You are Alethia Altair Amadeus. The Undersecretary of Administratum. Your duty includes but not limited to: managing offices of Administratum, logistics or important campaigns, maintaining an efficient Administratum, and doing the actual job of your boss, the Master of The Administratum. At the moment however, your duty consisted of fixing Terra after the Battle of the Lion’s Gate. This was your main concern. “Get my chain of office now!” Oh right. “Get my Floral Pattern number 420.69 perfume!” You’ve been ignoring some messages from the Chancellor of the Imperium Senate. “I don’t have time to meet any guests damn it tell them to wait!” Who is the assistant of the Lord Regent, and the message happened to be a private summoning, which now escalated to an official summoning. “How does my hair look?” “Immaculate, madame. Your chain of office is finished being polished.” “Good, we need to move now!” As you got closer to the Lord Regent’s office you saw more and more delegates of Macragge. Respected statesmen and shrewd politicians alike write their white and blue robes, daring to be different, as if they were another empire aside from the Imperium. Then the ultramarines roamed the halls, vigilant and stalwart. There were other chapters as well, most likely survivors of Cadia.
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Fri 20 Jan 2023 05:13:32 No. 5538668 Report The double doors were already open. Adepts of all offices walked about. Prefects discussed politics and policies. Hospitallers and medicae experts traded notes and reports, arguing on what to prioritize. Tech priests conversed with others to salvage damaged manufactorums. Actually, there were some you wanted to speak with. However, you did not see the Lord Regent himself. “Undersecretary Amadeus.” The Chancellor said. “I’m glad you’ve come. I do apologize for taking you away from your busy schedule.” You saw a tired yet satisfied smirk, smug as a noble can be. As if she caught the biggest grox in the pen all by herself. Can’t say you liked that smirk. “Chancellarius.” You said cordially. “Where is the Lord Regent?” “He left recently with the Archmagos to discuss a private matter.” She said with an ambiguous grin. “But while you're here, there are some people that want to speak with you for a long time. Members of the senate and prefecture lords. Perhaps you can ease their worries.” She moved to the side, revealing well dressed nobles and gaudy looking Prefects. Once given the cue, they walked toward you while shoving one another to get to you first. “My lady Undersecretary, I am Prefect-” “Madame I am the lord of Huntser Prefect, there is-” “Out of my way! I have urgent matters to discuss with her!” And so it began. A long inquiry of your efforts and begging to help fix their sectors or prefectures. You did your best to handle them all, but it did not seem to end. Throne damn that chancellor! She made this happen! “My lords please, one at a-” Like worms, they squirmed, just to get one second of your ear. >“Settle down all of you!” You said with a raised voice. “If you require a time to speak, then I urge you to do this through the proper lines, my lords and ladies. I will not take any action unless it is done that way. Behave like the nobles and prefects you are and trust in the process.” >“Gentlemen and ladies please!” You said with a raised voice. “Unless it is a matter of food and immediate concern to citizens I ask you to speak to me later. If it’s the matter of riots, I am not the right person, any marshals or PDF commanders can listen to your concerns.” >“Enough!” You shouted. “I will not listen when all of you are crying like panicked children. Either form a line orderly, or do not speak to me at all. This is the Imperial Palace, not an underhive!” >You listened to them, all of them. Throne, that was excruciating.
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Fri 20 Jan 2023 05:16:13 No. 5538672 Report IMPORTANT PLEASE READ Rules 1. Unless I place a "write-in" you cannot vote with a write-in and I will ignore it 2. If you do a write-in and it's just a combination of the choices I will ignore it 3. When there's a tie, the dice will be used.
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>>5538668 >“Enough!” You shouted. “I will not listen when all of you are crying like panicked children. Either form a line orderly, or do not speak to me at all. This is the Imperial Palace, not an underhive!” Anonymous
>>5538668 >“Gentlemen and ladies please!” You said with a raised voice. “Unless it is a matter of food and immediate concern to citizens I ask you to speak to me later. If it’s the matter of riots, I am not the right person, any marshals or PDF commanders can listen to your concerns.” Anonymous
>>5538668 >>“Gentlemen and ladies please!” You said with a raised voice. “Unless it is a matter of food and immediate concern to citizens I ask you to speak to me later. If it’s the matter of riots, I am not the right person, any marshals or PDF commanders can listen to your concerns.” Anonymous
>>5538668 >“Gentlemen and ladies please!” You said with a raised voice. “Unless it is a matter of food and immediate concern to citizens I ask you to speak to me later. If it’s the matter of riots, I am not the right person, any marshals or PDF commanders can listen to your concerns.” Anonymous
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>>5538668 >You listened to them, all of them. Throne, that was excruciating. We have perfect recall. Let’s see if there’s anyone in this lot that’s worth salvaging.
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>>5538668 >>You listened to them, all of them. Throne, that was excruciating Anonymous
>>5538667 >Quest title card ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Fri 20 Jan 2023 23:07:31 No. 5539586 Report Quoted By:
>>5538917 >>5538818 >>5538740 Sorry for being late, votes counted.
>>5539386 Also thank you anon. I appreciate it.
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Sat 21 Jan 2023 00:35:47 No. 5539709 Report You understood their panic, their worries, the Battle of Lion’s Gate and the current darkness of the astronomicon was the greatest disaster the Imperium ever face, only second to the Horus Heresy. The holy cities near to the Imperial Palace’s inner area made sense, it needed to be protected. Other hives? As much as you wanted to not admit it, they were not critical. Lives were part of the ever expanding statistics to you. You found it distasteful, but that was the ugly truth. “Gentlemen and ladies please!” You said with a raised voice. “Unless it is a matter of food and immediate concern to citizens I ask you to speak to me later. If it’s the matter of riots, I am not the right person, any marshals or PDF commanders can listen to your concerns.” “But the Marshals are busy and would not take our calls!” A lord said. “No one has answered our pleas and the local arbites and militia has no other options! Please Undersecretary, you must do something!” “Like I said.” You said firmly. “I have no authority to move the troops, all I can do is send recommendations along with the strategic benefit. If there isn’t, I’m afraid there is nothing I can do. If it’s matter of rations, then I can offer assistance.” “So sectors with no benefit are to be deprived of protection?” A lord snarled. “What about the people that the Imperium abandoned?” “Throne, damn you! You’re casting my people to die!” Their pleas and anger gathered into a ball of hate and desperation. A crowd of unruly rioters. “Please, calm down! I have given you my answer. Only matters of rations and relief is all I can muster!” They grew louder, demanding and some even threatening. You saw the Chancellor watching in the background, you tasted fear and surprise as well as her twisted frown of disgust and disapproval. They came closer, and closer, until a shaft of a guardian spear parted you and the others. “Silence.” Then, they became silent. You sighed a breath of relief. “Thank you, m’lord.” Those who did not partake and needed help within your power spoke to you. After that you…>Let your anger know against the Chancellor. >Wait for the Lord Regent to arrive beside the custodes, you’re sure he won’t mind. >Try to blend in with (tech priests) or (prefects) or (write-in)
>>5539709 >Try to blend in with tech priests or Hospitallers We’ve heard the concerns of the prefects, and AAA mentioned there were people in the other groups she would like to speak to. Keep up the work.
The Chancellor is whatever. She got back at us, woo. If there’s anything else of actual importance to cover, she can intercept us on her own time.
>>5539709 >Wait for the Lord Regent to arrive beside the custodes, you’re sure he won’t mind. Anonymous
>>5539709 >>Wait for the Lord Regent to arrive beside the custodes, you’re sure he won’t mind. Anonymous
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>>5539709 >>Let your anger know against the Chancellor. Anonymous
>>5539709 That little bitch. If the custodes were not present then we would have been lynched.
But we can restrain our disdain and contempt for later.
I support
>>5539792 There's always time to get more work done.
