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Do Your Best Quest #146

ID:Ar2ON7yX No.5597650 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ah, yes, <span class="mu-s">Cuddling</span>, commonly defined as the act of lying closely together while caressing each other. To hug tenderly. To nestle. To snuggle. To stay close in a long embrace. These incredibly handy insights are being provided by your level 5 Knowledge, aren’t you glad that this information is useful? You wouldn’t have had it otherwise! You were already the one true monarch of coziness, but every inch of knowledge makes you a better human being, doesn’t it?

‘Why are you concerned about cuddling?’ You ask yourself in your own inner monologue. The answer is simple! Before you went on an adventure where you cuddled with many women, you promised one particular sweet redhead that you’d snuggle with her before drifting off into dreams. And that’s what you’re about to do!

In one of the many rooms in Matilda’s dojo, a futon was specially laid out for you for a good night’s rest — you know it was Wilma because she left a one-line note on the pillow wishing you sweet dreams.

This place doesn’t look big enough to hold these many rooms, they’re tiny and compact, but still! The fact that everyone has their own space for the night is pretty impressive! So here you are, in your own cube waiting for Scarlet to return in her pajamas. She didn’t have any clothes when you randomly decided to stay the first time (she had to borrow clothes from Ruby, and you’ll never forget how that went...), but she requested a change of clothes while in Dream Hill.

The first thing you’ll do tomorrow morning is to pay a visit to the cemetery. To meet Fiora… But will you go alone?

<span class="mu-s">Recruit someone for tomorrow?</span>

>Yes. Bring Amelia.
>Yes. (Write-In Who.)