On the other side of the Sea of Giants, beyond the vast ever-changing ruin where the Maelstrom’s touch rose and fell, there was Caelus. The Great Continent, the Old World. It was dizzyingly large, enough to swallow Vinstraga and Zhantao both, and the Federation dominated wherever one might point. The Northern Reaches, where the ancestors of Vinstraga’s peoples once sailed from, the Western Shatter, the heartlands of Caelus where the Federation had sprung. The far east that touched the home of the people who claimed to bear the blood of primordial dragons, and the arid South that held Petrekora, and neighbored the lands of the Hvrgullites who believed the Golden Star and the Sun were their patrons. Only a century in the past, the continent had housed as many states and peoples, with all of their loves, their woes, and their conflicts, as trees in a great forest. Now, the Caelussian Federation protected- and dominated- near all of it. Yet for how deep those mystical lost woods were, not one place in it that Sglaza had been had felt like home. Only the battlefield had been a place she belonged- a place with no people of its own, but a home nevertheless. Sglaza sat on the edge of the turret of her tank, another wanderer from the Old World, but a much newer one- not even a year old- a new year’s baby, perhaps. The night here was warm, and the breeze was a ticklish sort that did not chill the bone like the northern reaches she grew up in. Those people were whom these Vynmark folk were descended from- the Nauk, but of the Old World. She recognized some words, but the tongue had drifted apart over the centuries- even before the Federation engulfed the North. Since there was no battle for her or her people yet, she turned over the question of understanding these people. What they fought, died for. Apparently, this place had been peaceful for a very long time. Not like the Nauk of the Old World, who had known war against one another before the Federation, and found themselves conscripted afterwards in conflicts to expand the Federation’s influence. Did they die for the sake of peace? Maybe. The peace that North Caelus had was one of subjugation, but the Federation insisted it was far superior to what had been before. That was before Sglaza had been born, but not before her father’s birth. He disagreed with the Federation’s truth. Unknowingly encouraged his daughter’s flight from a home no longer home. “Hey, Matti boy,” she cooed down to the turret, “Why’re we here?” “Not now, red eye,” the young gunner muttered scornfully. “Not being tricked on that one tonight.” Sglaza smirked. He was so easy to mess with. She crossed her arms and sighed with a lean back, to look at the sky. The half-moon’s ghostly glow was prettier here than she’d ever seen. -----
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Quoted By:
Last Thread here-
>>5546421 It's been archived, though, so check suptg if you can't go from here.
So, unfortunately, the turn isn't ready yet- it will be when I get back tonight. Until then, I'm gonna put up all the necessary material.
Like a manual with some fixes in it. There's probably still things missing that aren't like super special rules or that sort of thing. It's inevitable at this point.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
For now, though, just putting this up early so everybody can find it and have autorefresh on or whatever. Next turn's probably going to be eventful.
Villi Niel [J-3]
Casimir Sikorsky [C-2]
Quoted By:
>>5588058 >The far east that touched the home of the people who claimed to bear the blood of primordial dragons Huh, so if there were no Malestroms you could technically walk/drive to Caelus from Vinstraga by going west through Zhantao?
[D-9] Von Totmann
Jonah Vilgerson
Quoted By:
Jonah here, if I don't show up for a while raine or totman have control of my character
Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Quoted By:
>>5588058 I'm here. Good job on the manual, tanq. Looks great.
[J-1] Frederica Von Zufalligdorf !!A5ANDj+KATg
[J-1] Frederica Von Zufalligdorf !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:NhIEZXFM Sat 04 Mar 2023 08:39:59 No. 5588413 Report Quoted By:
Caroline M. Vix [C-1]
Ilse Anna Degenhardt-Iðunardóttir [J-8] !!IQutGeX9+Yk
Ilse Anna Degenhardt-Iðunardóttir [J-8] !!IQutGeX9+Yk ID:MdWsVb8P Sat 04 Mar 2023 15:32:00 No. 5588633 Report Quoted By:
>>5588058 Degenhardt reporting in.
Albert Von Carlstadt [R-10] !08f2tLaJ9s
Albert Von Carlstadt [R-10] !08f2tLaJ9s ID:WUkkxQKc Sat 04 Mar 2023 15:45:31 No. 5588644 Report Quoted By:
Stefan Eberhardt [D-11]
Adrian Ferrari [D-3]
Quoted By:
I'm here as well
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Rolled 4, 3 = 7 (2d4) Alright, about there. Just tired lately. As some brief clarification/mechanical adjustment, though- Mortars have 7 range Artillery may fire immediately, but only if there is direct line of sight to the target. Otherwise, there is a turn delay. This is to make it more consistent with earlier use. Just because it's closer doesn't mean they still can't see what they're shooting at. Anyways, another one of these.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Quoted By:
Alright, yeah, sorry, today's not happening either. I woke up wiped out and that hasn't changed. Turn'll be ready tomorrow.
Quoted By:
>>5589164 >Pain Surely they'll run out of reinforcements at some point right?
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Quoted By:
>City Troops Initiative and Spotting- 4, 9, >Southwest Tanks Initiative and Spotting- 6, 9, >Southwest Motorized Initiative and Spotting- 8, 8 ----->INI 16- J-7 Black 1- Attacks hh14 T-8Rs. ATK 4 vs DEF 4, 5+ to Hit. 1 Hit, One Target Destroyed. >INI 15- R-10 Carlstadt- Attacks ff31 BM-2. Target Destroyed. >INI 11- D-1 Krogh- Attacks dd28 Twaryian Fusiliers- ATK 2,3 vs DEF 4+1, 4, 8+, 6+ to Hit. 1 Grenade Hit, 2 Flamethrower Hit, 1 Crit. 6 Damage. One Target Destroyed. >INI 9- D-6 Wester- Attacks ff28 Twaryian Fusiliers. ATK 4+1, 5, 4, vs DEF 4+1, 4, 4+1. 5+, 4+, 6+ to Hit. 5 Hits, 3 Flamethrower Hits, 3 MG Hits, 1 MG Crit. 13 Damage. Three targets destroyed. >INI 9- R-4 Von Eschenz- Attacks dd28 Twaryian Fusiliers. ATK 4 vs DEF 4+1, 6+ to Hit. No Hits. (Directly flanked anyways, out of attack arc) >INI 9- J-2 Gabriel- Attacks dd11 T-16s. ATK 4 vs DEF 3- 4+ to Hit. 3 Hits. PRC 7 vs ARM 3, 2 Extra Damage per Hit. 3 Targets Destroyed. >INI 9- Q31 T-8s- Attack Blocked by Smoke! >INI 9- P32 T-8s- Attack Blocked by Smoke! >INI 9- D-3 Ferrari- Attacks dd28 Twaryian Fusiliers. ATK 2, 3 vs DEF 4+1, 4- 8+, 6+ to Hit. [Knife Fighter] 2 Crits, 4 Damage. Target Destroyed. >INI 8(9-1 for Gas Protection)- dd28 Twaryian Fusiliers- Attacks D-1 Krogh and R-4 Von Eschenz. ATK 2+1 vs DEF 2+1, 4+1. 5+, 7+ to Hit. 2 Rifles, 2 MGs, 2 Grenades (Rolled 3, 9, 10, 6, 7, 7). (R-4’s Seawind Token- Reduces enemy rolls by 2)- 1 Rifle Hit, 1 MG Hit, 2 damage. (Squads 3, 4 take 1 Damage) >INI 8- C-2 Sikorsky- Attacks dd28 Twaryian Fusiliers. ATK 4 vs DEF 4+1, 6+ to Hit. 3 Cannon Hits, 5 MG Hits. 10 Damage. Target Destroyed. >INI 7- J-4 Giovanni- Attacks cc11 T-8s. ATK 6 vs DEF 3, 2+ to Hit. 2 Targets Destroyed. >INI 6- D-11 Eberhardt- Attacks hh14 T-8Rs. PRC 2 vs ARM 1, ATK 2 vs DEF 4, 7+ to Hit. 1 Crit, 3 Hits. 5 Damage. Target Destroyed. >INI 6- D-9 Von Totmann- Attacks ee11 T-8s. ATK 2 vs DEF 3, 6+ to Hit. (Rolled 1, 8, 5, 8, 7] Three Hits, Three Targets Destroyed. >INI 0- Q30 BM-AT- Attack Blocked by Smoke!
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
>Reaction Fire- J-3 Niel- Attacks T-16 that moves into range. ATK 6 vs DEF 3, 2+ to Hit. (Rolled 7) PRC 7 vs ARM 3, +2 Damage. Target Destroyed. The pursuers to the north most likely did not expect to face the fury they did as their entrance to this battle, from how poorly they received the battering. Near the whole of the front elements were wiped out, but they continued to approach- with plenty behind. Flares went up- all over- few dared to look up for how blinding the light was after lurking in the night for hours. At the same time, the urban fighting was wrapped up in a storm of violence where the shock of multi-directional attack, some from overwhelmingly powerful units, scattered and destroyed the Twaryians left in the town. The picture of the situation, from the perspective of the command and staff of the battalion, seemed good. If the Twaryians were going to be this easy to dispatch, then there would be no trouble staying, let alone moving along- had the quartermasters not had a firsthand view of how much ammunition was leaving the convoy and being distributed out. Such a summary of general good fortune, however, was not to last. The size of the element approaching from the rear became more and more apparent- as well as the truth of its maneuvering. While most of them were following the road, not all of them were- Lieutenant Orlik had spotted an entire armored company approaching from the northeast, and only exceptional foresight prevented him from being a terribly vulnerable target. Yet more enemies attacked from the south, assuredly emboldened by the arrival of northern reinforcements- a coordinated attack for certain. The only choice, as it was already known, was to push on ahead. Any rear action would just be to buy time. Yet even the tip of the spear had encountered trouble- of a different sort. The sudden appearance of a third remote explosive right in the midst of a speedy advance down the road had caused incredible chaos. Vehicles swerved to and from to avoid colliding with the squat vehicle, and the only thing that prevented disaster was, assuredly, that the operators had expected this encounter just as little as the battalion’s van had, with Kannenpflanze’s tanks practically running right up on the control cars.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
The amount of fooling around with the bombs was wearing on Major Yule’s nerves, frankly. The sooner that the Battalion was out of Jagterfisk Pools now, the better- lest even more of the enigmatic things come around. One of the nobles with an infantry accompaniment had appropriated a wrecker to tow the bomb over, and it made gurgling and groaning noises as it was pulled, the strange odor from it becoming ever sharper, and another officer was messing about with captured control systems, even though instructions to them were of little use written in the Caelussian alphabet. The plan was evidently to turn the Twaryian’s own weapon upon them- it certainly couldn’t be excused as an attack by Vynmark, Yule supposed, given that Vynmark had nothing like this. Though he was more reassured by Raine’s capture of cannons. If things went poorly, there would be no opportunity to reinforce or resupply even after they broke through to a place where there was a proper front and back line. That would inevitably mean using whatever could be found. Just not any more of those tracked bombs.>Turn is Open I've inevitably messed at least a couple things, but up front, I didn't do artillery calculations at first, realized I didn't, then when I went back it seemed like it wouldn't have made any difference in practical results anyways. Oh well.
[R-8] Volger
Rolled 1, 6, 8, 8, 9, 6, 4, 4, 6, 9 = 61 (10d10) >>5590545 >Initiative, Spot >Fire 4 x 3.7cm cannon vs BM-S at X-32 >Fire 4 x 8mm MG vs BM-S at X-32 >Pop Smoke >Reserve Move The knife ears' anti-tank cars materialized out of the dark like wraiths. Too close for evasive maneuevers or strategy. Nothing for it but to fire everything and pray to whoever's up there.
[D-9] Von Totmann
>>5590542 I believe you forgot about my reactice fire? I should have had 4 guns waiting to shoot at anything coming into range, and there are 2 T-8s I could take some shots at.
[R-8] Volger
Quoted By:
Rolled 1, 2, 1, 1 = 5 (4d2) >>5590584 Rolling Explosive. Also we can assume that I will take whatever C-5's command radio initiative roll is to replace my 1. (Please roll high Martins ...)
Villi Niel [J-3]
Rolled 3, 7, 2, 2 = 14 (4d10) >>5590545 >Initiative >Spotting Not 100% sure if I need this, the trucks started off outside of illuminaton, now they're in it but in cover. If not, pls ignore.
>Shooting HE at the gassed trucks on gg13 with the single 7.7cm >I've inevitably messed at least a couple things I don't think the last Reaction Fire kill on the lone T-16 at ee13 is mine. It's a little ways out of my arc.
>>5590600 >It's a little ways out of my arc. I don't think it is? It's within your range and nothing blocks your line of sight to it.
>>5590545 Hey Tanq can people shoot through the Yellow and Pink Boxes or are those full terrain tiles?
[D-9] Von Totmann
Quoted By:
>>5590586 Nevermind looking through the log I apparently shot some T-8s during the shooting phase.
Gunther Lutzow-Spelinger [C-3] !!c22z0QTmIiu
Gunther Lutzow-Spelinger [C-3] !!c22z0QTmIiu ID:1kFl/Ncz Mon 06 Mar 2023 01:41:22 No. 5590624 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 3, 10 = 13 (2d10) >>5590545 >Initiative (radio) >Spotting >Move S S SE Walter Splitterschwert [R-1]
Walter Splitterschwert [R-1] ID:53tMsFCi Mon 06 Mar 2023 01:44:46 No. 5590628 Report Rolled 7, 4 = 11 (2d10) >>5590545 I think I'm supposed to be on mm33. And if that's okay then:
>Turn Roll: init, spot
Fire: None
>Move: SE, SW, Pivot W ending on mm35 Villi Niel [J-3]
>>5590608 Double checking, [D-10] did drop smoke on dd20 for turn 5 that should probably still be there blocking the shot, but now the more pressing matter is whether or not I've been correctly interpreting
>Fixed weapons may only fire upon a unit's movement facing - the front and directly adjacent diagonals to mean the read the red triangle this entire skirmish, or if I should have been using the blue one.
If it's the latter then I'd like to submit my request to resign as a unit commander and join Gabriel's crew as a second monkey.
Black 1 [J-7]
>>5590545 "Damn those bloody cowards."
Black Leader bit his thumb anxiously when it became clear the heavy targets would not move how he wanted. He took a deep sigh, steadying himself as he watched out in the darkness. An overwhelming wave of T-16s come through the radio but that front had nothing to do with him.
It was the North where they were needed, where they would do the most help for the cause.
"All units hold, try to aim for the heavies."
>Reserve Fire, prioritize heavies. >>5585580 "Lietenant Wesker, before you leave would you mind flaring that T-16 group in cover I want to try to hit them just as they leave the forest. That will be my only clear shot, otherwise the infantry will block them going down the road."
Gunther Lutzow-Spelinger [C-3] !!c22z0QTmIiu
Gunther Lutzow-Spelinger [C-3] !!c22z0QTmIiu ID:1kFl/Ncz Mon 06 Mar 2023 02:06:02 No. 5590645 Report >>5590633 The blue lines is the correct interpretation
>>5590633 Hull-mounted weapons are 90 degrees so the blue cone yes.
Gunther Lutzow-Spelinger [C-3] !!c22z0QTmIiu
Gunther Lutzow-Spelinger [C-3] !!c22z0QTmIiu ID:1kFl/Ncz Mon 06 Mar 2023 02:10:10 No. 5590651 Report Quoted By:
>>5590645 Well really it would look like pic related if there was nothing blocking you. I have no idea how you got those red lines, it doesn't seem to follow any sense of square measurement used in the rules. Note how the orange lines are the front diagonals (you can move along these lines if you are facing north).
Villi Niel [J-3]
Roman Orlik [R-9]
>>5590545 >Move 3 SW to jj21, the forest. Roman Orlik [R-9]
Quoted By:
Rolled 5, 9 = 14 (2d10) >>5590676 >Rolling initiative and spotting I guess. Nathan Gabriel [J-2]
Rolled 6, 2, 2, 2, 7, 9 = 28 (6d10) >>5590676 >Initiative and spotting >Fire on the T-15s in the forest >Pivot South and move to 24dd Specialist Franziska Vilgerson [C-7]
Specialist Franziska Vilgerson [C-7] ID:s0VW5hEG Mon 06 Mar 2023 02:58:26 No. 5590708 Report >>5590545 >Fire flare on T-8R >Move to 23jj Nathan Gabriel [J-2]
>>5590545 Sorry I brain farted, same actions and the dice are here.
>>5590689 >Initiative and spotting >Fire on the T-15s in the forest >Pivot South and move to 24dd Initiative
>6 Decent shots
>7 and 9 Jonah 'Just Fuck my Shit up' Vilgerson
Jonah 'Just Fuck my Shit up' Vilgerson ID:LVhmtuuH Mon 06 Mar 2023 03:16:51 No. 5590722 Report Rolled 4, 4, 7, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 7, 9, 7, 8 = 57 (12d10) >>5590542 Tanq can I lose on initiative so I get my caravan's favor? if so I do that. If not then I move
>Flare infantry NW to get rid of their bonuses >Kashoot any Targets I can shoot >Mount <<if I can't lose in ini Then Move E>> >Move E >Move E >Move E Adrian Ferrari [D-3]
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5590545 >Move SE, S into ff35 >dismount >dig in rolling spotting
D2 - Kohlkopf
Quoted By:
Rolled 9 (1d10) >>5590542 >Move 1 west, 3 SW >Free Spot Casimir Sikorsky [C-2]
Quoted By:
>>5590545 >Fire flare pistol on cc31 >Move SE,S,S (ending ff33) Casimir Sikorsky [C-2]
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5590545 >Move S,SE,S (ending ff33) >Spotting Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Quoted By:
Rolled 3, 3, 8, 1 = 15 (4d10) >>5590545 While crossing the brief stretch of darkness between the town and the woods up ahead, Kannenpflanze thought he saw something drive past his platoon.
"Lindner, Stoetten, did you see—..."
Before he could finish, he Leo found himself just about face to face with an equally bewildered bat-ear looking out of an armored car's cupola. The descending flares' lights revealed a familiar thick cable running from one of the cars and up the road, to a vehicle that was now in the middle of the convoy.
>Initiative >Shooting, 3x7.5cm at BM-2s >Movement (optimistic): 2xS Kannenpflanze [C-4]
>>5590736 Might wanna try and cut the wire or something if you don't want to get crisped next turn. I rolled like absolute shit, so it's down to you and Wester.
Lt. Vivian Martins [C-5]
Quoted By:
>>5590545 >Spotting and Initiative >Flare P33 where the tank is > Lt. Vivian Martins [C-5]
Rolled 9, 2 = 11 (2d10) >>5590545 >Spotting and Initiative >Flare P33 where the tank is >Move 1S, 1SE, Pivot West >>5584980 "Vix start pulling East, we aren't taking this town. I'm going to be blocking the armor from pushing just stay behind me."
[J-1] Frederica Von Zufalligdorf !!A5ANDj+KATg
[J-1] Frederica Von Zufalligdorf !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:NhIEZXFM Mon 06 Mar 2023 13:09:40 No. 5590886 Report >>5590542 "We're leaving the position," ordered Frederica.
And before the waves of discontented confusion had the time to spread, she added"
"We're facing T-15s now, who we can't penetrate from the front and who will take an hour just to get into our range in any case. We'll leave them to the 75mms and prepare to protect the eastern flank."
>Rotate S, move SW My goal is to take position at hh-25. From there I can cover the road at kk-23 and the whole bottleneck between the forest and the lake.
Alvin Raine [D-5]
>>5590545 >Move to 23kk >Start digging in and camouflaging, prepare in a way that we'll be mostly invisible unless the enemy is right on top of us. >>5575911 "Blondie, I need you to plant some flare and LLG mines on the road south of you if you can. We're going to need every advantage we can get."
>>5590886 You're on the road, you can move way more than that.
[J-1] Frederica Von Zufalligdorf !!A5ANDj+KATg
[J-1] Frederica Von Zufalligdorf !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:NhIEZXFM Mon 06 Mar 2023 13:15:47 No. 5590890 Report Quoted By:
>>5590886 Addendum:
>If my tile counts as having a road, move right to hh-25, face E and start digging in. Nathan Gabriel [J-2]
>>5590710 >>5590545 Changing Gabriel's move
>Initiative and spotting >Flare x23 >Fire on the T-15s in the forest >Pivot South and move to 23cc which is South of Frankovich. >Pivot West Albert Von Carlstadt [R-10] !08f2tLaJ9s
Albert Von Carlstadt [R-10] !08f2tLaJ9s ID:WUkkxQKc Mon 06 Mar 2023 13:26:10 No. 5590900 Report Quoted By:
>>5590545 >Move SE S S >Launch Flare to KK36 Isolde Von Bern [D-10]
>>5590545 Isolde with skillful hands went to work on the bomb, working skillfully to set the bomb against the Twarians. Sweat dripped behind her gasmask as she insisted personally to be the one to do this.
She understood that this was a monstrous war and with the coming tide of steel behind them, the battalion couldn't be picky about their methods but it still ached her heart.
"Command this is Von Bern, the chemical trap has been set. We've left you a hole open, take this route so you don't set it off."
>Turn the ??? tank into a mine. >Move to 23jj, Vilgerson's blocking the spot but I can just dismount infantry on her tile Frankovich Wespe (R-7)
>>5590545 >Fire flare at X22 >Pivot West >Supress Reserve fire Freya Unterbrust [R-3]
Rolled 6, 4, 2, 10, 5, 4, 10, 9, 3, 7, 3 = 63 (11d10) >>5590545 Two units of five trucks all full of Moskity. Not an ideal thing to have to your side, so Freya thanked the Judge, the Dragoon who fired it, and a bit selfishly perhaps, her own instinct to call for the adjustment.
Still, she could only imagine how eager the pointy-eared folk would be to get their hands on her crew. Repositioning was in order, and quickly.
>Spotting >Initiative >Fire x3 2cm cannons [multiattack] at southernmost infantry carriers >Fire x1 13mm cannon [multiattack] at southernmost infantry carriers >Fire 3.7cm cannon at southernmost infantry carriers Movement
>Move S >Move S >Move S >Move S >Deploy smoke racks Freya Unterbrust [R-3]
Quoted By:
Rolled 1 (1d2) >>5590939 >Explosive damage roll Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>5590939 You should be able to hit that infantry at your 2 SW with Hull Mounted MGs still.
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u ID:ewgBNCYp Mon 06 Mar 2023 14:23:34 No. 5590953 Report Rolled 9, 7, 2 = 18 (3d10) >>5590542 >Ini+Spot >Fire 1xCannon flare from m/24K @ii12 (6N, 2NE, PIC RELATED) >Fire 7.7cm from m/31K @T-15's in ii12 (7N, 3NE) >Reverse 1 South >>5590642 "Request received Black 1. Flaring. If you see some Jackass with a Red turret by the way, he's supposed to be an ace but hasn't done much but be a torn in our side. In my case, litteraly. Make sure you don't miss him...I know it might be a stretch, but I can feel that he's here."
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u ID:ewgBNCYp Mon 06 Mar 2023 14:24:37 No. 5590954 Report Quoted By:
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u ID:ewgBNCYp Mon 06 Mar 2023 14:28:30 No. 5590958 Report Quoted By:
>And finally how the turn looks like
Quoted By:
>>5590545 Botting D-7 Lehrson:
>Mount >Move to dd30 >Dismount Move convoy 5x South
Casimir Sikorsky [C-2]
Quoted By:
>>5590780 Sorry, changing this to
>Move 5x S (ending ee35, where the BM-2s are at right now) Villi Niel [J-3]
>>5590545 >>5590600 Last roll should have been on a separate d4 not a d10, still a 2, so whatever. If I may tack on at the last minute
>Fire 5cm smoke on hh21 >Pistol flare on ll17 >Move N Kannenpflanze [C-4]
>>5590985 5cms can't smoke. Only support guns can. LLG doesn't conceal anymore.
Villi Niel [J-3]
>>5590987 Ah yeah, there's that other 5cm that does the smoke isn't there, thanks for the reminder.
Next time don't say anything and just let me gas myself so I can learn the hard way.
>>5590985 Tacking on to tacking to hopefully make the worst turn in history.
>Pistol flare on ll17 >Move N >Reserve fire with 5cm Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Quoted By:
>>5590994 You know, I didn't look at your movement and if I had, I probably wouldn't have said anything. It would've been too funny.
Kannenpflanze [C-4]
>>5590994 Ah, can't reserve fire and move, either. Sorry. At this point it seems like I have it out for you or something.
Daate Giovanni [J-4]
Rolled 6, 7, 5, 4 = 22 (4d10) >>5590545 >Spotting >Initiative >Fire x2 7.7cm Cannon at the T8 on cc15 >Move SE >Move SE Villi Niel [J-3]
Quoted By:
>>5591000 No at this point I think I've throughly proved I'm just retarded.
Thankfully tanq is a merciful janny who will sweep away my mistakes into a neat pile that makes sense next turn.
>>5591002 Giovanni the LLG smoke doesn't block line of sight so you have a shot at the T-15s. Having that T-15 group hit would help alot.
Daate Giovanni [J-4]
>>5591010 The ones on ii12?
I thought Wesker and Gabriel had those covered already.
Kannenpflanze [C-4]
>>5591016 Not really. Looks like they need to be finished off.
Daate Giovanni [J-4]
>>5591020 Righto.
We might wanna do something about that T8 before it starts getting ideas though. Don't want it pulling anything cheeky.
>>5590545 >>5591002 Changing Target from T8 on cc15 to the T15 group on ii12.
Quoted By:
>>5591016 Yeah Gabriel hits 2, dunno about Wesker but they're Armor 5 with 3 HP so they need 2 hits from a 7.7cm.
>>5591039 Totmann should be clearing the 2 T-8s at West.
The T-8 at the town is probably fine but Eberhardt can also plink at them with Biter+AT Rifles+Marksman
Daate Giovanni [J-4]
>>5591043 Glad to hear we got everything covered then.
Luther Wester [D-6] !!8C1UuC+54vi
Luther Wester [D-6] !!8C1UuC+54vi ID:8aTsb8Md Mon 06 Mar 2023 16:38:05 No. 5591095 Report >>5590545 So before I take my turn I need some quick clarifications to determine actions.
1) Am I in a surprise encounter with the bomb in my square?
-1a) If so, am I allowed to dismount before I count my base initative? (asking since dismounting is a free action and it would affect my base initative)
2) Can you use the initiative of a Radio holder in surprise encounters?
3) Since I am also a Northwesterly, do I gain any initative bonuses from the presence of the Sky Queen or am I too far away for it to matter/the bonus only applies to a unit she's currently attached too?
Gauthier [D-4]
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5590545 >Rolling for spotting >Move SW >Move S >Move S >Move S Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>5591134 Man this battalion sure does love Spotting.
Adrian Ferrari [D-3]
>>5590821 >>5591095 I was assuming I could leave it to D-6 to take care of the bomb if necessary, but it would be helpful to know whether cutting the cord counts as an attack or a special action, and whether it's possible to move after doing it, since if so then I suppose there's no reason for me not to help. There's also the question of whether cutting the cord is a guaranteed success or not - last thread mentioned that D-5 was able to do it "with relative ease" which made me think D-6 would be able to take care of it himself, but it would be good to confirm. Tanq are you able to provide more guidance on what's actually required to cut the cord?
When do we get the option to switch our Spotting and Initiative rolls? This is ridiculous
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
>>5590619 Pink is terrain.
Yellow is not. The blob is a tower, not an L-shaped building. No, it doesn't give you any particular mechanical bonus to be in it, just saying that to keep things simple.
>>5590628 Noted, changed to Southeast as actual.
>>5590669 I'll be fair and say that the thinner arc is a more accurate reflection of what a casemate tank destroyer's actual traverse range would be, but the abstraction is basically being able to make relatively minor movement adjustments. Otherwise the lack of diagonal facings would really hurt TD's ability to actually shoot at anything.
Anyways resignation and request for monkey status denied there's only one instance of zoological contraband allowed.
>>5590722 >Can I lose on initiative so I get my caravan's favor? Yes. I'll do my best to actually remember it this time.
>>5591095 >1) Am I in a surprise encounter with the bomb in my square? Technically yes- but in your present state I don't think you'd want to do anything to it.
>-1a) If so, am I allowed to dismount before I count my base initative? (asking since dismounting is a free action and it would affect my base initative) Dismounting is free- but surprise encounters allow no other actions besides shooting, and only with direct damage weaponry, ie no smoke or gas.
>2) Can you use the initiative of a Radio holder in surprise encounters? You cannot, but the initiative bonus from being in their zone does apply.
>3) Since I am also a Northwesterly, do I gain any initative bonuses from the presence of the Sky Queen or am I too far away for it to matter/the bonus only applies to a unit she's currently attached too? You would if she was attached to the unit. As things stand now, you are too far off- in that she isn't directly in your square.
Being infantry, you do have the unique circumstance of being able to get into the same square as a vehicle unit she's attached to. This would apply her blessing to both of you.
>>5591296 Too busy gawking at the sights to actually start acting on them.
There's a couple I missed from last thread's end, I think. Should probably address such. I say a couple even though there's one because I have a strong feeling that there's a question I missed that I'm just not finding.
>>5585213 >Concerning this journey south toward Sodrakron we're on, do we in character know where the occupants of these empty towns we've been fighting through have been evacuated to, and would we know to expect to run into civilians the closer we get to the coast? It's been a solid few days since the evacuations, but they would have headed due west towards the heart of Vynmark. Sodrakron isn't actually where you're going- it being under direct threat would be...pretty much the end. There is an offensive going on that's presumed to be striking <span class="mu-i">towards</span> it, though. You're not expecting to run into any civilians- unless they're coming from where the evacuations didn't manage to kick off before the Twaryians took the ground.
Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ
Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ ID:9fK8MpZK Mon 06 Mar 2023 21:10:30 No. 5591342 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5590542 Wont be able to do some fluff this round as I'm very tired, so I'll just do my movements.
>Spotting >Move SE >Pivot E That should leave me with +1 INI for the next round
Caroline M. Vix [C-1]
Rolled 10, 4, 6, 6, 4 = 30 (5d10) >>5590545 >Init >Spotting >Fire tanks at P-33 with AP shells >8cm Howitzer, 5cm cannons x2 >Rotate East, Move X-34 Every person in tank got pushed forward as tracks ground to halt and smoke fell to the ground. An tactical retreat was beginning Vix didn't like the idea of leaving enemies into sides of allies and even less leaving them to her rear. "Start falling back towards south-east we'll fire at those tanks as we move prepare AP hots."
>>5590877 "Yea i will good to hear someone will be deterring them from instantly moving in. I'll see if i can keep those infantry men from hitting your rear."
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
As a heads up, I know 4chan was down for some time, so I was planning on doing the turn tomorrow morning anyways.
>>5591294 >Tanq are you able to provide more guidance on what's actually required to cut the cord? You basically have to be able to get out and hack at it- it's not exactly hard for a bunch of men to pounce on it and just do what their instincts tell them to, but they do have to be out and on their feet to do it. The thing's been designed to, understandably, tolerate being run over.
Jacob Krogh D-1
>>5590545 >Initiative >Dismount >Fire x6 rifles and x6 mg's at infantry in z32 >Dig in >>5591395 What does "allows an additional attack" mean for the mg's? Do I just roll for x7 mg's? I'll just roll for my initiative for now because I think I'm missing something.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
>>5591440 >What does "allows an additional attack" mean for the mg's? Do I just roll for x7 mg's? Pretty much- though it's per subunit, so it's x6 attacks- x6 for rifles, x6 for MGs. There's not really many "weapons" that <span class="mu-i">don't</span> give an attack of some kind, but practically speaking, machine guns have the same stats as rifles so they're the heavy slot option for having each subunit have another attack at rifle range.
Jacob Krogh D-1
Quoted By:
Rolled 1, 5, 9, 2, 5, 8, 6, 10, 9, 2, 7, 9, 7 = 80 (13d10) >>5591448 Ok thanks
>>5591440 Rolls in order
6 rifles
6 mg's
Adrian Ferrari [D-3]
>>5591395 >>5591095 Alright, in that case Wester if you wouldn't mind taking care of it it sounds like it shouldn't be a problem, and I'll go ahead with my move as planned and get eyes on the next town. Disabling three of those things without any getting set off is pretty good, this rate of advance seems to be working out for us. And I'm sure they can't possibly have many more of those things lying around. Right?
Albert von Eschenz [R-4]
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5590542 pretty sure that arrow means that I did pivot but I'm gonna remind that I did pivot South last turn just in case.
>move 2x South >spotting [D-9] Von Totmann
Rolled 10, 10, 4, 8, 3, 7, 4 = 46 (7d10) >>5590542 >init (+3 from state, +4 from standing still +1 from radio) >spotting >shoot 4 40mm guns at the T-8s in cc15 >shoot 1 40mm gun at the T-8 in ff13 >use fire and movement to move to my trucks, hopefully dodging any return fire >move S, SE (cc23) >dismount and dig in with camo Good ambush, hopefully that gives them a moments pause. Time to set up a new one.
[D-9] Von Totmann
Quoted By:
>>5591526 Oops, I should be arriving at dd23, not cc23
Stefan Eberhardt [D-11]
Quoted By:
Rolled 10, 5, 2, 7, 1, 7, 8, 1, 6, 6, 8, 3 = 64 (12d10) >>5590542 >Initiative (+4 from no Movement, +1 from Radio) >Spotting >Fire: 5 Rifles + MG's with marksmen equipment at gg13 Trucks if able. >Use Fire and Manuver to return to APC's >Move: S, end Move at dd22, Dismount and Dig in. The sight of the black outlines of Twaryian crewmen bailing out of a smoldering T-8 brought a flicker of a smile to Eberhardt's face, the neat holes punched through the tanks vision slits, optics, and turret ring reinforced the training he had drilled his men in relentlessly. It was paltry work compared to the heavy naval guns of the tank destroyers flanking the small forest they had taken refuge in. A few loud yells to his left confirmed that Von Totmanns impromptu AT platoon was limbering up the guns and withdrawing deeper into the woods, a good plan, Twaryian artillery was sure to be zeroing in on them.
"Time to go boys, we are falling back deeper into the woods! Get ready for them to send in some bastards after us." He yelled even as rifles and machine guns cracked and chattered after the illusive silhouettes of trucks in the distance. Hopefully, the Twaryian gunners would aim short rather than far.
Ilse Anna Degenhardt-Iðunardóttir [J-8] !!IQutGeX9+Yk
Ilse Anna Degenhardt-Iðunardóttir [J-8] !!IQutGeX9+Yk ID:MdWsVb8P Tue 07 Mar 2023 01:53:37 No. 5591662 Report Rolled 1, 3, 7, 5, 3, 8 = 27 (6d10) >>5590545 "Platoon, fire a spread of flares between that town and the forest to our front right. Kröning, Noelle, hit the town, Siess get the field. Fire."
A sheet of light burst out over fields abutting the town, the flares over the town coming late as Halla was slow switching out the shells. Presumably Kröning and Noelle's loaders were similarly slow compared to Siess's well practiced crew. If nothing else the light would make the bat-ears readily apparent to the battalion should any of Ilse's fellows continue the foolish push into the town.
"Platoon, turn south, we're moving on."
Turning to Hanna - no, Gardon, if she kept thinking Hanna then she'd mix her up with Halla again - she said "Hanna turn us around south and get us out of here, this fight isn't worth it."