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Sat 21 Jan 2023 17:15:15 No. 5540345 Report Quoted By:
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Sat 21 Jan 2023 18:57:54 No. 5540453 Report Blending in with the tech priests, you managed to get sone insight on the manufactorums on the spiritual side. They are angered, not because of the damage, but because of the lack of protection it got. Fixing or, “appeasing” as the tech-priests said, would take time and effort, as well as repairing the machines. “This one was a student of Archmagos Cawl, no?” A tech-priest said. “Only for a short time, I am not confident of my capability.” “You must learn the right way. Please the Omnissiah through the rituals. Book of Oiled Cog states, rituals to cleanse the machine and one’s spirit.” That was absolutely ridiculous of course, nevertheless, you nodded. “Of course, I will remember that.” The hospitallers informed of the current issues, which was of course the lack of supplies and personnel. Clothes had to be torn for bandages and amasec were used as disinfectants. Even then, not everyone could be saved. The good news was Testatus, despite the current situation, was doing fine. She was promoted as Sister Superior. So that was ONE good news. You’d throw a part of warm and lightly sweetened water. “I’ll see if there’s any spares I can gather and send them, Almoness. But I can’t promise anything. Other worlds need them too.” “I understand. I wish I could give you better news.” Almoness Advance said. “It could be worse. As long as there aren’t any major threats, I’ll handle it as best as I can.” “It’s the Lord Regent!” A whisper said in awe. Then you saw him. Roboute Guilliman, the avenging son. Primarch of the Ultramarines, along with his sons. “Chancellor, has there been anything I should be aware?” His voice was deep, almost a steady rumble. “Yes, Undersecretary Amadeus is here.” You quickly, but elegantly, walked over to the Primarch. Emperor... seeing him up close you realize how much of a giant he was, and you've seen plenty. >“I have come to answer your summons, Lord Regent. What are your orders?” You bowed with your hands making the sign of the aquila. >“My Lord Regent, it is an honor to be in your presence to bask in the light of the Emperor's son. I am at your command.” You bowed with your hands making the sign of the aquila. >Write-in
>>5540453 >>“I have come to answer your summons, Lord Regent. What are your orders?” You bowed with your hands making the sign of the aquila. Anonymous
>>5540453 >”I am hopeful you have asked me here for something that can ease our shortages, and I fear you have not. What is your will, Lord Regent?” You bowed with your hands making the sign of the aquila. Any other sign we make besides an aquila that might provoke an interesting reaction?
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>>5540478 ....i don't we can impress easily a primarch. Not on the first encounter at least.
>>5540453 >“I have come to answer your summons, Lord Regent. What are your orders?” You bowed with your hands making the sign of the aquila. ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Sat 21 Jan 2023 20:27:01 No. 5540525 Report Quoted By:
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Sat 21 Jan 2023 20:48:26 No. 5540542 Report “I have come to answer your summons, Lord Regent. What are your orders?” You bowed with your hands making the sign of the aquila. You looked down, it almost felt… rude to look at his face. He was a primarch, a human, in the loosest definition that is. You knew Roboute Guilliman from the archives, but to be in front of one… it was pressuring just to be in his presence. “I see that you were speaking with others, I hope I did not interrupt.” “Not at all, my lord. I apologize, I should have waited.” “Raise your head, Undersecretary. I am not admonishing you.” And you did so, his face was remarkably human. A strong jaw, steely blue eyes, yet he felt inhuman. A face carved from the hardest and the brightest marble. The remembrancer sketches paled to the real face. “You’re diligent, people of your level of office would avoid them.” Guilt coiled your heart, you only did it to avoid others. “I’m honored, lord.” “I read the reports on the reconstruction. But I want to hear it from you. How do you feel about the immediate future of the Imperium?” “The Imperium? You mean the situation on Terra?” You said confusedly. “The progress reports on the reconstruction and supply reports are already known to me, Undersecretary.” The Lord Regent said. “However, you hold a unique position that allows you to see the Imperium as a whole. What do you see for the future of the Imperium?”>“The Imperium is in peril. Unless the communication and travel past Cicatrix Maledictum is established, the Imperium will fall. Terra is already on the brink of civil collapse, if this continues Terra as whole will be engulfed. The Imperium must be reunited!” >“The Imperium will survive and prevail. This is not the first crisis the Imperium has faced. The War of the Beast, tyranid invasions, Age of Blood, The Reign of Blood, and the-” Say it, you need to. You swallowed hard. “The Horus Heresy… the Imperium has survived. This will be no different.” >“The Imperium will adapt. Humanity will adapt. So long as humanity lives on, the Imperium will live on.”
>>5540542 >>“The Imperium is in peril. Unless the communication and travel past Cicatrix Maledictum is established, the Imperium will fall. Terra is already on the brink of civil collapse, if this continues Terra as whole will be engulfed. The Imperium must be reunited!” Anonymous
>>5540542 >“The Imperium is in peril. Unless the communication and travel past Cicatrix Maledictum is established, the Imperium will fall. Terra is already on the brink of civil collapse, if this continues Terra as whole will be engulfed. The Imperium must be reunited!” Anonymous
>>5540542 >“The Imperium is in peril. Unless the communication and travel past Cicatrix Maledictum is established, the Imperium will fall. Terra is already on the brink of civil collapse, if this continues Terra as whole will be engulfed. The Imperium must be reunited!” If I remember right, AAA already pointed out that there simply aren’t enough agriworlds to feed most of what we have contact with. The situation is definitely bad given the scale of outsider threats.
>>5540542 >The imperium is in Peril. Humanity may survive, but no empire is infallible.
>>5540542 >>“The Imperium is in peril. Unless the communication and travel past Cicatrix Maledictum is established, the Imperium will fall. Terra is already on the brink of civil collapse, if this continues Terra as whole will be engulfed. The Imperium must be reunited!” Yeah
>>5540542 >“The Imperium will survive and prevail. This is not the first crisis the Imperium has faced. The War of the Beast, tyranid invasions, Age of Blood, The Reign of Blood, and the-” Say it, you need to. You swallowed hard. “The Horus Heresy… the Imperium has survived. This will be no different.” ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Sun 22 Jan 2023 00:17:25 No. 5540750 Report Quoted By:
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Sun 22 Jan 2023 01:42:54 No. 5540812 Report “The Imperium is in peril. Unless the communication and travel past Cicatrix Maledictum is established, the Imperium will fall.” You said with a trembling throat. “Terra is already on the brink of civil collapse, if this continues Terra as whole will be engulfed. The Imperium must be reunited!” The Lord Regent nodded approvingly. “You are correct, Undersecretary. I heard the name Cicatrix Maledictum was also your doing as well as Impierum Nihlus.” “I thought it was fitting, if it is your will I can-” “That is not necessary. I have an assignment for you and I will give you the details later. Starting today, your job in restoring Terra will be handed off to Violeta Roskavler. For now, rest.” The unknown stabbed at your heart, sinking it to fear. The Lord Regent spoke as if it was something so trivial. The restoring Terra had been your job, your effort, and he was snatching that fruit of labor you’ve been growing. “My lord, I don’t understand. I can still work.” “I am aware. I am doing this because it will bring you decisions that you will need clear focus to do so. This is a reward, not a punishment. You are dismissed.” You spoke no further, but returned to your office. You had your adepts deliver the parchments to Roskavler, and you were left on your own after sending your adepts home. The office was now actually empty. You practically forgot what you did on days off, even if you did it simply felt wrong to rest. >Well, you did remember that Commander Nox offered you a firearm lesson. Maybe he’s not busy? >Contact the Commodore and see how he’s doing
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>>5540812 >>Contact the Commodore and see how he’s doing Anonymous
>>5540812 >>Well, you did remember that Commander Nox offered you a firearm lesson. Maybe he’s not busy? Anonymous
>>5540812 >>Well, you did remember that Commander Nox offered you a firearm lesson. Maybe he’s not busy? ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Sun 22 Jan 2023 03:30:08 No. 5540967 Report Quoted By:
Alright I made a mistake in this and I'd rather spoil it. Either way you will get your training, this is a romance option/gauging what you anons will like more.
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>>5540812 >>Contact the Commodore and see how he’s doing Anonymous
>>5540812 >Well, you did remember that Commander Nox offered you a firearm lesson. Maybe he’s not busy? Anonymous
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>>5540812 >Contact the Commodore and see how he’s doing Anonymous
>>5540812 >>Well, you did remember that Commander Nox offered you a firearm lesson. Maybe he’s not busy? Anonymous
>>5540845 >>5540868 >>5541592 >>5542084 So out of curiosity anons, why did you vote for him? Outside of the firearm lesson? What made you like him?
