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Far Away

ID:SPBnAzpr No.5635409 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Welcome to "Far Away"! A one shot isekai quest where we guide our character from rural Japan to another world.

Hopefully, I can make a post once every 24 hours.

Your family recently moved to the Japanese countryside. To put it simply, trading the bright lights of the city for a quieter, sedate country village life has been a hard transition.

The village of Kasuga is a bucolic paradise straight out of some Ghibli films. Dirt pathways wend through well-ordered rice paddies, gigantic trees stand proudly together in emerald islands of greenery and villagers greet each other with familial familiarity borne from decades of tight-knit association.

It's difficult for a newcomer to fit in and the place is unbearably boring.

There are no game centers to hang out at, there are no cafes or bookstores, the nearest combini is 20 minutes away by bike and your school is a puny rural high school with just 30 kids. The ravages of rural depopulation are visible everywhere. Abandoned houses and unkempt fields mar the otherwise picture-perfect landscape.

In fact, the village is trying to fight against their depopulation problem by giving away houses for free. The home given to your family used to belong to an old lady who recently passed away. The house is still filled with the previous owner's belongings and it has been slow going to dispose of them. The original heirs to the property washed their hands of the house and signed it away without a second glance.

A free house isn't the only reason why you're here though. Your family only moved to Kasuga because...

>Things went sideways, your family went bankrupt after cosigning some of your uncle's business debt...
>Parents got new research jobs, they didn't bother asking for your opinion on moving here...
>You needed a fresh start after being relentlessly bullied at school and eventually snapping at the bullies...
>Your older brother got himself arrested and jailed for marijuana, so your family has to make a new start elsewhere...
>Your father decided he didn't want to pay consolation money to your mom after the divorce, so he 'evaporated'...