They'd just barely turned around when a loud thump startled the crew. Gas, no...smoke wafted up all around them. A few precious moments were spent in private embarrassment as Ilse struggled to get her subordinates refocused instead of scrambling for their masks.
As they made their way further south Ilse let the reports crackling over the platoon net occupy her concentration. It seemed like the rearguard was in danger of being flanked from the north-east, and some proactive lieutenants were going about organizing a defence.
They'd just about reached the road leading west out of Jagterfisk Pools when Ilse spotted a swarm of black trucks burst out from the forest ahead, illuminated by the wan light of a dying flare for all to see.
"I see it."
What were they thinking? Committing group suicide? They must be confident if they were willing to leap into the open like that. Still, they were about to fuck Unterbrust over, and Ilse doubted they intended to pay.
"Load high explosive shells and fire at will! Target the motorized infantry!" Ilse hurriedly shouted into her radio.
The tank destroyer lurched back as the 'light' naval gun sent death screaming towards the enemy. Black smoke obscured the results. The sound of machinegun and autocannon fire rending the target rich environment in front of her assured Ilse that she wouldn't be needed here anymore.
"Turn onto the road into Jagterfisk, we're joining the north-eastern defence."
>Spotting and Initiative >Fire high explosive shells at the motorized infantry unit to the south of me, the closest one. >Pivot to face east, move E,E,NE,E. Hoping Eschenz moves out of the way so I can occupy that tile on my last movement. If not then obviously ignore that last tile of movement. >Hook up any salvageable 4.5 cm AT guns to my TDs to tow behind us if Eschenz doesn't move out of the way and I end up in the tile with the AT guns. Otherwise do the same with any salvageable looking combat cars on dd27. Ilse Anna Degenhardt-Iðunardóttir [J-8] !!IQutGeX9+Yk
Ilse Anna Degenhardt-Iðunardóttir [J-8] !!IQutGeX9+Yk ID:MdWsVb8P Tue 07 Mar 2023 02:57:02 No. 5591745 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 2, 3, 3, 2 = 10 (4d4) >>5590545 >>5591662 Rolling explosive damage.
Albert von Eschenz [R-4]
Quoted By:
>>5590542 >>5591516 >changing movement to ee29 Luther Wester [D-6] !!8C1UuC+54vi
Luther Wester [D-6] !!8C1UuC+54vi ID:8aTsb8Md Tue 07 Mar 2023 08:38:44 No. 5592157 Report Rolled 8, 3, 5, 8, 4, 3, 8, 4, 3, 9, 1, 1, 5, 9, 10 = 81 (15d10) >>5591334 >Technically yes- but in your present state I don't think you'd want to do anything to it. The reason I was asking is that I would've wanted to use the surprise encounter action to hack the cable to pieces if possible, but since only firing weapons is allowed it's become moot.
The road ahead of Wester became a frantic scuffle as vehicles swerved both to the left and right side off the road to avoid whatever was causing this upset, some even diving into the ditch in desperation as paniced shouting came over the Battalion net. Had the enemy launched a surprise blitz down the road with their own armor? They'd have to get off the road then, and fast before the enemy could get a bead on them or they'd be sitting ducks. The T/24's were armored, unlike the trucks, but they weren't built to withstand concentrated cannon fire, least not at such close range.
Before he could give the order however, the object in question came hurtling down the road. The lead vehicle was attentive enough to dodge out of the way, but the driver of his carrier at the rear of the formation didn't have enough time to react as it slammed into, and began scraping along the side of the APC before coming to a complete stop. With the engine of the transport now quiet, a deep reverbing lapping could be heard as a liquid was rolling around inside a heavy steel drum. The smell of copper made it's intrusive assault on his nostrils.
Not good.
"Everybody out!". He didn't need the radio to relay this message, the volume would be enough to carry the commands through the tight formation. As his soldiers filed out of their vehicles, he could see the silhouettes of at least two platoons worth of trucks gunning it across the plains straight towards their advancing column.
Great, that's just what he needed right now, a distraction. He locked eyes with his second-in-command as he came bursting out of his own vehicle just further down the road.
"Wilhelm, take second squad and Cut. That. Cable! I don't care if you have to chew through it with your teeth, if that cable isn't history in three minutes we will be!". Acknowleding with a nod, Wilhelm rounded up his men and set to work immediately. Hopefully it would prove no more difficult than defusing the first bomb.
"Bring the Sardine Cans round west and lay down fire on those approaching trucks before they can dismount and return fire. I wanted to see holes in that canvas five minutes ago!".
>>5590545 >Dismount >First die for initiative >Destroy the cable to the remote bomb with one subunit (if I don't need to commit the whole platoon to cutting the cable) >Attack Twaryian Fusiliers in Z33 with x3 Infantry Rifle/Machine Guns and x8 T/24 Machine Guns (if I need the whole platoon disregard the first six combat dice) >If I can and need to use my Northwesterlies Token to out-initiative the detonation of the rIME bomb then use the token >Move SW to DD33 (stay dismounted, move with the APCs) if I am not dead from war crimes tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Rolled 2, 2, 2, 6, 1 = 13 (5d10) Alright, later than I wanted to sleep, but oh well. Roll time, as most would expect, this'll take a while, so if you want to bot anybody not present, now is the time. It's not something I feel particularly comfortable with, what with knowing where everybody is and how they'll act, and all, but I can try my best. Spot and INI for->Northeast >Northwest >West >Southwest >BM-2 with the Bomb
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Rolled 6, 8, 6, 9, 3 = 32 (5d10) >>5592750 ...Well, let's get the other half this time, sheesh.
Quoted By:
>>5592751 Tanq I swear you're siphoning up everyone's luck when it comes to initiative. At least the bomb rolled low.
[D-12] Meerswelle Krachen
[D-12] Meerswelle Krachen ID:elWsvAKF Wed 08 Mar 2023 00:00:46 No. 5592914 Report Quoted By:
>>5590545 Botting D-12
>Grab whatever motorcycles are still intact. >Plant an LLG mine on South if possible. >Move SW and Dig in. >Move tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Rolled 3, 3 = 6 (2d4) Oh right this thing too. I hope you didn't think they stopped.
Quoted By:
Updated this with all the new and dropped people, based on
>>5588064 Anonymous
>>5593131 Hey Tanq settle a curiosity real quick. I know the 7.7cm is probably closer to the 76mm naval guns that got used a lot during the world wars but is the 7.7cm closer in performance to the irl 17pdr or Sherman 76?
We're discussing the 32B that Panzer Commander MC seems to be getting on discord.
Quoted By:
>>5593131 >>5593663 To clarify, there's a mini-discussion on what a Roland II's stats would be like, especially in the gun department. Anonymous
Quoted By:
The bomb blew up and killed Tanq.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Sorry for dropping off the face of the earth for a couple days. I'm almost done, but I have to head off. I'll post things when I get back, there's not much left to do so it'll actually be then and not the next morning.
As a small spoiler, you did not get blown up by the rIME bomb.
>>5593663 > I know the 7.7cm is probably closer to the 76mm naval guns that got used a lot during the world wars but is the 7.7cm closer in performance to the irl 17pdr or Sherman 76? Well, the 7.7cm here doesn't have the 17 pounder's later war APDS ammunition that helped to give it its crazy projectile velocity, so it's hard to say. I'd guess without that it's about akin to, perhaps, the AA-gun based 76s such as the aforementioned American one and the Japanese one.
Quoted By:
>>5595370 >As a small spoiler, you did not get blown up by the rIME bomb. Phew.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Quoted By:
Alright, update's coming out now. Only the turn, no writing right now- later for that. I wanted this out last night but I managed to pass out in my chair.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
>INI 18- D-9 Von Totmann- Attacks cc15, ff13 T-8s. ATK 2 vs DEF 3, 3+1, 6+, 7+ to Hit. 2 Hits, cc15 Target Destroyed. Fires and Maneuvers. >INI 18- D-10 Eberhardt- Attacks gg13 Twaryian Motor Scouts. ATK 2 vs DEF 4+1, 8+ to Hit. 2 Hits. >INI 14- J-5 Wesker- Flares. Attacks ii12 T-15s. ATK 6 vs DEF 3+1, 3+ to Hit. Misses. >INI 14- D-6 Wester- 1st Squad destroys remote bomb cable. Other squads attack Z33 Moskity. ATK 4+1, 4 vs DEF 4. 4+, 5+ to Hit. 7 Hits, 1 Crit. >INI 13- C-1 Vix- Attacks P33 T-16s. ATK 4 vs DEF 3+1, Howitzer requires 10 to Hit from inferior PRC, 5+ to Hit. 1 Hit. PRC 5 vs ARM 3, +1 Damage. 2 damage. >INI 12- J-4 Giovanni- Attacks ii12 T-15s. ATK 6 vs DEF 3+1, 3+ to Hit. 2 Hits, 4 damage. >INI 12- J-2 Gabriel- Attacks ii12 T-15s. ATK 4 vs DEF 3+1, 5+ to Hit. 2 Hits. PRC 7 vs ARM 5, +1 Damage, 4 damage to target. 1 Target Destroyed. >INI 11- R-3 Unterbrust- Attacks Z33 Moskity. ATK 5 vs DEF 4, 4+ to Hit. 4 Hits, 2 Crits. 3 Targets Destroyed. >INI 10- S25 Moskity- Attacks D-8 Vilgerson. ATK 3+1 vs DEF 4+2 (Caravan’s favor provides cover)-7+ to Hit. (Rolled 1, 5, 7, 1, 7, 1, 9, 8, 4, 7)- 5 Hits. (Squads 6, 1, 2, 3, 4 take 1 damage) >INI 10- X32 BM-5- Attacks R-8 Volger with 2cm cannons. ATK 2+1 vs DEF 4+1, 7+ to Hit. (Rolled 4, 7, 9, 1, 1, 8) 3 Hits- PRC 2 vs ARM 1. (Vehicles 1, 3 and 4 are hit for 1 damage, Vehicle 4 is Knocked Out) >INI 10- Z32 Moskity- Attacks D-1 Krogh. ATK 3 vs DEF 2+1, 5+ to Hit. (Rolled 3, 10, 7, 6, 3, 4, 4, 6, 4, 2) 1 Crit, 3 Hits. (Squads 2 and 3 take 2 damage, Squad 5 takes 1 damage) >INI 10- Z33 Moskity- Attacks R-3 Unterbrust. PRC 1 vs ARM 1, only 10s hit. (Rolled 7) No hits. >INI 9- J-3 Niel- Attacks gg13 Twaryian Motor Scouts. ATK 6 vs DEF 4+1, 4+ to Hit. Misses. >INI 9- D-1 Krogh- Attacks Z32 Moskity. ATK 2 vs DEF 4, 7+ to Hit. 6 Hits, 1 Crit. 8 Damage. >INI 8- ff13 T-8- Attacks D-9 Von Totmann. (D-9 has moved out of visibility and range) Misses. >INI 8- P33 T-16 Attacks C-1 Vix. ATK 3+1 vs DEF 1, 2+ to Hit. (Rolled 8, 6, 9, 9) (Vehicle 2 has 4 armor and can only be hit on 10s) 2 Hits- Vehicle 1 is Hit twice for 2 Damage. >INI 8- ee35 BM-2- Attempts to activate rIME Bomb- Unsuccessful. Attacks C-4 Kannenpflanze- Only 10s hit. (Rolled 4, 5, 9, 5). No hits. >INI 8- R-8 Volger- ATK 2 vs DEF 5+1, 9+ to Hit. 1 Hit, 1 Damage. >INI 6- J-8 Degenhardt- Attacks Z32 Moskity- ATK 4 vs DEF 4, 5+ to Hit. 3 Hits. 2, 3, 2 damage. 2 Targets Destroyed. >INI 6- D-8 Vilgerson- Flares. Attacks S25 Moskity, ATK 3 vs DEF 4, 6+ to Hit. 5 Hits. >INI 4- C-4 Kannenpflanze- Attacks ee25 BM-2. ATK 2 vs DEF 4+1, 8+ to Hit. 1 Hit, 1 target destroyed. >INI 3- C-5 Martins- Flares.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
>Reaction Fire- J-7 Black One- Attacks hh14 T-15s. ATK 4 vs DEF 3, 4+ to Hit. (Rolled 2, 4, 9, 7) 3 Hits, PRC 7 vs ARM 5, +1 Damage. 1 Target destroyed. >Turn is Open The unknown vehicles have not been encountered or identified- they seem like a variant of T-15.
[D-9] Von Totmann
Quoted By:
Haha we're in danger :)
[R-8] Volger
Quoted By:
Rolled 5, 9, 7, 2, 10 = 33 (5d10) >>5596018 >Fire 3 x 3.7 cm cannons at S-31 >Probably die >If not, move to bb-34 [J-1] Frederica Von Zufalligdorf !!A5ANDj+KATg
[J-1] Frederica Von Zufalligdorf !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:NhIEZXFM Fri 10 Mar 2023 20:41:27 No. 5596089 Report Quoted By:
>>5596018 >Turn around and move to ee-26 along the road I will try and help out West as much as I can
Villi Niel [J-3]
Rolled 1, 4, 4 = 9 (3d10) >>5596016 >Consuming Air Aspect token for +2 to friendly INI >Initiative >Use Reaper's Path to target and shoot the Red Ace's T-15 unit with the 7.7cm >Shoot T-16s at nn16 with 5cm >Move a single space South into cover Kannenpflanze [C-4]
>>5596018 A question before I make my turn: is ff37 a forest terrain tile? I ask because even though over half of it is covered with trees, the tile itself isn't green and looks like a clear one. If it is, this gives me a line of fire onto the town, so the answer will greatly influence what I do with my shooting phase.
Villi Niel [J-3]
>>5596016 Right so quick erratas Tanq
C-7 moved to jj23, she's on kk23
>>5590708 Von Bern moved infantry to jj23, she's on kk23
>>5590902 Raine moved to kk23, he's on jj23
>>5590888 Gabriel Pivoted West
>>5590898 Martins Pivoted West
>>5590877 Volger fired MGs and rolled another 9. I thought those BM-1s were soft?
>>5590584 Canons: 8, 8, 9, 6,
MGs: 4, 4, 6, 9
Frank tried to reserve fire, I assume he couldn't do it because he pivoted?
>>5590936 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>5591046 Giovanni I don't want you to die, our group is starting our coordinated right now. This is probably your last safe turn, if you don't get out of dodge by the end of this it's gonna be risky.
Totmann's setting up an ambush on the blue circle and we're gonna be holding the purple circle for at least one turn while we wipe the units coming West since the forest is blocking North but the middle's gonna be dangerous by the end of this turn. I'd rather not lose any of our Tier 3 TDs, we still have Thread 4.
[R-8] Volger
Quoted By:
>>5596120 The guy who would have fired that 9 died because I got initiative cucked.
Roman Orlik [R-9]
Villi Niel [J-3]
Quoted By:
>>5596018 >>5596096 If I may, I'd like to change that single move South to a single move Southeast instead.
Villi Niel [J-3]
Quoted By:
Fuck, no, nevermind. Today, today is the day I will learn.
>>5590642 >>5591046 Could you two coordinate fire on a single unit of T-15s? I think you'll have enough to wipe one of the wounded ones. Maybe the ones South of Krasnny, it'll be good if he starts spearheading so Totmann can shoot him up the ass.
Btw Totmann and maybe Raine are gonna probably move to turn the yellow square into the next Killzone. I don't wanna risk you guys though but just telling you our plans.
[D-9] Von Totmann
Quoted By:
>>5596139 I think you might get shot at this turn, you seem to be in range of like, 15 enemy tanks or something like that. If you can you might want to try and smoke yourself off
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
>>5596120 Thank you, shifted everything around. Also doesn't have the messy movement lines.
>Volger fired MGs and rolled another 9. I thought those BM-1s were soft? They are- but as noted, the attacking unit was knocked out.
>Frank tried to reserve fire, I assume he couldn't do it because he pivoted? Yes. Reserve Fire cannot be made with movement, and that includes pivoting. Apologies if it wasn't clear that pivoting is still "movement."
>>5596096 Just so you know in case you change your mind or your nearby radio gets a good swap, token use is free and retroactive, so you don't have to declare it ahead of time, you can use it whenever you want.
>>5596098 I looked at it, and even though it is indeed covered in trees...it's also pale green.
I will err in favor of the lower layer and I have obliterated the retroactively errant trees. Not that it changed you not seeing anything. You don't have the Queen with you, after all, so if there's anything in the cover you don't have a gaze that pierces it by default without rolling.
Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ
Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ ID:nS6+bxo3 Fri 10 Mar 2023 22:16:44 No. 5596184 Report >>5596018 Fiskersonn was feeling sick. Perhaps it was the cool night around him, the constant danger of a Bat-ear popping out of the woods or the fact that he's profusely losing blood. He was really sick of all this shit.
He needs to get the lads and himself further. To finish the mission. To save themselves. For some were already lost, he couldn't let the rest fall.
"Fuckin' dogshit. Won't forgive meself if I die at this shithole."
>Shoot a flare at aa39 >Move SE, Pivot S, Move S, Move S Krachen !eo2pqgn1G2
Rolled 9, 5 + 5 = 19 (2d10 + 5) >>5596018 >Throw 1x Smoke Grenade at jj, 21 >Pivot East >Reserve Fire with 4x Grenades. [J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u ID:ewgBNCYp Fri 10 Mar 2023 23:02:35 No. 5596230 Report Rolled 2, 3, 4 = 9 (3d10) >>5596180 >>5596018 "Throw it backwards group. We're making good time on this stalling action. The mines will start taking them too. Force them into them, destroy them or gas them to blunt them down."
>>5590642 "Flaring the road this time Black 1. More choice targets incoming although we're backing out in the next volley."
>Ini+Spot (Radio Noted) >Fire flare from the m/24k: 6 North, 2NE (Pic Related for effect) >m/31k fires on T-15 target 7 North, 2 NE >Movement: Ready [Fire & Maneuver] to reverse 1SW Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ
Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ ID:nS6+bxo3 Fri 10 Mar 2023 23:38:15 No. 5596265 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5596184 Also, I'll do spotting, I guess
Jonah 'Just Fuck my Shit up' Vilgerson
Jonah 'Just Fuck my Shit up' Vilgerson ID:LVhmtuuH Fri 10 Mar 2023 23:47:16 No. 5596278 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 3, 7, 3, 6, 6, 9, 10, 8, 6, 9, 3, 3, 6, 4, 10, 1, 2, 2, 9 = 107 (19d10) >>5596016 Fire at what's near me then
>6 Ass kits >6 MG >Mount >Move E >Move NE >Move E >Move NE >Pivot S Lt. Vivian Martins [C-5]
Rolled 2, 10, 8, 2, 1 = 23 (5d10) >>5596016 >Inititiative + Spotting >Flare 2 West >Fire 5cm cannons at T-16s >Reverse South East >>5591360 "Full speed through the forest! I have to clear these guys out."
Quoted By:
>>5596330 Why. I'm actually starting to get Salty, why do we always roll shit initiative and great spotting. Holy shit.
>>5591506 Ferrari maybe hold back, that town's definitely got some goofy shit waiting in there. I'm talking with the other players about possibly firing artillery smoke to block firing lanes and get you into CQC safely.
Check the pink box in the picture I posted. I'm guessing there's gonna be TDs in there waiting for people to cross the railroad. Some players are also guessing there might be enemies that will rush through the South East of the town but we can always just mortar smoke them.
Walter Splitterschwert [R-1]
Walter Splitterschwert [R-1] ID:53tMsFCi Sat 11 Mar 2023 01:14:30 No. 5596368 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 8, 6 = 14 (2d10) >>5596016 Nothing quite like going through a spooky forest at night.
>Turn Roll: init, spot
Fire: None
>Move: SW, SW, ending on kk37 Freya Unterbrust [R-3]
Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5596018 No more than a chip in the paint, if even that. Another blessing to count, as you can never count enough while under fire.
Now was the time to move up. There were people waiting on them, and it’s rude to run late on a date.
<<How are we faring so far, boys? Everybody in as few pieces as can be?>>
>Spotting >Hold Movement
>Move SW >Move SW >Move SW >Move S Black 1 [J-7]
Quoted By:
Rolled 5, 5, 5, 6, 1, 6 = 28 (6d10) >>5596016 >Fire on the T-15s at hh14 >Fire and Maneuver South West >Reverse South East >>5596159 >>5591046 Alright, I'm gonna fire on the T-15s hh14. South of the red turret T-15s. If I roll lower than 3 successes then Giovanni you can fire on whoever you want.
Black 1 [J-7]
>>5591046 Giovanni I should have cleared out the units South of the Ace. You can hit a different group.
>>5596230 I'm already backing out sorry, I'm gonna position right in front of the road entrance of the town though. I should be able to eat one attack because of mirage aspect.
If Totmann's setting up an ambush we should be able to break at least one more heavy unit while being fairly safe.
Frankovich Wespe (R-7)
Rolled 5, 6, 3, 8, 5, 6, 5, 8 = 46 (8d10) >>5596016 >Suppress infantry at 22X >Fire 2.5cm cannons at infantry 22X >Move 3SW >Pivot S Nathan Gabriel [J-2]
Quoted By:
Rolled 2, 2, 10, 2, 5, 7 = 28 (6d10) >>5596016 >Shoot the T-16s when Martins Flares if possible. >Shoot the infantry if the T-16s aren't possible. >If the nearest infantry is suppressed and can't move stay where still. >If the infantry can still move fire and maneuver South East. >If moving South East, move to 28cc following the roads. Ilse Anna Degenhardt-Iðunardóttir [J-8] !!IQutGeX9+Yk
Ilse Anna Degenhardt-Iðunardóttir [J-8] !!IQutGeX9+Yk ID:MdWsVb8P Sat 11 Mar 2023 03:36:18 No. 5596543 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 3, 3 = 6 (2d10) >>5596018 >Initiative and Spotting >Fire cannon flares at [pic related] >Move SW, pivot south, move S. >Drop off the BM-2's that I'm towing with the convoy. >Move S, SW. >Hook up the single BM-2 to one of my M/31Ks, we're towing this one too. Daate Giovanni [J-4]
Quoted By:
Rolled 10, 5, 7, 3 = 25 (4d10) JUDGE BLESS THESE DICE!
>>5596018 >Initiative >Spotting >Fire x2 7.7cm Cannon at hh13 >Move S into the village proper. Ilse Anna Degenhardt-Iðunardóttir [J-8] !!IQutGeX9+Yk
Ilse Anna Degenhardt-Iðunardóttir [J-8] !!IQutGeX9+Yk ID:MdWsVb8P Sat 11 Mar 2023 05:27:15 No. 5596623 Report Quoted By:
>>5596018 Actually, I'd like to change my movement. I screwed it up and somehow got west and east mixed up despite that usually not being a problem for me.
>Same Flare as pic above. >Move SE, pivot south, move S. >Drop off BM-2s that I'm towing with the convoy. >Move SE, pivot to face north. I'll pick up the BM-2 in tile east of HQ next turn. I just want to make sure I'm facing the right way to deal with the reinforcements.
Adrian Ferrari [D-3]
>>5596354 What, you're saying you think the Twaryians are going to put up a competent defense? That doesn't sound like them. I haven't been keeping up with the arty, I would need to wait a turn for the smoke to be ready?
Casimir Sikorsky [C=2]
Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5596018 >Spotting >Flare hh40 >Move SE (ending on ff36) (+1 for INI next turn, Camouflage concealment) [J-5] Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u
[J-5] Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u ID:D+K1cyYD Sat 11 Mar 2023 08:26:28 No. 5596761 Report Quoted By:
>>5596477 All part of the plan (TM)
I was gonna ask you to take my spot in the fire maneuver phase anyway. Glad somehow it may worjout that way Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Quoted By:
>>5596180 Right, I wasn't hoping to see anything new with my atrocious spotting. But I do have a line of fire and an urge to expend some gas shells.
Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Rolled 2, 9 = 11 (2d10) >>5596018 The bat-ear disappeared inside the ugly little car's cupola, which Kannenpflanze took as a sign to hunker down and wait for the imminent explosion. When no such thing materialized behind him, Leo stood up in the turret only to be forced down again as a torrent of angry tracers whipped just over his head. The hailstorm hammered the front of the lead T-15s turret before it was cut short by one of the cars being pulverized by Lindner's tank, the 7.5cm AP shell turning the lightly-armored vehicle inside-out. The second car's crew took this as a clear sign to make themselves scarce and sped back down the road. The fleeing vehicle dragged the cord with it and Leopold clearly saw that it had been severed. He couldn't help but smile as the platoon advanced. Though it was just a puny 13mm machine gun, he had come under fire and gotten a brief taste of the exhilaration of combat. That was, after all, what he'd come to Vynmark for.
The platoon halted at the edge of the woods and Leo could still hear the whine of the BM-2's engine as it fled into the town, the last obstacle between them and Sommervind's company—there was something rotten about that bunch, but that bridge would have to be crossed when they actually made it to them.
>Spotting >Initiative >All subunits firing cannon flares (+ pistol flare at hh39, if possible) at the locations in picrel (can I also reserve fire to suppress with all mgs?) >hold movement for that +2 INI bonus next turn. >>5596637 "Lieutenant Ferrari, I suggest you move to a position 100 meters south of me [ee37] as you prepare to assault the town. After illuminating the area, I will lay down a wall of LLG on the northern end of the town, but leave you a gap to slip through and into that warehouse over there [hh40]."
>>5592157 "Excellent work on disabling that infernal contraption, Lieutenant Wester! But do make haste to join us at the edge of the woods. The Panzer Dragoons will be needed in the coming assault."
Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Quoted By:
>>5596832 >>5596637 A visual aid, since I probably didn't make much sense.
>>5596637 Heavy Artillery needs a turn to land if it's indirect fire. It lands on the shooting phase of NEXT turn so if you call it in Turn 7, it lands at the very beginning of turn 8.
>>5596180 Tanq sorry about this but do these houses in the pink boxes count as terrain/block LoS?
>>5596016 >Call 5 HE mortar on the Red X BM-S >Call 4 HE mortar on the Blue X Infantry at cc31 >Call Artillery smoke on the White Xs Frankovich Wespe (R-7)
Quoted By:
>>5596500 >>5596016 I want to change my movement slightly so that I'm not showing side armor to the lights.
>Suppress infantry at 22X >Fire 2.5cm cannons at infantry 22X >Move 1W, 2SW. Should be ending at 23z >Pivot S Alvin Raine [D-5]
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>>5596016 >Dismount >Reserve Fire grenades and flamethrowers Albert Von Carlstadt [R-10] !08f2tLaJ9s
Albert Von Carlstadt [R-10] !08f2tLaJ9s ID:WUkkxQKc Sat 11 Mar 2023 14:03:07 No. 5596900 Report Quoted By:
>>5596873 do we really want smoke? most of the vanguard is armor, we really don't want to get in close against any infantry
Kannenpflanze [C-4]
>>5596946 We need D-6 to get in close more or less in one piece and do Knife Fighter things. The rest of us are there for fire support.
>>5596948 We can't really provide fire support if everything is smoked. We can't afford to wait around while the smoke dissipates to do anything.
Kannenpflanze [C-4]
>>5596964 Oh, no, we're gonna go in right after him. The smoke is there to protect us from RF coming from the forest in the SW and the rest of the town. Something tells me that the guys we don't wanna have a shootout with are in this exact area. D-6 is just gonna clear us a foothold in the town and then we all barrel in.
>>5596946 There's a decent chance there's gonna be a super TD somewhere that I'm not sure even C-4 can bounce.
It's not just D-6 either D-3's in position to clear the town. So long as they get in without getting fucked from the sides they can carry the assault.
Infantry go in next turn to clear the edges, C-4 will be going in afterward to help tank the killzone/empty space immediately after the town entrance.
>>5597011 >>5596964 My mouse died and I gotta leave so I can't draw out the Killzone in the middle of town.
>>5596974 Leo if you've got a minute you can post some of our maps.
Kannenpflanze [C-4]
>>5597013 Right. Give me a minute.
Kannenpflanze [C-4]
>>5597013 >>5597015 The red and yellow arcs here are of particular note, since they indicate where mercs w/ RFs ready may be hidden and covering the road. It is imperative that we start clearing the town while their sightlines are blocked w/ smoke (even if they might get one free shot off on us with a Reaper's Path-esque ability through the smoke).
>>5596948 >>5597011 Oh, everywhere I was referring to D-6 I actually meant D-3, even though 6 is also going to take part. I'm unusually retarded today.
Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Quoted By:
>>5597021 Then on the other side of the town there's the danger of direct fire from the 12cm howitzers. The town tiles with Xs in them are in range and susceptible to fire from the southernmost gun platoon, which is a problem since they're otherwise not targetable by the potential enemies in the west. In addition, the hatched area represents a possible killzone that the Twaryian infantry company and their attached 7.5cm infantry gun platoon have set up at the intersection. Trying to clear this concentration of troops out of this terrain without smoking off either side of the town is going to get us seriously fucked up.
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u ID:ewgBNCYp Sat 11 Mar 2023 18:28:01 No. 5597211 Report Quoted By:
Man look at all this text. We love text. So much garbage coming in omg.
Gunther Lutzow-Spelinger [C-3] !!c22z0QTmIiu
Gunther Lutzow-Spelinger [C-3] !!c22z0QTmIiu ID:1kFl/Ncz Sat 11 Mar 2023 18:44:48 No. 5597243 Report Rolled 10, 7 = 17 (2d10) >>5596018 >Initiative (radio) >Spotting >Move 2 S Caroline M. Vix [C-1]
Rolled 1, 4 = 5 (2d10) >>5596180 Sorry to be of trouble tanq but it seems like i was miss placed and rotated. as this was my action.
>Rotate East, Move X-34 Anyways it only changes the shooting phase.
If from current position:
>Init >Spotting >Smoke U-34 >Move X-36 >If correct position: > Rotate south, Move X-36 Vix started mumble something about main tank of squad always getting hit. "Push to next position things are getting heated behind us.
Gauthier [D-4]
Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5596018 Thank the Judge for speed 4 trucks.
>Roll Spotting >Move SW 4 times to kk31 Adrian Ferrari [D-3]
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5596842 Ah right, thanks. In that case I'll go ahead and reposition as per
>>5596832 . I can't actually make the two forest moves into ee37 because I dismounted at the end of my last turn, but I'll move into the tile next to me and stay mounted and that will allow me to reach the objective building next turn.
>>5596018 >mount up >move 1x south into ff36 rolling spotting
Kannenpflanze [C-4]
>>5597375 I think with road movement bonuses you should be able to get to the square I indicated. Then again, I may be misunderstanding something. Infantry movement rules aren't my strongest suit.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Quoted By:
>>5596871 They do, yes.
>>5597268 Moved you up to X34.
Adrian Ferrari [D-3]
Quoted By:
>>5597385 I was under the impression that in order to get the benefit of road movement your entire movement has to occur along the road, so I think that move would still count as 2 forest tiles for me, but I could be wrong. In fact I probably am just on principle.
D2 - Kohlkopf
Rolled 2, 3, 3, 5, 10 = 23 (5d10) >Spot>Initiative >Shoot Anti-Material rifles at the lone vehicle on ii23 if in sight. Drop an explosive if not. >move 3 tiles south and 1 tile SW.
Quoted By:
>>5597641 do you mean ii28? ii23 is empty. Also, do we really want to blow that up? I think it could at least be a good delay as enemies would be wary around it.
>>5597641 Kohlkoph that vehicle is abandoned it's one of the chemical bombs that the Ians set up and we killed the controller. There's no reason to shoot it.
Isolde Von Bern [D-10]
Quoted By:
>>5596018 >Drop a mine >Reserve heal for Raine and Krachen >>5596216 I'm pretty sure if you Pivot you can't reserve fire since it counts as a move. Infantry don't use facing rules anyway so it's good for you if your horses are facing the opposite way since it'll help you move away quickly.
Jacob Krogh D-1
Rolled 8, 4, 8, 9, 9, 5, 3, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1, 1 = 76 (13d10) >>5596018 >Initiative >6 grenades and 6 mg's on infantry to my south >Dig in Jacob Krogh D-1
Quoted By:
Rolled 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2 = 10 (6d2) >>5597664 Explosives
Specialist Franziska Vilgerson [C-7]
Specialist Franziska Vilgerson [C-7] ID:s0VW5hEG Sun 12 Mar 2023 00:16:38 No. 5597701 Report Quoted By:
>>5596018 >Using the road, drive as close to the convoy as possible. >Point my autocannons into the sky. "Alright Haile I'm coming up just from your rear. I'm gonna be providing anti-air support for the foreseeable future... Unless I find something interesting to set on fire."
D2 - Kohlkopf
>>5597656 It's beyond my weapon range anyway. 5 tiles away and a range 4 anti-material rifle.
>>5597704 You could just hit the T-8Rs, they can't actually return fire on you since you're on their side.
Rolled 5, 3, 4, 6, 7, 5, 3, 9, 6, 8, 4, 3, 1 = 64 (13d10) Botting D-7 Lehrson
Using C-3's initiative roll of 10
>>5597243 >Spotting >6x MG and 6x Rifle Grenades on cc30 Moskity >Mount, move 1x South, Dismount >Dig In Anonymous
Quoted By:
Rolled 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1 = 10 (6d2) >>5597843 HE rolls
Albert von Eschenz [R-4]
Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5596018 My token is facing East but I assume I am supposed to be facing south as per the previous turns. Anyway
>move south 5x following the road >spotting roll Jonah 'Just Fuck My Shit Up' Vilgerson
Jonah 'Just Fuck My Shit Up' Vilgerson ID:LVhmtuuH Sun 12 Mar 2023 13:12:14 No. 5598491 Report Quoted By:
>>5596018 Change movement to
>mount after shooting >move NE >Move E >Move NE >Move E >Move E >Pivot S Sticking to roads if possible
Luther Wester [D-6] !!8C1UuC+54vi
Luther Wester [D-6] !!8C1UuC+54vi ID:8aTsb8Md Sun 12 Mar 2023 14:04:11 No. 5598567 Report Rolled 4, 2, 1, 4, 4, 6, 5, 1, 4, 10, 2, 2, 7, 4, 9, 9, 10 = 84 (17d10) >>5596018 >Attack CC31 Moskity with Rifles/Machine Guns and T/24 Machine Guns to ensure maximum overkill. Standard rolls, Initative | 4xRifle/4xMG | 8xMG >use C-3's initative of 10 irrelevant of what initiative I roll (I should be in range to use it) >mount up >move SE, S >dismount >mine road with Demolition packs Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>5597705 >>5596016 That sounds correct. Shoot the only enemy tanks within range of my anti-tank rifles.
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u ID:ewgBNCYp Sun 12 Mar 2023 19:30:30 No. 5598928 Report Quoted By:
Simply activating some Neurons while we wait patiently. We're getting there people. Keep it up
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u ID:ewgBNCYp Sun 12 Mar 2023 19:32:29 No. 5598931 Report Simply activating some Neurons while we wait patiently. We're getting there people. Keep it up =_=b
[D-9] Von Totmann
Quoted By:
>>5596018 >Reserve Fire just in case the BM-5s survive and come close enough. One day I'll make another RP post.
Adrian Ferrari [D-3]
>>5598931 If someone else wants to move into ff36 I can also reach the warehouse building next turn from ee36, so hopefully tanq will put me there if there's a conflict.
Quoted By:
>>5598567 Wester! You're in the perfect place, I was under the impression that enemy artillery dropped. Could you grab the bomb while you're there and maybe move somewhere safe? I just realized they might manually detonate the bomb with artillery and there's also the chance they'll fire artillery in the forest so it's not safe.
