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The 2nd Primarch Quest 23

!!RS7NSuo3fkv ID:hPWTYLqu No.5533342 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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You are the second son of the emperor of mankind, The primarch Lieren of Nothing and many titles. Having reached out to your once many souled father, you reported the success of your mission of Nuceria, to free your brother Angron and that you had undertaken such a venture to begin with. And it was at this meeting that you chose to speak several secrets once closely kept to your progenitor, deciding now to measure his trust in you and using the lesser amongst these secrets to gauge his reactions and thus know how he would likely respond to hearing the secrets that you truly treasured and knew the value of from the risks speaking them outloud or in thought would bring. Not just to yourself but, and more importantly, to those you cared for as deeply as you did all of humanity. Kanzeon and her sisters still living. Knowing that telling your father of them was a gamble, you first told him of the deal you struck with the Aeldari of Ulthwe and your friendship with several exiles of the craftworlds.

Greatly satisfied by his answer to your suggestion of seeking truer friendship with the uncorrupted Aeldari, you then told him of your bride and her history. And were greatly pleased and relieved to hear that your father accepted them as Human, as you yourself did, thus removing one of your greatest fears totally from your mind. That you would be forced to choose between loyalty of blood and loyalty of oath some distant day or otherwise live a life built upon a foundation of secrecy and half truths.

But, with your eyes that could see the truth of everything, you could see your ambitious creators intentions as clearly as you did his face and eyes. Knowing that he planned on seeking to create more artificial gestalts of souls like your most beloved jade breeze, you chose to speak your thoughts on the matter of increasing the number of living, besouled ships in the galaxy. And to warn him of the dangers inherent in their birth and their lives beyond the cradle.

"Father" You say respectfully but with a grim tone as you swaggered behind your creator as he continued to admire the spiritual blooms and falling dream petals of the empyrean orchard the two of you walked "These eyes of mine reveal all truths, but even without their piercing gaze, I can read your intentions like a book. You plan to create more vessels like the ones that imprison my beloved phoenix eyed swan, as well as the vast souls that pilot and command every atom of their creation"