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>>5540812 >Contact the Commodore and see how he’s doing Anonymous
Well, you did remember that Commander Nox offered you a firearm lesson. Maybe he’s not busy? After you contacted the commander his men personally escorted you to their base. Verdun’s office was almost monastic, like an actual room that a priest would have. His office bore a pragmatic and austere design that not many officers had. Instead of the usual carapace armor, he wore an all black uniform, as if he was attending a funeral. “Good day, madame.” Verdun said curtly. “Commander.” And you replied back with the same curtness. “I hope I’m not intruding.” “You are not.” A man of few words. You’ve never seen a formal uniform, it was rather dashing even among the uniforms you’ve seen. Perhaps on the same level as the Catachans or the Mordian Iron Guard. Maybe, just as if not better, than a Commissar’s uniform. He led you down to the base’s range, and handed you a standard bolt-pistol, it shouldn’t be surprising that they had some to spare. “I doubt I can carry this around, it’s quite heavy.” “I apologize. I forgot that you’re-” He stopped. “Fragile?” “Yes.” Honesty was a rare commodity, even if it was insulting but true. It made you realize that even a simple boltgun was heavy in your hands. “Maybe this will work.” He returned with a laspistol. For a weapon so ineffective against most enemies of the Imperium, it had weight. Your forearm slightly strained against the weight. Roll d100 for training 1 - 10 4 Degree of success 11- 25 3 Degree of success 26- 50 2 Degree of success 51 - 75 1 Degree of success 75 - 90 No Success 90- 100 You fucked up
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Mon 23 Jan 2023 17:47:25 No. 5542669 Report Quoted By:
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Rolled 9 (1d100) >>5542662 I do really appreciate to-the-point bluntness after being given the runaround by nobles and incompetent bureaucrats all day.
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Rolled 42 (1d100) >>5542662 Yeah, bluntness is likely refreshing after dealing with prefects. Certainly means less time wasted in general.
>>5542323 Can i ask if there is other threads ? Never seen this quest before
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Mon 23 Jan 2023 19:25:07 No. 5542749 Report Anonymous
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>>5542323 Voted for commodore cause navy cooler
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Wed 25 Jan 2023 00:01:22 No. 5544192 Report Quoted By:
sorry guys no update today, college
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>>5542323 Didn't vote but Nox sounds like a jacked up Soap from CoD
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Thu 26 Jan 2023 03:13:33 No. 5545361 Report “Good. Again.” The unexpected weight of the pistol made a slave out of your arms, especially your forearms. You were used to the smaller and personally fitted laspistol. Having a proper manfactorum laspistol was harder than you thought. Not to mention, Verdun was a strict teacher. The targets lit up, and from the moving pattern you memorized shooting them was easy. Even when it was faster, you got some intentional and lucky shots. The score added up, and Verdun nodded. “You now meet the standard for a guardsman officer.” Verdun stated. “That wasn’t so hard.” “Of course, this is the range. A battlefield is much different.” Verdun said. “Nevertheless, if you continue to practice along with consistent physical exercise, I’m certain you will improve further.” You cringed from that word. Exercise. If there was one thing you hated was that. Any physical activities led to your damn symptoms. Granted, it was worse when you were a child. With the firing lesson over, the fact that you had nothing to do beared on you once more. “You look worried.” Verdun said. “Well, I was given a day off by the Lord Regent and I don’t know what to do with it.” You said with a shrug. “Then what about physical conditioning?” Verdun offered. Haha. As if. “No, I don’t think I will.” “Madame, with all due respect, it is not wise to neglect your stamina and health.” He wasn’t wrong. After the Lion’s Gate, you were starkly reminded of how weak you were. You’d definitely regret this. However, it was also necessary. “I’m not exactly dressed for physical exercises, commander.” “Can you not call a serf?” “I can…” “Then I do not see how this can be an issue.” Verdun said matter-of-factly. “Well… alright. Get me a vox.” After a quick change, you prepared for your only weakness: exercise. It first began with a warm up. Of course, this was a warm up done by Lucifer Blacks, by the fifth one you were already on the floor, gasping as if you were in a hazardous gas world. Your stared up at the ceiling, lying on the mat on the verge of death. Verdun was looking at you, with a mix of pity and worry. “I overestimated you, I apologize. Perhaps we should start with light running with less warm ups. I apologize.” You wheezed. Oh Emperor it burns. “Madame? Are you alright?” “No.” “Would you like to continue?” You nodded. “I admit, I don’t have much experience in training those who are physically weak.” He pondered for a moment, and told you his idea.>It would be a simple walk, except you had to wear some light weighted vest >It was an obstacle course, well, more like crates and other items gathered into one >It was a simple hand to hand drills on the punching sack
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>>5545361 >>It was an obstacle course, well, more like crates and other items gathered into one Anonymous
>>5545361 >It would be a simple walk, except you had to wear some light weighted vest Anonymous
>>5545361 >>It would be a simple walk, except you had to wear some light weighted vest Anonymous
>>5545361 So the first one will be difficult but doable
the second will kill us
the third will end in shinanigence. I pick
>Simple walk it's gonna benefit us the most.
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>>5545361 >It was a simple hand to hand drills on the punching sack If we’re going to throw a punch, may as well learn how to not break our hand.
Though learning how to throw assailants is probably better. Learning how to apply leverage to an opponent is the only real way a noodle like Alethia can be reasonably expected to fight.
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>>5545361 >>It was a simple hand to hand drills on the punching sack Anonymous
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>>5545361 >It was an obstacle course, well, more like crates and other items gathered into one ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Fri 27 Jan 2023 16:30:30 No. 5547103 Report Quoted By:
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Fri 27 Jan 2023 17:40:25 No. 5547144 Report The vest was about five pounds, and while it had weight it was not enough to drag you down. Within the first minute, it wasn’t so bad. You followed the commander into another training room, and what you saw was a platform with a flat and smooth tread with guard railings. “Please get on top of it.” Verdun said. Once you did, he pressed some buttons and the platform began to move. Sure, the vest itself was rather heavy, but the weight was evenly distributed. All in all, it wasn’t that difficult. “I thought this would be worse.” Verdun did not say anything, except fidgeting on the control. “Uh… Commander?” The platform shifted to an incline. “On second thought, maybe not.” “This is for your own good, madame.” The incline grew, and so did the tread. “My own good? I think I know what’s good for-” The tread reeled faster, and the incline rose. There was no room to quip or complain. This was Testatus’ level of training. You had to focus, or you’d trip. “Breathe through your nose and exhale with your mouth.” You followed his advice, it wasn’t new as Testatus taught you that long ago. “Madame, you’re hunching. Stand straight.” This went on. For agonizing thirty minutes. By the end you could barely stand, and at the moment laying on the crate with your arms spread. Verdun sat beside you, with an inscrutable expression. For now, breathing mattered more than figuring out what he was thinking, other than amazement. “Are you alright?” “I’ll…” You wheezed. “Live.” “You lack consistent training, madame.” “You don’t have to tell me twice…” >Bask in the silence >Thank him for the training, and leave >Ask him about himself
>>5547144 >Ask him about himself To distract from our own dying, of course.
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>>5547144 >Bask in the silence Anonymous
>>5547144 >>Ask him about himself Anonymous
>>5547144 >Ask about himself It's not a proper triangle if we don't develop this.
I always hated love contrivences, I believe they exist as a result of a persons inability to commit and stay faithful. But I think this may be a case where I can tolerate it.
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>>5547332 Like Alethia's heart can handle two
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Sat 28 Jan 2023 00:29:42 No. 5547550 Report Quoted By:
>>5547332 I wouldn't call it a love triangle. More like routes. We've yet to reach love triangle.
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Sat 28 Jan 2023 01:01:52 No. 5547582 Report Update will be tomorrow, until then I'll wait for the votes. And another vote, more to gauge your likings. What are you interested in more?>Rogue Trader >Inquisitor >Adeptus Mechanicus >Write-in
>>5547144 >Ask him about himself >>5547582 >Rogue Trader Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>5547582 My heart says
> Adeptus Mechanicus but my mind says
>I’m not nearly well-informed on WH40K lore to know which option won’t lead me to sharing AAA’s frustration at the Imperium. I probably know the least about the traders though.