Quoted By:
>>5596016 >>5596873 If Wester doesn't move the bomb, cancel the artillery and move the convoy as far forward as possible then have the ammo group put on Chemical suits.
God help us all.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Sunday's a skip day as per plan before, so I won't be updating til tomorrow. However, I've arranged a long weekend for myself so everything should be to plan afterwards.
>>5599067 Slight chance of plans Ferrari but it won't affect you much we can still drop mortar smoke next turn.
We're caught in two bad choices, either they sent artillery to manually detonate the bomb or they sent artillery into the forest to hit everybody but HE seems a lot less scary than being right next to a chemical bomb.
>>5599104 Tanq there's a possibility of the entire mission failing would be up to a single unit. Would it be possible to send Yule or Somebody else and a wrecker to move the bomb from near the HQ to the back at ammo? We've doing so well, it'd be a shame if the entire OP failed because of a single bad decision.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
>>5599147 If it comes to that, that would be fine.
Though I'm not quite <span class="mu-i">that</span> mean.
Quoted By:
>>5599151 Well we can't be sure, the fact that you did it once is enough of a justification for us to think about the possibility.
If you did it out of nowhere I'd have thought you were a dick but if you gave us a warning beforehand of the possibility and we didn't do anything would be on us in my opinion.
>>5599105 I wouldn't worry about it; my experience tells me that Twaryians are incapable of tactical planning or intelligent thought in general. They're basically like animals with tanks.
Stefan Eberhardt [D-11]
Rolled 5, 1 = 6 (2d10) >>5596180 >Initiative: Rolling >Spotting: Rolling >Move: Mount up and move 1 W, to cc22, dismount and dig in >Fire: n/a Anonymous
>>5599273 You tell your ̶l̶o̶v̶e̶r̶ ̶c̶o̶m̶f̶o̶r̶t̶ ̶w̶o̶m̶a̶n̶ sex slave that as you rail her? I'm not judging, some people are into that sort of thing.
Quoted By:
>>5599300 I would but most of them don't seem to be capable of understanding civilized language
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Rolled 10, 8, 6, 1, 7, 2 = 34 (6d10) Oh I was meant to do something today. Well, no time like...the next day, to be technical. Oh well. There shouldn't be much to do anyways. In order- Northeast Element North Attack West Element Spotting, then Initiative. Mind you, if some can't spot, they won't have much to shoot at...
Quoted By:
>>5600634 How's the update?
D2 - Kohlkopf
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Quoted By:
Rolled 4, 2 = 6 (2d4) Alright, soon. It hasn't actually been a particularly involved turn to work out, my extended time off has just put me in a frame of mind where slacking is easy.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
>Enemy Artillery Strikes! No Hits. >INI 16- D-6 Wester- Obliterates cc31 Moskity. >INI 16- D-7 Lehrson- Attacks cc30 Moskity. ATK 2 vs DEF 4+1, 8+ to Hit. 2 Rifle Grenade Hits, 2, 2 damage. >INI 15- D-12 Krachen- Deploys Smoke >INI 13- D-1 Krogh- Attacks cc30 Moskity. ATK 2 vs DEF 4+1, 8+ to Hit. 3 Grenade Hits, 1 MG Hit, 1 MG Crit. Target Destroyed. >INI 12- R-7 Wespe- Attacks X22 Moskity. ATK 2 vs DEF 4, 7+ to Hit. Suppression successful, 1 Cannon Hit, 1 Damage. >INI 11- R-8 Volger- Attacks S31 T-8s. ATK 2 vs DEF 3, 6+ to Hit. 1 Hit, 1 Crit, 2 targets destroyed. >INI 11- nn15 T-16s- Spots and Attacks R-9 Orlik. (ATTACK BLOCKED BY SMOKE) >INI 9- D-2 Kohlkopf- Attacks ll21 T-8Rs. ATK 2 vs DEF 4+1, 8+ to Hit. (-2 ARM from Flank). 1 Crit, 1 Target Destroyed. >INI 9- J-7 Black- Attacks hh14 T-15s. ATK 4 vs DEF 3, 4+ to Hit. Three hits, target destroyed. >INI 16 (Delayed)- J-4 Giovanni- Attacks hh13 Krasnyy T-15s, ATK 6 vs DEF 3, 2+ to Hit. 2 Hits. PRC 7 vs ARM 5+1 (Krasny’s Band has Extra Armor). >INI 8- J-3 Niel- Attacks hh13 Krasnyy T-15s, ATK 4 vs DEF 3, 4+ to Hit. One Hit. >INI 7- J-5 Wesker- Flares. Attacks hh13 Krasnyy T-15s, ATK 6 vs DEF 3, 2+ to Hit. One Hit. One Target Destroyed. >INI 7- X22 Moskity- Dismounts, Deploys Smoke. >INI 7- J-8 Degenhardt- Flares. >INI 7- Y29 BM-5s- Flares. >INI 7- D-8 Vilgerson- Attacks Y29 BM-5s. ATK 3 vs DEF 5+1, 8+ to Hit. 4 Hits, 2 Crits- Target Destroyed. >INI 5- T30 T-8s- Attacks C-1 Vix. ATK 2+1 vs DEF 1-1, 2+ to Hit. (-2 ARM, -1 DEF from Rear Flank). (Rolled 2, 5, 1, 5) (PRC 3 vs ARM 1, 2) Three Hits. (Vehicle 3 hit Twice and Knocked Out, Vehicle 2 Hit Once) >INI 5- S31 T-8s- Attacks R-8 Volger- ATK 2 vs DEF 4+1, 8+ to Hit. (Rolled 10, 1) (Vehicle 3 CRIT and Knocked Out) >INI 5- S33 T-16s- Attacks C-5 Martins. Superior Armor requires 10s to Hit. (Rolled 7, 2, 3, 8) No Hits. >INI 3- C-5 Martins- Flares, Attacks S33 T-16s. ATK 4 vs DEF 3, 4+ to Hit. 1 Crit, 2 Hits. (PRC 5 vs ARM 3, +1 Damage) >INI 8 (Delayed)- J-2 Gabriel- Attacks S33 T-16s. ATK 4 vs DEF 3, 4+ to Hit. 2 Hits, 1 Crit. Target Destroyed.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
----->Krasnyy T-15s rolls over Mined Space, (Rolled 3, 2) Mine not Struck >T-16s roll over Mined Space, (Rolled 10, 1, 4, 9) 2 Targets Hit and Destroyed. >Infantry move over Mined Space, (8, 4, 10, 10) 3 Targets Destroyed. I’ll be real I have no idea what’s going on with J-5 and J-7, I read over the turns over and over again, but it looks like you somehow agreed to move into the same space. Which you can’t do. You also can’t fire and maneuver into a space occupied by another unit’s vehicles. If you want to adjust that you’re free to because I feel like I completely missed the intent. ----- “Here we are. Attack formation. Let’s hit this place.” “That’s a lot of flares. You’d think this was on the front line. May as well have searchlights all over. Anyways, what are we hitting?” “Nothing specific. Area harassment was the call. Pick a spot and drop, any fire comes up, hit the engines and head straight on north. One run. Let’s go.” ----- “So that’s all of them then. Shit.” “Sir. Maybe we ought to be thankful none of them went off?” “Our positions were scattered either way. Nothing to do about it. Any remaining formations are to withdraw. Our front isn’t coordinated enough to take this group on.” “Perhaps underestimating the Kobberhus Battalion was unwise?” “I’m not too proud to admit when we’re bested. We’ll go anywhere else. Anywhere they aren’t, we win. Let’s go.” -----
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
A series of explosions- traps going off, vehicles trading blows. The reports that came in were brutal- the battalion was giving better than they took, but it wasn’t a fight that could continue like this. It was important to keep pushing forwards. “For our sake, Lady Countess,” Yule muttered after providing battlefield updates and his planned courses, “I hope that Lady Sommervind is weathering this well. I don’t think most officers could hold out if they were facing what we were with her numbers.” “I have faith. Whenever there was an exercise in the academy, she would overcome them with ease. She is a grade above, Major.” Yule caught a moment of peace to ask further. “How so?” “I am uncertain myself, but the way she explains it, she ensures she is entering the field of battle in the best way possible, preparing exactly for what will happen, and leaving little to chance. She prefers to engineer the situation to meet her exact expectations.” “That’s not so easy to do even in exercises. But, she did it?” “Well,” Haile trailed off, “She did admit that she would sneak into administration and peer at exercise plans and scenarios ahead of time.” “So she cheated, then.” It had been an accident to let that out- but it was where his mind went. Granted, most nobility who wanted to win had such things <span class="mu-i">gifted</span>, be it for a favor or simply through social force, so having to attain such things through skullduggery was abnormal for Sommervind’s class. “It’s what she said she did,” Haile’s tone was warning, but she wasn’t finished explaining- and tolerated the potential affront. “But there were a few times where that was impossible for her to have done. I think if she has any familiarity with an enemy, she’ll have figured them out, and she’s been fighting against the Twaryians longer than our unit has. I believe we are in good hands.” “…” Yule had no opinion he felt comfortable voicing. He glanced upwards- he considered the risk of Twaryian harassment bombers. They weren’t particularly deadly- some of the battalion had considered their presence, but it was possible a stray bomb impacting the remote demolition vehicles could prove…problematic to say the least.>Turn is Open More story to follow but the needed info is here now. You need to get a good spotting roll to see the planes properly.
Daate Giovanni [J-4]
Rolled 2, 4, 2, 3 = 11 (4d10) Welp.
>>5602835 >Initiative >Spotting >Fire x2 7.7cm Cannon at jj16 Ilse Anna Degenhardt-Iðunardóttir [J-8] !!IQutGeX9+Yk
Ilse Anna Degenhardt-Iðunardóttir [J-8] !!IQutGeX9+Yk ID:MdWsVb8P Thu 16 Mar 2023 07:15:03 No. 5602903 Report >>5602835 I think I'm facing the wrong way. I should be facing north. Not sure if it is just a mistake during processing or if I did my movement incorrectly and miscounted how much movement I had. The turn 8 movement appears to have me move south-east twice, then pivot to face south before moving another tile south.
What I intended was to move one tile south-east, pivot south, move one tile south so that I'd temporarily be occupying the same space as the ammo trucks, - which I recall be allowed as long as you don't end your turn in an occupied square - then move one tile south-east and then pivot to face north. [pic related]
I'm not sure if the movement portrayed and the movement I just described are the same but it just looks different to my eye, or if I am blind and I actually am facing north but just can't tell. The key difference is just that I wanted to end up facing north, hence me not moving through 'city' tiles that I couldn't be sure the road bonus applied to and because I was under the impression that moving through 'city' tiles cost 2 tile of movement to move through unless they have a road going through them, hence my issue with how my movement seems to have been interpreted. (Though to be fair 29ff is also adjacent to the roads and apparently there has been some pretty generous interpretations on what counts as 'next to a road in prior threads')
Albert Von Carlstadt [R-10] !08f2tLaJ9s
Albert Von Carlstadt [R-10] !08f2tLaJ9s ID:WUkkxQKc Thu 16 Mar 2023 07:28:52 No. 5602911 Report Quoted By:
>>5602833 >Move S SW SW SW Freya Unterbrust [R-3]
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5602835 Her fellow mechanized recon were at her back, but she only needed to hear the sounds of their engines over the distant gunfire to know there were less of them. Far from the first time, but she could always hope it would be the last.
<<Recon Six, Eight, and whoever else is tailing behind, watch out for that treeline coming up at our side. Could be more Moskity, could be tanks, just keep a cool head.>>
A cool head and a quick trigger. Freya doubted she needed to say the last part.
<<The south road shouldn't be far, and the egress not much longer after that. Just a bit further up is all you've got to go.>>
>Spotting >Fire flare gun Movement:
>Move S (Road) >Move SE (Road) >Moce SE >Move SE >Move SE >Move S Walter Splitterschwert [R-1]
Walter Splitterschwert [R-1] ID:53tMsFCi Thu 16 Mar 2023 07:48:00 No. 5602923 Report Rolled 3, 3 = 6 (2d10) >>5602835 Pudgy Sky Queen ghost is pudgy.
>Turn Roll: init, spot (for the love of the Stenographer give me a good Spot roll)
Fire: None
>Move: Pivot S Casimir Sikorsky [C-2]
Quoted By:
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5602835 >Spotting >Flare gg40 >Move SE,SE,S to hh39 Jonah 'Just Fuck My Shit Up' Vilgerson
Jonah 'Just Fuck My Shit Up' Vilgerson ID:LVhmtuuH Thu 16 Mar 2023 08:40:46 No. 5602957 Report >>5602833 Hey tanq can we reserve movement or no?
Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5602835 Let's do this.
>Spotting >picrel Flares (3xCannon + pistol at ee41) >Movement: gg40 (S, SE, S, SE?) Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ
Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ ID:2hTmIbO8 Thu 16 Mar 2023 14:20:07 No. 5603107 Report >>5602835 Ulf huffed through his nose like an angry bull. The wound has started to viciously bite into his leg, but a wicked mix of adrenaline, spite and determination was keeping more than lucid in the moment.
>>5602920 <<"Hm, I read ya Recon Three. We'll be right behin- mpfh, fuck me, it hurts... What was I sayin'? Aye, we'll guard yer arse, don't worry.">>
>Spotting >Move S, Move S, Move SE, Move SE, Move SE, Pivot E Gunther Lutzow-Spelinger [C-3] !!c22z0QTmIiu
Gunther Lutzow-Spelinger [C-3] !!c22z0QTmIiu ID:+emZFCvh Thu 16 Mar 2023 14:35:25 No. 5603115 Report >>5602835 >Spotting >Initiative (radio) >Reserve Fire to shoot at planes Gunther Lutzow-Spelinger [C-3] !!c22z0QTmIiu
Gunther Lutzow-Spelinger [C-3] !!c22z0QTmIiu ID:+emZFCvh Thu 16 Mar 2023 14:36:26 No. 5603116 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 10, 1 = 11 (2d10) >>5603115 dice
Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5602835 Botting D-7 Lehrson:
>Spotting >Mount >Move to ee37 Also:
>Move HQ convoy 5x South Frankovich Wespe (R-7)
Rolled 8, 2, 3, 5, 5 = 23 (5d10) >>5602835 >>5596500 I should be pivoted South
>Initiative and Spotting >Flare 27y >Fire 2.5cm cannons on the T-8s nearest, looks like a full flank to me so -2 defense on them? >Move 3SW, Pivot N Villi Niel [J-3]
Rolled 7, 7, 1 = 15 (3d10) Lieutenant Niel's crew were used to fighting in a relative silence, it wasn't as if the thumping and booming of the machinery were any less noticable to the enemy if they all held their tongues, but on those occasions they kept fighting long enough with fall in with the rhythm of battle the crew began to move just as mechanically as the metal around them, movements only as precise as they needed to be, speech cropped down to a word or two at most. This battle however, the silence felt oppressive.
Villi was the fault in the circuit this time, spoiling the rehearsed, robotic actions of the crew. Shortly after the scramble to camouflage the Jagers in preparation for an armoured attack from the north he had allowed doubts to seep in to his actions.
He'd only half realised when he found himself fiddling destructively with the Closed Clouds ornament that he wore pinned to his hat, and in a lurch, resolving an order to duck into cover, bouncing backward over and smothering newly prepared fighting positions, had crushed the tight curled bud in a fist inadvertantly.
Could he ask his mother to make him another? No, no there wouldn't be time, besides, she'd only overreact and make a-
The crash of Jr Lieutenant Fjeld's 7.7 centimeter gun some ways beside startled all about and tore his attention back to the present.
The shockwave that hit the hull quickly after felt like some giant baton had struck the ground below like a drum. Villi threw his face forward into the periscopes about the cupola and watched as best he could the glowing dart arc its way out across the field, missing the T-15s due north and continuing on further. A curse was already on his lips for a wasted shot, until the night beyond them flickered into day for a second as a shower of red steel splattered from something past where he could see.
No fireball or smoke against the overhead flare light to suggest a kill, but gunner Sigur's attention to accuracy was still as fine in this new Chimera as it was in the old one. Still, to resist a gun designed to spear warships, whatever was back there had to be tough. Say what you will about these saltfarmer tanks, they must make for good boats.
He prepared for the next shots.
>>5602835 >Initiative >Fire x1 7.7cm at T-15s at gg17 >Fire x1 5cm at T-8Rs at jj18 Last turn I split fire to put the 5cm shot into the T-16s at nn16, but it doesn't seem to have gone through.
[J-1] Frederica Von Zufalligdorf !!A5ANDj+KATg
[J-1] Frederica Von Zufalligdorf !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:2TUe3P3t Thu 16 Mar 2023 16:38:12 No. 5603192 Report >>5602835 Muted booms of the 7.7s in the distance acutely reminded Lt. Von Zufalligdorf that her platoon's only shots today were some pointless recon-by-fire. The rest of her time was occupied by either waiting or repositioning. Even though she knew very well just how big a part of warfare is "hurry up and wait", the Lieutenant couldn't help but feel that her contribution to this battle was inadequate.
Hopefully, she thought, that was going to change now.
>Init >Shoot at infantry at Y-23 (3x 5cm) >Move to cc-27 [J-1] Frederica Von Zufalligdorf !!A5ANDj+KATg
[J-1] Frederica Von Zufalligdorf !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:2TUe3P3t Thu 16 Mar 2023 16:39:13 No. 5603196 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 6, 4, 10, 3 = 23 (4d10) >>5603192 Forgot the rolls
Specialist Franziska Vilgerson [C-7]
Specialist Franziska Vilgerson [C-7] ID:s0VW5hEG Thu 16 Mar 2023 16:55:27 No. 5603207 Report Quoted By:
>>5602832 >Pivot East >Move South East >Move East >Aim lead/AA turret high up Caroline M. Vix [C-1]
Quoted By:
Rolled 10, 10 = 20 (2d10) >>5602835 >Init >Spotting >Smoke Z-41 >Move Z-41 "Let's provide support to our recon but avoid most of combat we are somewhat battered at the moment."
>>5603181 Not sure if you've noticed but planes are coming in from your East, it might be a good idea to start running or falling back.
>>5602858 You too Giovanni, we still have a fourth thread to go.
Nathan Gabriel [J-2]
Rolled 7, 7, 2, 5, 2, 1 = 24 (6d10) >>5602835 >Raine talking Tanq, you forgot to remove one of the T8R that Kohlkoph killed IIRC.
[Gabriel's actions.]
>Initiative and Spotting >Fire flare at 4 West where the infantry are >Shoot the 4 West Infantry with 7.7cm cannons >Fire and Maneuver move South East >Pivot South >Move 1 South, 1 South East, 2 South Nathan Gabriel [J-2]
Quoted By:
Rolled 3, 2, 2, 4 = 11 (4d4) >>5603293 Rolling HE
Alvin Raine [D-5]
Rolled 9, 10 = 19 (2d10) >>5602835 >Initiative >Spotting >Smoke East >Reserve Fire Alvin Raine [D-5]
>>5603300 >>5602835 Adding a quick addendum
>Flare mm24 Alvin Raine [D-5]
Quoted By:
>>5603300 >>5603310 Sorry I'm really tired.
>Reserve Fire I mean
>Reserve Fire Grenades and Machine Guns Aimed at the sky. Even if they flare me I'm camouflaged so probably safe from the planes yeah.
Alvin Raine [D-5]
>>5602835 Sorry for spamming you, but I'm not allowed to pivot my trucks West to get ready to bail while still having my infantry reserve fire right?
If I'm allowed, could you pivot my trucks but I'm fine if it's not.
Villi Niel [J-3]
Quoted By:
>>5603278 Damn those are sneaky planes
>>5602835 >>5603181 >Move Southeast to ii24, pivot to face West >Flare jj18 that too
and let the butt shooting commence
Jonah 'Just Fuck my Shit up' Vilgerson
Jonah 'Just Fuck my Shit up' Vilgerson ID:LVhmtuuH Thu 16 Mar 2023 20:45:26 No. 5603435 Report >Move SW >Move S >Move S >Move S >Move S >Move S fast as possible to the south
Jacob Krogh D-1
Quoted By:
Rolled 3, 4 = 7 (2d10) >>5602833 >Initiative >Spotting >Fire flare 2 west >Mount up >Move NE Hopefully we can scurry off in good order, all those tanks got me spooked.
Breaker !!uJ4WNoOVrK3
Quoted By:
>>5602835 >>5596477 I don't know how this happened, I'm willing to wait for him to see if we can work out something because I was gonna use the road to leave this turn and unless I can use the road whilst starting adjacent to it I think my turn is skewed [J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u ID:ewgBNCYp Thu 16 Mar 2023 21:37:31 No. 5603512 Report >>5602835 >>5596477 I don't know how this happened, I'm willing to wait for him to see if we can work out something because I was gonna use the road to leave this turn and unless I can use the road whilst starting adjacent to it I think my turn is going to be a lot of not so good
Black 1 [J-7]
>>5596230 >>5603512 You only moved 1 SW, you needed to also put in a move action like Pivot South, Move 5 South.
Maybe ask Tanq if he could put you directly South of where you are instead since you'd still be adjacent to the road and behind cover while providing radio bonus and shooting flares. It seems Fire and Maneuver ignore terrain cost, you can just move anywhere one tile adjacent.
I need this road since I'm blocking using Mirage Aspect. You can't shoot through this road anyway because of sheer diagonals, this tile directly North of me is the perfect ambush point.
>>5602835 >Reserve Fire [J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u ID:ewgBNCYp Thu 16 Mar 2023 22:31:23 No. 5603581 Report >>5603570 The way Fire and Maneuver is supposed to work is that you READY a Fire and Maneuver action for the NEXT phase where in the FIre Phase you Shoot and Scoot then Move as normal (ready another FM)
Black 1 [J-7]
>>5603581 Ohh I thought it was if you didn't move a turn you get a free movement. That's how I've been using it, you still have your regular movement though you could just ask Tanq if he could have reversed you directly South Instead.
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u ID:ewgBNCYp Thu 16 Mar 2023 22:57:39 No. 5603620 Report Rolled 4, 10, 7, 10 = 31 (4d10) >>5603588 Well I'll try. And we'll see where we go from there.
>>5602835 >Get ready to spend my Northwesterlies token+Pixy Fortune. I feel like I'll need. >Initiative >Spotting >FM: m/31K fires into Krasnyy with 7.7cm (1st dice) whilst the m/24K fires at the T-16's 6NE (2nd dice), Maneuver 1 South >Movement: Reverse 1SW, Pivot South, Move 3 South Isolde Von Bern [D-10]
Quoted By:
Rolled 8, 2 = 10 (2d10) >>5602835 >Smoke NW and SE, Use Raine's 9 if needed >Reserve Fire to heal and shoot the planes [J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u ID:ewgBNCYp Thu 16 Mar 2023 23:15:40 No. 5603653 Report >>5603620 >>5602835 It as also come to my attention that Reversing might (maybe, possibly, not unlikely) take all your movement in which case I would change my Movement (Though in hindsight this STILL leads to the same amount of movement as my original post so it feels a bit of a useless addendum but who knows if we're rigorous with actual movement.)
The "fixed" movement becomes
>Pivot South, Move 4 South using roads. D2 - Kohlkopf
Quoted By:
>>5602833 >Move 4 tiles SW Gauthier [D-4]
Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5602835 >roll for spotting >Move SW >Move SW >Move S >Move S Lt. Vivian Martins [C-5]
>>5602835 >Pivot South >Move South East >Grab Vix's broken tank Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ
Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ ID:2hTmIbO8 Fri 17 Mar 2023 01:50:39 No. 5603821 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5603107 I'm dumb. Forgot to do spotting
Roman Orlik [R-9]
Quoted By:
>>5602835 >Pivot East >Move South East tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
>>5602903 Facing issues often occur when I move things during processing and then come back to reface them later...or miss them because they've been moved but I forgot to shift them. Mostly because it involves fetching another vehicle sprite of the other angle instead of just flipping it.
In this case...that particular urban tile, on close inspection, does not have a road tile <span class="mu-i">in</span> it, but it does look like it <span class="mu-i">should</span> be part of it. The exact rules on moving through dense terrain such as woods or town is that it costs 2 movement to enter, but has no malus to exiting it. If it has a road through it, this is not the case.
It does <span class="mu-i">look</span> like it should work, and given the appearance of urban tiles not being clear in their density, I can allow your intended movement. I'd really rather it not become precedent, though. Map layout being unclear is my error, after all, but I'd rather not have to worry about anybody looking for edge cases to game it out purposely, I hope it's understood.
>>5602923 She would take exception to being referred to as such.
>>5602957 >can we reserve movement or no? In the sense that you can save movement from the last turn to use in the next movement phase? No. However, fire and maneuver happens in the shooting phase, so it does not effect taking more movement the same turn it occurs.
>>5603175 South pivot noted and applied.
>>5603181 >Last turn I split fire to put the 5cm shot into the T-16s at nn16, but it doesn't seem to have gone through. You're right. I will calculate it here-
ATK 5 (it should be that not 4) vs DEF 3+1, 4+, Hit, +1 Damage, 2 damage to Vehicle 1.
>>5603293 >you forgot to remove one of the T8R that Kohlkoph killed IIRC Indeed. Adjusted.
>>5603318 >I'm not allowed to pivot my trucks West to get ready to bail while still having my infantry reserve fire right? It would count if you were mounted.
Logically speaking while dismounted the truck movement should not affect the infantry.
However, it was not noted in the past movement so I'm not going to adjust it.
>>5603729 Towing isn't in the rules, though it's been being allowed for lighter vehicles and guns relatively.
While I will allow for tank towing...I think we can agree that a tank of equivalent weight towing another tank is not going to be moving anywhere fast. Just so it's known.
>>5603653 >It as also come to my attention that Reversing might (maybe, possibly, not unlikely) take all your movement It is how it works, though I believe in the past, I have allowed for doubled reversing if and only if it is along a road.
Anyways not resolving yet, I'd ideally like to post more material before that, but we'll see how it goes.
Jonah 'Just Fuck my Shit up' Vilgerson
Jonah 'Just Fuck my Shit up' Vilgerson ID:LVhmtuuH Fri 17 Mar 2023 02:47:15 No. 5603875 Report >>5603848 I meant reserve movement as in
>if X enemy moves here my movement will be Y Adrian Ferrari [D-3]
>>5602835 >move 2x SE, 1x S into gg40 >dismount >dig in tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Quoted By:
>>5603875 Sorry it took me a bit to get back to this.
I don't particularly like the idea of conditionals because it goes against the conceit of not knowing exactly what the enemy is going to do, but I will allow for exactly one conditional. Otherwise it becomes a pain in my ass to process.
Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Quoted By:
>>5603848 >Anyways not resolving yet, I'd ideally like to post more material before that, but we'll see how it goes. Personally, I'm fine with delaying resolution a bit if we can catch up on the narrative. I desperately want more info on those T-15 variants that were sighted not too long ago.
Kannenpflanze [C-4]
>>5604028 We're moving into the same space. That's fine w/ infantry, but I don't think your trucks and my tanks can stay in the same tile.
>>5603848 If that's indeed the case, I'd like to have a provisional move in place, lest one or both of us stay in place or end up out of position. Basically, in case of conflict amend my move here
>>5602961 to take me to ff40 instead.
Quoted By:
>>5602835 >“For our sake, Lady Countess,” Yule muttered after providing battlefield updates and his planned courses, “I hope that Lady Sommervind is weathering this well. I don’t think most officers could hold out if they were facing what we were with her numbers.” So no radio contact at all from the Red Blades since the start of battle?
Suspicious. Adrian Ferrari [D-3]
Quoted By:
>>5604135 Whoops, I thought I had checked for conflicts but apparently I'm retarded. I'll switch back to my original destination.
>>5602835 >move 3x SE into hh40 >dismount >dig in Jonah 'Just Fuck My Shit Up' Vilgerson
Jonah 'Just Fuck My Shit Up' Vilgerson ID:LVhmtuuH Fri 17 Mar 2023 20:20:26 No. 5604629 Report Quoted By:
>>5603435 >Move SE >move S >Move S >Move S >Move S >Move S Ilse Anna Degenhardt-Iðunardóttir [J-8] !!IQutGeX9+Yk
Ilse Anna Degenhardt-Iðunardóttir [J-8] !!IQutGeX9+Yk ID:MdWsVb8P Sat 18 Mar 2023 05:46:48 No. 5605535 Report Rolled 2, 4, 10, 9, 7, 7 = 39 (6d10) >>5602835 >Initiative and Spotting >Shoot the T-8R's in mm23 >Reverse south into ff31 >Tow the BM-2 in that tile Ilse Anna Degenhardt-Iðunardóttir [J-8] !!IQutGeX9+Yk
Ilse Anna Degenhardt-Iðunardóttir [J-8] !!IQutGeX9+Yk ID:MdWsVb8P Sat 18 Mar 2023 06:18:21 No. 5605559 Report Quoted By:
>>5602835 >>5605535 Amending my resolution phase action. Apologies.
>Dig in. If I can both begin digging in and tow the BM-2 then do both, but prioritize fortifying if not. Albert von Eschenz [R-4]
Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5602835 >move down the road then turn diagonally to dd37 >spotting roll tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Quoted By:
Rolled 2, 1 = 3 (2d4) The forward element of the battalion had passed from Jagterfisk Pools’ main hub to the second town that the settlement consisted of- surrounding the point where two rail lines merged into one, a smaller station than the main town. Much like the landmark that the town took its name from, though this place was divided from the larger town, it was considered one and the same. The smaller fish, perhaps. Most of the forward platoons held at the woods, waiting for the smoke deployed by artillery to spread to cover their advance. The battle over the first town was ongoing, as the enemy was advancing, ostensibly, to force out those who had just occupied it. Not that the battalion had been planning on staying more than moments anyways. The Sky Queen stood at the edge of the woods herself, her royal regalia and golden decoration well hidden under the deep green camouflage cloak normally worn by scouts- though it was accurate for her current role, as she peered past the darkness, past the smoke, and could somehow still see beyond. There was no reason to doubt her- her voice had a quality to it that made deception appear impossible, even more than her gentle appearance. The alien way she floated off the ground was hidden by that same cloak, though her inability to move without pushing off of objects necessitated the use of a pole to push her about. “They art there,” she pointed and looked up to Lieutenant Sikorsky, “They haft prepared fortifications to receive thee, and art hidden in the buildings. Two score of them if I were to give mine best guess.” She looked back over. “I do not envy those whom must do battle with them.” “They’re no match,” one of Lieutenant Ferrari’s haughty sergeants sneered, “We cleared them out of the first town easy enough. We’ll send this band running too.” Most in this group had developed a sort of condescension for the enemy now. Those who were not in tanks that largely bested their Twaryian opponents had defeated many in close combat this very night, and were little worse for wear. Velecacia looked back again, a solemn expression on her face. “Their beings burn with fear. Perhaps thou art correct. Yet I have mine doubts about if this will be so easy…” ----- “That sort of vehicle doesn’t have an official identification,” Yule said both to himself and for the benefit of the lone aide who shared the armored car with him, now that Velecacia had departed. “But it sounds like some sort of self-propelled armored assault gun, if it’s this close. Twelve centimeter bore, maybe fifteen. Not anti-vehicular, though a hit from one would destroy practically anything. More for dealing with fortifications.” “Like the Fortress Lines?” the aide concluded, but that had not been Yule’s thought.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Quoted By:
A shake of his head. “No. Probably for Ellowie. I remember a report detailing vehicles like this, from analysts who came down here.” Vynmark had hosted Ellowian monarchist expatriates ever since the northern neighbor’s royal family had been ousted, and only recently allowed back into the country under Wladysaw XI. Even before then, Ellowie’s military had no shortage of sympathizers who coordinated with Vynmark’s own martial class, though the uprising had come only after Netillian occupation. It was a long story, and Yule only cared for information regarding the result of such relations rather than every turn along the way. “It’s only quite recently that there were signs of…this happening. These wouldn’t have been ready in time. Besides, these weren’t encountered at all, from what I’ve heard, when the first and second lines fell.” “And the other new contacts?” “The rearguard reported those.” A more known element, though one that hadn’t been encountered yet. Despite the massive quantity of tanks, this was a particular detail that identified for certain the presence of a Twaryian Armored Assault Division, more specifically, their supporting <span class="mu-i">Motorstreltzy</span>. “Armored personnel carriers.” “Not like our own T-24s, right?” “Yeah,” Yule actually could look up an identification image for such, “BMTs, they call them. Combat Car Transports.” Though they had no actual relation to BM-5s; they were larger, armored, and had a sturdy half-tread suspension while still being fast. They were not Caelussian; they were extremely simple vehicles, very Twaryian in design. Cheap and rough, but undeniably serviceable. “T-24s are completely enclosed. BMTs have open tops, more exposed in general. But they’re shrapnel and bullet resistant from most frontal angles, so they run over unsupported infantry well enough.” “Not like ours,” the aide concluded. “No, but everywhere else.” The Hageldorf Battalion was an incredible exception to most of Vynmark’s army. The Twaryian armored pursuit would have run roughshod over any other formation the Major was familiar with. A Vynmark Infantry Battalion’s anti-tank assets were lucky to include 5-centimeter anti-tank guns, and mostly consisted of 3.7-centimeter guns. Armored units were the same way. This quantity of T-15s would be forced to have been dealt with through heavy artillery support or mines, or heavy anti-aircraft guns, but here, the repeated booming of naval guns highlighted the presence of a weapon that even the heaviest Twaryian formation would fear. Sixteen in total of the rare m/31K panzerjager vehicles. Yule didn’t know how many of those conversions had been made, but it was possible that fully half of them had made their way to this unit. It was a similar story to the m/24-32 conversions. Incredible fortune had made this battalion exceptionally fearsome, but he remembered the Countess’s uncertainties regarding this.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Quoted By:
Not just the many soldiers involved in this special mission, but their special equipment, would have made an incredibly valuable asset in the line of battle- but they were here, practically alone. Save for a lone vanguard that Yule was increasingly distrustful of. Enough listening to front reports. He shifted communication channels to Central Battalion Command. “Lady Countess,” he requested plainly. It took a minute and a few more requests. “Major,” came the tired reply eventually. “What is it?” “Has there been news from Lady Sommervind’s detachment?” Yule asked, “I have heard nothing. Is she keeping in contact with you?” “She is,” Haile said with new earnestness in her voice, “I have been providing her with updates to what has been happening and our maneuvers and locations. It is dark, and any confusion could be disastrous, but she has told me that our unit is doing very well at capturing Twaryian attention. We are close now, though. It will not be long until we are able to withdraw from this mess.” “…” Yule paused and scratched the stubble on his chin, considered his near-empty coffee tin. He played out his doubts in his head- what their response would be. <span class="mu-i">”Lady Countess, I would ask a favor. Can you cease communicating precise maneuver and location details to Lady Sommervind?” “Why, do you not trust her? She has fought for Vynmark against this enemy, she is my friend from childhood, do you suspect her because she is a Twaryinauk?” “No, it is because she is associated with the Red Blades.” “Then you should sympathize, shouldn’t you?</span> Yule sighed and adjusted his beret to fit better under the headset. “Our southwest element approaching her position hasn’t been responding. They include our most veteran reconnaissance elements, so I doubt personnel error. There must have been an electrical malfunction or terrain interference. They’re probably fine, but I’m not sure where they are right now.” Realistically, such veteran soldiers would have found some way to relay communications from their present positions even if their radios failed, but he counted on Haile’s own lack of experience. “Is that so,” Countess Haile said with an apprehensive hitch in her voice. She was wary, probably, of anything going wrong. “…Alright. I’ll have faith in them, but I hope they are not in trouble.” “I’ll tell you if this changes, Lady Countess. Forward Command Out.” He went back to platoon coordination. “Southwest forward elements. Keep an eye out, for anything. I have a hunch that those woods you’re passing between aren’t quite empty…no, not of Twaryians. But if something’s there that isn’t where it’s reporting to be, we might have a problem. Do not communicate directly about what you encounter. Be clever about it. I’m already taking a risk relaying this on our own channels, do not respond to this message. Out.”
