You've never seen her fight. Likes movies. >Tom: Tom isn't their real name. A perverted nerd who killed a man. Tom seems to be the smart one, probbably by process of elimination instead of actual skill. Got kidnapped by a crossdressing pervert. >Sir Planchett: A crazy lady who isn't aware she's on your team. She thinks she's a knight who was appointed by Zacian to PERSONALLY save the world. >Nimrah Diggory: Known as the nurse, warden nad biology teachy here with the alias Proffessor Noah. Secretly he's your adoptive uncle and works for your dad as one of his elite Number Ones, secretly secretly he's a ultra beast here with a bone to pick with the Aether Foundation. You arent actually sure why hes in the school. Anonymous
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>>5524127 >Skip the shower sequence this time. You got ominous meal time lore dumps to go through >Splurge... and buy a splurge for one of your friends/pokemon Planny and Tom, for helping.
Alrighty! Guess we are going with the one vote!
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>>5524215 I'm sure you'll get more tomorrow if you wait. Sundays are slow on /qst/,
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>>5524127 >NO! The womans shower is a sacred chapel of dreams! Surely this time something will happen that ISNT a pain in the ass. >>5524127 >Save that warden money for later so you can get some gear mynameismimikyu
You decide, with perfect reasoned logic mind you, that Falala was too much, and you are going to avoid her for a while, and shower drama. You stay invisible, stay quiet and ignore the next time Falala gets slogged in the face, and sure enough come breakfast, shes perfectly fine. Her nose isn't even bleeding even though you saw it get caved in. Theres something weird about her. However, she blows you a kiss and you decide that you are NOT going to give her the time of the day today! You are gonna have to get a SECOND shower, and you cant forgive that! You take your big plates of food, piled high with your savory pancakes and scan the room. You see a very ominous table filled with brightly haired men in shiny R badges, and Petrel is NOT there... unless he's in disguise again. They glare daggers at you. Oh hey! Theres your table, and true to your offer Bedbug (Some sleepy son of one of the teachers) is sitting there alongside Planny and your two friends. Mercifully, Falala walks past the table and sits somewhere else. You plant your butt at the table, handing Tom and Planchett the fancy smancy local cuisine! "Tada! A gift for helping me out yesterday!" Tom tucks in without complaint but Planny wrinkles her nose in confusion. "What... is this?" Oh you forgot, shes a foreigner.>Explain the dish >Change the subject! You have questions! >Tom how did you get kidnapped by a crossdresser? >What was Falala talking to you all about yesterday >Carrie! Why is your Natu staring at me in my sleep! >We need a training session! We are in a gang war >Do any of you know where i can get some supplies to build a purification device? Planny? >Bedbug... oh your asleep, nevermind >Write in
>>5524223 >Change the subject! You have questions! >Tom how did you get kidnapped by a crossdresser? Anonymous
>>5524223 >Change the subject! You have questions! >Tom how did you get kidnapped by a crossdresser? >We need a training session! We are in a gang war Anonymous
>>5524227 supporting
Inquiring minds wish to know.
Well this inquiring mind is going to bed. Sorry, that opener? Was a lot longer then i expected it to be. And i realized i called the agent in the first threat Weston and then Mimikyu mentioned Faba, so there was a plot hole... Weston isnt Faba. Mimikyu knows both. Both wear glasses. More to come! I'll leave you with this... One of the leading ideas to discuss purification was to contact Suzie, your ghost nana, for help using a straw doll, that is still a option! For those new, or just not paying attention the game has this itenerary, a la persona.>Breakfast >Class 1 >Class 2 >Break >Detention >Meal 2 >Break >Break Some events, such as being attacked by Petrel and cleaning up, can take up two slots! Also its thread 3 but day 4. And Miror B offered you a special lotad if you delivered a prize to Sunny, one of the "Gym leaders" because Sunny has been collecting the scalps of unruly students. Metaphorically hopefully. So there are some stuff to do proactively on break time.
You roll your eyes, if Planny isn't able to appreciate a quality Rizzey roll, she can just puzzle forever. "It's like a salty cinnamon roll." Tom says, chewing hers. "Alright!" You clap your hands, Gremlin mimicking the motion next to you, and Jabberwocky eating without you. "We need to talk!" You point at Tom, who looks up mid chew. "You! How did you even GET kidnapped anyway?" "Mmpf?" Tom swallows her roll. "I didn't do anything! I was just minding my business when this Slowbro came and yawned at me, then I woke up in knightbrights arms." Planchett nods. "Indeed, I suspected foul chicanery and was able to locate Tom in a storage closet. I believe Petrel was coordinating with another." "And this was..." "Around recess." Tom nods. "I just got out of classes." So Petrel was masquerading as Tom before dinner even! "Okay." You tap the table. "We need, all of us... to practice!" Carrie nods. "The Boss is right, we have people gunning against us now... We can't afford to be attackable." Tom pouts. "How was I supposed to deal with slowbro yawning at me?" "That's exactly WHY you need training." Planchett says. "Whether or not its reasonable to expect a peasant to quickly become a soldier, the war will wage regardless. If they think you are a easy target, they will keep focusing their efforts on you." Tom frowns. "I am not a easy target.">We aren't saying you ARE, but we can all do with some practice >Listen if I am correct, the guards confiscated all your pokemon besides one right? That means that your currently the most vulnerable, that's not your fault, its just what happens. >Write in
>>5524854 >We aren't saying you ARE, but we can all do with some practice Anonymous
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>>5524854 >then why'd you get targeted, HUUUH? >anyway, we can all do with some practice Anonymous
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>>5524854 >We aren't saying you ARE, but we can all do with some practice >Besides, I’m guessing you’re rusty right? I can’t imagine a lot of people want to battle you because of your rep. So we’re here for you. Should be hand Tom our Trapinch so she has two pokemon?
You frown. "Listen Tom, we are not saying you ARE some weak link, or a liability. The only reason we are in this mess is because they are after me... but if they are willing to use you and others to get to me, then we all need to be as skilled as possible. It doesn't matter which of us is better, or worse, or how fair it is, if some rocket member drops 6 koffings around us and have them all explode at once." "Oh." Carrie perks up. "You must have met Petrel." "I did." You shake your head. "Hes a pervert who plays dirty." Carrie nods. "I always liked that about him." ...? "Petrel? THAT guy?" Carrie shrugs at your shock, and you move on. "The point is Neo is out for blood and isn't pulling anything. We need to be at a level where we can strike back." "But... how? Just grinding pokemon levels?" "We can get some new strategies and moves." Carrie says. "The store sells items and the like, we can give ourselves a upgrade." Planny scoffs. "The only tools that can fight darkness are light! If you do not gather the proper knights, your swords will be forever dull. And if you fail to bless those swords they will be ill suited for what to come." ...What? "What?" Tom says, mercifully allowing you to avoid asking the question. "Was I unclear?" Planny tosses her hair back. "If the knight, or trainer can not do it, then the pokemon will feel demoralized about doing it themselves. We must improve OURSELVES! So that we are immune to the dirty tricks of others... And some people's pokemon need to be purified more then perfected." She bits into the roll, and makes a face. "A purified pokemon is better suited against evil then one who has not been tested." So Gremlin... and maybe Mimikyu, will have advantages to them that Sandman and Jabberwocky wont. Not that Sandman needs any edge.>Go with Toms plan: Classic training >Go with Carries plan: Strategy and equipment >Go with Planchett's plan: Phys Ed class >If what planny says is true... then wouldnt it be optimal to get shadow pokemon... to purify later? Maybe your group should talk to Miror B. >Write in a plan After this we will start classes.
>>5525241 Sandman knows the meaning of fear. He’ll do just fine against evil.
>Carrie likes Petrel I guess she respects underhanded people. Might make her worth watching out for… but that sounds like work, so I’ll keep trusting her.
>To Tom - Planny is right, we need to prep ourselves since pokemon battles aren’t the only way they’ll come at us. > To Carrie - Nothing to point out to her in rebuttal > To Planny - You can dismiss the value of equipment, but you shouldn’t dismiss strategies and moves. A dull mind is as much your fault as a weak body, and a sharp mind can mean bringing enemies to your side. Split the work.
>Everyone trains. Learn how to beat someone without your pokemon, escape rope binds, and preferably pick a basic lock. >Research pokemon in the area, present general strategies we could theme around. We’ll all work towards something that suits us. >Filling out pokemon slots will end up leveling our pokemon anyway. Once we’re done with gathering, we can start challenging people for info, money, respect etc. Other ideas:
>Carrie likes Petrel? Approach him with an offer to sell us out. See if she can goad him into another attack. If we beat him again, he should have lost enough respect that she bring him over and put him to work as a lackey. I have reason to bully Petrel, and he does seem smart. He can work under her since she’s being the smart one here.
> Bedbug was looking into Shadow Pokemon too. Maybe we can all work together and hit a likely source together. We get a few shadow pokemon to start purifying, he gets to help his mom. Not sure if they know Miror B is a source of pokemon, or if they do but they want higher on the chain. But lets cozy up with everyone we can until we’re comfortably entrenched in the prison.
>>5525289 It is worth mentioning that, Carrie has been in jail the longest and unlike you, and seemingly Tom who burned every bridge, she has a lot of relationships with dangerous customers.
She apperantly does work for Wide Tony, who is in the Student Council/Elite Four.
>>5525298 Wait, she works? That’s antithetical to our whole schtick!
She’s getting a minion to offload work to. She likes Petrel, we make it happen. Her tastes are weird, but who are we to argue if lesser pervert wants to hook up with bigger pervert? Such is the mating cycle of perverts.
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>>5525241 >Go with Carries plan: Strategy and equipment Anonymous
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>>5525241 >Go with Planchett's plan: Phys Ed class >If what planny says is true... then wouldnt it be optimal to get shadow pokemon... to purify later? Maybe your group should talk to Miror B. mynameismimikyu
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There's a tie i need broken.
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>>5525241 >Go with Carries plan: Strategy and equipment >>5525308 Oh boy, matchmaking time?
"Alright..." You point to Carrie. "We will go with your plan first. We need a strategy, a plan for what we want to do before we start filling in our teams and bulking up our pokemon. If I tried to make Gremlin a speedy hitter I am always going to fail, because that isn't what Gremlin is, right buddy." "Im." Gremlin slowly munches on his cake and looks up at you confused. The rest of the group nods. "Well, I definitely have a lot I need to consider." Tom sighs. "Fine. I guess we will see you after class." You nod. Hopefully you dont get injured this time. ~~~~~~ Your next class room is rather poorly lit. The litwicks surronding the castle not present here, instead the room is lit by the glow of a single red buld. The Ampharos with the bulb gives a happy baa and suddenly there is plenty of light, a old man sits on a chair, propped up by a large supply of books to pear over the massive desk he is in front of. However... the man appeared to have overdone it, as his legs clear the desk itself by a good deal. "Yes, welcome one and all, to the Occulture class, here we deal with myths and histories of our nation and all nations. From Ho-oh to Celebi, and yes... even shadow pokemon." Shadow pokemon!?! YOU have a shadow pokemon!!!>Interrupt class immediately to get some answers! D100 to put yourself out there, ask about ways to cure shadow pokemon >Ask about shadow pokemon in general d100 >Let the man cook, even if its about some stupid mythic pokemon no one cares about.
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I am going to bed, but lets review your current class list>Biology with Noah (Secretly Uncle Nimrah) (About pokemon types and status moves and blah blah) >Social Studies with Miror B. (About dancing, talking to people, and actual socialness) >Pokemon Theory with Mister Berry (About pokemon, apperantly its all self study, or maybe not you had one class?) >Wilderness Economics with Carl (Catching pokemon and survival skills) >Occult History with Zilch (Weird stuff) You probbably have... 3 more classes left, including the one right after this. And after that itll just loop. Also the teachers are pretty high ranking in the School, but not as high as the Wardens who lead the houses and keep students in line. But they outrank the guards.
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Rolled 58 (1d100) >>5525548 >Ask about shadow pokemon in general d100 Anonymous
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Rolled 98 (1d100) >>5525548 >Ask about shadow pokemon in general d100 Anonymous
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Rolled 54 (1d100) >>5525548 >Ask about shadow pokemon in general d100 Anonymous
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Rolled 14 (1d100) >>5525548 >Ask about shadow pokemon in general d100 Anonymous
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>>5525548 >Ask about shadow pokemon in general d100 Joining the bandwagon.
...Wait! Shadow pokemon? You raise your hand, the teacher looking a bit startled at your eagerness. "Yes... Gurie right?" The man questions as you nod. "Mr..." "Doctor The man says with a frown. "My name is Dr Zilch." "Dr Zilch... why is Shadow pokemon in occulture. I was lead to believe this was a entirely scientific phenomenon. Not a mythological one." Zilch smiles. "Ah, that is a interesting theory, but a wrong one... Ampharos. Psychic." The sheep and the professor both float in the air as a book is slid out of his balancing stack. "Shadow pokemon actually existed long ago, allegedly, from before the ruined times. Back when Galarians first settled this region, fleeing from The Darkest Day, which we recall as the original time Dynamax pokemon surfaced and ran amok. However as they landed here the settlers claimed to have encounted pokemon of a "Great Darkness."" He flips open the tome, his books, and him falling down to fill the empty space the book was in. "Now of course, most people attribute this to simple racism against the users of those pokemon, the aboriginal natives of Orre, however, there seems to be some strangeness in this theory." Zilch flips a book open, showcasing a darkskinned giant of a man fighting alongside a eldery white prune, the twos pikachu and Copperjah fighting a offscreen threat. "You see, the Orre tribes were happy to ally with the Galarian settlers to help fight the other tribes, grudges were thicker then blood at the time... But from these natives account, their own pokemon were being "Cursed" around a few months before the settlers showed up, causing THEM to assume the Settlers were behind it... This leads to the theory that... Yes Gurie?" "If the settlers were fleeing the darkest day, and only shortly before they arrived the pokemon got cursed... did the curse start... during the darkest day." The man smiled. "Exactly. The theory is that the great evil, that alien Eternatus, may have had more wide spread effects then just in the region the beast was buried in.">Ask more questions! So this is a dynamax related affliction... but what does that MEAN for us? >The mans on a roll, let him cook! (This lecture will likely go on for the entire class if you let it, but not every class has to involve you getting injured so theres that)
>>5526009 >Ask more questions! So this is a dynamax related affliction... but what does it mean that it can be “fixed” by a purification machine or divine rock? Are those methods also a way to force a dynamaxed pokemon out of that state? Are there other methods that force a pokemon out of a dynamax state that could be used for purifying shadow pokemon? Surely the linkage between shadow pokemon and dynamax could be tested to elevate beyond a mere theory! May as well bring it around to our “curing shadow pokemon” question since he gave us a natural opening.
Great! You are on a roll... more questions. "Excuse me... if Eternatus is the source of shadow pokemon, or the original, then why does the Purification machine or the Relic stone work? Would they also work on dynamax pokemon? Also, why does dynamaxing only last a short while and shadow pokemon last so long? Could dynamax technology purify a shadow pokemon?" The man chuckles. "Well... someone had their morning coffee." He strokes his beard. "Well, to put it plainly, most of these theories haven't been tested, because shadow pokemon research is... well it requires shadow pokemon, and we certainly don't have any of those." Theres a laugh in the classroom. You laugh too but a bit more nervous then before. "However, it does appear that dynamax is different, likely their is a simillar root, but shadow pokemon, in their most known form, are doctored by science, to exhibit certain behaviors. In addition to dynamax being used simply to maximize a pokemon's power... If someone were to acquire a shadow pokemon, well, it would be interesting to test." The man nods. "You know.... in theory, if one were to have a shadow pokemon... they could be used as their own power spot, allowing them to be dynamax'd... well, anywhere. Lucky there weren't huh?" ...!?!? The bell rings. Your next class... well actually, you were able to pick before you transferred here. It was a "Elective." What did you pick again?>Engineering with Dr Strongarm, learn how to build things >Phys ed with Warden Dargnan, battling and physical exercise >Arts and crafts: With a Miss Yuki, maybe it will help with your dolls >Language class: Learn about foreign nations! (Write in a region)
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>>5526381 >>Arts and crafts: With a Miss Yuki, maybe it will help with your dolls Anonymous
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>>5526381 Hmm. Shame we don’t have one of those bands or whatever to trigger the transformation. Might be worth testing though. Pushing a dynamax transformation, then letting it expire, might purify a pokemon?
But what do I know. I’m the idiot whose last finished game was Pokemon Yellow.
>Engineering with Dr Strongarm, learn how to build things Though I could be talked into arts and crafts. But I like the idea of integrating our hexes into sturdy traps somehow.
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>>5526381 >Engineering with Dr Strongarm, learn how to build things MyNameIsMimikyu
You signed up for... engineering! And so you head to the Foundry, passing a few Rolycoly on the way. "Greetings!" Doctor Orville T. Strongarm says as you walk in, the classroom... mostly empty, except for 5 machos... and Tom!! Thank Arceus Tom's a nerd.
Strongarm gives a grunt as he lifts a geodude, the burly muscleman having the Geodude serve as a kettlebell. "This class we will work on... held items! As well as the trainer items manufacturing... among other things..."
"First!" He drops geodude and wipes the sweat off his brow. "Before the lesson it is time for... a taste! Something to encourage all of you!" He poses as behind him a white board descends, a projector starts to play.
"We will start with move tutoring... the move??? SECRET" He flexes, his shir ripping at the sleeves. "POWER!!!!"
"HUH!" The machos grunt, all flexing with him.
"Take out your pokemon! One a person... and learn the secrets... of the SECRET BASE!!!!" He turns his back and gives another mighty flex.
Are you... in the wrong class?
>Who will learn secret Base? (This WILL affect how your secret base turns out) >Jabberwocky >Sandman >Gremlin >(Secret Mimikyu viewing) Anonymous
>>5526695 >(Secret Mimikyu viewing) We’ve really been neglecting him since he’s a secret. Let him have some fun designing our… secret base? I’m just realizing how strange this oh.
Oh well. I’m sure entrusting this to a pokemon whose grudges served as the seed for new shadow pokemon can in no way backfire!
I’m guessing this will give us a place that Hex Maniacs would enjoy MyNameIsMimikyu
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>>5526702 Secret bases are cool! Most prisoners would LOVE a secret base you know!
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>>5526695 >(Secret Mimikyu viewing) Anonymous
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>>5526695 >(Secret Mimikyu viewing) Anonymous
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>>5526695 >(Secret Mimikyu viewing) MyNameIsMimikyu
Wasn't the choice obvious? It's Mimikyu!
You secretly and discreetly let Mimikyu out of your doll. One of the machos turn to you in suprise, looking at Mimikyu in shock.
"Eh... What's that?"
"It's... my Pikachu doll!" You grab Mimikyu and hug it, giving your best baby doll eyes. "I... am a girl you know... It's fine to have cute things like this..."
"That so?" He scratches his head awkwardly. "I never was the type for that sissy stuff..." He looks at the screen embarassed.
Idiot. Meathead. Go explode.
The film flickers on... You dont know why you cry when the film goes on. It's just Carl. Hes the survialist from yesterday. Maybe your back just hurt that badly... maybe its the meds.
But you felt like you are... missing something. That you have for a long time.
"Yup... they picked me, I am Carl." He tosses out a Starmie that spins happily around him. "And we are going to be doing... well this." He points at a pile of gravel. "Secret power."
Starmies gem glows and a large sandstorm kicks up, the rocks glow as a whole in the pile forms. "And that's that."
Carl yawns. "It harnesses the power of nature... like nature power... but its constructre. It's no secret, we just call it that because it lets you make the base."
He points at the camera. "Oh yeah... we can see where you put these things. So don't think you can try to string up a giant tunnel of bases to escape. We can beat you up."
Huh... how come, they didn't find Rocket's base? Do they have a inside guy?
Mimikyu discretely wiggles his stick, poking you. "A-are you okay?" It whispers.
>Mimikyu learned Secret Power! Strongarm flexes as the lights go back on. "And... it IS that simple... because that's the basics!" He cracks his neck. "You have to consider location, decoration... simply plopping a base is the easy part... though... for you guys... maybe it's a hideout?" He chuckles.
