Hughes Mansion
"Steph, what do we do?" Audrey squeezed Stephanie's hand, looking from the stairs to the bay window and back again.
"Those footsteps sound kinda heavy to me..." Priscilla rubbed the back of he neck.
"Yeah, I'd rather take my chances with whatever's over there." Stephanie nodded, motioning toward the end of the hallway. "Let's book it."
The girls started running down the corridor, making a right at the bay window; none of them noticing a loopy Spencer clumsily wandering off toward the stairs...
"There it is again." Stephanie aimed her flashlight at the door. "It's coming from the library..." she readied her slingshot.
Priscilla grabbed the doorknob and raised three fingers in the air with her free hand.
Stephanie nodded.
Two fingers.
One finger.
"Grrr!" the fat racoon from earlier - wearing one of Amber's bras as a hat - jumped up and snarled at them, before slithering away between their legs on its way to freedom.
"Eeek!" Stephanie got startled and lost her balance, firing at random.
The sound of broken glass came from somewhere inside the library, echoing all over the place, amplified by the acoustics of the room; a cold breeze following soon after.
"Pretty sure they heard that all the way to South Lake..." Priscilla whispered.
"Quick, in the library!" Stephanie led the girls inside and locked the door behind them.
"Um, Steph? I think you broke a window..." Priscilla walked to the far side of the room; a lightning proving her right moments later as her silhouette flashed for a split-second against said window, framed by thick curtains waving in the wind.
"Wait, where's Spencer?!" Audrey looked around.
"I-- I thought he was with you..." Stephanie raised her shoulders.
"We're *not* going back out there." Priscilla pointed at the door.
"Oh my God..." Audrey broke down crying. "I-- *snif* I was such a dick to Tiffany, and-- and now she's gone! *snif* And-- and now Spencer's g-gonna die *snort* and it's gonna be my fault!"
"Don't worry, Audrey. He's-- We're gonna find Spencer, okay?" Steph hugged her friend.
"I know it's kind of a horrible thing to say..." Priscilla adjusted her baseball cap. "But, um... I'm sorta relieved..."
"What?! *sinf* Like *snort* how?!"
"Well... Black people always die first in horror movies..." another lightning punctuated Priscilla's point, but her silhouette looked much, *much* bigger this time around...
"SuBvErted! HaR-hAr-HaR-hAr-HaAaR!" The man brought down his axe, slicing Priscilla's right arm clean off at the shoulder.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!" Audrey unlocked the door and ran away, screaming in panic.