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Rolled 5, 2, 3, 5, 8, 8, 8, 2, 5, 8, 4, 5 = 63 (12d10) Alright, I've been unable in the past to do midnight updates after getting back from work, but I slept in today so I will do my best to call and do the turn from then and have it out Sunday. In the meantime, spotting and initiative respectively for- Northeast Section North-Northeast Section North Section Krasnyy Northwest Infantry West Tanks
[D-9] Von Totmann
Rolled 9, 4, 7, 7, 9, 6, 7 = 49 (7d10) >>5602833 >init >spotting >shoot the T-8s at X-28 with 5 4.5cm cannons >shoot off a flare pistol at bb-24 A bit late on my part.
[D-9] Von Totmann
Quoted By:
Rolled 8, 8 = 16 (2d10) >>5602835 >>5606728 Aaaah, replying to the proper post.
Also, in case D-11 is too late I'll quickly bot him;
>shoot off a flare at aa-22 >reserve fire, preparing to blastone of the enemy motorised infantry with as much firepower as possible once they move out of the smoke. Stefan Eberhardt
Quoted By:
Rolled 1, 6, 10, 9, 2, 7, 3, 7, 6, 4, 10, 5, 3, 5, 8, 4, 10 = 100 (17d10) >>5602833 >Inititaive: Rolling >Spotting: Rolling >Fire: Reserve 15 MG's at Infantry if they Move into LOS >Movement: n/a Luther Wester [D-6] !!8C1UuC+54vi
Luther Wester [D-6] !!8C1UuC+54vi ID:8aTsb8Md Sun 19 Mar 2023 03:42:04 No. 5607162 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 10, 10, 4, 2, 5, 3, 5, 5, 3, 6, 5, 5, 10 = 73 (13d10) Sorry I missed towing the bomb away, there's been lots of overtime this week and I haven't had much energy left over after I get home other than to slouch on the couch.
I see some people rolling 10's on their spotting rolls so I assume the aircraft get spotted and reported on to the whole Battalion, so if I have a shot this turn I'll try to land some hits on them. Otherwise I guess the dice here are just for fun.
>>5602835 >fire MG's at aircraft if I have a shot, otherwise ignore the dice. Initative first if it matters, then x4 Infantry MGs | x8 T/24 MGs >mount up >move S, S, SE, S to tile FF39 >dismount Anonymous
Quoted By:
Rolled 10, 4 = 14 (2d10) >>5602835 Botting Volger with his permission.
>Spotting and Initiative >Move S, SW, SW, S Anonymous
>>5606641 Another Skirmish just popped up and I'm not very good at multi tasking. Just bot me follow the Caravan and Drop mines.
Totmann, Wesker and Alvin can bot me if they need to.
Isolde Von Bern [D-10]
Quoted By:
>>5607550 This is me by the way, forgot the name
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Quoted By:
I got close to being able to post today, but as it turns out, trying to pull an all nighter didn't work out, and I had a meeting to attend that cut my resolution time.
I've only really got the writing part left to do though, so here's hoping I'm not too tired when I get back tonight.
>>5607550 How dare you cheat on me.
No, just kidding. Honestly, what with things progressing every two days instead of one lately, you could probably do two others.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Quoted By:
Alright, soon. I like to listen to music while I work. It would be a safe assumption that I listen to something relatively flexible in terms of tone and era. Instead the map update is being finished to a Out of Touch Synth Remix. I just thought that was funny in some odd way.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
>INI 14- D-5 Raine- Smokes, Reserves Fire. >INI 13- J-3 Niel- Attacks gg17 Krasnyy T-15, and jj18 T-8Rs. ATK 6, 5 vs DEF 3, 4. 2+, 4+ to Hit. 1 Hit on gg17 T-15s, PRC 7 vs ARM 5+1, 1 Damage. >INI 13- R-7 Wespe- Flares, Attacks Y28 T-8s, ATK 2 vs DEF 3, 6+ to Hit. No Hits. >INI 13- J-2 Gabriel- Flares, Attacks Y23 Moskity. ATK 4 vs DEF 4+1, 6+ to Hit. No Hits. >INI 13- D-9 Von Totmann- Attacks Y28 T-8s, ATK 2 vs DEF 3, 6+ to Hit. 5 Hits- Target Destroyed. >INI 13- D-10 Von Bern- Throws Smoke. >INI 13- C-1 Vix- Fires Smoke Shell >INI 12- J-1 Zufalligdorf- Attacks Y23 Moskity. ATK 5 vs DEF 4, 4+ to Hit. 1 Hit, 1 Crit. 2, 2 Damage. >INI 12- Y23 Moskity- Throws Smoke. >INI 9+2- J-5 Wesker- Uses Northwesterlies Token to increase Initiative by +2. [Pixy Fortune activates- Empowered Northwesterlies improves next turn Initiative stat by +3) Attacks gg17 Krasnyy T-15 and ff15 T-16s. ATK 5+1, 5 vs DEF 3. 2+, 3+ to Hit. 1 Hit, 1 Crit. 1 Damage to Krasnyy T-15s, 1 target T-16 destroyed. >INI 10- J-4 Giovanni- Attacks jj16 T-15s. ATK 6 vs DEF 3+1, 3+ to Hit. 1 Hit, PRC 7 vs ARM 5, +1 damage. 1 target destroyed. >INI 10- gg17 Krasnyy T15s- Attacks J-4 Giovanni. ATK 4 vs DEF 3+1, 5+ to Hit. (Rolled 10, 9) (Pixy Fortune- Empowered Red Dust Token used. Damage Nullified) >INI 10- ff14 T-16- Attacks J-5 Wesker. Attack failed due to loss of visibility on target. >INI 10- TSU15- Fires Smoke Shells. >INI 8- D-1 Krogh- Fires Flare. >INI 7- W30 T-8s- Attacks R-7 Wespe. Inferior PRC requires 10s to Hit. (Rolled 9, 10) 1 Hit. (Vehicle 3 is hit for 1 damage) >INI 5- J-8 Degenhardt- Attacks mm23 T-8Rs. ATK 4 vs DEF 4, 5+ to Hit. 1 Crit, 3 Hits. Target Destroyed. -----
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
>Krasnyy T-15s rolls over Mined Space, (Rolled 6, 1) Mine Hit. 1 Target Destroyed. >Reaction Fire- D-11 Eberhardt- Attacks bb23 Moskity. ATK 2 vs DEF 4, 7+ to Hit. 4 Hits, 3 Crits. 10 Damage. >Reaction Fire- D-5 Raine- Attacks ll22 T-16s. Inferior PRC requires 10s to Hit (Incendiary hits for 2). (Rolled 8, 10, 6, 7, 3, 7, 2, 3, 2, 6, 7, 10). One Hit, One Incendiary Hit. One Target Destroyed. >Reaction Fire- D-12 Krachen- Attacks jj21 T-8Rs. ATK 2 vs DEF 4+1, 8+ to Hit. (Rolled 7, 4, 8, 6, 4, 3) 1 Hit. >Reaction Fire- C-3 Lutzow-Spelinger- Attacks RB-5 Biplane with 13mm Machine Gun. (Rolled 10, 3) Target Shot Down. >Reaction Fire- D-10 Von Bern- Attacks RB-5 Biplane with Machine Guns- (Rolled 8, 2, 4, 4, 10) Target Disrupted. ----- <span class="mu-i">”…There they are. Not one I expected, but satisfactory enough. One of the impudent panzerjager. Gunner, acquire target at five degrees left. Platoon halt. Fire at will.” </span> ----- “Look there,” one of the mercenary tankers pointed to the sky, “They’re comin’ this way. Shining up the whole place as they go along. No point in hiding a battle this big anyways, I guess.” He looked to the other tank commander along the way, “Where’s Sglaza, anyways? Ain’t nobody easy on the eyes around here, and I’m sick of it.” “Talking with the contact. Seems like she wants diplomacy to be the main option.” The first mercenary snorted. “And go home without a fight? Sglaza won’t like that. Especially not with these new toys. It’d be a joke to use them against anybody but this bunch.” “She’ll do it if she’s told to. So will you. Vent off on our next job.” “Feh. I don’t want to mow down any tardy rebels for the sake of the pointy eared whack jobs. Might get into friendly fire situations with your arse hanging out.” “We’ll know soon enough.” ----- The armored battle to the north was punctuated by more panzerjager fire- shooting from cover and maneuvering, little return fire successfully found its mark. However, what did come around was a terrifyingly close affair. Lieuteannt Giovanni’s vehicles were both struck- but whether it was intervention or luck, the holes smashed in the vehicles were both high in the gun shields, and did little more damage than nasty surprises. Wesker’s own vehicles beat a hasty retreat backwards just before a return volley might have destroyed him. Powerful as the m/31K guns were, their carriers were very fragile- and not nearly numerous enough to try and sacrifice in a battle of attrition.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Yule’s call to strike down the Red-Capped T-15 was heeded, and the best attempts were made, but the panzerjager couldn’t quite take down the ace himself. These T-15s were unusually sturdy, and even all of the hatred that could be mustered in their direction was only slowly peeling away at their strength. It was possible that, with the position newly lit with flares and the quantity of enemy coming, the Chimeras would have been overwhelmed, but the enemy must have hesitated at losing more materiel and men, as the next shots that crashed down were not direct assaults, but rather, smoke, to conceal the advance. Too late to avoid the casualties incurred, but perhaps the enemy hadn’t been expecting such a hard fight as soon as they entered the field. In any case, the fight over the northern town was not calming whatsoever, as another incursion from the northeast began its advance, encountering infantry in the woods northeast of the town. They were just as heavy a force in equipment- many T-15s. The battalion was weathering it well- for now- but the vanguard pushed forward nevertheless, as an attack from the west, though thinned substantially, stubbornly persisted. The next battle began with an advance through prepared smoke, though the enemy ahead was far, far less substantial. The reconnaissance probe to the west was finding nothing at all- in fact, it was eerily quiet compared to everywhere else. Which, in the experience of those present, was an indication that something was wrong.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Not that Major Yule was concerned with that. Nor was Countess Haile, though the latter was more distracted with overall coordination, her thoughts occupied merely with the present while the field commander could think of what was to come. Better that way, perhaps, he thought. She seemed to have an unreasonable amount of trust in a Bat Eared Noble Bastard, regardless of legitimization. Anything suspect, to him, landed squarely at the feet of the Red Blades. After all, it was on Sommervind’s advice that the unit still held the Caelussian prisoners, and Haile’s insistence that she hold onto the Sky Queen- and Yule felt certain that the Countess’s childhood friend must have had something to do with that. Haile’s demeanor had softened significantly when she did not have to maintain appearances. Most of all, though, he wanted to be out of this situation and back to the main line of battle, where a general could be worrying about the sorts of things he had to account for. Getting south as soon as possible was what weighed heaviest on the mind- more than the odd weapons, more than the odd women, and more than the heavy implications of what was being carried along. Nobody could worry about those if they were dead, after all. An interruption to the dreary portents- Twaryian reconnaissance bombers had been spotted and fired upon. Yule hadn’t even heard them- it took good senses to spot the infamous silent harassment bombers, even for dedicated anti-aircraft crews. Congratulations were in order- if their attack did not result in terrible damage. Normally, they didn’t, but these were far from normal circumstances.>Turn is Open
Casimir Sikorsky [C-2]
Rolled 4, 7, 2, 3, 3, 10 = 29 (6d10) >>5609153 >Spotting >Initiative, 4x 8mm Pintle MGs if biplanes turn in this direction >Move 1 South (hh 39) Casimir Sikorsky [C-2]
Quoted By:
>>5609171 Additionally:
>Mortar strike on hh42 Alvin Raine [D-5]
Rolled 8, 8, 8, 6, 7, 3, 10, 5, 2, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 = 102 (14d10) >>5609147 > You said I could pivot my trucks West and reserve fire if my infantry was dismounted. >>5603848 >Initiative and Spotting >Fire flamethrowers and grenades >Fire and Maneuver Mount >Assuming I'm facing West. Move W, SW, W, SW, SW. >Pivot South towards the caravan Adrian Ferrari [D-3]
>>5609147 I should be in a surprise encounter with the infantry at hh40 right?
Villi Niel [J-3]
Rolled 3, 6 = 9 (2d10) >>5609153 >Initiative >Spotting >Face East >Move East, East Cloud goes up, cloud goes down
Casimir Sikorsky [C-2]
Quoted By:
>>5609171 Additionally:
>HE Mortar strike on hh42 (both batteries) Roman Orlik [R-9]
Rolled 10, 6, 7, 2, 3, 7, 7, 9, 7, 6 = 64 (10d10) >>5609153 >Initiative and Spotting >Fire Autocannons at the planes >Pivot West. >Move West, South West, South West >Pivot South >Move South Casimir Sikorsky [C-2]
>>5609171 Sorry for movement was wondering if I could move 1x SW to share tiles with Ferrari's platoon while his trucks shift North 1 tile?
>HE Mortar strike on hh42 (both batteries) >Flare hh40 Anonymous
>>5609242 We have 3 batteries of mortars with 9 total shots.
>>5609145 I see T-8s with 3+ hp and armored cars with 4+. It really isn't a mistake?
D2 - Kohlkopf
>>5609147 >Move 2 tiles S and 2 tiles SW to tile gg37 [D-9] Von Totmann
Rolled 2, 7, 2, 2, 10, 5, 3 = 31 (7d10) >>5609153 >Initiative >spotting >shoot the two t-8s in bb-27 >f&m used to mount up >move S - S - SW to cc-26 >dismount Totmann felt cold as he watched a whole platoon of T-8s brew up after his crew opened fire. Ever since he saw a whole Twaryian armored battalion materialize out of the dark, racing at all speeds towards their positions he had felt nothing but ice in his veins. There had been no time to think, his whole attention had been on directing his crews, making sure that the enemy was destroyed and that he avoided the same fate. Despite everything, events seem to have played out favorably for the rearguard so far. Radio chatter had grown increasingly terse and frantic, but so far he'd not heard of any losses being reported- not that he had time to get lost in his own thoughts! The sound of a whole platoon of Panzer Dragoons opening up with all their firepower came from the west as Eberhardt's platoon was engaging assaulting their positions. It was time to move!
"Finish off those last two T-8s, then mount up. We're redeploying." Totmann called out, voice flat. He then got onto the radio: <"Totmann to Eberhardt. We're redeploying south. Might I suggest you break contact and follow me? Over.">
[D-9] Von Totmann
Quoted By:
>>5609306 also, +3 initiative for standing still, +1 for company radio
Caroline M. Vix [C-1]
Quoted By:
Rolled 2, 5, 9, 8 = 24 (4d10) >>5609153 >Init >Spot >Fire enemy at ff-41 8cm howitzer, 5cm cannon >Move bb-45 Jonah 'Just Fuck My Shit Up' Vilgerson
Jonah 'Just Fuck My Shit Up' Vilgerson ID:LVhmtuuH Mon 20 Mar 2023 23:33:05 No. 5609337 Report Quoted By:
>>5609147 >Move S >Move S >Move S >Move S >Move S >Move SE >Move S tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
>>5609229 You are, yes. I forgot to list it.
>>5609242 >for movement was wondering if I could move 1x SW to share tiles with Ferrari's platoon while his trucks shift North 1 tile? If he moves them, yes.
>>5609261 One yes, the other no. For the T-8Rs they managed to somehow grab the damage of a T-16 group, since that group hasn't been hit yet. For the other, those aren't cars, they're normal trucks, infantry transports.
>>5609350 Right thanks.
>>5609229 mind sharing a tile for this turn?
Adrian Ferrari [D-3]
>>5609356 Yeah that's fine with me, I'll move my trucks.
Casimir Sikorsky [C-2]
Quoted By:
>>5609379 Thanks.
>>5609171 Change to Move 1 SW (gg39)
Quoted By:
>>5609153 Botting D-7 Lehrson:
>Move to gg40 >Dismount >Dig In Anonymous
>>5609350 Tanq I just wanted to say and we've been discussing this for a while but the stories of our missions sound like such bullshit. No offense meant at all I'm just baffled actually thinking about it.
I mean Op1, it wasn't so bad but Op2 a group of random bumfucks thrown together somehow assault a fortified town while fighting veteran reinforcements.
Not only did they kill at least 1:3 enemies WHILE BEING ATTACKERS, they also captured a major command group and barely lost any major vehicles while fighting and capturing foreign special forces.
Op fucking 3. The Vynmark military's basically pulling support and the foreign support left leaving the skies uncontested for the Ians. Some fucking how, these random bumfucks preplanned to get massed anti-air and self-propelled guns because they're just that paranoid.
Disregarding everything else, when the Twarians decided to throw at least an entire regiment of ALL VETERAN units at the bumfucks at NIGHT, which is what they specialize in, the Twarians have taken a 60:5 vehicle loss.
Our missions sound like such bullshit, no way in hell anybody actually believes we're doing this stuff. Hell I'm not fully convinced this isn't a fever dream because there's no way in hell these statistics should run when at this point our only advantage is CRACK HEAD ENERGY. A lot of our troops are even greener that the Ians.
Alvin Raine [D-5]
Quoted By:
>>5609223 >>5609350 >Add an addendum >Fire flare at 21nn at the T-15 on the road. Walter Splitterschwert [R-1]
Walter Splitterschwert [R-1] ID:53tMsFCi Tue 21 Mar 2023 04:03:29 No. 5609597 Report Rolled 2, 9, 10, 7, 1 = 29 (5d10) >>5609153 >Turn Roll: init, spot, 3x 8mm MG
Fire: MGs at enemy infantry SW of me.
>Move: N/A >>5609572 The night isn't over yet. I imagine we're not going to get much chance to re-arm and repair before the last mission.
Alvin Raine [D-5]
Quoted By:
>>5609597 Probably not but a 60:5 or a 12:1 vehicle loss ratio's insane.
>>5609276 Kohl would you be willing to go into the HQ? We have to deal with a possible uprising from the prisoners and there's a chance you can get medical attention for your men.
I'd rather Haile not get kidnapped yet.
Jonah 'Just Fuck My Shit Up' Vilgerson
Jonah 'Just Fuck My Shit Up' Vilgerson ID:LVhmtuuH Tue 21 Mar 2023 04:16:28 No. 5609608 Report Quoted By:
Changing mov to>Mov S >Mov S >Mov S >get medical attention from hq
Adrian Ferrari [D-3]
Rolled 9, 3, 9, 7, 8, 7, 8, 4, 9, 9, 8, 6, 2, 7 = 96 (14d10) >>5609153 >attack the enemy infantry in hh40 with grenades and flamethrowers >move my trucks 1x East Rolls are spotting, initiative, grenades, flamethrowers
Adrian Ferrari [D-3]
Quoted By:
Rolled 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1 = 9 (6d2) >>5609675 HE for the grenades
Adrian Ferrari [D-3]
Rolled 9, 3, 5, 9, 10, 4, 5, 4, 1, 7, 10, 8 = 75 (12d10) >>5609675 And rolling again in case I win initiative and get my free attack (unlikely)
Adrian Ferrari [D-3]
Quoted By:
Rolled 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2 = 11 (6d2) >>5609678 And HE again just in case
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
>>5609572 It's true, the victories are rather lopsided...though it's inevitable in a way, given how units are. While the emphasis is that your player characters aren't that special in the grand scheme of things, mechanically, they are the stars. Only the enemy aces have had access to commander traits and tokens, for example, which every single one of you does. However, that's a relatively minor advantage compared to something I'm going to see the effectiveness of, and it's actually quite a simple thing.
Materiel Superiority.
Most of the Twaryian motor pool is incapable of dealing with up-armored m/24-32s entirely. Most of the infantry are better equipped than theirs have been. If the tank hunters manage to get a good position, their stats are on average so high that they're able to deal with any armored threat that the normal tanks can't deal with. Even the T-15 has relatively lower chance to hit, despite being the strongest thing in the enemy arsenal. Ironically the spookiest thing they have might be the completely unarmored cars with cannons on them.
Now, this isn't a problem. There are tradeoffs- we'll see how much they actually are, but the other factor has been, well, give yourselves some credit. You work utilizing combined arms tactics, with most groups rolling around with every type of each unit. Whenever people are alone in some way, they tend to get beat up on. The Twaryians haven't really had access to good artillery support or much in the way of dedicated support vehicles, or working well with infantry. This is, mostly, intentional, and not just because it's easier to do resolution for in a sensible way that makes it feel like they're not cheating when they do something that would, say, screw up your firing solution because your initiative rolls tend to suck. A major flaw of many early war forces was their inability to execute successful combined arms operations, and the Twaryians sort of bull-head their way into what they expect to be inferiorly equipped forces. Which, while you aren't that, imagine if you had no m/24-32s or m/31Ks. Not that you couldn't fight like that, but I'd expect the tactics to weigh a lot more when your units aren't better.
All in all, it is a little early for judgment, but your battalion <span class="mu-i">is</span> special in more than a few ways. It's alright for it to get surprising results.
Now do it over with only Level 0 Equipment In any case your thoughts are appreciated. Though it's too early to get cocky!
Freya Unterbrust [R-3]
Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5609153 The feeling of looming malevolence hadn't left her since the beginning of the night, but it was this quiet moment that allowed to to fully sink in. The anticipation, the growing tension, the hair raising on the back of her neck. Yet there was a mission to see others through. Hopefully she'd still be with them once it was over.
<<Bit of a gloomy night, isn't it. Mood needs a bit of raising, I say. Have you lot ever heard the tale of Der Doppelhund?>>
Once upon a time, a boy had wandered through the woods and stumbled upon the mouth of a great echoing cave. When he stepped before it and called out a "hello" inside, he heard a voice call back to him.
"Hello? Is someone out there?" They said. Their voice was soft and kindly, like a warming melody from deep inside the darkness. "Would you please come inside? I can't see you from out there..."
The boy wasn't sure. The cave was dark as pitch, with moss and stone that jutted about the entrance like a hungry maw. But still, the voice from within sounded so nice that he brushed away the thought and took a step inside...
>Spotting >Hold Movement
>Move S >Move SE >Move S >Move S >Move SW >Move S Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>5609572 The shared element is the presence of Krasniy. Clearly, it's all his fault.
Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Rolled 5, 3, 2, 7, 9, 4, 8, 2 = 40 (8d10) >>5609153 "Damn that Major," Kannenpflanze muttered as his platoon approached the town, the final obstacle before them. Or was it? Yule's cryptic message gave rise to a tidal wave of doubting and second-guessing. What was their vanguard doing? The rearguard was—judging by the radio reports and the constant rolling gunfire—engaged in a very tough fight, but the enemies arrayed along their route through Jagterfisk were frankly pathetic and offered little to no resistance—a couple of scares with those odd remotely operated vehicles notwithstanding. What was the vanguard doing? This would've been even easier if they were coordinating with them. That lot clearly wasn't fighting anyone, what with how quiet this area was. Things were progressing far too smoothly and Leo knew something was rotten. The question, then, was is that half-blooded SCA bitch and her lot were in on it. Twaryian infantry appearing on either side of him put to rest any more conspiratorial thoughts. It was time to show him and his men were worth their paychecks.
>Spotting >Initiative >Shooting: LLG at ff41, ff42, and gg43. 6xMGs at infantry in ff41 (first three rolls suppress (+1 ATK), the rest are normal). Pistol flare at ll45). >Movement: S, SW, S, SW >>5609597 Any reason you're not firing your main guns? They still do 1 damage against infantry.
>>5609731 >Ironically the spookiest thing they have might be the completely unarmored cars with cannons on them. No kidding. Fast, good all-round stats, and there's always shitloads of them.
Also, it seems may have forgotten to move D-11's infantry along with his APCs a couple of turns ago (
>>5599276 ). I think they've still been attacking just fine regardless, but may as well fix it on the map.
>>5609731 Hey man I'm still gonna be paranoid, especially since we're at the home stretch. I've played enough quests and skirmish to know the landing's the part that gets scuffed the most. All I'm saying is that our missions sound like bullshit and there's no way people actually believe we exist and aren't at most just a blatant propaganda piece which I'd feel sad for because as you said we've been coordinating pretty well overall.
Quoted By:
>>5609778 Like a Monday game where you make all the right choices then realize the fight was all ultimately meaningless and it didn't matter that much how well you actually did.
But I guess a lot of us are already used to that, we'll still keep fighting and we'll still try to drag as many bodies with us regardless of reward.
Caroline M. Vix [C-1]
Quoted By:
>>5609778 But isn't that how it usually goes you sit around in some pub and hear people talking about what you did. Some believe some don't and you just smile with your scars knowing how it really went down
Quoted By:
>>5609731 Random question, are Twaryian Motorstrelzy treated as elite like how Netillian Mech Guards are, or just Moskity with better steeds?
>>5609731 Random questions, are Twaryian Motorstrelzy treated as elite units in their army like how Netillian Mechanised Guards are, or more like just Moskity with better steeds?
What would the most elite/prestigious units in the Twaryian military be (like how the Naval Infantry is for Vynmark)?
Albert Von Carlstadt [R-10] !08f2tLaJ9s
Albert Von Carlstadt [R-10] !08f2tLaJ9s ID:WUkkxQKc Tue 21 Mar 2023 11:48:16 No. 5609829 Report Quoted By:
D2 - Kohlkopf
Quoted By:
>>5609606 It would take me 6 move to get into the HQ (I have 4). I'm not opposed to it, but unless I can hop on from an adjacent tile I can't do it this turn.
Gunther Lutzow-Spelinger [C-3] !!c22z0QTmIiu
Gunther Lutzow-Spelinger [C-3] !!c22z0QTmIiu ID:DQNPJci8 Tue 21 Mar 2023 14:46:28 No. 5609919 Report Rolled 6, 7 = 13 (2d10) >>5609153 >Spotting >Initiative (radio) >Move SW SW then S/SE down the road [J-1] Frederica Von Zufalligdorf !!A5ANDj+KATg
[J-1] Frederica Von Zufalligdorf !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:2TUe3P3t Tue 21 Mar 2023 14:54:26 No. 5609925 Report Rolled 1, 3, 3, 2 = 9 (4d10) >>5609147 >Init >Shoot the T-8s in front of me >Turn E, move E SE, turn S, move S Walter der Walter [R-1]
Rolled 3, 1, 5 = 9 (3d10) >>5609770 Huh, always figured they were just anti-armor. Sure why not.
>>5609153 adding
>>5609597 >Fire 3x 2.5 cm cannon at enemy infantry Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Quoted By:
>>5609926 I thought so, too, but the only weapon that cannot be used to target infantry is the anti-tank rifle. The 2.5cm probably just sucks at it because its HE charge is tiny.
>those rolls Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Quoted By:
>>5609153 >>5609770 Probably goes without saying, but I'm gonna be grabbing C-3's initiative
>>5609919 [J-1] Frederica Von Zufalligdorf !!A5ANDj+KATg
[J-1] Frederica Von Zufalligdorf !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:2TUe3P3t Tue 21 Mar 2023 15:10:37 No. 5609942 Report Quoted By:
>>5609925 I'm gonna use J-5's init roll, can't be worse than mine.
Gunther Lutzow-Spelinger [C-3] !!c22z0QTmIiu
Gunther Lutzow-Spelinger [C-3] !!c22z0QTmIiu ID:DQNPJci8 Tue 21 Mar 2023 15:11:45 No. 5609944 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 2, 7 = 9 (2d10) >>5609919 Also going to try to
>Shoot the planes with 13mm Pintle Gun With two plane kills now, maybe Gunther was meant to be an AA gunner all along?
Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Quoted By:
>>5609234 Good rolls, but as per ruling in the second thread, only dedicated AA vehicles or pintle MGs can target aircraft.
Jacob Krogh D-1
Rolled 6, 10 = 16 (2d10) >>5609153 >initiative and spotting >fire flare on bb28 >move N, NW >dismount and dig-in I'll try and cover you guys in the western woods.
Daate Giovanni [J-4]
Rolled 8, 10, 4, 9 = 31 (4d10) I have no doubt in my mind that the bastard is literally right next to me, to the North West.
I could move back one and make it so he can't hit me through the village.
But fuck it.
I'm poppin him.
Judge. Bless these dice.
>>5609153 >Inititaive >Spotting >Fire x2 7.7cm Cannon at ff22 >No movement. Kannenpflanze [C-4]
>>5609973 Krasnyy can't have made it to ff22, as his max road movement would, at most, put him in ff21. If you want to pop him as he comes out of the smoke, just reserve fire.
Gauthier [D-4]
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5609153 >Roll spotting >Move SW >Move SW >Move SW >Move S >Move SE, ending at gg40 where C-4 is now and I'm pretty sure no one is going to yet. >Dismount >Dig in Let's go, last city fight was not enough for me, I need more.
Black 1 [J-7]
Quoted By:
>>5609147 >Reserve fire, prepare mirage aspect. Frankovich Wespe (R-7)
Von Bern [D-10]
>>5610229 Botting Von Bern
>Smoke Krachen. >Fire and Manuever, Mount up >Pivot West >Move South West, West, South West, South West, South West Should be pic related.
Von Bern [D-10]
Quoted By:
Rolled 7, 5, 3, 6, 2, 5, 4 = 32 (7d10) >>5610246 Ohh wait,
>Initiative and Spotting >Fire MGs at the planes duh Ilse Anna Degenhardt-Iðunardóttir [J-8] !!IQutGeX9+Yk
Ilse Anna Degenhardt-Iðunardóttir [J-8] !!IQutGeX9+Yk ID:MdWsVb8P Tue 21 Mar 2023 20:31:54 No. 5610254 Report Rolled 8, 4, 9, 1, 1, 8 = 31 (6d10) >>5609153 How do the night vision rules interact with with the rule regarding shooting revealing your concealed position. Will I be spotted if I fire even if I am in the dark and out of vision range? No sooner had the sorry excuse for scouts been shattered than a heavy metal company of T-15s burst out from the dark forest. The sight brought a chill to Ilse's spine that had nothing to do with the cold night air. Things seemed to have been going well moments ago, she supposed they still were. Reports of orderly planned movements to retreat did little to salve her anxiety, interspersed as they were with static and the sound of buzzing from high above where invisible threats lurked. The Twaryian's net was closing on the battalion, despite the heavy price doled out by them thus far.
"Six times T-15s coming out of the forest, Lorelai. Pick and lead your target, but hold fire a moment." she ordered, before repeating the directive to her platoon along with instructions to make sure their rear was clear before they fired, lest the subsequent recoil lead them to run over their dismounted diggers by accident.
The precaution paid off, as hoarse admonishments reached her ears from the edge of her hearing. Ilse herself struggled to move her stubborn crew, procrastination seemed endemic to her platoon.
No punishment came, as the T-15s were so glacially slow that even with the prior distraction they were barely halfway down the road. Exposed side profiles made for vulnerable targets. No more distractions.
>Initiative and Spotting. >Fire at the T-15's on the north-east road, 21nn. If they are obstructed for whatever reason then shoot the tanks on 21oo. (Since I'm flanking these should be a one hit kill if I hit, I think.) >Fire and Maneuver south (I may change this depending on the answer to the spoilered question, if that is alright. Also since I didn't move last turn I should get +3 to my INI roll this turn.) >Keep digging in. Specialist Franziska Vilgerson [C-7]
Specialist Franziska Vilgerson [C-7] ID:s0VW5hEG Tue 21 Mar 2023 20:44:06 No. 5610271 Report Rolled 1, 5, 1, 7, 1, 10 = 25 (6d10) >>5609147 >Initiative and Spotting >Fire on the planes with double Autocannons Specialist Franziska Vilgerson [C-7]
Specialist Franziska Vilgerson [C-7] ID:s0VW5hEG Tue 21 Mar 2023 20:45:53 No. 5610273 Report >>5610271 I'm gonna be grabbing Alvin Raine's 8 on initiative
>>5609223 Lt. Vivian Martins [C-5]
Lt. Vivian Martins [C-5]
>>5610273 >>5610271 >>5609153 Since Franny isn't moving, if the planes are out of range she can just consider this a reserve fire right?
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Rolled 7, 6, 4, 8, 6, 9, 3, 5, 9, 9 = 66 (10d10) Not called quite yet or anything, but it makes processing go by quicker to do certain things early when the time comes.
In order, Spot and INI Rolls for-
Northwest Right
Northwest Left (or just North I guess)
>>5609824 >Random questions, are Twaryian Motorstrelzy treated as elite units in their army like how Netillian Mechanised Guards are, or more like just Moskity with better steeds? The Motorstrelzy aren't particularly elite, just better equipped to match with the better equipment of Armored Divisions- which can vary widely in quality. Though the BMT is actually better suited to accompanying T-8s or T-16s, which are better able to match its speed. So the latter, really, though the Moskity are considered to generally be more wild and independently minded.
>What would the most elite/prestigious units in the Twaryian military be (like how the Naval Infantry is for Vynmark)? For the Twaryians, much like the Vynmark Naval Infantry, they haven't been encountered yet. There are two general sub-branches that are considered the most prestigious, and they are the Raiders, who are elite infiltration teams that tend to be used in very small scale operations and unconventional warfare, whose roots are said to extend back to the Twaryian flight from the old continent in slowing down the advance of the pursuing horde with irregular tactics. Hence their Twaryian name of <span class="mu-i">Kusaki</span>, or Biters. Besides them, who are quite small in number, there are the Paratroopers, or if you want to be properly pseudo-slavic about it, Desantniki. However, the Twaryian Air Force is not actually properly capable of mass airborne operations on the level of, say, the Reich, so their title is mostly ceremonial for practical purposes, and are presently used as elite light infantry.
>>5610254 >How do the night vision rules interact with with the rule regarding shooting revealing your concealed position. Will I be spotted if I fire even if I am in the dark and out of vision range? It hasn't come up what with vision range usually being quite high, but in this case, I would say being out of vision range due to darkness would prevent you from being targeted- though they'll definitely know you're there. Sort of hard to miss the sound and flash of cannon fire.
>>5610296 >if the planes are out of range she can just consider this a reserve fire right? Yes.
Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ
Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ ID:qaTWCiOd Wed 22 Mar 2023 02:07:18 No. 5610627 Report >>5609153 Ulf steeled gaze followed the airplanes in the air, but he soon winced as the wound in his leg doubled it's attack on his already overworked nerves.
But it wasn't really the planes that worried him greatly, it was the implication of the Major's warning. Empty forests and a dubious ally. The Bat-Ear Noble, the one rubbing shoulders with the Countess.
He scratched his beard, a flash of goosebumps going on his arms. Judge damn it, the same way it would when he, father and his brothers would encounter bad weather on the sea.
His thought was broken by the reports of enemy infantry and Unterbrust's story.