>>5547582 >Inquisitor. We're gonna get near em.
>>5547582 >Inquisitor We've already got a character who goes swanning around on a spaceship. Though it's likely characters introduced at this point will suffer from late-to-the-party syndrome.
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Sun 29 Jan 2023 03:41:06 No. 5549027 Report Quoted By:
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Sun 29 Jan 2023 05:00:50 No. 5549178 Report Once your breath managed to settle, you sat back up. In the midst of silence, all that echoed was the low hum of the building inside. The Midnight Aquila, you didn’t see much of that medal even among the officers you met. Some scions and few in the most elite guardsmen regiments as well. Not common enough to be known, but not rare to be compared to Star of Terra. “Commander.” He turned his head, fixing his gaze on you, waiting. “If you don’t mind asking, how did you get that Midnight Aquila badge?” “It’s… may I not answer?” He said politely. “Of course, I apologize.” You said cordially. “Then… what regiment were you from?” The pause was longer than it should have been. “Do you want me to not ask that as well?” He closed his eyes shut slowly, regretfully, then opened back up with an apologetic nod. You didn’t see if that was remorse, guilt, or mourning, but you knew well enough to not pry it. Maybe he was from a regular PDF or regiment. “Hmm… well then. I suppose you don’t have any favorite food?” “Grox steaks. With mashed vegetables with salt.” Verdun said with some relief. “But I’m not very selective as long as its edible.” “No sweets?” “I neither like or dislike them, it’s rare for my men and I to have some in the first place. I suppose you like sweets, madame?” “I do.” You answered carefully, better not to tell him the food you eat since you just might offend how luxurious your options are. Though you doubt he would be. “But I prefer food I can eat with one hand, then I can work. Or a nutrient paste if I’m desperate.” “I’m surprised you eat them.” “When you have an Inquisitor down your throat for plasma weaponry, and some space marines messaging you in need of supplies, you tend to forget about flavors.” “Do you work with many astartes chapters?” Verdun said. “Not many, no, but enough to make me used to seeing them. As long as the deliveries are doable it's as simple as resupplying a regiment.” You said with a shrug. “Same thing, but more…” “Difficulty?” You chuckled, that was an understatement. You also didn’t deal with some chapters due to either their sheer brutality, or simply being entitled. The astartes’ autonomy was a double edged blades, and some chapters cut themselves without a care. “Something like that.” You tried to stand only for your leg to buckle. For a man so bulky, he moved quicker than you thought. He gently grasped your arm and supported you. You held on to his hand, and tried to find the strength in your leg to walk again… only to not find any. “It seems like you need to rest longer.” “Y-Yes.” He’s so… solid. Like ceramite but fleshy. The fact that he was built as a Catachan and somber as a Cadian did not help. You chose to sit down again, but he was still holding on to you…
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Sun 29 Jan 2023 05:02:44 No. 5549181 Report >“Commander, you can let go of me.” >Let him hold on for it longer, wait and see how long it’ll take >Move your hand >Write-in
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ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Sun 29 Jan 2023 05:04:16 No. 5549185 Report Rogue trader
>>5547604 >>5547619 >>5548561 Inquisitor
>>5548130 >>5548193 >>5548201 >>5548590 I'm genuinely surprised at the Inquisitor, for those who didn't answer and wouldn't mind answering, why? What do you expect/hope from this route?
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>>5549185 Both of them have the opportunity to be interesting characters in their own right as Inquisitors and Traders often are and I wouldn't mind having either of them around, but I feel the latter might overlap some with Arthur and be less compatible with us being as chained to our desk as we are.
>>5549181 >>Let him hold on for it longer, wait and see how long it’ll take Anonymous
>>5549181 >>Let him hold on for it longer, wait and see how long it’ll take Anonymous
>>5549178 >Let him hold on for it longer, wait and see how long it’ll take After he lets go
>”I don’t suppose you could carry me to my room? It might seem undignified, but when Testatus hears that the Serpent trained with an Astartes she ought to be both proud and horrified.” We showed Alethia was a bit of a brat with Testatus early on with the chair episode. I’d like to continue that trend.
>>5549185 While not one of the votes listed, I can admit to being an omni-shipper in general. I’m willing to support writefagging on any route, including none, just to see how it turns out.
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>>5549181 I'll support
>>5549559 It's FUUUUUUUUN.
he's not an astartes though.
>>5549185 I'm interested in how they plan to be an annoyance. We can't tell an inquisitor to fuck off with impunity, and everyone knows it.
Compare to the other two, in which we routinely do.
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ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Sun 29 Jan 2023 17:28:47 No. 5549710 Report Quoted By:
>>5549559 Astartes? Where did you get that idea?
>>5549178 >Let him hold on for it longer, wait and see how long it’ll take ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Mon 30 Jan 2023 01:11:51 No. 5550250 Report Quoted By:
>>5549405 >>5549443 >>5549559 >>5550245 Counted, excluding the write-in though
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Mon 30 Jan 2023 16:56:03 No. 5550858 Report You waited for him to release you. It took a good ten seconds for him to realize there was no need to hold you like a fragile glass. However, it wasn’t as if you dind’t like it. Quite the opposite, you felt safer, with added benefit of something you couldn’t exactly put. Verdun cleared his throat, not looking away but shifting his gaze at something else. Embarrassment? It was difficult to tell with his stony expression. “My apologies, madame.” Verdun said. “It’s no trouble at all. But I must be going. Thank you for your time, commander.” “Allow me to escort you.” Verdun said. He gave his farewell after he brought you to your office. After a quick wash, you laid on the bed, uncertain of the commander’s intention. It could be done to curry favors with you but they were the Lucifer Blacks, they were given priority. However, you did come to realize that he was a dashing man, with ruggedness of a Catachan. Now that you had a clear mind, well at least a good part of it, you wondered about your current predicament. You laid on your bed, and drifted to sleep, well you tried to. Your eyes cracked open at the sudden knock. You sighed, and went outside of your office-room. “Who is it?” “I am Taur of the Ultramarines, Undersecretary. My brothers and I are here to escort you to our Primarch.” You assumed it would be tomorrow or some other day. “Enter.” The double door opened, and your eyes widened. They were… taller, not to mention clad in an armor you had not seen before. “You are an astartes?” “Yes, of the Ultramarines chapter.” Wow. No. Really? Ultramarines chapter? You thought he was a Black Templar! “I’ve never seen that armor before, or very few astartes of your height.” You said suspiciously. “No matter, I’m certain the Lord Regent will explain.” “He will.” You arrived to the home of the Lord Regent. A giant palace with the practical look of a bunker, but still tasteful that’d fit the monastic discipline of an astartes. You saw the Lord Regent clad in blue and white robe, still working, discussing what it looked like is an Inquisitor. It was so strange to see a Primarch, let alone an unarmored one. “My lord.” The Inquisitor bowed, and left. He then finally turned his attention to you. “Undersecretary.” He nodded, “follow me.” You were led to a room for a dinner of all things, strictly business it looked like. The meal was fine, but really, it was difficult to eat with the son of the Emperor. “I hear you’re quite the scholar, especially in history.” Lord Regent said. You swallowed, hard. You were referred to as a bureacrat, and your knowledge in history being from the archive was kept as a secret. It was technically a forbidden knowledge after all, knowing too much in the Imperium with the inappropriate rank came with a heavy price.
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ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Mon 30 Jan 2023 16:57:05 No. 5550859 Report >“I am.” >“My Lord Regent, if I may be so terse.” You saw his nod. “May we skip the small talk?” >“By whom did you hear that from, my lord?”
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>>5550859 >“I am.” > I assume the costodies mentioned in passing could have only heard form the custodies as they where the one who allowed us to learn the history by the emperors command
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>>5550859 >“I am.” He knows
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>>5550859 >I am. Likewise, I assume it's the custodes. They aren't utterly loyal, but they work in service of their emperor.