>You've unlocked... the hideout! The hideout can be outfitted with accessories and tools to help your team! Invite team members! Have secret meetings! Cry in it when overwhelmed by the unbearable loneliness of being! "The rest of class... is practical! I need you all to make a secret base! I will be inspecting each one at the end of class so no skimping. But, you can always change it later... but your first base should show your passion! Unfettered by practicallity, for now at least!
Also!" He slaps the table. "I CAN hunt you down and pick each of you off one by one so no trying to use this to ditch class! If you wan to sleep... sleep in a freshly made base! Go!"
Where do you want to set up your base?
>In that storage closet you beat up mimikyu in >In your dorm >In the cafeteria! >Right next to the rocket base, its a flex >In the gravel pit you met sandman >In the other gravel pit you broke most of your back in, its a power move >Write in >Ask tom to collaborate to get a BIGGER HIDEOUT! It should be fine if you dont try the dumb tunnel move. Anonymous
>>5526849 >Ask tom to collaborate to get a BIGGER HIDEOUT! It should be fine if you dont try the dumb tunnel move. Teamwork makes the dream work, and is also less ACTUAL work probably.
Why are we crying? I feel like I missed a reference. Anonymous
>>5526849 >In that storage closet you beat up mimikyu in It can be an apology secret base!
Quoted By:
>>5526867 You dont know! Maybe its a delayed reaction to seeing carl! Maybe its the pain meds!
You are on a LOT of asprin!
>>5526849 >Ask tom to collaborate to get a BIGGER HIDEOUT! It should be fine if you dont try the dumb tunnel move. I’ll even be nice and let Tom pick the location. That said, we did send Bedbug’s mom into the base, so it should be cleared out. The true flex/sneaky move would be to put it in that exact same spot.
No one would suspect to check the place that everyone already knew about. It’d be foolproof!
Quoted By:
>>5526867 >>5526910 >>5526872 Supporting
Let's see if Tom has a better idea, but otherwise use it with him to create a pretty hidden secret base for our chicanery that's bigger on the inside
>Hug Mimi tighter, why did that TM video have such a good soundtrack? Anonymous
>>5526849 >In that storage closet you beat up mimikyu in Anonymous
>>5526849 >In that storage closet you beat up mimikyu in Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>5526910 Putting our base were the Rocket base was is both a brilliant and dumb idea.
>>5526849 >In that storage closet you beat up mimikyu in Going with this for now.
>>5527238 >>5527066 >>5526996 we should still do it WITH Tom though guys
Quoted By:
>>5527476 I guess they don’t want to. Which is a shame, because we really should have someone more level-headed than us and Mimikyu involved in the process.
Quoted By:
I have returned! Sorry gamers, i was busy.
You decide that you should leave Toms to find her own secret base. You already have a idea and you already are forcing Tom to go through training. You turn around and head back to the girls dorm, having picked out the perfect spot. It's for her own good and you are doing it too, but you don't want to middle manage your friends. You cant collaborate with Tom unless one of you agrees to do the others idea, and you don't want to force Tom to go along with yours. You aren't even sure necessarily you are supposed to use this idea. Since well... You pick the lock of the supply closet again, noting, to a degree of shock, that the lock is the exact same as before. There are, allegedly, cameras everywhere here, and the Litwicks certainly are, but not only have you not gotten in trouble for breaking into this room 2 days ago, but they haven't even tried to make it harder to break into. This school is very strange. You slip into the supply closet which is filled as usual with unusual things. Carpets, books, tapestries, and even a axe. You thought about it and honestly... why are there tapestries here, its a prison, these tapestries look pretty old... And a axe! You can kill people with those! Fortuantely the Axe makes the perfect sort of marker, the large heavy headtaker high enough and shiny enough to frame the doorway of your new base! There is one last step... the visualization! You drop Mimikyu (You were holding onto the dollmon the entire trip) and point out the axe. "Alright Mimikyu! Here's the spot." It looks around and frowns. "This spot? I guess this is when we all joined your team miss romantic! But I would prefer a spot with a little more glitter. So..." It waits as you stare at it. The creatures staff wiggles in annoyance. "Hey hey! What kind of base do you want! Do you think I was just gonna make a empty room!?" Yes actually... You guess Mimikyu has a bit more gas in it's tank then a normal pokemon... Which you guess makes sense given how you met, and how its talking to you. Most pokemon can't do that, or be used to create stronger shadow pokemon. What a weird doll... "HEY!" You get bonked on the head with a wooden stick. "Enough soliloquy! I asked a question!" Kinda rude though.>You want... a training area! For that secret training your about to do! >Make a workshop, you bet that would appeal to Captain Strongarm >Make a HEX workshop, doll making and carpentry are different skills you need ghostly tools >Make a SECRET LAIR with big tables and spooky lights and stuff >Make a candy shop >Write in Whatever you vote on, also roll a d100
>>5527879 >Make a SECRET LAIR with big tables and spooky lights and stuff Hex Workshop is super tempting, but that might be a bit insensitive to ask Mimikyu to make, given how we met...
Quoted By:
Rolled 31 (1d100) >>5527879 >Make a SECRET LAIR with big tables and spooky lights and stuff Step into our office, friends and potential recruits. Maybe something like picrelated, but with more purple and pink?
Quoted By:
Rolled 83 (1d100) >>5528138 Whoops, forgot to roll
Quoted By:
Rolled 68 (1d100) >>5527879 >LAIR Let's do our dad proud
Quoted By:
>>5527879 >Make a HEX workshop, doll making and carpentry are different skills you need ghostly tools Anonymous
>>5527879 >Make a SECRET LAIR with big tables and spooky lights and stuff Anonymous
Rolled 17 (1d100) >>5528269 forgot
Rolled 26 (1d100) >>5528269 My roll.
>>5528271 What?
Quoted By:
Rolled 33 (1d100) >>5527879 >Make a HEX workshop, doll making and carpentry are different skills you need ghostly tools I’m willing to work with Captain Strongarm (only now do I get the joke btw) to figure out new ways of merging our hexes with carpentry. I voted for the class for that reason!
>>5528272 I think they just linked the wrong post. They forgot theirs too.
Okay I am on a plane, so lets see if i can update.
(I couldnt find a good picture for the lair so... here you go) You think about the question for juuuust a bit more, partially because Mimikyu's impatience is a little annoying. "What about... a secret lair!" "It already IS a secret lair!" Mimikyu protests, as you pout. "There is a difference between a lair that is secret and a secret lair! A place for friends to scheme and deploy and the like." Mimikyu nods slowly. "Oh... well, i never had friend so..." A cold wind blows. "I'll help you go over the details." You take out a paper and some pencils, and soon... you have the design! The base itself is pretty small so far! Its got a big wall with tubes of outfits and shelves for disguises, and a large table for planning... and accross the table a video screen to watch movies. Now that everything was all planned out... all that left was... "Secret.... power!" Mimikyu raises a shadowy claw at the woodnen wall beneath the ax. The wood buckles as a bookshelf grows! The wood protruding from the wall like it was pushing through a film of reality. The walls firm up, as books materialize around them, titles such as "How to laze around", "Sleeping and you!" And of course "Why Mimikyu is the best pokemon." The last book topples flat on the shelf and the entire shelf flips inward. The base is... pretty understated! It has the long table but its made of plastic, the cabinets are already filled but with cleaning supplies, the video screen is still there... But... THERE ARE BEDS! A row of bunk beds for snoozing! "Sorry..." Mimikyu looks at the room. "It can be hard to seperate the Room from the secret room, guess thats why they decor-" But you have already lept onto one of the beds, and started enjoying the secret pleasure of a early nap. A few minutes later you get up. Sure, you got a base... but should you show it off... You can always quickly make a fake base in a more public area, avoid trouble and prevent the teacher from knowing where you put it... maybe.>Leave it, show the captain your cool base >Quickly set up a decoy base. >Actually since they didnt seem to care if you were here... can you claim more of the room for a even bigger hideout?
>>5528919 >Actually since they didn’t seem to care if you were here... can you claim more of the room for a even bigger hideout? >Gurie Niamic: Princess, Team Lazy leader, secretly the prison janitor? Just make sure the cleaning supplies are easily accessible. Someone unlucky enough to be working as the janitor here doesn’t need us making their job harder.
>>5528853 Hope you're having a nice trip! Don't worry if you can't update.
Also I noticed that your ID changed, can you make a tripcode so we don't confuse you with someone else?
>>5528919 >Quickly set up a decoy base. Seems pretty meaningless since there are cameras everywhere, but maybe it's part of the test?
I might be wrong though.
>>5528928 I dont know how. The old id was because i was in one spot, and i am now litterally in the sky.
Soon it will change again as the plane lends. I'll look up tripcodes.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:5AiHvPuI Thu 12 Jan 2023 21:29:05 No. 5528940 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>5528935 I'm mostly just saying this so that you don't get impersonated and to avoid having anons say you aren't the real Mimi.
Anyway, I still hope the move goes smoothly.
Quoted By:
>>5528919 >Leave it, show the captain your cool base Anonymous
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Fri 13 Jan 2023 02:05:51 No. 5529246 Report Quoted By:
Alright time to write!!!
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Fri 13 Jan 2023 03:22:12 No. 5529385 Report You think about things and... its quite possible that, if you spend some time in this room... you can just.... take it? Not just the secret base but the whole storage closet? No one seems to go in here, the space is pretty big too... it might be the perfect spot. You can repuprose the actual secret base to something else, or use this spot as a training yard for your base... Either way your going to show this place to the teacher! You really picked a great spot. ~~~ "Hmmm" Strongarm strokes his moustache, carefully analyzing each and every spot in the room, sniffing out any sign of slouching... He turns to you and gives you a thumbs up. "A excellent foundation! You pass! This spot has a extra layer of security, allowing you to have a "Decoy" lair, and gives you plenty of places to expand!" He holds out a hand for you to shake. "This place has the exact kind of free spirit needed in shop class. I look forward to seeing how your talents grow." You shake his hand, smiling. Class ends! You never found out what Toms hideout was, because Strongarm doesnt tell everyone where each spot is (Which also means the machos dont know where your spot is so thats not so bad). And now... you are free for the day. Granted you have Miror B and detention soon... but still, a sizeable chunk of time.... to do what?>Time to find Tom! We need to do personal training before the bigger training later! >Go find some rocket thugs! Time to get revenge!!! >Head to the school store early, go buy some gear ahead of time! >Go to the hideout and kit it out better! You need to move some things around, take the best stuff to put in your real hide out, so on and so forth. >Write in!!
>>5529385 >Head to the school store early, go buy some gear ahead of time! How much money do we have?
>>5529385 >Go find your occult professor! You wanna see if he can help you get a dynamax band somehow. For science, of course.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Fri 13 Jan 2023 03:32:49 No. 5529402 Report Quoted By:
>>5529397 The Poke equivalent is 20,000
This is mostly thanks to Uncle Nimrah having a school position and having send you checks every time you visited him... and also the big bounty Petrel apparently had.
>>5529385 >Time to find Tom! We need to do personal training before the bigger training later! Anonymous
>>5529385 >Time to find Tom! We need to do personal training before the bigger training later! (Plus what
>>5529398 said, if we have time to do both)
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Sat 14 Jan 2023 02:44:38 No. 5530909 Report It becomes relatively self evident that, for a leader, you have been a little selfish... Though if you think about it, maybe your selfishness is somewhat reasonable since its only been four days... But maybe you were supposed to put your strongest foot forward first?
You werent a leader before so you arent sure... but either way, you feel you may have spent a little too much time on YOUR stuff, exploring, talking about Gremlin, hanging out with your uncle. The time you spend WITH your friends and followers is much less then the time you spend alone. But Team Neo Rocket isnt after you alone anymore they are gunning for your team. So you have to HAVE a team. Grandma Straw always said that life was like ghosts. You can end up with less then you put in, but never more.
...You actually arent sure how that applies to ghosts but you arent dead. Maybe Zilch can explain it.
Either way, even though you are dedicating all this time to TRAINING your team... you aren't sure where your team even is. For all you know Tom is actually leagues above you.
So first... you head back to the class and try to find Tom... and it takes a bit, but she is actually in the hallway across from the classroom, fiddling with her switch.
"Oh hey Gurie." Tom says waving. "Do you want to see my Base?"
You stop and think about it for a bit... "Well... maybe. Remember how we are having a training session today? I want to do some extra training with you now ahead of time."
Tom pouts, her goggled cheeks puffing up. "I am ALREADY doing one training, why do I have to do two?"
"Well if this one goes super well you won't have to do the main one, and well... neither of us have actually seen each other fight right?"
"Well... that's weird isn't it? We should know more about one another, we are friends AND team mates, we should know how to work together BEFORE we are forced into it."
Tom sighs. "This doesn't feel very lazy at all..."
"Well, the lazyness comes later... Anyway if you think your base is a good spot to train we can use it! If not we can use mine."
"Alright... follow me."
After a bit of a walk you arrive at... WAIT you were here yesterday!
"You aren't Petrel are you?" You frown. "Why are you taking me here to the Rocket base."
Tom rolls her eyes. "Listen Gurie." She turns on the switch and shows you your save file. "Petrel doesn't know about Mimikyu... but I do! And look."
Tom tosses out Toxel, the baby giving a whine as it looks at the service door. Then with a cry he throws his glowing rattle at the circuit breaker nearby. The breaker flips and a lift falls down from... nowhere. Must have been Secret power.
"Archer was preparing to ambush you right? So he was there when you told Yellow Jacket... so basically... they all cleared out." Tom shrugged. "So I set up nearby... that way I can see the raid... and then when its done... I'll just take the base."
>>5529408 Since training is training and you can do it for hours, no Occult talk today!
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Sat 14 Jan 2023 03:05:18 No. 5530949 Report >>5530909 You take the lift and slowly are lifted high up the weird atrium area before the base into the rafters. Rafters you suspect only exist thanks to Toxel's secret power.
In the base there are various controls and screens, as well as a coffee dispensor, a strip of power outlets... and no bed.
Yours is WAY better then this place! So you know that, no matter how skilled Tom is, Mimikyu is definitely way better then his Toxel!
You spend a moment to feel smug about that silently, as Tom heads over to a nob and flicks the weather button. The lamps below go hot and the atrium lower level starts to shine brightly under the harsh spotlight...
"Wait... you installed a weather machine into your secret base?" You ask as Tom grins smugly and flicks another knob. Grass spurts from the tile floor before.
"Its a entire enviroregulator! I can set up any training field I want... give or take. I have to install a obstacle creator."
"But... how?"
Tom shrugs. "Toxel did it. I guess since I picked a control panel the entire room is control themed?"
Thats pretty good... but its definitely less secret then your base... BUT for training...
"This is perfect! We can set up any gym we want!"
Now all we need is... a exercise plan
>Call in Carrie! You are gonna learn how BOTH of them fight! >Just fight Tom for the start to get a feel >Invite... Falala! She at least is likely to show up, since you know... girls. And shes not invited to the main training exercise so if something goes wrong or Tom is unexpectedly good/bad, shed keep quiet about it. >No fighting! Just training! Lets work on Toxel's moves. >No fighting... but strategy! Lets see what Tom has planned >Fighting... but not here... Time to get Tom some pokemon! Anonymous
>>5530949 >Call in Carrie! You are gonna learn how BOTH of them fight! >And then talk secret strategies with the two! See what we can come up with. Anonymous
>>5530909 Yay Tom stealing my ideas. Or me stealing Tom’s idea. Maybe we stole each other’s idea.
> Grandma Straw always said that life was like ghosts. You can end up with less then you put in, but never more. Grandma sounds pretty hardcore. Hopefully Gurie never learns from her.
>Call in Carrie! You are gonna learn how BOTH of them fight! Can we invent 1v1v1 battling?
>And then talk secret strategies with the two! See what we can come up with. We can share our Sandman trick. Or they can piss us off enough somehow that we share it during the main fight. But I’d be shocked if they succeeded at that.
Quoted By:
>>5530949 >Call in Carrie! You are gonna learn how BOTH of them fight! Anonymous
>>5530953 Supporting, funny as it would be to bring in Falala
>>5530988 >Can we invent 1v1v1 battling? We could call them "Triple Battles"
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Sat 14 Jan 2023 04:27:52 No. 5531029 Report Quoted By:
>>5531022 I'll allow it, but triple battles are a thing, it was a gimmick in black and white that went nowhere.
>>5530988 Suzie Straw, or Grandma Straw, was your nanny, she was a bannette.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Sat 14 Jan 2023 05:36:16 No. 5531072 Report "Alright... first thing we are going to do is... call Carrie! That way we can go over strategies and team stuff together." Tom nods. "Right, like how you'd form a party in Fire Emblem!" "...Probbably! Yeah! Like a party!" You arent sure what your agreeing to but your glad Tom is agreeing with you. Fortunately for you, Tom and Carrie have both been smuggling technology into the prison for one reason or another, and its much easier for Tom to gather the group up then you... N-not that your jealous of Tom's cool retro watch! You just wish you had one... Its all secret agenty. In fact... since your doing studying and Tom already showed off your base... you all decide to meet up in YOUR base. Which is... admittably, way more cardio then you wanted to do. But you want to show off Mimikyus cool beds! And the table! "Alright." You roll out a big piece of paper from the storage area onto the Planning Table, the secret base perfectly equipped with drawing supplies just for this. "Lets see.. What are our things." "Our things?" Carrie says. "Oh, wait... you mean like... how your thing is bullying your opponents into surrendering?" Tom asks. "Like what you did to Miror B's Ludicolo?" "First! That's a very rude way to put it... also yeah. Like that." IS Bullying your thing? You thought it was stall. You should take turns, given this is not a easy thing to focus on... Who goes first.>Obviously we should start with tom we invited him >Carrie is a upperclassman she already has moves so she can explain her strats and then we can work on those quickly before tom >Write in Do not expect me to be pretty active tomorrow, i got a party to be at.
>>5531072 >Obviously we should start with tom we invited him Tom is also target numero uno for our enemies, as we established.
Quoted By:
>>5531075 >>5531103 Supporting
>>5531072 >Bully our opponents into submission Yeah that sounds like us
Physical damage, emotional damage, AND spiritual damage once we inevitably recruit them.
Our Dad would be so proud of us.
Quoted By:
>>5531072 >Obviously we should start with tom we invited him Damn Tom. I don’t want to admit you right, but you right.
She didn’t mention the “pervert” thing, which is our biggest thing. But I suppose that’s only a tactic insofar as it throws people off.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Sun 15 Jan 2023 03:20:31 No. 5532918 Report "Alright Tom. Lets see what pokemon you have." Tom tosses out Toxel... and thats still it. "Couldn't you... get more pokemon?" You poke the purple lizard, the baby sticks its tongue out at you. You arent sure if its trying to be cute or rude. "Well I was, then I got knocked out, and swept a room up." Tom says frowning. "And my name still isn't Tom." "Fine... What is... Toxel-" "Mr. Loud." "What is Mister Loud good at?" "Well... he is pretty fragile, and slow... But his attack hits REALLY hard." You frown. "Well if hes fragile and slow... wouldnt he be knocked out before his moves?" Tom gives a sheepish look. "...Yes? But I was looking for a defense pokemon to soak up those attacks! And... I didn't find one.">Lets work on Mister Loud's speed, shoring up his flaws >Lets work on defense, making sure Loud can counterpunch foes out of the way >Okay... more walking! This kid needs a pokemon!!! >Okay... is there anyone we can call on that switch who can walk for us? Maybe someone who owes us? >Write in
>>5532918 >Lets work on Mister Loud's speed, shoring up his flaws Go fast to the extreme, Mr. Loud. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>5532918 >Lets work on Mister Loud's speed, shoring up his flaws Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>5532918 >Lets work on Mister Loud's speed, shoring up his flaws >>5532935 SONIC'S THE NAME
Quoted By:
>>5532918 >Lets work on Mister Loud's speed, shoring up his flaws Sure, I’ll join the bandwagon.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Sun 15 Jan 2023 04:25:23 No. 5533002 Report Speed Time!
That means a d100! From all you folks! Anonymous
Quoted By:
Rolled 34 (1d100) >>5533002 Anonymous
Quoted By:
Rolled 28 (1d100) >>5533002 Anonymous
Quoted By:
Rolled 39 (1d100) >>5533002 >Blessed be the blue blur, in his hallowed name we move. MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Sun 15 Jan 2023 04:41:37 No. 5533026 Report Well you might want to praise crash bandicoot instead with these rolls lol
Quoted By:
Rolled 58 (1d100) >>5533002 Rolling.
