>>5641157>Finger break — guaranteed success As Sohm reaches for his throat, Sira grabs her ring finger and little finger, yanking it horizontally with as much force as he could muster.
Her fingers cracks and breaks from being violently pulled beyond its natural limits of movement. She retracts her mangled hand in pain, but Sira doesn’t let her fingers leave his grasp, pulling and moving it as much as possible to cause further dislocation.
Sohm groans as her fingers gets more twisted, and tries to headbutt him. Sira manages to move her injured left hand to shield his skull from the strike, letting it absorb some of the force.
His forehead still stings from the hard strike, but he can feel her grip on his right wrist loosening. He just need to injure her a little more. Her stamina will run out soon.
Sira pulls her right arm forward and bites down on her index and middle fingers. He uses his canine teeth to bite the fingers while moving his head toto the right, pushing the fingers ever closer to being dislocated. Her screams are deafening, and it becomes more difficult to keep biting the hard flesh with every passing moment.
Eventually, her right hand can no longer maintain its grip, allowing Sira to move the blade again. He immediately performs a push cut on her wrist, sliding the blade across her skin and drawing blood. Instead of going for a thrust at her armpit, Sira follows up the strike by repeatedly cutting at the side of her head, bashing into the skull as blood covers her face.
As her head hits the floor, Sira is able to free himself from her and stand upright again. Although faint, he can see her chest expand and contract. She is unconscious.
He could deliver a finishing blow to ensure she properly dies, but he could use her as a hostage. Sira decides to tie her up using some rope in her pouches.
He puts her arms behind her back and ties the rope between her wrists and neck, ensuring that if she tried to move her arms a little too far, she would be choking herself.
After securing Sohm, he pats himself down to check for any injuries he might’ve missed. Once he reached his thighs, he realized he was carrying a tantō (knife) this entire time. He could’ve ended this much earlier, and if Sohm wasn’t panicking, she might’ve noticed it hidden underneath his pants and tried to reach for it.
All that damage to his body must be getting to him…
Hitting his head against a metal door during the first month..
Suffering a heat stroke during the third month..
Being assaulted by those spirits during the morning..
And now, being beaten in the head and throat repeatedly by someone much stronger than he is..
No. He’ll deal with it later. Right now, he just needs to tell the crows to..
.. where did they go?