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>>5550858 >“I am.” If it was anyone else, we could spin it as stuff you learn to do the “interact with nobles” part of the job. But if you’re lying to the guy at the top (since Emps certainly isn’t passing out any direct orders) then what’s the point? If he asks directly, I say we admit to it. Uncomfortable it may be.
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ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Tue 31 Jan 2023 03:40:12 No. 5551535 Report Quoted By:
Votes counted, sheesh that's one unanimous vote.
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ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Tue 31 Jan 2023 07:09:49 No. 5551684 Report “I hear you’re quite the scholar, especially in history.” The Lord Regent, the Primarch, the living history himself, said. You chewed, longer than you should. Aside from the question why he was curious, why ask at all? These were his brothers. History? Why was he so curious about history when he was history itself? “I am.” You said cautiously. “Do you like it?” “Knowledge itself, small or large, are valuable. My lord.” The plates clinked with your utensils, louder than you’d like. Not to mention, the presence of the never-seen-before space marines along with famous astartes didn’t help the situation. Just who were these astartes? “The Sigillites were also historians, Malcador was a scholar more than a warrior as well.” Guilliman said. You remained calm. It looked like the secret wasn’t one anymore. It still annoyed you. You didn’t like how he compared you and Malcador, as if you and the Hero of The Imperium was related. “I assume it was the Captain-General that informed you?” You took a bite of the tender meat. “Yes.” The meal continued in silence. You wanted to have this over with, quickly ended, return to normal. Or at least, back to work. “Sanguinius also had an extensive library in his flagship.” And nearly choked on it if not for the rough swallow. You swallowed- inelegantly that is- an amarex that was most likely a millennia old. “I-” You coughed again. “I apologize. I’m afraid I did not chew enough.” “That is no issue at all.” So so damningly calm, that it made you an- no -pissed off. You knew the calmness of any astartes, the inhuman coldness that made you question their humanity. His? It came with frustration. Sangunius, THE Sanguinius. You looked up to see his face, then back to your meal. >Ask about (insert primarch) >Ask him a question (write-in) >Ask him to get to the point
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>>5551684 >>Ask about (insert primarch) Sanguinus
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>>5551684 +1. He put the bait out, may as well take it and see where it leads.
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>>5551684 >Question "I wouldn't compare myself with Sanguinius, what makes you raise the implication?" Anonymous
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>>5551684 Sanguinus. What do you know of him?
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ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Thu 02 Feb 2023 00:45:23 No. 5553616 Report Quoted By:
sorry guys, no updates today, I got college shit atm.
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ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Thu 02 Feb 2023 17:08:10 No. 5554343 Report Quoted By:
Votes counted
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ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Thu 02 Feb 2023 18:59:05 No. 5554463 Report Was this a bait? To test if you truly were some kind of historian? “S-So, were you close with-” You paused to find the right word. “The Lord Primarch of the Blood Angels?” “He was close with everyone.” The Lord Regent spoke with a low, somber tone. There was regret, mourning in his brief expression. What you saw however, was exhaustion, pure and simple, concentrated. Not that you could blame him, to see his Father’s work in a mess that is the 40th millennium, fathoming his disappointment and grief was impossible. “I-I see.” You saw nothing. “What was he like?” Why did you say that! The last thing was to ask about his DEAD brother! “I mean- I uh… Forgive me, Lord Regent. My curiosity got the better of me.” “Do not worry.” He paused. “Sanguinius was the best of us.” The Primarch that deserved to be the Warmaster. At least, that’s what you read between his words. Not that you would ask, this whole thing was just… well it’s hard to find a word for this kind of situation. But there was one word that you had for him; pity. “I must commend you, Undersecretary.” Lord Regent said. “Your efforts in the Administratum have not gone unnoticed. Especially your work in restoring Terra.” “I’m honored by your praise.” “I’m only speaking what is the truth. You worked with the people in mind while balancing the needs of the manufactorum.” “I did what was right for Terra.” You answered, a safe answer. “And I expect no less.” The Lord Regent said. >Ask about the new space marines >Ask about Cawl, you heard he was here >Ask about (write-in)
>>5554463 >>Ask about (write-in) Ask him about which period of history he is more passionate/interested. Roboute is a scholar too, even if more an administrator/general.
then move to
>Ask about the new space marines ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Fri 03 Feb 2023 02:46:21 No. 5555256 Report Quoted By:
>>5554463 >Ask about the new space marines Anonymous
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>Ask about how The Primarch is adjusting being in the 41st Millennium commanding a Imperium that is vastly different to what he remembers.
>>5554463 >>Ask about the new space marines Anonymous
>>5555097 Consider my vote here just about the new space marines then. If i can do that otherwise ignore like rules say
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ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Fri 03 Feb 2023 17:33:37 No. 5555883 Report Quoted By:
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ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Fri 03 Feb 2023 18:15:59 No. 5555914 Report It was so strange to see him eat, the mundane and the marvelous you thought. By now, you barely registered the flavor of your food, you simply went through the motions. By then, the plate was empty, and the serf took it away while his was- ignoring the giant serving size difference- was half finished. “My Lord Regent.” You said calmly. “If I may ask, what are these new astartes?” You looked at the astartes that escorted you. “It is as you said, the veil that splits the Imperium in half must be addressed.” The Lord Regent said. “I cannot remain in Terra forever ruling half of the Imperium and it is a task that cannot be done alone.” “The Administratum and the-” “Undersecretary, you and I know fully well that there are those who oppose me.” The Lord Regent said. “I have my own people I can trust and replace the High Lords. However, I am at a loss when it is you.” You fought the urge to shoot up from your seat, the audacity of it all! “My loyalty-” “I am not questioning your loyalty, rest assured.” The Lord Regent said with a raised hand. But why didn’t he? How is he so certain? Not that you would betray a primarch. “They are the new generation of astartes improved upon the astartes geneseed. They are Primaris Astartes. They will be the reinforcement of astartes chapters.” “Primaris? Wait…improved?” Your eyes widened, but once again you held yourself. “It will raise suspicions, not to mention questions. However, I’m certain most chapters will accept them or even welcome them.” “Some will be stationed in the world that will carry on the legacy of Cadia. Something you have been invested in, I hear.” Your body froze. Cadia Secundus was your secret project, was this a bluff? Or did he know, implying that even you could not hide from his gaze.>“It is as you said, Lord Regent. I wish to make a new Cadia, Cadia Secundus. Much like your own Imperium Secundus.” >“It is as you said, Lord Regent.” >“My lord, while preserving Cadia’s culture is a worry, I do not have such plans.” >Write-in
>>5555914 >“It is as you said, Lord Regent. Cadia was an ideal, a continual acknowledgment of mankind’s ability to triumph over terrors far greater than them. If it cannot be rebuilt, then it is an admission that humanity has given up on defying its enemies.” Dunno if this quite fits with what Cadia should represent. For all the 40k quests I’ve read, I’m still weak with the lore.
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>>5555914 >>“It is as you said, Lord Regent. I wish to make a new Cadia, Cadia Secundus. Much like your own Imperium Secundus.” Anonymous
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>>5555914 >>“It is as you said, Lord Regent. I wish to make a new Cadia, Cadia Secundus. Much like your own Imperium Secundus.” Anonymous
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>>5555946 Sure, I'll support that.
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Sun 05 Feb 2023 04:40:23 No. 5557667 Report Sorry guys, I'm too tired today. I'll update it tomorrow.
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>>5557667 No worries. Sleep is always a good idea.
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Sun 05 Feb 2023 20:03:01 No. 5558265 Report “It is as you said, Lord Regent. Cadia is known everywhere in the galaxy, and they best represent the ideal of the Astra Militarum. They are a continual acknowledgment of mankind’s ability to triumph over terror beyond the unaugmented humanity. If they cannot be restored, that symbol will disappear.” “What of the astartes?” “There are not enough of them to make a difference in battles.” You said frankly. “Does this mean I will have your support?” “Once the communications have been established, it will be considered.” Well, it’s better than nothing. The serf placed a small dessert on your table and once again, you went through the motions, albeit in far smalelr portions with slower pace. “The Static Tendency, expand on it.” “The Static Tendency is the belift in stagnation because changing the Emperor’s already perfect laws is heresy. Many are subscribed to that ideology.” You said. “Not you.” He said it like a statement, not a question. You nodded. “No, and my master only liked it as long as he had the power. My position at least allows me to have the smaller reforms pushed out.” “As a High Lord, changing the Administratum would be much easier too.” “Very much, yes.” “Would you like to be?” You placed your utensil down. On one hand, it would be the most powerful seat there would be. However, you would be acting as his shield. “If I don’t want to be?” “Then you will be my assistant. I am planning for a crusade to reunite the Imperium Nihlus and that requires logistic and will need a new leader for the new Officio Logisticarum.” “Do you need a response now?” “No, but soon.” The dinner soon ended, and you were left with the choice. But what did seem more appealing?>Being the new High Lord. You’d be delving deeper of the Imperium politics. >Working with the Lord Regent in his crusade. It’s dangerous, but you’d be making a difference.