Quoted By:
Rolled 54 (1d100) >>5533002 Anonymous
Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d100) >>5533002 >>5533026 W O A H
Quoted By:
Rolled 62 (1d100) >>5533002 Anonymous
Quoted By:
Rolled 67 (1d100) >>5533002 MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Sun 15 Jan 2023 21:21:04 No. 5533678 Report Quoted By:
Well folks... we didnt make it.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Sun 15 Jan 2023 21:51:22 No. 5533699 Report "Alright it's simple then! We just have to teach Toxel to move faster!" Its such a simple idea! You wonder why no one else though of it. "...How?" Carrie asks. Huh... you guess that's why? "Maybe we can... make Mr Loud do laps? That's how you practice running right." So you... well you try that! Place the little Toxel around the atrium and have him crawl around as fast as he can... but his legs are so little! Babies are not fast crawlers not even pokemon babies! "Come on, just a little faster..." You plead but the Toxels face bunches up, its face blueing. "Um Gurie? Duck." Tom warns as you hit the deck. Toxel slams his little fists tot he ground and wails, a large ring of sonic energy battering the wall, and the wall next to you. Toxel throws a tantrum powered uproar and you can see where Tom was going with how strong the attack is! The walls batter, the room shakes.. until eventually Toxel falls asleep. "Are... we going to have to clean this up again?" Tom asks looking at the scuffed ruins around you. "No... of course not... we are just gonna run." You say before booking it.>Training session 1 over. "Well you look winded already!" Miror B says as you finally reach his classroom after a few minutes of blind panic running. "I sure hope you aren't wounded AGAIN today.">Um... yeah! I sure am... guess we have to do more conducting. >No... I'm just tired sir. >C-can I learn one of those fancy poses you do? It helped me win a battle.
>>5533699 >No... I'm just tired sir. Anonymous
>>5533699 >No... I'm just tired sir. Anonymous
>>5533699 >No... I'm just tired sir. Anonymous
>>5533699 >No... I'm just tired sir. MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Mon 16 Jan 2023 00:10:52 No. 5533813 Report >>5533769 >>5533761 >>5533717 >>5533708 "Sorry sir... just tired." You pant. "I've been doing a lot of walking last period."
"Hmm..." Miror B tilts his head, his afro swishing as he ponders. "Well that means your all limbered up! So we can skip the warm ups. Here." He tosses a water bottle at you. "Drink up, and then lets continue practicing our moves." He puts in... the passionate dance music you danced to in order to get Impidimp!!
"Well... you did it before... show me again. Lets see if you really need my help or it was all bad luck eh?" He taps the juke box. "Show your moves as they say eh?"
Alright... your ready... you can do this. Especially since no one else is watching.
>Do the same as before! But with Impidimp as support >Try to add on a bit more of a evil flair! >Try to look tougher! >Undersell it, you want grace in battle, not to go stomping and brute force your dances >Flub it deliberately because you have other things to do in this detention period... like score those shadow pokemon. Yeah you were all "Shadow pokemon bad ;n;" Before, but now that you know they can turn into giants? Whole different ball game.
Quoted By:
>>5533813 >Do the same as before! But with Impidimp as support Anonymous
>>5533813 >Try to add on a bit more of a evil flair! >>with Impidimp as support! MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Mon 16 Jan 2023 02:57:00 No. 5533937 Report Wed need to break the tie, but also a d100 roll would be nice! If it stays tied it can double as a tie breaker.
Quoted By:
Rolled 71 (1d100) >>5533937 Anonymous
Rolled 3 (1d100) >>5533937 Anonymous
Quoted By:
Rolled 80 (1d100) >>5533937 MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Mon 16 Jan 2023 03:43:24 No. 5533970 Report Quoted By:
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Mon 16 Jan 2023 05:18:03 No. 5534037 Report You decide to try again... maybe this time with a bit more of a evil flair! You send out Impidimp, and you raise your foot, for a big, mischevious creep walk to sashay forward. And you do it! So far so good. 1 step, 2 step, 3 step, and pivot! And you can stop pivoting... stop pivoting... Uh oh.... Suddenly you hear a cry of Im! And you are on the floor, staring at the ceiling... only this time something lumpy is under your back. "Im...." Impidimp moaned, wriggling beneath you as you can feel Miror's stares at you. "Um... it's... satire?" You try to recover the situation but Miror B just shakes his head. "Guire, the first day of class.. that could have been a fluke, you did manage to recover a little on your pose... but its clear... you may have style... but you have NO dexterity! At least with your feet." He shrugs. "Maybe in arts and crafts you are a artist, but in the land of momentum... you are frail and lumbering." Wh-wh-what? >Gurie has aqcuired the LEFT FEET SKILL W-WA-WA-WAIT!>Gurie's clumsy! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! You spend the rest of the day on basics. It seems Miror B is not gonna let you get out of class for a long time... Though if you think about it... doesn't this make Miror B the most serious about education? I mean he's just trying to stop you from failing class... and also you know, deliver shadow pokemon... but still? You sort of expected everyone to be either misunderstood rapscallions like Tom who wouldnt hurt a fly except that one time he absolutely did, or shameless irredeemable perverts like Petrel, but... well you guess Petrel is irredemable but you also don't know the guy? Everyone's so complicated! You preferred it when you were just in your room and you could judge everyone on the cartoons based on their hats! This murky morality sucks! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It's dinner time! And fortunately... none of your friends are in trouble! So operation scatter worked a treat! But here comes the important table talk again.>Hang out with your friends, time to figure out plan B. Maybe if you got a fast pokemon and carred Mr Loud on a little bag or harness someone else can be fast for the guy? >Hang out with... Falala! Time to figure out the perverts deal! >Hang out with... Sunny! You can get a free pokemon so quickly if you just approach her during lunch and hand her the pokeball! >Hang out with... Wide Larry! Get some under the table illicit goods! And say hi to the student council. >Hang out with... Team Neo Rocket! It's called Flexing! D100 >Hang out at a random table, surely someone weird will show up and tell you something interesting if your just social! d100
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>>5534037 >Hang out with... Sunny! You can get a free pokemon so quickly if you just approach her during lunch and hand her the pokeball! We've kind of been putting this off, though I'm tempted to go the wildcard option.
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>>5534037 >Hang out with... Sunny! You can get a free pokemon so quickly if you just approach her during lunch and hand her the pokeball! We can give the Pokemon to Tom.
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>>5534037 >Hang out with... Falala! Time to figure out the perverts deal! Anonymous
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>>5534037 >Hang out with... Sunny! You can get a free pokemon so quickly if you just approach her during lunch and hand her the pokeball! Anonymous
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>>5534037 >Hang out with... Sunny! You can get a free pokemon so quickly if you just approach her during lunch and hand her the pokeball! Shame I spent so long yesterday asleep. I wonder if I could have stacked another critfail on Gurie.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Mon 16 Jan 2023 22:55:13 No. 5534930 Report You decide... before anything else, you should just visit Sunny...
Whoever she is...
Okay after quickly visiting Carrie, you get pointed out where Sunny is, a whole squad of people of various houses, but all wearing a black and green jacket sat together, surronding a bright, sunkissed woman with a eyepatch and bleach blonde skin.
The woman catches your eye and beams. Her skin was the choclate of fertile earth, and the hair the color of sunflower... she probbably used grass pokemon, she almost looked like a plant... and she was still staring at you.
"Oh um... hi." You wave. And reach in your bag, pulling out a mirrored pokeball, B's 'Bling Ball' "I am here to make a pick up?" The woman smiles. "Oh you mean those poor abused pokemon I rescued from negligent trainers?" She leans forward. "It was nothing... My civil duty even!"
You notice she is in the ghastgangers, the house of pokemon crimes... maybe this isnt the first time she violently pried a pokemon from someone elses hands... hopefully for as just a reason as she claimed.
"So... how about yours!" She smiles. "I can't trust all these pokemon to anyone... You arent rude to YOUR pokemon right?"
>What? No! >That's not really your business. I am just the mail girl >Write in Anonymous
>>5534930 >That's not really your business. I am just the mail girl >But for the record, NO. RUDE! Anonymous
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>>5534930 >I’m only rude to perverts. There are a lot of them here, unfortunately. It’s EXHAUSTING. MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Tue 17 Jan 2023 01:35:57 No. 5535122 Report You frown. "That's pretty rude. And no, but my pokemon aren't your business. I am just here to deliver pokemon to Miror B. Im not under investigation." Sunnys smile widens. "EVERYONE is under investigation by the Daylight Militia. Every day." She takes a bite of her pasta. "Even nights!" You cross your arms. "Do you want the reward money or do you want to interrogate me." "Hmmmm.... I think I choose..." Her eyes dart to two of the crew members who nod. "Both~" Theres a pressure on your leg and you look down and see a long bluish rope wrapped around your leg, leading up to two bright eyes of a Tangela staring at you from under the table.... GROSS!! "See! The way I see it... I worked really hard to rescue these pokemon... and that makes them my responsibility!" She takes a sip of her soda. "I am not one of those Heroes who stops the crime and walks away, leaving everyone to the same system that failed at the start... justice is thorough." You frown. "Are you threatening me!" "I am!" She beams. "You ARE smart! Your going to need to use your pokemon to get out of this jam! And we will see how you lead them... and how they feel about you!" She giggles. "Oh! I'm not being mean! I AM a year leader! I am happy to give them up if you are on the up and up... and hey! Maybe you'll get my badge!">... WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF DINNER! I HAVENT EVEN PUT MY LASAGNA DOWN YET? >How are we SUPPOSED to fight? The guards will just end it, you cant just fight in public >Fuck it, (Toss some pokeballs) (Write in your two) >Oh yeah? Watch. (Hex mania your way outta this)
>>5535122 >... WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF DINNER! I HAVENT EVEN PUT MY LASAGNA DOWN YET? >How are we SUPPOSED to fight? The guards will just end it, you cant just fight in public >Call her a pervert for having her vines wrap around you Anonymous
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>>5535122 Tentacles grabbing us in the lunchroom.
Tentacles. Grabbing us. In the lunchroom.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Tue 17 Jan 2023 03:35:57 No. 5535234 Report Hold on everyone making a gunpla
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Tue 17 Jan 2023 04:44:41 No. 5535309 Report "You... PERVERT! Trying to use vine wrap on a lady! HOW am I supposed to fight you! I haven't even eaten my lasagna?" She frowns. "Why am I a pervert!" "WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THIS LASAGNA?" You are still mad! "THROW IT AWAY JUST TO FIGHT YOU? How are my pokemon supposed to eat then? IS THAT IT? ARE YOU TRYING TO STARVE MY POKEMON? IS THAT HOW YOU GET YOUR KICKS??" "Um..." Sunny looks around as some of the guards start to walk over. "Y-you can calm down you know." "CALM DOWN? YOU WANTED TO FIGHT IN THE LUNCH ROOM? HOW ARE WE EVEN SUPPOSED TO DO THAT?" "Is there a problem?" A guard walks over, adjusting his sunglasses as he looks at you two. "Miss Day. Miss..." You glare at him, he's probably glaring back... Sunny however looks confused. "You... are new correct." "I am." He tilts his head towards the Year Leader. "Guard Weston. I heard something about... a pokemon battle?" Sunny nods, flashing a large metal sunflower badge. "Yes sir! You do not mind right?" He puts his hand on his ear piece. "Yes... one of the Leaders... very well." The man pulls his hand down stiffly and nods, clapping his hands. "Fly, you're up." "Espartha! Poltergeist, Trick Room!" Theres this brightly colored bird in the room who waves its wings. Suddenly several eyes appear in the room and tables start to glow, floating in the air as space forms, the tables stacked atop each other as space widens for a pokemon arena... And coincidentally theres a pokeball on the cafeterias floor. Sunny gives you a wide smile. "Go ahead. Say no, waste everyone's time." She rolls a pokeball on the table. "Or... you can eat while we battle." She pats the seat next to her. "We can direct here! And your pokemon eat after the match!" She puffs her chest out. "Naturally you wouldn't make your pokemon fight until a hour after eating to avoid indigestion right?" Remember that thing before? When you said Everyone was complicated and maybe no one was pure evil or a cute cinnamon roll? You are starting to change your mind again. This lady sucks.>You complete, shit eating bitch (Fight) >... No! D100 social roll! (You are trapped by societal expectations) >Write in
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>>5535309 >You complete, shit eating bitch (Fight) Fug it, let's floor her
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>>5535309 >You complete, shit eating bitch (Fight) >Play dirty and throw lasagna at her face Anonymous
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>>5535309 >You complete, shit eating bitch (Fight) >Play dirty and throw lasagna at her face Anonymous
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>>5535309 >You complete, shit eating bitch (Fight) Team Lazy is very, very quickly becoming the Anti Pervert Patrol
>>5535234 Also, nice
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>>5535309 >You complete, shit eating bitch (Fight) I don’t see anything about the Tangela letting us go, so we’re still being groped. I refuse to let this slide.
I will save the lasagna attack for afterward if we win.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:NslRVzll Tue 17 Jan 2023 22:07:57 No. 5535985 Report Okay! Before anything else... i should probbably ask who your sending out. Remember pick 2. You have Gremlin, Sandman, Jabberwocky, and Mimikyu.
>>5535985 >Sandman and Jabberwocky People don't know we have a Mimikyu, and Gremlin being a shadow pokemon might make Sunny more dedicated to winning.
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>>5535985 >>5536012 I’ll back this. I’d rather pull out Gremlin before Mimikyu since we could leverage that into an ante for the match. Something to get Gremlin out of being a shadow pokemon.
That said, I don’t fully trust that she’s “nice” to her pokemon, or that she’s really looking for trainers that are. She could be looking for trainers who can keep up appearances but are willing to do horrible things to them in the interest of something else.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:NslRVzll Wed 18 Jan 2023 00:42:49 No. 5536146 Report You grown and sit down, tossing out Sandman and Jabberwocky. Sunnyday nods and looks at her balls. "Lets see, your new so... how many badges you have?" "None." You grumble. "Oh you'll get there one day!" Sunny pats you on the back as she puts away a few ultra safari balls and pulls out a small green doll... in addition the tendril around your leg slithers away as the Tangela walks out of the table and onto the field. Tangela bounces happily as the Petil dances with him. "Alright... so we are all ready?" You look at Sandman and give him a nod. Sandman nods back and gives a nudge to trapinch. "Then lets get going!" Sunny claps her hand. "Ready! Set!" "GET EM!" You yell as you grab your lasagna and slap it right into Sunny's face! Sunny stumbles back, her good eye covered in riccotta cheese as Sandman leaps into action! Trapinch's wings hurtl up a localized (And thankfully contained thanks to Fly G's pokemon) sandstorm and some of that sand turns red, scorching Sunny's stupid pokemon with the cheap shot to end all cheap shots. The bell rings. But not the end of dinner bell its the match bell. Sunny sputters on the floor, wiping sauce from her face as she grabs the lasagna and throws it back at you! Your face is now splattered as Sunny scrambles up. "It's on!" Weston coughs. "The terms do say you both have to remain seated..." Sunny sits down and unscrews the cap on her chocolate milk! THE BATTLE STARTS! Because of your blatant strategy, your fighting Sunny while directing your pokemon! So you have to do BOTH command and fight, or your gonna have a penalty to give orders while your head is shoved into a cake.>Cake her! >slap the milk away, and counter with your pokebean medly! >Hex block! >Toss your milk at her! >QUICKLY SHOVE CAKE IN YOUR FACE BEFORE IT GETS RUINED BY THE FIGHT YOU ARENT SURE YOU CAN GET A REPLACEMENT DINNER! >ATTACK! HIT EM WITH ALL THEY GOT! >BULLY! USE SANDMANS ASTONISH AND SOMETHING ELSE TO FLINCH AND FEEBLE! >TRY TO USE HEX AND STATUS MOVES FOR EXTRA DAMAGE! >write in 2d100s this time!
>>5536146 >slap the milk away, and counter with your pokebean medly! >BULLY! USE SANDMANS ASTONISH AND SOMETHING ELSE TO FLINCH AND FEEBLE! Anonymous
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Rolled 34, 13 = 47 (2d100) >>5536155 Anonymous
Rolled 47, 74 = 121 (2d100) >>5536146 >Toss your milk at her! A hex maniac classic.
Rolled 53, 67 = 120 (2d100) >>5536146 >Toss your milk at her! I’ll trust
>>5536158 that it’s a Hex Manic classic.
>BULLY! USE SANDMANS ASTONISH AND SOMETHING ELSE TO FLINCH AND FEEBLE! We know Jabberwocky has Sandstorm. Open with that, I guess.
Do we know if Sandman has Sand Veil?
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:NslRVzll Wed 18 Jan 2023 01:20:51 No. 5536180 Report Quoted By:
>>5536172 You know it has commander, but it may have more then one type, friendship and
ha you thought are powerful tools to break the limits of competitive pokemon
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>>5536146 >>5536172 I’m dumb, sandstorm is already up. I’d guess Crunch then. Bite if that fails.
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Rolled 69, 19 = 88 (2d100) >>5536146 MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:NslRVzll Wed 18 Jan 2023 01:48:19 No. 5536215 Report man... these rolls are bad!
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>>5536215 A 74 isn’t *bad*, but that it’s the highest of 8 rolls is pretty bad.
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Rolled 35, 65 = 100 (2d100) >>5536146 >slap the milk away, and counter with your pokebean medly! >BULLY! USE SANDMANS ASTONISH AND SOMETHING ELSE TO FLINCH AND FEEBLE! MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Wed 18 Jan 2023 05:34:09 No. 5536482 Report i am going to bed!
i forgot to give you gym leader music Yes i shouldnt use siivagunner and associates as my ost. No it makes no sense since the story is way less goofy them my music choices.
no i dont know why i do this.
Best Girl (you dont count because nepotism laws)
>Carrie >Tom >Planny >Yellowjacket >Sunny >Falala Huh i need a female teacher! Theres sexism in the prison! I cant stand for that.
>>5536482 >Planny Isn't the principle a lady? Anyway, sleep well!
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>>5536482 >Tom nerd tomboy is besto
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Wed 18 Jan 2023 06:48:53 No. 5536526 Report >>5536503 you dont have enough on her to count her in the running,,
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>>5536526 I just meant that at least one educator here is a woman, and it's the most important one! The prison isn't THAT sexist.
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>>5536482 >Carrie Emo a cute
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Rolled 41, 90 = 131 (2d100)
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>>5536482 >best girl QM, of course.
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>>5536482 I think I’d go
>Planny, Tom Carrie for our main crew. Planny is top since she’s weird, Tom is up there because nerd cred, and Carrie is weaker since I don’t have a feel for her character like the others.
Falala is amusing, but we ended up considering her a pervert (I wanted her to sit in a blind spot) so a bit of the mirth was lost for me. Don’t know the others well enough yet.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Thu 19 Jan 2023 03:49:25 No. 5537572 Report Quoted By:
69 to 90, apologies to the late response... lets do this!!!
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Thu 19 Jan 2023 04:01:46 No. 5537583 Report You reach for the milk. "Sandman Jabber... hamper them use.... GAH!" Cold milk flies into your face, soaking your clothes, you were to slow. "Defense! Sunny day! Leech Seed!" Fortunately Sandman is a pretty good leader, and Jabs is a great listener so even as Petil waves her petils in the air the two rush forward. The petels of Petil glow... and suddenly so is the sky, the lights above suddenly burning with a harsh intensity. Suddenly the sand storm, leaving a contained desert in the field... just in time for Sandman's astonish. Sand rises around Tangela, eyes forming in pockets of the dune as Sandman is inches away from Tangelas face, the bundle of vines falls backwards in shock, rolling to safety... or would if Jabberwocky wasnt charging. Your trapinch swims through the sand like a fish in water, leaping in the air and plowing through Tangela and Petil like they are bumper cares, the bulldozed pokemon are bulled over, dazed and slowed by the attack. Speaking of dazed, through the sputter of milk you can see Sunnys goons start to grab their green beans... they are joining in!>Hex time! Wiggly your way out! >Nuclear cake option >TEAM LAZY DEFEND ME! >Write in >Full offense >Turn the weather back on >Try to burn them! >Stall the weather, waste their time
>>5537583 >Look at the goons >”Touch me and get an early peek at the afterlife.” If Sunny tries to rally them,
>”Do you really think a badge can save you from your nightmares?” >Stall the weather, waste their time I’m guessing Tangela has the power moves if Petil is the setter? Lock Tangela down one more turn then go for the KO.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Thu 19 Jan 2023 04:52:23 No. 5537620 Report >>5537607 Tangela has a good attitude!
