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Shinobi Sidestory Quest #47

!!mceqYMwptbm ID:pgU/pgv9 No.5591921 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You are Uzumaki Shiki, a chūnin currently on assignment in the Hidden Leaf Village as an exchange student - at least, you are in the time you come from. By your rough calculations you’ve come back about nineteen years into the past through a freak accident involving the whitest man you’ve ever seen and a turtle, which probably about ties the record for weirdest thing to happen in your immediate family.

You say that because a shadow clone of your mom, Uzumaki Naori-ue, is here with you after (before?) a completely separate incident brought her back in time a roughly similar number of years. The problem for her is that the incident in Rōran hasn’t happened yet, so that means there are two of her running around right now - enough to give any of the five kages a heart attack, an aneurysm, or more likely both at the same time.

Clearly, under no circumstances can they ever be allowed to meet.

It’s not like you don’t have your own problems too - just a limited example of what could go wrong, your mom’s shadow clone could take a hit and disappear. In your own time your mom had the benefit of some of this clone’s years of experience and perspective, the absence of which may change the outcome of the Fourth World War, which in turn may mean you’re never born, which means you can’t go back in time, and then nobody knows what happens. The hell of it is that even if all that had a chance to play out it wouldn’t answer the question - nobody would ever know and you’d be too busy not existing to tell.

Setting those thoughts aside, your biggest problem is that the Ōtsutsuki you’re going to blame all of this on later is after Uzumaki Naruto. Not the hokage and fully-matured jinchūriki from your time, though technically in a roundabout way that could still be considered true. No, while that may be the ultimate objective the way he plans to do it is attack the Uzumaki Naruto of the past (or, the now) that Naori-ue has told you about - the talentless spastic idiot with everything to prove and nothing to lose.

“So…” Kōshū-kun muses, awkwardly trying to start something approaching a conversation. “You’re… Naruto-kun?”

“Well, yeah,” he replies, staring back just as awkwardly. “We kinda went through this, ya know?”

“That’s true,” you grumble. “It’s just we didn’t come here expecting to talk to you or anything.”