>>5558265 >Working with the Lord Regent in his crusade. It’s dangerous, but you’d be making a difference. Stick around as his shadow.
>>5558265 >Working with the Lord Regent in his crusade. It’s dangerous, but you’d be making a difference. Anonymous
>>5558265 >Work with the lord regent Better to stick near the near immortal demigod.
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>>5558265 >>Being the new High Lord. You’d be delving deeper of the Imperium politics. Anonymous
>>5558265 >Working with the Lord Regent in his crusade. It’s dangerous, but you’d be making a difference. We are still very young, and we need more approval and more supporters for do great reforms. And the enemies of the Imperium need to be slowed down, Roboute can also use an help in his wars/ruling the imperium even with being a primarch.
>>5558265 >Working with the Lord Regent in his crusade. It’s dangerous, but you’d be making a difference. she can become a high lord once she have some accolades and support from other factions and then push out reforms as she would have more backers to support her than just the primarch
though she should choose a successor to her position, if not an individual( as no single person could match her ability) then a council of sorts of her most trusted as she previously stated that she prepped them should she be absent(but that council women f'ed everything up) should ask guilimen to prevent something like that from happening again as the serpent trained her people to handle things, though not as well good enough
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Tue 07 Feb 2023 02:15:14 No. 5559675 Report Anonymous
>>5559675 The way I see it, Alethia needs to work as his shadow, not his shield. It’s easy for people to overlook our actions when standing next to a Primarch, and that’s for the better.
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>>5559675 I'm mostly with
>>5559696 but also. . . I don't really think she wants to be the hand which points where shall live and where shall die.
Guilliman above is the front man, he's the one who can make the hard decisions and we can take solace in the fact that no matter how dirty our hands are, it's him who relieves us of the guilt.
You don't get that if you aren't in close enough contact to build rapport.
We also need to practice our psykerism, and that would be best done with him. Due to all the shit that comes flying at a primarch.
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>>5558265 >>Being the new High Lord. You’d be delving deeper of the Imperium politics. I like the idea of a promotion
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Wed 08 Feb 2023 03:29:39 No. 5560783 Report Working with the Lord Regent in his crusade. It’s dangerous, but you’d be making a difference. That didn’t include the possibility of death, destruction, or witnessing what you have been reading for all your life. Even if you weren’t the Master of Administratum, his support would give you bigger advantages. The Administratum was no entity after all, and you already hold enough sway that having more power would be just for the sake of power. For now, being his assistant did not sound so bad, until you go on the said crusade that is. Though you very much doubt you’d be sucked into the battle itself. Most likely you’d be in the back doing some inventory check and logistics, along with communications with Imperium to coordinate relief efforts through resource exchanges. “The riots are mostly suppressed, but some cities are still in need of assistance. Food, fuel, security… it’s the same thing over and over again.” Your adept, Pugio, said with a sigh. “And what are these piles?” You said. “That’s the update on raw materials, and that one should be a general update on the arbites.” “Good, you’re dismissed.” “Madame.” A long sigh escaped your lips. A High Lord, or a Lord Regent’s shadow. Being a High Lord would make more enemies that you’d have to watch with infinite vigilance. Being the Lord Regent’s shadow… you’d have literal enemies. Both didn’t sound so great. The clock struck twelve, it was finally lunch time. What will you get?>A simple soup and bread, you don’t want to feel bloated >A sand-which, an ancient terran food >Nutrient packet, tastes like nothing and you can just suck it with a straw, no hands required.
>>5560783 >A sand-which, an ancient terran food Clearly AAA found an old recipe book among the archives and is now trying them all out of boredom and curiosity.
>>5560783 >>A simple soup and bread, you don’t want to feel bloated Anonymous
>>5559675 >A sand-which, an ancient terran food :)
>>5560783 >>A sand-which, an ancient terran food Anonymous
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>>5560783 >Nutrient packet Gotta be effecient.
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ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Thu 09 Feb 2023 02:54:49 No. 5561846 Report Quoted By:
No updates today, got a midterm going on along with research paper.
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ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Fri 10 Feb 2023 05:21:26 No. 5563021 Report Quoted By:
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Fri 10 Feb 2023 06:25:16 No. 5563057 Report Sand-Which It was such an odd name for a meal that was basically placed between two slices of bread. Where was the sand and why the word ‘which’? It didn’t have a Tallarn or some desert planet origins, it was Terran. Alright, Terran does have a dessert portion but that was beyond the point. What stupid- yet delicious -named food. Oh well. Your sand-which composed of ice-leaf, matro, and simple urusus meat with a light toyo sauce. It was filling, and most importantly, a one handed meal. You continued to do your work albeit at a slower pace. The best part was that you made a strict rule that no one was allowed entrance during lunch including your adepts. Of course, with some exceptions. Inquisitors, High Lords, the Cancellarius, Chapter Masters, Heredity Free Charter Merchant Captains, High Commandant of Schola Progenium, and now a Primarch/Lord Regent. “Uh… Madame.” Tanto, your shortest and dark skinned adept said, her pony tail swished as she turned her head with a wince. “Is something not to your liking? You’re just sitting there for a good minute.” “I just realized my exception list during lunch is rather long…” You said despairingly. “What’s point of having an exception list if it’s so Throne damned long?” “To be fair, it’s not like they come often. I mean how often do you get a visit from the Inquisition or Chapter Masters?” “That is true.” You said with a shrug. “The Inquisition has their own way of supplying themselves. The last thing I need is the Inquisition barging swinging their badge like a power maul.” “Ha ha…” She neither agreed or disagreed, only weakly chuckled. “I’m once again reminded of the connection you have, madame. To speak so abrasiv- I mean. Eh heh heh…” “Go on, Tanto.” You said with an icy smile. “Finish that sentence.” She sat up, back stiffening like ice. “No no, I uh…” “Would you like for me to forget what you were going to say?” “Please.” She said sheepishly, hanging her head low. The lunch went on smoothly. Until you got a knock. Of course, you ignored it, you still had three minutes before lunch was over. Despite it, the door opened, and you noticed the “=]I[=” You immediately cringed, though you did noticed it was the same inquisitor that spoke with the Lord Regent. >He was a blonde, sharp chin with a well sculpted face. For an inquisitor, he had rather a charismatic look like Amberly Veil has. That still didn’t make you happy for having your lunch interrupted. >She was a blonde, sharp chin with a well sculpted face. For an inquisitor, he had rather a charismatic look like Amberly Veil has. That still didn’t make you happy for having your lunch interrupted.
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>>5563057 >She was a blonde, sharp chin with a well sculpted face. For an inquisitor, she had rather a charismatic look like Amberly Veil has. That still didn’t make you happy for having your lunch interrupted. Anonymous
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>>5563057 >>He was a blonde, sharp chin with a well sculpted face. For an inquisitor, he had rather a charismatic look like Amberly Veil has. That still didn’t make you happy for having your lunch interrupted. Anonymous
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>>5563057 >>He was a blonde, sharp chin with a well sculpted face. For an inquisitor, he had rather a charismatic look like Amberly Veil has. That still didn’t make you happy for having your lunch interrupted. Anonymous
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>>5563057 >>He was a blonde, sharp chin with a well sculpted face. For an inquisitor, he had rather a charismatic look like Amberly Veil has. That still didn’t make you happy for having your lunch interrupted. Anonymous
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Rolled 2 (1d2) >>5563057 tossup
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>She was a blonde, sharp chin with a well sculpted face. For an inquisitor, he had rather a charismatic look like Amberly Veil has. That still didn’t make you happy for having your lunch interrupted.