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>>5537620 I’d like to call it cute, but it did grope us so I have to hold a grudge. Sorry Tangela, your trainer was an ass.
>>5537607 Oh, and I’m not fully serious with the threats. We’re the scary hex maniac that beat Petrel though, so I figure creepy threats ought to make everyone hesitate.
The threats may turn more serious if they turn into even bigger perverts somehow.
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>>5537583 >Hex time! Wiggly your way out! >Try to burn them! Anonymous
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Thu 19 Jan 2023 05:50:57 No. 5537656 Report d200s as usual! First one btw is for you
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Rolled 44, 179 = 223 (2d200) >>5537656 Good night everyone
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Rolled 133, 87 = 220 (2d200) >>5537656 Anonymous
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Rolled 188, 124 = 312 (2d200) >>5537656 MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Thu 19 Jan 2023 06:25:34 No. 5537676 Report wait i meand 2d100 i was sleepy sorry. im going to bed... some of these rolls are pretty good too.
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Rolled 40, 61 = 101 (2d100) >>5537676 Well, if you prefer!
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Rolled 45, 40 = 85 (2d100) >>5537656 Anonymous
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Rolled 37, 47 = 84 (2d100) >>5537676 Alright, will roll again if that's what you want.
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Rolled 87, 80 = 167 (2d100) >>5537676 Bruh
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Rolled 13, 95 = 108 (2d100) >>5537676 Beeeeeg Gurie
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Rolled 40, 71 = 111 (2d100) >>5537676 MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Thu 19 Jan 2023 21:09:57 No. 5538223 Report Quoted By:
Okay lets see if i can do more updates this time, i had less work and I have a lot of optimism! LETS GO GAMERS!!!!!!!! crit on the pogeyfight, pass on the threat
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Thu 19 Jan 2023 22:05:36 No. 5538249 Report You glare at the two. "Try it... and get a taste... of the underworld!" Your eyes glow purple and the two step back. "Boss shes one of them witches!" The grunt says worried. "So wha?" Sunny scoffs. "She can bubble bubble her little butt off, shes nothing but a milk soaked little-" Bean bash! You toss your pokebeans at her face, the spotted snacks sticking into her sauced up face as you turn. "Dodge them dry!" Your two pokemon nod, Trapinch riding atop Sandghast as the two vanish into the desert, Trapinch turns around and spreads his wings, creating a protective barrier that protects the two from the hail of bullet seeds from the pair, small sprouts forming in the sand as the bullets rip through the marshes.... Those are... LEECH SEEDS! Shes mixed leech seed and bullet seed together! What a sneaky gym leader.... you didnt know you could do that.>Go for the ko! Pile onto Tangela >Throw up Scorching sandstorm combo again! maybe you can hit them with some burns. >Go for Petil! Shes tiny! >Write in >Write in whatever food war action you want gurie to do 2d100, first 100 is gurie, second is your pogeys.
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Rolled 48, 67 = 115 (2d100) >>5538249 >Go for the ko! >Just dodge her next attack, no way we're going to waste desert! Anonymous
Rolled 94, 55 = 149 (2d100) >>5538249 >Go for the ko! Pile onto Tangela >Hex her food. Can you get it to explode in her hand? Anonymous
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Rolled 77, 5 = 82 (2d100) >>5538249 > Go for the ko! Pile onto Tangela Anonymous
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>>5538295 Changing my vote to this
DO NOT waste desert though
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Rolled 69, 67 = 136 (2d100) >>5538249 >Go for the ko! Pile onto Tangela >Just dodge her next attack, no way we're going to waste desert! MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Fri 20 Jan 2023 02:38:17 No. 5538517 Report 94 on the hex food and 5 on the ko lets go
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>>5538517 Oh, I forgot we went by those rules. At least we got a high number for the food.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Fri 20 Jan 2023 03:20:57 No. 5538544 Report You turn your purple gaze to Sunnys food, her lasagna rumbling... Sunny looks at it confused before... PLOOOSH! The lasagna erupts! Her dinner blasts a stream of warm sauce and vegtable at her face, Sunny holds her hands up, trying to stem the tide of the dinner disaster blaster. You turn to the scene. "Go attack the Tangela!" Beneath the spray of sauce, Sunny smiles. Your pokemon leap forward, readying their greatest attacks. With a mighty dragon claw and Scorching sand, Tangela curls into a ball and his tentacles suddenly launch forward. B-baleful bunker? How? Your pokemon get sent flying by the aggresive poison spikes, your team dripping with poison as Petils petals glow and the bright lights above them grow brighter... friendlier... And the two heal from the Morning sun. You look to sunny for some explanaition but... as the cursed food finally runs out you see shes... conked out. Her two pokemon look at her, in sudden worry, you dont think Sunny can give them any orders next turn... not that your sure how shes doing it quietly anyway.>Write ins You do not HAVE to attack sunny this turn because shes out, but you can twist the knife if you want... or steal her cake. You still dont know what most of trapinchs skills are, just bulldozer and Sandstorm.
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>>5538544 Thank Arceus our high roll took her out. Well, I’ll settle with getting her cake both for starting the combat with the delivery gurl and the food combat.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Fri 20 Jan 2023 04:37:50 No. 5538628 Report Oh ill just make some suggestions myself i guess.>Revenge! Get that damage in now! Make it up and then some! >Focus on Petil, make sure she cant do that heal trick again! >Trapinch must have something to work with Sandyghasts burn, they are supposed to be tag team partners... try that. >Cheat (write in)
>>5538628 >STEAL CAKE >Focus on Petil, make sure she cant do that heal trick again! Anonymous
>>5538544 >Cheat (write in) >Nab the gym badge while she's knocked out Hey, she decided to be a pushover and refuse to do the job - so we'll make her do it.
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>>5538628 >>5538670 I’ll back this since the momentum is here, but maybe next turn we can try what
>>5538789 is suggesting as a distraction. I don’t want to steal it, I want to beat Sunny. But anything we do that makes her react to us instead of the battle seems fair at the moment.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Fri 20 Jan 2023 21:11:27 No. 5539390 Report >>5538670 1d100!
No gurie roll you get the cake for free!
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Rolled 20 (1d100) >>5539390 Anonymous
Rolled 56 (1d100) >>5539390 That image will never fail to bring a smile, but the last line is the best part and it’s missing there.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Fri 20 Jan 2023 21:16:33 No. 5539399 Report Quoted By:
>>5539396 Could only find webps of the og.
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Rolled 81 (1d100) >>5539390 Let’s go
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Sat 21 Jan 2023 02:16:00 No. 5539793 Report You reach to the center of the table and slide the cake towards you. Happily, and slowly, you cut yourself a slice, savoring your victory. "Jabberwocky! Sandyghast! Work on Petil! Make sure she cant heal the two again!" Petils eyes widen as your two pokemon leap up! Sandygast sending a burning blast of sand her way... the scorching sand hits directly, sending Petil flying forward from the sea of burning sand... right towards Jabberwocky. The Trapinch opens his mouth wide, his teeth glowing bright red as Jabberwock clamps down with fire fang! And... thanks to the blazing sun... that fire fang hits so much worse then before. Petil gives a little cry as the blazing jaws sinks into her, your orange buddy tossing Petil aside as the pokemon tumbles through the sands... unconcious. 1 Down! "Wh-...Petil!" Sunny finally wakes up from the daze of food, looking aghast as Petil vanishes into her pokeball. "What was that for?" "You weren't able to command her." You bite into the cake. Savoring its creamy frosting. "So I took advantage." You swallow your food. "Fortunately Trapinch knew a fire attack." You can hear Sunny grit her teeth, looking at her other pokeballs... she fishes for a net safari ball and tosses it. There is a big flash of light as a new pokemon steps forward. "BAYLEEF!" The green dinosaur say, its leaf spinning in the wind. "It's a challenge so I can't just wipe the floor with you." She sighs, "So this is my last pokemon." Okay... good, its 2 on 2 and you still have Gremlin and Mimikyu... you can do this! Mimikyus pokeball wiggles a little.>Focus on the newcomer >Slow, scout this out, they havent landed leech seed yet and until they do you have time. >Try to get both of them with the burn from scorching sands >Keep eating >Keep attacking sunny
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>>5539793 >Focus on the newcomer >Keep eating Anonymous
>>5539793 >Fire fang, scorching sands Since it worked so well last time.
>See if you can make the Tangela glow for a moment using your powers to indicate they should gang up on it. It seems weaker than Bayleef, but if we tell them to attack it then it could use that bunker move again.
>Make a show of enjoying her cake. >”Missing something?” Distractions abound!
>>5539793 >Try to get both of them with the burn from scorching sands >Keep eating MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Sat 21 Jan 2023 05:07:45 No. 5539907 Report 2d100! For
>>5539831 Seems like the plan! Since you can even do
>>5539896 This with that
Lets go
Rolled 6, 66 = 72 (2d100) >>5539907 Anonymous
>>5539914 >6 >66 >THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Sat 21 Jan 2023 05:17:51 No. 5539921 Report Quoted By:
>>5539915 gonna be a busy lunch
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Rolled 68, 50 = 118 (2d100) >>5539907 Anonymous
Rolled 96 (1d100) >>5539907 Anonymous
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Rolled 23 (1d100) >>5539976 >>5539907 I seem to have forgotten this other dice.
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Rolled 73, 4 = 77 (2d100) >>5539907 Anonymous
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Rolled 75, 11 = 86 (2d100) >>5539907 Anonymous
Rolled 14, 91 = 105 (2d100) >>5539907 So we got THE BEAST, a crit for us, and a crit fail for our pokemon so far. That tracks with being looked over by some weird creepy entity, I guess.
Do we accidentally explode the Tangela when we just wanted to highlight it, stunning everyone else?
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Sat 21 Jan 2023 20:33:54 No. 5540532 Report Quoted By:
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Sat 21 Jan 2023 21:50:57 No. 5540615 Report Quoted By:
Alright, you got this... you happily eat your cake, just focus on tangela and relax.
"Tangela" you say outloud and thats enough for your team, burning sands flying in the air ready to strike Tangela with the 1 2 ko...
"Grassy terrain Bayleef." Sunny says with a smile as Bayleefs petals scatter in the air... Suddenly those seeds from before erupt, fast tusts of dirt and greenery filling the field as wasteland turns into jungle suddenly. Tangela rolls out of the way of the shape shifting sand and vanishes into the grass.
Trapinch runs in the grass, looking confused but Tangela has just blended into the underbrush.... it was always a stealthy one too, you didnt see it under the desk either... but maybe you can help!
You do have your powers... if you just reach out a bit you could... mark the Tangela a little? Just visually, its not cheating... or that much of it...
You hold out a hand towards the tangela and... There is static, a dark purple void emerges above the battle field, dark lightning arcs out, striking nothing in flashes of purple and thunderous booms. The trick room starts to get a purplish tint, the barrier changing shap to the gasps of the crowd as a flash of gold is seen through the veil... there is a whirr, a shudder as Sunny looks at you accusingly.
"What the fuck did you-"
The lights go out!
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Sat 21 Jan 2023 22:04:21 No. 5540627 Report The only light in the room is from the portal and the glowing eyes of the thing behind it. The room shakes as the creature shifts, as you see light flash, small sparks of... something on the field... Then there is the sound of a clap and two golden hands glow, attached to seemingly nothing, with a mighty jerk the hands grab the edges of the portan and yank it shut, a final flash of light spilling out as everything goes bright... And the lights go back on. 'LILEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~" A creature roars, a tendril flower thing sitting in the room. "W-Lileep?" Sunny cries as the extint pokemon stretches its... wings and flies in the air, its tendrils sinking into the ground and launching every which way. "LILEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" The beast cries... its not Lileep... at least not all the way?>Okay... you guess your fighting this thing... together? >A match is a match Sunny! Either forfeit or we keep fighting with this rampaging creature or not (i mean... it is contained!) Welcome to your first orre regional form that you guys said would be cool.
>>5540627 >Okay... you guess your fighting this thing... together? Tag Team time
>>5540627 >”Huh. Neato.” >Sip drink. >”If you apologize for having your Tangela grope me then I’ll help you. Knowing my luck, the Lileep is a pervert too and it’s got way too many tendrils.” Yep, another day with Gurie. We may be freaking out internally, but we can try playing it off as this is just another cool thing to add to our list of accomplishments.
I also don’t want to abandon Sunny to the tentacle pokemon after the stink I raised with Tangela. Doesn’t feel right. So in exchange for an apology so I can back down safely, she gets help.
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>>5540627 If we’re tied when you get ready to write next then I can switch to backing
>>5540657 .
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>>5540672 Support. Try not to stammer our way through this in barely-contained panic. What the fuck did we dooooo??
>>5540627 Anonymous
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>>5540657 >Okay... you guess your fighting this thing... together? Time to reconcile by fighting a common enemy!
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Sun 22 Jan 2023 02:05:48 No. 5540840 Report "Oh... this thing again." You mutter, sipping your... wait your wearing your milk. You bit into your cake sullenly. You hate when this happens. "A-AGAIN!?" Sunny turns to you, pushing her finger against your nose. "What the HELL is that and why have you seen it before!" "N-not this one!" You stammer pushing the finger out of your face gently... it doesnt budge... wow sh-she's pretty strong huh. "I just... you know... the thing before..." Sunny glares at you with her single eye. "Sometimes rifts just pop out when you psychic too hard! Like that miniature game everyone loves! It's normal!" You point at the Orrean Lileep, "That's just... a normal, run of the mill, displaced pokemon ripped from space time. EVERYONE's been through this." "...NO THEY HAVEN'T!" Sunny slams the table with her fist, several milks spilling, adding to the mess. "We DON'T have weird time travelling monsters appear with our psychic power." "It's a psychic thing." You roll your eyes. "You wouldn't get it." "Gurie listen to me." She grabs your head and stares at you, forcing you into eye contact. "There are 3 different psychics in our team. Theres the House leader for Trick Room, the Junior Class Leader, and the Secretary of the student council..." Her grip on your head tightens. "None of them, not the ghost user, not the psychic user... make rifts with... whatever that dragon was on the other side." You frown. "Well... everyone i know has!" Which is... you. You shake her grip off and she allows you to. "I am just a normal girl! Sure my dad's famous! Sure I have power!" The beast roars its tendrils lengthened in a power whip that crashes against the walls of the trick room. "BUT THAT DOESNT MEAN I'M SOME CURSED DEMON OR ANYTHING!" You pound the table "I am just NORMAL!" Sunnys eyes dart to the bedlam in the arena. "Listen, normal or not, this is you're..." she shakes her head. "WHOEVERS fault it is, your pokemon are just as hampered as mine. And if that pokemon breaks out it'll be everyones problem." "So..." You look at Weston and Fly. "Why not get the teachers help! Their pokemon are stronger then mine!" "Because the trick room barrier would have to be disabled first... listen it's your first time seeing one so I get it but the only thing that can get through that is the registered combatants pokemon and pokeballs... until that thing showed up." She points at the monster, "We turn the barrier off, sure the teachers can help, but that thing gets lose to do... ALL SORTS! We have to fight it NOW." "Fine..." You grumble, watching Tangela run through the underbrush. "I guess I can help... if you apologize for the Tentacruel trick! That was dirty!" "It was not dirty! I was just gonna break your leg! Stop thinking everythings perverted." "I'll stop pointing fingers when they stop being true!" You cross your arms, your uniform squishing as milk pours from your sleeves. "Apologize." "You aren't apologizing for lasagnaing me!" She crosses her arms back.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Sun 22 Jan 2023 02:08:34 No. 5540848 Report >>5540840 "Well... it was a good strategy."
"So was tangela!"
"...Fine! You don't have to say sorry." You pout.
"And you don't have to say sorry too." Counterpout.
You both turn to the Lilleep which gives a shrill roar. "BUT YOU ARE GOING DOWN!" >Okay! Its still sunny out, So still fire this lileep. >If ghost got you in this... can ghost get you out? >Firefang hex! >Let Sunny take point >Write in! The Lileep is vaguely based on cthullu.
>>5540848 >Firefang hex! >Does Sandman know any rock-type moves to pin this thing down? Anonymous
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>>5540848 Progress! We got her to admit she was an asshole indirectly with Tangela’s grope. Now she just needs to accept that she’s a pervert, but we’ll work on that later.
>Sand tomb, fire fang Stack the debuffs. She’s got poison covered, we can chip it down on top of general damage.
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>>5540848 After the battle we should have a... mutual apology! Then be friends!
>>5540940 >>5540959 Supporting
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Sun 22 Jan 2023 04:26:25 No. 5541059 Report 2d100! Lets scout out this monster.
Rolled 59, 45 = 104 (2d100) >>5541059 Good night everyone
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Rolled 59, 30 = 89 (2d100) >>5541059 Rollin’
>>5541077 Good night anon.
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Rolled 68, 47 = 115 (2d100) >>5541059 Anonymous
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Rolled 25, 29 = 54 (2d100) >>5541059 Anonymous
Rolled 27, 97 = 124 (2d100) >>5541059 Anonymous
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Rolled 85, 49 = 134 (2d100) >>5541059 Anonymous
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>>5541302 We broke the 2nd roll curse, neat
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Sun 22 Jan 2023 22:23:42 No. 5541943 Report Quoted By:
sorry got distracted LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Sun 22 Jan 2023 23:31:02 No. 5541980 Report "Jabberwock! Burn the beast with fire fang! Sandman! Hex him for extra damage." You turn to Sunny who nods. "Leech Seed tangela! Bayleef, use Purified Petals!" What? Bayleef spins its leaftenna, whipping up a storm of petals, the beutiful barrage batters Lileep even as Tangela seeds the creature. The creature roars in discomfort, spitting a large poisonons wad back at Bayleef. Finally you move, Trapinchs jaws sink deeply into Lileep, fire rocketing accross its body and igniting the petals around it for further damage... the pain just enough for Sandygasts hex to REALLY kick in. Dark energy surronding the wounds of Lileep, adding so much more pain to them. Lileep, sucks in energy from the ground with its tendrils, using its Ingrain abbilty to ready its next attack. Its eyes flash, as it readies its move... Whatever it is... its gonna hurt... probbably!>Defend! >Keep attacking! >Write in The fire seems to be doing less damage then the grass attacks, you think Lileep might be a water type.
>>5541980 >Keep attacking! >Use your powers to defend yourself if you need to. Anonymous
>>5541980 >Defend! >Sumo stance! It was made for this! We got debuffs on. We can tank a hit for a single turn.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Mon 23 Jan 2023 01:21:29 No. 5542099 Report d100
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Rolled 80 (1d100) >>5542099 Anonymous
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Rolled 33 (1d100) >>5542099 Anonymous
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Rolled 14 (1d100) >>5542099 I shouldn’t, but I will.
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Rolled 65 (1d100) >>5542099 Anonymous
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Rolled 55 (1d100) >>5542099 MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Mon 23 Jan 2023 04:11:51 No. 5542204 Report The Lileep roars, its eyes glowing blue and, through your psychic power you can feel something pushing, from within the veil inside... Its not just sucking up energy... it's not even supposed to be this big... its being enhanced somehow by the portal energy you caus- you were coincidentally around at the time! And its using that energy now! You turn to Sunny. "You NEED to tell Tangela to block NOW!" "Eh?" She says but she turns. "Bayleef behind Tangela! Tangela baleful bunker." You stand atop the table, much to the stares of the ALREADY staring audience. "OKAY SANDMAN! JABBERWOCK!" You push your foot back, knocking a tray over. "Sumo.... POSE!" Your team mimics your pose, readying to catch the attack as you hear a voice scream from the Lileeps maw.In the Mountain of Coronet, where the moon never shines... Dreaded Darkrai lies sleeping The nursery rhyme causes shivers as the Lileeps wings clasp in prayer.>Lileep called upon a Lost Power >Lileep used Dark Void A blue eye stares from the void of Lileeps skull, a black void opening beneath your pokemon, sapping their very energy away... But your pokemon stay strong and manage to stay awake beneath your shields. The lileeps eyes narrow. "Lilililili!" It's wings fly open and it starts firing dark pulse blindly waves of darkness crashing all around as your pokemon scramble away from the blow. You guess failing to use its dark magic really upset it? You feel a little bad. Not that much though. You think based on this and the fire that Lileep is a Dark/Water type... or a Water/Dark? Does it matter at that point?>Write in
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Mon 23 Jan 2023 04:30:27 No. 5542210 Report >>5542204 Sandman has Hex, Scorching Sand, Astonish, and sand tomb
Jabberwocky has Firefang Sandstorm Bulldoze and something else.
