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West Blue Seadogs Quest #24

!!Dfn1WI/0wvw ID:oWyLbIoi No.5632368 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Wealth, fame, power. Gold Roger the king of the pirates obtained this and everything else the world had to offer. And his dying words drove countless souls to the seas.
"You want my treasure? You can have it! I left everything I gathered together in one place. Now you just have to find it!"

Well, you officially have all of those so the idea of wanting more seems a bit pointless to you. In the aftermath of what came to be known as the Second War of Marineford the balance of power in the world has shifted completely. The World Government is in complete disarray as day by day people lose more faith in them thanks in no part to Big News Morgans spreading very accurate battle reports to all corners of the world via his newspaper and even den-den mushi projections which he expanded his portfolio to due to very generous donations from anonymous facotrs, factors which are coincidentally owned indirectly by you. All of this happened in mere days. As a result the world correctly assumes that a declaration of war has been issued by you and anyone who stubbornly refuses to join might be liable to getting hit in the crossfire. Only a few of the older and more righteous nations remain staunch supporters of the current system, Arabasta and Dressrosa being chief among them.

"Well crap. Now I feel kinda silly. I spent all those years preparing for a war yet I never could put fear in people's souls like that. And all you did was saying how you're coming after them."
Kaido says as he eats an apple.

"It's surprising how much you can achieve if you just act, isn't it? And it's not even the best part. Mihawk showed up the other day alongside some clown and offered to throw their lot in with me if they can just sit out the war. Put them under Crocodile. Now they're working on some mercenary guild that anyone can hire against the government."

"Sounds smart."

"I know. By the way... why are you still here?"

"Because it's fun. Being away from fucking Wano is such a relief. But don't worry. I called home and explained everything to the boys. They know who's in charge now. Really it's your fault we haven't left yet because I could go anytime."

"Sigh. I'm busy if you didn't realize."

"Yeah I did. I mean I heard this used to be a pretty fun place. But now it feels like everyone is ready to fight. How did you manage to convince all these people to stop screwin' around and fight? Especially after what happened at Marineford?"

"It was easy. People are simple once you figure them out. They may seem sweet, fun-loving and innocent. But take away their bread and their entertainment and you'll see just how vicious they can be. I simply told them that there is no more fun to be had until the Marines are gone. Now they are ready to fight until the last member of the navy is on a stake."