<<"Nay, can't say I 'ave Unterbrust. But we 'ave similar stories 'bout mermaids promisin' sailors large treasure and even larger racks...">>
>Spotting and Initiative >Considering i should actually be facing East, fire two cannons at the infantry south of C-4 >Pivot W, Move SW, Move SW, Move SW Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ
Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ ID:qaTWCiOd Wed 22 Mar 2023 02:08:28 No. 5610630 Report Rolled 8, 5, 8, 3 = 24 (4d10) >>5610627 also dice, forgot about that
Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ
Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ ID:qaTWCiOd Wed 22 Mar 2023 02:10:21 No. 5610633 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 1 (1d2) >>5610630 Aaaand, considering one of those might hit, rolling explosive
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u ID:ewgBNCYp Wed 22 Mar 2023 02:31:48 No. 5610652 Report Quoted By:
>>5609147 >Ini+Spot (Northwesterlies +3 to add to Ini) >Firing: No Fire Targets >Maneuver: Move 5 South >Resolution: Put on Gas Masks and Tow the Bomb Truck [J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u ID:ewgBNCYp Wed 22 Mar 2023 02:33:43 No. 5610654 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 4, 8 = 12 (2d10) >>5609147 >This time featuring actual rolling >Ini+Spot (Northwesterlies +3 to add to Ini) >Firing: No Fire Targets >Maneuver: Move 5 South >Resolution: Put on Gas Masks and Tow the Bomb Truck, be very careful with them and don't get scared people. It's better it be somewhere else or returned for examination. [J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u ID:ewgBNCYp Wed 22 Mar 2023 02:38:26 No. 5610664 Report Quoted By:
Here you go people, seems only J-2, D-11 and D-12 left to act
Jacob Krogh D-1
Quoted By:
>>5609306 Oops, didn't see this.
>>5609153 >>5609960 Can dismounted infantry crowed around in the same tile with each other? If so I'd like to leave my horses at dd28 so we can both fit on the tile. If not I'm fine just going to dd26 instead.
Quoted By:
Rolled 2, 5 = 7 (2d10) >>5609153 Botting R-8 Volger
>Spotting and Initiative >Move SW, SW, S, S. Daate Giovanni [J-4]
>>5609978 ...god damn it, you're right.
Still gunning him down either way though.
>>5609153 >>5609973 >Inititaive >Spotting >Fire x2 7.7cm Cannon at ff21 >No movement. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>5610716 How are you firing through smoke? That's why C-4 is asking you to reserve fire.
Nathan Gabriel [J-2]
[D-12] Meerswelle Krachen
[D-12] Meerswelle Krachen ID:elWsvAKF Wed 22 Mar 2023 04:08:29 No. 5610748 Report Quoted By:
>>5610575 >>5609149 Botting for Krachen
>Fire and Maneuver, Mount up >Move to 26ee Gauthier [D-4]
Quoted By:
>>5609153 Looks like I'm bumping into someone, so I will change my move from
>>5610017 to
>Move SW >Move SW >Move SW >Move S >Move SE >Move S to end at gg41, taking up the crossroads. Also don those gasmasks since it looks like we are running straight towards some gas.
Villi Niel [J-3]
Quoted By:
>>5609153 >>5609231 Since the infantry's leaving, if I may retcon my turn slightly to
>Move East, East >Face South instead, that would be cool.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Rolled 1, 3 = 4 (2d4) So I'll keep things open until I actually post things proper, but a few clarifications- 1. Fire and Maneuver is not free if you have simply not moved last turn. It must be declared and prepared for the previous turn, explicitly, because it is a complicated maneuver for a unit to perform and not something done on the fly or as a whim. Also, it's a pain in the ass to go back and check to make sure nothing's been shot the last turn. 2. Roads do not default to +2 movement from being on them, they must be started on in order to gain the full movement bonus. Otherwise they only give +1. 3. Directly attacking an enemy you cannot see is impossible. The areas involved are such that firing blindly into them is the equivalent of betting on a single space in roulette. Attacking the tile with area of effect munitions is the only way to sort of do this. I will adjust things to try and capture the intent of the declared actions, though.
Ilse Anna Degenhardt-Iðunardóttir [J-8] !!IQutGeX9+Yk
Ilse Anna Degenhardt-Iðunardóttir [J-8] !!IQutGeX9+Yk ID:MdWsVb8P Wed 22 Mar 2023 10:21:57 No. 5610945 Report Quoted By:
>>5610938 Apologies for the misunderstanding. I was unclear. My intent at the time was to to F+M next turn, hence my declaration. I declared the direction of my intended movement because I thought the direction had to be preset - locked in so to speak - in the turn prior to the movement. Me mentioning the INI bonus had nothing to do with me thinking I got F+M for free, I should've separated it better so my intent came off clearer. I was just putting in a reminder that I should get the bonus because I haven't moved.
[D-11] Eberhardt BOT
>>5609153 This be I, Totmann, botting Eberhardt so that he doesnt get left behind. The rules clarifications messes up our plans so oof. Still, he should live atleast.
>init >spotting >throw 5 grenades at enemy bb-22 >shoot 15 MGs (10? unsure how that ruling panned out) at enemy bb-23 >mount up (1 move) >pivot S (1 move) >drive SE - S - SE, arriving at ee-25 south of J-7 Rolls are init, spotting, 5 grenades, 15 mgs. If infantry MGs dont get to shoot just ignore the last 5 rolls.
[D-11] Eberhardt BOT
Rolled 9, 10, 8, 6, 8, 10, 3, 9, 2, 6, 5, 2, 3, 5, 3, 10, 4, 1, 4, 5, 4, 2 = 119 (22d10) >>5610966 Well that didnt work. Gonna try again.
[D-11] Eberhardt BOT
Quoted By:
Rolled 2, 1, 2, 2, 1 = 8 (5d2) >>5610971 Explosions!
Luther Wester [D-6] !!8C1UuC+54vi
Luther Wester [D-6] !!8C1UuC+54vi ID:8aTsb8Md Wed 22 Mar 2023 16:55:26 No. 5611177 Report Rolled 2, 10, 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 10, 6, 3, 8, 3, 10, 2, 5, 1, 4, 6, 4, 7, 10 = 119 (21d10) >>5609153 The smoke in FF40 is going to dispers after the firing phase of this turn, right? So I should be able to reserve fire until after it's gone to then attack the infantry in FF41.
>Reserve Fire, Assault Armaments/Machine Guns and T/24 Machine Guns against Infantry in FF41 >Rolling Initiative (if I have to), then x8 AA | x4 Infantry MG | x8 T/24 MG Luther Wester [D-6] !!8C1UuC+54vi
Luther Wester [D-6] !!8C1UuC+54vi ID:8aTsb8Md Wed 22 Mar 2023 16:57:22 No. 5611178 Report Quoted By:
>>5611177 If it matters, use C-3's initative of 7 but if I remember right Reserve Fire has initiative priority
Albert von Eschenz [R-4]
Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5609153 >move to dd40 >spotting Kannenpflanze [C-4]
>>5609153 >>5609770 Holy shit what the fuck I'm actually driving through my own gas like a complete spastic.
Amend movement to
>S, S, SW, SW If that screws with the road movement I'll stick with the previous move but with the caveat of equipping protective gear.
As funny as it would be for me to gas myself, this stage of the battle is the wrong time for comic relief.
Villi Niel [J-3]
Quoted By:
>>5611920 >Holy shit what the fuck I'm actually driving through my own gas like a complete spastic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHbpWb3ZNGY tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
>Friendly Mortar Strikes- Bombardment on hh42 ???. ATK 3 vs DEF ???. (Rolled 10, 2, 4, 3, 10, 5, 7, 3, 1) Effect Unknown. >Enemy Artillery Strikes- Bombardment on D-9 Totmann and D-11 Eberhardt. ATK 4 vs DEF 2+2, 5+ to Hit. (Rolled 7, 9- Hits) 2 (1 Damage to Squad 2 and 5), 4 damage (1 damage to Squads 1, 3, 5, 4) >Surprise Encounter- hh40 Twaryian Fusiliers bat D-3 Ferrari’s Initiative- ATK 2 vs DEF 2+1, 6+ to Hit. (Rolled 7, 5, 10, 2, 2, 8, 8, 5, 1, 1) 3 Hits, 1 Crit. (Squads 2 and 3 take 1 Damage, Squad 4 takes 3 Damage) >INI 14- R-1 Splitterschwert- Attacks hh40 Twaryian Fusiliers- ATK 4 vs DEF 4+2, 7+ to Hit. 1 Crit, 1 Hit. >INI 13– bb23 Moskity- Attacks D-11 Eberhardt (Grenade, MG). ATK 3 vs DEF 2+2, 6+ to Hit. (Rolled 5, 9, 10, 10, 3, 8, 7, 10) 3 Hits, 3 Crits. (Seawind Token used- reduced to 5 Hits) 6 Damage. (2 Damage to Squad 4, 1 damage to 1, 2, 3 and 5) >INI 13– bb24 Moskity- Attacks D-11 Eberhardt (Grenade, MG). ATK 3 vs DEF 2+2, 6+ to Hit. (Rolled 3, 4, 3, 6, 8, 8, 5, 10, 3, 7) 4 Hits, 1 Crit. (Squad 4 takes 2 damage and is SCATTERED, Squad 1 and 5 take 1 damage, Squad 3 takes 2 damage) >INI 13– hh40 Twaryian Fusiliers- Attacks D-3 Ferrari. ATK 2 vs DEF 2+1, 6+ to Hit. (Rolled 1, 6, 10, 6, 3, 10, 7, 1, 8, 2) 4 Hits, 2 Crits. (Seawind Token Used- Reduced to 3 Hits. Squads 1, 2, and 6 take 1 damage.) >INI 13– ff41 Twaryian Fusiliers- Attacks C-4 Kannenpflanze. Inferior PRC requires 10+ to Hit. (Rolled 4, 10, 3, 1, 4) 1 Hit. (1 Damage to Vehicle 1) >INI 13- D-10 Von Bern- Deploys Smoke Fires at Aircraft- Fails to Disrupt. >INI 12– jj21 T-8Rs- Attacks D-12 Krachen. Attack obstructed by Smoke! >INI 12- D-1 Krogh- Flares. >INI 13- D-5 Raine- Flares. Attacks ll22 T-16s. Inferior PRC requires 10s to Hit. 1 Hit, 4 Incendiary Hits. Target Destroyed. >INI 12- D-3 Ferrari- Attacks hh40 Twaryian Fusiliers. ATK 2,3 vs DEF 4+2, 4. 9+, 6+ to Hit. (Knife Fighter- All Hits Crit) 1 Grenade Crit, 5 Flamethrower Crits. 3, 10 damage. 3 Targets Destroyed. >INI 12- J-8 Degenhardt- Attacks oo21 T-15s. ATK 4 vs DEF 3, 4+ to Hit. (Front Flank- -2 ARM). 2 Hits. PRC 7 vs ARM 5-2, +2 Damage. 2 Targets Destroyed. >INI 12- D-11 Eberhardt- Attacks bb23 and bb24 Moskity, ATK 2 vs DEF 4, 7+ to Hit. 2, 1 Hits. 2, 2, 1 Damage. 2 Targets Destroyed. >INI 11- D-9 Totmann- Attacks bb28 T-8s- ATK 2 vs DEF 3, 6+ to Hit. 1 Crit- 1 Target Destroyed. >INI 10- R-6 Fiskersonn- Attacks ff41 Twaryian Fusiliers. ATK 4 vs DEF 4+2, 7+ to Hit. 1 Hit, 1 damage. >INI 10- J-1 Zufalligdorf- Attacks bb28 T-8s- ATK 5 vs DEF 3, 3+ to Hit. Target Destroyed >INI 10- C-6 Franziska- Attacks RB-5 Biplane with Twin 2cm Cannon. Shoots down target.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
>INI 7 – ll21 T-16s- Attacks D-12 Krachen. Attack obstructed by Smoke! >INI 7– ll22 T-16s- Attacks D-12 Krachen. Attack obstructed by Smoke! >INI 8- C-4 Kannenpflanze- Attacks ff41 Twaryian Fusiliers. ATK 2 vs DEF 4+2, 8+ to Suppress, 9+ to Hit. Suppression Successful. >INI 8- C-3 Lutzow-Spelinger- Attacks RB-5 Biplane with 13mm Pintle Gun. Does not hit. >INI 5- C-1 Vix- Attacks ff41 Twaryian Fusiliers. ATK 4 vs DEF 4+2, 7+ to Hit. 1 Crit, 1 Hit (Bellona Crits on 9). 3, 1 damage. ----->Reserved Fire- D-6 Wester- Attacks ff41 Twaryian Fusiliers. ATK 4+1, 4 vs DEF 4+2. 6+, 7+ to Hit. 4 Hits, 4 Crits. 2 Targets Destroyed. >Reserved Fire- J-4 Giovanni- Attacks T-16s. ATK 6 vs DEF 3+1+1, 4+ to Hit. (Rolled 6, 1) One Target Destroyed. >Reserved Fire- J-7 Black One- Attacks Krasnyy T-15. ATK 4 vs DEF 3+1+1, 6+ to Hit. (Rolled 7, 6, 10, 6) Target Destroyed..? ----- Major Yule looked up at the approaching Twaryian aircraft with wary relief, as ground fire managed to either drive off or shoot down all but one of the silent, gliding craft- he hadn’t expected this level of gunnery, but it meant that more threatening aircraft than reconnaissance bombers might have reason to think twice. Though he’d much prefer for the skies to not be dominated by even the Twaryians’ quite unstoried army air force. The only thing he had ever heard of them had come from Ellowians- who considered them an absolute joke. Then again, Ellowian pilots were the best on the continent, perhaps the best in the world, while Vynmark’s martial strength only found praise in the handsomeness of its women. …Such was a slyly crafted insult. Most everybody knew that women were few and far between to be found in an official capacity, even if this Battalion had a frankly strange amount of them. Not that any were to his preference. He would rather be around the kind of woman who couldn’t be found anywhere near a battle, were it her choice. Apart from the developments in the sky, the fighting in northern Jagterfisk had devolved into a messy retreat, as even though heavy casualties had been inflicted on the enemy, they were crashing down like a wave around and within the lines of defense. The town’s roads were not designed for the mass of traffic now heading down it- especially while traps had to be avoided. Some small consolation was found in that any further drive forward was likely to not have much opposition. …Unless.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Quoted By:
Yule thought about it more logically. Say that Sommervind was going to intervene here. Who would she face? With what? A full half of the battalion’s tanks accompanied by much quite dangerous support, even if the Panzerjager were all in the rear. Yule struggled to think of something that would impede the Battalion. Yet what had Haile said? Sommervind had always been very well prepared for any exercise, and knowing the Countess’s trust in her…she probably knew <span class="mu-i">everything</span>. Maybe, just maybe, that meant she’d know better than to make a move. … The Recon weren’t reporting anything unusual yet, and it was tempting to lower his guard. ----- The fighting for the south town kicked off explosively- in fading fog, Vynmark’s soldiers ran headlong into fortified Twaryian positions, suffering terribly as their bravado was no bulletproof shield, but the fire that descended in return ripped the defending easterners asunder even worse. Their defenses had been well prepared- but the assault from multiple angles, especially once it was joined by the elite assault troops of Wester’s platoon, severely cut the enemy’s fangs. By the time the tanks rolled up in support, the battle was more than half over- yet not done yet. Ahead, the glory-hungry mercenary from the Archduchy had charged forth ahead. Rumor had it that the enigmatic Kommandant of Mittelsosalia, an adventuring Strossvalder himself, had fought in the fierce Battle of Todesfelsen in a T-15, and Kannenpflanze had three such vehicles. A certainty of invincibility steadied his shoulders- he was the real thing, after all. The only idea of the Kommandant there was, identified him as a member of an extinct family. Well, <span class="mu-i">he</span> was real, and- The aura of invincibility faded as a well hurled bundled grenade thudded against the front armor and blasted with enough force to stun both the driver and his assistant, and the tank groaned in protest as it weathered other attacks. The mercenary’s bravado was replaced by nervous practicality- the platoon was ordered forward. Into yet more Twaryians. A support gun pair, and more infantry that had been escaping mortar fire that had been directed towards the vague sighting of <span class="mu-i">something</span>. He might have been more concerned about being this isolated and outflanked, were he in a different vehicle, but nobody expected being the tip of the spear to be easy. -----
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Quoted By:
In the holdout to the north of Jagterfisk, the woods to its northwest, the decision had finally been made to depart from the entrenchments assumed at the very start of the Battalion’s arrival- just in time for Eberhardt and Von Totmann’s infantry to receive heavy fire from big guns, not firing particularly precisely, but the force of their shells doing deadly work. At the same time, though the advancing Moskity had been mauled, they had not been dissuaded from assault- a task they took up with gusto, now that their indirect support was falling. One of Eberhardt’s squads was overwhelmed, their vehicle left still, while the remaining men beat a hasty retreat. The hate of two Twaryian motorized platoons had nearly destroyed the platoon. Half the squads now lacked a sergeant, and the wounded were given the best attempts at first aid as could be given in the back of a t/24, as the retreat was joined. A bitter resolution to that otherwise stubborn defense. Vengeance would have to come later. Alongside the woods, a wall of smoke obscured much of the enemy force from the Chimeras who remained- but they waited patiently. A reward for such daring came- as well as the potential punishment for arrogance. Lieutenant Giovanni had been expecting the red decoration of the ace’s tank to show, but was caught off guard by the appearance of mounted infantry to the flank, and T-16s to the front. The second vehicle managed to dispatch one, but Giovanni was distracted, once again, by his intended prey now showing its face- looming through the smoke. A hasty report to the other Panzerjager. Perhaps they wouldn’t have seen just waiting, but a detailed report on location… They might have been a bunch of surly nobles with a secretive leader (though it seemed like a few people in the Battalion were absolutely certain of who he was, and had little good to say), but they couldn’t be criticized for performance. Four armor-piercing shells crashed into and through the T-15, and it buckled and broke- Giovanni regretted not being the one to take the final shot, but as it creaked to a halt, he felt confident that both the machine and its commander had no chance of troubling them anymore. Just look at it, after all. It looked more like a scrap heap than a tank, now.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
No time to ponder otherwise- despite this win, Giovanni was caught in some rather bad trouble. As was a panzerjager who considered himself much less daring, as Lieutenant Niel trembled in the fading smoke, hoping to find a chance to make a move before his hiding place disappeared. For now, his unit’s camouflage undoubtedly concealed them in this smoke, so long as he continued to maintain the demeanor of vegetation, but the battalion was on its way…and the enemy was all around him. A full platoon of T-16s burned brilliantly from deep in the forest. Maybe that would give the Twaryians pause, he thought vainly. Either that or he’d have to bow and scrape to Lieutenant Degenhardt later, considering it was her fire that was picking off the Twaryians who were coming closer. ----- To the south, Fiskersonn’s focus was shattered by his wounds- it wasn’t the first time he’d dodged death, but he was wondering if he’d just ran out of luck. Then, he had an odd feeling- a feeling like he definitely just ran out of luck, but the silence of death that quieted the winds around a doomed sailor, refused to come. An explanation was forthcoming. His second in command had spotted something, in the woods to the west. He didn’t know what- He couldn’t see it too well, but <span class="mu-i">something</span> was there…and it wasn’t shooting. Would that change if they approached?>Turn is Open
Casimir Sikorsky [C-2]
Rolled 4, 9, 9, 8, 5, 6, 10, 2, 9, 2, 5, 7, 2, 6, 9, 8, 1, 7 = 109 (18d10) >>5612133 >Spotting >Initiative (+2 from Sky Queen, +2 from unused movement) >4x 5cm and 12x 8mm on hh40 Fusiliers >Move to gg41 Casimir Sikorsky [C-2]
Quoted By:
Rolled 2, 2, 2, 2 = 8 (4d2) >>5612142 HE rolls
Rolled 3, 2, 1, 10, 9, 10, 4, 10, 1, 9, 2, 7, 5, 10 = 83 (14d10) >>5612133 Botting D-7 Lehrson
>Dismount if not already >Spotting >Initiative >6x Rifle Grenades on ff41, 6x Machine Guns on hh40 >Dig in Anonymous
Quoted By:
Rolled 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1 = 9 (6d2) >>5612157 HE damage
Quoted By:
>>5612157 Correction:
>Move 1 South to gg41 on foot, then dig in Jonah
Quoted By:
>>5612129 >move S >Move S >Move S >Move S >Move S [J-1] Frederica Von Zufalligdorf !!A5ANDj+KATg
[J-1] Frederica Von Zufalligdorf !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:2TUe3P3t Thu 23 Mar 2023 13:44:53 No. 5612187 Report Quoted By:
>>5612133 >Move 5 S along the road Kannenpflanze [C-4]
>>5612133 A couple of questions, tanq. First, did you forget to move C-3 or is that due to a traffic jam in the town? I don't think the radio is something I can do without now.
Also, are the infantrymen and gun crews around me masked up? I remember them masking up in the northern town once, but there hasn't been mention of that since then, so I don't know if they've all been doing that by default or not.
And, finally, would it be possible for me to try and overrun the gun position ahead of me? It's not exactly "stage diving into a mosh pit of infantry", as you so eloquently put it in the second thread, so I was wondering how that'd work out for me.
It's going to take more than one lucky grenade bundle hit to stop me from being retarded D2 - Kohlkopf
Quoted By:
>>5612130 >Join up with HQ to guard the prisoners. Anonymous
>>5612133 Sorry, one more order
>1x 16cm Field Artillery Battery each firing on ss35 and rr37 [D-9] Von Totmann
>>5612133 Tanq, shouldnt Eberhardt have 15 init? 9+3 stats +3 standing still? Shooting before the enemy would have saved him quite a bit of pain and dealt mkre damage to boot.
Gunther Lutzow-Spelinger [C-3] !!c22z0QTmIiu
Gunther Lutzow-Spelinger [C-3] !!c22z0QTmIiu ID:vem3ww50 Thu 23 Mar 2023 16:47:12 No. 5612335 Report >>5612133 My movement didn’t get processed, I should be either just north or just south of D-6 depending on interpretation
Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ
Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ ID:qaTWCiOd Thu 23 Mar 2023 16:54:16 No. 5612343 Report >>5612130 Hey tanq, quick notice before I post my action, my movement was SW SW SW, not S S S
Specialist Franziska Vilgerson [C-7]
Specialist Franziska Vilgerson [C-7] ID:s0VW5hEG Thu 23 Mar 2023 17:24:42 No. 5612383 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 2, 5, 5, 2, 8, 4 = 26 (6d10) >>5612130 >Initiative and spotting >Fire Autocannons on the plane >Pivot South >Move South, South West Alvin Raine [D-5]
Quoted By:
Rolled 1, 1, 6, 2, 5, 10, 1, 5 = 31 (8d10) >>5612133 >Initiative and Spotting >Dismount >Throw Smoke on Krachen >MG Attack the planes >Mount >Move SW, S, SW Nathan Gabriel [J-2]
Quoted By:
>>5612133 >Stay with the Convoy Von Bern [D-10]
Quoted By:
Rolled 4, 4, 6, 2, 10, 6, 7 = 39 (7d10) >>5612133 >Initiative and Spotting >Dismount >Heal Eberhard for as much as possible >Fire MGs at the planes >Mount >Move 5S Lt. Martins
Quoted By:
>>5612133 >Drop Vix's tank >Move South as much as possible, following the road if possible. Villi Niel [J-3]
>>5612130 >Initiative >Spotting >Move Southeast, Southeast to cover at mm26 Villi Niel [J-3]
Quoted By:
Rolled 9, 10 = 19 (2d10) >>5612605 Some rolls might help. Help me not see or shoot at anything.
Adrian Ferrari [D-3]
Rolled 8, 7, 1, 1, 3, 6, 10, 3, 8, 6, 7, 3, 4, 8 = 75 (14d10) >>5612133 It seemed the Twaryian infantry had finally decided to make a stand. Overconfident from their previous successes, Adrian's men rushed towards the large occupied warehouse-like building eager to get their flamethrowers into range of the tall windows, but withering automatic fire cut down most of fourth squad in an instant and forced the rest to ground. Watching from the rear, Adrian's heart dropped as he feared that his entire platoon had just been rendered combat ineffective in their careless charge, and he unconsciously found himself clutching his seawind token, hoping that somehow things would work out. As it turned out many of his men who he feared were hit had simply dove dramatically for cover, and as his men returned fire and a vicious firefight ensued he saw his worst fears weren't realized. But there was no doubt the casualties were terrible.
The firefight turned into a slow grind as his men tried desperately to gain ground on the building. There was no doubt the Twaryians were taking casualties too, but he feared both platoons would wipe each other out before the battle was decided. As Adrian's mind was racing trying to think of how to salvage the situation, the rumbling of tank engines and squeaking of treads announced the extremely welcome arrival of Lieutenant Sikorsky's tanks. As the tanks got into position and began to fire, Adrian took advantage of the cover to move forward himself and rally his men for another push into the warehouse, this time to clear it out for good.
>attack the hh40 fusiliers with grenades and flamethrowers >move myself and my trucks into hh40 assuming the enemy are all dead by then >dig in Rolls are spotting, initiative, grenades, flamethrowers
Adrian Ferrari [D-3]
Quoted By:
Rolled 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1 = 8 (6d2) >>5612759 HE for the grenades
Albert Von Carlstadt [R-10] !08f2tLaJ9s
Albert Von Carlstadt [R-10] !08f2tLaJ9s ID:WUkkxQKc Thu 23 Mar 2023 23:01:58 No. 5612842 Report Quoted By:
>>5612133 >Move SE S SE SE Albert von Eschenz [R-4]
Rolled 3, 4, 2, 9 = 18 (4d10) >>5612133 >fire at ff41 fusiliers with 3x 3.7 cm cannon >move to cc44 >spotting Albert von Eschenz [R-4]
Quoted By:
Rolled 1, 1, 1 = 3 (3d2) >>5612870 Look at these garbage rolls. Gonna roll HE anyway just in case tho
Walter Splitterschwert [R-1]
Walter Splitterschwert [R-1] ID:53tMsFCi Fri 24 Mar 2023 00:12:50 No. 5612986 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 5, 7, 4, 1, 1, 4, 9, 8 = 39 (8d10) >>5612133 >Turn Roll: init / spot / 3x 2.5 cm cannon / 3x 8mm MG
Fire: Keep up the shoosting at enemy infantry SW of me.
>Move: N/A ---
Shell smoke seemed to cloy and scrape away bitter ash inside Walter's nostrils. Dull rhythmic jolts added new pressure to the throbbing pain inside his skull with each cannon shot, hot sweat defying the cool night air and gluing the remains of his helmet to his distressingly smooth scalp.
He wondered why he was doing all of this again.
He even asked his gunner if he was enjoying this.
"WHAT?" roared back the gunner as he guided tracers bouncing off a (honestly rather cozy) two story cottage which sheltered a clump of night clad Twaryian infantryman. Well, at least before the tank cannon sent most of the chimney airborne.
"I said have you ever considered a change in career?"
"I mean, why did you even decide to join the army?"
Not really expecting anything different, the glabrous Lieutenant decided to ask his subordinates.
"Was this how you thought it would turn out when you joined, Walter-2?"
"I didn't call to war, but it called to me! I was born for this!"
"Nifty, really neat. How about you Walter-3?"
"I'm just glad for the company honestly."
Stymied from deep introspection and mutual understanding of his fellows, the designated commander of R-1 sighed and replied, "Terrific, thanks for the input team. Walter-2 if you could just walk that fire to the green hut, perfect. Thanks guys. Keep up the good work."
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Changes implemented on map.
>>5612242 ...No, you're right. It's just that keeping track of movement based initiative is really difficult with all the other shit going on unless it's listed with the turn. I re-resolved that particular combat. Squad 4 is still toast, but more damage went out and less came in.
>>5612192 >>5612335 I just forgot to move C-3 because the lines got lost in the traffic. He's down south now.
>>5612343 And you have been moved as well.
Caroline M. Vix [C-1]
Quoted By:
Rolled 1, 6 = 7 (2d10) >>5612133 >Init >Spot >Fire fare howitzer U-48 >Move bb-50 Outside situation in the town it was eerily quiet.
Or it would have been had Vix not been in a tank even more so now that it was groaning after getting shot up. She picked up her radio but remembered what Yule had said about the line possibly having been compromised and set it back down. "Load up an flare and light the edge of woods maybe our recon will notice something"
Gunther Lutzow-Spelinger [C-3] !!c22z0QTmIiu
Gunther Lutzow-Spelinger [C-3] !!c22z0QTmIiu ID:vem3ww50 Fri 24 Mar 2023 01:18:00 No. 5613049 Report Rolled 4, 9, 8, 9, 1, 5, 3, 3, 4, 2, 8, 2, 5, 9, 4, 1 = 77 (16d10) >>5612133 >>5612987 >Spotting >Initiative (radio) >Fire at enemy infantry dead front: >-5cm HE x 4 >-8mm MG x 8 >-13mm MG x 2 >Move SE S SW S SW (just follow the road south) Gunther Lutzow-Spelinger [C-3] !!c22z0QTmIiu
Gunther Lutzow-Spelinger [C-3] !!c22z0QTmIiu ID:vem3ww50 Fri 24 Mar 2023 01:19:01 No. 5613053 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 1, 1, 2, 2 = 6 (4d2) >>5613049 HE
Casimir Sikorsky [C-2]
Quoted By:
>>5612759 Hmm Ferrari do you want to shift up to where C-4 is right now instead? Just in case the guys at hh43 decide to move south this turn you can wreck them with KF.
[D-9] Von Totmann
Quoted By:
So, I'd like to point out the fact that the last on target plane is headed straight for the warcrimes bomb in the middle of all our retreating forces. If you're inside that clump I'd suggest panicking and/or taking potshots at the plane.
>>5612133 Ulf's brow was covered in cold sweat. Or perhaps it was just normal sweat, as the inside of his vehicle was quite stuffy and the strain his whole body was feeling became more taxing by the passing minute.
Fuckin' hell, me and the lads aren't in the state to take on those forest cunts, he thought. Magnarsonn's report worried him, the feeling he felt before worried him even more. Whoever skulked in the dark probably could've ended him without mercy, but they didn't.
Why didn't they?
His mind raced to the Major's warning and the suspicion he felt around the Noble Bastard. That redhead bitch hatched something foul, he thought.
But no time for plots and curses, he had to think of a way to inform of the Major of the discovery. He looked at the flare gun laying nearby and an idea flashed in his head.
Just fire the flare straight into the sky. The other officers and Yule should get the gist.
He hoped.
>Spotting and Initiative >Shoot the flare high into the sky baby >Considering I should be Pivoted W, Move SW, Move W Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ
Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ ID:qaTWCiOd Fri 24 Mar 2023 02:33:16 No. 5613148 Report Quoted By:
>>5613147 Oh and its me, to be sure
Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ
Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ ID:qaTWCiOd Fri 24 Mar 2023 02:34:18 No. 5613150 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 9, 7 = 16 (2d10) >>5613147 Aaaand I once again forgot dice
Jacob Krogh D-1
Quoted By:
Rolled 6, 8, 7, 2, 4, 1, 4, 2, 5, 4, 7, 3 = 53 (12d10) >>5612133 >initiative >fire 5 rifles and 6 mg's at infantry in cc23 >after shooting pop smoke on my tile >Mount up and move S, SW Luther Wester [D-6] !!8C1UuC+54vi
Luther Wester [D-6] !!8C1UuC+54vi ID:8aTsb8Md Fri 24 Mar 2023 04:35:15 No. 5613253 Report >Reserved Fire- D-6 Wester- Attacks ff41 Twaryian Fusiliers. ATK 4+1, 4 vs DEF 4+2. 6+, 7+ to Hit. 4 Hits, 4 Crits. 2 Targets Destroyed. If I counted my own hits correctly I should've done 5 hits and 5 crits, no?
>Assault Armaments, hit on 6+ (10, 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 10, 6) 3 hits, 3 crits
>Infantry Machine Guns, hits on 6+ (3, 8, 3, 10) 1 hit, 1 Crit
>T/24 Machine Guns, hits on 7+ (2, 5, 1, 4, 6, 4, 7, 10) 1 hit, 1 crit
>>5612133 With that said, since I seem to have a collection of tanks infront of me now I won't be shooting at FF41 anymore, I'll just move this turn.
>Mount >Move, SE, S, SE, S to HH43 >Dismount Freya Unterbrust [R-3]
>>5612133 The cave was cold, and as the wind blew from within it chilled the boy to the bone. He had thought to turn around and leave, but the voice came again with it's soothing tone.
"Hello? Is that you?" They said. They sounded closer and even more loving than before, as if leading him by the hand with their voice alone. "Forgive me for the darkness, but do not be afraid. Where I am is as bright as the daylit sky. Please, come a bit further..."
The boy was indeed growing frightened of how the dark and cold grew ever darker and colder the further he went. He still could see the mouth of the cave, but the promises the voice made pulled him more and more inwards. So inwards he went, until he was surrounded by nothing but blackness.
A horrible smell touched his nose, but again came the voice to pull away the doubts that surrounded him.
"Hello. There you are." They said. The voice was right upon him now, tender as a mother's embrace. "Not much further, I promise. Come towards me, just another inch..."
The boy was filled with great relief when the voice's words proved to be true. A beam of sunlight broke through the stone above and shone in a small circle on bone-littered ground. But the boy did not see the bones, picked clean, for he was too overjoyed that the voice had led him to the light he so wished for.
And then from the dark, a great bloody muzzle reared into the light, teeth and fangs bared in a gruesome grin. Yet even with such a visage, it spoke with words like honey for the soul.
"Good boy." They said. "Now close your eyes and I will sing you a lullaby. Trust me this one last time..."
The boy closed his eyes. And then, without a scream, without any sound at all, the boy disappeared into the belly of Der Doppelhund.
<<Major, Lady Countess, this is Lieutenant Unterbrust approaching the position of Lady Sommervind. Making contact shortly.>>
>Spotting >Hold Movement
>Move 1SW 2S 3SW Freya Unterbrust [R-3]
Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5613263 >Spotting roll but for real Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>5612157 Using C-3's INI of 9
>>5613049 Gauthier [D-4]
Quoted By:
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5612133 May be time for a new angle.
>Roll spotting >Move SW, SW, S, S, ending in ee42 >Dismount and Dig in Daate Giovanni [J-4]
Rolled 1, 8, 1, 1 = 11 (4d10) Tight spot.
Lets see if we can't worm our way outta this fuck shit without getting too fucked up.
>>5612133 >Inititaive >Spotting >Fire x2 7.7cm Cannon at gg22 >Move S >Move SW Daate Giovanni [J-4]
Kannenpflanze [C-4]
>>5613513 >>5613514 Good time to use that token you snatched off of Krasnny.
Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Quoted By:
>>5613518 nah, forget it, I misread what it does.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Rolled 9, 6, 2, 6, 8, 2 = 33 (6d10) Update will be tomorrow not today, but to get it going early-
Spotting, Initiative for-
North Infantry
North Vehicles
Southern Contingent
>>5612192 Missed these two somehow.
>Also, are the infantrymen and gun crews around me masked up? I remember them masking up in the northern town once, but there hasn't been mention of that since then, so I don't know if they've all been doing that by default or not. You can't tell- Twaryians have a habit of wearing scarves and masks in general, just not the sort that gives chemical protection, but being masked up gives a -1 Initiative Malus. I guess the other way you can tell is if the gas doesn't make them unable to attack.
>And, finally, would it be possible for me to try and overrun the gun position ahead of me? It wouldn't be a guarantee, but, yes, you can try. Running over guns is
my favorite thing to piss off people with in Men of War/Call to Arms a time honored tactic.