>>5542210 Sand tomb and Bulldoze
>>5542204 >>5542213 Backing this. Only other thing I could see trying is to see if Jabberwocky knows Fury Cutter. That’d tear up a dark type. But lowering speed and getting more chip damage in is good.
BTW how is our Mimikyu pokeball doing? It moved earlier, buuuut then ghost shit happened. Maybe it decided it’s safer in the pokeball after all.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Mon 23 Jan 2023 04:49:27 No. 5542222 Report >>5542218 Its still wiggling but less urgently.
More in a resigned "oh too late now" kind of way.
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>>5542218 Good thinking!
>>5542204 >Sandman: Sand Tomb >Jabberwocky: Please do a bug thing, maybe!! Anonymous
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>>5542222 Don't worry Mimi, we'll get you out later, just gotta figure out a way to magic you into our party
like Suzy! >>5542213 Supporting
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Mon 23 Jan 2023 18:23:41 No. 5542694 Report Anonymous
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Rolled 80, 54 = 134 (2d100) >>5542694 DE-BUFF!
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Rolled 4, 89 = 93 (2d100) >>5542694 Anonymous
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Rolled 13, 69 = 82 (2d100) >>5542694 Anonymous
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Rolled 73, 20 = 93 (2d100) >>5542694 MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Tue 24 Jan 2023 00:47:41 No. 5543118 Report "Alright, hamper him! Sand Tomb... then Bulldoze!" Sandygast lifts its arms and wiggles them, a tornado of sand crashes into the Lillep, the beast roars as sand scours its burned form... It turns to Sandygast, eyes ablaze! Trapinch runs forward to block but is too late to stop the Dark pulse from crashing straight into Sandygast. Sandman is sent flying, crashing into a tree and falling apart into a pile. Sandmans shovel clatters, a few feet away. Sand slowly reforms but its clear Sandygast is barely hanging on to concious. Tranpinch's eyes blaze in rage as it charges, crashing into the tendrils lillep has ingrained into the soil, the beast roars as its knocked aside. Right into the waiting line of sight of Bayleef and Tangela. The two attack, Bayleef contuning her strange storm attack as Tangela's tendrils whip Lileeps body. The beast wavers... this just might be it!>FINAL ATTACK!!!! WRITE IN!!!
>>5543118 >FURY CUTTER! >>MAYBE!! >>>DO YOU KNOW IT, JABBERWOCKY?? Anonymous
>>5543118 >Grab the shovel, help Sandman stabilize >Hex. You (maybe kinda) started this, you’ll finish it! Ghost beats dark, fuck type advantages! MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Tue 24 Jan 2023 02:13:27 No. 5543223 Report >>5543129 Theres a sortof barrier to prevent interference, you can try to run through it if you want.
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>>5543223 Hmmmmmmmmm.
Nah, I’m dumb but not Leeroy Jenkins level. I’ll back
>>5543120 instead.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Tue 24 Jan 2023 04:12:08 No. 5543332 Report >>5543120 For speeds sake, lets say thats enough, and lets do 1d100 for this last attack
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Rolled 64 (1d100) >>5543332 Anonymous
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Rolled 75 (1d100) >>5543332 Anonymous
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Rolled 13 (1d100) >>5543332 Sorry on the delay, don't always have access to a connection I can post on
>>5543120 Supporting
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Rolled 49 (1d100) >>5543332 Anonymous
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Rolled 19 (1d100) >>5543332 MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:NslRVzll Tue 24 Jan 2023 23:49:35 No. 5544178 Report You had enough of this beast, its dazed, its mean to your pokemon... its going down. "Go Jabberwocky! Fury Cutter!" Trapinch charges, leaping in the air as its little pinchers glow, it slashes in the air, a fury of blades crashing into Lileep, still it stands. Bayleef hurtls another flurry of devastating petals against it, the tendrils of Lileep being knocked off the earth, the dark pokemon's ingrain forcibly cancelled as its tendrils feebily try to protect itself fromt he barrage. STILL it stands. Tangelas tendrils lash out in a Bind. Lileep roars, a horrible echoing wail as the creature is squeezed... and still it stands. Then its buffeted by sand, and drained through the seeds... and finally... The burn from Jabber's firefang does the trick, the creature starts to slump aura, it's dark aura disapaiting... It may be a... poor time for it, and will definitely get you in even more trouble... but... You have a pokeball still... before the barrier breaks and authorities take the pokemon you can just... catch it? Who will stop you? Sunny?>YOINK >Smugly watch it faint
>>5544178 >Smugly watch it faint Too much work as a lazy girl, gotta enjoy victory.
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>>5544178 >>5544239 Know what, I was debated on whether to take it knowing it’d be a headache but one we’d have in exchange for a Cthulu relic pokemon.
But you’ve reminded me of what’s important. We’re Team Lazy. I can’t vote for that much work for our MC.
So +1 to you.
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>>5544178 >Smugly watch it faint Anonymous
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Wed 25 Jan 2023 05:53:55 No. 5544436 Report You watch the Lileep fall unconscious. Sure you could pocket it... but it seems like work. You don't need that... you will just get the next one... maybe. If you feel like it. The regional relic lileep falls to the floor, guards swarm in and take the original design that mimi worked really hard on away, likely to Nimrah to figure out what exactly it is. You are sure whatever that Lileep is, probbably some ancient regional variant that went extinct with all the other pokemon on this rock, it's probably gonna make someone a lot of money in this prison. Oh and uh... you can stop standing on the table. You step down and turn away, hoping to get out while the getting IS good and not get hit with dimensional detention. "HEY!" Sunny calls after you, you sigh and turn around. "What now?" Its been a long day. The one eyed woman walks forward and hands you a small green card. "Here." You look at the card, complete with a symbol of a bellsprout. "Wha-" "The sprout badge, its the symbol of the year ones. As year leader, you have passed my trial..." She looks at the lillep that Fly G is carrying over his shoulder. "Sortof... by the way." She holds her hand out expectantly... "My bling ball." "...Oh!" You almost forgot this was just Miror B's stupid job! You hand her the shinning ball, and she motions to her minions. One of the freshman walk over with a bag... wait isnt that the back pack she was pulling her pokemon out of? The 'minion' a bald headed man who probbably was a Cue ball on the outside (is that offensive?) Unzips the bag and shows you... a lot of pokeballs... roughly fifteen? "There you go! Miror B's bounty." She pulles one of the balls from her belt. "All but little Petlil here... shes staying with me." The ball wiggles happily. "Hey... Miror says I can keep some of the rescues... that's what makes them rescues!" ...Okay? You think that's not true but you neither know enough about rescuing pokemon to deny that, nor are you confident she won't shank your throat if you try. "Thank you Sunny." You say taking the bag and walking away... slowly... again... "Oh you are probbably going to have to see the principal!" She yells back at you as you disappear into the shadows... Also in the crowd but you mostly just turn invisible again. After ditching the crowd and making off with your bounty you find yourself alone in the hallway.... and you realize... hey Mimi was wiggling a lot. You pull his ball out, the doll pokemon immediately forming. "Thebayleefisashadowpokemon!" Mimi says quickly taking a deep breath in. "Aw I missed it." Oh. That's why he was wiggling...>Wait she seemed quite lively though? >Oh... guess you have to go talk to sunny again? SIGH > thats too much sunny for today and you are a man of your word, training time >...process that later. FIRST go get this damn lotad THEN process THEN tom time, so tom can have the lotad and hopefully this will help their baby move.
>>5544436 >Wait she seemed quite lively though? >...process that later. FIRST go get this damn lotad THEN process THEN tom time, so tom can have the lotad and hopefully this will help their baby move. Anonymous
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>>5544436 At least it’s going to Nimrah first. He can potentially redirect it to Team Lazy somehow.
It’s a shame. I did want the Lileep, but I also couldn’t justify the headache IC.
>>5544446 Supporting.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Thu 26 Jan 2023 04:28:54 No. 5545413 Report "What... she didn't seem very shadowy..." You keep walking, you have a BUSY day ahead of you. Mimi frowns in thought. "That's true... but I definitely smelled a bunch of shadows there... that guard guy too.. I think... maybe Bayleef... WAS a shadow pokemon." THAT is important. If sunny purified Bayleef... they know how about shadow pokemon... and can possibly purify Gremlin! Though which guard is he talking ab- oh your at Miror B's office. The disco dude waves as you walk in. "I heard you had a big debu-" You toss the bag on the desk. "Sorry sir, it's been a DAY and I do not want to explain all THAT again." "...Maybe tomorrow then?" The man pulls open a shelf and hands you your pokeball. "For madame. A personally raised Lotad." You pick the ball up, rolling it in your hands... this one is also bejeweled like the bling ball. You turn to leave. "W-wait! Don't you want to see the lotad?" "Eh? It's just a lotad..." You catch Miror B's frown and sigh. Tossing the ball. ...It's not just a lotad. This one is yellow and purple... and spinning on its lillypad is a vinyl record. "Lo-loooo tad~" Lotad sings as it emerges, red outlining its beady eyes... He kinda looks like... You turn to Miror B who pufts out his chest. "I told you? Personally raised. " He gives a peace sign. "The first generation of never before seen Orre Lotads! As stylin as myself." "Lo!" Lotad spins around. Wha?>What? >...Well you are still giving this to Tom >...Maybe you can keep this one? I mean it IS special. >How did you even have the time to do all this?
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>>5545413 >...Well you are still giving this to Tom Gotta fill out the roster! And enabling others to fight means we can slack more.
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>>5545413 >...Well you are still giving this to Tom Gotta give the gurl more firepower
>>5545413 >How did you even have the time to do all this? >...Well you are still giving this to Tom Anonymous
>>5545413 >How did you even have the time to do all this? >...Well you are still giving this to Tom Anonymous
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>>5545444 >>5545484 Gotta keep our promises
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>>5545413 >How did you even have the time to do all this? >...Well you are still giving this to Tom There’s no “What”ing Miror B on this young ng lady. You’re responsible for weird stuff of your own too.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Thu 26 Jan 2023 21:49:11 No. 5546204 Report "...How did you even have the time?" That's the main stickler. A new lotad is far more impressive then strange... but regional pokemon take generations upon generations of work. And usually... are just acts of time. Besides the Tauros breeds this is the first time you've heard of a customized pokemon... Well... is castform a customized pokemon? It's artificial... Aren't all shadow pokemon artificial? At least the lugia was so maybe the newer models are too? "...Is this a shadow lotad?" You ask Miror B frowning. "How did you even MAKE a new lotad?" He smiles. "No... I just... my old co-workers had a lot of research on modifying pokemon I... borrowed, but I couldn't make much heads or tails of it. But I DID have a LOT of time, and a LOT of Lotads." He shrugs. "Theres a lot you have to do, make sure you teach them new moves, get them to certain levels with those moves, then breed them and repeat and repeat... I have a whole Lotad marshland at this point... but it was worth it!" He grins. "Because now... I'll be famous no matter what!" "So... what type is Lotad?" You look down on the record pokemon. "Oh. Rock/Electric." Miror B gestures to the Vinyl record. "Rock/Electric. I wanted a pokemon who can broadcast my tunes, and help give coverage to flying types... so... tada!" The lotad smirks at you... It probbably needed a pretty confident nature to keep up with Miror B's swagger... You know... you should give this pokemon to Tom! She seems to be a electrical specialist! You wave goodbye to Miror B and go about your day. FINALLY you make it to the secret base again. Tom glumly eating instant noodles. "Oh... hey boss." She sighs. "I didn't get to eat much earlier, there was all the commotion with the fighting." ...Oops.>Well... here! Apology pokemon! >...Did you buy extra noodles? You are kinda hungry too. >Does this lair have a shower? Your still drenched in food. >Write in
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>>5546204 >Well... here! Apology pokemon! Anonymous
>>5546204 >Well... here! Apology pokemon! >Does this lair have a shower? Your still drenched in food. >So did anyone else see the Lileep variant after the fight? I’m wondering if Tom will choke on her noodles after the last question.
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>>5546204 >Well... here! Apology pokemon! >Does this lair have a shower? Your still drenched in food. Anonymous
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>>5546204 >...Did you buy extra noodles? You are kinda hungry too. MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Fri 27 Jan 2023 03:50:46 No. 5546623 Report >>5546298 "...Oh..." You rub the back of your head. "Yeah... sorry. I... didn't think it'd end up all complicated like that... twice. In the same match no less..." You look around for a way to change the subject... Oh!
"So... is there a shower anywhere in this base? I am sortof..." You wave your arms. "Drenched."
"Hmmm..." Tom shakes her head. "No but when Carrie gets here with her Ducklett we can make somethng work."
You brighten up. "Great! ...oh yeah!" You toss Tom your pokeball. "Here! A apology pokemon!"
Tom looks at the ball confused. "You're... giving me a pokemon? Why? Do you think I need one?"
"Well..." You shrug. "You DO need two pokemon, but mostly... I guess I feel like I need to GIVE you a pokemon more then you need to have one? You've done a lot for me Tom." You lean against one of the cabinents in the room. "And I... well, Carrie is getting a referral into my Dad's company, but I don't even know your name."
"It's Deb-"
"I didn't say I was ASKING for it!" You quickly interrupt Tom, who frowns at the perfectly good "moment" being ruined.
"Why not? It's a perfectly good name."
"But its more mysterious if I don't know!"
"B-but everyone else in the entire building knows it!"
"But no ones called you by it yet." You tap your temple, smirking at Tom. "Isn't that mysterious? Your like one of those Quickball drawers in old Unova!"
"But I'm not from Unova my dad's from Johto."
"...You have no taste for theatrics." You sigh. This is why you are the leader.
>Lets wait for Carrie to get that shower over here >Lets start training NOW! >You know what Tom... I guess i can learn your name... no promises that I'd use it. >Write in Anonymous
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>>5546623 >Lets wait for Carrie to get that shower over here procrastination is the essence of laziness.
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>>5546623 >Lets wait for Carrie to get that shower over here Anonymous
>>5546623 >You know what Tom... I guess i can learn your name... no promises that I'd use it. I mean, it actually would kind of suck if we overheard someone talking about attacking Tom, but we didn’t know it was them so we blew it off.
She’ll always be Tom to me though. If only because it actually worked pretty well to trip up Petrel.
>>5546623 >You know what Tom... I guess i can learn your name... no promises that I'd use it. I guess Tom is a noble pervert.
>>5546623 >You know what Tom... I guess i can learn your name... no promises that I'd use it. Anonymous
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Sat 28 Jan 2023 02:22:19 No. 5547656 Report "So, Tom..." You sigh, your going to regret this you can tell. "I GUESS, in hindsight... I probably SHOULD know your name... so that I will know if other people are talking about you... "It's Debbie." Tom says after a pause. "My name is Debbie Cot." "...WAIT!" You snap your fingers. "I know that name! Are you that blacksmith's daughter?" She nods. "One of only 5 practicing Apricorn Ball manufacturers in the world. Ever since synthetic cases came out..." She shrugs. "But well, I doubt I am going to be the heir to the technique, being on death row and the like." "Well... Debbie is a pretty name." >Im still using Tom though >Write in a question >Vibe until Carrie gets here with that shower! >Soggy training time! You got special lotads to check out.
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>>5547656 >Im still using Tom though >Vibe until Carrie gets here with that shower! >pic lmao
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>>5547656 >I’m still using Tom though >You can give me a nickname if you wanna be fair about it. If she calls us “pervert” as an initial joke I’ll laugh.
>So do they make a habit of locking up princesses and heiresses here? This honestly feels like a criminal boot camp. >Got any other things you want to get off your chest now that I know your name? >Soggy training time! You got special Lotads to check out. I’ve also changed my mind about waiting for the shower.
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>>5547656 >Im still using Tom though >Vibe until Carrie gets here with that shower! MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Sat 28 Jan 2023 04:46:58 No. 5547798 Report "Well I am still using Tom." You cross your arms. "You can call me whatever, but your more of a Tom then a Deborah or Debbie or whatever. So..." You look around. "Where is Carrie!" "Smrpf." Carrie finally arrives, having climbed up the ladder with one hand. She opens her mouth, her bag falling from her jaw into her hand."I, had some difficulties along the way." Oh... you need a handicap accessible secret power... Carry opens the bag and showcases a few items, muscle bands and the like. "I thought these training tools can assist in our work." "Carrie! Can I borrow your Ducklett?" Carrie tosses you a pokeball and looks at Tom. "She didn't go to the shower first?" "No she w-" You cant hear over the ducklett's water gun. Today you will finally get this training arc finished... the question is how?>Mock battles! >Lets work on each pokemon one at a time to seal up cracks and see if you can also do those crazy moves Sunny used. >Focus on Tom exclusively you can train later. >Write in
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Sat 28 Jan 2023 05:18:29 No. 5547830 Report Pick a battle! You V Tom Tom V Carrie Carry V You (You guess tom watches to learn moves)
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Sat 28 Jan 2023 06:26:57 No. 5547904 Report Last vote before i go to bed. We are... switching perspectives! You get to play one of two characters>Carrie Crow >Debbie Cot
>>5547904 >Debbie Post the Debbie stretch gif. I know that you have jt it's funny
how the hell did our cute little girl bully rival (in another life) end up on death row?!?! Anonymous
>>5547972 she killed a guard, remember ?
>>5547985 Sure, but that was after ending up in prison. How’d she get in prison in the first place?
>>5547972 >>5548158 Why does a rehabilitative "school" sort of prison even have a death row? And why is a death row inmate get to mingle with regular inmates/students like us?
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>>5548435 That was a question Gurie wondered in the first thread, and we still don’t have a truly satisfying answer to it. Her guess is that this is meant to train criminals to be better, so my guess is that “death row” inmates may simply be shuffled out instead of killed. Might only happen when a prison break scenario can be engineered to justify a large number of convicts “escaping”.
The fact they interact with everyone else is probably psychology spin on how it’ll make us better in the long run. BS, but good enough as long as people get paid enough.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Sat 28 Jan 2023 20:18:56 No. 5548553 Report You are named Debbie Cot. Some people call you Tom, but that's a mean joke. You have been dragged, manhandled really, into a sequence of increasingly whacky hijinx and tom foolery that has lead to you, Mr. Loud and Mr. Spins in a match with miss Tall, Dark, and Lefty... Those aren't her pokemon, you are just trying to feel better by sending negative energy her way. Carrie is visibly scowling at you from the other end of the arena. "You think this is going to be easy just because you have a type advantage don't you?" You look at your two electric pokemon and tilt your head... Yeah hold on, she only has flying types so... "[red]Shouldn't it? Or are you going to tell me you have a trick up your sleeve?[/red]" You giggle. "[red]Well this is training so I will be happy to see it![/red]" She grimaces. "Togepi, Ducklett, lets show this rookie how to fight." Rookie?>Take Ducklett down early! Electric moves! >Get Toxel onto Lotad and use Lotads speed to carry the team to victory! >Stall! It works for Gurie! >Write in!
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Sat 28 Jan 2023 20:20:07 No. 5548556 Report Oh hold on
[red] Didnt this used to work? [/red]
>>5547972 There ya go G
>>5548553 >Get Toxel onto Lotad and use Lotads speed to carry the team to victory! >>5548556 Sometimes that happens if your ID changes. It should come back after a while, though it can be a bit unpredictable.
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>>5548553 >Get Toxel onto Lotad and use Lotads speed to carry the team to victory! Grooving Lotad fighting with a “boombox” pokemon on its shoulder? Yeah, I can see Mr. Spins digging this course of action.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Sat 28 Jan 2023 21:23:49 No. 5548627 Report d100!