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>>5563057 >>He was a blonde, sharp chin with a well sculpted face. For an inquisitor, he had rather a charismatic look like Amberly Veil has. That still didn’t make you happy for having your lunch interrupted. Anonymous
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>>5563057 >>He was a blonde, sharp chin with a well sculpted face. For an inquisitor, he had rather a charismatic look like Amberly Veil has. That still didn’t make you happy for having your lunch interrupted. ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Sat 11 Feb 2023 21:08:27 No. 5564669 Report Quoted By:
I'll be busy again guys, update will be tomorrow until then I won't count the votes.
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Sun 12 Feb 2023 19:47:39 No. 5565884 Report Thank you for your patience He was a blonde, sharp chin with a well sculpted face. For an inquisitor, he had rather a charismatic look like Amberly Veil has. That still didn’t make you happy for having your lunch interrupted. He had a sly smile, crooked as a poorly hung frame with a mischievous glint in his eyes. You never met an inquisitor that were the same. Each of them believed in different ideologies, different looks, methods, they were many yet never uniform. Unpredictable, uncertain, inscrutable, unknown, and incomprehensible. That’s what the inquisitors were. “I never thought the great Undersecretary would eat something so pedestrian.” The inquisitor said. “Well, pedestrian among your rank that is.” “Is there something you require of me, inquisitor?” “Inquisitor Wolfgang.” What a stupid name, and it was a name you didn’t ask for. “Well, Inquisitor.” You emphasized his title only. “Like I said, what assistance are you seeking?” “I am investigating the High Lords, and I know you are in close proximity with them.” “Only the Master of Administratum.” You said in a monotone. “Which is vacant.” “And I need you to fill that position temporarily to be my eyes and ears.” He smirked at your lack of reaction. “Rest assured, the Lord Regent approved my plan as well. But before we talk, I think it’s best for your adepts if they leave. If you’d like that is, I’m not here to control you.” “Tanto, go take care of that matter. Pugio, check on the progress of Manufactorum YCS-186. The rest of you, gather some parchments and inkwells.” Your adepts quickly moved, leaving you alone with the Inquisitor. “Thank you for your understanding.” “And being the High Lord, is that in my choice as well?” “Who can say?” You sighed. One way or another, you’d be forced into this matter. Not to mention, if the Lord Regent approved this, then it should be fine. >“And what makes you so qualified to have the Lord Regent’s ear?” >“I am risking much if I agree with you. What will I gain?” >“What ordo are you from that gives you so much influence?”
>>5565884 >“What ordo are you from that gives you so much influence?” We were looking to join on Gulliman’s crusade, so is becoming a high lord and then either leaving the post or being an absent lord…
Shit, Gulliman approved it because then we’d have to promote someone to our own position and train them, didn’t he? Then they can keep things from falling apart when a different Master steps in.
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>>5565884 >“I am risking much if I agree with you. What will I gain?” Anonymous
>>5565884 >Which ordo are you from? knowledge is power.
>>5565884 >“What ordo are you from that gives you so much influence?” Anonymous
>>5565884 >“What ordo are you from that gives you so much influence?” Anonymous
>>5565884 >>“What ordo are you from that gives you so much influence?” ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Tue 14 Feb 2023 05:21:21 No. 5567322 Report Quoted By:
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Wed 15 Feb 2023 03:49:36 No. 5568393 Report An inquisitor with that much influence. Just who is he? You knew this was a fruitless attempt, an inquisitor’s weapon is information, even of themselves. “What ordo are you from that gives you so much influence?” “Ordo Hereticus.” That smirk of his, it mocked you. But knowing that Ordo Hereticus were many field with numerous influential inquisitors, it was difficult to support your suspicion. That, and there was no point in arguing against an inquisitor. You’d prefer not to have a bolt pistol pointed at your face. “I see. So, will I have a choice in this?’ “Someone else will take your place if you wish to refuse.” “Roskavler.” “Correct. Either she or you will do the job. I am here as an… insurance. To ensure his reforms stay in the shadows. Even if you refuse, there will be other work for you to do, if I recall you would be his assistant. It’s your choice in the end.” “I need time.” “Of course, this is quite the decision.” Wolfgang said. “I will return tomorrow. Have your answer by then.” He left just as annoyingly as he entered. Later in the evening, you found yourself…>In the gardens. >The archives, some readings would do some good. >In the cathedral, for what good it will do you didn’t know. >In your office, working… well more like pondering and working. >At the Tower of Hegemon. You were hoping that Vychella would have good advice.
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>>5568393 >The archives, some readings would do some good. Anonymous
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>>5568393 >>The archives, some readings would do some good. Anonymous
>>5568393 I wanna talk to the custodes. Buuuut I don't think we left on a high note.
>In your office, working. Anonymous
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>>5568393 >>In the gardens. Anonymous
>>5568393 >>In your office, working. Anonymous
>>5568393 >>In your office, working… well more like pondering and working. ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Fri 17 Feb 2023 17:32:51 No. 5571600 Report Quoted By:
Update will be later, I'll be seeing my family.
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:/q4uzVWy Sat 18 Feb 2023 16:59:10 No. 5572688 Report Quoted By:
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:/q4uzVWy Sat 18 Feb 2023 20:17:37 No. 5572906 Report In an odd turn of event. You found yourself inside your office, toiling away. Most of the work was done, it was now just seeing the progress of the process and ensuring they stayed the course. “Work,” was just reading the reports again, and mulling over on the next set of orders to give. Terra was one thing, being a puppet of the Lord Regent was another. You lean back to your leather swivel chair, soft enough to sleep on, which you have before. Status On Manufactorum-Gauss Sigma… Riot Suppression At Sector 1255A-1781A… Report on the “Splintered”... Emperor, this will never end, it seemed like. One problem is solved, another one rises, but now that has been intensified up to an agonizing amount. No amount of contingency or back plans solved the problem. The dimly lit office grew darker. Candles began to fizzle out, much like your patience. The door suddenly opened. What entered was not an astartes, he was far too tall for that, multiple metal limbs protruded, and the voice was all too familiar. “Archmagos.” You nod, but don’t get out of your seat. “It has been a long time. I hope you have been well.” “It has. I see you have gained more responsibilities.” “Ha…” You sighed. “I did. I’m still not going to get a neuro-vault embedded in my skull.” “A shame. You would do better with it. Especially now.” “I’m thankful for your advice, Archmagos. May I ask the reason for your visit?” “You are close to becoming a High Lord. The current Fabricator General needs to be replaced, and I can help you to keep the reforms set by Guilliman.” “If I chose to be a High Lord.” You corrected him. “If not, your assistance will be required for my ascension to Fabricator General. Even if you do not choose to be.” “Archmagos.” You said firmly. “Mars will not accept you. You and I share the same belief, the need to innovate and advance. But Mars is not such a place, even among those who are radical. If you become the Fabricator General, it will cause a schism at the least and civil war at the worst.” You point to your window. “There is a burning galaxy, out there people dying and starving. I need the Adeptus Mechanicus to help, not to brand me a heretic!” “You will have my support as Fabricator General.” “The Imperium needs support now!” You shudder a sigh. “I haven’t decided if I want to be a High Lord. I need time to think.” Alone once again, you lean back on your chair. Work refused to go smoothly, and you did not feel like moving at all. And you know that the next morning your answer was required. Frankly, you didn’t have the answer yet. You wanted to hide, and there was no other place than…>The archive, but you wondered if the custodians will hide you >The cathedral, it’s so big that no one will ever find you so easily >The Tower of Hegemon, maybe Vychellan can hide you?
>>5572906 >The archive Children always hide where they are comfortable.