>>5613253 Hm, you're right. I'll adjust it.
[D-9] Von Totmann
Rolled 2, 8, 10, 6, 6, 4, 3 = 39 (7d10) >>5612133 >init >spotting >shoot flare pistol at dd-23 >shoot T-8 with 3x4cm guns >shoot enemy infantry straight ahead with 2x4cm guns >load up (1 move) >Move SW, S, S (3 move) landing at bb-29 I'm not getting close to the bomb, on general principle if nothing else.
[D-9] Von Totmann
Quoted By:
Rolled 2, 1 = 3 (2d2) >>5613974 explosive dice, although it looks like I missed both shots on the infantry. Oh well, that T-8 is swiss cheese atleast.
Stefan Eberhardt
Quoted By:
Rolled 9, 2, 3, 2, 10, 1, 9, 5, 7, 10, 7, 8 = 73 (12d10) >>5612133 A moment after he finished tieing off a rudimentary bandage around the thigh of his wounded radioman Eberhardt sank back into the rudimentary bench that lined the interior of a T/24 troop bay, with an exhausted sigh vaguely aware he was splattered with a quantity of blood. They had almost, almost made it out clean. Almost. The Twaryian guns had finally ranged them at the last moment and turned their ordered withdrawal into a mess, of short-ranged firefights and grenade tossing. 4th squad had paid the price for that mistake. For all the pain the Moskity had dealt out they had given better than they had gotten. Now all they had to do was survive. Hopefully that would be the easy part.
>Initiative: Rolling >Spotting: Rolling >Fire: 10 MG's at the biplane, overflying town if able. >Move: Put on Chemical Gear, SW, SW, SW Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Quoted By:
>>5613810 >Running over guns is my favorite thing to piss off people with in Men of War/Call to Arms a time honored tactic. Based. Ok, I'll give it a shot.
Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Rolled 5, 4, 4, 9, 3, 3, 5, 2, 4, 6 = 45 (10d10) >>5612133 "Judge on High, there's just no end to them..." Kannenpflanze muttered upon his platoon running into one more group of fusiliers, this one backed up by a pair of infantry guns. Archducal Elan was made of sterner stuff, so his worry quickly faded and he popped out of the cupola to man the machine gun.
"Driver, forward! We'll run this lot over and plow through to the end of the town! Platoon, on me!"
>Initiative (probably grabbing C-3's 9, anyway) >3x7.5cm, 6x8mm at support guns in ff44 >Attempt to overrun them (?) >Movement: S, SW, SW, S (?) I have no idea how the mechanics of this will shake out. Whatever happens, happens.
Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Quoted By:
Rolled 2, 2, 3 = 7 (3d3) >>5614424 Rolling HE.
Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Quoted By:
>>5614424 Also, launching a pistol flare at gg43.
Ilse Anna Degenhardt-Iðunardóttir [J-8] !!IQutGeX9+Yk
Ilse Anna Degenhardt-Iðunardóttir [J-8] !!IQutGeX9+Yk ID:MdWsVb8P Sat 25 Mar 2023 09:22:17 No. 5614466 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 7, 3, 1, 5, 4, 2 = 22 (6d10) >>5612133 >Initiative and Spotting. >Shoot T-15s in 23ll, if they are obstructed then shoot the T-15 in 23mm >F+M South. Pivot to face North. (Hoping I can do this given my clarification of intent to prepare to do this last turn. If this isn't allowed because of my unclear declaration then I'll move to 31ee and then pivot to face North instead. If I can't occupy that tile because Von Bern is mounted and we can't be in the same tile then instead I'll move into ee30 and face North.) >Tow the BM-2 in 31ff. (Alternatively Dig in if the other movement is used) Anonymous
Quoted By:
Rolled 1, 8 = 9 (2d10) >>5612133 Botting Volger R-8
>Spotting and Initiative >Shoot pistol flare 5 tiles SW. >Move S, SW, SW, pivot W Frankovich Wespe (R-7)
Black 1 [J-7]
>>5614508 >Put on chemical protection >Drive hell for leather as south as I'm allowed. Black 1 [J-7]
Quoted By:
>>5614517 >>5613810 >>5612133 Wrong ping, just woke up sorry
Roman Orlik [R-9]
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u ID:ewgBNCYp Sat 25 Mar 2023 13:25:10 No. 5614572 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 8, 9 = 17 (2d10) >>5612133 >Ini (Masks are on) >Spot >Fire: 7.7 cannon flare 10 South to illuminate town >Maneuver: Towing Big Bomb, Move full move South (forgot the towing rules) Anonymous
Quoted By:
Rolled 4, 8, 2, 4, 6, 9, 2, 1, 5, 4, 8, 8, 6, 10 = 77 (14d10) >>5612133 Botting D-12 Krachen:
>Spotting >Initiative >Smoke J-4's position with rifle grenades >Fire 6x Rifles at hh23 Moskity >Move SW, SW, Sx4 (ending ee30) [J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u ID:ewgBNCYp Sat 25 Mar 2023 20:32:00 No. 5614969 Report >Have good war
Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ
Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ ID:qaTWCiOd Sun 26 Mar 2023 10:49:28 No. 5615795 Report >>5613147 >>5614969 Oh shit, just noticed I did it wrong.
I wanted to move NW and then W. Sorry for the complications. Also thanks for the map Wester, I wouldnt have noticed otherways.
Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ
Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ ID:qaTWCiOd Sun 26 Mar 2023 11:10:21 No. 5615808 Report Quoted By:
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Going to have to post the update after work. Sorry for the delay, as usual, but this one's sort of an "a whole lot is happening at once" deal.
Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Quoted By:
>>5616400 >this one's sort of an "a whole lot is happening at once" deal. This does not bode well.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Quoted By:
>INI 15- C-2 Sikorsky- Attacks hh40 Twaryian Fusiliers. ATK 4 vs DEF 4+2, 7+ to Hit. 7 Hits, 1 Crit. Target Destroyed. >INI 14- R-4 Von Eschenz- Attacks ff41 Twaryian Fusiliers. ATK 4 vs DEF 4+2, 7+ to Hit. No Hits. >INI 14- D-7 Lehrson- Attacks ff41 Twaryian Fusiliers. ATK 2 vs DEF 4+2, 9+ to Hit. 2 Hits, 4 Crits. Target Destroyed. >INI 13- R-8 Volger- Shoots Flare. >INI 13- D-11 Eberhardt- Attacks RB-5 Biplane. Disrupts attack run. >INI 12- J-5 Wesker- Fires Flare. >INI 12- D-1 Krogh- Attacks cc23 Moskity. ATK 2 vs DEF 4+1+1. 9+ to Hit. No Hits. >INI 12- D-12 Krachen- Fires Smoke. Attacks hh23 Twaryian Motor Scouts, ATK 2 vs DEF 4+1+1, 9+ to Hit. 1 Hit, 1 Crit, 3 Damage. >INI 11- hh24 Twaryian Motor Scouts- Attacks J-4 Giovanni. Attack blocked due to Smoke! >INI 11- cc23 Moskity- Attacks D-1 Krogh. ATK 2 vs DEF 3+1, 7+ to Hit. (Rolled 8, 4, 9, 4, 1, 4, 9, 4) 3 Hits. (Squads 1, 2, 6 take 1 damage) >INI 11- J-8 Degenhardt- Attacks mm23 T-15. ATK 4 vs DEF 3, 4+ to Hit. 2 Hits, Target Destroyed. Fires and Maneuvers. >INI 11- C-4 Kannenpflanze- Attacks ff44 Twaryian Support Guns. ATK 2 vs DEF 4+2, 9+ to Hit. 1 Hit, 2 damage, 1 target destroyed. >INI 9- Z23 T-8- Attacks D-9 Totmann. ATK 2 vs DEF 3, 6+ to Hit. (Rolled 6). 1 Hit. (Gun 3 Knocked Out) >INI 9- gg22 T-16- Attacks J-4 Giovanni. Attack blocked due to Smoke! >INI 9- D-10 Von Bern- Attacks BM-5 Biplane. Aircraft attack run disrupted. >INI 7- J-4 Giovanni- Rolls an unbelievably terrible roll. >INI 7- gg43 Twaryian Fusiliers- Attacks C-4 Kannenpflanze. Inferior PRC requires 10s to hit. (Rolls 6, 5, 8, 6, 6) No Hits. >INI 7- ff44 Twaryian 7.5cm Support Gun- Attacks C-4 Kannenpflanze. Inferior PRC requires 10s to Hit. (Rolls 3) >INI 6- D-9 Totmann- Attacks aa23 T-8, cc23 Moskity. ATK 2 vs DEF 3, 4+1. 6+, 8+ to Hit. 1 Crit on T-8, Target Destroyed. >INI 6- D-5 Raine- Deploys Smoke. Aircraft attack run disrupted. >INI 4- C-1 Vix- Shoots Flare. >INI 4- C-7 Franziska- Attacks BM-5 Biplane. Shoots down aircraft.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
----->T-16s roll over Mine. (Rolled 3, 8, 3, 6) Mine knocks out a target. >C-4 Kannenpflanze rolls over ff44 Twaryian Support Gun. (Rolled 9, 1, 8) Gun Crushed. ----- A messy retreat from the town scrambled its way out, the scene terribly inviting to air attack- had such not been successfully driven off. While the retreat proceeded rockily, platoons edging one another out without intending to as they barreled down the road, the assault into southern Jagterfisk Pools was going swimmingly. The initial infantry opposition had been crushed- and now, what was left was unable to contain the advance of the armor and infantry ahead of the main convoy. It appeared that nothing would be left to stand in the way of the Battalion’s escape- the enemy had been successfully fended off, with massive casualties to them, and all that was left was to simply join up with the vanguard company to the south and get out of this place. At least, such was the point of view there. To the west and southwest, forward recon elements were already probing- and what was being discovered brought no relief whatsoever. Acting on a hunch, Lieutenant Fiskersonn took his sole other accompaniment into the woods- after a flare had been fired straight up. Not an illuminating, burning bright one, but a marker. A simple message- something was here that wasn’t supposed to be. He was intent on finding out what, as the cars crawled into the underbrush. Near immediately, though, he found contact. As well as others reported elsewhere- before- the shapes, as it turned out, were not Twaryian- this gear was Vynmark. This was also definitely not the whole contingent- only its recon element. The rest of them were probably hiding further down the tree line, if the glimpses at shadows the platoon had caught were any indication. The vanguard company was not where it was reported to be at all- and Fiskersonn and those he encountered merely sat still, neither certain what to do about having found one another. ----- Freya didn’t expect the vanguard company to be right where it was reported, waiting with open arms- but she had expected to see <span class="mu-i">something.</span> Badlands gangers were good at hiding, and being amongst them made one good at finding too- but nobody was appearing. Nobody was awaiting in greeting. All that waited was a little flickering light, practically a ghost light like on the seas during misty nights. An incautious candle, an errant match or cigarette. <span class="mu-i">Somebody</span> was there, though, and she raced forth for it.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Quoted By:
Too late to react to, the platoon was suddenly utterly awash in armored vehicles of a sort Freya nor any of hr subordinates had ever seen before. They were vaguely Twaryian, a bunch looked like T-16s, the ancestry was there in the suspension and turret shape, but the other tank type was a complete mystery. It was squat, low to the ground, like it had been smashed into shape by a giant press- and it had a fearsomeness the other tanks did not have. Needless to say- they were not Vynmark at all, their coloration olive striped with darker forest hues like far off jungle predators. The little light, it turned out as there was naught to do but observe it, turned out to be a lamp, as it was steadily turned up to reveal a woman. Blonde, with one eye closed, a boiler suit with dark reinforced sections, that might have looked like appropriate uniform wear if it wasn’t unbuttoned down to the navel. She was seated on a crate, with a little folding table set up that held a kettle and a cup, like she’d been just waiting there, having tea. “…Hey.” The woman called out in accented Old Nauk, of a sort Freya had never heard before, but it sounded like she knew the language. “Not who you expected, am I? Come on out of that truck, we need to have a talk.” Only a fool would accept so readily. “Come on now, how would I hurt you? Am I going to smother you to death? Think about it. If I wanted you dead yet, you wouldn’t have even realized it before your sins were being judged. You’ve been had, and if you come over, I’ll tell you how and why.” There wasn’t much choice. Not like this sort of thing hadn’t happened before with the Petrekorans, but this woman was speaking the tongue of the nation with little difficulty. Surprisingly fluently, even. A small laugh, as Freya came out of the dark into the lamplight- the woman hadn’t been expecting another, clearly. “Wow. You’re a different breed, aren’t you? Even in the old myths the giants were long dead.” Not quite a statement on height, that. An appreciative acknowledgment was given. Then the question that had been prompted- but the woman didn’t answer directly. “So, the who. Tell me. Have you ever known a song in your soul that you have never heard? Felt that the familiar music came from a place you have never been? That is what it is to be a wandering sword. I know you know what I’m talking about.” What was there to do but nod?
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Quoted By:
“Pretty gutsy of you to come here with just your own platoon. Exciting night, isn’t it? You’ve got a hell of a reputation now. Still growing. Makes me wonder how far you could go.” A soft laugh, then a sigh. “Alright. I could talk for <span class="mu-i">months</span>, but if that happens, the war might be over by the time we’re done. Enough bullshittin’. Y’might’ve heard of me. I’m Sglaza, in a tongue we can both understand, that’s <span class="mu-i">Evil Eye</span>. I didn’t pick it, but it’s what I’m known by. So. Here’s the deal.” Sglaza shifted one leg over the other lazily, “We’re being paid a whole lot to get two things for the Federation. One, those Caelussian prisoners you took. Two, a girl whose feet don’t touch the ground.” “How much?” Freya asked out of irreverent curiosity. “I don’t know the precise conversions, but, for the package deal, about ten million gyldthaler.” A low whistle in response. “Yeah,” Sglaza smirked, “But don’t bother. We called it already, it’s not your contract.” “Lookin’ to retire?” Sglaza barked a laugh. “Never. It’s more about the fight than the money. Not that it’s not nice to bathe in gold and dress in silk and jewels, eatin’ the choice of every sea on gold plates, but when something’s got the high a price on it, you just have to be part of such a huge fuss, yeah? I’m gettin’ sidetracked, though.” She crossed her legs back over again. “Your band’s got two choices. Give up the paramarines and the girl, and we’ll let you go on through without so much as a scratch. Or, you can make it a fight, and we’ll take what we want from the wreckage. No offense, but personally,” she opened her closed eye- it was a bloody red all the way through, the pupil a dark maroon chasm in scarlet. “I’m hoping for the latter, even though our contact here, that our employers made a deal with, her conditions were that we offer the diplomatic solution, first. She wants all of you to live. I don’t think she knows how much she’s askin’ for, with that. No matter what that your claimed one-night turncoat says I’ll bet you’ll want to rip her into so many pieces that the only way you’d tell it was her is the color of the hairs and the shape of the teeth. If you don’t want to play it her way, she’ll force her hand.” Freya had the wit to be clever, in spite of the surprise, in spite of the questions. There was an objectivity in responding to somebody saying they were going to kill you. The retort came- that the confidence was infectious, and Sglaza had miscounted the options.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Quoted By:
Sglaza smiled toothily. “You’re right. Your other choices, you could kill us all and break on through. That could definitely happen. The other is that you try and hightail it another way to escape without fighting us. But, y’know, we’re not just gonna let you get away, right? So it becomes a chase. There. That’s your choices. If you don’t want to fight, stay here, and ask to send everything we want forward to us. If you do, then we’ll let you and the rest of your friends get back to cover, and then, it’s on. You try any sneaky shit like passing my coordinates to your artillery while we’re waiting, and <span class="mu-i">I’ll know</span>, so I wouldn’t advise it if you don’t want us to come out swinging before the bell.” Sglaza stood up, and nodded her head towards the north. “Tell ‘em it’s time to choose. Until then…” She barked an order in Caelussian towards the rear, and a confirming response came from the woods- where one of the mysterious metal heaps was. “The scale brows should be standing down for now, once they get that. Unless you do something dumb like start a firefight again. Consider it proof of good will. You’re not the only thing they fear in this night, y’know.”>Sglaza seems open to talking more. Though it’s probably wise not to linger long. ----- … “…What?” Haile’s response to the news was thin and wispy- it was hard to hear her response over the radio as confusion and fury snapped back and forth over lesser networks. “That’s not possible,” Haile insisted, “I’ll call her right now. It’s-“ “No, it’s true. It’s over, Haile.” A new voice. Lady Sommervind- who was not where she had been reporting to be, at all. Where that was, there was instead a band of panzer mercenaries. “I’m sorry. You and your people fought very hard. But you’ve found something that I can’t let you keep, whatever the reason. You’re holding tight to a path that will lead to ruin for us all. Our country has a future that the Grand Council doesn’t want to see. Our people have a future I can’t let you spoil for vain glory.” “…What?” The Countess repeated. “I…” “I knew you wouldn’t accept it if I asked normally, Haile. So I had to do it like this. This is a situation where you have no choice. Give it up. Do the right thing. I’m sorry to have deceived you, but you nor your men would have taken the fall I had to. History might know me as traitor tonight, but it will be for the sake of Vynmark’s future alone. Tell your men to stand down, and I will guarantee your safe passage. Without your prisoners or the girl."
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
"Do you know what’s being offered in exchange, Haile?" Sommervind spoke onward, "Peace. <span class="mu-i">Peace!</span> You know me not to be fool enough to do this unless I was certain of what could come about. The Caelussian Federation will do anything for this favor. Deny them, and at worst my best friend has to have her brave soldiers cut down pointlessly. At best, the Stor Ankomst Accords will have evidence of blatant treaty violation. Would you turn our home into a wasteland, as the great powers of the world come to clash over it? When the other option is for the invaders to be muzzled and leashed, for good? If you go south, you can have your great battle. Your great victory. It might even be the last battle of the war. Just surrender the prisoners, and the girl.” “…I…” Haile sputtered, “That’s not how it…we can’t. It’s not….” “Not what, Haile?” Sommervind’s tone turned accusatory, “You know what we’ve been through together. What I’ve promised where none can hear. Or is it that you won’t accept any path forward except your own? Was I always merely a tool for you to become Praetor? Haile? I thought you were <span class="mu-i">different</span> from the cruel ambitions that find themselves seated at the Grand Council!” “…No! I just…you don’t understand-“ “<span class="mu-i">I don’t understand?</span>” Sommervind cut off the Countess, “What is there to understand? That your grandfather’s honor is more important than the nation? That you trusted that I knew best up until this most important moment? That you think you’re better than me, so when it counts the most, I have no say in our future?” Yule spoke over the nobles with an authoritative bark. “Enough. Lady Sommervind. Our battalion is in chaos from this revelation. Allow us to deliberate a moment. Battalion. Contingency Red.”
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
…A simple command. One that had been secretively distributed to, and only to, the platoon officers of the Battalion. It had been kept privy from the Countess- Yule had had to trick her, to have a reserve, just in case Sommervind was not what Countess Hageldorf claimed- because Haile’s trust was so absolute, he could tell, that no secret the Countess would know would fail to reach Sommervind’s ears. “This won’t work for long,” Major Yule said warningly, his voice suddenly hoarse, “We have no special encryption here. It’s only a frequency shift. We have little time, so we’ll have to use it. I’ll make it clear- if you decide different, I won’t be able to stop you, but I have <span class="mu-i">no</span> intention of giving up the Queen. I don’t trust that bat-eared, blue blooded <span class="mu-i">bastard</span> anywhere but in the Dark Pit, and we will <span class="mu-i">not</span> just give up on what so many of us have fought, bled, and died for. Hurry and use this ceasefire while we’ve got it- and get ready for a fight, or to break through elsewhere- if you believe the same as I. Know that if you side with Sommervind, I’ll do everything in my power to deny you doing her will. She won’t admit it, I’m sure, but the Lady Countess Haile Margareta Rendsdottir-Hageldorf would not wish us to surrender Velecacia, even to a friend she might still consider dear.” Of course, a consensus was requested without being spoken. Yule commanded now- but the Battalion still had its will- if they wished not to but follow.>Fight. Breaking through south was the original plan- and the best option, as it drove closer to friendly lines than any other way. Every other enemy had been beaten. So too would these be. >Flee. Busting through to the south was probably not going to work- but it was possible to run to another direction. Though escaping without free access to the roads would mean having to leave valuable supplies behind… (Pick a direction to flee) >Give up the VIPs. There was no point in fighting an unwinnable battle- for what, exactly? If everything could go on ahead without more pain, so be it. It was a rare free win, for most of you. >Other? The Victory Conditions will change depending on this vote.>Turn is Open
[J-1] Frederica Von Zufalligdorf !!A5ANDj+KATg
[J-1] Frederica Von Zufalligdorf !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:2TUe3P3t Mon 27 Mar 2023 14:39:46 No. 5616943 Report Quoted By:
>>5616933 The horrifying defeats of the early war have long caused Frederica's mind to turn towards suspecting betrayal. The weird sightings of the Red Axes during the last operation only revitalized those thoughts. Now, having one of those traitors almost in the range of her guns did not allow Lieutenant Von Zufalligdorf even a shred of ability to consider alternate courses of action.
She knew she must fight.
There was another matter, too. The traitor's threats would be much more convincing if she made them when the battalion was engaged in the battle inside the town. Now, once they broke through, it resembled more of a last ditch bluff. One that ought be called.
>Fight. Breaking through south was the original plan- and the best option, as it drove closer to friendly lines than any other way. Every other enemy had been beaten. So too would these be. Villi Niel [J-3]
>>5616933 >Fight. Breaking through south was the original plan- and the best option, as it drove closer to friendly lines than any other way. Every other enemy had been beaten. So too would these be. Slight scuff on me this turn, I went Southeast Southeast to mm26, not Southwest Southwest to ii26
>>5612605 Both are two tiles away with cover at the 26 line so I guess it was easy to mix up.
Casimir Sikorsky [C-2]
Rolled 1, 4, 9, 8, 2, 1, 3, 9, 8, 5, 7, 1, 10, 9, 6, 7, 8, 3 = 101 (18d10) >>5616933 >Fight. Breaking through south was the original plan- and the best option, as it drove closer to friendly lines than any other way. Every other enemy had been beaten. So too would these be. Upon receiving the Major's transmission, Casimir hissed. Traitorous bastards, the lot of them, no better the Revolutionary bootlickers up in occupied Ellowie whom oppressed their own kind and faith. He would sooner kneel to the bloody Kaiser in Zeissenberg than accede to that bitch Sommervind's threats.
Besides, he had sworn to the Queen that he would protect her. Upholding his oath as knight of Ellowie's was worth sacrificing for, if necessary.
He looked back to the woman floating in the rear of his tank.
"Don't worry, Your Majesty. We won't turn you over to the Caelussians that easily. Though if the worst case scenario happens, I might have to get to flee south on your own until you can reach our lines."
Switching back to the battalion network, the Ellowian lieutenant made his stance clear. "Major, I say we send these traitors and heretic bastards to hell, even if we need to give all our lives to do it. Better than going in front of the Judge as a traitor and a coward like these Red Blade scum!"
>Spotting >Initiative >Fire 4x 5cm HE, 12x 8mm at gg43 Fusiliers >Move to dd46 Casimir Sikorsky [C-2]
Rolled 2, 1, 2, 2 = 7 (4d2) >>5616950 HE damage
>Also notating +3 INI Bonus for clarity [+2 from Sky Queen, +1 from Unused movement] Jonah 'Just Fuck my Shit up' Vilgerson
Jonah 'Just Fuck my Shit up' Vilgerson ID:LVhmtuuH Mon 27 Mar 2023 15:13:48 No. 5616968 Report Quoted By:
>>5616933 >"WE FIGHT!!!!" >>Said the infantry commander closest to dying >Move SE >Move SE >Move S >Move SW >Move S >Move S [D-9] Von Totmann
Quoted By:
apart from mopping up/compelling the last of the infantry in southern Jagterfisk Pools, we really should take the grace period hinted at by the merc to consolidate our forces. They got us in a tough spot, I strongly suggest we refuse the western flank and mass our forces against the mercenaries by shifting the eastern flank. If we can compel one or both of the groups opposing us there to come out into the open we have a much better chance of winning this with fewer losses. Either way we need to consolidate, this will be a tough fight.
[J-1] Frederica Von Zufalligdorf !!A5ANDj+KATg
[J-1] Frederica Von Zufalligdorf !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:2TUe3P3t Mon 27 Mar 2023 15:45:52 No. 5616998 Report Quoted By:
>>5616933 >Move along the road to ee-38 and turn W Kannenpflanze [C-4]
>>5616933 Can we escape by railways leading SE w/ our supplies or does it explicitly have to be a road?
[D-9] Von Totmann
>>5616933 <"If the enemy is foolish enough to halt their pursuit for even just a moment then we will be in a good position to defeat the traitor and the mercenaries both. Let them die to our sword, like the rest that stood before us.">
Brave words for someone currently running with his tail tucked between his leg, Totmann thought about his own words, but he'd be damned if the hard work and sacrifices of his men, and others like Eberhardt should go to waste now due to the duplicity of that traitor.
>Fight. Breaking through south was the original plan- and the best option, as it drove closer to friendly lines than any other way. Every other enemy had been beaten. So too would these be. >spotting >move S, SE, SE, SE, landing on ee-33 Adrian Ferrari [D-3]
Rolled 3, 9, 4, 10, 2, 3, 10, 3 = 44 (8d10) >>5616933 Listening to the drama unfolding on the radio, Adrian was mostly just relieved he hadn't been born a noble. This sort of politics and betrayal was exactly what he had no understanding of or patience for. After all he had only joined the national militia to get a good looking uniform and make a name for himself. He didn't fully understand what the conflict on the radio was about, but it seemed that his battalion was being betrayed, and siding with a traitor probably wouldn't do good things for his reputation. All he intended to do was follow his orders, no more and no less.
>attack the gg42 fusiliers with rifles >mount up >move 4x South into hh44 >dismount >dig in Rolls in order are spotting, initiative, rifles
>>Fight. Breaking through south was the original plan- and the best option, as it drove closer to friendly lines than any other way. Every other enemy had been beaten. So too would these be. This fight looks like it'll mostly be up to the tankers and I'm not sure how much I'll be able to help, but I think this is our best bet if the tankers think they can handle it. Too bad we didn't capture any of the war crime bombs with their control cables and vehicle intact, I would love to settle this by driving one of those into that forest.
Daate Giovanni [J-4]
Rolled 9, 7 = 16 (2d10) Welp.
There's only one real option here me thinks.
Maybe if I play this right I can lead the enemy units near me into the huge trap in the middle of the town.
Can't get shot up now if there's another ace on the field to help put down.
>>5616933 >Fight. Breaking through south was the original plan- and the best option, as it drove closer to friendly lines than any other way. Every other enemy had been beaten. So too would these be. >Spotting >Initiative >Move Southwest >Move down the road as far as movement will allow. Daate Giovanni [J-4]
Quoted By:
>>5616933 >>5617318 Oh and in case it's not clear, down the road going southwest, not the one going south.
Caroline M. Vix [C-1]
Quoted By:
>>5616933 >Fight. Breaking through south was the original plan- and the best option, as it drove closer to friendly lines than any other way. Every other enemy had been beaten. So too would these be. >Rotate North NE, N, NW (should end up in bb-46 >Dig in After hearing the words and switching to new frequency she could hear some extremely heated voices. Vix picked up her radio "Considering the state some of our forces are in from what i heard. I do think that pushing through our new enemy seems like the only reasonable solution. We need to get to allied forces to properly fix our people and machines it would be lot harder with enemy on our tail." She switched back to squad radio for a moment "Start fortifying the position i have no idea how this will play out" she said and turned back over command radio.
Stefan Eberhardt
Quoted By:
>>5616933 Eberhardt felt the last dregs of hope drain away as Yule's hasty channel swap occurred and the depth of their vanguard's treachery sunk in. They had fought hard and hammered the Twaryians relentlessly and paid an ugly price in blood to secure the battalion's rear. All to be stabbed in the back by their own allies lined up in some noble's powerplay. His eyes sank to the half-open listless eyes of his radioman as he slumped hap hazardously propped up across from Eberhardt's seat, a hasty tourniquet tied around his leg and bandages wrapped around shrapnel wounds peppering his body, and then to the blood-soaked bottom of the T/24's bay were a pair of still forms lay eyes vacantly staring into the beyond.
He had left half his platoon behind in that woodline. There really only was one option to honor their sacrifices.
<"Let's cut through these traitors and their pawns, they seem to be under the illusion that Vynmark has already lost this way. We shall show them the error of this thinking.">
>Initiative: Rolling >Spot: Rolling >Fire: N/A >Move: Remove Chemical Gear, SE, SE, SE, end at ee31 >Fight. Breaking through south was the original plan- and the best option, as it drove closer to friendly lines than any other way. Every other enemy had been beaten. So too would these be. Gunther Lutzow-Spelinger [C-3] !!c22z0QTmIiu
Gunther Lutzow-Spelinger [C-3] !!c22z0QTmIiu ID:1kFl/Ncz Tue 28 Mar 2023 00:35:57 No. 5617433 Report Rolled 8, 8 = 16 (2d10) >>5616933 >Spotting >Initiative (radio) >Move S >Dig in >FIGHT Casimir Sikorsky [C-2]
Quoted By:
>>5616950 >>5616955 Using C-3's INI of 8
>>5617433 for a total of 11
Walter Splitterschwert [R-1]
Walter Splitterschwert [R-1] ID:53tMsFCi Tue 28 Mar 2023 04:55:25 No. 5617718 Report Rolled 7, 10 = 17 (2d10) >>5616933 >Fight. Breaking through south was the original plan- and the best option I never did learn gud.
Also they likely know which tank the Queen is in, so we might wanna move her to a different tank and certainly not back to the HQ. Either way, they are going to be gunning for you Sikorsky.
>Turn Roll: init, spot
Fire: None
>Move: S, S, S, SE on LL41 Might as well poke my head in the farthest forest and see if we're completely surrounded before the shooting starts.
Gauthier [D-4]
Quoted By:
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5616933 >Give up the VIPs. There was no point in fighting an unwinnable battle- for what, exactly? If everything could go on ahead without more pain, so be it. It was a rare free win, for most of you. I for one would rather not get killed playing protector for some fairytale princess just because a naive noble girl told me to. It looks like everyone wants to fight so I'm not going to turn my coat or anything but I am going to want a better explanation for why all this is happening if we all survive this night.
>Roll spot, mostly a formality probably >Mount up >Move SW, SW, S, S Not sure if I can fire on the guys in gg43, but if I can I want to make sure we are all on the same page since it sounds like it would be breaking some ceasefire and getting our exposed elements killed.
Freya Unterbrust [R-3]
>>5616933 Despite the betrayal, Freya approached and spoke with the woman without any hint of malice. In truth, she felt none. Talking with a fellow mercenary, and one with experience like her, was more often than not a pleasantry she sought out where she could.
"They call me Unterbrust, if you can believe it. Freya." She took off her hat with a smile, flanked by her second for a bit of security. "I'd much rather settle things without more killin', but from what I gather... there's too many in our merry band over-eager to prove themselves. Thirsty for blood and glory, you know the feeling, eh?"
Finally free from the confines of her armored car, the Lieutenant stretches her arms and back. Always good to keep limber. "Maybe I'm just turning cowardly after all these years, but I'd rather live to see a certain couple little ones grow. The world could use more giants if we're just myths, heh!"
As Freya focused on conversing with Sglaza, her platoon looked over to the unfamiliar armor to gleam what they could. Armor and armaments, special equipment, the works. With their experience being around machines of war she hoped they could grasp at least a fleeting something.
"I can smell the way things are blowing. And despite kickin' ass these past few battles, I doubt it'll keep heading in Vynmark's favor." She shrugs. It's just the way things are. "What do you make of it, Sglaza? From the outside lookin' in, so to speak."
>Spotting >Reserve Movement
>Reserve Anonymous
Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ
Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ ID:qaTWCiOd Tue 28 Mar 2023 11:16:13 No. 5617912 Report Rolled 6, 1, 9, 5 = 21 (4d10) >>5616933 A dark mood fell over Ulf's mind. Contingency Red. He remembers how he felt when the Major first opened up the possibility of betrayal. 'Why not strike them first', he thought. But then he saw and heard how naively the Countess lapped up every word of the Bat-Ear traitor. Judge damn it all, this wasn't some fucking preppy academy where you can giggle and gossip your worries away. She was a commander, not some starry eyed student.
He had to calm down. Asses the situation. The vehicles infront of him weren't allies, but a ticking bomb. Soon, all hell will break loose when the rest of the Battalion starts shooting. Volger is nearby, they outnumber the recon infront of him...
It's a question of who shoots first. And he sure as fuck isn't waiting.
<<"R-8, blast the cunts. Oh, and think up o' an escape plan.">>
>Spotting >Initiative >Shoot two cannons at the recon vehicles infront of me >Move NW Move NW [J-1] Frederica Von Zufalligdorf !!A5ANDj+KATg
[J-1] Frederica Von Zufalligdorf !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:2TUe3P3t Tue 28 Mar 2023 11:45:56 No. 5617922 Report >>5617912 Please reconsider. If the enemy gives us a turn to regroup and get to positions, let's use it. Everyone who posted so far did. You're putting everyone in danger.
Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ
Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ ID:qaTWCiOd Tue 28 Mar 2023 12:13:28 No. 5617928 Report >>5617922 Alright alright, simply thought there is no better position to go and turning my back to the enemy would be a bad idea.
Guess I'll just discard the shooting bit and leg it.
>>5617912 Changing my actions to a simple
>Reserve Fire >Fire and Maneuvre Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>5617864 You can't both reserve fire and reserve movement. Reserve fire requires no movement action, including reserving it. Also I don't think it's particularly wise to tell the mercs that we are probably going to fight them, it will probably give us less time and endanger people unnecessarily.
[J-1] Frederica Von Zufalligdorf !!A5ANDj+KATg
[J-1] Frederica Von Zufalligdorf !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:2TUe3P3t Tue 28 Mar 2023 12:51:47 No. 5617942 Report Quoted By:
>>5617928 Thank you.
If you want to retreat, you may consider moving 2NE or something like that. It puts the forest between you and the enemy this turn, and on the next one you can flee NE to another forest.
Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Rolled 4 (1d10) >>5616933 Kannenpflanze was looking over the side of the turret when his radio operator informed him of what was happening on the battalion net. One of the bat-ear gunners believed that he could get off one more 7.5cm shell against Leo's the advancing T-15s as the rest of the crew fled. The gore splattered against the side of Kannenpflanze's tank was the testament to his error. "I swear, if the bastard jams up a roadwheel..." he muttered as he turned back in.
Leo surprised himself by his lack of rage at the betrayal. Sure, it may have been expected—especially after he learned that the leader of the already untrustworthy Red Blades was a bat-eared half-breed bastard—, but he also expected the simmering rage he felt over the prospect of treachery to boil over and explode when it finally happened. In its stead, the anger he felt now was cold, calculated, and full of malice and hatred. It had been a long week. He prepared to transmit on the battalion net,
<"Let's just kill the bastards.">
>Fight. Of course, he'd have to wait a bit more. The battalion was hopelessly strung out across Jagterfisk and would need to gather itself before the coming confrontation. Luckily, a sort of a ceasefire had been arranged—for the benefit of those for whom the correct answer wasn't immediately clear—, so that would probably happen soon enough. In the meantime, finding a defensible position wouldn't hurt, just in case someone decided to get the party started early.