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Rolled 57 (1d100) >>5548627 Anonymous
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Rolled 71 (1d100) >>5548627 Anonymous
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Rolled 89 (1d100) >>5548627 Anonymous
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Rolled 63 (1d100) >>5548627 MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Sun 29 Jan 2023 02:20:31 No. 5548936 Report You point to Mr Spins, your lotad. "Mr Loud, onto Spin's back!" Spin runs over and picks up Loud, as Spins polishes his body with Rock Polish, making sure hes nice and fast... Loud meanwhile prepares Nasty Plot, thinking up ways to make their next attack hit EXTRA hard... However Ducklett waves his wings, surronding itself with Aqua ring as Togepi... wiggles its little thumbs around... "What's that supposed to do?" You ask confused as Togepi sings happily. Carrie smirks. "Guess.">Togepi used metronome >Togepi used High Horsepower "Pi!!!!!" Togepi happily hops around as her horns fold up into a egg shape, the egg rolling in place briefly before shooting like a rocket, straight at Lotad. Mr Spins dodges, but Togepi hits the wall and ricochets, crashing into Lotad on the turn around. Loud holds on for dear life as Lotad is knocked askew, but Spins rights himself, keeping everyone together. Who knew Carrie's band of cute critters would be so strong... You guess she did?>Hit back! Aim at Ducklett! >Divide and conquer! Or rather, just shoot at different targets while sticking together! >Put up some barriers! >Write in
>>5548936 >Hit back! Aim at Ducklett! Anonymous
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>>5548936 >Divide and conquer! Or rather, just shoot at different targets while sticking together! Anonymous
>>5548936 >>Hit back! Aim at Ducklett! MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Sun 29 Jan 2023 03:48:23 No. 5549038 Report Anonymous
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Rolled 86 (1d100) >>5549038 Anonymous
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Rolled 68 (1d100) >>5549038 Anonymous
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Rolled 7 (1d100) >>5549038 Anonymous
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Rolled 83 (1d100) >>5548553 >>5548556 THERE IT IS
>>5549038 MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Sun 29 Jan 2023 07:12:44 No. 5549319 Report "Full barrel down at Ducklett, lets take her out!" Lotad goes first, giving a cry as it charges up a discharge, electical energy sent hurtling towards Ducklett who holds his wings up.>Ducklett endured the hit! Ducklett smirks, smoke billowing from its feathers as it flashes, a red and blue card in its hand.>Ducklett cashed in its weakness policy! >Attack sharply increased >Special attack sharply increased Its still bracing however, even after Togepi claps its hands together and looks up wistfully, making a Wish upon the stars... Whatever the wish was, Loud opens his mouth, a small bright yelllow orb concentrating in his maw until... The Zap Cannon is actually kinda slow, it drifts more then flies outta Louds mouth... slowly approaching... Then theres a spark sound, and things explode. You duck the wave of electricity that blows back from the attack, even Togepi is rolling away to safety... And Ducklett is STILL braced, and still survives! What the hell?>HIT THE DUCKLETT AGAIN BEFORE WISH GOES OFF >HIT TOGEPI STOP THE WISHES >You KNOW the ducklett has aquajet or some dumb priority move, counter it >Write in You know that Toxel has Punk Rock as a abillity, Boomburst, Zapcannon, Nasty Plot, and Gunk Shot, he's... hes really bad at aiming. Mr Spins however has a ability called Broadcast, whatever that means. You think its supposed to be a music thing, maybe its a electrical version of liquid voice. He also has rock polish, discharge and you arent sure what else you just got him!
>>5549319 >Weakness policy Holy shit
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>>5549319 >You KNOW the ducklett has aquajet or some dumb priority move, counter it Play it smart. Metronome can't ALWAYS deliver, right?
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>>5549319 >HIT TOGEPI STOP THE WISHES Anonymous
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>>5549319 A Miror B musical Lotad that is weak to sound-based moves sounds terrible, so I’d be willing to bet Mr. Spins has an ability that reduces that damage. With that in mind,
>Rock Polish >Boomburst Turn Mr. Spins into sk8ter boi with the boombox cranked up past max. He’ll be stylin’. Also we get to hit everything.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Sun 29 Jan 2023 20:31:33 No. 5549936 Report Anonymous
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Rolled 72 (1d100) >>5549936 Anonymous
Rolled 100 (1d100) >>5549936 Anonymous
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Mon 30 Jan 2023 00:35:38 No. 5550219 Report Alright you know that Ducklett is going to be trouble... so you really have only one shot... You just have to destroy everything! Which is more your style honestly you like the idea of big destructive attacks. "Mr Loud!" You look at Spins... well hes a rock type he'll be fine... "BOOMBURST!" "Aqua Jet Ducklett!" Carrie's ducklett dive bombs Mr Loud, knocking him off his mount. "Tox!" Toxel shouts as he rolls to the floor, his eyes watery... "Tooooo...." Toxel sniffsand then, SCREAMS!>Mr Spins Broadcast triggers >Mr Loud's sound moves gets priority The wail riccochets around the walls of the room, a sonic bombardment that echoes, reverbs, bounces, and just gets LOUDER! Everyone winces, you, Gurie, Carrie... her pokemon especially... Except for Lotad, lotad just waddles its way towards Toxel like nothings wrong. Eventually Toxel runs outta air and the boomburst breaks... and... you won. The light flickers above but well... you hit the ducklett, and hes definitely unconcious... and so is, by coincidence, Togepi's eyes water but it stands firm! The ruins of a focus sash around it. Togepi waving his arms in anger... "To....gepi!" Togepi spews a spray of fire, Lotad running up to intercept the attack. Mr Spins winces in pain but indures the incinerate, Mr Loud crawling back atop him. Its now two on one. "Gurie..." Carrie begins looking down on her belt. "I have 5 pokemon, can I use another one?">Hey no fair! You only have 2 >Try it ill just keep using boomburst. *Smirk*
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Mon 30 Jan 2023 00:37:12 No. 5550220 Report >>5550219 DESU im not sure on what broadcast should do im iffy on it still unlike most my plans so dont be surpised if i retcon it to something like "ignore sound moves and raise special attack" or something like weak armor
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>>5550219 >Try it ill just keep using boomburst. *Smirk* Since it's training, I'm ok with her using 1 spare
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>>5550219 >Try it ill just keep using boomburst. *Smirk* Anonymous
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>>5550219 >Try it ill just keep using boomburst. *Smirk* Anonymous
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>>5550219 >Try it ill just keep using boomburst. *Smirk* Anonymous
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>>5550220 I like it because most fights will be doubles and makes mr spins and mr louds good doubles partners.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Mon 30 Jan 2023 03:04:13 No. 5550354 Report "Fine go ahead." You gross your arms and smirk. "I'll just keep using boomburst anyway and win!" You point at Carrie. "Because YOU don't have any Ghost Flying types!" "Talk all you want..." She tosses a ball out, Natu flying in the air. "I have plenty of tricks left." "Na?" Natu flaps her wings, perching itself atop Togepi. "Oh so you really thank that will be good enough." You smirk. "That little bird is jus- what is it doing?" Natu eyes flash as Carrie smirks. "Oh it's just using future sight." "But we are talking you cant just sneak cheap shots like that! What ever happened to the love of the game?" "So arrest me." Carrie slides her thumb around her neck. "We are a prison gang Tom, act it." "MY NAME IS NOT TO-">Togepi uses softboiled "Stop!">Boomburst! Lotad you do something too this time! >Let Lotad take center stage this time you already proved yourself >Defend against whatever dumb bullshit they are planning >Write in
>>5550354 >Let Lotad take center stage this time you already proved yourself Anonymous
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>>5550363 Let's see the new guy's stuff
>>5550354 >Let Lotad take center stage this time you already proved yourself MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Mon 30 Jan 2023 04:26:47 No. 5550468 Report >>5550449 >>5550363 Dice time friends!
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Rolled 62 (1d100) >>5550468 Anonymous
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Rolled 22 (1d100) >>5550468 Anonymous
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Rolled 9 (1d100) >>5550468 Anonymous
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Rolled 57 (1d100) >>5550468 Anonymous
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Rolled 92 (1d100) >>5550468 MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:NslRVzll Mon 30 Jan 2023 20:46:08 No. 5551107 Report Quoted By:
(Today may be a hard day to update so dont expect too much from me, ill see what i can do)
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:NslRVzll Tue 31 Jan 2023 15:25:53 No. 5551959 Report "Alright Spin's, show your stuff! Loud, take a breather with Nasty plot" Spin lowers his eyes in determination, charging forward and leaping at Natu. His record spins, and launches, lifting Loud in the air as Lotad grabs the record and SLAMS IT on Natus head.>Lotad uses Smackdown! Natu is sent hurtling into the floor, bouncing off the tile as they are knocked straight out of the sky. Togepi goes to move, her fingers spinning in a metronome as... Natu starts to flap their wings and chirp in alarm. Togepi's metronome stops immediately, as Carrie's eyes widen. "We have company." You sigh, and turn to Gurie... you were winning to. "Remember why I picked this spot?" "So you could... watch the teachers raid the rocket hideout?" Carrie nods. "They are here." You aren't actually sure how Natu knows, but Natu has psychic powers and you don't so... maybe it's true, but maybe Carrie's just tricking you to force a draw... But... you'd rather call Carrie out on it when they don't show, then be caught by the teachers... you and the teachers have, artistic differences.>Shit, clear the area >You wanted to watch! Go watch! Run up to the top of the secret base so you can spy on the teachers >Write in
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>>5551959 >You wanted to watch! Go watch! Run up to the top of the secret base so you can spy on the teachers Anonymous
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>>5551959 >Shit, clear the area Seems more like a 'Tom' thing to do. But then again maybe not.
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>>5551959 >Rain delay on the match then, got it. >Shit, clear the area. >Gurie, let’s get moving. >…Gurie? >Gurie is already at the top of the base, getting ready to watch the fireworks. Anonymous
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>>5551959 >You wanted to watch! Go watch! Run up to the top of the secret base so you can spy on the teachers Anonymous
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>>5551959 >Shit, clear the area MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:NslRVzll Tue 31 Jan 2023 18:25:07 No. 5552066 Report Seems "Cheeze it" has won! Will you like to continue as Tom as she runs from the law, or go back to Gurie?>Gurie, go watches >Tom, fleeing and doing other things >Gurie, also fleeing with everyone >Oh I didnt mean Tom should ditch the cool raid, just that we shouldnt be fighting when they walk in sorry
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>>5552066 >Gurie, go watches I like the idea of Gurie being impulsive as it fits for why her first reaction to most people is to call them perverts.
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>>5552066 >Gurie, go watches Anonymous
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>>5552066 >Gurie, go watches Anonymous
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>>5552066 >Gurie, go watches Anonymous
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>>5552066 >Gurie, go watch MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Wed 01 Feb 2023 05:02:43 No. 5552676 Report You wanted to take the Rocket hideout... but you did NOT want to be in the middle of the crossfire... and you definitely do not want to be mistaken for a Rocket conspirator (Sure they just attacked you yesterday but the trust the guards have with you is... well low).
"Sorry guys!" You turn around, returning Loud to his pokeball as you step on Spins. "I'm getting out while the getting is go! Rock polish!"
Spins glistens as he zooms across the floor, and you zip out of danger.
Your name is Gurie Niamic and you did not realize that Tom was such a weenie! How could she miss such a great show!
...Were they running off to perv on someone? Probbably. Well that gave you more room from your hidden perch to watch all the action.
You don't have to care about phrasing because thats a normal thing people say when they aren't perverts.
Footsteps echo in the hall and you see.. Carl! And theres Mr. Berry and Zilch!
And finally... of course.
The heavy bootsteps of Warden Dargnam announce her arrival before the Yellowjacket herself arrives. The old woman surveys the scene with a grimmance. "Zilch, perimeter. Carl," She points at the service door. "That's where the tip says the hideout is."
"They can't all still be there though." Zilch strokes his beard. "They wouldn't have lasted this long if they were this foolhardy."
"They would not have lasted this long if they were so cowardly to give up every turf without a fight." Dargnam sniffs. "No there will be pawns left behind to make a show of it, and I will take every piece of Archers off the board." She adjusts her gloves. "Collaboration is a crime after all."
Carl taps the door and frowns. "Booby trap."
"Zilch, set up the barricades."
Zilch's ampharos was already forming walls, reflects, light screens... safeguard even. Zilch gave Carl a nod and he pulls the handle. A light immediately flashes as the door flies open. Carl ducks as the light beam launches out a Houndoom. The hellhound barks, undettered by the numbers.
Mimikyu tugs on your sleeve and points. "Shadow!"
There is a red glow from the door, a... dynamax crystal?
Houndour roars as it grows in size, and grows and grows...
Dark red clouds form over head... and you are over its head! The clouds are messing with your view!
Zilch smiles. "Well, confirms that theory. So I am already getting my time's worth."
Barry looks up at the giant pokemon, flams spilling from its jaws. "We'll it's a bit big for just one of us to deal with."
Dargnam nods. "If we just keep one of us it'll simply bolt, we need to surrond it... Not you Carl." She gestures to the wildlife teacher. "You go on ahead. This wont be long."
Carl walks through the door...
WAIT! This is bad! You wanted to see EVERYTHING! Now the fight has Censor clouds AND theres some side action in the closet!
This is a total tease!
>Watch the fight >Go ghost and follow Carl >Split up with Carrie she has a camera! Anonymous
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>>5552676 >Go ghost and follow Carl Anonymous
>>5552676 >Split up with Carrie she has a camera! >Go ghost and follow Carl Carrie can photograph the cool fight while we try to uncover sneaky secrets that we can win to keep ourselves and friends safer with less actual effort on our part. Good intelligence is a prerequisite for leaderly laziness!
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Wed 01 Feb 2023 05:18:00 No. 5552686 Report im going to bed. I actually had to work hard to fit that update in one post.
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>>5552676 >Go ghost and follow Carl Anonymous
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>>5552686 Night Mimi.
Don't feel bad if you have to make multiple posts to make sure everything fits in. >>5552676 >>5552685 Supporting.
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>>5552676 >>5552685 Backing this.
Hopefully Zilch ends up with the crystal. We can test if a Dynamax crystal can be used to cleanse a shadow pokemon with him.
… just had a thought. Wouldn’t it be a kicker if the real purpose for this facility was to train up shadow pokemon so they could be purified to fight something bigger? It’s be a hell of a thing if all of this really was for a greater good, but corps being what they are they went about it in an absolutely dumb way.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:NslRVzll Thu 02 Feb 2023 15:12:50 No. 5554223 Report There was no way you were going to miss something as exciting as a raid. You go invisible and leap down from the rafters, chasing after your survival teacher. Carrie can handle videotaping, she likes movies. Hobbies correlate to skill right? Passion does at least. Sure enough you slip through easily, given that your a ghost and theres a giant death dog. Carl releases a Starmie, the purple starfish cartwheeling through the hall. "Flash." Theres a bright glow from the gem as the room is illuminated, Carl nods satisfied as he looks around the room... "Hmm, I spy..." He glances past the shelves of supply to a Game Corner poster. "...Secret power Jewel." The starmie knocks the poster aside, revealing a metal staircase. "I wonder if they don't know any new tricks or just don't want to mix it up." Carl mutters as he walks down the hall, Jewel following behind, as well as you of course. The Rocket base is... much nicer then yours, its got lighting, it has hallways and even strangely colored hallways filled with booby traps. Carl pokes a panel and a electrode is launched, the creature snarling until Jewel knocks it asleep. Carl simply hops through the challenges with ease, the man is very light on his feet... but can you do the same? >Fly through! You are sure you can if you try. Though using two hex maniac powers at once burn your energy more then twice as fast... >Try to copy Carl >Turn the cloak off, Carl is too lazy to do anything about you and you need the juice for trap dodging. >Write in, surely a pokemon can help here
Quoted By:
>>5554223 >Try to copy Carl No way this can go wrong, right?
>>5554223 If it's just Carl then I say
>Turn the cloak off, Carl is too lazy to do anything about you and you need the juice for trap dodging Carl is pretty chill, and we can just explain it as wanting to see the raid happen in real time. We promise we'll leave afterward.
If it's not just Carl then
>Try to copy MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:NslRVzll Thu 02 Feb 2023 16:10:59 No. 5554268 Report Quoted By:
>>5554255 Its just carl and starmie and whoever team rocket left in the base.
Quoted By:
>>5554223 >Try to copy Carl Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>5554255 Support.
Fellow lazy person! We cool, right?
Quoted By:
>>5554223 >Turn the cloak off, Carl is too lazy to do anything about you and you need the juice for trap dodging. If he asks
>They tried to lure me down here and exploded Koffings in my face. I kinda want to watch them burn. >If you need ghost powers I’ll help! Anonymous
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Fri 03 Feb 2023 05:09:09 No. 5555398 Report You decloak! "Hey Carl!" You yell, waving your hand. You see Carl wince, turning around. "L-lady? What's a student doing here!" You cross your arms. "I found this place first! I got the right to snoop! It's a free country." ... "Okay... maybe not that free, but you should be glad a crime boss psychic came to help you!" You gesture to the pathway. "Now help me out!" Carl sighs. "Jewels?" Starmie lifts you in the air and you float behind the group. "So... Carl? What do you want me to help you with?" "Ideally? Nothing." Carl says, flicking out a lockpit from the rims of his gloves and start working on the lock on a near by electric panel, completely ignoring a very fun and complicated arrow tile puzzle, "I appreciate the gusto, but as a pro I have standards." "What? You think you don't need my help." You pout. "I could litterally turn that door into straw." "Exactly, and then I lose my bonus." There is a ding as he twists the lock and pushes the panel open, rummaging through wires. "This is a dirty job but it's blue collar dirty." He takes a pokeball from his belt and pops out a Klefki, who cuts one of the wires, immediately the arrows flicker off. "If you could do this? Well, then they won't pay me extra for being the specialist." He gestures at you to follow him through the deactivated field. "So unless you are willing to do and say you didn't, just watch." ...You really didn't expect that answer. Bored you start fiddling with your dolls, until.. You feel a faint pinprick to the left, like the glisten of a needle in a haystack, you turn and see a door. "There's someone there." You point at the door "And..." You turn to the right to a bright red gate. "A LOT of people there." "Guess that's the welcome party." He sighs. "Well... if you wan't you can go check up on door number one over there. Whistle if it's trouble.">We should deal with the Rockets first, I don't mind pretending I am not helping! >Alright >Oh no, I am not just doing the tedious sidework if I am not helping Im not helping with ANYTHING >Write in
>>5555398 >Alright One person by themself? Probably a boss. Sure, let’s do it.
>Going ghost! One last thing for Carl
>Y’know, you really should see about Team Lazy at some point. The PTO is generous, and you have a talent for making things easy. Anonymous
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:Ozg4NZQ+ Fri 03 Feb 2023 06:23:23 No. 5555462 Report "Alright." Jewels cancels her psychic as you walk over to the single dot. Sure it may be a boss, but its better to have one hard fight then a million easy ones. It's shorter. Though you hope its not a hard fight you already had one today... what a pain. You open the door and... oh no it's gonna be a hard fight. There are bent iron balls surronding the door to a cell. A man made of pure iron somehow rendered into meat is doing push ups. "Oh. Hello madam!" The man says. "Just wait a minute. I am doing a set." You watch the man complete his rapid reps before standing up. "Wonderful! Now let me out." "...Well first of all hello. My name is Gurie Niamic." "Ah! Sorry sorry! I have been here long time, not had to bother with names for a while no? My name is Koshmar Vintergrief." The man cracks his shoulder. "I am, ah... what's the word?" "Captive?" "I would like to say 'biding my time... but no you are right, I am trapped." He kicks the bars, the metal bending under his foot. "I keep breaking the walls but they just keep fixing them." "Oh... why did they capture you." Koshmar titls his head in thought. "Perhaps they felt pressured to do it. They tried to recruit me. But I am lover, not fighter... well I am mostly lover." He shakes his head. "They ask me to pry pidgeys from little girl's hand on her birthday. I broke a interviewer's face instead. I did not pass Rocket interview... and ended up in prison." He shrug. "The guy whose face I broke made it in here first... I imagine he hold grudge?" "And... NO one went looking for you?" "I assume they did, but if I am hidden, how would they know? Likely they assumed I got shivved in the halls somehow." He laughs. "I imagine my funeral already happened!" Oh that's... that's sad. "Oh do not grieve, it is past, I no long have. I have future now." He smiles. "So let me out.">Not without... payment. (Negotiate something) >Fine, pick the door open >Koshmar this is a police raid no ones going to fix the wall just knock it over >Write in Third member of Guries team.
