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Do Your Best Quest #145

ID:ohEkINmH No.5590304 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Like a strong wind blowing from below, the white void pulls your body upwards into more nothingness. A strange tingling sensation spreads throughout you, but fortunately, you can scratch any itchy spots. Down below, everyone is being lifted as well: Dorothy first, then Galactic, Matilda, Oliver, and at the tail end, Jesse. With nothing better to do, you try to talk to them, but your voice comes out as glitchy — like someone dropping their drinks onto a DJ’s deck. Anyway, no one reacted to the sound, so it may not carry on here.

You still have Philonune and Naiad if you feel like talking. But your old experiences traveling through different dimensions tell you that you’ll be home any moment. This is the perfect moment to decide what to do when you get there! Well, after dealing with the immediate aftermath of the landing.

The original plan was to take down the White Flames. It still is, technically! But, there are more pressing matters you could attend to first, some of which give you a tingling sensation that they might be related to those Angel fucks! — and no, this feeling has nothing to do with the one you described earlier! You have a new perspective to bring to your timeline, make it count!

<span class="mu-s">What’s the plan moving forward?</span>

>Pet Bradford Jr., you miss your newly acquired cat. In other words, take it easy for a bit!
>Talk to T_T Neko. You have a long list of names you need to go through together.
>Find Yu Yan! You have to tell her that she’s a pod baby! Pod Baby Yu Yan!
>You must meet with Fiora at your mother’s grave.
>Find Mr. Won-Jae in the Comatose Wing in the Grand Hospital. You’ll find Esperanza too…
>Write In.