>Spotting >Reserve fire >no movement >start digging in, ig Villi Niel [J-3]
>>5616933 >>5616946 The precious remnants of the cotton wool smoke did nothing to dampen the terrifying belch of Twaryian engines encroaching in all directions. Flarelight began to lap in at it's fading edges and soon it would dissipate to leave nothing but a pair of snakes playing possum. The shafts invading the wisping cloud doing little to dispell Lieutentant Niel's panicked visions of having somehow already died and discovered the afterlife. Then came a great crash, the fall of Judge's gavel?
No... No, a fusilade. Then the strike and the unforgettable peppery smell of hot iron and the sound of hail as fragments battered the hull about the open cupola. Someone had struck to buy them a window, surely another Jager from the sound of it. [J-4] and [J-7] were cut off by the town, hell, he wasn't even sure if [J-4] survived the duel with the ace. Gio had holed the Red Bastard once already, so if anyone could do it... Anyway, to whoever was responsible, he'd have to make an effort to make it up to them, if they all made it south alive, or at the very least kiss the necessary ass until they were satisfied.
That was reason enough to live now, though. The order was given, all speed southeast, and not to stop until a more permanent hide was found, even if they had to crash head first through it to reach safety. Anything was better than here.
After the necessary nerves were gathered to escape the fading smoke and a teeth-chattering ride hell for leather in the face of an entire unit of T-15s in the direction of what turned out a conveniently placed village, the radio set's pannel alit and from it followed what was a frankly indecipherable transmission from Major Yule, one that took some adjustment to hear clearly.
Something about the Queen and her pits. Maybe Villi had died and this was the afterlife appropriate for the judgment of a coward; one of darkness, war and utter confusion.
Okay, maybe that, or events south were unfolding the way he hadn't expected. Jr Lt. Fjeld had only given the most brief explanation of what had transpired at camp that night the battalion gained it's latest recinforcement, along with apparently a precious cargo, all while was off capturing cripples and abducting young girls in the night.
Either way up, the Major ended his broadcast with a choice: To fight, flee, or surrender the... something. In all fairness Villi couldn't focus too clearly on with the offer the Major had given, presumably to the Battalion whole, what with the deluge of black clad armour hot at his heels and all potential reinforcement tearing away down the road southward. What choice was there but to fight? Fight at least until you were safe enough to run, that's obvious. "Yeah, sure, we'll fight. Slip 'em the old jab, Major sir". Shit, didn't he have staff to make these kinds of decisions for him? What was he even doing asking us? How fucked was it down there?
>Initiative >Spotting >Pivot West Villi Niel [J-3]
Quoted By:
Rolled 3, 9, 2 = 14 (3d10) >>5617973 roll the dice dickhead
Roman Orlik [R-9]
Quoted By:
>>5616933 >Follow the road as for down as possible. >I'll defer to whatever the group wants. Black 1 [J-7]
Frankovich Wespe (R-7)
>>5616933 >Fight. Breaking through south was the original plan- and the best option, as it drove closer to friendly lines than any other way. Every other enemy had been beaten. So too would these be. >Move 3S, 1SE Specialist Franziska Vilgerson [C-7]
Specialist Franziska Vilgerson [C-7] ID:s0VW5hEG Tue 28 Mar 2023 21:50:05 No. 5618454 Report >>5618436 >Fight >Move 2S, 1SW Jacob Krogh D-1
Specialist Franziska Vilgerson [C-7]
Specialist Franziska Vilgerson [C-7] ID:s0VW5hEG Tue 28 Mar 2023 21:51:08 No. 5618457 Report Quoted By:
Ilse Anna Degenhardt-Iðunardóttir [J-8] !!IQutGeX9+Yk
Ilse Anna Degenhardt-Iðunardóttir [J-8] !!IQutGeX9+Yk ID:MdWsVb8P Tue 28 Mar 2023 21:57:35 No. 5618464 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 2, 3 = 5 (2d10) >>5616933 >Fight. Breaking through south was the original plan- and the best option, as it drove closer to friendly lines than any other way. Every other enemy had been beaten. So too would these be. >Spotting and Initiative >Pivot south, move SW onto the road, S, S. Should end up on ee34 [+1 movement from road, not full bonus because I didn't start on it.] >Hand over the towed BM-2 to the recovery vehicles. >>5617139 >>5618087 I think you guys are gonna collide together at ee33.
Lt. Vivian Martins [C-5]
Quoted By:
>>5616933 >Fight >Move 1 South, 4 South East Albert von Eschenz [R-4]
Rolled 7 (1d10) >>5616933 All reports, no sightings of his own it seems. Albert peered through his binoculars a bit more before beibg alerted by the radio. He listened intently on the proceedings, turning in to focus on who was talking. Upon given the contingency, he swapped over and listened more. His crew noticed Albert's fingers tapping. Nerves, or thinking. Probably both. Once the choice was given, it was simple. Perhaps those knightly sensibilities of the nobility truly did rub off on him, much to his chagrin. Albert spoke a query with a huff:
<I assume we will be attacking the red axes too, yes? If not what will the rules be for them? I'm sure our half-breed friend won't take too kindly to our answer to this matter.>
>Fight. Breaking through south was the original plan- and the best option, as it drove closer to friendly lines than any other way. Every other enemy had been beaten. So too would these be. >move to bb46 >pivot facing West, towards the red axes >spotting roll Honestly I was thinking it seemed way too easy that we could just blitz through the town like that.
Albert von Eschenz [R-4]
>>5617228 I'm sure one of us can splice a wire or two to reconnect the wires if you want my control box somewhere. Fuck these guys honestly
D2 - Kohlkopf
Quoted By:
>>5616925 >Move into the forest west of the hostile vehicle. >Surreptitiously lay explosives in the western escape path for the vehicle while the giants are distracting each other. >Prepare to dishonorably blow up this mercenary envoy on her way out. tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
>>5616946 I have adjusted it so. Reposting map because it results in new spotting.
>>5617110 You can escape any place with a road or railroad- but the post-op will be harsher depending on deviation. The southeast railway escape heads right into what's projected to be the most dense enemy formations and prepared positions with no real good way to friendly lines- ie, it'd be the easiest to leave this battlefield from, but the poorest choice for long term, aside from perhaps heading north for whatever reason.
>>5617864 You really do spoil me, you know.
>>5618514 This is an option, yes.
Though mind that the explosive carts haven't exactly been seen to be swift.
Villi Niel [J-3]
Quoted By:
>>5618638 >new spotting Hoookay. I was planning to hold off on declaring movement until that got acknowledged, but I just got woke up by a shelf jumping off the wall at 4am, so if I may ammend that now.
>Retain South facing >Move Southwest, South to cover at ll28 We could really do with some artillery up here. Not sure what the radius of a shelling is, but ideally centered on the T-16s at ii24 in the group currently enveloping [J-4].
Adrian Ferrari [D-3]
Quoted By:
>>5618514 I think I'm too far away to run back and get it in time but if someone else coming up from the rear wants to grab the one in ee37 and get your controller I bet we could sneak it through the woods southwest directly into Sommervind's position, especially if we smoke her end of the forest. I'm still not entirely sure what this thing does but I think it would be a fitting response for her betraying us.
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u ID:ewgBNCYp Wed 29 Mar 2023 04:53:18 No. 5618774 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 1, 8 = 9 (2d10) >>5616933 "Sounds pretty pathetic for an idea of getting peace really. A table where none are truly equal and where one side truly as gained way more then the other. That's a sight I'd loathe to see in any history book." Anyone who'd read any book about war would know that there is only 2 situations which led to peace in war. One where the "winner" would stand atop the "defeated" or one where both parties realized that the pursuit of war would simply lead to mutual ruin. Wesker, despite knowing the implications as vowed his whole life that'd he refuse to be defeated without trying to be a winner. Much less at the expense of a lady that was plucked away from the place she wanted to be. He didn't let himself be hated for his physical traits, get almost stabbed, and punched in the gut simply to return "defeated" after working his arse off to get where he is now. And he certainly wasn't thinking of stopping here. Though he was fighting the people he may have called bretheren, if he wanted to be able to change the situation for all those like him he needed to be part of the change himself. "I think were mostly gonna be part of what some may think to be the worst decision, but no one should simply be coerced into the 'easy path'. We should fight and punch through just like we agreed, while were all part of this. Lets do it with chutzpah."
>Fight. Breaking through south was the original plan- and the best option, as it drove closer to friendly lines than any other way. Every other enemy had been beaten. So too would these be. >Ini+Spot >Fire: Nope >-Leave the VBIED (The track bomb) with HQ they'll know what to do with it {Untow} >Maneuver: Move 2SW (2 mov cost for forest, and 1) tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
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>>5616950 Velecacia’s look was a sad one- her cloak had been bundled up and put in a corner for now. The m/24 had a bad habit of pulling hot air out of the engine and into the crew compartment when it ran for a long time, and her skin was starting to get clammy. No makeup ran, though- her beauty was one born of innocence. Yet she seemed to understand what was happening after only a small explanation.
“I wouldst understand if thou turned me over to them, Sir Sikorksy” she said, “Mine mistakes and circumstances demand much of thou and thine comrades, and I canst offer little in return for thine bravery and sacrifice. I didst suspect that Lady Sommervind held this in her heart- yet Rend’s descendant wouldst not have heard any words suggesting betrayal. Mayhaps I was naïve, trusting her earnestness over mine senses.”
“If we knew for a certainty, your majesty,” Casimir’s gunner said lowly, “Then we would not be here. But this trap is not enough to have beaten us, let alone the Battalion.”
“…” Velecacia blinked and thought for a quiet moment. “I wouldst caution against thine brazen bravado. The heart and soul is poor at deception, and Lady Sommervind held supreme confidence in hers. Even if it was misplaced, I fear that her exertions shall result in terrible devastation upon thine all. I wouldst only ask mine further protection for what worse may occur, and not for mine own safety.”
The alternative seemed impossible for Sikorsky. Partially, because he was a proud believer in monarchy and nobility, yes, and now was the second time proving so in battle. Also, though…something deeper compelled her protection. A deeper feeling that, somehow, strengthened him. A strength he was growing more certain that he’d need in the fight coming.
>>5617864 The mention of the nickname had made Sglaza snicker when Freya had said it. The reason for it was astoundingly clear to anybody who didn’t need their vision badly corrected, but it stuck even in uniform.
“Heh heh. Unterbrust, eh? I’m sure from a certain place, it’s all they can see. Freya’s probably better around any young’ins, though. My real name’s Astrida. Nobody calls me that, though.”
It was a name that wouldn’t be out of place in Vynmark. Though in Sosaldt, no name was out of place. In the wastes, everybody who didn’t belong anywhere else, did there.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Quoted By:
“Though, the outside lookin’ in, huh,” Sglaza echoed, before reaching beside her and picking up the cup on the table by the lamp. It the face she made as she sipped it clued that it probably wasn’t tea- or if it was, then it’d been well fortified with something else. “For Velekam, Vynmark, or you? Got some time for each.” A call from behind. Sglaza shouted something back in a bored sounding tone. “Sounds like the red head’s made her move. You know, she tried to explain it all to me. Like she had to justify it to a merc and not herself. Got this idea that this is some great sacrifice. Not like the Federation wouldn’t do what she thinks it will. Just that it’s funny she thinks the pieces are perfectly set up to knock down. She’s about to find out that’s not the way it works, I reckon.” Another sip at the cup, and Sglaza set it by herself on the crate rather than on the little folding stand. “Like you said. Thirsty for glory, but for her, not the blood. One comes with the other no matter what, in a war. In a way, sounds like your boys know better than her ‘bout that. By my reckoning, the whole world’s gonna have to find out soon how much blood and glory they can take before they’re sick of it. As for Vynmark, I won’t lie.” The smile on her face lessened. “From my point of view, maybe you could stick it out against the scale-heads. They’re clever enough when left to their own devices, but their command acts like it’s drunk. They’ll sober up soon enough with what punishment they’ve taken. Fresh scars are easy to remember and all. Redhead said that she’d try and argue using the might of Caelus. It’s a fair point. None of you, nobody in this part of the world,” Sglaza gestured with the teacup, “Knows how strong the Caelussian Federation is. They could be ready for more than you’ve got in a hundred times your armories. I’ve seen the potential myself. And they <span class="mu-i">really</span> want what you’ve got, and they really <span class="mu-i">don’t</span> want what you could do, making it out to where nobody could deny it. If you force their hand, though, it’d be like a flounder trying to take on a Night Shark. That’s my view, at least.” A night shark? Freya hadn’t ever heard of one of those. There were plenty of kinds of big shark that fit the obvious metaphor anyways. Her eyes wandered amongst the vehicles in the dark- it was hard to tell much about them, besides that their guns were bigger. The ones to the south were definitely monsters- maybe bigger than the big guns her own battalion had. What in the world was Caelus expecting to face that needed that much? Though she did notice that the <span class="mu-i">recon</span> seemed to be missing. The tanks about here weren’t the sort. “Last it me, then.”
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Quoted By:
“Last is you.” Sglaza’s smile had faded completely. “I know the feeling. I’ve got a kid myself.” She reached for the dog tags on her necklace and held one, flipped it, though the Caelussian letters on it were indecipherable to Freya. Sglaza sighed, the smile slipping back onto her again. “His papa bought it before he was born. I’ve thought about havin’ another, but it just hasn’t happened. It’s denial, sorta. Like it is with you.” Sglaza stood up, slipping her thumbs into the pockets at her hips. She wasn’t as tall as Sglaza, and she chuckled to herself. “Makin’ me feel like I’m compensating for something, y’know. Never met somebody who could do that. Anyway. I don’t think you’re turning yellow. I think you’d <span class="mu-i">like</span> to. Like I would. I’d like to take the best man I’ve got here, run back home to my firstborn, and raise a big, happy family, where the Federation’s stamped out war and poverty. But we’re both here, aren’t we? In a place where we both know one last ride could be the end of it all. Your country’s being invaded, but I’ve heard this place’s laws. You’re a woman. You wouldn’t have to fight if you didn’t want to. If you changed your mind, I’d tell you that we won’t shoot you in the back if you turn tail and flee, but,” her eyes narrowed and her smile broadened again, “I don’t think you’re doin’ that. Not yet. No matter how nice I might seem now, you’d best know, it’s all on once we’re back in our metal suits.” “Same for you.” “Not in a hurry to go back though, eh,” Sglaza observed, “Time’s runnin’ out to go, y’know. In your armored cars, there. I see you eyeing up my kits, though. Tell you what. It’s only fair you know what’s in store there. First.” She pointed closer to the right, “The pointy ears call these T-16s. They’re kind of right. They used to be that, before the name classification change, and some more upgrades. Now they’re C-IIIs. Better armor. Better gun, 5-5 centimeter. Getting ready for the next war and all. They’re pretty new, not standard, even newer than them, though,” She pointed onward. “My ride. The C-Vs. Last I heard, there was six of them out for field testing, and three of them are there. They’re like nothing you know, trust me. I know tankers get touchy about their steel, but it makes anything in you’s or the Twaryian armories look like a <span class="mu-i">piece of shit</span>. Last, the CSU-IIIs.”
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
She jerked her thumb backwards. “You might have heard of the Petrekoran Uprising. I fought in that. The Petrekorans made up some tanks that had armor too thick to shoot through by anything we had. Fedcom decided that wasn’t gonna happen again. So, 8.2-centimeter cannons mounted in C-III chassis. Laughs at a T-15’s armor. As for the other things…well.” She closed her bloody eye, a wink again. “Wouldn’t want t’ ruin all the fun. Besides, Voronovich wouldn’t like me blurting out where he is. Nice guy. Fun on dates, and after. Not a morning person.”
A pause. Nothing was said for a few seconds.
“Now, I’d like to heat up some more water and moonshine and keep goin’, but I’m outta time. I’ve got an appointment to attend to.” Sglaza buttoned her jumpsuit back up at the top, shifting all of what was beneath back in, and pulled a headset up and over her ears, clipping in a wire as she did so. “I hope you get back to your little ones, Unterbrust. I haven’t seen mine in almost three years, and that’s the only thing I’ve regretted in this life.”
>>5618512 The answer to Von Eschenz’s question was quick and certain. “We’re deep in enemy lines. Holding back isn’t an option. I don’t know if they’ll hesitate to shoot you, but we can’t afford to lose strength now by waiting to get shot first. Though. I do have one trick up my sleeve. I was ready to pay for it if the Twaryians started using chemical weapons themselves, but they haven’t done it as far as I can tell…thus far. I borrowed some of the battalion’s best infantrymen and gave them a mission a couple days ago. Speak of it no further, in case it is intercepted later- their chemical protection won’t work if we sling LLG at them now. But remember, they’re working for enemies now. We’ve still got a mission to complete here.”
Option Objective- Do Not Kill Lady Sommervind tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Quoted By:
I'll start update processing tomorrow. Just in case the terms of the objectives weren't clear- you yourselves don't have to reach an egress point to win. Just the convoy itself. Though ideally none of you should be in active combat- you'll have to extract yourself from that before you get to pop open the champagne. Or rather, the Lunaire Wine. Which can still be called champagne just because the root of the word refers to a particular kind of terrain feature but...well, whatever.
Quoted By:
>>5618944 "How intact do you want her corpse to be?"
Changing move:
>Pivot West >Move Sw >Move W >Move W Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Quoted By:
>>5616933 >>5617970 Changing movement:
>pivot West >move 3xNW So...you're telling me there's somebody here that I can gas and they *can't* mask up?
Albert Von Carlstadt [R-10] !08f2tLaJ9s
Albert Von Carlstadt [R-10] !08f2tLaJ9s ID:1uoybPA7 Wed 29 Mar 2023 17:08:45 No. 5619162 Report Quoted By:
>>5616931 >Shoot flare 5 E Alvin Raine [D-5]
Quoted By:
Rolled 4, 10 = 14 (2d10) >>5616933 >Move 1SE, 1SW >Dismount >Dig In and Camoflauge >Trucks move South >Initiative roll in case anybody needs it Von Bern [D-10]
Quoted By:
>>5616933 Botting Von Bern
>Dismount >Plant Mine >Dig In >Trucks move 1SE Luther Wester [D-6] !!8C1UuC+54vi
Luther Wester [D-6] !!8C1UuC+54vi ID:8aTsb8Md Wed 29 Mar 2023 23:48:39 No. 5619517 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 8, 8, 4, 6, 4, 3, 10, 10, 5, 6, 2, 8, 1, 3, 3, 8, 7, 5, 3, 9, 3 = 116 (21d10) >>5616933 >Attack the Twaryian infantry in GG43 with Assault Armament, Flamethrowers, T/24 MGs >Initative, x8 AA | x4 Flamethrowers | x8 MGs >Move SW to GG44 (stay dismounted) >Pivot APCs west Anonymous
Rolled 8, 2 = 10 (2d10) >>5616933 Botting Volger R-8
>Spotting and Initiative >Fire flare 5 W. >Move W, W. Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ
Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ ID:qaTWCiOd Fri 31 Mar 2023 13:05:18 No. 5621171 Report >>5621098 Uuuuh, could you not leave me to my fate and atleast position Volger that he can shoot at the traitor recon?
>>5616933 Amending Volger's (R-8) turn.
>Fire Flare as before. >Reserve fire against Sommervind's PzA-13s if they make any hostile actions. >No movement. >>5621171 Sorry, I was in a hurry and didn't want to be late because I forgot to bot Volger. That, and I was more concerned with scouting/getting Volger out of Sommervind's firing arcs.
How many smoke charges do you have left? I wasn't keeping track.
Quoted By:
>>5616933 Botting Krachen D-12
>Move S, S, S, S, S >Dig in Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Quoted By:
>>5616933 Botting Lehrson D-7
>Move S, SW, S, S, SW, S >dismount and dig in Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ
Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ ID:tcFn43/7 Sat 01 Apr 2023 00:08:12 No. 5621781 Report Quoted By:
>>5621186 Well, I have none. So that's a bit of a problem.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Quoted By:
>INI 14- D-6 Wester- Attacks hh43 Twaryian Fusiliers- ATK 5, 6, 4 vs DEF 4+2, 4, 4+2, 6+, 4+, 7+ to Hit. 7 Hits, 2 Crits, 11 Damage. >INI 14- D-3 Ferrari- Attacks hh43 Twaryian Fusiliers- ATK 2 vs DEF 4+2, 9+ to Hit. 2 Crits, 4 Damage. >INI 12- C-2 Sikorsky- Attacks hh43 Twaryian Fusiliers- ATK 4 vs DEF 4+2, 7+ to Hit. 2 Cannon Hits, 6 MG hits, 1 MG Crit. Target Destroyed. ----- “Amateur shit,” a Twaryian combat engineer said derisively as he inspected the explosive charges, “Put down in a hurry. No anti-tamper measures.” “Yet around two platoons of armor were lost because of this “amateur shit?”” A motorized scout officer asked as he leaned over the engineer’s shoulder, irreverent of the amount of explosive before him. “Not surprising. Tankers think they’ve got loins heavy enough to smash whatever’s in front of them if they drop their trousers,” the engineer scoffed, “No humility. They stick their noses in the air so they don’t think anything on the ground can hurt them. When they have to pick enough burned bodies out, they’ll learn. They weren’t the ones that won the victories in Ellowie. They fancy themselves the Kaiser’s Panzer Army, rather than a bunch of canned baboons. It’s what they are, if you ask me, or anybody else who’s got to follow them around.” A huff and a clip of cutters, and he held up an ampoule. “This snapping is what turns a hunk of steel shipped all the way over the ocean into either scrap metal or a mechanic’s nightmare for a week.” “You make it look easy.” “It was,” the combat engineer looked into the town, “But tonight’s not gonna be our night for sure. Smell that on the wind? Special Demolitions fucked up, and now it’s my problem. Those flower pot bushy brows can’t get the hell out of their own country soon enough.” -----
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Sglaza slipped back into her tank- the C-V was new, a virgin to battle. This would be its first time around. Good thing it had a good partner for it. That Unterbrust gal wasn’t moving, though. It seemed calculated- though definitely a little suicidal, considering that Sglaza had no intent of holding back once the fires were set. “They’re just sitting there in front of us, A-Leader,” her B Platoon leader said. “She saw the fuckin’ ten-tubes,” Sglaza concluded. The mortar support was the most valuable thing that those otherwise weak armored cars could hit. “Rowka, what are y’doin’ stuck up my ass, there aren’t any damn boogiemen in the dark besides your second in command.” “Sorry, A-Leader. Just didn’t expect one to just run up at that angle. Thought they’d take the road.” “It doesn’t matter. Give them some illumination at the south end. A and Ge platoons will acquire targets when the flares go out, Be platoon, be ready to knock out the recon if they stick around. Vo reported current armor threats as one platoon T-15s and Two-One Minus 24-32 type. Five-fives should take care of them just fine. The recon’s scattered all about, but they shouldn’t be much of a threat if you don’t let them on your flank. All their heavy tank destroyers are up screwing around with the armor battalion north. If we take out their armored assets one by one, the people rolling in from the north will do the room to room for us. Vo, if they spot you, don’t stick it out for a fight. Kryuk, you’ve got flank security. All elements confirm.” The return came swiftly. “It’s either this bunch or nobody, this time out. Make it good. Sglaza out.” ----- The battalion was nearly out of the north of the twin towns- the temporary ceasefire, puzzling as it was to all involved, was taken advantage of in full. A pair of enemy armored cars had, by now, been taken to the convoy- odd loot to take, but they were light enough to not be an impediment. The Caelussian Paramarine prisoners were kept well wary of, given recent events, but their demeanor remained the same as it had been since departing Kobberhus- calm, collected, and patient. They were not to be underestimated, given that even disarmed, they had managed to make an escape by subduing their guards, but they seemed utterly complacent. Perhaps they were confident what was coming would turn out in their favor. No need to risk anything if they thought they didn’t need to fight to win.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Meanwhile, though the fighting had stopped to the north, no truce was had in the south- probably due to the fighting already being well underway when it was hastily brokered. The last Twaryian holdout in the south of Jagterfisk Pools was neatly dealt with, scattered and routed. If it weren’t for the forces coming from behind, the spearhead might have felt some pleasure at having liberated the town, but besides themselves and the enemy, there was not a soul present to appreciate the effort anyways. They had won, only to leave. Just like Kobberhus, but there wasn’t going to be time to feast and rest here. Lieutenant Splitterschwert, to the east of the south town, had little to do at this moment besides keep an eye out- maybe watch the infantry do their work, as the bright spots of flamethrower spitting lit up the entire street every now and then. The wildlife in this particular bit of wood hadn’t fled- crickets played noisily near the tanks. Annoyingly. Time to leave the woods, he decided- but as he went, he caught a glimpse of something- then the suspicion turned into a definite sight as it was lit by a flare. It was well camouflaged- he might not have seen it were it not for the bright spot in the sky now. What was it, though? A set of armored vehicles, yes, but they looked like the BMT armored half-track transports- only with a nasty looking gun in a turret above. Great- just great. A threatening enemy he knew nothing about, and looking around, that nobody was in a position to deal with- not even him, as it slipped out of direct gun lines. To the other side of the south, the opposing recon elements continued to wait- only for the Red Blades to break off and retreat. Apparently, they weren’t shooting-yet. That could change at any time. From his command post, Yule waited and listened to reports, with his hands clenched in his lap. It wouldn’t be long before the Countess would re-enter the chain of command again. He just hoped that her old friendship wouldn’t mislead her decisions further- and hoped further that Sommervind’s people wouldn’t find and listen in on the new frequency for at least a little longer.>Sglaza the Evil Eye- The Red Gaze- Ye whose glare strays from the darkness of the Evil Eye, know that there is no shelter from the storm to come.>Rufia of Sommervind- Twin’s Breath Token- Fortune itself is denied by the devil whom leers at fate. >Turn is Open.
Kannenpflanze [C-4]
>>5622586 Quick question about demolition charges, tanq. How trustworthy is the PDF when it comes to the charges being detonatable remotely within vision view? More specifically, would D-10 be able to reserve and action to touch off the explosives planted on the carrier at the intersection?
>>5617718 Perfect time for Divination of Battle on their scout, I'd say.
[D-9] Von Totmann
Someone needs to flare the two warcrime wagons so that we can detonate them at the right time. J-3 and J-4 seem to be close enough to shoot off some flare pistols. I volunteer myself to keep watch on one of them, Its not too big of a loss if I get caught and wiped out.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
>>5622689 >How trustworthy is the PDF when it comes to the charges being detonatable remotely within vision view? More specifically, would D-10 be able to reserve and action to touch off the explosives planted on the carrier at the intersection? You have to be reasonably close enough for the wire to get to it, of course- we'll say four tiles or so. Otherwise, the vision applies. You can reserve to touch off, yes.
Freya Unterbrust [R-3]
Rolled 2, 8, 5, 8, 5, 1, 9, 1, 9, 2, 4 = 54 (11d10) >>5622586 Freya may have given a pleasant goodbye as she set her hat back on her head, wishing Astrida luck and love with her family should she survive, but the boys had kept both engines and weapons nice and warm. The armor wasn't the only thing they were looking at. As soon as they let off their shots, the drivers screeched into the trees through routes they'd spotted out while their Lieutenant kept the mercenaries' attention.
Against the front plates of tanks, their firepower was never their main focus.
If Reserved Fire is available, fire the same way as below
>Initiative >Spotting >Fire x1 3.7cm Cannon at C-III >Fire x3 2cm Cannons [Multiattack] at C-III >Fire x1 13mm Machine Gun [Multiattack] at C-III >Fire and Maneuver SE Movement
>Reserve Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Quoted By:
>>5622783 Alright, ok. Guess we'll have to move up von Bern. Also, pic related, tanq? Can it be done? The geometry makes me queasy, but I feel a visceral need to start the gassing.
[J-1] Frederica Von Zufalligdorf !!A5ANDj+KATg
[J-1] Frederica Von Zufalligdorf !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:2TUe3P3t Sat 01 Apr 2023 20:46:13 No. 5622912 Report Quoted By:
>>5622584 >Turn S >Move as far as possible along the railroad towards the not!BMTs. Von Carlstadt [R-10] !08f2tLaJ9s
Von Carlstadt [R-10] !08f2tLaJ9s ID:WUkkxQKc Sat 01 Apr 2023 22:44:35 No. 5623177 Report Quoted By:
>>5622586 >Change Facing N >Fire flare 2NE 1E Villi Niel [J-3]
>>5622744 >>5622783 The one at ii28 still has it's cord attached (on the map anyway, I can't remember if that one actually got chopped or not). I could move to the operator's location and blow it with the controls the easy way, if that's a doable thing for a Panzerjager.
Ilse Anna Degenhardt-Iðunardóttir [J-8] !!IQutGeX9+Yk
Ilse Anna Degenhardt-Iðunardóttir [J-8] !!IQutGeX9+Yk ID:MdWsVb8P Sat 01 Apr 2023 23:40:49 No. 5623226 Report >>5623208 We don't want to blow it until next turn, and we'll probably do it via artillery. I'd just focus on getting out of there if I were you.
Villi Niel [J-3]
>>5623226 There isn't really a way for me to get out this turn without an unhealthy chance of being spotted by 4-9 guns and lit up right away next turn, so I don't mind giving it a shot. It'd take me a turn to move down there with the terrain in my path anyway.
If doing it with the control frees the artillery to hit something besides the bomb itself, that's got to be worth it.
Quoted By:
>>5623293 Sure, my point is basically we want them to actually be in the blast range. Obvious I know, but killing a bunch of them rather than merely deterring them with the chemical fallout is preferable.
Quoted By:
>>5622804 PLEASE do not shoot this turn, we need the time to set up, this is doing more harm than good
Casimir Sikorsky [C-2]
>>5622586 Just to confirm do I have a firing angle on the C-V (never mind the range for now)? Or more accurately could they shoot at me?
Jonah 'Just Fuck my Shit up' Vilgerson
Jonah 'Just Fuck my Shit up' Vilgerson ID:LVhmtuuH Sun 02 Apr 2023 16:14:35 No. 5624340 Report Quoted By:
>>5622586 Move SW
Move W
Move W
Move SW
Jacob Krogh D-1
Quoted By:
>>5622586 >Move SW, SW, S, S. Freya Unterbrust [R-3]
Quoted By:
>>5622586 >>5622804 Very well, very well, since the people demand it. Forgive me tanq for I have amended
>Spotting (keep old roll) >Hold Movement
>Move SE Anonymous
>>5624182 There is one tile of urban terrain between you. Even though looking at it it's just one square. So neither of you have LoS.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Daate Giovanni [J-4]
Quoted By:
Rolled 9, 3 = 12 (2d10) >>5622586 >Spotting >Initiative >Move S x4 >Move SE Walter Splitterschwert [R-1]
Walter Splitterschwert [R-1] ID:53tMsFCi Sun 02 Apr 2023 21:57:34 No. 5624821 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 3, 10 = 13 (2d10) >>5622586 I'm certain there's more than one Crae-Crae-lussian in those woods. Although given their outline is red now I'm also certain they are going to fire this turn.
And here I thought I'd never get to use my cleric powers again.
>Turn >Invoke DIVINATION on BMT? on jj46 Roll: init, spot
Fire: None (hey if they don't know I can see them why push it)
>Move: S, SE, SE ending on nn44 "I should have stayed with the crickets..." muttered Walter morosely to the Judge's Gavel dangling over his head.
Gunther Lutzow-Spelinger [C-3] !!c22z0QTmIiu
Gunther Lutzow-Spelinger [C-3] !!c22z0QTmIiu ID:1kFl/Ncz Sun 02 Apr 2023 22:51:15 No. 5624879 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 6, 1 = 7 (2d10) >>5622586 >Spotting >Initiative (radio) >Reserve Fire >Finish digging in Caroline M. Vix [C-1]
Quoted By:
Rolled 7, 9 = 16 (2d10) >>5622586 >Init >Spot >rotate West >finish Digging in D2 - Kohlkopf
Quoted By:
>>5622584 Lt. Fenriskrieger looked around. Apparently he had gotten lost in the fog of war on the way to set an ambush for the evil eyed one. However, he had been asked to guard some POWs, and considering the many wounded under his command it seemed like the appropriate thing to do.
>Return to HQ to guard these prisoners that I have been told about. Adrian Ferrari [D-3]
Quoted By:
>>5622586 Well, I'm not looking to mess with those gun BMTs so I guess I'll shift west and support the assault in that direction.
>mount up >move 3x SW Casimir Sikorsky [C-2]
>>5624716 Thanks
>Spotting >Move to ff44 Anonymous
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u ID:ewgBNCYp Mon 03 Apr 2023 07:33:11 No. 5625321 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 6, 3 = 9 (2d10) >>5622584 >Ini+Spot >Fire Phase: Fire flare 10 South. Refer to image if necessary >Maneuver: Move 2 South, Pivot West [J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u ID:ewgBNCYp Mon 03 Apr 2023 07:49:55 No. 5625323 Report Quoted By:
Turn so Far
Lt Martins [D-5]
Quoted By:
Rolled 2, 3 = 5 (2d10) >>5622586 >Pivot West >Move NW x3 Villi Niel [J-3]
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
>>5625408 >>5623208 It is doable, yes. Presumably, Von Eschenz has shared that there are controls attached to the cars, considering all the messing about that has been done with them and the explosive carriers.
Villi Niel [J-3]
Quoted By:
Rolled 2, 4 = 6 (2d10) >>5622586 >Initiative >Spotting >Move 1 Southwest to kk29 >Have entire unit put on chemical protective gear >Pass the controller bro Black 1 [J-7]
>>5622586 >Fire flare at 4NE, 1N the bomb in the middle of the road. >Move 1S, 1SW >Pivot North >>5625547 I'm not so clear on the road rules, is this legal?
Frankovich Wespe (R-7)
Quoted By:
Rolled 2, 6 = 8 (2d10) >>5622586 >Move 3S >Pivot W Gauthier [D-4]
Quoted By:
>>5622586 Situation excellent, I am attacking.
>Pivot North >Move NW, NW, NW, N >Pivot West Should be enough infantry in the town in case the East woods has enemy infantry attackers in it, and I don't really want to stick around doing nothing waiting to get pasted by artillery.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Quoted By:
>>5625756 Starting on the road would give you 4 rather than the normal 3- so yes, you can make this move.
Albert von Eschenz [R-4]
>>5625547 Yeah I mean I did broadcast it on command net so everyone should know. Worse comes to worse Albert can just walk someone through what to do.
Anyway, I'm thinking about just bumrushing into where the red axes are. I would assume we're going after both but do we know when this grace period is ending?
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
>>5626104 >I would assume we're going after both but do we know when this grace period is ending? Not at all. It could be next turn, it could be when Sglaza decides you've got enough front for an interesting fight. It could be when the Twaryians stop being spooked of the foreign mercenary and kick forward again. You just don't know.
Anyways, I'll be resolving the turn next morning- so whoever hasn't put in a move, I'm presuming you're passing.
The turn after that, though, will have to be in a new thread- I'll give it four or five days rest to do that.
Ilse Anna Degenhardt-Iðunardóttir [J-8] !!IQutGeX9+Yk
Ilse Anna Degenhardt-Iðunardóttir [J-8] !!IQutGeX9+Yk ID:MdWsVb8P Tue 04 Apr 2023 09:36:31 No. 5626414 Report Quoted By:
>>5622586 >Move 4 S, 1 SE. (Skip the last move SE if R-9 doesn't move) [D-9] Von Totmann
Quoted By:
>>5626363 Gah. Just being busy with RL, I'll sneak in my turn in a moment.