>>5555462 >Fine, pick the door open Well, since he's here 'coz of rocket, why not ?
>>5555462 >Fine, pick the door open Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>5555462 >Not without... payment. (Negotiate something) >You’ll need to join the new anti-pervert patrol under the wing of Team Lazy. If you’re really a lover, you understand you need to respect the ladies. Why not? Should be worth a laugh.
Quoted By:
>>5555520 >>5555494 Appropriately comedic. Supporting.
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>>5555462 >Koshmar this is a police raid no ones going to fix the wall just knock it over MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Sat 04 Feb 2023 02:44:15 No. 5556320 Report "Alright alright." You take out your lock picks and get to work on the lock. "You better not be lying you know." "Why would I lie about this?" Koshmar shrugs. "I have no pants much less pokemon, what can I do?" The door opens and Koshmar struts out, wiping the workout sweat from his brow. "Thank you Miss, but I must get going." "Shouldn't you help?" You put your picks away. "I mean I feel like you should owe me at least a little." "And I do Miss, I do... but help how?" He gestures to himself. "I am disarmed, just muscle." "Have you... fought a pokemon before?" Koshmar crosses his arms in thought. "That... no I have not. It feels a bit mean." "I mean it depends on the pokemon doesn't it?" You shrug, heading out of the jail, Koshmar follows you. "So miss... where are you headed?">I am going to help my teacher and see what I am missing... and you are going to help me! >I am going to help you find pants. >I am going to help my teacher... you can do whatever, I already saved you. Don't die or something >Write in
>>5556320 >I’m going to watch a teacher clown on the group that locked you up and tried luring me into this basement earlier. You should join, we’ll find you pants along the way. Ooh, maybe they’ll have popcorn too! Anonymous
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>>5556320 >I’m going to watch a teacher clown on the group that locked you up and tried luring me into this basement earlier. You should join, we’ll find you pants along the way. Ooh, maybe they’ll have popcorn too! MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Sun 05 Feb 2023 07:19:52 No. 5557843 Report "Okay... well you can do whatever... but!" You smile and point at the direction Carl went. "I am going to watch the teachers do a raid on this stupid base and all those people who locked you up and tried to cross dress as my friend. And maybe while everyone's fighting we can go take some of their pants... and their snacks." "Well..." Koshmar rubs his beard. "I have not been allowed snacks except on birthdays and holidays for a long while... okay little one. Lead the way." ~~~~ One hallway later and you head to a very noisy corridor, beams of energy firing all around. You see Carl side step a sludge bomb tossed by a particularly mean looking Golbat. "Oliver, Acrobatics." A large Talonflame divebombs a sea of mean looking characters, cutting a pathway through the pokemon while Starmie tosses up barriers. "He's good." Koshmar comments pointing at the two. "His Starmie just runs defense and support while the Talonflame simply attacks, and the Talon weaves through the hallway to hit the most enemies with the same attack." He nods. "He's simply charging through them, but he's put in the effort to maximize the charge's potential." You can see the rocket units are scrambling... and they arent going to win... but theres a awful lot of them... all guarding a big red door at the end of the hallway... Suspcious...>You have ghost powers... go ahead, see whats in the red door! >Take notes, see if you can steal Carl's technique >Try the other doors, steal some things >Steal from the knocked out grunts instead.
>>5557843 >Take notes, see if you can steal Carl's technique We're stealing something in all of the options except the red door one kek
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Sun 05 Feb 2023 07:36:50 No. 5557849 Report Quoted By:
>>5557846 Gurie knew why she came here.
>>5557843 >Take notes, see if you can steal Carl's technique Things are heavy, knowledge is lightweight, therefore the laziest option is learning.
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>>5557843 >Take notes, see if you can steal Carl's technique Carl makes moving seem so effortless too. We have much to learn from him as the Princess of Team Lazy.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Sun 05 Feb 2023 15:24:11 No. 5558028 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
Rolled 47 + 25 (1d100 + 25) >>5558028 Anonymous
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Rolled 31 + 25 (1d100 + 25) >>5558028 Anonymous
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Rolled 49 + 25 (1d100 + 25) >>5558028 Anonymous
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Rolled 13 (1d100) >>5558028 Anonymous
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Rolled 73 + 25 (1d100 + 25) >>5558028 MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Sun 05 Feb 2023 22:16:10 No. 5558379 Report You came here to see carnage and reap the rewards of revenge. And you weren't talking about some ghost Pokémon or pile of jewels... you just wanted to see some cool stuff! So why would you sneak around doing side jobs when you were watching a perfectly good squash match right here? You take out a notepad and start trying to eye Carl's team. Koshmar is right, the team setup does seem to be "Sword and Shield", at least, from what you can tell of the two Pokémon he's using right now. For all you know he's got 4 Pokémon set up for a Belly drum team. You notice a few things off the bat. The first is the stuff that Koshmar brought up. Talonflame isn't simply charging through and hitting several people with one big attack, instead he's weaving through the forces, and simply maximizing how many people get hit with his attack, and repeating it. In theory Carl could simply just plow through with a single Brave Bird, or rapidly attack with Air cutter or something, but instead each single Acrobatic (which is by no means a weak move) was being used to sweep foes... and dodge attacks! This wasn't simply a masterful use of Acrobatics, or some well laid plan... Carl had taught Talonflame a even stronger form of Acrobatics, one that maximized its power... Which might have implied Jules did something similar... And... as you focus... you can see how attacks deflect off Talonflame, not in a straight block like how Gremlin does... but in a slope. The Starmie has a unique shaped Reflect that didn't simply absorb impact, but deflected it... Maybe you could teach Gremlin ways to adjust his own reflect? Or maximize Sandman's Scorching Sands... Or Jabberwocky's Fury Cutter? Or something! You don't have to just focus on levels and trickery... And as you finish taking notes... the Red door flies open. Carl advancing among the heap of unconcious foes. 1/2
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Sun 05 Feb 2023 22:39:40 No. 5558393 Report >>5558379 You rush through the doorway following Carl as-
"Lava plume!"
A bright red inferno sends the room alight, the heat making you sweat and Carl's pokemon get knocked back.
"Hmpf." The flames die down slightly, the smoke clearing away to reveal... Archer! The self proclaimed leader standing alongside two other admins, the three of them guarding one massive large machine, a glass tank filled with pokeballs behind it as the machine churns.
A ball flies up the shoot, the machine whirring as the pokeball pops out the front slot, like some strange gatcha... The ball however, was now blue, dark purple lines criss crossing the machine.
"Good job Ceruledge, Armarouge." Archer said, grinning at the two knights that were facing down Carl's team. 'It might have been a cheap shot..." Archer turns around, picking up the strange ball...
"But I haven't gotten arrested for fair play." The man grins, tossing the ball.
The ball hurls towards Starmie, causing the pokemon to vanish. A Snag ball!
"Hey-" Carl's protest is interrupted as she leaps to the side, dodging the firery charge of Ceruledge, Talonflame's alarm is marred by a flamethrower stricking him in shock.
Jules breaks through the ball, just as the Rocket pokemon ready another salvo.
Zilch was wrong! The Team didn't clear out, with something like a Snag Machine, these Rocketeers can't afford to back down...
And those Snag balls are big trouble, even if they DONT steal Carl's pokemon... they can certainly interrupt them...
>Its time to help! >Its time to cheat! Go steal some snag balls and use them before Archer can, mess his team up >Hex Mania time! Break stuff >You need to find some sortof edge! And Koshmar still needs his pants! Hurry! Go find something >Write in Anonymous
>>5558393 >You need to find some sortof edge! And Koshmar still needs his pants! Hurry! Go find something But as a parting gift
>Hex the Rocket Pokemon. Whichever ones are the weakest to ghost attacks if that matters. Anonymous
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Mon 06 Feb 2023 01:13:10 No. 5558513 Report >>5558442 >>5558399 Dice for the parting hex
Rolled 5 (1d100) >>5558513 Let’s hope we don’t disturb Darkrai’s dreams again.
Rolled 1 (1d100) >>5558513 Anonymous
Quoted By:
Rolled 40 (1d100) >>5558513 Rolling.
>>5558523 >>5558539 OOF
Rolled 1 (1d100) >>5558513 Anonymous
Rolled 69 (1d100) >>5558513 >>5558549 Who’s fairy ?
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Mon 06 Feb 2023 01:52:14 No. 5558559 Report Quoted By:
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>>5558539 >>5558542 >>5558552 So not only did we disturb Darkrai, we crashed into its pad up right after it’s partner of 8,200 years broke up with it. Shit’s rough.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Mon 06 Feb 2023 03:15:01 No. 5558646 Report You decide you need to get help, somehow... but first...
You reach out, readying a Hex to attack that Ceruledge with.
You feel a wrench in your gut as you pull too much too fast, and theres a spurt as your spell just shorts out... and then...
>Peril of Distortion >1 >5 >1 The ceiling cracks but its not matter that falls away.... flashes of light strike around the room as another distortion happens... and this one is a doozy.
You can feel your eyes hurt as things are yanked from your head, the serpent pushing through the gate, banging at the ceiling and this time theres no golden arms that close the rift...
Lightning strikes the field as pokemon start to emerge, smoke fills the room as Ghastlys manifest in clusters of clouds... and then with a large light....
"KLEAAAAAAAAAAAAA" A massive scyther like pokemon emerges, its axes crushing the ground around it. The creature roars as the ghastly swoop and cause all sorts of havoc...
Archer dodges out of the way of a wild ghastlys lick and looks at you... his eyes narrowing. "You."
"U-um.... me?" You point at yourself.
"PROTOM!" He yells at one of his men, a cocky dude in the ghast ganger slacks. "GET HER!"
"Rightio." The man says grinning, taking his pokeball out.
The female executive starts tossing out Murkrows, doing her best to control and corradle the ghosts as Kleavor turns the Double Duel into a battle royal.
Y-you should run!
Koshmar isn't here, probbably was less interested in this door then you were... lucky.
>Fight! You can take care of this >Try to close the rift yourself. >RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!!! >RUN FASTER! RUN BEFORE THE RIFT TURNS THE ENTIRE PRISON INTO MEDIEVAL TEXAS (or something) >Write in MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Mon 06 Feb 2023 03:22:56 No. 5558661 Report >>5558646 I tried my best to come up with something serious, that wasnt just straight tossing legendaries in. Maybe i shouldve went with paradox pokemon.
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>>5558646 >Fight! You can take care of this nice version of "Your Best Nightmare" btw
>>5558646 >Try to close the rift yourself. >Pull out Sandman and Gremlin to guard you. >”TOUCH ME AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I DO THIS ON PURPOSE!” We’ve ripped open portals to other dimensions twice now on accident. If they don’t think we’re capable of making things worse, they don’t know our Princess.
>>5558661 Honestly with the triple crit failure I would have accepted a legendary just poking through the portal to say “hai guyz I’mma fuck you up”. Could be hanging out in the rift so that when it closes it just pops back on the other side.
Quoted By:
>>5558646 >>5558671 Supporting this!
>>5558661 I think it was handled pretty well, reality tearing rifts are pretty dangerous.
But I wouldn't mind a legendary coming through and then beating us up or something.
Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>5558646 >>RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!!! >>RUN FASTER! RUN BEFORE THE RIFT TURNS THE ENTIRE PRISON INTO MEDIEVAL TEXAS (or something) MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Mon 06 Feb 2023 04:43:27 No. 5558728 Report Quoted By:
Imma go to bed.
>>5558673 Well there is the giant snake thing on the other side of the portal but it seems that the rifts dont fit it yet...
But if things continue...
Quoted By:
>>5558671 Supporting
Let's stay
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Mon 06 Feb 2023 18:03:34 No. 5559217 Report d100-10 This will not be easy, you have trainers gunning for you and a hole to close.
Rolled 94 - 10 (1d100 - 10) >>5559217 Trainer gunning for our holes?? PERVERTS!!
Quoted By:
Rolled 87 - 10 (1d100 - 10) >>5559217 Anonymous
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>>5559217 Alright, not going to ruin it this time with my roll.
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>>5559221 I am torn on letting this lie because we can only really do better on a crit and there’s an even chance of a crit fail, but there’s a part of me that wants to see how bad a crit fail could get here too.
I’ll skip the roll this time. Gurie hasn’t been having a great day with her powers so far. We can let her have a win.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Mon 06 Feb 2023 18:34:56 No. 5559250 Report Quoted By:
You toss out Sandman and Gremlin, your tag team staring down the elites. "I'll close the portal! No one stop me." You glare at them. "Don't let me show you how dangerous I can be on purpose." "It's a bluff!" Archer calls. "She's already ripped two of these gates today. She can barely control her own power... Take her out before she makes things worse." Protom tosses out a Slowbro, the pokemon taking aim with its cannon arm and firing a salvo of poisoned shots at you. Gremlin leaps in and blocks the attacks with reflect as you run into the disturbance zone. Its regrettable that you have to leave your two pokemon behind but you have to run cover. You leap over a ghastly, the ghosts swooping down to stop you. You dive past a lick, swerve through a Nightshade... your almost there until! "KLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-" The Alpha pokemon blocks you, swinging its axe straight for- 1/3
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Mon 06 Feb 2023 18:42:09 No. 5559256 Report Quoted By: A blue figure pushes you out of the way, blocking the axe with two hands.
The light of chaos shines down on your hero... a helmed figure whose scarf billows from the force of Kleavor's blow.
The man smirks, pushing the axe blade aside. "Not so fast evildoers..."
The man poses, swiping his hand accross his nose.
When crime is near I appear! The gloved fist that will block all injustice!"
"This action hero that evil must fear. For the Mysterious K is here and her goal is clear! Suspicious scyther... surrender or face my wrath!" He poses a victory sign.
How... how...
A real superhero! Here! In Prison!
You wonder where he came from.
Archer slams his fists on the table in frustration. "CAN EVERYONE FIGHT POKEMON IN THIS JAIL!?"
"Hmpf." Mysterious K smirks, "Leave it to evil to not understand the bravery to put it all on the line. You go on ahead Gurie." The man points at the Kleavor. "It's time I teach you a lesson in how to treat a lady."
"Kl-" The monster grunts, its pride bruised. "KLEAVOR-" It raises its axe as you turn around and flee. You have a date with destiny!
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Mon 06 Feb 2023 18:46:47 No. 5559263 Report Destiny is a hole in the wall it turned out. The door beyond reality cracks, you can feel distortion push and pull through it, like water through a sieve, gradually eroding... what? Reality? Some divine seal? Whatever it is, you can see shapes push and squirm behind it... and two red eyes. "Do not do this." The Eyes mutter, their voice placid but painful to your ears, like a doctor murmmering to you after a car crash. "Help us... help me. We can get you out of here. We can get you anything you want.">I WANT to not to have to work >...Take out the Snag machine, and ill let you out >I can't just let you out! There are prison guards here! But I can smuggle something out... For a favor (Write in favor) >Stop staring out of holes pervert >Write in
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>>5559263 >Stop staring out of holes pervert PERVERT ALERT!
>>5559263 >”Look, this is all way above my head right now so I have to close this. If you want to make a plea to my dad though, he can make the call. Give me a message and a show of good faith. I’ll figure out a way of getting it to him.” I am not opposed to helping potentially apocalyptic deities, but I’d prefer if a real adult made that decision. I don’t think Gurie is ready for this responsibility yet.
I won’t ask for a specific favor since I’m not promising more than a message.
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>>5559263 >Stop staring out of holes pervert I can't go with anything else when we have the option to call a legendary a perv
>>5559263 >I WANT to not to have to work... >>And every time I try to use my powers as an easy shortcut, YOU make it all complicated an messy! So, in summary...
>Stop staring out of holes pervert >>HEX MANIAC PAWNCH Also: that superhero is a hundred percent Koshmar, right? Anonymous
>>5559305 Pretty sure, yeah. MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:NslRVzll Mon 06 Feb 2023 20:22:12 No. 5559351 Report Quoted By:
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:NslRVzll Mon 06 Feb 2023 21:22:02 No. 5559411 Report Roll for pawnch i guess? +25
Rolled 5 + 25 (1d100 + 25) >>5559411 >Take this! My heart, my soul, my ultimate technique! >PRINCESS PAWNCH! The Mysterious K is rubbing off on me.
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>>5559416 It appears I am destined to play the villain instead of the hero. Er, the bigger villain to all the other villains?
Point is, I’m pretty sure Giratina is being channeled through me so Gurie lets it out.
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Rolled 92 + 25 (1d100 + 25) >>5559411 Anonymous
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Rolled 97 + 25 (1d100 + 25) >>5559411 MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Tue 07 Feb 2023 02:24:03 No. 5559678 Report You smirk through the void. "If you REALLY want me to help you... you shouldn't be staring at people out of holes... pervert. "Wh-" The serpent sputters as you draw your hand back, dark energy surrounding your fist. You strike the veil while the god is distracted, the demons own outrage masking your attack until the creature is knocked back from its side of the veil... And then you pull it closed, simple as anything. "I did it!" You say happily, twirling around to... Oh yeah... pokemon war. There is a small explosion as you see Impidimp and Sandyghast hurl towards you, you leap forward and catch the two before they crash. (You are a lot more athletic then you expected) Protom grins down at you. "With pokemon skills like those I'm suprised Petrel had trouble in the first place." The man grins. "Then again it isnt hard to beat pokemon with no trainer." You glare at him, watching as Talonflame is sent flying by Ceruledge's bitter blade. "We are done here." Archer said turning to the snag machine.. "You've only managed to make a mess... but Carl's out of gas and you are out of time." He picks up a pokeball. "We will be taking that shadow pokemon back now." I-is this really the end?>RUN! Get the Warden, get some backup, get out of the way! You arent losing your pokemon >Not yet! Mimikyu! Time to show your stuff! >....The ghastly! You were able to command Sandman... take control of the cloud! >Pick up Sandmans shovel! Join the fight yourself >...Snake Guy? Y-you see when I said "Pervert" that was just a little in joke... help me out? >Write in
>>5559678 >Not yet! Mimikyu! Time to show your stuff! >Pick up Sandmans shovel! Join the fight yourself Anonymous
>>5559678 >>5559686 +1
On the one hand I wish we had bargained with a legendary. On the other hand, we called a legendary a pervert. Still a win in my book.
Quoted By:
>>5559678 >Not yet! Mimikyu! Time to show your stuff! >Pick up Sandmans shovel! Join the fight yourself >>5559693 We won the greater, moral victory.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Tue 07 Feb 2023 03:54:21 No. 5559759 Report >>5559693 You may die here but Giratina will be mad about this for centuries.
In a way you have immortalized yourself.
Dice time! Lets see if a tired ass gurie has what it takes to command the forces of hex ONE LAST TIME!
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Rolled 32 (1d100) >>5559759 >Blessed Giratina, in your hallowed name does this dice roll. Anonymous
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Rolled 9 (1d100) >>5559759 Anonymous
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Rolled 41 (1d100) >>5559759 Anonymous
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Rolled 6 (1d100) >>5559759 Anonymous
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Rolled 84 (1d100) >>5559759 Saving grace, here we go
>>5559759 Well with rolls like these, she may be screwed. Hooray technical immortality?
Rolled 73 (1d100) >>5559866 >>5559678 Oh, and roll, if it's not Bo3 and already done.
>>5559868 It’s always been BoAll. Things are in our favor until we get too greedy and end up rolling a crit fail when we could have stopped.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Tue 07 Feb 2023 05:42:11 No. 5559887 Report Anonymous
>>5559887 Has it been Bo3 before? I don’t remember seeing that.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:NslRVzll Tue 07 Feb 2023 21:24:01 No. 5560480 Report >>5560470 No you got 3 critfails just a few rolls ago, all at the same time.
