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The 2nd Primarch Quest 25

!!RS7NSuo3fkv ID:QDcEMNsh No.5617021 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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You are Lieren, the 2nd son of the man who shall become the emperor of mankind and amongst the primarchs. Beneath the desert moon, alongside a zealous warrior from frost swept lands, Elazar Burueliza, who is perhaps the second foremost enemy of the discordant powers, you are caught in a vicious struggle against one of the children of the great powers that shamelessly name themselves gods. The lord of Anarchy, Chun Qiang, the purest expression of Chaos and perhaps the most treacherous of all the Discordant lords, is its patron and origin. The knight of bask and head of the daemon hunting organization, the Nameless, Elazar, calls the beast a dragon.

You would refer to it as a worm. Having tricked it into stepping in a symbol of Yin and Yang drawn in the sands, you turned it the power of a universal truth. That what is opposite is also complementary and all things are part of this interconnected, greater whole. Something Chun Qiang perverts and seeks to subvert to his own end, as seen by his chosen symbol of bifurcated skull. And it is through that symbol you were able to turn the energies that form the dragon's own flesh and scales against it, freezing fire and burning ice to scour its very soul. However the forces you called upon so potent to burn a hole through the already unstable and thin veil between what is real and what is not yet still exists. Fortunately, out from the crack leapt the heroic soul of your fallen friend, Bai the white tiger, who carried on his back the helpful spirit children of Arianka, the queen of winter. One of which was sadly cut down in the subsequent moves of the battle The hole torn through into the warp was sealed, and the dragon rallied by the encouragements of its progenitor, the fight seemed to be reached a fevered pitch.

Until, Bai's wandering spirit shouted at you to rip out the tongue of the dragon as he held its jaw open, a sensible piece of advice. And it would be utter folly for a man to ignore the suggestion given by a brother in good faith. So, while the evil spirit was distracted, you dropped the sword of love, leaving it hanging in the air as you sprinted full tilt at the repugant creature, its one jawed mouth extending into its chest. Its dozens of eyes swiveled and locked onto you and grew large with fear as it swung its scythe like claws down, the chitinous bone cutting through the air. But, you dodged out of their path with the carp's dance with ease, do in part to Bai's ghost continue to beat its head, the remaining helpful spirit blasting the devil with frozen flames and Elazar stabbing it from behind to pin its ever giggling tail to its own back.

Placing on foot on its gut, you fearlessly drove your hand down its gullet, mentally commanding claws to form up the fingers of your gauntlet.