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Dragon slayer quest

!2gxW5JDLSc ID:j1NX/a1v No.5564783 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You name is Aratmek Kanu, and you are a dragon slayer.
Well, it's your official title, not that you slayed any dragons yet. But the good thing is, this problem should be solved before the end of the day.
Your master, the honorable master Kustagn Kanu, taught you everything related to the art of tracking and fighting the terrible monsters, in the training grounds of the Dragon Slayer guild.
Your mission? An easy one. Cleanup after a successful raid leaded by your master.

Some younglings escaped during a nest's cleansing. After losing their lead for half a year, news came about their whereabouts. Instead of splitting around, the treacherous magic snakes stayed as one single pack. And knowing the difficulties of facing one adult dragon, your guild can't let them grow. A young dragon should not be underestimated, either.
There was an attempt to attack the lair with a large force. That assault was a failure.
You are one of the few in the world to know the true threat dragons represent : corruption.
Their tongue allow to speak directly to the mind of mortals, gifting them a spark of their own power and wealth in exchange to loyalties. You've seen far too many Mayor, Governors, Thane, Jarl, Deputies, or other lords which where dragon slaves. And it seems one of those young dragon already found powerful lieges.