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The Undersecretary #3

!!JzA350jgstU ID:34YL7AA9 No.5538667 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You are Alethia Altair Amadeus. The Undersecretary of Administratum. Your duty includes but not limited to: managing offices of Administratum, logistics or important campaigns, maintaining an efficient Administratum, and doing the actual job of your boss, the Master of The Administratum. At the moment however, your duty consisted of fixing Terra after the Battle of the Lion’s Gate. This was your main concern.

“Get my chain of office now!”

Oh right.

“Get my Floral Pattern number 420.69 perfume!”

You’ve been ignoring some messages from the Chancellor of the Imperium Senate.

“I don’t have time to meet any guests damn it tell them to wait!”

Who is the assistant of the Lord Regent, and the message happened to be a private summoning, which now escalated to an official summoning.

“How does my hair look?”

“Immaculate, madame. Your chain of office is finished being polished.”

“Good, we need to move now!”

As you got closer to the Lord Regent’s office you saw more and more delegates of Macragge. Respected statesmen and shrewd politicians alike write their white and blue robes, daring to be different, as if they were another empire aside from the Imperium. Then the ultramarines roamed the halls, vigilant and stalwart. There were other chapters as well, most likely survivors of Cadia.