Kannenpflanze [C-4]
>>5622586 Just as things were starting to get interesting, Leo was treated to unpleasant news of the Red Blades hastily retreating into the forest. It seemed that they weren't quite arrogant and obliging enough to come out and face him out in the open.
>Spotting >Flares (pic related) >Movement: NW, W, W Also, I want to move the convoy south down the road as far as it'll go (gg41, I think)
Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Quoted By:
Rolled 1 (1d10) >>5626645 Forgot to roll.
Luther Wester [D-6] !!8C1UuC+54vi
Luther Wester [D-6] !!8C1UuC+54vi ID:8aTsb8Md Tue 04 Apr 2023 16:42:53 No. 5626757 Report Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5622586 >Initiative/Spotting >Fire Flare Pistol at KK44 >Move North >Dig in >Rotate APC's South I also just noticed that Krasnyy is in fact not dead, so expect him to come charging down south along the road or to pop up among the remaining enemy pursuers.
Franziska Vilgerson [D-7]
Franziska Vilgerson [D-7] ID:s0VW5hEG Tue 04 Apr 2023 17:10:52 No. 5626776 Report Quoted By:
>>5622586 >Follow the road South. Not Von bern
Quoted By:
>>5622584 Temporarily botting von bern until they come back
>Mount >Move N >Move N >Move NW >Dismount >Dig in Alvin Raine [D-5]
Quoted By:
Rolled 9, 4 = 13 (2d10) >>5622586 >Initiative and Spotting >Move NE, NW [D-9] Von Totmann
Quoted By:
Rolled 3, 7 = 10 (2d10) >>5622586 >init >spotting >shoot flare pistol at gg-30 >pivot East (1 Move) >move E, SE landing on ff34 (3 move) >pivot South (free move) >dismount >dig in Unsure if that flare pistol is legal or not. If it isnt just shoot it as far as possible in the NE direction as possible.
[D-11] Bot
Quoted By:
>>5622586 Botting Eberhardt aswell.
>move SE, then follow the road as far as possible, landing at ee-34. Just making sure he doesn't get left nehind.
Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Quoted By:
>>5622586 I may as well bot Krachen and have him follow the convoy down the road.
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u ID:ewgBNCYp Tue 04 Apr 2023 20:08:18 No. 5627023 Report Quoted By:
>>5622586 >Botting [J-2] Gabriel >Ini+Spot to be determined >Fire: None >Maneuver: Move 4 South Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ
Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ ID:b/etaV7P Tue 04 Apr 2023 21:40:55 No. 5627138 Report >>5622586 The tense feeling of a staredown soon made way for the dreaded sense of slightly delayed violence, as Ulf watched the Red Blades fall back deeper into the woodline.
Shit, he just may have his chance to take a step back and reevaluate the situation. They'll definitely strike, the only question is how and when. They'll peek out of their hiding spot, but Ulf would prefer it in a situation where he's far away and comfortable...
Or simply reposition himself. Someone needs to take the cunts on...
Decisions, decisions...
>Spotting >Pivot N, Move NE, Move NE Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ
Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ ID:b/etaV7P Tue 04 Apr 2023 21:42:42 No. 5627141 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 10 (1d10) >>5627138 and spotting roll
Albert von Eschenz [R-4]
Rolled 3 (1d10) >>5622586 >follow the road to x41 >enter the forest at w42 >spotting roll Fuck might as well see what I can do here. If the road bonus doesn't apply to that forest entry I'm content to stay on the road at x41 then
Quoted By:
Rolled 3, 1 = 4 (2d10) >>5622586 Botting Volger R-8
>Spotting and Initiative >Move W >Dig In. Albert von Eschenz [R-4]
Quoted By:
>>5627238 >>5622586 Wowee late night me has made some discoveries. This is what I get for rushing my turn I guess. I'm 1 off from what I wanted. To amend:
>follow road to x40 >enter forest at w41 if possible Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Quoted By:
>>5622586 In case he doesn't show, have Orlik move down the road w/ the convoy so he doesn't block J-8.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Sglaza sat, watched, and tapped her finger on the steel of the C-V’s hull. It couldn’t wait to roll out- to go and meet its enemies. Such a sweet, innocent thing- and innocence could be plenty more deadly than anybody gave it credit for. “Times up,” she called to her company, “Time to begin. Hey, fake-ginger, I advise you take this seriously. If all your talk about how important this is means what you say it does, you better be ready t’ kill.” A switch on the throat microphone to the tank intercom. “Driver, ahead fast. Gunner, fire at will, I want AP unless I say otherwise.” Back to the company. “Vo, report.” “Their big guns are coming up from the town, but they’ve spotted me for sure.” “You know what to do. Kryuk, don’t waste your shots on the small fry, or I’ll tell the next date you go on that you count trucks when you paint stripes on that barrel. Rowka, watch your ass so Be Platoon can focus on the kill. Ge Platoon, fan out. Roll them up and put them away. A-Leader out.” ----- The pleas and reasonings both had been pointless. Haile’s men wanted to fight, and she did not want to order them to stand down. Rufia took her headset off with a sigh and looked through the trees to the stars above. How Mother told it, God placed a star in the sky for every unsung Saint. Rufia was no follower of the Old Church or a believer of Twaryian folklore, but that would have meant her namesake, Saint Rufia, had no star. Such was for those who were martyred and forever forgotten- a consolation for their noble end. Would she have a star, she had to wonder. The Judge looked kindly upon sacrifices made with noble intent. She had no doubts that her way would have been better…but all those she wished to help had refused her earnest proposal. Somebody believed in her, at least. The fellow Red Blades were resolute, they had faith in this plan. Haile had had faith too- in Rufia, but not her ploy to save Vynmark. It hurt. It had hurt Rufia, and it had made her lash out in anger. Though now that she had cooled some, she was forced to think about what defeating her friend in battle could mean. Haile was too high in status to be found at the fighting front, but if crushing her force meant the Twaryians could round them up from behind…Haile’s battalion had become infamous in short order. If there were any vengeful bat-ears… <span class="mu-i">”Then the sacrifice will have to be certain to have been worthwhile.”</span>
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Quoted By:
<span class="mu-i">Rufia and Haile were at the beach- it was a summer night, the sun low yet blazing, the waves tumbled over and faded away upon their bare feet, long pale sleeveless summer dresses shifting in the warm breeze. The sand a painting where the waves moved layers of deep black grain and pale powder about. They’d come here on holiday- after their first stint at the academy. Rufia didn’t understand why Haile wanted to be in the military- she wasn’t the type to be fit for it, and it was obvious to her. Yet Haile wanted it, and she would stay alongside her to help her. Especially since she would need it for certain. “It isn’t easy to decide the worth of sacrifices we might have to force others to take,” Rufia pondered in response to Haile’s statement, as she watched a shell tumble back and forth with the water. “Some people have to be tricked into doing the right thing.” “Then that’s the way it’ll have to be.” Haile said with a breath, and a pause, as she looked down where Rufia gazed, and promptly plundered the seashell for herself. “You know,” Haile smiled at Rufia, “For your calculating talk, you do not dress much like a deceiver. If you wanted to attract the attention of the men, you’d wear something more titillating, dress like a temptress. Certain men lose their senses over roguish women.” “I don’t want the attention of those sorts of men,” Rufia said with a huff and a crossing of her arms. Haile looked over towards a group from the academy that had come along as well. This beach was a popular destination, for the washed-ashore wrecks that had become monuments. “Is it…him?” She pointed. Rufia’s ears reddened. “Is it that obvious?” Haile giggled. “I’ve always known what you felt without you having to say it, Rufia. I know I can trust your heart more than you’ll allow your voice to confess.”</span> “Lady Sommervind,” her radioman said over the intercom, snapping Rufia from a daze. “I think I’ve found the frequency they switched to again. They won’t be able to hide it again, not with the whole company caught on and ready to look.” “Good work. Keep it patched through the command set. I’ll tell you how to move as usual.” She closed her eyes. Felt the life, the world around, in the way she always had. Where each breath was a soft echo through existence, where the rumble of the earth let her draw a rough sketch in her mind’s eye. She wasn’t certain of victory. Yet when the deciding moment arrived, she could be oh so much surer than anybody else. -----
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Lieutenant-Under-Arms Caroline Vix had been left in the town as the others surged off towards the woods- now that it was certain the Red Blades were there, the fight was going to be taken to them. The Battalion’s attitude towards complying to their demands, if it wasn’t obvious already, was going to be detailed in its exact magnitude. A set of flares launched out- just in time to illuminate the approach of some vehicles. Barely in range of her second’s 5 centimeter- barely out of range of her own 8. What type were they, though? They’d been spotted, but the precise make and model was unknown until now. Curiosity drew her to try and lean ever so slightly closer with the binoculars- her short stature mattered little in a tank’s cupola, for once. Though now that she had a good look at them, Vix recognized what those tanks were- because she’d seen them before. Those exact ones. They were <span class="mu-i">her</span> tanks. Hers and Martins’. The ones that had been lost in the first battle alongside the Battalion. The T15s, also from that same battle, though recovered and repaired. The <span class="mu-i">nerve</span>… It wasn’t all of them, though, she thought as she scanned the trees- there was a pair missing. Perhaps the most dangerous ones, too. ….It’d be awfully nice to get those tanks back, she thought with a bite to her lip. While one bit of plundered booty was observed to the south, a completely different one was being sought out up north. Scrambling out of his vehicle like a starving raccoon that caught scent of a restaurant’s leftovers that had been tossed out, Lieutenant Niel found the wreck of a BM-2 armored car- one with a great spool mounted in front of it, and a cable that went from there into the cabin. He pried a heavy looking brick-like remote controller out of the hands of a Twaryian who no longer had any need for it- he’d heard about this control piece, and from the looks of it, this one was <span class="mu-i">mostly</span> intact, though peering at it with his electric torch, he couldn’t read what everything did. A rolling dial indicated something- he toyed with buttons, and when he moved the remote vehicle- rather far away to see clearly- he noticed the dial ticking up or down. Distance? Moving it forward, the light blinked softly. Another look at the controller- was the number listed under the dial a limit of the distance that it could move? It wouldn’t be very helpful, he supposed, if the cable snapped because the carrier vehicle surged past its limit too spiritedly. No, best not to get distracted, he thought as he looked about and noticed an incredibly concerning amount of Twaryians closing in from all around- including a pack of recon T-8Rs that damn near ran him over. This close, they’d notice his vehicles- even if they weren’t at an angle to shoot him. Time to do…<span class="mu-i">something.</span>>Turn is Open.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
So this'll be the last update for this thread- obviously. There's gonna be a small break between when the thread falls off and we resume- the coming Sunday, I'm hoping, I'll post a new thread with the turn, and we'll definitely wrap up this very long battle there and the after-party for it. Turn's open until the thread falls off. As well as questions and the like if you feel like them.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
>>5627866 Oh, I forgot to mention, but it's on the map, so I ought to be sure to point it out- C-3's getting cannon reaction fire. Good on you for taking the first shot, unless you don't want to for whatever reason.
Casimir Sikorsky [C-2]
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5627870 >Spotting >Reserve Fire >Reserve Movement for F&M next turn (Pivot E) >Flare ff49 >>5626757 If you could move your APCs out of the line of fire that'd be appreciated.
[J-1] Frederica Von Zufalligdorf !!A5ANDj+KATg
[J-1] Frederica Von Zufalligdorf !!A5ANDj+KATg ID:zEWnDaRw Wed 05 Apr 2023 14:48:56 No. 5627897 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 7, 7, 1, 6 = 21 (4d10) >>5627866 "Forward! Kill them all!"
>Init >Shoot the BMTs >Move to ll-45 over the railroad and turn to face W Gunther Lutzow-Spelinger [C-3] !!c22z0QTmIiu
Gunther Lutzow-Spelinger [C-3] !!c22z0QTmIiu ID:VR3Gf0Ju Wed 05 Apr 2023 14:53:11 No. 5627901 Report Rolled 2, 1, 9, 5 = 17 (4d10) >>5627874 Hell yeah I’m shooting them, my barrel’s been way too cool tonight, and a measly plane is not enough to quench my hunger. Perhaps new Caelussian armor will sate me.
>4x 5cm reaction fire Casimir Sikorsky [C-2]
Quoted By:
>>5627894 Ignore the F&M because apparently doing both isn't allowed? So just RF.
Casimir Sikorsky [C-2]
>>5627894 Need a clarification tanq, so reserving fire and executing fire & movement next turn is mutually exclusive? Hearing different things from different people.
Gunther Lutzow-Spelinger [C-3] !!c22z0QTmIiu
Gunther Lutzow-Spelinger [C-3] !!c22z0QTmIiu ID:VR3Gf0Ju Wed 05 Apr 2023 15:28:32 No. 5627931 Report >>5627901 >>5627874 Hey tanq, can I wait until I roll my next attack before deciding to use my token, or must I decide before I make my next move?
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
>>5627912 I could be wrong with a precedent I set before that I've now forgotten, but looking back over the manual, while I don't see anything about them being <span class="mu-i">explicitly</span> mutually exclusive, I can see where it states otherwise- that a fire and maneuver action, as written, reserves a movement action to be made during the next Fire Phase- and thus it can't be a movement taken during the Maneuver Phase, which is where reaction fire occurs. So it's a case of when the movement of a Fire and Maneuver can take place.
I might have let this pass earlier in this battle, though, it's hard to remember. I want to say the conceit of it is to win on initiative and move out of sight to avoid counterattack, but to also avoid a situation where you just bounce back one tile at a time and turtle.
>>5627931 >can I wait until I roll my next attack before deciding to use my token, or must I decide before I make my next move? You can use your token any time you wish during the turn or its resolution, even retroactively- as long as it's during that turn. You wouldn't be able to decide to use it two turns ago, for example, but if I posted turn resolution and you decided that you wanted a bonus for something there, the turn would be amended. I've done stuff like Seawind automatically because I felt there was little reason not to in some cases, but in those cases it would have been perfectly acceptable for somebody to request to actually not use their token- the exception is Pixy Fortune where it auto procs in the first instance it can be used, and is then refreshed.
Casimir Sikorsky [C-2]
Quoted By:
>>5627939 Okay, so we can ignore the F&M then for my move, just reserving fire.
Gunther Lutzow-Spelinger [C-3] !!c22z0QTmIiu
Gunther Lutzow-Spelinger [C-3] !!c22z0QTmIiu ID:VR3Gf0Ju Wed 05 Apr 2023 16:45:53 No. 5627983 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 4, 7, 3, 8, 9, 8 = 39 (6d10) >>5627870 >Spotting >Initiative (radio) >Fire 4x 5cm cannon at the C-III in range >Fire flare as far south as possible Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>5627939 Was re-reading the thread:
>At best, the Stor Ankomst Accords will have evidence of blatant treaty violation. Are Caelus and Vynmark having negotiations in Naukland right now, or was this the Nauk-Emrean alliance teased before during the Ellowie arc? Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Rolled 2, 4 = 6 (2d10) >>5627870 With the battle finally resuming, Leo scanned the treeline for the Netillian mongrels that he'd seen the half-breed show up with at Kobberhus. A most fitting mount for her sort, he mused, but was still unable to find the said vehicles. She was probably skulking around in the woods, looking for a perfect moment to strike, as was her base, treacherous, cowardly nature. In fact, now was the perfect time to let her know what he thought of her, perhaps even to goad her into doing something foolish. If nothing else, Leo had long ago found that taunting his enemies was good for the soul. He had his radio operator patch him into their old command frequency alongside their new one, on the off chance the traitors hadn't found the latter one.
<"You treacherous subhuman slattern. You think you're in a position to make demands of us—your unquestionable betters—and yet you still hide in the woods like a cornered beast, eh? As if I or any good, pure-blooded Nauk would listen to a damned rodent like you! Come out! Have dignity in death that you so sorely lacked in life! Come out, bring your Small Council dogs with you, and I will pulverize the lot of you!">
Shapes of tanks resolved in the trees to his left. As per his orders before moving over to this flank, all of Leo's tanks had their ready racks stocked with LLG shells.
>Spotting >Initiative >LLG at T47, T48, and T49 >Movement SW, pivot S Also, calling mortar smoke on Vix and Ferrari's positions. Targeting the the merc recon BMT with the remaining 7 shots. If anyone has anything else they want to use the mortars for, feel free to "take" shots away, but try to leave at least 3-4 targeting him. He'll be a pain if he gets away
Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Quoted By:
Rolled 4, 10, 2, 6, 1, 8, 1, 1, 1, 3 = 37 (10d10) >>5627870 Preemptively botting Orlik to shoot the BMT.
>Spotting >initiative >8x2cm at BMT >move S, SE, S, SE, SE I just really want this guy dead.
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u ID:K/6wS/JM Wed 05 Apr 2023 20:26:05 No. 5628139 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 5, 4 = 9 (2d10) >>5627866 >Ini >Spot >Fire: m/31K fire LLG 7 SW,1W and m/24K fire LLG 8SW >Maneuver: Move, 1NW, 1W, Pivot South Caroline M. Vix [C-1]
Quoted By:
Rolled 7, 4 = 11 (2d10) >>5627866 >init >spot >Rotate N, Move NW along the road as far as possible. While caught up with appearance of familiar vehicles Vix failed to notice how close enemy had gotten. "Head towards the road double time this is bad place to be alone" she said in slight panic but tried to calm her nerves.
Villi Niel [J-3]
>>5627870 Would both the controlling and detonating of a bomb tank take place in a resolution phase or does the detonation need to be declared in the next turn's shooting phase if it's moved?
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Quoted By:
>>5628389 Touching off the bomb would be in the Fire phase, yes. As per normal vehicle movement.
Villi Niel [J-3]
Rolled 6, 4 = 10 (2d10) >>5627870 >Initiative >Spotting >Face unit West >Face bomb West, move bomb x1 Southwest to hh29 >Flare jj30 Good thread lads
Jacob Krogh D-1
>>5627870 >initiative and spotting >deploy smoke on my position >move SE >dismount Jacob Krogh D-1
Quoted By:
Rolled 8, 4 = 12 (2d10) >>5628518 Daate Giovanni [J-4]
Rolled 3, 1 = 4 (2d10) Alright, let's just...
>>5627870 >Spotting >Initiative >Move S >Move SW >Pivot W Daate Giovanni [J-4]
Quoted By:
>>5627870 >>5628567 Alright, scratch that.
>Move S >Move S >Pivot N Kannenpflanze [C-4]
>>5627873 Thanks for running, tanq. This battle has been taking a long time, but I've got to say that it hasn't felt like a slog at all. I'm really liking how large and complicated this battle feels.
I have a couple of questions. First is about the counter-battery fire we called for the last time we used artillery (
>>5612202 ). I think we all completely forgot about that and I haven't seen anything resolve from that (figures, since we don't have eyes on their guns), so I'm just checking if you also forgot.
On a somewhat related note, I remember from the first thread that support guns could fire over friendlies. Is that also the case for direct fire with our SPGs? If so and if there are some guns left over in the firing plan, I have some bad intentions for the BMT.
>>5628478 I highly suggest that you detonate the things now and hightail it back to our lines. Given how far the controllers were trying to stay from them, those things probably have an area of effect of several tiles, if not for the blast, then certainly for the chemical component. Also, they can most definitely see you and so if you don't do it now and then run, we might not get a second chance.
>>5628063 Turn addition:
>pistol flare at T46 Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Quoted By:
>>5627870 >>5628063 wait, what the hell is this movement? I don't understand how I could've screwed up so much. It's nowhere close to what I was thinking of. Sorry about this barrage of posts at the end, tanq.
>Amending movement pivot S, move S Villi Niel [J-3]
>>5628725 If tanq doesn't mind I'll make the necessary edits to blow the bomb this turn if you think that's for the best. You personally have kicked my stupid ass in the right direction continuously for 3 ops, so I'll defer to your judgement here if you think it's the best way. Keeps the blast a tile further from D-10 too, I suppose.
Honestly, reaching the controls for the bomb didn't even occur to me until D-9 suggested shelling them last turn, I thought the eastmost one was just a dead thing on the map tanq forgot to cross out heh.
The problem I had with moving the same turn is at best I'm only going to get 2-3 spaces south/southwest away from the blast (the road southeast still has those 9 T-15s and T-16s lurking on/around it by now taking the west road would be driving further into the explosion), depending on how much I dare leave my back exposed to those T-8Rs in case they survive somehow.
I'm wondering if staying in cover this turn and keeping the +1 to defence might be better than trying to escape the initial blast over open ground. It's also going to hit the T-8Rs in the back if I turn and hold them here, so I'm banking on that thinning enough of them that I can shoot my way past, then try to outrun the fallout back to our lines via road or whatever, depending what survives the blast and where.
What do you lot think?
Jonah Vilgerson
Quoted By:
>>5627866 >move W >Move W >Hide ? Walter Splitterschwert [R-1]
Walter Splitterschwert [R-1] ID:53tMsFCi Thu 06 Apr 2023 16:25:19 No. 5629004 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 8, 3 = 11 (2d10) >>5627870 Thanks for the run bossman.
>Turn Roll: init, spot
Fire: None...yet
>Move: SE, S, Pivot W ending on oo46 Kannenpflanze [C-4]
>>5628918 Don't sweat it. I also didn't know that we could use the controller to touch off this particular bomb; just assumed that it was pulped along with the crew. Glad to have been wrong on that front.
As for your escape, you're actually in luck. Since tanq never rolled a 4 for the direction of reinforcements (I just checked), there's nobody coming up the SE road; the T-15 blob formed in the NE, which, coincidentally, tanq rolled for three times. I still wouldn't just charge down the road, mind, since it leads to the settlement we got shelled from. Smart money's on there being more than just 12cm guns in the area. So, with that said, I suggest you make the following move: SE, SE, SE, S. Depending on if anyone chases you, you go into the woods next turn or just skirt around it to rejoin us the turn after. It may look daunting with them all over you like that, but I think you're in a good position to inflict terrible damage on them and get away scot-free. Oh and don't forget to suit up. For all we know, though you're most probably out of the blast, you might be in the chemical dispersion AoE.
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u ID:K/6wS/JM Thu 06 Apr 2023 22:02:35 No. 5629355 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 1, 1 = 2 (2d10) >>5627866 >--Botting [J-2] Gabriel >Ini+Spot (If worse then J-5 use his since Radio) >Fire Phase: Fire Flares as per image >Maneuver Phase: Move 3 SW [J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u ID:K/6wS/JM Thu 06 Apr 2023 22:52:11 No. 5629426 Report Quoted By:
Turn so far folks, hope you have something good in mind. And yes, we are detonating the bombs one way or the other. Krasnyy is going to have a terrible day I hope
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u
[J-5] Lt. Leif Wesker !!ei1/ejwmz0u ID:K/6wS/JM Thu 06 Apr 2023 22:53:24 No. 5629429 Report Quoted By:
Turn so Far .feat Krasnyy's no good, terribad night of nights
Albert von Eschenz [R-4]
Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d10) >>5627870 >move to v42 >fire flare at r42 >spotting roll Adrian Ferrari [D-3]
Quoted By:
>>5627870 Hm, well I'm in an awkward spot.
>pivot West >move 2x W, 1x NW into cc46 Villi Niel [J-3]
>>5629231 Sounds like a plan. If the alternatives are slowly but certainly being pressed in and on shot to bits or sitting still too long and accidentally blowing myself up, I suppose I can risk it.
>>5627870 Prepare yourself for a massive surprise, tanq. I am asking to retcon my turn one final time.
>Initiative/Spot: Already rolled earlier, 6, 4. >Fire: picrel >No movement on the bomb >Maneuver unit x4 Southeast along the road, x1 Southwest off the road to nn34 I'm guessing the chemical gear did get put on last turn, but just in case there was too much going on in the resolution and it got cancelled out for figuring out the bomb controls, I'll do it again now. My apologies.
>>5627873 >questions and the like With him pretty likely to finally kick the bucket here, this time, for real, it seemed appropriate to ask. I have been cooking a mad theory for a week or two regarding our red man Krasnyy.
Would any of our characters have been aware of his or the other Twaryian aces existing before meeting him in combat, or would the speed of the invasion and the country's lack of a military presence on the larger Nauk world's radar until recently make that difficult? He wouldn't have had a long reputation abroad, is what I'm getting at, right?
Freya Unterbrust [R-3]
Quoted By:
Rolled 6 (1d10) >>5627866 -----
>Spotting >Fire Flare gun Movement
>Move SW [Road] >Move S >Pivot W Stefan Eberhardt [D-11]
Quoted By:
Rolled 4, 1 = 5 (2d10) >>5627870 >Spotting: Rolling >Initiative: Rolling >Fire: n/a >Move: move S, S, SE, SE, SE down the road to gg40 Gauthier [D-4]
Quoted By:
Rolled 5 (1d10) >>5627870 >Roll for spotting >Equip gasmasks >Move W, W, W >Dismount >Dig in tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
>>5628725 >I've got to say that it hasn't felt like a slog at all. I'm really liking how large and complicated this battle feels. Thanks, it's hard to know how things feel from the player pov, especially when on my end there's a whole lot of number crunching and enemy planning- to what they should and could act on, I should say, since obviously they don't have the map and setting omniscience I happen to have. Mostly I just get concerned about if things are taking too long, but apparently the season is right for schedules to be full from school stuff, so who knows. At the very least, I'll have more time coming up in May, since I'll either be switching to two-day workweeks or just quitting the job altogether. Long term project things that aren't compatible with five day workweeks and all.
>I have a couple of questions. First is about the counter-battery fire we called for the last time we used artillery (>>5612202 ). I think we all completely forgot about that and I haven't seen anything resolve from that (figures, since we don't have eyes on their guns), so I'm just checking if you also forgot. I definitely forget about long-term orders, but also, I can't be trusted to properly resolve counterbattery fire. I know exactly where the guns are, after all. Anything of that sort will require a guess, since their vague position <span class="mu-i">is</span> provided when they fire.
>On a somewhat related note, I remember from the first thread that support guns could fire over friendlies. Is that also the case for direct fire with our SPGs? If so and if there are some guns left over in the firing plan, I have some bad intentions for the BMT. Direct fire, by nature, cannot fire over friendlies. It's different for the support guns because they're purpose-built for close support, but these are long gun howitzers, and are less wieldy. Their direct fire capability is more...defending themselves in a particularly aggressive direction. So they still would have a turn delay in firing like you describe.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
>>5629594 >With him pretty likely to finally kick the bucket here, this time, for real, it seemed appropriate to ask. I have been cooking a mad theory for a week or two regarding our red man Krasnyy. >Would any of our characters have been aware of his or the other Twaryian aces existing before meeting him in combat, or would the speed of the invasion and the country's lack of a military presence on the larger Nauk world's radar until recently make that difficult? He wouldn't have had a long reputation abroad, is what I'm getting at, right? Likely not. Twaryi wasn't particularly famed before Ellowie had fallen- though it had had no shortage of armed conflicts with said state. Twaryi also wasn't known for proficient or large amounts of armor. Infiltration tactics were more their hallmark, at least, like said, before Ellowie had been beaten up from both sides of their country at once. So no, on this continent, at least, the "aces" wouldn't have been in any circles of discussion, though it wouldn't be unusual for Twaryians to venture over to the Caelussian Federation, which has its own brand of conflicts and material support.
As a side note, Monday will be the resumption date for sure, and we'll pause on start for a day to make sure everybody's aware of the thread existing at least.
Black 1
Rolled 6, 2, 10, 2, 2, 8 = 30 (6d10) >>5630531 >Initiative and Spotting >Shoot the bomb at 27ii Black 1
Quoted By:
>>5630977 >>5630531 While I'm here I might as well
>Prepare Fire and Manuever to SE Kannenpflanze [C-4]
>>5630977 No need for you to shoot the bomb. D-10 is in range to activate it remotely.
Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Quoted By:
>>5630529 >I can't be trusted to properly resolve counterbattery fire. I know exactly where the guns are, after all. Anything of that sort will require a guess, since their vague position is provided when they fire. Yeah, figures. Counter-battery is a bit wonky like that. Well, C-2 did do the guesswork and so I just wanted to confirm that the request did/didn't go through.
>Their direct fire capability is more...defending themselves in a particularly aggressive direction. So they still would have a turn delay in firing like you describe. Oh, ok, so it's more like emergency fire over open sights. Fair enough. Guess this is a good time to call for some arty smoke, then. See picrel. Grey crosses are smoke and the single red cross is HE. No clue what else to do with it, so might as well put it there in case Sglaza autopilots 3N next move.
Kannenpflanze [C-4]
>>5630529 Another question, but a more niche one. I recall you alluding to AT rifle grenades in the first thread. Are those still a possible option, even though nobody capitalized on the suggestion back then?
Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Quoted By:
>>5631004 Wrong bomb. J-3 is about to touch that one off using the control panel.
Luther Wester [D-6] !!8C1UuC+54vi
Luther Wester [D-6] !!8C1UuC+54vi ID:8aTsb8Md Sat 08 Apr 2023 22:27:10 No. 5631710 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 5, 4, 4, 5, 4, 4, 3, 6, 2, 8, 5, 8, 6, 2, 7, 8, 7 = 88 (17d10) >>5627870 >Attack BMT in KK45 with Rifles, Infantry Machine Guns and T/24 MG's The trucks are likely armored enough to not take any significant damage from small arms, but with enough bullets you might just get lucky enough to strike some part of the vehicle that isn't quite as protected, eh?
>Initiative, x4 Rifles | x4 Infantry MGs | x8 T/24 MGs >Move with and reverse the APCs into GG43 >Dig in Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ
Ulf Fiskersonn !!G1Db8esKCIQ ID:sEeM1zob Sun 09 Apr 2023 00:45:58 No. 5631809 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d10) >>5627870 >Spotting >Pivot S, Move SW Been really busy with Easter and stuff, so wont be able to write up something more interesting.
Oh yea, happy Easter lads.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
>>5631500 >I recall you alluding to AT rifle grenades in the first thread. Are those still a possible option, even though nobody capitalized on the suggestion back then? Unfortunately, with what's coming up, probably not, but we'll see how it goes. As of now I'm still winging it because I plan for there to be a longer break between this operation and the next. A few weeks at least.
Speaking of, I'm pushing back the next thread start to Tuesday. I think that'll be the best for most here.
Ilse Anna Degenhardt-Iðunardóttir [J-8] !!IQutGeX9+Yk
Ilse Anna Degenhardt-Iðunardóttir [J-8] !!IQutGeX9+Yk ID:MdWsVb8P Sun 09 Apr 2023 13:17:26 No. 5632306 Report Rolled 2, 4 = 6 (2d10) >>5627870 >Spotting and Initiative. >Move SE, SE, S, S, S. >Dig in. Sorry for the last minute post. Kannenpflanze [C-4]
>>5632298 Yeah, fair. It's more than a little late to be introducing more new stuff. I took this short pause to look through the first thread and collect any on-the-spot rulings you made that I had missed. AT rifle grenades jumped out at me because of how strong they'd be with Triumph of the Biter and how they can be fired together w/ AT rifles.
Oh, another question. Regarding the smoke rack modification, the rulebook says that it is a PC vehicle only and single use. That all makes sense, but then every recon vehicle has a smoke rack, so does that mean that a recon platoon can pop smoke a number of times equal to how many subunits it has?
re: pushing back to Tuesday, I think that's a good idea. I count about a dozen people that have yet to have submitted their turns.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
>>5632354 >Oh, another question. Regarding the smoke rack modification, the rulebook says that it is a PC vehicle only and single use. That all makes sense, but then every recon vehicle has a smoke rack, so does that mean that a recon platoon can pop smoke a number of times equal to how many subunits it has? Nah, only once. It's just that a recon platoon has it by default.
Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Quoted By:
>>5632358 Ok, I see. The (PC vehicle only) thing confused me there.
[D-9] Von Totmann
>>5627870 >init >spotting >shoot off a flare pistol at ii-31 >reserve fire, try to catch the T-8Rs when they move out into the open, prerably out in the light. If not shoot at any other available target. [D-9] Von Totmann
Rolled 5, 3 = 8 (2d10) >>5632854 The dice I forgot to roll like a dummy.
tanq !!Pg7IW6v75om
Quoted By:
Rolled 6, 7, 1, 7, 2, 2, 9, 5, 10, 5, 3, 3 = 60 (12d10) >>5632856 Speaking of forgetting rolls, I ought to do the spotting and initiative groups- even if I'll probably have to keep this turn open for the next thread for the opening space, at least.
In order, Spotting then Initiative for-
Sglaza's Group
Jagterfisk West Element
Jagterfisk North Element
Jagterfisk East Element
Von Carlstadt [R-10] !08f2tLaJ9s
Von Carlstadt [R-10] !08f2tLaJ9s ID:WUkkxQKc Mon 10 Apr 2023 16:15:21 No. 5633332 Report Quoted By:
>>5627870 >Move NE×2 >Pivot W Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Quoted By:
Rolled 6, 9, 2, 4 = 21 (4d10) >>5627870 Alright, botting D-10 to detonate the explosives. After that, have both D-5 and D-10 mount up and haul ass as far down the road as possible.
>ini and spot for D-5 and D-10 >detonate the bomb >mount, pivot and move as far south as possible (D-10 gets an extra move b/c she starts on the road). Anonymous
Quoted By:
Rolled 1, 2 = 3 (2d10) >>5627870 Botting C-5. She's gonna be busy IRL for a while.
>Initiative and Spotting (+1 for RsmT-2) >Pivot S, move SW, S. >Dig In Ilse Anna Degenhardt-Iðunardóttir [J-8] !!IQutGeX9+Yk
Ilse Anna Degenhardt-Iðunardóttir [J-8] !!IQutGeX9+Yk ID:MdWsVb8P Wed 12 Apr 2023 08:47:27 No. 5634704 Report Quoted By:
>>5627870 Apologies, changing my turn.
>>5632306 >Spotting and Initiative [Already rolled in linked turn] >Move SW, SW, SW, S. >Dig in. Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Quoted By:
>>5627870 C-7 is indisposed at the moment, so I'll bot her before the thread falls off.
>Movement: S, SE, SE, S, SW Anonymous
Quoted By:
Rolled 10, 3, 1, 5 = 19 (4d10) >>5627870 Botting R-8 Volger.
>Spotting and Initiative >Shoot flare 1 tile SW >Shoot the recon cars beside R-8 to the north (Nevermind this if they can't be targeted because of the firing arc rules about shooting directly to your sides, I'm not clear on that ruling) >Pivot north. >Finish digging in. Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Rolled 2, 7 = 9 (2d10) >>5627870 Botting R-7.
>Spotting and Initiative >pistol flare on T44 >Movement W, W Kannenpflanze [C-4]
Quoted By:
>>5635389 On second thought, he is kinda beat up. Probably should just send someone into the fray like this when botting. Changing movement:
>Reverse NE Bot botting bot botting bots
Bot botting bot botting bots ID:LVhmtuuH Thu 13 Apr 2023 05:20:28 No. 5635413 Report >>5627866 D-7 bot
>Move SW >Move SW >Dig In D12 bot
>Move S >Move S >Move S Bot botting bot botting bots
Bot botting bot botting bots ID:LVhmtuuH Thu 13 Apr 2023 06:23:33 No. 5635448 Report Quoted By:
>>5635413 Mistakes were made on D-7
>Move N on foot >mount >Move SW >Move SW >Dig in