>>5572906 >The archive, but you wondered if the custodians will hide you Anonymous
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>>5572906 >>The cathedral, it’s so big that no one will ever find you so easily Anonymous
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>>5572906 >>The cathedral, it’s so big that no one will ever find you so easily Anonymous
>>5572906 >>The archive, but you wondered if the custodians will hide you Anonymous
>>5572906 >>The archive, but you wondered if the custodians will hide you ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Mon 20 Feb 2023 18:24:48 No. 5575702 Report Quoted By:
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Mon 20 Feb 2023 19:39:01 No. 5575822 Report The archive, but you wondered if the custodians will hide you. This wasn’t the best idea either, after all this was your comfort place, a room that you only know. It was an obvious choice. But that was why it was the best choice. After all, they wouldn’t go for the most obvious place there is! Truly, your own genius frightened you. The archive was dimly lit as always, with a blanket and bottle of water in hand, you tucked in. In that time, you delved into every record of Roboute Guilliman. From his origin to his time as a primarch and his time during the Horus Heresy. In all honesty he seemed rather perfect. He was kind, gentle, but firm when needed. His sons were proficient in all forms of warfare, almost rivaling the Dark Angels. A great bureaucrat, strategist, warrior… there was not a single flaw, or he could be good at hiding it. A primarch was not a perfect being, the archives proved that. It made it worse when you didn’t know, after all he woke up ten thousand years later. Who knows what goes in his mind? You sighed. As long as you proved yourself useful to him. That’s what you thought, but being his political puppet? Even as a High Lord your life would be in more danger. It was no lie that there were those who still opposed him. Then there was Archmagos Cawl, of course not a single ‘hello’ or 'how are you?’ Not that you expected him to, it’d be weirder if he did. “I thought I’d find you here.” You turned to see Vychellan, tall and resplendent as all custodians were. A being of perfection. “That was quick.” “You thought I wouldn’t look here because it’d be the obvious choice, correct?” “Yes…” You said defeatedly. “I assume the Inquisitor sent you?” “The Lord Regent did. He thought there would be less pressure if you answer to him than the Inquisitor. EIther way, they need your answer. The Imperium needs your answer.” The Lord Regent or the inquisitor. Both weren’t good. “I don’t have one.” He paused. “Well that is troubling.” “Was… was that sarcasm?” “Perhaps.” He said vaguely. “But you still need an answer.” “And I’ll assume you’ll take me to him.” “I can. Or I can inform the Lord Regent that you need more time. He needs the answer, today, not now.” Vychellan said.>Go to the Lord Regent >Take more time
>>5575822 >Go to the lord regent I mean we already made our choices, this is just delaying the inevitable
>>5575822 >Go to the Lord Regent Don't keep hiding from it
>>5575822 >>Go to the Lord Regent Also rip Vychellan ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Tue 21 Feb 2023 02:44:22 No. 5576346 Report Quoted By:
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Tue 21 Feb 2023 04:13:54 No. 5576430 Report Quoted By:
Roboute Guilliman. That name began to bother you. Oh no, it was perfectly fine. No, you only needed one day to make a choice that would not only define your career but your life. Of course, one day was required! You walked alongside Vychellan. By now, the mysticism of custodians were somewhat dispelled, but they were still a foreign alien to you. Clad in gold, perfect in every way, the Emperor’s companions. In theory, they stood even above the primarchs. “You are worried.” Vychellan said. “How could I not be?” You said with an irked glance. “It is your decision in the end. Either way, you will be assisting the Imperium.” The hall was empty, the route he had taken was also something you haven’t seen before. “Do you trust him?” “I trust him to revive the Imperium.” Translation: There was no trust. Not that you’d blame him. “I see. And the other custodians?” “I cannot speak for all my brothers.” Vychellan said. “I see.” You said again with the same neutral tone. You arrived at the Lord Regent’s chamber, a location that he conducted most of his work. Being early in the morning, you expected a lot of people, but it was empty. The giant that was Roboute Guilliman nodded to you. “Lord Regent.” You bowed curtly. “Undersecretary. I hope you have an answer.” >Being the new High Lord. You’d be delving deeper of the Imperium politics. >Working with the Lord Regent in his crusade. It’s dangerous, but you’d be making a difference. >“With humility and respect, Lord Regent, I will accept my position as the Master of The Administratum.” >“With humility and respect, Lord Regent, I will not become the Master of The Administratum.” Final choice. This will be a branching point.
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Tue 21 Feb 2023 04:16:17 No. 5576431 Report Roboute Guilliman. That name began to bother you. Oh no, it was perfectly fine. No, you only needed one day to make a choice that would not only define your career but your life. Of course, one day was required! You walked alongside Vychellan. By now, the mysticism of custodians were somewhat dispelled, but they were still a foreign alien to you. Clad in gold, perfect in every way, the Emperor’s companions. In theory, they stood even above the primarchs. “You are worried.” Vychellan said. “How could I not be?” You said with an irked glance. “It is your decision in the end. Either way, you will be assisting the Imperium.” The hall was empty, the route he had taken was also something you haven’t seen before. “Do you trust him?” “I trust him to revive the Imperium.” Translation: There was no trust. Not that you’d blame him. “I see. And the other custodians?” “I cannot speak for all my brothers.” Vychellan said. “I see.” You said again with the same neutral tone. You arrived at the Lord Regent’s chamber, a location that he conducted most of his work. Being early in the morning, you expected a lot of people, but it was empty. The giant that was Roboute Guilliman nodded to you. “Lord Regent.” You bowed curtly. “Undersecretary. I hope you have an answer.”>“With humility and respect, Lord Regent, I will accept my position as the Master of The Administratum.” >“With humility and respect, Lord Regent, I will not become the Master of The Administratum.” Final choice. This will be a branching point and last post before the new post.
>>5576431 >“With humility and respect, Lord Regent, I will accept my position as the Master of The Administratum.” Anonymous
>>5576431 >“With humility and respect, Lord Regent, I will accept my position as the Master of The Administratum.” now we gotta choose a new second under us
>>5576431 >>“With humility and respect, Lord Regent, I will accept my position as the Master of The Administratum.” Anonymous
>>5576431 >“With humility and respect, Lord Regent, I will accept my position as the Master of The Administratum.” ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Tue 21 Feb 2023 15:54:01 No. 5576953 Report I'll wait till it gets archived.
>>5576953 It could take over a week.
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Tue 21 Feb 2023 18:44:33 No. 5577133 Report Quoted By:
>>5576959 I'll wait a little longer then, the vote was assistant last time so I want to make sure people gets their vote.
>>5576431 >“With humility and respect, Lord Regent, I will accept my position as the Master of The Administratum.” Anonymous
>>5576431 >I will not Lets not, thank you. As previously said, we have voted to be his assistant so I'm not sure how this pens into that.
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Wed 22 Feb 2023 15:16:36 No. 5578116 Report Quoted By:
>>5578028 The first one was to get a feel of the players. It is now the final decision.
>>5576431 >“With humility and respect, Lord Regent, I will accept my position as the Master of The Administratum.” Anonymous
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>>5576431 >“With humility and respect, Lord Regent, I will not become the Master of The Administratum.” Anonymous
>>5576431 >“With humility and respect, Lord Regent, I will not become the Master of The Administratum.” We decided no earlier, why the sudden about-face?
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>>5579139 We shouldn't deny our destiny
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Thu 23 Feb 2023 23:08:56 No. 5579485 Report Quoted By:
Friday will be the update. I am curious too, why the sudden changes for the anons that changed their votes?
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU
ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Fri 24 Feb 2023 07:09:49 No. 5579833 Report Quoted By:
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ServoSkull55 !!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 Fri 24 Feb 2023 07:23:47 No. 5579841 Report Quoted By:
You stood in front of the giant, the primarch. You knew your answer and look up. Surrounding him were men in the colors of Macragge. Astartes in proud blue, and statesmen in white robes, they stopped their work to place their attention on you. “With humility and respect, Lord Regent,” You exhale slowly. “I will become the Master of The Administratum.” There. You said it. “And this is your final decision?” No, you wanted to retire, live without working, with a harem of Catachan natives. “Yes.” For a moment, you thought you saw some kind of disappointment, maybe a sense of regret. The microsecond of a reaction from him gave almost no clues for it. “Then, I congratulate you on your new position. I’m afraid due to the current state of the Imperium, there won’t be a ceremony.” “Yes, my lord. I suppose I’ll go to work.” You gave Vychellan a farewell and entered your empty office, save for a small robed thing. Somehow, you just knew your life just got more complicated. [End of Thread 3]