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>>5560480 There was a 40 before the last critfail, so it’d only count if Bo4 or more were being used. Bo3 would just mean two critfails.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:NslRVzll Tue 07 Feb 2023 23:51:44 No. 5560554 Report You return Gremlin to his ball, and grab Sandman's shovel. You can feel the world sway as you use ANOTHER hex, you've been burning through your reserves like Groudon in a forest and it's starting to show... but you have enough gas left for this. You have to... But... if your going to be risking it all... might as well put it all on the line. You take out a pokeball, not a safari ball but a real honest ball and toss it on the floor. Mimikyu launches from the ball, looking confused at the hellscape around you. "H-how did this happen?" "Don't blame me!" You protest, side stepping a hail of gunk shots fired from the slowbro. "I didn't do anything!" Fortunately since Tom isn't here no one is arguing with you about that. You look around, so its you, Carl, his team of Hatterene and some weird salt cube giant (Apperantly he switched his team up during the fight), against a Flash Fire empowered Ceruledge and Armarouge, and Protom's team of Slowbro and a different less purple slowbro, also there is a giant scyther fighting a superhero, and ghastly. And the air is still purple and echoes with weird chimes. You can do this!>Take out the slowbros! >Defense! >Chaos! More weird enviromental effects! More status's! Archer had a plan make it so NO ONE has any idea what's going on! >Mimikyu! Please just tell me what you can do so I don't have to guess >Take out Kleavor first, get Mysterious K freed up to fight! >Take over the Ghastly! >Beat up Archer's pokemon >Beat up... the weird admin lady who isn't doing anything! That's suspicious! >With all your ghostly power... LEAVE! Take Carl and K and go! Tell the scary warden lady to get here faster! >Write in
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>>5560554 >Mimikyu! Please just tell me what you can do so I don't have to guess Time to get tips from our smartmon
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>>5560554 >Mimikyu! Please just tell me what you can do so I don't have to guess Anonymous
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>>5560554 >Mimikyu! Please just tell me what you can do so I don't have to guess >Beat up Archer!… Hey, you’re the princess with the shovel, you can beat up whoever you want! Hey, may as well beat up the leader directly. If any pokemon block for him then it just means we hit the pokemon instead. No big deal.
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>>5560554 >Mimikyu! Please just tell me what you can do so I don't have to guess >Take out Kleavor first, get Mysterious K freed up to fight! MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:NslRVzll Wed 08 Feb 2023 01:50:47 No. 5560685 Report "Now... Mimikyu!" Mimikyu leaps into action, soaring through the air, readying a attack... "Tell me what you do!" Mimikyu keeps going and crashed! Landing on its fake head as it runs back to you. "You don't KNOW?" Mimikyu stops in anger. "How can you not know? You're my trainer you are supposed to know these things." "Well HOW would I know?" You hiss back. "You've never used any!" "Ask earlier!" "Your my secret weapon I can't just WHISPER to my secret weapon!" You lift your shovel, a barrier forming around the two of you, Armarouge's blast bouncing off the dome, going wide and hitting the ceiling. "Judge later!" "Fine!" Mimikyu pulls out his claws. "Lets see, I got Shadow Strike, Shadow Rush, Shadow Ball, Shadow Claw, Shadow Paw, Shadow Sky, Shadow Fire, Shadow Sneak, Shadow Earth, Shadow Prank, Shadow Tide, Shadow Hammer, Shad-" Mimikyu jumps, dodging a psychic rock that Slowbro flung at it. "-ow Bolt, Shadow Chill, Shadow Wave, Shadow Scare, and... " Mimikyu frowns. "...I guess that's it!" "What?" You frown, raising your palm to slow down Slowbro's Gunk shot. "You made some of those up!" Mimikyu lifts his staff and swings it at the gunk, tossing the attack back at the dim witted pair. "Nuh uh!" "Take this seriously!" Protom yells, the two pokemon readying a barrage. "That sounds like work no thanks." You mutter, but you can't just do a comedy act with Mimikyu until time runs out... right?>Write in
>>5560685 >Do a comedy act with Mimikyu until time runs out. Anonymous
>>5560685 >>5560701 +1, though Gurie may not realize it.
>”I mean, did you basically invent Shadow techniques? Can you try new ones?” >”I wanna see Shadow Princess! Maybe we can confuse them that way.” >(Insert poor Mimikyu replica of us) >”My… my FACE! MY HAIR! IS THAT REALLY WHAT PEOPLE THINK I LOOK LIKE!? WAAAAAGHHHH!” Anonymous
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>>5560701 This, and...
>>5560685 "SHADOW PRINCESS!"
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Wed 08 Feb 2023 04:53:01 No. 5560862 Report dice! Perhaps the last dice of the thread
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Rolled 31 (1d100) >>5560862 Billions must shadow
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Rolled 22 (1d100) >>5560862 Anonymous
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Rolled 56 (1d100) >>5560862 Anonymous
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Rolled 98 (1d100) >>5560862 Anonymous
>>5560753 Comedy
>>5560685 >Shadow force MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Wed 08 Feb 2023 15:11:51 No. 5561186 Report >>5561176 (Shadowforce is a signature move of the Big Dog so i tried not to meddle with it)
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>>5561186 Ik that's why it's cool Mimi knows it
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Thu 09 Feb 2023 04:20:01 No. 5561907 Report It occurs to you that, if Protom is getting upset by your shenanigans, its throwing his game off... Hes getting sloppy, and if he's sloppy, hes easier to deal with.
And you are sure three teachers can take down a single Dynamax'd dog... right? If you just stall a little bit more... "So... Mimikyu?" You walk forward, ducking around the swooping ghastly as you chat. "Since you have so many shadow techniques, and your like... so incredible... can you invent new ones?"
"Hmmm." Mimikyu leaps forward and tosses a doll into the pathway of a Stored Power (You guess thats shadow scare). "I am pretty incredible... yeah I can give it a try!"
"Goody!" You clap skipping over Armarogue's fire blast, letting it explode behind you. "Do... shadow princess!"
"...Hah?" Mimikyu tilts his head, fading out of reality as a wave of rocks crash next to him. Using your sand manipulation, you lift the rocks and hurtl them at the slowbro's vollely, cancelling their assault.
You wait a few seconds, cartwheeling away as you wait for Mimikyu to reappear, which he does, right on your shoulder. "What does that even MEAN?"
"You know... maybe a shadow move based on a cool beauty you teamed up with?" You give a wink to Mimikyu, waving your wand as you vanish as a sea of flame erupts on the battle field.
Mimikyu walks alongside you as you drift in the land of the dead... frowning. "...Planchett?"
"You scowl. No! Me!" You form another shield to block a attack. "I'm a cool beauty?"
"Well... you seem rather hot headed...." Mimikyu shrugs. "And Planny seems to be the medieval themed one. Didn't you say before you were just a ordinary girl?"
You scoff as Ceruledge swips at you, you effortlessly parrying the blade with your shovel. "It's normal for a girl to be a princess! Have you seen a guy princess."
"I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!" A short temper Protom yells. "SLOWBROS! HYPER BEAM!"
"Zapdos." The Yellowjacket's voice says from behind you. "Brick break."
A bright orange bird leaps from behind you, its claws glowing as it pounces down on the dimwitted duo.
There is a snapping sound as the twos defenses are turned to dust, the talons of the legendary pokemon crashing the pair to the floor.
Warden Dargnam walks in, Zilch and Berry close behind. "So, you've resorted to theivery." She says levelling her gaze at the snag machine.
"You are outnumbered, outgunned, and out of options." She crosses her arms. "Surrender."
Archer hisses through his teeth. "Armarogue? Teleport."
"Arma!" The cannon knight raises his hands as purple light surrounds the executives and their pokemon... and then... poof.
"Ghastly?" The cloud of ghosts look around confused.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Thu 09 Feb 2023 04:33:17 No. 5561911 Report >>5561907 "Figures they would run." Zilch says sighing. "Barry help me dismantle this damn device."
"Righto!" The proffssor happily follows the occultist, tossing out a magnezone to aid in the mechanical meddling.
"So..." The yellowjacket looms over you (Though she looms over everyone), "Somehow you got yourself involved again. Why am I not surprised?"
>Ah... eto, bleh? *Cute "Whoopsie" pose* >It's revenge! Everything's fine when revenge is involved >...I was kidnapped! Carl saved me! Right carl? >Write in? Anonymous
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>>5561911 >Well I WANTED to just see them get beat because Petrel was a pervert, buuuut then I saw Carl get in a tough fight and I tried tried to hex one of Rocket’s pokemon to help and I broke reality again. >I’m, uh, I’m sorry? I mean, I’m not usually this powerful when things go wrong… I can’t do small text for the second part, but I figure that’s when Yellowjacket’s intimidation aura has fully kicked in so it ought to be quiet and/or squeaky.
>>5561911 >Ah... eto, bleh? *Cute "Whoopsie" pose* MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Thu 09 Feb 2023 05:18:55 No. 5561933 Report Anonymous
>>5561911 >Ah... eto, bleh? *Cute "Whoopsie" pose* Anonymous
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>>5561911 >Ah... eto, bleh? *Cute "Whoopsie" pose* Anonymous
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>>5561911 >Ah... eto, bleh? *Cute "Whoopsie" pose* Anonymous
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>>5561933 >>5561936 As an aside, I have never seen this pose before somehow. You’d think the internet would have corrected that decades ago.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Fri 10 Feb 2023 04:43:16 No. 5562994 Report "um..." You look around, excuse... excuse... "Eh? Whoopsie?" You tap your head "Guess I got a bit carried away." The warden takes a deep breath. "Miss Niamic, I am not a unreasonable woman." You hear Zilch sneeze. "However most prisoners consider themselves fortunate if I talk to them merely once a week during their review." She points at the ghosts. "This is the second time in two days, and you were scheduled to meet me over that incident in dinner. Why?" "Um..." "Furthermore Miss, you knew these Rockets had a grudge against you, you knew if you were caught you could be a liability, and yet you decided to, as they say 'twist the knife'." "But it's not MY fault!" You protest. "They just think I'm some dangerous supercrook whose going to take over the world or something." "And you dispel that belief by ripping reality in their base?" "Yes!" "You test me Miss Niamic." The Yellowjacket frowns. "I have never failed a test." "...I am not in trouble am I?" "For assisting in a police raid? No." She looks at the ghastly. "If the swarm of ghastly get out of hand... maybe. Distorting reality? Yes." "Bu-but I don't mean to! That's just cause my powers get kooky." You look away. "Then UNKOOKY them." She pulls out a notebook from her arm. "I am assigning you remedial lessons. AND responsibility for the Ghastly... ALL the ghastly." She finishes writing down on the notebook and closes it with a flourish. "Since you decided to make a mess out of our police raid on this location, this hideout is your responsibility once the sweep is finished. We can't simply fill a place like this with cement, and until the council come up with renovations, its your job to keep it out of trouble. Are we clear?" "...Eh? Me? A facility? B-but I just manage doll houses." "It's a school Gurie." The woman gives a tight lipped smile. "Learn." >...Thank you >But that's WOOOOOOORK cant i just go in solitary im used to being alone... >Okay... I'm going to go talk to Mysterious K now >Okay... I'm going to talk to Carl >...Can I go to bed now?
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>>5562994 >...Thank you >Okay... I'm going to go talk to Mysterious K now MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Fri 10 Feb 2023 04:51:28 No. 5563002 Report Meanwhile. Your name is Debbie Cot. You escaped the police and are now eating a Burger from the store. Its a very tasty burger, it uses Ambigiously Sourced Paldean Meat. Where does Aspm come from? You aren't sure, but it's definitely not a pokemon! Not even Klawf sticks! Those are from shedded shells! However You are enjoying the peace and quiet... well actually the quiets boring, but you have your Lotad! And Toxel! You let them eat some of the burger, though Toxel winces at your ulta sour selection, not everyone eats a saurkraut and onion burger... but you do. And your more then happy with it. Bit weird that everyone else is missing though. Eh you are sure they are off doing something stupid.
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>>5562994 >...Thank you >Okay... I'm going to go talk to Mysterious K now Anonymous
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>>5562994 >...Thank you >Okay... I'm going to go talk to Mysterious K now Anonymous
>>5562994 >Thank you… Yeah, it’s work, but we now have a bigger base and we can always get more people to delegate work to.
>…Can I make a request on the remedial lessons? I’d like to find out if there’s anything making me stronger here. Or reality weaker. If a simple Hex is all it takes for me to punch holes like that, I don’t want to be here a few months and start letting things in just by sitting around. It’s too much work for all of us. If she asks why she should let us do that as a “punishment” then the response is
>Do you really want me looking into it without supervision? because even if we mean well we still cause chaos.
I may be making up this plot thread, but it’ll make me feel better if we look into it and think there’s nothing.
>Okay... I'm going to go talk to Mysterious K now Time to swoon.
>>5563002 She’s not wrong…
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>>5562994 >Okay... I'm going to go talk to Mysterious K now Anonymous
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>>5563415 >She’s not wrong… Kek, true.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Sat 11 Feb 2023 04:10:39 No. 5563954 Report (Sorry was playing the new gundam game)
"Um.... okay? Thank... you?"
"Do not thank me just yet." The woman smiles sweetly. "Your classes are on Saturday."
Whwhwhwhwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? Your precious weekend? Cut in HALF?
You don't so much as leave as you stumble towards the Hero, shaken to your core by the death of your freetime... Mysterious K is sitting on the perch the Admins were using to loom and sneer down at everyone, his cape is still blowing in the nonexistant wind as the man fiddles with a pokeball in his hands...
And Kleavor isn't here anymore.
The man winks. "Hello there Lady, I heard you caused a bit of trouble. Well I should thank you. Thanks to you I now finally have a partner."
>Wow... that's so cool! >You are Koshmar aren't you? >Why were you here in the first place? >Write in Anonymous
>>5563954 >(Sorry was playing the new gundam game) which is it ?
>You are Koshmar aren't you? Anonymous
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>>5563954 >Wow... that's so cool! >You are Koshmar aren't you? Anonymous
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>>5563954 >Wow... that's so cool! >You are Koshmar aren't you? MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Sat 11 Feb 2023 05:56:50 No. 5564041 Report Quoted By:
>>5563995 SD Gundam battle alliance.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Sat 11 Feb 2023 06:08:51 No. 5564054 Report "Wow... that's really impressive Koshmar!" You clap your hands excitedly. "That pokemon looked very tough, yet you handled it all on your own!" The hero sighs. "It's not very mysterious if you already know who I am Lady..." You frown. "Well sorry... but I mean, if you WEREN'T Koshmar, that meant Koshmar abandoned everyone when things got really dangerous even though he said he owed me... so..." He chuckles. "Well I suppose that is the advantage of having a known identity. Keeps my reputation intact if not my secrets. Fortunately for me, a Pilot suit was nearby... not sure what the Rockets needed such a thing for. It's not like they deployed anything to pilot." He frowns. "I don't like it. Either they had something and moved it, or something was supposed to come that didn't." He tilts his head. "Or maybe someone just had a weird hobby." "Well good thing it fits right?" You shrug. "It'd be really silly if you just didn't fit it and had to give up." "Yeah that's how it goes isn't it? Nothing's ever the wrong size." She shrugs. "I am not complaining.>So what now, you go back to school? >Write in
>>5564054 >Ask Koshmar about what he'll be doing next. >Ask him to show you were the pilot suit was being kept. Anonymous
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>>5564054 >>5564059 Supporting.
So far we haven’t called Koshmar a pervert. Will he be the sole member of our team to escape the moniker thanks to being absolutely outstanding?
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Sat 11 Feb 2023 21:22:48 No. 5564678 Report >>5564059 "So... what now, you were in double jail so... do you just go back... normal jail? Do you get parole?"
The man shrugs. "That's not my call sadly, I am a prisoner after all, I am beholden to the government for now."
"...So... where did you get the suit?"
K smiles.
You wander through the halls down some of the side passages... its not honestly that far to walk, but eventually you find a closet, and past the closet... a circle.
There are pillars surrounding the gate, filled with... well actually filled with air probbably? Or maybe a vacuum, they seem empty.
"So... what is this?" You stare at a panel in front of you, something with no buttons or switches. "Some sort of a hanger?"
You rest your hand atop it and things whir... you feel a bit of drain as the pillars start to fill lights start to flash and....
You yank your hand off. Nope! Not today! It's been hard enough!
"Oh!" Mimikyu bounces beside you. "Its a Griseous Machine!" He walks forward excitedly. "I haven't seen these in a long time! They manipulate ghost energy!"
"Like... some sort of instant haunting?" Koshmar strokes his chin... "With something like this you could break out of the prison whenever you wanted with enough juice..."
You look around, at how big and expensive this whole facility is... seemingly placed right under the prison's nose... "Or... let someone in..."
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Sat 11 Feb 2023 21:41:26 No. 5564687 Report >>5564678 Meanwhile
The student council leader grins, facing down his latest challenger. "It's a shame but this is already over!" The man grins. "Tyrannitar! Accelerock! Obstagoon! Night slash!"
The kaiju pokemon launches a series of rocks, battering into Mr. Mime's body, sending the pokemon flying.
"Now." The challenger says, clapping her hands. "Mimey! Psychic Terrain." The Mime's hands slam into the floor, stopping its fall as the floor turns purple, objects floating around them...
"And..." The challenger smiles. "Encore!"
The Alolan raichu flies close to Tyranitar, applauding the pokemon's efforts. The monster grins sheepishly, encouraged to keep attacking.
Raichu then turns and nimbly dodges Obstagoon's attack, the rocker looking worriedly at Tyranitar.
The President grimaces... Tyrannitar was trapped, compelled to do nothing BUT accelerock... but forbidden from actually using it thanks to the weird environment... Their very speed turned against them...
"Oh? Are you done?" The challenger smiled. "Well then my turn! Chuchu? Mimey?" She slides her thumb across her throat. "Cancel his act."
Theres a bright flash of lightning and Obstagoon is out like a light, sparks trailing along his body... a few turns later, the invincible Tyrannitar also was knocked out.
"You really thought the type advantage would be enough huh?" The Challenger, Falala sighed. "Sorry~ Guess you were wrong!" The woman smiles, turning to her audience. "So... " She grins.
"I guess I'm President now huh?"
>Day 4 OVER! MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Sat 11 Feb 2023 22:01:33 No. 5564706 Report Anonymous
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This was a fun thread, thanks for running it QM!
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>>5564687 But the real question is that now that she’s president, will she still get decked in the showers for being a pervert? My money is on “yes”.
>>5564706 Thanks for running, QM! Did you commission the thread header?
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Sun 12 Feb 2023 00:29:17 No. 5564888 Report >>5564786 Yes. He warned me the uniform would look like Charlie brown, because its tacky, but we already knew that.
>>5564888 Who's the artist?
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Sun 12 Feb 2023 01:28:06 No. 5564928 Report >>5564921 Lucy Fuchs aka Darkmcmuffin, this is the 3rd time i got art from a porn artist.
I got this one as well but that wasnt for this
>>5564928 >this is the 3rd time i got art from a porn artist. wait, what were the other 2 ?
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Sun 12 Feb 2023 02:41:03 No. 5564996 Report Quoted By:
>>5564977 One the funny comic above, the second was a wrestler for World Waifu Wrestling, which was my original setting.
It is as it sounds.
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>>5564928 >this comic Kek.
If an artist can make good porn, they're usually good at dynamic poses, attractive character designs, and expressive faces. Anonymous
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>>5564928 If you somehow fi d a way of using this in the quest though I’d be super impressed.
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Sun 12 Feb 2023 05:42:07 No. 5565197 Report You can ask other questions you know, theres pokemon stuff!
>>5565197 alright, are mew and mew 2 fair game in this quest ? not that I expect seeing them soon
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Sun 12 Feb 2023 17:58:51 No. 5565789 Report >>5565302 I mean, Shadow Mewtwo is a thing and may show up. Mew as well.
I want to say id like to focus on lesser legends and mythics though but giratina isnt lesser known so maybe im a hypocrite.
I want each legend and mythic to be a big deal. When a trainer uses one like Zapdos, its cause they are champion level.
Darkrai actually showed up not because of your power (Not directly) but because Orre Lileeps are servants of darkrai.
Its a cthullu reference.
>>5565302 Mewthree or bust Anonymous
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>>5565789 Thanks. Also, the secret top tier question:
Which pokemon wyd ? MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc
MyNameIsMimikyu !vgxEq5eAsc ID:VqFmmuAA Mon 13 Feb 2023 02:23:49 No. 5566242 Report Quoted By:
>>5565791 Do not speak to me of the old ways. I was there when they were written.