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The 2nd Primarch Quest 24

!!RS7NSuo3fkv ID:qZULSCRQ No.5577442 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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"What is the meaning of this, Angron?" A voice called out, drawing the Unbeaten lord of the red sands from his, admittedly, relaxed practice attempting to mimic his brothers seemingly impenetrable moments of internal meditation and self study. He didn't know how he had the level of control to empty his mind of all thoughts, especially when they were fighting those he spoke loudly and often of his seething hatred and contempt for. One of his mask wearing followers told him it was because his own mind was to open to outside influences and emotions, and thus it was a harder task for Angron to compose himself and obtain the self mastery his brother touted and flaunted so easily.

"Meaning of what? My brother gathering those with the gift to turn their own spirit into a weapon?" He asked brusquely, speaking casual with his brother in arms, an old comrade of the fighting pits of the Thal'kr "He can train them, its a dangerous art for most men to master, not anything like honing one's skill with the blade or tempering their rage in battle so it doesn't overcome and become them"

"You're talking like he does, you know that isn't what's I'm talking about" His old friend growled at him, stepping in front of him and all but rattling his sword in its sheath "Whisking them away in the night, our people, vanishing them. That's suspicious, even if he's helped us already and his men have killed scores of those high rider fuckers"

"They need training, and unlike me can't master the art with a little advice and couching" Angron sighed heavily "I know how bad it looks, brings to mind slave trades. But its safer where he's taking them"

"He has a serpent's tongue, whose to say he isn't lying now" He spat back "I'm not saying he's a slaver, before you get angry, I'm just saying, what if this Mist land isn't as safe as he says"

"You see how fat in the cheeks some of his people are? How calm they are? They're used to plenty and safety" Angron said, reassuringly, using his empathetic ability to grind away slivers of his brother's fear and worries, alleviating his concerns with both reason and his own mental aura of confidence "They'll be protected and well fed, and they'll be trained. As my brother told me, its better this way, for if the war drags on long enough for them to be fully trained, they'll become assets to our army rather than risks"

"And the moment they're trained" His brother sighed, falling into his arms "They'll be brought back?"

"Of course" Angron said "Now, how about we get your mind of this, before you say something to someone who has the power or stupidity to bungle our plan to guard those gifted to be living weapons, a bit of exercise should clear your mind"

"I'd rather remain here. But, I know my duty and obey it" Carys says "These untrained psykers pose a grave risk to this world"
